To organize concerts you need to swear. How to open a business selling tickets for cultural and entertainment events


When starting your own business, the first question that arises is how profitable the chosen direction is. This criterion is fundamental in the development of a certain market niche.

Naturally, no one can guarantee the success of the event, but it is still possible to draw up an approximate picture.

Is it worth it to open such a business?

A person who decides to organize his own car wash, regardless of the reasons that prompted him to do so (an old dream, a desire to invest, a combination of circumstances, etc.), is definitely acting farsightedly. A car wash is a stable, sustainable and quite profitable business that absolutely anyone can start, even with no experience in entrepreneurial activity.

High profitability is explained by the fact that this type of service is used at any time of the year, although it is widely believed that the peak of attendance falls on the autumn-winter period. In the summer, of course, car washes are visited less often, but everyone visits. This is especially true for owners of more expensive cars, as well as those who wish to do, for example, a comprehensive interior cleaning.

Where to begin?

Any business, and this applies not only to a car wash, should begin with writing a competent business plan that will cover all aspects of entrepreneurial activity: overall strategy, marketing, initial capital, sources of financing, payback, etc. It is necessary to calculate the costs expected income and profitability of the enterprise. Evaluate the possible prospects for the development of this commercial project. Before drawing up a business plan, you should also study the current economic situation in the car wash market in your city.

The financial and settlement section of the business plan depends on the location of the car wash and includes the following items:

  • construction;
  • paperwork;
  • land lease costs;
  • costs for necessary materials and technical equipment;
  • repair costs;
  • equipment operation.

All of these points need to be carefully considered. After drawing up a business plan, you need to decide on the form of doing business. You can simply get the status of an individual entrepreneur, or you can register a legal entity (for example, LLC). The registration process is as follows:

  • formation of a package of documents (application of the established form, passport, TIN, etc.);
  • payment of state duty;
  • handling all documents to the registration authority;
  • obtaining permits after some time.

In addition to registering with the tax service, you must:

  • obtain permission from local authorities to open a car wash;
  • contact a design organization to develop a car wash project. The project must comply with the current sanitary and epidemiological, architectural, fire and environmental standards;
  • obtain permission from the architecture committee, sanitary and epidemiological station, fire protection, labor protection and security department environment for the provision of car washing services;
  • obtain an act for permanent or temporary use of land. Only after receiving such a document, a construction order is issued.

Evaluation of competitors

The competitive environment of a company is a set of subjects and factors of the market that affects the relationship between the seller and the consumer of the service. The main competitors of any organization are considered to be the most successfully functioning firms in a particular niche.

Every major city has a large number of enterprises providing vehicle washing services. An important, but not the most important role is played by the location of sinks.

You can increase the competitiveness of your car wash only by providing services High Quality using modern equipment, as well as offering reasonable prices.

To develop this market segment, it is necessary to develop a competent marketing, advertising and management policy of the enterprise. The main competitors of the opening car wash will be the most successful companies on the market that provide services for manual car washing. As for the location, it is better to open in an area where there are no large and well-established organizations.

Choosing a suitable room

The rate of return on costs and the profitability of a commercial project directly depends on the location of the facility. As for car washes, they are best located on the sides of major city roads and along busy highways. Many car washes are located at the entrances to locality, as well as at border and customs posts.

However, opening near a major transport hub or interchange may not be the best idea - customers simply refuse to maneuver between the abundance of scurrying cars. As practice shows, it is most profitable to open car washes close to gas stations, car parks and service stations.

If there is not enough money to build your own building, you can rent a suitable room. In addition, the procedure for processing documents will be simplified (for example, it will not be necessary to obtain a permit for the construction of a new facility). When choosing a room for a car wash, you need to take into account that part of the area will be occupied by the storage of consumables and equipment.

Types of sinks

There are two types of automatic car washes: tunnel and portal. In the first case, the car is on a conveyor belt and moves relative to the washing device. The portal car wash has a U-shape and three large brushes - one horizontal and two vertical. The car is in one place, and the brushes move relative to it. Both types of systems allow contactless washing, i.e., exclude the impact of alkaline compounds and are based on the elimination of contaminants using strong water pressure.

Portal car washes fit well into small spaces, as such a system is a single module equipped with brushes that can be adjusted to any type of body.

The whole washing process is fully automated, respectively, the portal car wash has a greater throughput than a manual one.

Many car owners prefer manual car washes to automatic ones, as they are afraid that the equipment during the washing process can scratch the car body. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the equipment and timely replace or repair the failed unit. Automatic car wash must be equipped with a prewash system.

Portal sinks have a lot of advantages:

  • do not take up much space;
  • suitable for all types of machines;
  • have high productivity - up to 12 machines per hour;
  • do not require large investments in training;
  • effectively cope with the assigned tasks.

In addition to brush portal sinks, there are also non-contact type systems. As for tunnel car washes, their optimal size is about 35 meters long. Smaller parameters will negatively affect the quality of services provided. The washing process is as follows: the machine is fixed on a special conveyor belt and moves forward, bypassing all the devices on the line. Such washes are the most economical in terms of time: when the car moves forward a few meters, you can start the next car.

A good tunnel car wash is absolutely safe for the car body. Negative reviews about such a system in most cases are caused by outdated equipment and the unwillingness of service owners to service it in a timely manner. The consequence of such a negligent attitude may be damage to the paintwork of the machine. To date, modern tunnel sinks are a complex of new technologies, where obsolete materials are replaced by soft polyethylene foam and safe textile materials.

Connect to all necessary networks, required permissions

Car washes by type of construction are capital and prefabricated. Capital are an industrial building erected on a reliable concrete foundation. Engineering communications are brought to the object: electricity, water supply, heating, drainage system. Such washes are usually built in conjunction with a car service, tire fitting, cafes, etc.

