What unites the words genus tribe nationality. The subject of ethnosociology



Codifier of content elements of the discipline "Philosophy"

1. Society and its structure

Basic approaches to society

The specificity of the philosophical analysis of society

The main areas of public life and their relationship

2. Civil society and the state

Main ideas related to the establishment of civil society

Relationship between freedom and responsibility

3. Development of society

The main models of the development of society

Driving Forces of the Historical Process

The role of the individual and the masses in history

The relationship between freedom and necessity

The essence of the formational approach

The main ideas of the civilizational approach

4. Global problems and the future of mankind

The emergence and essence of global problems

The main approaches to their solution

Interaction of civilizations and future scenarios

1. Krapivensky S.E. Social Philosophy. M., 2003

2. Sokolov S.V. Social Philosophy. M., 2003


All the elements that make up the social structure of society have a dual origin. Two of them - ethnic and demographic- are rooted in biological the nature of man. Three others - settlement, class, vocational education- social in the full sense of the word, that is, civilizational.

I. Ethnic structure of society - clan, tribe, nationality, nation

- Genus represented an association of blood relatives with a common origin, a common place of settlement, a common language, common customs and beliefs. The clan was the main cell of the first socio-economic formation in history, and a multifunctional cell: not only ethnic, but also industrial and social. The economic basis of the clan was communal ownership of land, hunting and fishing grounds. Such relations of production (including the egalitarian distribution of products) corresponded to an extremely low level of productive forces.

- A higher historical form of the community of people within the same primitive communal formation was tribe - the union of clans that came out of the same root, but subsequently separated from each other. Like the genus, the tribe continues to be an ethnic category, since it continues to be based on blood and family ties. And at the same time, the formation of the tribe has already marked the beginning of the dismemberment of a single multifunctional community. Since the tribe carried only part of the social functions (the tribal community remained the economic unit), this marked the beginning of the separation of the ethnic community from directly economic functions. When a paired family arises, there is a tendency to isolate family and marriage relations, blood-related ties from ethnic communities.

- The basis of the next, higher form of generality - nationalities, there were no longer kinship, but territorial, neighborly ties between people. Nationality - it is a historically established community of people with its own language, territory, a certain common culture, the beginnings of economic ties.

- The formation of the next, even higher form of community of people - nation- quite rightly, both in Marxist and non-Marxist literature, it is associated with the development of capitalism. So, the nation is characterized by the following features.

1) common territory.

2) common language. The national language is the national language colloquial, understandable to all members of the nation and firmly entrenched in literature.

3) community of economic life,

4) common features of the mental warehouse, fixed in the mentality of the given people. The mental warehouse of the nation is manifested in the features national life people, in the customs, habits, inclinations of people of a particular nation, in the features of their songs, dances, folklore, painting, etc.

5) national self-consciousness, conscious attribution of oneself to one or another national community, identification with it.

Settlement structure of society

The settlement structure is a spatial form of organization of society. This concept expresses the relationship of people to the territory of their habitat, and more precisely, the relationship of people to each other in connection with their belonging to the same or to different types settlements (intra-village, intra-city and inter-settlement relations). It can be said without exaggeration that the history of civilization has been to a large extent the history of the relationship between town and country, the two fundamental settlement communities.

Main types of settlement: village, city.


Concepts of the emergence of cities:

- patrimonial theory, who believes that cities in Western Europe arise as centers of large feudal estates (S.V. Bakhrushin, P.I. Lyashchenko), which only in the 16th-17th centuries turn into centers of crafts and trade;

- community theory, according to which the city grew out of a rural community on the basis of the development of a peasant craft that was not associated with large estates. As we can see, the community theory derives the emergence of cities from the social division of labor, the separation of crafts, and with it trade, from agriculture. (M. N. Tikhomirov ("Old Russian cities", 1956) and B. A. Rybakov ("Craft of Ancient Rus'", 1949), V. O. Klyuchevsky).

- defense theory of the emergence of cities as fortified points for protection against external attack (K. Bucher, G. Maurer, M. Weber);

- political-legal theory(Hegel, G. Belov, representatives of the "state school" in Russian historiography, P.N. Milyukov), giving priority among the reasons for the emergence of cities to political and legal factors: cities arise primarily as territorial and administrative centers

The main features of the city:

a) professional employment of the population mainly in non-agricultural labor, and the significance of this indicator is close to absolute in large cities and tends to a minimum in small ones;

b) the predominance of this kind of occupation, which allows you to have a regulated work time and, consequently, a certain amount of free time;

c) a qualitatively different level of access to education, especially higher education, to the acquisition of a desired profession, to the consumption of spiritual goods due to the concentration of universities, various vocational schools, theaters, museums, etc. in cities;

d) greater migration mobility compared to the villagers, which is due to a whole range of reasons, including non-attachment to the land;

e) greater freedom in choosing the microenvironment (friendly environment, work team), as well as a greater opportunity, if desired or necessary, to isolate from it;

f) greater political activity, which is explained by the greater organization and concentration of citizens in their place professional activity, a higher educational level, as well as those features that have already been noted - greater mobility and more free time;

g) a specific, both qualitatively and quantitatively, urban family, which differs from the rural family in its smaller average size and the disappearance (or narrowing) of a number of functions, primarily economic and production.

The whole history of civilization in the aspect that interests us now can be represented as a history urbanization(from lat. urbanus - urban), that is, as a process of increasing the role of cities, absorbing an increasing share of the population, familiarizing even those who remain living in the village with the material and spiritual acquisitions of urban culture.

social stratification

strata from lat. stratum - layer, a term adopted by sociology from geology. The definition was given by P. Sorokin: “Social stratification is the differentiation of a given set of people (population) into classes in their hierarchical rank. Its basis and essence is in the uneven distribution of rights and privileges, responsibilities and duties, the presence or absence of social values, power and influence among the members of a particular community. By classes, Sorokin actually means those large groups that make up the strata. Unlike the notion of class, strata emphasize the phenomenon horizontal and vertical heterogeneity.

In pre-capitalist socio-economic systems, the class division of society was supplemented and, therefore, to a certain extent obscured by the division of people into estates, and in a number of countries of the East - on castes. In many of their essential features, estates and castes remind us of strata, but differ from them in their strict, unambiguous formalization, as a rule, either legal or religious.

Estates- these are social groups that have rights and obligations enshrined in customs or laws and inherited. The estate division, being formed on the basis of the class division, at the same time does not fully correspond to it, since it introduces a specific hierarchy of legal privileges into it (for example, the estate division into nobles, clergy, merchants, philistines and peasants in Russia).

castes(Latin castus - pure) are closed groups of people who perform specific, inherited, social functions. In ancient India, the right to engage in education and teaching, the performance of worship and sacrifices, charity, harvesting belonged only to high caste - Brahmins. Already the next caste kshatriyas, as less pure, was deprived of the right to teaching and church activities; at the caste vaishii the right to hold positions in the field of government and the army was taken away. As for the caste of the untouchables ( sudra), then they had to serve the three pure castes and perform only the most non-prestigious work

Questions from tests with answers

1. Match between social phenomena and concepts of social philosophy.
1. The division of society into poor and rich
2. Nationality
3. The chief engineer became the director of the enterprise
4. Catholic converted to Orthodoxy

In sociology, the term "social stratification" is used. social stratification, according to P. A. Sorokin, is the differentiation of a given set of people into classes in a hierarchical rank, that is, the division of society into certain social strata. Downtime differentiation(difference) people can belong to the same stratum (stratum). Under social mobility is understood as any transition of an individual or a social object (value), that is, everything that is created or modified by human activity from one social position to another. There are two types of social mobility - horizontal and vertical. Horizontal mobility involves the transition of an individual from one social group to another, located on the same social level. Vertical mobility involves the transition from one social board to another.
P. A. Sorokin distinguishes two types vertical mobility- ascending (social rise) and descending (social descent).

Questions from tests with answers

1. Establish a correspondence between the approach to the study of history and its characteristic features
1. Division of the historical process into formations
2. The development of society largely depends on the subjective factor
3. The world is divided into center and periphery.

Linear The approach to understanding history lies in the fact that attention is focused only on “vertical” connections in time, the connections between the stages of development within the same sociohistorical organisms are understood one-sidedly, while only causal relationships are taken into account. These approaches include, first of all, the formational approach. K. Marx.
Under nonlinearity deviations from the proportional relationship between cause and effect are understood. A non-linear process is characterized by situations in which the future is ambiguously determined by the present, since people have free will. Thus, the subjective factor intervenes in social development.
I. Wallerstein- American sociologist, author world-system approach to the periodization of history. His main contribution lies in the coordination of a large number of studies, which include interdisciplinary research in sociology, political economy, politics and history. This approach considers the world as a whole, which is connected with the international division of labor and is not regulated by any political structure. The main idea of ​​the World-system approach is the thesis that the capitalist world is divided into a center and a periphery. The United States is at the head of world trade.

