Dagestan customs and mores. Customs and traditions of the Dagestan wedding


The culture and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan are very diverse, they were formed over for long years and passed down from generation to generation. Each of these peoples has its own characteristics and differences, which give them identity. Avars - The traditional occupation for these people is cattle breeding and agriculture. Of the animals, it is preferable to breed cattle, and in the mountains - sheep. The Avars developed a highly organized structure of terraced agriculture, which in the mountains was supplemented by an irrigation system. Like the rest of the peoples of Dagestan, the Avars have been actively using home crafts since ancient times. These include weaving, embroidery, wool knitting, wood and stone carving, blacksmithing. The main occupation for centuries for the Agul people was cattle breeding. Only men were allowed to take care of the sheep. Women were engaged exclusively in cattle. The metal work was very important aspect life of the Agulians. Blacksmiths made axes, scythes, knives and sickles, which will be useful in any household. The Agulians were excellent builders. They built bridges, houses and mosques. They decorated their buildings with skillfully carved stones, the ornaments of which reflected the entire culture of the peoples of Dagestan. Andians - The religion of the Andians reflects the customs of the peoples of Dagestan, since the majority of the indigenous population are Sunni Muslims. Their main occupations were also agriculture and cattle breeding. Since ancient times, the houses of these peoples were built of stone. There were not so many two-story dwellings, one-story dwellings had a rectangular shape. Those Andians who were engaged in agriculture developed their own agricultural calendar, which helped determine the time of sowing and harvesting certain plants. Dargins are the people of Dagestan, traditionally inhabiting mountainous regions. There is no language that would unite all Dargins, there are many variations of the Dargin language. The customs and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan, as well as the Dargins separately, are closely connected with the general social and economic processes that took place in ancient period stories. They were engaged in the usual activities for the inhabitants of this territory, that is, cattle breeding, agriculture and folk crafts. The Dargins were famous for their jewelry and leather-woolen products, weapons. Women processed wool, wove cloth and rugs. Kubachins - The most common crafts have long been metalworking, construction, wood and stone carving. Women knitted, weaved, embroidered, made felt from which they made shoes. Knowledge and skill in metal processing was passed from father to son. Interesting are the folk dances of the Kubachins, which were carefully designed to perform various rituals. Laks - The central part of Nagorno-Dagestan is inhabited by another of the peoples - the Laks. Language - Lak, religion - Islam. This people has been living on the territory of Dagestan since ancient times. Their main occupation is the cultivation of wheat crops (rye, wheat, millet, legumes, barley, and more). Animal husbandry was also developed. Of the crafts, cloth-making, jewelry, pottery, stone processing, silver and gold embroidery were developed. The Laks were famous merchants, confectioners and acrobats. The epic of this people is also rich. From mouth to mouth passed stories about the great heroes of the past and how they fought evil. Lezgins - Like all the peoples of Dagestan, the Lezgins grew crops, especially wheat, rice and corn, and raised livestock. Lezgins made wonderful carpets, which are known far beyond their borders. Also common crafts were weaving, spinning, felt production and jewelry. Lezgins are also known to their folk dance- Lezginka, which has become traditional for all the peoples of the Caucasus. Rutuly - The name of this people comes from the largest settlement - Rutul, located in South Dagestan. These people speak the Rutulian language, but its dialects differ to a large extent from each other. Religion is traditional for this area - Islam. There are also elements of paganism: the worship of mountains, the graves of saints. Another feature is that, along with Allah, the rutuli recognize another, their own god, Yinshli. Tabasarans - This people also lives in South Dagestan. Their number is 90 thousand people. Tabasaran language is divided into southern and northern dialects. The main religion is Islam. Occupations are also very traditional for this region - animal husbandry and agriculture. Tabasarans are masters in carpet weaving, pottery, blacksmithing, woodworking, and making socks with a variety of patterns. Various genres of folklore, such as mythical tales and ritual songs, are sufficiently developed.
"OZOglavte yourself, this is my son's report, I hope it helps"

The uniqueness of the Republic of Dagestan is due to the huge diversity of its ethnic composition, because more than 40 different nationalities live in this territory today. Nevertheless, both rituals and traditions at all times differed not only among representatives of different nationalities, but also in each village. That is, everywhere there were their own, unique customs.

Who are the Avars?

Maarulal, also known as Avars, are the people of Dagestan, which has approximately 577 thousand people. They inhabit everything western territories Dagestan, but are especially numerous in the mountainous regions. Most are rural residents.