The opening of a stationary car wash requires coordination with the department of architecture and urban planning in the local administration. When developing a project, it is necessary to calculate the technical indicators of electricity and water consumption, as well as plan a water treatment system, fire safety. To agree on the location of the sink, you must submit:

  • lease agreement or certificate of registration of ownership of the land;
  • certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • certificate of tax registration;
  • a sketch of a sink project that includes visualization, technical description, the cost of the object, etc.

Recruitment, equipment purchase

After solving all bureaucratic issues, it is necessary to deal with the formation of personnel. The following requirements can be presented to future employees:

  • availability of knowledge about car washes (determined by the specifics of the object);
  • responsibility;
  • sociability and friendliness - to increase the client base.

As for the work schedule, ideally plan around the clock. For stationary washing, you need to hire several washers (five or six) and one foreman. Higher education is not prerequisite, so you can safely hire students. Salary can be proportional to the amount of work performed, and to increase motivation, you can enter financial incentive workers. The branded equipment of employees with the service logo favorably affects the image of the car wash.

Advertising your business

If you want eight to ten cars in front of your car wash at all times, you need to think carefully about your advertising campaign. To save your business, you need to constantly look for new ways to expand your customer base. The car wash business does not allow for any guess work, so a vague marketing strategy or lack of it will result in money being wasted.

Ideally, it is better to seek help from a professional advertising agency. Most of the money will go to signs, billboards, business cards and booklets. It will be useful to place advertisements in the network, newspapers, on radio and television.

How to open a successful service - in the following video:

Opening cost

To calculate the cost of a car wash, you must first calculate the cost of rent (this cost item depends on the location) and the cost of equipment. From the equipment you will need:

  • high-pressure apparatus with heated water (from 120,000 rubles to 200,000 rubles);
  • high pressure water dispenser workplace(from 33,000 rubles to 85,000 rubles);
  • compressor (from 15,000 rubles to 18,000 rubles);
  • professional washing vacuum cleaner or vacuum cleaner (from 26,000 rubles to 36,000 rubles);
  • used water purification system (from 250,000 rubles to 400,000 rubles).

Most owners of car washes prefer imported equipment. Most quoted are German, Italian and Danish equipment. Of the domestic equipment, the systems of technical treatment of used water are the most common.

Of the consumables you will need: car shampoos, polishing and dry cleaning compounds, cleaning products for rims, engines and bumpers. All this takes about 18,000-20,000 rubles a month (provided that the car wash serves forty cars every day).

Approximate calculation of income and payback period

As an example, four separate non-garage car washes can be cited. The car wash will serve 200-300 cars daily. The average check amount is about 300 rubles. The remaining income items come from the proceeds from the cafe and tire shop. Thus, the monthly turnover of the complex will be about three million rubles.

Of the costs, the most will have to be spent on salaries of employees, taxes and purchase Supplies. A large turnover does not allow applying the simplified taxation system, which means that it will be necessary to report under the regular system. Monthly, up to one million rubles can go to the salaries of employees and taxes. It turns out that the net profit will be one or two million. The payback period for such indicators will be approximately two years. The given calculation, of course, is approximate, since the activity of the service depends on the season.

The car wash is a service industry that provides its owners and employees with a constant and stable income. However, to ensure high profits, you must:

  • establish direct contacts with wholesale suppliers of detergent components,
  • create a marketing system
  • and use the latest high-tech equipment.

These and other subtleties of the business should be reflected in the project plan for opening a car wash.

The car wash is ideal business solution for people who do not have special knowledge, but who want to start their own profitable business.

How to write a detailed car wash business plan

Business practice requires starting your business only after drawing up a detailed business plan, which takes into account all the nuances, provides approximate calculations of capital investments and the payback period. When drawing up a car wash project, we will proceed from the fact that you are starting your business from scratch and you do not have your own premises.

In order to properly and effectively plan your future business Without "overestimating" the volume of initial investments, attention should be paid to a number of key issues related to the project.

An analysis of the car services market shows that this business is the least developed in our country.

There are great potentials not only for the development of their own business, but also for its partial monopolization. The ever-increasing number of cars is a signal of an increasing demand for car wash services.

Although the business is subject to seasonal factors (winter and summer are not seasonal times for car washes), in spring and autumn, large queues at car washes are considered a common occurrence, which also confirms the need for the service.

There are sinks on the market portal and tunnel type, however, are more popular with motorists manual car washes.

The manifestation of creativity and perseverance, coupled with a serious attitude to business, will allow the owner to provide additional services on the basis of a car wash, such as:

  • washing separate parts car,
  • interior cleaning and chemical treatment,
  • engine cleaning,
  • body polishing.

In the future, you can expand your business by opening a small shop selling accessories and fragrances, or a cafe where customers will wait in line.

Optimal location and choice of location

When choosing a room, you should pay attention to the following key factors:

  • Accessibility for cars.

The wider the space for entering the car wash, the greater its throughput, and as a result, the greater the number of serviced cars.

  • Liveliness of the track.

Opening a car wash in the center will be a risky move, as there is a very dense cluster of cars. It is not cost-effective to locate a sink on the outskirts.

When choosing a room, you should focus on average road traffic.

Very good places at the entrance to the city. This is justified by the fact that incoming vehicles mainly do long haul. The cars are dirty and the owners often decide to wash them before entering the city.

  • Drainage of sewage.

The ideal option would be drain into the central water supply, so you need to pay attention to the availability of this feature.

  • The presence of a canopy or hangar.

The walls of the room must be protected from moisture and provided with thermal insulation. Having good lighting will allow you to work even at night.

  • Developed infrastructure of services for motorists.

Nearby there should be an auto repair shop or an auto parts store. It is also important to have parking lots adjacent to the washing area.

If you listen to these recommendations when choosing a room or land for a car wash, then you will be able to organize a large flow of customers in a short period of time.

Another equally important point is the money issue and the honesty of the landlord. When drawing up a lease, try to conclude a contract at the lowest price and for the longest possible period.

Minimum for a sink, which consists of two posts, 90 sq.m. area.