2. Establish a correspondence between philosophers and their views on the relationship between the concepts of "culture" and "civilization"
1. A. Toynbee
2. E. Tylor
3. O. Spengler
4. F. Braudel

All the variety of points of view can be reduced to the main views on the relationship between the concepts of "culture" and "civilization": 1) as a certain phase of the development of culture - A. Toynbee considered civilization as a stage in the development of culture, where settlements, the state and writing arise. He especially highlights religion, highlighting its synthesizing role; 2) both similar and having important differences - F. Braudel adhered to the point of view according to which civilization constitutes the basis of culture, acting as one of its elements, forming a set of spiritual phenomena; 3) as opposites - according to the theory O. Spengler, civilization is a dying, perishing and disintegrating culture. Culture, in his opinion, is a living and growing organism, it gives scope for the development of art and literature, for the creative flourishing of the individual; in civilization there is no place for the creative flourishing of the individual, it is dominated by technology and a soulless intellect, it turns people into faceless beings; 4) as synonyms - culture for E. Tylor It is formed as a whole from knowledge, beliefs, art, morality, laws, customs and some other features and habits acquired by a person as a member of society. The scientist was an active supporter of the application of evolutionary theory to culture. The evolutionary development of mankind went from savagery through barbarism to civilization.

3. Establish a correspondence between philosophers and the theories of social development they created.
1. A. Toynbee
2. K. Marx
3. W. Rostow
4. G. Rickert

Civilizational social theory is based on the idea that historical process there is the coexistence and change of closed local systems - civilizations, or cultural-historical types, which, like living organisms, go through periods of growth, prosperity, decline and decay. This theory was developed by many thinkers: N. Danilevsky, O. Spengler, K. Leontiev, A. Toynbee.
formational the theory of K. Marx and F. Engels, according to which social development is based on material production. The development of productive forces causes a change in socio-economic formations. A socio-economic formation is a stage in the development of society, an integral social system that functions and develops according to its own laws on the basis of a certain mode of production. Ownership of the means of production determines the place of man in society.
Theory of stages of economic growth W. Rostow proceeds from the fact that as technology improves, the share of capital accumulation in national income increases. As a result of these changes, society goes through the following stages: 1) traditional (agrarian society), 2) transitional (emergence of entrepreneurship), 3) “shift” stage (industrial revolution, socio-economic transformations), 4) period of “maturity” (industrial society) , 5) the era of "high level of mass consumption", the ideal type of which is the Anglo-American model.
According to the theory of values(G. Rickert, M. Weber), the development of society is based on values ​​as the conscious interests of people that encourage them to take certain actions. social system presupposes the existence of common values ​​shared by all, while all value systems are equal. Types of values: 1) goal-oriented, determined by a reasonably set goal and underlying practical activity, 2) value-rational, determined by beliefs about goodness, beauty, honor, dignity, etc., 3) affective, arising under the influence strong emotions and experiences, 4) traditional, based on a long habit.

4. Establish a correspondence between the worlds identified by G. Hegel in history and their features.
1. Despotic forms of government
2. Spirit reaches full bloom and maturity
3. "The realm of beautiful freedom"
4. Aristocracy as a form of government

Eastern world
German world
Greek world
Roman peace
Eurasian world

In accordance with geography, G. Hegel divides history into the Eastern world, Greek, Roman and German.
Eastern world- children's age of the story. Here despotism reigns and only the despot feels free. People revolve around one center, that is, the ruler, who is at the head of the state as a patriarch. It requires all citizens to comply with the relevant regulations.
Greek world- the period of youth of world history, when individuals are formed. Here, according to G. Hegel, the real freedom of the individual, true harmony, peace and concord reign. The individual will of the subject adheres to customs, habits, generally accepted norms and laws.
Roman peace- the age of manhood of history. In Rome, abstract freedom dominates, putting the state and politics above any individuality, but at the same time a free personality is created that differs from individuality. The predominant form of government is the aristocracy. The aristocracy fights the kings, the plebeians fight the aristocracy.
German world- the fourth period of history. The German people, according to G. Hegel, are called upon to preserve the Christian principles of spiritual freedom and reconciliation. The spirit in the German world reaches its full flowering and maturity. The Prussian monarchy seems to be the crown and pinnacle of the development of world history.

5. Establish a correspondence between the concepts and methods of typology of society:
1. Cultural-historical type
2. Slave society
3. World-empire

K. Marx broke the historical process into certain periods, the basis of division for him is the material factor - the mode of production. He introduced a new category into social philosophy to designate various stages in the development of mankind - publicly-economic formation. K. Marx divided the whole history into five formations: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, bourgeois and communist. Each subsequent formation is more progressive than the previous one. Stage approach in the periodization of the historical process, it found its manifestation in the isolation of such basic stages in the history of mankind as savagery, barbarism, and civilization. There are also world-historical epochs: ancient Eastern, ancient, medieval, modern and recent history.
Supporters civilizational typologies of society proceed from the idea that the historical process is the coexistence and change of closed local systems - civilizations, or cultural-historical types, which, like living organisms, go through periods of growth, prosperity, decline and decay. N. Ya. Danilevsky argues that civilizations, or cultural-historical types, develop in a closed and isolated manner, but it does not follow from this that they do not influence each other.
I. Wallerstein is the author world-system typology society. He introduces the concepts of world-empires, world-economy and mini-systems into philosophy. As the main criterion for dividing world history into certain systems, he puts forward the division of labor. World-empires, in his view, are broad political structures and encompass a wide variety of "cultural" patterns. The main logic of such a system is the collection of tribute from direct producers. World-economies are vast, unequal chains of unified structures of production, cut through by many political structures. Profits are distributed unequally in favor of those who are able to achieve temporary monopolies. Mini systems are mini because they take up little space and are associated with short periods of time.

6. Match cultural characteristics and types of civilizations
1. Intensity of development, pluralism in economy and politics
2. The predominance of spiritual culture over material, contemplation
3. Multinationality, catholicity, missionism

Eastern civilization, or traditional society, reproduces the existing way of life for a long time and its evolution is cyclical. It is based on next system values: 1) focus on maintaining the established way of life, focusing on the experience of ancestors; 2) the priority of public values ​​over personal ones; 3) contemplation, installation not on external practical activity, but on internal self-improvement. The East is also characterized by an extensive type of development, focused not on the transformation of the environment, but on adaptation to it, hence the slow change in production technologies and social structure, low level social mobility.
Western civilization, or industrial society(Europe and North America) is characterized by a rapid pace of development based on changes in engineering and technology. It is based on the following system of values: 1) modernism, orientation towards everything new, towards changing living conditions; 2) individualism, understanding of the individual as the highest, free, independent value; 3) practicality, installation on external cognitive activity and transformative activity. This leads to the intensive development of Western civilization and pluralism in the economy and politics.
Russian civilization has its own history, its own way of development. Russia as a whole does not fit into either of the two fundamentally different types of social order - neither the West nor the East. The way of life and thought in Russia was neither purely European, nor purely Asian, nor a simple sum of two principles, it has always been different, and will be different in its originality. Russian thinkers (V.S. Solovyov, N.A. Berdyaev, S.L. Frank, N.O. Lossky, etc.) noted the existence of an all-Russian spirit and identified the main features of the Russian people - multinationality, multiculturalism, catholicity, sovereignty, messianism , missionary kindness, etc.

7. Establish a correspondence between socio-economic formations and their characteristic features.
1. Hunting, fishing and gathering as the main forms of economic activity
2. Equal labor of equal owners
3. Appropriation of the labor of dependent peasants
4. The predominance of wage labor workers

The formational approach proceeds from the fact that society develops progressively. Stages of social development: 1) primeval a society characterized by a low level of development of productive forces, hunting and gathering as the main forms of economic activity, the absence of private property and exploitation of man by man; 2) slaveholding where, with the transition to a productive economy, the labor of slaves is used, and the surplus product is fully appropriated by the owner; 3) feudal, in which the labor of serfs is used, retaining personal dependence on the owners, but at the same time interested in the results of labor in connection with the appearance of surplus production; 4 ) capitalist based on machine production and the labor of hired workers who, not owning the means of production, are economically dependent on the owners; 5) communist- a society of the future, which is characterized by a high level of development of productive forces, public ownership of the means of production and the absence of exploitation.