The Avars communicate in their own, Avar dialect, which has a great variety of dialects. Avars predominantly profess Islam, keeping elements of paganism in their faith. Some of them are still present today. They are very sensitive to the surrounding nature, honoring it and calling for help through the performance of magical rituals.

The Agul people of Dagestan live in the southern part of the country. The number of this subspecies of the population is approximately 8-9 thousand people. For communication, they use the Agul language, which is considered related to the Lezgi dialect. Such a nation lives, no less, in 21 settlements in the southeast of Dagestan. The traditions of this people, like those of other peoples of Dagestan, are unique. Their main occupation for centuries has been and remains cattle breeding. It is curious that only men had the right to care for sheep. While women have always been engaged only in cattle. Metalworking was an extremely important aspect in the life of all Agul people. Their blacksmiths made excellent axes, scythes and knives, as well as sickles that were used on the farm. The Agulians were also considered excellent and very skilled builders.


They built bridges, houses, even mosques. They decorated their buildings very skillfully, using carved stones, in the ornaments of which, in fact, the entire culture of the people of Dagestan is displayed.

Customs of the Dagestanis

Customs of the Dagestan people

Religion very clearly reflects the customs of all the peoples inhabiting Dagestan, since the majority of the local, indigenous population are Sunni Muslims. Basically, their daily activities were agriculture with cattle breeding. It was they who formed local culture. Since ancient times, people of this nationality built houses of stone. Two-story dwellings, if any, were few, and one-story dwellings always had a rectangular shape. Those who were engaged in agriculture developed their own agricultural calendar to help determine the time for sowing and for collecting various plants.

wedding traditions

In the villages of Mekegi and Urkarov, brides living in the neighborhood are led to the groom's house for many hours. They move approximately like this: the bride and everyone following her take one step forward, forming, as it were, a circle for dancing. After the dances end, you can move a little, but not forward, but vice versa - back. This continues right up to the roosters, in other words, until the early morning.


In accordance with the custom of the Andians, during the period of matchmaking, in addition to other gifts, the relatives of the bride were always given fat tails. They were valued more than meat, because they can be stored for several decades.

village customs

In a village called Dusrah in ancient times there was such a wedding custom: a girl who reached the term of marriage was closed in a cave. This was done if she refused to marry. There she was kept until she said whom she agreed to marry. In the village called Burduki, a girl was not married at all to someone who did not know how to steal khan's cattle. In Khustil, on the night before the wedding, girls were supposed to gather at the bride and bring her sacks of wool to stuff the mattress, and they also brought her chickens, eggs and pouches - all these are future gifts for the groom. This ceremony on the night before the wedding was called "Kizlyar Gezhe".


The customs of the Dagestanis are a bizarre mixture of what their history was filled with. But apart from general trends it is also important to understand that there are customs and traditions specific to individual settlements.

Customs and traditions of the peoples of Dagestan

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Today we dedicate our festival to the glorious and beautiful land - Dagestan. Dagestan is the birthplace of more than 100 equal peoples. Many of them from ancient times lived and live in peace and harmony, never quarreled among themselves, never let themselves be offended. These are Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins, Russians, Laks, Tabasarans, Azerbaijanis, Nogais, Tats, Chechens - Akins, Rituls, Tsakhurs, Aguls, etc. - these are just those peoples in whose languages ​​books, newspapers are published today in Dagestan, says the radio, the children are learning.

Friendship between peoples is the most precious and great wealth, it has been built and kept for centuries on a solid foundation, the name of which is Dagestan culture - this is the experience of creating Dagestan peoples, which teaches to live and work, teaches to speak ancient languages, wise folk professions, the beauty of native speech, melodies and dances, helps to make friends with families, clans, villages, teaches to observe the good traditions of Dagestan hospitality, respect for a person, reverence for elders. The culture of Dagestan is the art of folk craftsmen, it is the harmony, pride and fidelity of the mountain women, it is the stamina, courage and kindness of horsemen, it is the wisdom and resourcefulness of the aksakals. The culture of Dagestan is the word and deed of a real person - a real Dagestan.

Dagestan, everything that people gave me

I will share with you in honor

I am my orders and medals

I'll pin your tops.

I will dedicate loud hymns to you

And words turned into verse

Just give me a cloak of forests

And a hat of snowy peaks!

"My Dagestan"

Rasul Gamzatov

“Whoever does not love his own mother will not love his Motherland!”

"Every bird has its own nest"

“A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song” - they say among the people.