This will be the work area of ​​the staff with the calculation of the client's waiting area. For the full functioning of the car wash, taking into account the queue and future expansions, it is necessary to rent a room area of ​​150-200 sq.m.

It is difficult to determine the exact rental price for a universal project, as prices depend on the region in which you are located. For example, we took the prices for renting such premises in Moscow - 400 rubles per 1 sq. m. There may be additional costs for repairs, water supply and laying of waste channels.

Washing equipment

You will not need a lot of equipment for the sink itself. However, to provide comprehensive and quality services, it is necessary to focus on the purchase of high-tech and professional equipment that can withstand heavy loads and work without failures and interruptions:

  • To wash the bodies, you will need a water blower that increases the water pressure.
  • To dry the surface of the car from moisture, you can use special rags that absorb moisture as much as possible.
  • For washing and dry cleaning of the interior, a vacuum cleaner with nozzles, various brushes, and chemicals are required.
  • A supply of polish and materials necessary for polishing will come in handy if your client asks to polish the body in addition.
  • Buying a diesel water heater will allow you to work in the winter.


Speed ​​and quality of service customers at hand car washes will ensure a constant flow of cars.

Certainly very important professional attitude workers to their work. However, when hiring employees, you should focus not only on their knowledge of the design of the car and the ability to repair breakdowns. Such skills should be encouraged, but by no means required, from potential candidates.

For fast and quality cleaning one car enough staff from two employees.

Taking into account the fact that the sink will work around the clock, it is necessary to organize the work of personnel in three shifts. Recruitment of a staff of 6 employees who will replace each other during the day will be the most effective in terms of workload and pay. In such a case:

  • staff fatigue is reduced
  • increases the speed of work
  • and ensuring the continuity of your business.

The starting salary for these employees will be set at the level of 20,000 rubles. Bonuses will become an effective tool for stimulating them, for Good work, which can be entered after your initial investment has paid off. This approach will constantly motivate your employees to do a good job and increase the flow of customers.

In addition to the attendants, you can also hire a cashier-operator who will accept payments and issue checks. When working around the clock, you should hire 2 cashiers who will work every other day. The work of the cashier is financially responsible, in connection with this, their salary can be set at the level of 30,000 rubles.

Consumables and utilities

Another important item of expenditure is utilities.

  • Electricity.

When placing 20 incandescent bulbs that will work indoors throughout the day, the consumption for light will be: 20 bulbs * 0.1 kW * 24 hours * 3.82 rubles. = 183.36 rubles per day.

  • Water supply (cold water).

It is necessary to ensure the constant availability of water, which can only be achieved if the payment for the service is correct. On average, 25 cubic meters of water are consumed daily for a sink from 2 posts: 25 m 3 * 45 r. = 1 125 rubles. in a day.

  • Sewerage at the rate of 50 m 3 per day * 8r. =400 r.
  • Heating consumption per month will be about 5,000 rubles. On the day, expenses will amount to 166 rubles.

In total, the cost of utilities in one working day will amount to 1,874.36 rubles.

Key article variable costs are:

  • car shampoos,
  • wax polishes
  • and means for chemical processing of salon.
  • a periodic change of rags for cars is also necessary.

In order to provide yourself with permanent and reliable consumables, you should turn to services of wholesalers auto chemicals and detergents.

Consumption of car shampoo is an average of 40 gr. by car. Based on this indicator, for 1 car 0.04 * 88 rubles / liter = 3.52 rubles. the cost of detergent for the car body. The consumption of other materials is more difficult to calculate.

In the business plan, we will calculate as an expense for other materials 30% off total cost Supplies for car wash.

Advertising and business expansion

You can come up with and implement hundreds of brilliant ideas, organize the supply of the best consumables and purchase the most expensive and high-quality equipment, however, in the absence of customers, all your investment will slowly pay off. This is not good for business.

To quickly promote your car wash, you need to plan a marketing plan to enter the market:

  • The use of advertising in the media can be a decisive factor in the development of your business. Turning to services professional designers, by designing advertising on your car wash, you will be able to bring originality to your business that will be engraved in the memory of your client. The next time, choosing a sink, he will most likely turn to you.

In this regard, in long-term planning, it is necessary first of all to strive to provide customers with the entire list of services that are available on the market.

An example of a financial plan for a car wash with calculations for renting a room

Profit and loss forecast is the basis of the entire business plan. Your entire business will be based on this forecast, and you will “dance” from it.

Expenditure part

  1. Premises renovation 400 000 rubles

Initial investment for the arrangement of boxes and premises:

  • Water supply and drainage - 180,000 rubles;
  • Territory arrangement - 100,000 rubles;
  • Insulation and repair of the premises - 120,000 rubles;
  1. Equipment - 520 000 rubles.
  • The cost of the entire list of equipment for 2 posts is 480,000 rubles.
  • Installation and debugging of equipment - 40,000 r
  1. Document preparation ( tax office and utilities) - 180,000 rubles.

Total non-recurring capital investment- 1,100,000 rubles.

Variable costs will depend on the flow of cars and the number of service personnel. There are other monthly expenses to consider as well.

  1. Room rental - 400 rubles. *200 = 80,000 rubles per month. Prepayment for 12 months of work will be 960,000 rubles.
  2. The salary of working personnel is 210,000 rubles. per month
  • 20,000 rubles * 6 people service personnel = 120,000 rubles.
  • 30,000 rubles * 2 cashier-accountants = 60,000 rubles.
  1. Consumables - 8 547 rubles. per month.
  • Body wash at the rate of servicing 60 cars through both posts 3.52 rubles * 60 * 31 days = 6,547.20 rubles.
  • Additional services - 6 547.20 rubles. *30% = approximately 2,000 rubles.
  1. Utilities - 1,874.36 rubles * 31 days \u003d 58,105.16 rubles.

Total monthly expenses in the amount of 356 653 rubles.

Cost items for starting a business, taking into account the annual rental payment, will be 2336653 r. taking into account the payment of other monthly expenses for the first month of work.