8. The central concept of the philosophy of V. I. Vernadsky is ...

Noosphere- the sphere of the mind, a special stage in the development of the biosphere, a decisive place and role in which belongs spiritual creativity humanity. This term was introduced into cultural and scientific circulation at the end of the 20s of the XX century by the French paleontologist E. Le Roy. This term received philosophical and scientific content thanks to the works of V. I. Vernadsky and P. Teilhard de Chardin. V. I. Vernadsky understands the noosphere as the sphere of the mind, which produces a transformative effect on the biosphere. Reasonable, ideal realities play the leading role in it: creative discoveries, spiritual, artistic, scientific ideas which are materially realized in nature and in artificial systems.

9. The thinker who argued that an outstanding person must have three decisive qualities: passion, a sense of responsibility and an eye, was ...

10. Meaning historical development society, according to P. Teilhard de Chardin, is ...

12. The thinker who defended the priority of geographical factors in social development was ...

13. driving force social development is divine providence, according to representatives of the _________ approach.

The driving force of social development is divine providence, according to representatives of the theological approach. History is a struggle between the earthly world (where evil, sin, sorrow reign) and the kingdom of God (based on piety, humility, love).

14. A thinker who considers the scientific and technological potential as the dominant indicator of historical development is ...

D. Bell is a thinker who considers the scientific and technological potential as the main indicator of historical development.
D. Bell, an American sociologist, the author of the concept of a post-industrial society, emphasizes the ever-increasing role of technology in social development. He presents post-industrial society as a society where the organization of theoretical knowledge is paramount.

15. Hegel considered world history as a natural process of development ...

17. History is fragmented in time and space and represents the development of local civilizations, representatives of the ____________ approach believe.

History is fragmented in time and space and represents the development of local civilizations, representatives of the civilizational approach believe. The entire history of mankind acts as an endless repetition of many of the same processes, which have a cyclical structure within the framework of individual civilizations - from their birth to decline. The most complete embodiment of the civilizational approach was found in the works of N. Ya. Danilevsky, O. Spengler, A. J. Toynbee.

18. The idea of ​​regression of historical development was proposed by ...

The idea of ​​regression of historical development was proposed by Hesiod, an ancient Greek thinker. The idea of ​​historical regression in the writings of Hesiod was expressed in the scheme of the downward development of society "from the golden age, through the silver, copper to the iron age."


1. Comte - Ideas

2. Marx - material production

3. Montesquieu - climatic conditions

Questions from tests with answers

1. Problems related to disarmament, prevention of thermonuclear war, world social and economic development are classified as _____________ problems

Problems related to peace and disarmament, prevention of thermonuclear war, world social and economic development are classified as intersocial problems. Intersocial problems are connected with the relations between the main social communities of mankind (states).

2. The totality of economic, demographic, psychological and political changes undergone by a traditional type of society in the process of its transformation into a modern type society is called ...

The totality of economic, demographic, psychological and political changes undergone by a society of a traditional type in the process of its transformation into a society of a modern type is called modernization. G. Spencer, E. Durkheim, M. Weber, T. Parsons and many other thinkers dealt with the problem of social modernization, the typology of the social structure.

3. Concept modern science and philosophy, which considers it necessary to consider evolution human society and the biosphere in a single scientific system, was called ...

The concept of modern science and philosophy, which considers it necessary to consider the evolution of human society and the biosphere in a single scientific system, is called co-evolution. Its authors ( N. N. Moiseev and others) believe that this is the only way to offer not only the optimal solution to the current global problems facing humanity, but also to ensure its survival in the future.

4. The doctrine of the future in relation to historical and social time is called ...

ethnic communities occupy a prominent place in social life. Ethnos - this is a historically established stable set of people who have common features and characteristics of culture, social psychology, ethnic self-consciousness. The external form of expression of an ethnos is ethnonym , ᴛ.ᴇ. self-name (Russians, Germans).

Ethnic communities are also called consanguineous . These include clans, tribes, nationalities, nations, families, clans.

Family- the smallest consanguineous group of people related by the unity of origin (grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, children).

Several families that have entered into an alliance form genus. Families united in clans

Clan- a group of blood relatives bearing the name of the alleged ancestor. The clan retained common ownership of land, blood feuds, and mutual responsibility. As remnants of primitive times, they remained in some areas of Scotland, among the Indians of America, in Japan and China. Several clans united to form tribe.

Tribe a higher form of organization big number clans and clans. Tribes have their own language or dialect, territory, formal organization (leader, tribal council), common ceremonies. Their number reached tens of thousands of people.

In the course of further cultural and economic development, the tribes were transformed into peoples, and those at the highest stages of development- in the nation.

Nationalityethnic community which occupies a place on the ladder of social development between the tribes and the nation. Nationalities arise in the era of slavery and represent a linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural community. The nationality exceeds the tribe in number, blood ties do not cover the entire nationality, their significance is not so great.

Nation- an autonomous, not limited by territorial boundaries, political grouping, whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions. Representatives of one nation no longer have common ancestor And common origin. They do not have to have a common language, religion.

So, the following ethnic communities have developed in history: tribe, people and nation.

Prerequisite The formation of an ethnos is the commonality of the territory, which creates conditions for close communication and unification of people. At the same time, diasporas (scattering) are then formed, although ethnic groups retain their identity. Other important condition The formation of an ethnos is the commonality of language. But highest value has the unity of spiritual culture, values, norms, patterns of behavior, traditions and related socio-psychological characteristics of consciousness.

ethnic groups self-reproducing through internal marriages and through socialization and the creation of national statehood. Τᴀᴋᴎᴍ ᴏϬᴩᴀᴈᴏᴍ, society is individuals taken in stable, regular and institutionalized connections and interactions. Οʜᴎ united unified system social institutions and communities that ensure the satisfaction of people's vital interests.

ethnic communities are historically established social groups that have a common language, culture and historical identity. Sociologists also call these groups socio-ethnic communities and belong to one of the groups that make up social structure of society.

Main signs of ethnic community:

  1. Its members are aware of their belonging to it.
  2. The members of a community have a common origin.
  3. Its representatives speak the same language and have a common culture.
  4. Inside it is social organization in one form or another.

In social philosophy there are three types of ethnic communities:

  1. Tribe. This type is inherent mainly in the primitive communal system, divided, as a rule, into genera and clans; the source of power is the leader or council of elders. This is the most primitive type of ethnic community.
  2. Nationality. Nations are made up of tribes. Unlike them, they are based not on consanguinity, but on territorial unity. Nationalities began to take shape when the first states appeared. The culture, economy and power structure are already more highly developed here.
  3. Nation. The highest type of ethnic community is an association on a national basis. Its representatives have, in addition to a common culture, language and territory, also general economy, And common features mental makeup of people mentality).

Key features of the nation:

  • common historical memory;
  • developed national identity.

The term should not be confused nation with "nationality".

Nationality- a narrower concept, means belonging to any nation in relation to citizenship (for example, citizenship is Ukrainian, nationality is Russian).

For a deeper understanding of the term "nation" in the future, we will consider topics such as interethnic relations, national and social conflicts.

Additional materials on the topic: Ethnic communities.

Genus- association of people on the basis of kinship ties, tribe- union of clans nationalities - associations of people on the basis of territorial and linguistic characteristics, nation - large groups of people united by economic space, language, culture, traditions, national identity.

26. The subject of ethnosociology. Types of ethnic groups - tribe, nationality, nation. Signs of a nation.

Social institution - see. head of Society. The main social institution is the family.

The function of the family as a social institution: childbirth. family also small group. Family Functions: educational, socialization, leisure, creating a sense of security, economic and economic. Family: matriarchal, patriarchal, partnership. Nuclear family- consisting of 2 generations.

v. social culture - social norms and social values ​​on the basis of which social relations are formed.

VI. social values- the goals that people in society aspire to. Core Values– vital to society (health, well-being, family, etc.)

VII. social norms- rules of social behavior.

social norms (there are written and unwritten):

Moral norms, ethical norms, norms of traditions and customs, religious norms, political norms, legal norms.

Functions of social norms: regulating, unifying, educational.

Conformist behavior - in line with accepted standards.

Behavior that does not conform to social norms deviant.

Deviant Behavior:

Deviant behavior - violation that does not comply with the rules.

Deviation can be positive (heroes) and negative (drug addicts, murderers)

Delinquent behavior - committing crimes.

Compliance is ensured by the use sanctions- the reaction of society to the behavior of an individual or group. Function of sanctions- social control.


positive(commendation) and negative(punishing)

Official and unofficial.