Dagestan is ancient name our native land. Dagestan means "Country of mountains", "Dag-mountain", "Stan" country. Most of Dagestan is located on the northeastern slopes of the Bolshoy Caucasian ridge. Another, small part stretches along the coast of the Caspian Sea. Dagestan has kind and helpful neighbors. In the south, Dagestan borders on fraternal Azerbaijan, in the southwest on fraternal Georgia, in the west - on fraternal Chechen Republic. The northwestern neighbor of Dagestan is the fraternal Stavropol region, and to the north - fraternal Kalmykia.

“A close neighbor is better than a distant brother,” said fathers and grandfathers.

Dagestan - big country, its area occupies 50.3 thousand square kilometers. This is more than the area of ​​Armenia, Estonia, Moldova and even each of these European states such as Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Albania.

There are 41 rural districts in Dagestan and 3 districts in the city of Makhachkala - the capital of Dagestan: Akushinsky district - the center of the village of Akush, Akhtynsky - the center of Akhta, Babayurtovsky district - Babayurt, Botlikhsky - Botlikh, Buynaksky - Buynak, etc. By the number of inhabitants, the largest villages of Dagestan are Babayurt, Karabudakhkent, Kasumkent.

The highest mountain village Kurush is located at an altitude of 2465 m above sea level.

The first leader of the Soviet Dagestan, Nazhmudin Samursky, came out of this region; organizer Agriculture Hero of Socialist Labor Seyfedin Kuliev; the first hero of the Republic of Kalmykia, the famous sheep breeder Khanbuba Mirzemetov, General Ramazan Jafarov.

The villages of Kubachi, Untsukul, Balkhar, Gotsatl are especially famous for their skillful craftsmen.

The birthplace of the folk poets of Dagestan Gamzas Tsadasa and Rasul Gamzatov is the village of Tsada.

Carpet factories are located in the villages of Kurush, Mikrakh, Dyly, Batlaich, Kapir, Khiv, Karata, Orta-Stal.

The birthplace of the national poet Suleiman Stalsky Hort - Stal. Aul Aksai is an aul of winegrowers, the writer-educator Nukhai Batyrmurzaev, his son revolutionary, poet and playwright Zainalabid, poet-ethnographer Manai Alibekov, Alim-Pasha Salavatov, Bagautdin Astemirov come from here.

Aul Gimry is the birthplace of imams Gazi-Muhammad and Shamil, who fought for national independence and freedom.

The villages of Akhty, Chakh, Vanashimakhi are famous scientists and doctors. Kumukh is the birthplace of the first Dagestan cosmonaut Mussa Manarov.

common land, related languages, special national character, a single culture unites the peoples of Dagestan. The peoples of Dagestan call their culture "madaniyat" - it includes everything that the peoples of Dagestan have created with their own hands and mind from ancient times to the present day, good traditions of friendly living, traditions of brotherhood, kinship. To ensure order and discipline among the people, the peoples of Dagestan created adats(laws), code of human mountain honor, conscience namus.

Dagestan sages consider a person's birthday to be the day when he performed the first good deed in his life.

The highlander swears: "I was born a man - I will die a man!"

Highlanders' rule: "Sell the field and the house, lose all property, but do not sell and do not lose the person in yourself."

The curse of the highlanders: "Let there be neither a man nor a horse in your family."

When they talk about an unworthy person, they say: “Do not waste words on him. He's not human."

If someone made a mistake, the highlanders cut off the story: "He is a man, and this act can be forgiven him."

About the village, where there is no order, where there is quarrelsomeness, slovenliness, they say: "There is no person there."

About the village, where there is peace and order, the highlanders say: "There is a man there."

The peoples of Dagestan appreciate the dignity of a person and condemn his shortcomings. The wisdom of the people teaches:

I. The first virtue of man is the mind.

II. The second dignity of a person is friendship.

III. The third virtue of man is conscience.

IV. The fourth virtue of a person is a good upbringing.

V. The fifth virtue of man is happiness.

A real person always strives for virtues and struggles with shortcomings. They are ridiculed in folklore:

Well, boy

It is funny and sad at the same time.

You are a laughing stock for everyone.

If you meet with a jigit,

You are like a beaten cat.

You will meet a hero

You are like a mouse in front of a mountain.

Only in a dispute with a frail woman

You are powerful, not weak.

If you have a cripple in front of you,

You look like a human.

Avar fairy tale

The old man's answer

Once a traveler saw a white-headed old man planting a walnut tree. The traveler greeted and asked:

How old are you, old man?


And in how many years will it be possible to eat nuts from this tree?

Forty years later, the old man replied.

The traveler chuckled.

Do you really hope, old man, to live another forty years and enjoy the fruits of your tree?