Revenue part

In practice, one post in a standard traffic flow serves up to 30 vehicles per day. Your average bill will be 400 rubles per car.

Guided by the principle accounting for income at a minimum and expenses at a maximum, we will not take into account the revenue from such services as interior cleaning, polishing and engine cleaning, which will allow us to calculate the payback of the project at critically low sales rates.

  • The flow of cars - 60 cars * 31 days = 1,860 cars per month.
  • Monthly revenue - 1,860 m * 400 rubles = 744,000 rubles. per month.

Considering the maximum expenses per month, which amount to 356,653 rubles, the operating profit of the working month will be 387,347 rubles. The net profit of the ambassadors of paying taxes will vary at the level of 250,000 rubles. — 300000 r. depending on your region.

As can be seen from the business plan that was drawn up, opening a car wash requires a rather large capital investment to start. However, the profit potential that you can get after the implementation of the entire range of car wash services will allow you to recoup your investment within the first 6 months of operation.

There are countries where a car can drive clean for weeks, even if the streets are slushy. But we can't do that. This means that in Russia the conditions for the car wash business are nowhere better.

For those who are thinking about opening "their own business" in one or another near-automotive service sector, washing is one of the most obvious ways to earn money. It would seem that this is a simple matter, and there will always be demand.

To an ignorant motorist, it may seem that the car washes employ the most unskilled personnel among all automotive services, and the business is run by entrepreneurs without much ambition and talent. In itself, this activity is not very inspiring: it is somewhat similar to the work of a shoe shiner. It is all the more surprising that in this area there are developed online communities of entrepreneurs, where participants lively discuss every nuance of the construction and equipment of car washes, the use of various auto chemicals, polishing technologies, and the like. There are even organizations providing consulting (!) services in the field of car wash management. They are ready to help organize personnel, expand the range of services, and, most importantly, they can put control and accounting on a professional footing. Moreover, consultants offer their services to small businesses - car washes with three boxes or more.

Needless to say, most owners of business school car washes never graduated, but they don’t spend money on consultants either, preferring to fill their own bumps, “optimize” taxation, or even put their business on an illegal track, using car washes as a cover for cashing out " black cash."

In Breaking Bad, the laundry business is portrayed as a classic "money laundromat". Legend has it that in the 20s of the last century, American mafiosi bought laundries through which it was easy to legalize "black cash". Any car wash, like a laundry, generates a constant stream of incoming cash, which is not very controlled by the inspection authorities. It is quite difficult to find out what part of the money in the cash register was actually paid by customers for actually rendered services, and what amounts were deposited into the cash desk from fictitious customers for the sole purpose of cashing out money. However, the creators of the series consistently prove to us that this is not an example to follow. And how much can you earn if you go the legal way? First you need to decide how much you need to invest ...

The architecture of purity

Lurid multi-colored structures made of sandwich panels have become a recognizable feature of the architecture of Russian cities. From an aesthetic point of view, these buildings can decorate only the most gloomy slums of the city outskirts. But such easily erected metal structures that do not require a foundation are an extremely cheap type of real estate that does not belong to the category capital construction. The last one is a very important point. The issues of coordinating the construction of a capital building can put an end to the entire project.

Another advantage of the modular design is that the building can be gradually expanded (for example, add a second floor, in which you can open a cafe or a spare parts store). In addition, the modular sink, if necessary, can be disassembled and reassembled at a new location. In any case, a miniature building, designed for one washing post, is quite ready for moving.

There are several companies in Russia offering already finished projects from a penny structure the size of a garage and costing from 700,000 rubles. to a multifunctional three-story complex with total area 650 sq.m., which houses eight washing posts, a tire fitting point, a shop and a cafe. Such a design will cost about 10,000,000 - 15,000,000 rubles.

The most rational option for those who understand at least something in construction is to build it yourself. That is, do not resort to the help of the organization, but hire employees on your own, purchase the necessary materials and sketch out a simple project.

God knows what kind of money - comparable to the price of "odnushki" in the province. However, one must understand that so far it has only been about the cost of the structure and equipment itself, but it is clear that the amount of investment grows several times if the cost of land is also included here (and land in advantageous places within the city is already a matter of large investments). For a novice entrepreneur, it is much more logical to look for a ready-made car wash for rent. Here, of course, as you're lucky, but it's not such a rarity. During the preparation of this material, we talked to an entrepreneur who has been creating car washes in rented premises for several years and succeeds in this. A decent-looking building with an area of ​​270 sq. m, in which three "wet" and three "dry" posts are organized, costs him 150,000 rubles. per month (in central Russia).
So, suppose you received the necessary premises and equipment. How it works?

internal kitchen

The main item of expenditure after the lease (or construction) of the premises is wages. A car wash in a good, walk-through place should ideally work around the clock, which means that the owner must introduce a shift schedule and flexibly vary the workload of staff depending on the flow of customers. As a rule, 20-40% of the revenue goes to pay for the labor of washers, but in a good way, downtime must also be paid (about 400-500 rubles per day). The remuneration of the administrator can be considered differently. If the car wash relies on a wide range of additional services(dry cleaning, polishing, treatment of the body with protective compounds, etc.), then it is necessary to do so that it would be beneficial for the administrator to interest the client in these types of work. Here it is logical to introduce several wage rates, depending on the average check for the month.

Expenses for water, electricity, gas (heating) are directly proportional to the number of posts and amount to about five to eight thousand rubles per month per one post. But we must not forget that all equipment - even if it is quite simple at the sink - requires maintenance and periodic repairs. Hoses wear out, gate cables break, vacuum cleaners fail. Based on one post, it turns out a little - about 500 rubles a month.