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a community of people, historically formed from tribal unions (voluntarily or as a result of the conquest of some tribes by others). The emergence of nationalities is associated with the process of expanding intertribal economic and cultural contacts on the basis of a common territory and language. The first nationalities were formed during the period of decomposition of primitive communal relations and the formation of a slave-owning society (ancient Egyptian, ancient Hellenic, etc.). In Europe, the period of completion of the formation of nationalities coincided with the period of the formation of feudal relations (French, Russian, Polish, etc.). The process of the formation of nationalities contributed to the emergence of a single language and self-consciousness, as well as the strengthening of statehood.

Source: Thematic Philosophical Dictionary


according to - “one of the forms of a community of people that historically follows a tribal community and is formed in the process of merging, consolidating various tribes in the conditions of a change in the primitive communal system by private property relations, the emergence and development of classes. The nationality is characterized by the replacement of former kinship ties by a territorial community, tribal languages ​​by a single language, along with the existence of a number of dialects.

Each nationality has its own collective name, elements of a common culture arise within it.

The definition is rather vague, but in the second part it somewhat corresponds to the image that allows you to think about " folk themes". Especially - the place that concerns the general culture.

The transformation of a tribe into a nationality, a nationality into a nation and a people is facilitated by the accumulation of spiritual, material and social values, as well as large-scale and temporal factors.

Source: Theoretical aspects and foundations of the environmental problem: an interpreter of words and idiomatic expressions


one of the forms of a community of people, which historically follows a tribal community and is formed in the process of merging, consolidating various tribes in the conditions of a change in the primitive communal system by private property relations, the emergence and development of classes. N. is characterized by the replacement of former kinship ties by a territorial community, tribal languages ​​- by a single language, along with the existence of a number of dialects. Each N. has its own collective name; elements of a common culture arise within it. N. is typical both for the slave-owning (ancient Egyptian, ancient Greek, and other N.) and for the feudal system (Old Russian, French, and other N.). With the development of capitalist relations, a new historical form of community of people arises - the nation. This process is complex and is carried out in various forms and at different rates. In addition, it does not cover all N.; some of them, mainly due to small numbers, insufficient development, could not complete the process of consolidation in the nation. N. existing in the socialist society are organically included in general process development of national relations.

Source: Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary


historically developed linguistic, territorial, economic. and the cultural community of people that precedes the nation. The beginning of the formation of N. refers to the period of consolidation of tribal unions; it was expressed in the gradual mixing of tribes, the replacement of former kinship. territorial connections. N. slave owners were the first to form. epochs (ancient Egyptian, ancient Hellenic, etc.). In Europe, the process of the formation of nationalism was completed mainly during the period of feudalism (Old Russian, Polish, French, and other nationalities). In other parts of the world, this process continued in subsequent eras. N. usually consisted of several. tribes that are close in origin and language (Polish - from the Slavic tribes: Polans, Vistulas, Mazovshans, etc.), or from multilingual tribes mixed as a result of the conquest of some tribes by others (French - from Gallic tribes, Roman colonists and Germans tribes: Franks, Visigoths, Burgundians, etc.). In the course of N.'s folding, in process of strengthening of communications between otd. its parts, the language of one of the ethnic. components (more numerous or more developed) turns into the common language of N., and the remaining tribal languages ​​are reduced to the role of dialects, and sometimes completely disappear; formed territorial, cultural and economic. commonality with a common self-name. The formation of the state contributed to the strengthening of N., but in the process of historical. N.'s development could not coincide with the state either territorially or in language.

With the development of capitalist relations and strengthening economic. and cultural ties N. turn into a nation. N., which were divided into parts of the state. borders, can give rise to several. nat. formations (Portuguese and Galicians, Germans and Luxembourgers, etc.), Old Russian. N. came common root Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. N., which subsequently developed in the nation. No less frequent are cases when several people participated or are participating in the formation of one nation. N. In the USSR, certain N. (Turkmen, Kirghiz, etc.) turned into a nation, bypassing the capitalist. stage of development. Many N. (especially small ones) who have lagged behind in their development for a number of reasons may not turn into nations; over time, they enter into close ties with other, more developed N. and nations, assimilate their culture and language, and gradually merge with them.

The collapse of the columns. systems of imperialism and the conquest of many countries of Asia and Africa. independence accelerated the processes of ethnic. consolidation and growth of nat. self-awareness. From tribal territorial ethnic. groups formed new N. and nation.

Source: Soviet Philosophical Dictionary


historically formed on the basis of the slave owner. and feud. building linguistic, territorial, economic. and the cultural community of people that precedes the nation. The defining criterion for distinguishing ethnic. communities is the nature of economic. building. The formation of tribal unions, accompanied by the strengthening of intertribal farms. and cultural ties, military clashes, migrations of the population caused by an increase in its numbers, the emergence of private property and classes - all this led to the gradual mixing of tribes, to the replacement of former blood relations. ties with territorial ties and the emergence of a new form of ethnic. community - N. The beginning of the formation of N. refers to the period of consolidation of tribal unions. N. slave owners were the first to form. epochs (ancient Egyptian, ancient Hellenic, etc.). The process of the formation of N. in Europe was completed mainly during the period of feudalism (Old Russian Polish, French, and other N.). In other parts of the world, this process continued into the next era. N. usually consisted of several. tribes close in origin and language (Polish - from the Slavic tribes: Polans, Wislan, Mazovshan, etc.; German - from Germanic tribes: Swabians, Bavarians, Alemans, etc.), or from multilingual tribes that mixed as a result the conquest of some tribes by others (French - from the Gallic tribes, Roman colonists and Germanic tribes: Franks, Visigoths and Burgundians, etc.). In the course of N.'s folding, in process of strengthening of communications between otd. parts of it, the language of one of the ethnic. components (more numerous or more developed) turns into a common language H., and the rest of the tribal languages ​​are reduced to the role of dialects, and sometimes completely disappear; formed territorial, cultural and economic. a community that often does not have a stable character. One of the indicators new community is a collective name, under which N. becomes known to neighbors. The formation of the state contributed to the strengthening of N., but in the process of historical. N.'s development could not coincide with the state either territorially or in language. In the east of Europe, where the creation of centralized states took place in the feud. era, they included a number of N.; the leading role in these states was played by the most developed in the political.

and economic mich. relation to N. (for example, Russian). With the development of capitalist relations are strengthened economically. and cultural ties, liquidated farms. fragmentation of this N., it is being transformed into a nation. All signs characterizing N. receive new qualities. form. Nations are usually further ethnic. the development of certain N. and retain their names, however, the territorial boundaries of those and others may not coincide. N., which turned out to be cut into parts of the state. borders, can give rise to several. nat. formations (Portuguese and Galicians, Germans and Luxembourgers, etc.). Old Russian. N. was the common root of Russian, Ukrainian. and Belarusian. N., which subsequently developed in the nation; no less frequent are cases when several people participated or are participating in the formation of one nation. N. (thus, the Indonesian nation is formed from the Javanese, Sunds, Madurese, and other N.). Mn. N. under capitalism did not have time to become nations; with the victory of socialism, they take shape in the socialist. nation. The process of N.'s transformation into a nation is not universal. Mn. Nationalities (and especially small ones) that lag behind in their development for a number of reasons may not become nations. Over time, they enter into close ties with other, more developed N. and nations, lose their own characteristics in the field of culture and life, assimilate the culture of other peoples, perceive their language, and gradually merge with them. Such assimilation processes take place in many parts of the world. The collapse of the colonial system of imperialism and national liberation. struggle in colonial and dependent countries, obtaining state. independence, the liberation of the national economy from foreign dependencies, the growth of cities, measures to transfer nomadic tribes to settled life - all this contributes to the acceleration of ethnic processes. consolidation and growth of the national self-awareness. From tribal and local-territorial ethnic. groups formed new N. and nation. Lit.: Engels F., The origin of the family, private property and the state, in the book: Marx K. and Engels F., Soch., 2nd ed., Vol. 21; Lenin, V.I., What are “friends of the people” and how do they fight against the Social Democrats?, Soch., 4th ed., vol. 1, p. 137–38; Questions of the formation of Russian. peoples and nations. Sat. Art. ed. H. M. Druzhinina and L. V. Cherepnina, M.–L., 1958; Satybalov? ?., Historic. types of community of people, L., 1959; Moskalenko V. ?., Tribe, nationality, nation as a historical. forms of community of people, M., 1960; Bypassing Capitalism (On the Transition to Socialism of the Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan). [Sat. Art. ], M., 1961; Alekseev V., Genus, tribe, nationality, nation (Historical forms of community of people), M., 1962; The number and resettlement of the peoples of the world, ed. S. I. Bruk, in the series: Peoples of the World. Ethnographic essays, under common. ed. S. P. Tolstova, M., 1962. WITH.

