What is an artistic image in art definition. Artistic image in art


In the generally accepted understanding, an artistic image is a sensual expression of a term that defines reality, the reflection of which is in the form of a specific life phenomenon. Artistic image is born in the imagination of a person engaged in art. The sensual expression of any idea is the fruit of hard work, creative fantasies and thinking based only on one's life experience. The artist creates a certain image, which is an imprint in his mind of a real object, and embodies everything in Paintings, books or films reflect his own vision of the idea by its creator.

An artistic image can be born only when the author is able to operate with his own impressions, which will form the basis of his work.

The psychological process of sensual expression of an idea lies in imagination end result work before the start creative process. Operating with fictitious images helps, even in the absence of the necessary completeness of knowledge, to realize your dream in the created work.

Artistic image created creative person, characterized by sincerity and reality. characteristic feature art is skill. It is it that allows you to say something new, and this is possible only through experiences. Creation must pass through the feelings of the author and be suffered by him.

The artistic image in each area of ​​art has its own structure. It is conditioned by the criteria expressed in the work spirituality, as well as the specifics of the material that is used to create the creation. Thus, the artistic image in music is intonational, in architecture it is static, in painting it is pictorial, and in literary genre- dynamic. In one, it is embodied in the image of a person, in another - nature, in the third - an object, in the fourth it acts as a combination of combinations of people's actions and their environment.

The artistic representation of reality lies in the unity of the rational and emotional sides. The ancient Indians believed that art owes its birth to those feelings that a person could not keep in himself. However, to artistic category not every image can be attributed. Sensual expressions must carry special aesthetic purposes. They reflect the beauty of the surrounding nature and the animal world, capture the perfection of man and his being. The artistic image should testify to the beautiful and affirm the harmony of the world.

The sensual incarnations are a symbol of creativity. Artistic images act as a universal category for understanding life, and also contribute to its comprehension. They have properties that are unique to them. These include:

Typicality that arises in connection with a close relationship with life;

Liveliness or organicity;

holistic orientation;


The building materials of the image are the following: the personality of the artist himself and the realities of the surrounding world. Sensual expression of reality combines subjective and objective principles. It consists of reality, which is reworked by the creative thought of the artist, reflecting his attitude to what is depicted.

Artistic image artistic image

In the visual arts, a form of reproduction, comprehension and experience of the phenomena of life by creating aesthetically influencing objects (paintings, sculptures, etc.). Art, like science, learns the world. However, unlike a scientist who seeks to discover and explore the objective laws of nature and society that do not depend on his will, the artist, reproducing forms and phenomena visible world, expresses, first of all, his attitude, feelings and state of mind. The artistic image is a complex alloy professional excellence and creative inspiration, fantasy of the master, his thoughts and feelings. The viewer feels work of art feelings of joy or loneliness, despair or anger. Image of nature in landscape always humanized, bears the imprint of the personality of the painter.

In a work of art, unlike scientific essay there is always something left unsolved. Each era and each person sees something different in the image created by the artist. The process of perception of a work becomes a process of co-creation.
The source of creating artistic images for many masters is a direct appeal to the outside world (landscape, still life, household painting). Other artists recreate past events ( history painting). A deep study of historical material is complemented by creative insight in the paintings of N.N. Ge, IN AND. Surikov taking us to other eras. Art is able to recreate through an artistic image even that which does not exist in the visible space, to convey to the viewer the dreams, fantasies, aspirations of the master, to embody a fairy tale in visible images (V.M. Vasnetsov, M. A. Vrubel) and the highest reality of the Divine world (Old Russian icons, biblical sketches by A.A. Ivanova).

(Source: "Art. Modern Illustrated Encyclopedia." Under the editorship of Prof. A.P. Gorkin; M.: Rosmen; 2007.)