The old man replied:

I enjoyed the fruits of the trees that my fathers and grandfathers planted. Let my children and grandchildren enjoy the fruits of my labor.

The disgraced traveler did not find what to answer. He lowered his eyes and walked away.

Gamzat Tsadasa

Grandfathers taught in the old days

You don't give in to the liar

Otherwise you'll have to

Share his guilt with him.

Helping - don't brag

And do not try to remind a friend about it,

But beware of forgetting

The service they rendered to you.

Do not bring quarrels to enmity

Resentment - a bad picky

When meeting with the word "Hello" shame

An unhinged friend.

Don't harm your friend

Never trip him

Who betrays a friend for the sake of vanity,

He shortens his own years.

Get such a friend

To the left side of the chest

Would this man be faithful

Becoming right hand your forever.

There are a great many languages ​​in Dagestan, but there is one word that is a companion of a person, a symbol of his life. This is the person's name.

The name is the most expensive and the first gift that a person receives from his parents, they wanted the name to help the baby become a real person.

The peoples of Dagestan have traditions to meet newborns with the whole family, with all relatives, with the whole village. If a boy is born, they shoot from guns with the whole village. Advice to parents is given by the old-timers of the clan, the villages remember the names of good ancestors, glorious workers, warriors, horsemen, kunak, friends.

First of all, the name of the deceased grandfather, great-grandfather, grandmother and great-grandmother is given. They choose a name that will become for the whole family a symbol of honor and conscience, courage and stamina, a symbol of beauty and grace.

In boys, names teach to be wise and educated. Magomed (in honor of the prophet), Ali, Gasan, Hussein, Ahmed, Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail, Nuh (Noah), Yusuf, Isa, fearless like the hero-colonel Magomed Gadzhiev, courageous like Colonel-General Magomed Tankaev.

Every highlander should take care of two things: a hat and a name.

To the name of a man - a great poet, thinker, statesman, who glorified the village, the republic, the entire Fatherland, the people respectfully add the name of the village, the village where he was born. For example: Gamzat Tsadasa, Suleiman Stalsky, Ali-Ghazhi Akushinsky.

The names of the initiators receive noble deeds, large and small events, for example: Shamil's Dance, Shamil's Saber, Shamil's arbor, Ali Aliyev's wrestling school, Ali Aliyev's prize (Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling), Aliyev's fight, Khochbar dance, Shamil's sword, Mahmud's songs, Gamzat's staff, Suleiman's cast iron , music by Murad (Kazhlaev), cranes by Rasul (Gamzatov), ​​performances by Bariyat (Muradova).

“A good name is the best treasure,” say the peoples of Dagestan.

The peoples of Dagestan have traditions of addressing the elder.

A peer or peer, a boy, a young man is addressed with the word “brother”: in Avar “vats”, in Dargin “udzi”, in Kumyk “kardash”, in Lezghin “stha”, among the Laks “ussu”

A girl or girl is addressed with the word “sister”: Avars - “yaatsa”, Dargins - “rudzi”, Lezgins - “wah”, Laks - “ssu”.

The elders are addressed with the word "father": in Avar - emen, in Dargin - dudesh, hell, Kumyks - ata, in Lak - "ppu".

With the word "mother" to women: Avars - ebel, Dargins - aba, Kumyks - anna, Lezgins - dide, Laks - "nina".

Dagestan greeting rules

According to Dagestan folk etiquette, it is customary to greet like this:

Greetings should be clear and direct;

The man should greet the woman first;

The rider (who rides in transport) greets the pedestrian;

Entering should greet those present;

The one who comes first greets the audience;

The one who comes greets those who sit;

He who goes down (from the mountains, from the stairs) greets the one who goes up;

The free man greets the busy man;

The empty welcomes the laden;

The healthy greets the sick;

The strong welcome the weak;

The host welcomes the guest;

The guest greets those standing on the godekan;

A person who has come on a visit visits and greets the elderly and the elderly of the family, the old-timers of the aul;

The one who leaves is the first to say goodbye to those who remain.

In Dagestan, it is imperative to say hello, even if you see a person for the first time, and it is customary to greet workers and wish them success in work and well-being.

The peoples of Dagestan have good wishes for all occasions. The most frequent, necessary wish for food: before touching food, they say: “Bismillahi rahmani rahim” (In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!).

Fazu Aliyeva - People's Poet of Dagestan

I wish your house

If the earth is under arable land,

If the news is good,

If the tree is fruit,

If the rain is strong,

If the daughter is beautiful,

If the flower is fragrant,

If the son is powerful,

If a friend is a better friend.