Conflict situations

One of the unpredictable expense items and the eternal source of headache for the car wash owner is conflict situations with clients. It is not so often that a car is damaged in the process of removing dirt from the body, but disputes can arise due to the fact that the owner did not see minor recent damage on a dirty car, but immediately after washing pays attention to them. First of all, he, of course, makes claims to the washer and administrator. All owners of car washes take advantage of the fact that most customers have little idea how to defend their case in court, and, therefore, entrepreneurs are extremely reluctant to compensate for the damage voluntarily. Not to mention the fact that among the clients there are those who are not alien to consumer extremism (on the basis of which they demand unreasonable compensation). However, if the fault of the wash is really obvious, then it would be most honest for the entrepreneur to agree with the claims and give the client a receipt that you agree to compensate for the damage caused (damage calculation is a separate issue; if there is disagreement, then the client must defend his case himself, involving independent experts). If an agreement cannot be reached, then many months cannot be avoided. judicial trial. And then there is the question of for whom this procedure will be more difficult and burdensome - for the client or for the entrepreneur.

Finally, more or less noticeable amounts will be "dissolved" in consumables of various kinds. Here the spread can be quite large, depending on the quality of the services offered. According to car wash employees, most organizations buy the cheapest products: for example, a concentrate worth 750 rubles can be used for interior dry cleaning (including leather). for 10 liters, which is diluted with water. Serious car washes do not do this by buying specialized products, but this is a completely different price level. For the same 750 rubles you get a bottle with a capacity of 0.5 liters, and this is not a concentrate, but a ready-made composition. As a result, at a “no-claims” car wash, the cost of consumables per month will fit into 10,000 rubles, while at a pretentious “detailing center” they are five times more. How these mysterious "detailing centers" differ from ordinary car washes will be discussed below.

Debit and credit

If a novice entrepreneur opened a car wash in an inappropriate place, or the place is not bad, but the premises are not suitable, then such a businessman can only sympathize: quickly moving to a better place or expanding the area is quite problematic. But some things can be changed right on the fly, giving your sink a new impetus for development.

Pessimistic scenario

Input data:

Services - washing only (three wet posts and three dry posts)
Premises - for rent
Number of cars during the day (from 9:00 to 21:00 three cars per hour) - 30
Number of cars at night (from 21:00 to 09:00 at 0.5 cars per hour) - 4
Permeability - 1054 vehicles per month
Average check - 350 rubles.

Nanotechnology in the hands of the washer

In recent years, there has been a new boom in the field of car washes - "high technology" and all that. Businessmen are always looking to splurge on customers and come up with new services, but this is a whole new phenomenon in the "wash" culture. His name is "detailing".

Abroad, there have long been extra-class masters involved in caring for appearance supercars and other rare vehicles. They elevate the art of body cleaning and polishing, leather and plastic care, and so on to unattainable heights. And now, ordinary Russian car washes also began to adopt a wide range of the most diverse elite car chemicals, which have gone far from the standard "shampoo for contactless washing."

It’s not enough for fans of detailing that their cars just look clean. If the car looks like it was just bought at a dealership, that's another matter, but it's even better if it gives the impression of an exhibit of an international car show. And this means that all the little things in the engine compartment should shine perfectly, not to mention the interior and paintwork. All cracks around nameplates, moldings and emblems are cleaned, and each wheel is removed and thoroughly washed.

Of course, such an “elite” car wash is designed for a certain category of people who admire brake calipers and leather stitching in the cabin as works of art. And the cost of such a service is quite high - from 1500 rubles. And this is just the beginning. Real fans regularly undergo expensive body polishing, dry cleaning of the interior and disks, ceramic nano-coating on the body, and much more. But there are progressive types of washing designed for less refined customers.

Of course, it is difficult for a car wash administrator to convince a casual client to become an inveterate "detailer". But to persuade him to try a premium class sink, which is only 200 rubles more expensive than a regular one, is quite realistic. Here they will explain to you that the usual shampoo, which is used for contactless washing, is actually only suitable for pre-cleaning the body. Somewhere there will be a matte coating, and some particles of dirt are literally magnetized to the body, and you can’t wash them off either. Not to mention the fact that only special compounds can give the body a deep shine and protect it, with which the car must be treated after washing. So, in any case, they explain in all "decent" washing centers. The specialist will definitely tell you that a high-quality sink must certainly be two-phase and contact. At the first stage, only partial removal of the most severe contaminants occurs, but at the second stage, the washer will stop in detail at all difficult places. If you are especially curious, they will explain to you that the second phase is carried out with the help of compounds with a high content of tensides.

This service is no longer designed for individual maniac clients, but for a broader mass of motorists who like to keep their car in perfect condition. Almost any owner of a freshly purchased device is a potential client of such a "high-purity" washer. And the representatives of the fair sex - even more so.


A startup that can understand all the intricacies of car care, recruit and train a team, find investments and build their own premises, should probably go into a more promising business than washing cars. But suppose that this person puts all his talents into the creation of a “dream car wash”, and he is lucky. How much will he earn from this?

Pessimistic scenario

Input data:

Services: washing, detailing (three wet posts and three dry posts)
Premises - own
Passage - 1550 cars per month
Number of cars during the day (from 9:00 to 21:00 three cars per hour) - 36
Number of cars at night (from 21:00 to 09:00 at 0.5 cars per hour) - 6
Average bill - 480 rubles.

So, if you own the car wash, the flow of customers is decent, and the average check is optimistic, then a small business turns into quite a good income, from which a cafe, a service station or even a network of similar enterprises can gradually grow. However, all motorists are well aware of the state of most car washes and the quality of their services. No matter how often our fellow citizens have to wash cars, the washing business cannot be called the simplest and most profitable.

Want to start your own business and don't know where to start? A car wash is what you need. In this article, you will find an approximate business plan for opening a car wash from scratch with some calculations and financial calculations.


This car wash business plan is a project for organizing a car wash (hereinafter referred to as the Car Wash) with a payback of two years.