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An artistic image is an image of art, i.e. specially created in the process of special creative activity according to specific laws by the subject of art - the artist - a phenomenon. In classical aesthetics, a complete definition of the artistic image and the figurative nature of art has developed. In general, an artistic image is understood as an organic spiritual and eideic integrity that expresses, presents a certain reality in the mode of greater and lesser isomorphism (likeness of form) and is realized (having existence) in its entirety only in the process of perception of a specific work of art by a specific recipient. It is then that the unique artistic world is fully revealed and actually functions, folded by the artist in the act of creating a work of art into its objective (pictorial, musical, poetic, etc.) reality and unfolding already in some other concreteness (another hypostasis) in inner world subject of perception. The image is a complex process of artistic development of the world. It presupposes the presence of an objective or subjective reality, which gave impetus to the process of artistic display. It is transformed in the act of creating a work of art into a certain reality of the work itself. Then, in the act of producing this art, another process of transformation of features, form, even the essence of the original reality (the prototype) and the reality of the work of art (the “secondary” image) takes place. The final (already third) image appears, often very far from the first two, but retaining nevertheless, something (this is the essence of isomorphism and the very principle of display), inherent in them and uniting them in a single system of figurative expression, or artistic display. A work of art begins with the artist, or rather, with a certain idea (this is a vague spiritual and emotional sketch), which occurs before starting work. As he creates, the work is concretized, in the process of creating the work, the spiritual and spiritual forces of the artist work, and on the other hand, the technical system of his skills in handling (processing) with specific material, from which and on the basis of which the work is created. Often nothing remains of the original figurative-semantic sketch. It serves as the first stimulus for a sufficient spontaneous creative process. A work of art that has arisen is also, and with great reason, called an image, which, in turn, has a number of figurative levels, or sub-images - images of a more local nature. Inside this folded image-work, we also find a number of smaller images determined by the pictorial and expressive structure of this type of art. The higher the level of isomorphism, the closer the image of the figurative-expressive level to the external form of the depicted fragment of reality, the more “literary” it is, i.e. lends itself to verbal description and evokes the corresponding "picture" representations in the recipient. Images through isomorphism can be verbalized, but not verbalized. For example, in connection with some painting by Kandinsky, we cannot talk about a certain compositional image, but we are talking about color transfer, balance and dissonance of color masses. Perception. IN spiritual world the subject of perception, an ideal reality arises, which, through this work, attaches the subject to universal existential values. The final stage of the perception of a work of art is experienced and realized as a kind of breakthrough of the subject of perception to some levels of reality unknown to him, accompanied by a feeling of the fullness of being, extraordinary lightness, exaltation, spiritual joy.

Another variant:

Hud image: a place in the arts, functions and ontology. A thin image is a way to technically express that endless semantic horizon that the cat launches the claim. Initially, the image was understood as an icon. The 1st meaning of the image fixed the reflective epistemological attitude to art (prototype, likeness, correspondence to reality, but not reality itself). In the Estonian language of the 20th century, there were 2 extremes: 1) absolutization of the meaning of the concept of image. Since the art is to think in images, it means to think in lifelike similarities, which means that the real art is life-like. But there are types of claims that do not work with life-like images of reality. (What, for example, does music copy in life?). In architecture, in abstract painting, there is no clear subject denotation. 2) The image is not the category with which to convey the features of the claim. Rejection of the category of the image, tk. the lawsuit is not a copy of reality. Art is not a reflection, but a transformation of reality. ? Important Aspects bad consciousness, claims, a cat accumulated in a bad way indicate the boundaries of claims. ? Scheme of the claim: the world, the cat is directed to the development of thin? bad tv? work? bad perception. A hood image is an ideal way of hood activity, a structure of consciousness, by means of a cat art solves the following tasks: 1) Hood mastering the world 2) Broadcasting the result of this mastering. That. An image is a way of conveying bad information, an ideal structure for bad communication. The image is inherent in the art of its specific perfect shape. Those. with o.s. the image is a mechanism, a way (internal form of consciousness), and with others, it is not a synonym for a work of art, it is an ideal structure, the cat lives only in the mind. A mat layer of an image (of a body, a play, a novel, a symphony) exists in a potential form. The objective reality of the claim is thin texts, the work "is not equal" to the text. ? a bad image is a specific substratum, a substance of bad consciousness and bad information. Outside of this substance it is impossible to fix the state of artistry. This is the fabric of thin consciousness. An image is a specific space of being of ideal thin information, experiences and its products, a space of communication. ? the image is a specific reality, it appears as a kind of world for a person, as a unifying world of the artist. The image is such an organic structure of consciousness, the cat appears instantly ("Not yet. Already there"). ? 2 possible relationship this specific reality of the image to the consciousness of the creator: 1) Self-movement of the image. 2) The imperious submission of the artist to this reality, i.e. S becomes an instrument of self-creating activity of the image, as if someone is dictating the text. The image behaves like S, as a self-positing structure. ? The specificity of the thin image. The old dogmatic understanding of the image presupposes an isomorphic correspondence, a one-to-one correspondence with reality. But the image simultaneously truncates, transforms, turns, complements reality. But this does not remove the correspondence relation. We are talking about a homomorphic partial correspondence between the image and reality. ! The image deals with the value reality, the claim reflects the spiritual value relationship between S and O. It is these relationships that are the goal of the claim, and not O. The goal of the claim: objectivity filled with a certain significance + attitudes towards this O-that (the state of S-ta). The value of O-that m.b. disclosed only through the state of S-ta. That. the task of the image is to find a way to combine in interpenetration the value objectivity of O-ta and the internal state of S-ta. Value is the manifest meaning of the specificity of the image - to become a way of actualizing the spiritual value relations of a person. ? thin images are divided into 2 classes. 1) Modeling value relations through recreating the feelings of the structure of O-that, and the sub side is revealed indirectly. And all this is called an image. The images here have a clear objective x-r (architecture theater, cinema, painting). 2) Modeling the reality of subjective semantic relations. The state of S-that cannot be depicted. And this is called non-image art (music, ballet). Is the subject here in pure subjectivity and in relation to something outside of itself? hence 2 forms of presentation of reality. 1st form: epic form, the value meaning is revealed by O-tom itself, and S-t is the receiver of this spirit of information. 2nd form - lyrical: O - a mirror of S-ta. O-you just talk about something to S-tu, hook him int. state.? Conclusion. Hud image is a special ideal model of a person's attitude to the world in a concentrated form.

The artistic image is a generalized reflection of reality in the form of specific individual phenomena. To understand what an artistic image is, such bright examples world literature, like Faust or Hamlet, Don Juan or Don Quixote. These characters convey the most characteristic human features, their desires, passions and feelings.

Artistic image in art

The artistic image is the most sensual and accessible factor for human perception. In this sense, the image in art, including the artistic image in literature, is nothing more than a visual-figurative reproduction. real life. However, here it is necessary to understand that the author's task is not just to reproduce, "duplicate" life, his vocation is to speculate, supplement it in accordance with artistic laws.

Artistic creation from scientific activity distinguishes the author's, deeply subjective character. That is why in every role, in every stanza and in every picture there is an imprint of the artist's personality. Unlike science, art is unthinkable without fiction and imagination. Despite this, it is often art that is able to reproduce reality much more adequately than academic scientific methods.

An indispensable condition for the development of art is the freedom of creativity, in other words, the ability to model actual situations of life and experiment with them, without looking back at the accepted framework of the prevailing ideas about the world or generally accepted scientific doctrines. In this sense, the genre of science fiction is especially relevant, putting forward models of reality that are very different from reality. Some science fiction writers of the past, such as Karel Capek (1890-1938) and Jules Verne (1828-1905), managed to predict the emergence of many modern achievements. Finally, when science considers a human phenomenon in many ways (social behavior, language, psyche), its artistic image is an indissoluble integrity. Art shows a person as a holistic variety of various characteristics.

It's safe to say that the main task artist is to create an artistic image, examples of the best of them replenish the treasury from time to time cultural heritage civilization, having a huge impact on our consciousness.

Artistic image in architecture

First of all, it is the architectural "face" of any particular building, whether it be a museum, a theater, an office building, a school, a bridge, a temple, a square, a residential building or an institution of a different kind.