Parents want to raise healthy and kind children. They want children to grow up as grateful people, to be able to appreciate their parents, their family.

The elders wish the children: “Be happy!”, “Be long!”, “May Allah love you!”, “Long live your parents!”, “Grow you up smart and well done!”, “May you grow up big and healthy!” .

Dagestanis say: "You will repay good with good - well done, you will repay evil with good - you are a wise man." Wishing a person well, it is customary to take into account his age, his condition, the conditions of his work and rest. The main thing is to know and pronounce wishes on mother tongue. Thank you for any service: “Barkalla!” or “Chokhsayum!”, or even more cordially: “Need (due) kiudiyat barkalla!”

A person must admit his mistakes and apologize: “Excuse me, please!”, “Forgive me for God's sake!”, “Be merciful!”.

A person is born, grows, matures in a family. It is customary for the peoples of Dagestan to create reliable families.

The family of the Avars is called “khizan”, the Dargins - “kulpat”, the Kumyks - “khizan”, “kulpet”, the Lezgins - “khizan”, “kilfet”, and the Laks - “kilfat”.

The word "hearth" speaks of family friendship and solidarity. The family is a home school where a person is taught humanity.

In the family, a person learns his gender, his age, his place among people, his rights and obligations. The family teaches to distinguish between good and evil, beauty and vulgarity, order and disorder, wisdom and stupidity, strength and weakness.

The family teaches to see the world through the eyes of parents, to respect the younger ones, to honor the elders, man and woman, comrade, friend, neighbor, guest. The family teaches to be friends in a brotherly way, to help, to work, to enjoy life, to sympathize as a human being.

“Whoever values ​​his family will appreciate his family, his village, and his people.”

"Whoever takes care of his family, he will save the village."

The well-being of a person depends on the family, and the well-being of the family depends on the person.

What makes a person love his family?

Both the youngest and the oldest member of the family need to know and fulfill their family responsibilities. For a boy, these are the duties of a son to his parents. For a girl, these are the duties of a daughter to her father and mother.

Mother - only person who gives us his breast milk, feeds, swaddles, bathes, clothes, caresses, blesses us for good deeds.

"The caress of the mother reaches the stone."

"A mother's breast is a cradle for a son."

"Mother's love - warms at a distance."

"The child's finger hurts - the mother's heart hurts."

“Work all your life day and night - you can’t compensate for the work of a mother.”

In the name of the mother, a person takes an oath: “I swear by the mother!”

Mother is a symbol of honor, conscience, kindness and prosperity.

Love for a mother is the most sacred love of man.

It's not enough just to love your mother. It needs to be protected, it needs to be appreciated, it needs to be proud of it, it needs to be learned from it.

Daughters, according to the tradition of the peoples of Dagestan, from an early age are obliged to help their mother: to clean the house, to nurse younger brothers and sisters, wash clothes, bake bread, cook food, carry water from a spring. In auls and villages, girls weed the garden, help in the harvest of bread, take care of pets, birds, learn to sew, embroider, knit, weave carpets, etc.

“My daughter is ten years old - her mother doesn’t care,” they say in Dagestan.

The daughter is the continuation of the mother, but the son is the continuation of the family.

Mother at home or not mother at home - daughter and sister - mistress of the house, sister cooks food, feeds the family, washes clothes, clothes, shoes for younger brothers, milks cows, keeps clean.

“Than not having a sister at all, it is better to have a blind one,” the wisdom of the peoples of Dagestan teaches.

The sage's answer

Three women were drawing water from a well. Their sons came up to them. One kissed his mother and ran, singing, further. The second asked: "Aren't you tired?" and ran to catch up with a friend.

The third silently took the buckets from his mother and carried them into the house.

A gray-bearded aksakal passed by.

Tell me, sage, the mothers asked. - Whose son is the most beautiful and smartest?

Oh, women, there was only one son here, the sage answered.

A father in a family is a man's firmness, adherence to principles, strictness, exactingness, organization, courage, steadfastness, courage.

The father and only the father is the head of the family. So it is customary among the peoples of Dagestan. The father takes care of his family, is responsible for the order in household.

The father provides the family with food and clothing. He saves the family from bad deeds, shows an example of male nobility, hard work, friendship and good neighborliness. The son in the Dagestan family is the father's first assistant. The son learns from his father the masculine craft, masculine firmness.

There is no father in the house - the son replaces him, the son takes care of the family, the household. The son sacredly guards the cause of the father, the honor of the father. From the word "father" the holy words "fatherland", "fatherland" are formed.