What is ethnos - concept, examples, ethnic relations

Source: Philosophical Encyclopedia. In 5 tons.

Insert the missing word by choosing from the following:

Tribes, nationalities, nations are the stages of development _______.

1) demos 2) ethnos 3) consensus 4) stratification

2. Insert the missing word. Under the influence of the characteristics of the natural environment, social and economic factors, characteristic features of culture, life, customs, and mores were formed for _______.

1) class 2) caste 3) ethnic group 4) community

3. The most typical roles for most people include:

1) worker 2) citizen 3) family man 4) consumer.

4. Small groups, unlike large ones, include:

1) small entrepreneurs in the country

2) directors of enterprises in the region

3) a team of workers in a large factory

4) working countries

5. Which word is superfluous in the list of family ethics:

2) mutual respect

3) state registration of marriage

4) respect for elders

6. The main directions of social policy include:

1) payment of state pensions and social benefits

2) governmental support family, motherhood, childhood;

3) labor protection and human health;

4) establishment of a guaranteed minimum wage.

Options: 1) 1.2 2) 2.3.4 3) 2.4 4)

7. In contrast to the method of avoiding social conflict, the negotiation method:

1) does not eliminate the causes of conflicts

3) means withdrawal from the conflict of one of the parties

4) avoids the use of violence

8. To reasons ethnic conflicts not applicable:

1) arbitrarily established national-territorial boundaries

2) restrictions on the use of the national language

3) the variety of economic relations of the nation with other peoples

4) the imperfection of the legal protection of the honor and dignity of people of a particular nationality in a multinational state

9. Insert the missing word. The transformation of nationalities into ... is due to the strengthening of economic ties within nationalities.

10. Small groups include:

1) parliament 2) political parties

3) voters 4) orchestra musicians

11. From judgments A and B it is true:

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

A. Social relations are relations between groups of people and individuals who occupy a certain position in society.

B. Social relations are the relations between people and technology.

12. From judgments A and B it is true:

A. Social relations are ties in society that are distinguished by breadth, stability, and duration.

B. Relations interpersonal, interclass, international, etc. - all these are social relations.

13. From judgments A and B it is true:

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

A. Social relations include the relationship between society and nature.

B. The individual and various groups of people are participants in the totality of social relations.

14. Indicators of the achieved personality status include:

1) social background 2) age 3) education 4) gender

15. Indicators of the prescribed status of a person include:

1) connections 2) age 3) education 4) qualifications.

16. Fill in the missing word. Based on the strengthening of intertribal ties, nationalities are formed, and from related and unrelated nationalities, as a result of the development of economic ties, _______ arose.

1) ethnic groups 2) classes 3) estates 4) nations

17. The indicators of the achieved status of the individual include:

1) gender 2) social origin 3) age 4) financial situation

18. From judgments A and B it is true:

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

A. A family is a small group that includes all relatives.

B. A family is a small group based on the relationship between husband, wife, parents and children.

19. From judgments A and B it is true:

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

A. The family provides moral regulation of the behavior of family members.

B. The family provides economic support to minors and disabled family members.

20. From judgments A and B it is true:

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

A. Family - a small social group based on marriage, consanguinity, whose members are connected by common life, mutual material and moral responsibility.

B. The family includes parents and children, brothers and sisters, even if they are adults, have created their own families and permanently live apart from their parents.

21. Fill in the missing word. Many scientists consider _______ a type of ethnic group,

formed under capitalism.

1) nationality 2) tribe 3) nation 4) clan

22. Family like social community not characterized:

1) composition, completeness

2) the presence of a household plot

3) income level

4) place of residence

60. The concept of ethnic communities. Types of ethnic groups.

According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the statement is not true:

1) the family is a voluntary union of a man and a woman who have entered into marriage

2) the family is a union in which the mother has most of the responsibility for raising children

3) husband and wife take equal part in the family upbringing of children

4) the family is under the protection of the state

24. Fill in the missing word. The more common this social status in society, the ... its rank.

1) higher 2) lower 3) more stable 4) not more stable

25. Unlike the method of negotiations, the method of arbitration in social conflict:

1) means strict adherence to the norms of laws

2) allows you to come to an agreement

3) allows you to consider alternative solutions

4) makes it possible to resolve the conflict

26. Which provision does not apply to the legal foundations of marriage:

1) the procedure for concluding a marriage

2) rights and obligations of spouses

3) establishing the rules of the wedding ceremony

4) the rights of children and parents

27. Which of the following does not apply to the legal basis of marriage:

1) the procedure for concluding a marriage 2) a marriage contract

3) the procedure for dissolution of marriage 4) the choice by the spouses of the place of registration of marriage

28. From judgments A and B it is true:

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

A. As a result of the expansion of interethnic interaction, there is an overcoming of national isolation and isolation.

B. Interethnic interaction exacerbates the contradictions between peoples.

29. From judgments A and B it is true:

1) only A 2) only B 3) both A and B 4) neither A nor B

A. The higher the level of production, the more intense the interaction between nations.

B. Interethnic economic ties contribute to solving the problems of peoples' livelihoods.

30. Insert the missing word. The condition for the emergence of _______ is the common territory and the common language.

1) castes 2) demos 3) ethics 4) ethnos

31. Interethnic cooperation is not characterized by:

1) mutual influence and mutual enrichment of national cultures

2) overcoming national limitations

3) the strengthening of nationalism and chauvinism

4) deepening knowledge of languages ​​of interethnic communication

32. Fill in the missing word. The historically established stable ethnic community that arose in the process of the formation of the internal market is called _______.

1) tribe 2) class 3) people 4) nation

33. Small groups include:

1) intelligentsia

2) university graduates

3) delegation to an international congress

4) teachers of higher educational institutions of the country

34. Unlike the method of arbitration, the method of avoiding social conflict:

1) makes it possible to resolve the conflict

2) allows you to come to an agreement

3) does not mean the elimination of the conflict

4) allows you to consider alternative solutions

35. Unlike large social groups, small groups do not include:

1) peasants of the country 2) a team of field growers

3) farm workers 4) class students

36. Fill in the missing word. People belonging to one (th) ________ speak the same language, are united by a common economic ties, territory, culture.

1) ethnic group 2) class 3) estate 4) nation

37. The causes of interethnic conflicts do not include:

1) dissatisfaction of a nation that does not have its own statehood

2) arbitrarily established national-territorial boundaries

3) the danger of erosion of the ethnic group as a result of the influx of a foreign-speaking population

4) development of cultural ties of the nation with other peoples

38. The essence of the humanistic approach to solving ethnic problems implies:

a) search for consensus (agreement)

b) the permissibility of the use of violence

c) development of democracy, legal principles in the life of society

d) priority of individual rights over the rights of the state and nation

Options: 1) b, d; 2) a, c. G; 3) b, c, d.

39. The concept of "ethnos" includes

a) clan b) tribe c) class d) stratum e) nation

Options: 1. a. b. d; 2. c, d, e; 3. a, b, c

40. The acquired social status of a person is determined by:

a) gender b) origin c) profession d) education e) marital status f) race

Options: 1. a, b, d; 2. b, e, f; 3. c. g. d

41. Speaking of social stratification, sociology essentially describes:

1. Solidity (unity of a diverse) society.

2. Personal behavior and its motivational structure.

3. Social inequality.

4. The most general social structure of society.

42. social status personalities are:

1. The totality of legal rights and obligations of a person.

2. The generally recognized influence of a person.

3. Property status of the individual.

4. A certain (rights, duties, roles) position of a person in the system of social relations.

5. The significance or attractiveness of an individual for a particular social group, society as a whole.

43. Which of the following is the cause of ethnic conflicts in the territory former USSR?

A. Ignorance of the national language and culture.

B. Unresolved socio-economic problems.

B. Humiliation of the nation, violation of its rights.

D. Cultural integration,

D. Territorial problems.

E. The selfish interests of local people are angry.

Options: 1. A, C, D 2. B, C, D, D, E 3. B, C, D, E 4. A, B, D, D

44. social structure society is

1. the totality of social communities of people

2. set of classes and nations

3. set of classes and layers.