An indispensable condition for the artistic image of any building is impressionability and emotionality. One of the tasks of architecture in the sense of art is to create an impression, a certain emotional mood. The building can be alienated from the outside world and closed, gloomy and harsh; and vice versa - be optimistic, light, bright and attractive. architectural features affect our performance and mood, instill a feeling of elation; in opposite cases, the artistic image of the building can act depressingly.

in an artistic way name any phenomenon creatively recreated in a work of art. An artistic image is an image created by the author in order to fully reveal the described phenomenon of reality. Unlike literature and cinema, art cannot convey movement and development in time, but this has its own strength. In the immobility of the pictorial image lies a huge power, which makes it possible to see, experience and understand exactly what in life rushes by without stopping, only fleetingly and fragmentarily touching our consciousness. An artistic image is created on the basis of means: image, sound, language environment, or a combination of several. In x. O. a specific subject of art is mastered and processed by the creative imagination, imagination, talent and skill of the artist - life in all its aesthetic diversity and richness, in its harmonic integrity and dramatic collisions. X. o. is an inseparable, interpenetrating unity of objective and subjective, logical and sensual, rational and emotional, mediated and immediate, abstract and concrete, general and individual, necessary and accidental, internal (regular) and external, whole and part, essence and phenomenon, content and forms. Thanks to the fusion of these opposite sides in the course of the creative process into a single, integral, living image of art, the artist gets the opportunity to achieve a bright, emotionally rich, poetically penetrating and at the same time deeply spiritualized, dramatically intense reproduction of a person’s life, his activity and struggle, joys and defeats. , searches and hopes. On the basis of this fusion, embodied with the help of art-specific material resources(word, rhythm, sound intonation, drawing, color, light and shadow, linear relationships, plasticity, proportionality, scale, mise-en-scene, facial expressions, film editing, close-up, angle, etc.), images-characters, images-events, images-circumstances, images-conflicts, images-details are created that express certain aesthetic ideas and feelings. It is about the system X. o. related to the ability of art to perform its specific function - to deliver a person (reader, viewer, listener) deep aesthetic pleasure, awaken in him an artist who is able to create according to the laws of beauty and bring beauty to life. Through this single aesthetic function art, through the system X. o. his cognitive value, a powerful ideological and educational, political, moral impact on people

2)Buffoons are walking across Rus'.

In 1068, buffoons were first mentioned in the annals. The image that comes to mind is a brightly painted face, funny disproportionate clothes and the obligatory cap with bells. If you think about it, you can imagine next to a buffoon some musical instrument, like a balalaika or a harp, there is still not enough bear on the chain. However, such an idea is quite justified, because back in the fourteenth century, a monk-scribe from Novgorod depicted buffoons in the margins of his manuscript. True buffoons in Rus' were known and loved in many cities - Suzdal, Vladimir, the Moscow principality, throughout Kievan Rus. The buffoons danced beautifully, provoking the people, excellently played the bagpipes, psaltery, banged on wooden spoons and tambourines, blew horns. The people called buffoons "merry fellows", composed stories, proverbs and fairy tales about them. However, despite the fact that the people were friendly to buffoons, the more noble strata of the population - princes, clergy and boyars, did not tolerate cheerful scoffers. This was due precisely to the fact that the buffoons ridiculed them with pleasure, translating the most unseemly deeds of the nobility into songs and jokes and exposing common people for ridicule. Buffoon art developed rapidly and soon buffoons not only danced and sang, but also became actors, acrobats, jugglers. Buffoons began to perform with trained animals, arrange puppet shows. However, the more the buffoons ridiculed the princes and deacons, the more the persecution of this art intensified. Novgorod buffoons began to be oppressed throughout the country, some of them were buried in remote places near Novgorod, someone left for Siberia. A buffoon is not just a buffoon or a clown, he is a person who understood social problems, and in his songs and jokes ridiculed human vices. For this, by the way, persecution began on buffoons in the era late medieval. The laws of that time prescribed buffoons to be beaten to death immediately upon meeting, and they could not pay off the execution. Gradually, all the buffoons in Rus' bred out, and instead of them, wandering jesters from other countries appeared. English buffoons were called vagants, German buffoons were called spielmans, and French buffoons were called jongers. The art of wandering musicians in Rus' has changed a lot, but inventions such as puppet show, jugglers and trained animals remained. In the same way as immortal ditties and epic tales remained, which were composed by buffoons

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