"Who does not appreciate own father, he does not appreciate the Fatherland.

"Whoever respects his own father, he honors the Motherland."

"What you do for your father, your children will do for you."

“A son is a monument to his father,” folk Dagestan proverbs teach.

The Dagestan family rests on the good traditions of humanity.

The most important of them is respect for parents, children should always be attentive to their parents and elders.

For example, the father comes home from work, the son takes the load from his hands, brings water, pours water on his hands, gives soap, a towel.

At the table, it is customary to be the first to serve tea and food, first to the grandfather, then to the father, then to the rest in seniority. Sit down no earlier than the elders sit down, they let the elders into the house first. The younger one must open the door and hold it until the elders or guests pass. Children must show their upbringing without the prompting of their parents.

With elders, you can’t keep your hands in your pockets, stand half-bent, you can’t sit, lounging, scratch your head, nose, ear, smoke, chew, drink alcohol, prop your cheek or forehead with your hand.

It is not customary for a son to sit in front of his father without an invitation, you cannot speak loudly and laugh.

Children answer the questions of older children modestly, briefly, respectfully.

Only if these rules are observed, children in Dagestan are considered educated.

"You don't know yourself - listen to those who know."

The tradition of humanity of the Dagestan family is a tradition of hospitality. Let's get acquainted with the rules of hospitality.

Seeing the guest, the host comes out to meet, greeting with the words: “Welcome! Your visit will be good!”.

The older rider is helped to get off the horse, get out of the car, support the load, help to carry it to the house, help to take off clothes, equipment. The guest is invited to the Kunatsky room, seated in a place of honor. The owner sits next to him, asks about his health, about the state of his spirit, about relatives and friends, about mutual acquaintances, then asks about the news. The table for guests is set quickly with the best food from what is in the house. Guests are asked to wash their hands before eating. They sit in a place of honor. The hosts make sure that the guest eats as much and as good as possible. Can't eat your portion before the guest. The bed for the guest is prepared in a quiet secluded room, wishing "Good night!".

A guest who leaves the house is well and heartily fed, helped to wash, dress, and mount a horse. They are escorted to the edge of the village, through the gates of the house. Parting, they wish: “Happy journey! All the best!”. You are strongly encouraged to come again.

“Cheer up your family, please your friend, be kind to your parents, get along with your neighbors and be friendly to your guest.”

cowardly man

If you meet somewhere

Know that he is not a Dagestani

Not from Dag keeps the way.

Dagestan men

Do not tremble with a small shiver

With your valor and honor

Value life more!

Our girls are shy

Walking smoothly like the moon

There is no trace in the dust

And the gait is not audible.

If guests come to the house,

And the owners at the same time

Sleepy necks scratch

Smiling with difficulty

Know they are not Dagestanis

Not from Dag their relatives

Will not live in Dagestan

Their family and half a day!

Let the whole planet come

We have a fire in the hearth

Will never grow cold

For guests, his palm.

Know, friend, that this is a flame

Expresses a being.

Dagestanis, Dagestanis,

My Dagestan.

Rasul Gamzatov

Aliyev's phase

The Laws of the Mountains

In the mountains of my relatives

Laws not written

In all ages

Nobody wrote them.

None of them volumes

Didn't make up

The nature of the highlanders

Not prone to it

But if in the hearth

Only one highlander

Still stored

spark of fire,

She's from night to night

day by day

Transmitted from hearth to hearth

And if in the chest

Only one highlander

A handful of flour is still stored,

She has enough hearths for everything,

And in every house

Fresh bread is being baked.

And if a young man

Escorted on the road

And the wire goes the whole village.

And if someone in the village falls ill

The whole village does not find peace.

Tukhum among the Dagestanis means clan, relatives. By tradition, every Dagestani, every family in Dagestan belongs to some kind of tukhum. The Dagestan aul has several quarters of myakhm. Several tukhims live together in each myakhma.

Wherever the Dagestanis live, they remember and take care of their tukhum, their native village. Tukhum protects both the person and his family from bad influences, in him the child recognizes his relatives and friends: cousins, second cousins ​​and sisters, old-timers, family kunak and much more. Each tukhum has its own name and surname of the founder - great-grandfather or great-great-grandfather.

The eldest in the family is considered the head of the tukhum. Or, with the consent of the oldest, the most wise, educated, courageous, energetic, eloquent and hospitable person is elected the head of the tukhum.

The younger members of the tukhma are obliged to consult with the elders, to fulfill their instructions and wishes. According to Dagestan traditions, one can learn about the decency, sincerity, and upbringing of a child by his attitude towards his tukhum.