Project goals:

  1. Creation of a highly profitable enterprise
  2. Getting a stable profit
  3. Saturation of the consumer market with car washing services

Project funding source: own funds, or a bank loan at 23% per annum

Total cost of the project: 3,500,000 rubles

Payback period: 2 years

Payments of loan funds and interest on the loan will begin from the first month of the project implementation

Stages of implementing a car wash business plan

The start of the project implementation is from the moment the business plan is approved by the Customer, or from the moment the borrowed funds are received. The stages of the project implementation and the timing of their implementation are presented in Table No. 1

Implementation stagesDeadlines
conclusion of an investment agreement1-30 days
obtaining credit funds1-30 days
business registration, registration with the relevant authorities1 month
choosing a location, obtaining the necessary permits1 month
purchase and installation of equipment1 month
selection and training of personnel1 month
conducting a marketing campaign1-24 month

General characteristics of the project

The main purpose of a car wash is chemical washing of cars and interior cleaning. The target audience of consumers of car wash services is the owners of individual, official, municipal, passenger vehicles.

In recent years, car owners prefer to purchase expensive cars, which, as before, you can’t just wash with a bucket and a rag. Their maintenance requires washing at a professional car wash, where the work is carried out by qualified workers who are responsible for their actions.

It was the demand for special equipment that allowed the first high-pressure washers developed by Karcher to appear in due time. However, other, more advanced technologies have now appeared that allow you to wash a car without touching it at all. It's about about contactless automatic car wash. And most importantly, car owners are willing to pay for the provision of services in a more technological way, which means that the quality of improving car wash services can and should be constantly improved.

The main services at most car washes have not changed for several decades, these are:

  • car wash outside
  • Body polishing
  • Washing the engine compartment
  • Dry and wet car interior cleaning

As a rule, a car wash is located indoors (to provide year-round services), with the number of washing boxes from 2 to 5. The most problematic stage of opening a car wash is obtaining the necessary permits and documents. Usually, the whole process of finding a suitable place for a car wash with the availability of the necessary engineering networks nearby and setting up a business takes about six months. During this time, it is necessary to obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor, fire inspection, environmental supervision services, territorial administration the area in which the establishment will be located.

Particularly stringent requirements are imposed on the Car Wash by the environmental service. Under current law, car washes cannot be located closer than 70 meters (in fact, this distance is at least 100 meters) to the nearest residential buildings. In addition, they require the installation of an expensive special closed system drain and water purification. Draining into an ordinary storm sewer is strictly prohibited, because traces of fuel and lubricants remain in the water after washing the car. Water recycling requires digging a hole with a volume of at least 6 cubic meters.

There is an option to conclude a contract for the maintenance and treatment of wastewater with the city water utility, but the amount will also be rather big. In addition, you will need an agreement with the relevant service for cleaning the cleaning system from sludge (dirt), which is carried out at least once every 2 weeks.

In fact, the situation is that in most car washes (estimated at about 80% of the total), the requirement to install closed-loop cleaning systems is simply neglected, preferring to pay a fine, or by installing dummies of such systems, rather than after installing a real cleaning system every 2-3 months to spend extra money on its maintenance.

As an object type Car wash can be of several types:

  • Using manual and automated labor
  • Tunnel (the car moves along the conveyor with the equipment installed on it) and portal ((the car stands still, the equipment moves around)
  • Stationary or mobile

The owner of the establishment chooses the most optimal type of car wash for himself, drawing up a car wash business plan with calculations. Variant with minimum investment is a manual car wash that requires an investment of approximately $5,000 to $7,000. However, given the quick payback of this business, this is considered a relatively small investment. It is possible that in the absence of the required funds, a business plan for opening a car wash will have to be submitted to the bank in order to obtain a loan, so all the “little things” must be provided for.

The most convenient option for the client is a mobile car wash, working on call. As a rule, such car washes are called by the owners of motor transport enterprises in order not to “drive” the entire fleet to the car wash. If it is convenient for the car owner, then it is very profitable for the owner, because such services require the conclusion of a fixed-term contract for the provision of car washing services, and this is a very solid profit.

According to experts, the main types of car washes that bring their owner a stable profit are:

  1. Car washes with a minimum “set” of offered services and high daily throughput. Such washes are most beneficial on busy sections of roads, and are used mainly by drivers who value their time. Quick car service (maximum 15 minutes) improves productivity. Equipment for such a car wash needs only automatic equipment, capable of serving up to 50 cars in 1 hour. Manual labor is reduced to a minimum, and consequently, wage costs are also reduced.
  2. The second type is the reverse. This is a car wash with a wide range of services and first-class service that requires a lot of time. Such car washes are designed for people who are ready to lose up to 1.5 hours in exchange for quality service. Such a range of services usually includes washing the engine compartment, dry cleaning of the car interior, polishing the exterior and interior of the car, blackening tires, etc.
    Often, cosmetic pre-sale preparation is carried out at such car washes. Such car washes require only the use of manual labor. Low productivity is compensated by ordering several services, and at the expense of customers spending time waiting for their car. In order to make a profit in the waiting and rest rooms, the owners of car washes install coffee machines, open cafes, small shops, etc., which often bring up to 40% of all revenue.

One of the most important factors that affect the successful operation of the Car Wash, its location is considered. The immediate proximity of car shops, car services, service stations, gas stations, or motor transport enterprises, as the practice of working car washes shows, are the most advantageous places. Another location option is near hypermarkets, near which a huge number of cars gather on Saturday-Sunday, or during peak hours on weekdays. Another important point when choosing a place for a car wash is a good entrance to the building. The best option is different entry and exit to “unload” the flow of cars.