45. Which of the listed social groups exist in modern Russian society.

A. Working class.

B. "Shadows" (mafia, racketeering, smuggling, speculation).

B. Kolkhoz peasantry.

D. The middle layer (representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, farmers, managers).

D. Technical and humanitarian intelligentsia.

E. Landed aristocracy.

Options: 1. A, B, D, D, E 2. A, D, E 3. A, B, C, E 4. A, B, D, D

46. ​​What are the main trends in the development of nations and interethnic relations.

A. Differentiation. B. Assimilation. B. Development of culture. D. Merger E. Integration

E. Development of national consciousness

Options: 1. A, C, D, E 2. B, D, D 3. A, D 4. A, B, C, D, E, E

47. The humanistic approach to ethnic problems is characterized by:

A. Search for consensus (agreement).

B. Development of democracy, legal principles in the life of society.

B. Refusal of national violence in all forms and manifestations.

D. The priority of individual rights over the rights of the nation.

Options: 1. A, C, 2. A, B, C, D 3. C, D 4. B, D

48. The main features of the nation are (choose the correct combination)

1. Unity of origin.

2. Common territory.

3. General culture (symbols, values, traditions).

4. Common citizenship.

5. National identity.

6. General rights and obligations towards each other.

A. All answers are correct; B. 1, 2, 3; B. 1, 2.3, 5; G. 2,3, 4.

49. An objective criterion of social stratum is ...

1. place of residence 3. place of birth

2. prestige 4. wealth

50. Inequality in income, power, prestige is:

1) discrimination 2) stratification

3) classification 4) structuralization

51. The totality of the social functions learned and performed by a person and the corresponding patterns of behavior constitute the content of:

1) social role 2) social status

52. The main idea of ​​the humanistic approach to solving national problems is:

1) ensuring the rights and freedoms of national minorities

2) recognition of the priority of individual rights over the rights of the state and nation

3) the right of nations to self-determination

4) cultural and national autonomy

53. The provision of certain social guarantees for able-bodied, poor and unemployed segments of the population is implemented by the state through:

1) fiscal redistribution of income in society

2) providing entrepreneurs with complete freedom of action within the framework of the law

3) maintaining a high level of employment in society, creating new jobs in the public sector

4) establishing a minimum wage

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Historical forms of community of people: family, clan, tribe, nationality, nation.

Historical forms of community of people.

Ethnos- history is a complex group of people. Ethnic - connection with belonging to any people. Genus - the 1st ethnic group of pre-class O., possessing a common origin, a common language, customs, beliefs, etc. The economic basis of the clan was the primitive communal community and the equal distribution of products. Tribe- a larger community. It consisted of several clans, where, along with the clan's own family, there was also a tribe's own. Appeared management top. The tribal community created favorable conditions for the accumulation of industrial experience, the development of language and culture, but blood-kinship ties held back population growth. Under the influence of developed PS, the tribe disintegrated into paired families. Further development of the ORT leads to the emergence of a private community, and along with it, a new form of community of people has appeared - nationality, such a form of community, with which people, living in the same territory, are connected by the peculiarities of culture, norms of life, which are fixed in customs and traditions. The nationality of the warehouse is usually in the slave-holding society. The development of capitalist relations leads to the emergence of nations. Nation - a stable collection of people, to-rye are connected by a common language, territory and common economic life, as well as a feature of psychology, fixed in the features of the culture of a given people. Here we see clear differences between one people and another.

FAMILY - the smallest consanguineous group of people connected by the unity of origin (grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, children).

Several families that have entered into an alliance form a ROD. Families united in clans.

CLAN - a group of blood relatives bearing the name of an alleged ancestor. The clan retained common ownership of land, blood feuds, and mutual responsibility. As remnants of primitive times, they remained in some areas of Scotland, among the Indians of America, in Japan and China. Several clans united to form a tribe.

TRIBE - a higher form of organization, covering a large number of clans and clans. They have their own language or dialect, territory, formal organization (chief, tribal council), common ceremonies. Their number reached tens of thousands of people.

In the course of further cultural and economic development, the tribes were transformed into nationalities, and those, at the highest stages of development, into nations.

NATIONALITY - an ethnic community that occupies a place on the ladder of social development between the tribes and the nation. Nationalities arise in the era of slavery and represent a linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural community. The nationality exceeds the tribe in number, blood ties do not cover the entire nationality.

A NATION is an autonomous, not limited by territorial boundaries, political grouping, whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions. Representatives of one nation no longer have a common ancestor and a common origin. They do not have to have a common language, religion, but the nationality uniting them was formed thanks to a common history and culture.

National relations in the world are among the most important and in some regions the most restless, provoking wars, revolutions, etc.

And along with them, of course, the ideology (substantiation) of these relations, nationalism, also plays a huge role. It can be defined as the worldwide praise of one's people, country, religion, etc. Nations that do not have their own state sometimes strive to create one, and - on the contrary, the ruling peoples strive to suppress such desires.

In different suits, certain indicators may come to the fore: whether religion, language, customs, etc.

Historical types of ethnic group

National relations lie in the way in which these differences coexist; whether there is enmity, hatred, confrontation, or, on the contrary, peace, harmony, mutual understanding; whether they look at a person primarily from the position: who is he by nationality, or, on the contrary, is this the last thing; how they treat interethnic marriages, etc. Forms of support are also important national characteristics

The family is the most important element of social structures. The position of the family serves as a barometer of the state of society, shows the extent to which it has progressed along the path of providing its citizens real opportunities for social development. To strengthen the position of the family, the governments of many countries take special. Measures. They are incl. It includes various types of allowances and financial benefits, leave to care for small children, the creation of pre-school children's institutions, and the adaptation of working hours to the needs of families.


Genus is a family. Suppose there are 5 sons and 4 daughters in the Family, the sons created their families, as if new Clans, it turns out the children of brothers - these are already nephews and nieces, i.e. Tribe, they are all pedigree, of the same Kin-Tribe. When several Clans-Tribes unite, it turns out the People - i.e. based on Childbirth with common criteria: one Faith, language, culture, tradition. Cities and Vesey (spiritual-administrative regions) are formed, the peoples of the Race are united there; and now all Vesi Races were called by one word - Power.

family book

The father had his family book, where the entire genealogy was indicated, i.e. he, along with his father, passed on to the children the knowledge of his Family. Each of his sons, first of all, took his father's family book, rewrote (made a copy) and compiled a family book for himself, where he pointed his brothers in the direction of the Family. Those. they are, as it were, the founders of their Clans. Daughters were given to continue other Clans.

The youngest son always stayed with his parents, kept them in his old age, and, as it were, remained in this Kin, so he had it indicated that he was the last one and the Tree went further from him. Those. the younger one remains in this clan, and the older four brothers create, as it were, their own clans, but at the core, the clan of the father is still the same.

Family and Tribal Union

The Family Union is one Tree on the paternal side, from Ancestor to the current great-great-great-grandchildren (sons, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, etc. - descendants).

The Tribal Union is an association with other Clans. Those. in order to form a Tribe, the brothers took brides from other Clans, external, i.e. other Tribes already belonged to the Kin-Tribe, there was an exchange, the brothers took daughters from that Kin, and from this Kin they gave their daughter there - this is the Tribal Union.

Genus - unites all families of the same Genus on the paternal side.

Tribe - unites all brothers and those with whom they are related.

Tribal Union - when several Tribes united.

But this is all (Clan and Tribal Unions) within the same locality, one settlement. Those. A tribal Union is acceptable: a farm or a village where there are only relatives. The Tribal Union is acceptable: a city or a large village.

A farm, a village, a city, the whole village, a village, a farm is a clan union (or clan), i.e. there are only relatives.
A village, a village (may consist of several farms) is a Tribal Union (Tribe).
City, village - Tribal Union (i.e. Community - Mir).
All, cities - clans, tribes are united there on the basis of one Faith, language, culture, traditions, etc. (People).

The whole is a spiritual and administrative region (modern - province, region, region).

The people - i.e. “on the Rod”, as if on the surface of the Tribal Unions, i.e. based on Childbirth with common criteria: a single Faith, a single language, a single culture, tradition.

Control system
* The Tribal Union was ruled by the Elder, i.e. the oldest in the family.
* The Tribal Union was ruled by the Rada, i.e. senior relatives (Rodovichi) in each Tribe gathered, and they decided. And notice, now the highest body government controlled in Ukraine - Rada, i.e. Tribal union. There were two Clans: Anty and Ros, they created the Tribe.

* The community was ruled by Kopa (see KOPA); hence the Kopnoe right, i.e. Community law.
* The peoples were ruled by Ustoy (KON).
* Vesi united the Peoples of the Race, and here the management went a little differently:
1) Vedas - i.e. Wisdom;
2) Cathedral - the guardians of Ustoya and Kona gathered, i.e. princes, boyars and priests;
3) Veche - nationwide, when some global issue was resolved.