“Whoever loves his family, he loves the people,” teaches a folk saying.

Tukhum traditions:

I. The tradition of tukhum to build houses together and side by side.

II. The tradition of tukhum is to graze personal cattle together.

III. The tradition of tukhum is to come together to help the villagers. It helps to be kind, sympathetic, merciful people.

IV. The tukhum tradition of caring for the elderly people of the family teaches respect for the old-timers, appreciates wisdom and knowledge, teaches you to sympathize with someone else's misfortune.

V. The tradition of tukhum to discuss together helps to understand and distinguish between good and bad qualities of a person in time.

VI. The tukhum tradition of burying the dead next to family graves teaches us to take care of holy places.

Therefore, when meeting in Dagestan, first of all they ask the question: “What aul are you from?”, “What tukhum are you from?”

The honor of the tukhum rests on the daily good deeds, fair deeds, diligence, peacefulness, courage, courage of all members of the family.

The strongest form of rapprochement between people in Dagestan is jamaat - residents of one locality. The strength of the jamaat is in the unity, help, mutual support of its tukhums.

There are no no one's or helpless children in the jamaat. Orphans are adopted by close relatives, other tukhum kunaks of the family and clan. These children are full-blooded members of the tukhum. Adoption tradition - good tradition Dagestan Jamaat.

The jamaat has a common godekan - a special place in the village where the male population gathers. Aksakals in places of honor, young people away. The younger ones listen to the older ones. You can't smoke, swear, you can't speak ill of those who are absent, you can't humiliate the weak and the younger.

If one is working and needs help, others should help him with advice or deed. Mutual aid traditions also have their own rules, which every little Dagestani knows.

1. You need to come to the rescue on time and with everyone.

2. Work begins and ends at the sign of the elder.

3. Helping, they are not inferior to others in work and diligence, and you need to relax, rejoice, have fun together.

4. After finishing work, you can not praise yourself.

5. You should never remind a person about the help rendered to him.

"Have done good - forget it, having received good - remember all your life."

“Whoever knows and understands good will never forget it.”

They help orphans, families left without a breadwinner, families left homeless. Help the family where the wedding is planned. Urgently help the family where the grief happened. On such a day, it is customary to forget all insults, enmity, express sympathy, show nobility.

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GBPOU RD "Professional Pedagogical College named after M.M. Medzhidov"

"Traditions of the peoples of Dagestan"

(open extracurricular activity)

Prepared by:

OPNK curators,

teachers of pedagogy and psychology

Alieva R.S., Ramazanova N.S.,

Kasimova S.N., Mejidova V.G.

12/12/2017 - Izberbash

Epigraph :

You can fit a heart in the palm of your hand
But in the heart the whole world you won't fit.
Other countries are very good
But Dagestan is dearer to the soul.

(R. Gamzatov)

(video Dagestan) (D. Gamzatova - verse and chorus)

Raysat: Assalamualikum! Dear friends!

Vazipat: Assalamualikum! Good guests!

Saniyat: Assalamualikum! May peace be upon you! Only peaceful people they can live side by side, make strong friends, work beautifully, rejoice at successes and do good.

We are proud that we were born and raised in a beautiful region, in the multinational Dagestan.


Naida: Dagestan in translation from Turkic means "country of mountains". It is also often called the "Caucasian Babylon". People of various nationalities live here - Avars, Dargins, Rutuls, Lezgins, Kumyks, Laks, Tabasarans, etc.

Raysat: This the only place on land where, on an area of ​​50,000 sq. 2 is home to 102 nationalities, 36 of them indigenous.

A verse is read by a student (video slide) music

Tsakhurians, Laks, Kumyks, Avars,
Kaspiysk, Makhachkala, Derbent, Kizlyar.
Weaving cities and nations,
Beautiful Dagestan became famous.
Lezgin, Rutulets, Tabasaran, Agulets,
Dargin brother, stand shoulder to shoulder.
And their strength is like mountain peaks,
In which proud eagles soar.
In the same spirit, many peoples,
Mountain eagles in the Lezgi dance.
In the hearts of unity, the strength of the Dagestanis,
In the fearlessness of warriors, the soul of Naryn Kala.
The mountaineer's duty to show hospitality,
He never broke it.
And everyone left their heart there,
Who generously visited the Caucasus.
And so it is in the Caucasus mountains,
You will find faithful friends forever.
Filling the horn, when from the barrels of Dagestan,
You will make a toast to their friendship.