Some experts working in the field of this service market give the following distribution of categories of car washes:

  1. According to the classification of cars (cars, jeeps, minibuses, trucks)
  2. Type installed equipment(brush, non-contact, combined)
  3. By throughput (with low productivity - from 30 to 50 cars per hour, medium - from 50 to 80 cars per hour, high - from 80 to 160, ultra-high - more than 150 cars per hour, such car washes in Russia have not yet been installed anywhere and are found US only)
  4. By the cost of equipment (economy class - from 60 thousand euros, the next category - from 95 thousand euros, and expensive ones - from 180 thousand euros)

It is more profitable to rent a car wash space by finding a building that is suitable in all respects than to build it yourself. The implementation of design work, the laying of communications, coordination in various instances, according to the most modest estimates, can lead to additional costs of at least 2.5 million rubles. In any case, when building or renting, you need to take into account that most car owners prefer to wash their car near their home or work, so as not to waste gasoline and time on the trip.

However, the option of renting a Car Wash carries the risks of refusal to renew the contract by the owner of the premises, loss regular customers and the need to start in a new place.

The construction of a building for a car wash is associated with a large amount of time required for the approval of the project by various services and the actual construction of the building. As a rule, the same company is engaged in the development of the project and construction. A list of such companies can be obtained from a company that sells car wash equipment. Usually they enter into a mutually beneficial agreement with each other.

A car wash with 4 posts will require a building with an area of ​​at least 200 square meters. meters. This figure includes utility rooms, boxes for cars, a staff rest room and a waiting room for customers, a bathroom, and a technical room for equipment. The height of the premises must be at least 4 meters. A car wash business plan should contain all the necessary calculations.

The use of metal structures and sandwich panels in the construction, in contrast to the capital construction of concrete and brick, will somewhat reduce the cost and time for the construction of the building. The final cost of construction work will also depend on the distance from the Car Wash of the necessary utilities - water supply, power lines, sewerage.

Another stage of the project implementation that requires a careful approach is the selection of personnel for the Car Wash. Working at a car wash is not prestigious and is somewhat unhealthy due to the use of chemicals in washing. Wages are piecework and depend on the number of cars serviced. Although car washing does not require special skills and knowledge, additional services such as body polishing, interior dry cleaning, etc. require a certain skill. If an inexperienced employee causes damage to the car owner, the Car Wash will not only have to compensate him, but also sacrifice some of his reputation, and therefore customers.

Many car wash owners employ girls who are inherently neater, cleaner, and more responsible than men. In addition, the pretty appearance of the workers attracts customers to the Car Wash. But, given all the negative factors listed above, the rotation of personnel at any car wash is high, you need to be prepared for this in advance.

The issue with the choice of equipment is solved by comparing the characteristics various equipment, its quality and price. The most popular in Russian car washes is Karcher equipment (its “share” is, according to some estimates, up to 65% of use). The remaining positions are shared between the Italian Comet and Ceccato, the English Carebridge, and the German WAP, Weidner, and Wesumat.

marketing plan

Natural advantages for organizing a car wash business in our country are large free land areas due to the crisis of 2014-2015. almost lost their importance with the increased cost of land. The reduction of credit banking organizations and the tightening of rules for issuing loans for the organization and development of small and medium-sized businesses, especially for start-up businessmen, also had a negative impact on business. Plus, a significant reduction in sales of new cars.

However, despite this, the demand for car wash services not only did not fall, but also slightly increased. This is partly due to the increased attention of car owners to caring for their cars - buying a new car is unrealistic for many, but everyone wants a car to look like a "5". After all, it is generally accepted that the car determines the status of its owner.

According to experts, 1 car wash in the country accounts for an average of up to 2,000 cars per month. Of course, the figures are very approximate - the incomes of various car washes vary significantly (for example, in Moscow, the demand for car washes services is much higher than throughout Russia), but they still give an approximate picture: organizing a car wash is a profitable project with a quick payback.

Table No. 2 shows the indicators of the number of personal vehicles per 1 thousand inhabitants in various regions of the country as of 01.05.2014

Cities and regions in the Russian FederationNumber of cars per 1,000 people
St. Petersburg365
Tyumen region328
Primorsky Krai334

One of the main tasks of the Car Wash is to create a permanent client base and provide services during the "off" season - in winter, when the decline in car wash services is observed by more than 2 times. As a rule, car wash owners resort to other non-car related services, such as high-pressure carpet washing. The organization of a car service next to the car wash will also help to overcome the winter period with the least losses for the business.

In summer, car wash visits also decrease - many car owners go on vacation, but the losses are compensated by ordering additional comprehensive services, which are usually not ordered in spring and autumn. As an option to overcome the stagnation in the work of the Car Wash - the introduction of a system of discounts, holding promotions, and expanding the range of services offered. A car wash business plan should contain recommendations for advertising campaigns.

  • Distribution of advertising in crowded places, in particular, vehicle owners
  • Audio advertising on car radio waves
  • Installation of advertising banners near the roads
  • Use of discount cards

Table No. 3 shows the average prices for car wash services in Russia

Production plan

According to independent experts, all equipment for car washes. Featured on Russian market about the same quality, the only difference is the price. However, Karcher's marketing strategy and the presence of a wide dealer network, which, in addition to selling, also service and repair equipment, led to its great popularity.

The main equipment for the Car Wash consists of:

  • car vacuum cleaner
  • Compressor
  • foam generator
  • High-pressure cleaner for cold water washing
  • High-pressure cleaner with water heating function
  • treatment plant

The number of equipment is determined by the number of washing posts. In addition, you will also need:

  • Various accessories for technology
  • Detergents for cars
  • Pieces of suede
  • Overalls for workers

Financial plan

The plan of the approximate volume of services for the duration of the project until the moment of full payback is presented in Table No. 4

PeriodType of serviceVolume of delivery per month (cars per day)Cost, rubProfit, rub
1- 12 monthBody wash1200 (40 per day)350 - 550 420 000
1- 12 monthBody polishing1200 (40 per day)750 - 1 500 900 000
1- 12 month450 (15 per day)350 - 550 157 500
1- 12 monthDry and wet cleaning300 (10 per day)750 - 1 500 225 000
1- 12 monthInterior chemical cleaning30 (1 per day)4 500 - 7 000 135 000
13 - 24


Body wash1200 (40 per day)400 - 600 480 000
13 - 24


Body polishing1200 (40 per day)800 - 1 550 960 000
13 - 24


Washing the engine compartment450 (15 per day)400 - 600 180 000
13 - 24


Dry and wet cleaning300 (10 per day)800 - 1 550 240 000
13 - 24


Interior chemical cleaning30 (1 per day)4 550 - 7 100 136 500


The analysis of the implementation of the Car Wash project carried out in this business plan showed that this line of business is extremely profitable and very promising. Stable demand for car wash services, a growing number of car owners makes right choice the location of the institution, the availability of the necessary investments in the project, the purchase of professional equipment, the implementation of the project is beneficial for both the business owner and the Investor. The car wash business plan is typical, but anyone can use it to organize their own business.