All Vess were called by one word - Power. And since a popular decision means all Clans, all Peoples, i.e. there was the Generic principle, and it was all kept by Wisdom, Foundation. The state is held by the power of the Clans - this is our world basis. And note that neither the priestly system controlled the Power, nor the Council controlled the Power, nor the Veche controlled the Power, but at the same time the Power was invincible. Those. as such, there is no control, no one controls anyone, only one system controls everything - Conscience. Because Gods, and people, and people listen to Conscience. Conscience over everything.


If you need to resolve some issue, they came to the priests. Priests were everywhere, in every clan, i.e. the eldest in the Family was both an Elder and a Priest, like a Family Priest. Without a priest, not a single issue was resolved. Suppose a Council or Veche nominated some prince as governor, the priests gave parting words, and without a priestly parting word, without the word of a priest, not a single army (army) went into battle, because it was believed that there was nothing to do without God's blessing. The only time when it was not necessary to ask the priests for blessings, etc., was when there was aggression, attacks on some kind of Clan, Tribe ... Messengers were immediately sent there, and those who were in the Tribal Union, the Clan-Tribal Union, immediately everyone gathered and gave rebuff.

Vedas, priests are not only spiritual administration, but also science and art, etc., everything is there. Those. The Council decided some general (general Ancestral, general Tribal) issues; The veche was going to resolve issues of some global nature, issues of war and peace; but basically everything was decided through the priesthood, because the priests first of all thought about the well-being of the Clans, about their spiritual development about education, about protection. Therefore, any Kin, accumulating some kind of ancestral heritage, experience, he gave a copy of this ancestral heritage, experience to the priests for safekeeping. The priests kept it all. There was even a “sacrifice to the Gods”, i.e. in large Clans (before 20-30 children were the norm), one child (usually one of the youngest or first-born) was given to the priests, as if they were sacrificed to God. Those. if the irreparable happens, for example, the enemies attacked and the whole Family died. So, this child became the successor of the Family, studied all the wisdom from the priests, then received a good, pure-blooded wife, and the Family was reborn from him. Therefore, since the basis of the Power is the Family, it means that the revival of the Power will come from the Family, i.e. from each specific person. Not from the decision of the Central Committee of any party, government, or presidential decree on the revival, but precisely from this person who is trying to make his Rod survive in this hard time, found those close to him in Spirit, in order to save it all.

Genus and tribe. First, specifically human form the community that replaced the herd way of life was the clan. The clan represented an association of blood relatives with a common origin, common customs and beliefs. The clan was the first social formation in the history of society, as it developed at two levels - ethnic and social, which led to the birth of a family, human reproduction, education and upbringing of children, care for the elderly. The clan was multifunctional, laying the foundations of the craft in the process of hunting and fishing, inventing and making devices for them, processing the extracted, equipping the places of residence. The necessary conditions for the existence of the clan were communal ownership of a certain territory with hunting (fishing) grounds and their protection from external encroachments. The distribution in the clan was egalitarian, labor productivity was primitive. A higher form of community of people at that historical time tribe appeared. A tribe is an association of several genera. Like the clan, the tribe was based on blood ties. However, the appearance of tribes marked the beginning of the dismemberment of a single multifunctional tribal community. The tribe carried only part of the public significant functions associated with the maintenance of customs, the strengthening of faith, the protection of the territory, the language of communication, and the tribal community remained the economic unit. This fact laid the foundation for the separation of the ethnic social community - the tribe - from directly economic functions. With the emergence of a family (paired living), a tendency to separate family relations, the tendency to separate blood relations from ethnic ones. Nationality is a higher form of social association than a tribe, which is a historically established linguistic, territorial, economic and spiritual community. The need for intertribal economic and spiritual ties, the migration of the population, the struggle for territory contributed to the formation of an alliance of tribes. Private property was born, stronger tribes dictated their conditions to the weak ones, class division began, kinship ties gave way to territorial ones, and a new social community appeared - nationality. Nationality evolved historically for a long time. Its basis was more high way production, economic, spiritual, linguistic and territorial community of life. The formation of states also contributed to the strengthening of the nationality, although in the process of historical development they could not coincide both territorially and in language. For example, France - Belgium, Sweden - Norway, Rus' - White Rus' - Little Rus'. The nationality did not have the integrity of economic life, subsistence farming prevailed. Nation. The formation of a nation is historical. It evolved through interrelated processes to form its own territory, establish and develop economic relations, national language, legal framework, state, mentality, culture. With the development of society and the state, economic and spiritual ties gradually strengthened, a national market arose, economic fragmentation was eliminated, and the scattered elements of a separate nationality united into a single social whole: nationalities developed into nations. Historically, the emergence of nations has no single basis. Some nations on the planet arose as a result of transformations within one nationality (the Swedes, the British and some other European peoples), others - by rallying into a nation a number of nationalities that are generally close in language and culture (the French nation was formed as a result of the merger of the northern French and Provencal peoples). It is typical for European nations to form them within the framework of centralized states on the basis of one or more ethnically close peoples, but some of them developed in conditions of political fragmentation (Italians, Germans). In the East and South-East of Europe, the formation of nations took place within multi-ethnic empires (Austro-Hungarian, Russian, Ottoman). The nation is a unique historical formation of mankind. The uniqueness of the nation is due to the geographical and historical environment, mentality, originality of economic development, way of life, traditions, culture, state structure. Formed its own special image of spirituality, morality, national character and self-consciousness. However, there are no nations similar in all respects on the planet, although they may be in close territorial proximity, like Russians and Belarusians, Hungarians and Austrians, Turks and Bulgarians, Czechs and Slovaks. But geographical proximity only emphasizes national features, and does not erase them. Signs of a nation. The first sign is the commonality of the territory. The commonality of the territory is an important feature of the nation, since the territory is the formal space for people in which they historically live and carry out activities. Such concepts as "motherland", "fatherland", "country", "state" are essential in the territorial unity of the nation, but with their own conceptual specificity. At the same time, the residence of people in one territory does not in itself consolidate them into a single nation. A unique example in recent history that demonstrates the declarative nature of territorial unity is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics(USSR), as well as the Union of Independent States (CIS) - a non-confederal association of part of the republics of the former USSR. " Soviet people”, “one nation”, declared by the Soviet political system, its Communist Party, did not become them, and the CIS states, after the collapse of the USSR, still do not find common understanding in many respects of the social structure and life, although constitutionally they lived on the same territory. It is also worth recalling the fact that East Slavic tribes, and then nationalities, occupied the territory of the European part of our country for a long time, nevertheless, the formation of the Russian and Ukrainian nation occurred only in recent centuries, and the formation of the Belarusian nation could only be completed in the 1920s. 20th century The second sign is the common language. The national language is the speech and administrative language of people, understandable to the entire nation, entrenched in literature and jurisprudence. Only linguistic community provides a full-fledged economic, managerial, scientific, pedagogical, defense and other life of the country. However, it must be borne in mind that the language may be the same for several peoples, but they do not constitute a nation: Austria - Germany, Spain - Argentina, France - partly Belgium and Canada. The commonality of the language is considered in conjunction with other features of the nation. The third sign is the commonality of economic life. This is the essence of a nation. The point is not that the nation produces any single product, but that the industrial and economic specialization of the country's regions, the strengthening of financial and trade relations within the state contribute to the unity of the nation, strengthening its international position, strengthening its defense capability, etc. According to its Constitution, Russia included 89 subjects of the Russian Federation. Currently, the process of consolidation of the subjects of the Federation is underway. Based on the results of nationwide referendums in the constituent entities of the Federation, the Perm Region and the Komi-Permyatsky Autonomous Okrug were merged into the Perm Territory; Irkutsk Region and Ust-Orda Buryat Autonomous Okrug to Irkutsk Region; from the Chita Region and the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug to the Trans-Baikal Territory, several more federal unification processes are in the process of being resolved. Each subject of the Federation has its own economic features, allowing them to participate in the planned economic life of the country. The specialization of regions in the economic sphere of public life allows the state to build a unified economic policy that meets national needs and interests. The fourth feature is common features of mentality and culture. The mentality of a nation is a historical phenomenon, it is a reflection in the minds of the people of the peculiarities of its existence and the entire system of relations. The mentality represents the measure of the spiritual values ​​of the nation. It manifests itself in the peculiarities of its national character, state structure, mores, customs, traditions, habits, inclinations; is reflected in music, in songs, in dances, in painting, in literature, in architecture, in language, in all kinds and types of activity. A special role belongs national consciousness, which is formed throughout the history of the formation and development of the nation, allowing people to proudly identify themselves in the national "We". The value self-awareness of a nation is, in essence, love for one's Motherland, an internal civic position, a readiness to serve the Fatherland with valor and defend it, the main thing is a satisfied sense of self-distinction from other nations: for example, the Germans have pedantry, the Americans have superiority, Norwegians - thoroughness. We, the Russians, have an inflexibility that borders on complaisance, a resurgent Orthodoxy, and historical catholicity. With regard to culture, it is necessary to note the fact that it reflects all the best in the nation. The culture of a nation is that valuable thing that it has created in its history in all spheres of public life and is worthily passed on from generation to generation. In Russia, in this regard, there is something to be proud of: we were the first to conquer space, carried out thermonuclear reaction, created an icebreaking fleet, developed rocket technology and zero gravity production technology, developed seaplane construction, implemented laser ranging, founded the world's leading schools of ballet, chess, figure skating, sports ice dancing, etc. The fifth sign is the unity of legal norms, statehood. Law in its essence is a historical phenomenon. It originated along with the birth of society, the formation of the state and developed as national independence was formed, in accordance with national characteristics, state structure and government. Law includes two levels - natural and positive. Natural law is objectified by the triad: formal equality, freedom and justice. Positive law represents legal dogma or law. A nation is a complex historical formation that requires substantive legal and state security, without which its formation and development is very problematic. The natural right of people comes to the fore, nationality which is fixed within the borders of the state. From the point of view of establishing formal equality, each representative of the nation has the same opportunity to realize their needs and abilities. Equality is the legal principle of the state formation of the nation, the national structure of the state, the norm of behavior of free individuals. With regard to freedom - the second criterion of natural law, this is a nationwide awareness by people of the necessary measure. Freedom is a form of the state structure of the nation, a form of the national structure of the state. In terms of justice - the third criterion of natural law, every individual, every subject of the national community, the nation as a whole uses this property of law to consolidate the value and significance in the national state system. The state must act as the guarantor of formal equality, freedom and justice for the entire nation. Natural law is reflected in positive law - legal norms, legal acts of the state: constitutions, laws, decrees, regulations that contribute to both a comprehensive national development, and the holistic functioning of the spheres of society: economics and ecology, management and pedagogy, science and art, medicine and physical culture, defense and public security, including a wide range of intra-national relations. Conclusion: a nation is a social community that historically arises on the basis of a common economic life, language, territory, state structure, legal norms, mentality, and culture. The difference between a nation and a nationality is that it is a more stable social community, and stability is given to it, first of all, by the state, economic and legal factors.

The social structure of society is formed by large, more or less stable social associations of people and the relationship between them. These associations are formed under the direct influence of labor, the economic life of society as a whole.

In the socio-economic structure of society, structures of the first and second order are distinguished. The structure of the first order includes large, historical social associations of individuals, which are called historical communities of people. In the structure of the second order, classes are distinguished, first of all.

Historical communities of people are large, stable associations that reveal common features of life, material and spiritual culture, language, etc.

There are 3 types of historical communities of people.

1. Rod. Its basis is blood relations. Economic relations appear here in the shell of family ties. This can also be attributed to the tribe as an association of several genera.

2. Nationality. Occurs in slave and feudal societies. The economic basis for the formation of a nationality is private labor and private property. Nationality develops as a result of the merger of different tribes, their loss of economic, territorial, linguistic independence and the formation on their basis of a common material and spiritual culture, a single territory, language, and later the state.

3. Nation. Nations are formed from people of various tribes and nationalities as a result of the socialization of production, the creation of a single market. The nation is characterized by a common economic life, territory, language, mental warehouse, manifested in national character and culture. Its characteristic economic community has a deeper and more universal character due to the dominance of capitalist commodity production with its inherent division and cooperation of labor and commodity-money relations. The nation is a product of the bourgeois era.

Nation and nationality

It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of nation and nationality. Nationality is identified with ethnos, ethnic origin.

Ethnos - a set of people with genetically determined and more or less pronounced common typical outward signs, common culture, language, ethnic identity, common territory, which this ethnic group takes it as his own country.

There are different concepts in the understanding of the nation:

Semenov: civil concept nation. A nation is the totality of people living in a country.

Tishkov: instrumental concept. Nation is a concept invented by politicians to solve their political problems. The nation is a means for the political mobilization of the population.

A nation is a historically stable community of people that has developed on the basis of a common language, territory, economic life, culture and mental makeup.

Previously, nation and nationality coincided, but with the development of economic relations, migration, these concepts were separated. The main feature of a nation is a common economic structure.

3 periods in the formation of nations.

1. The era of the formation of capitalism. At this time, the nationality turns into a nation.

2. The spread of capitalism from developed countries. This is due to the colonial policy, when the colonies were deprived of the opportunity to form their own nation.

3. The collapse of the colonial system. Former colonies gained independence, this completed the formation of nations.

2 trends in the development of nations under capitalism:

the folding of nations, the awakening of national life

· the strengthening of ties between states breaks down national borders, makes them transparent.

There is such a thing as globalization.

national problems modernity

IN modern society there are many national problems.

Nationalism: Tends to exaggerate national idiosyncrasies. There is a glorification of the national, but at the same time, disregard for other nations and nationalities.

Chauvinism is an extreme form of nationalism. Hatred of other nationalities, the desire to destroy other peoples as a species.

Often nationalism is combined with racism.

Cosmopolitanism: ignores all national characteristics, rejects their essential significance. This is a kind of imposing their way of life on other countries.

But there is such a thing as internationalism, which manifests itself in mutual respect for the national characteristics of any nationality.

There are 2 models of integration of the multiethnic population:

1. assimilation (integration) model: one state - one nation. People who come to the country can integrate into society if they learn the national culture.

2. multicultural model. Leaves the right to national minorities to have their own national characteristics.

Russia's national problems arose in the 1980s and 1990s. Of course, even under tsarism, the policy of inequality prevailed, but the problem was not so acute.

USSR: voluntary association of equal peoples. But during the reign of Stalin there was a simplification of the ethnic structure of the state through the resettlement of peoples.

Modern problems of Russia:

1. unregulated ethnic migration, mainly due to the CIS countries, China, Korea).

2. the problem of indigenous minorities. They got the status autonomous regions, their population is dying from alcoholism.

There are also inter-ethnic contradictions between nationalities. There is also ethnophobia of Russians, for example, in the Baltics.

Also a significant problem is the decline in the population, mainly due to the Russians.

Marriage and family, family functions

Marriage is a historically conditioned, and sanctioned, and socially regulated form of relationship between a man and a woman, establishing their rights and obligations in relation to each other and to children.

A family is a small social group based on marriage and consanguinity, whose members are interconnected by common life, mutual responsibility and mutual assistance.

Family signs:

1. Consanguineous.

2. Single economic basis.

3. Cohabitation and sharing of responsibilities in the family.

4. Special attitude, care of family members about each other.

Family Functions:

1. Reproduction of the genus.

2. Economic cell of society.

3. Educational.

4. Recreational (restorative).

There are about 40 million families in the modern world; 90% of people live in families.

There is also a trend towards simplification of the family structure:

Spouses + 1 child.

12% of families live with relatives, 13% of single parent families.

An interesting fact is that the average age of those entering into marriage is increasing. Also, 25% of families are not going to have children, which inevitably leads to a decrease in the birth rate.

Compared to the 90s, the number of divorces has increased from 30% to 50% (Perm - 80%).

43% of children in the Perm region are born out of wedlock. The average birth rate per family is 1.2 children.

Out of 100 thousand people, 221 die from accidents, in Perm 318 out of 100 thousand, of which 54 from alcohol, 55 from suicide.

But since 2000 there is a surge in fertility.

300 thousand children are considered missing, 3-6 million. homeless children.

Factors affecting the birth rate:


Living conditions

State aid level

Monthly allowance - 70 rubles per child.

Childbirth allowance - 8000 rubles, for the 1st - 1500, for the 2nd - 3000.

There is a fairly large child, maternal mortality due to medical care, by the way, 7 out of 10 pregnant women have an abortion.

Sex and age structure of society:

Women - men = 10 million people

Life expectancy for men is 58 years, for women - 72, in Perm 56 and 67 years respectively.

A terrifying fact is that now in the Russian Federation 2 times more people die than are born. From 1991-2001 The population decline was 7.9 million. Human.

60 thousand suicides per year observed in our country, by 2025. there will be 125 million of us. people, and by 2050 - 100.

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