Every day, with every kilometer, any car is polluted to one degree or another. We are all used to seeing car washes for SUVs, minibuses and cars, however, there are sorely lacking places where you can wash a truck 20 meters long. Not every production, and even more so a grocery warehouse, will not allow a dirty car to enter its territory; such requirements for heavy vehicles are more common at warehouse food depots. If for passenger cars washing is available in almost every city, then in the case of heavy trucks, the statistics leave much to be desired.

The main consumers are truck drivers, bus drivers, and, in the future, car fleets. Since the flight can last 5 or more days (sometimes up to 2-3 weeks), drivers have to live in their cars. There they eat, sleep and live. Naturally, the cabin must be in order and cleanliness. But they don’t forget about the outside of the truck either, which is why they use the services of car washes.

The essence of the business idea is to satisfy the needs of drivers and owners of freight transport in washing heavy vehicles, tractors, buses.

Experts say that a car wash as a business is a very profitable business. And in order for it to bring real income, a number of important points should be taken into account.

It is assumed that cash will be provided by the bank, or investors, also so that the costs of starting a business are not high, a portal car wash can be leased.

Capital investments- 2740.8 thousand rubles.

Net profit- 409 thousand rubles.

Payback period- 6-7 months

Profitability of sales - 68,2%.

2. Description of the business, product or service

It is planned to start a business with one portal installation worth 2.5 million rubles. After the payback of the first installation, it is planned to install a second portal sink.

After two installations start to generate a stable income, it is planned to install a stationary car wash with the same gantry installation. It will be possible to expand the range of services, for example, to open a tire fitting, because you always need to develop.

Also open a small auto parts store for consumables, i.e., these are motor oils, filters, various liquids such as antifreeze, antifreeze, mixtures for diesel kindling, etc. Later, open a car wash for cars.

3. Description of the market

This business is just beginning to gain momentum in our country. And it develops this moment not very fast. It is not very developed in our city either.

Washing trucks as a business is not only a promising, but also a highly profitable enterprise. Profit from such activities can significantly exceed the income received from car washes for cars.

It is enough to compare the cost of the service:

  • For the owner of a car, washing the car costs 250 rubles. ( average price services).
  • The minimum cost of washing trucks varies from 1,000 to 2,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is worth actively developing this industry, it will bring considerable profit, enable truck owners to keep their trucks clean, and provide people with jobs.

In our city, according to the portal 2gis, there are 9 car washes for trucks. There are more than 45 car washes for passenger cars. These are the main competitors. Most of them are located on the outskirts of the city, i.e., in places where there is a fairly large flow of cars.

car wash place

Competitive advantage is expected to be achieved through the choice of location for the car wash and additional services. The place for a car wash is located along the Dachnoye Highway.

Because Since this site is located on the outskirts of the city, the flow of both trucks and cars is ensured, especially in spring, summer and autumn.

4. Sales and Marketing

5. Organizational structure

First you need to decide on the form of business organization. Two options are possible here: either registering as an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur), or “opening” a legal entity, such as an LLC. Each of these forms has its pros and cons, therefore, to make it easier to make a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

Both for registration as an individual entrepreneur and for opening a legal entity, state registration is required, the procedure for which is determined by the Federal Law on Registration legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. When applying to the registration authority, it is necessary to draw up an application in the prescribed form, prepare and submit constituent documents, and also pay a state duty.
The next step is to obtain permits allowing you to run a car wash business.

In particular, these are:

  • permission from the local authorities in charge of the territory where it is planned to open a car wash. To obtain it, it is necessary to submit a letter of request to the administration of the city or district for the allocation of a land plot for its construction;
  • a car wash project that is being developed by a design organization. Without fail, this project must comply with the current sanitary-epidemiological, architectural, environmental and fire regulations and be agreed with the authorities responsible for compliance with all these standards;
  • permission of the Committee of Architecture, Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, Department of Environmental Protection, Fire Protection and Labor Protection for the provision of vehicle washing services. In the absence of at least one of the conclusions listed here, the project will not be approved;
  • an act for permanent or temporary ownership of land, which is drawn up after the approval of the project. Only after receiving this document, land is allocated to you and a warrant for the construction of your facility is issued.

This is a list of the main documents that are required to open a car wash. There are no special requirements for their composition and form.

6. Financial plan

7. Risk factors

We will evaluate the possible risks of the project on a 5-point scale.


  • Probable change in legislation. Risk assessment - 1. This risk may tighten the environment for the development of the business and lower the level of profitability. Compensation is carried out at the organizational moment when the form of government, type of ownership and form of taxation are introduced.
  • War, natural disasters, cataclysms, accidents and emergencies. Risk assessment - 1. The event can objectively lead to large material losses. Property may be severely damaged or destroyed. However, this risk is regulated by the insurance service.
  • Opening in the city, with a population of 410,000, new car washes, price cuts by competitors. Risk score - 3. As we have said, demand exceeds supply, but revenues may fall slightly. This is regulated by the creation of a personal customer base, active promotions and the development of interesting offers. It is necessary to encourage the client for his right choice.
  • Seasonal decline in the number of services. Risk assessment - 5. This risk has no clear time limits. Everything depends on the weather. This risk is managed by marketing policy, promotions, reduction in the number of employees.

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