Potpourri on kumuz

Vazipat: The Republic is the most multinational region of Russia. Of course, each nation has its own customs and spiritual values. Therefore, the traditions of Dagestan are very diverse, but at the same time they show some similarity.

Naida: Today we will tell you about some of the customs of our mountainous region.

Raysat: (incl. music - BEGINNING OF NAVRUZ zurna)

Spring has come. The awakening of nature and the beginning of field work among the peoples of Dagestan is celebrated spring holiday Navruz or as it is also called the Feast of the First Furrow, which is celebrated very magnificently and cheerfully.

On the screen:

Navruz is on the list


UNESCO heritage

Vazipat: To celebrate Navruz, we will go to Yuzh. Dag. to one of the Lezgi villages.

NAVRUZ or Yaran - Suvar as the Lezgins call this holiday- this is one of the few holidays that has retained all the flavor of the rituals and traditions of the ancestors. This holiday is about three thousand years. Yaran Suvar means "Sun Festival", which occurs during the spring equinox on the night of March 22.

Many beliefs and customs are associated with this holiday among the Lezgins. So it is believed that the more cheerful and joyful people meet Yaran-Suvar, the more generous nature will be to people. On the days of this holiday, wars stopped, blood feud Forgotten insults and quarrels.

Saniyat: One of the main attributes of Navruz are festive treats. These are nuts, sweets and necessarily sprouted wheat, which symbolizes the awakening of the earth and the beginning of a new life.

Naida: The culmination of the Navruz holiday is a ritual bonfire. In the evening, the fire is kindled by the head of the family. While a large fire is burning around it, they dance “Yallyn”, people jump over the fire, leaving, according to legend, all illnesses and troubles in the past year . After the round dance, the Ayeldush dances began.

Raysat: On the days of the celebration of Navruz, mummers Kesa and Kechal went from house to house, congratulating the hosts and collecting treats.

Kesa and Kechal with the group enter the doors of the auditorium, shouting congratulations.


Our houses are big, Gyossai!

Golden windows, Gyossai!

Happy Navruz Day - Happy Spring, Gyossai!

We have come to congratulate you, Gyossai!

Assalamu alaikum! (chorus)


All the girls in this house

Like one blush face.

Their sleeves are long

And their words are smart.

Happy Navruz Day - the day of spring!

We have come to congratulate you!

Assalamu alaikum! (chorus)

Spring comes out to this noise with girlfriends (3 pcs.) (sweets, nuts, sprouted wheat) meets Kechal and Kesu. The villagers come out onto the stage, Kesa and Kechal come up to them with wishes and receive treats in return.

    Peace to your home!

    Let the year be barakatny!

    Let your house be a full bowl!

    Let there be dense shoots

    Let the flock multiply

    May there be no drought.

Kesa and Kechal descend from the stage, passing through the rows, pronounce congratulations and treat the audience.


Let melancholy vanish

Let the flour be sifted.

And our flour is white,

You bake a pie.

Cut us a piece

Happy Navruz Day - the day of spring

We have come to congratulate you!

Assalamu alaikum! (chorus)

They leave the hall.


(Kumyk melody sounds)

Vazipat: To the melodic sound of the accordion, we move on to the Kumyk village.

Nyurzhagan's neighbors are gathering in the yard. They came to help the mistress of the house, to separate the corn kernels from the cob. So, it has long been established that if someone needs help, the whole village comes to the rescue. This ancient Kumyk custom is called bulka.

Saniyat: To make work more fun, they sing old songs and dance during the Bulqa. Especially for this, an accordion player is invited, ( the harmonist quietly begins to play a Kumyk melody) she is not involved in the work. Her job is to entertain others.

- The harmonist performs the song.

Naida: (on the background of a quiet melody) From the outside, it may seem that this is a wedding or a birthday, but in fact, these women do quite hard work. About a hundred sacks of corn are to be processed. Guests are sure to be treated to a hearty lunch. The case could drag on past midnight.

-song (sings sitting at work).

Raysat: After dinner, fruit is served on the table. Patimat tries to treat his guests as best as possible. So that later they would not say that they were poorly received. In the village they like to discuss the owners of the bulkya. They compare in whose house it was better - this is also part of the custom.

In the evening, the most interesting begins. Husbands come to tired women, and with them young bachelors.

Although men are of little use in work, time goes by faster with them.

- Guy's song.

Vazipat: In Dagestan they say that where three Kumyks gather, there will be a concert amateur performances.

- joke dance.

During Bulqi, men invite girls to dance.

This guy is offered to choose a pair of beautiful unmarried girls.

But he makes his choice.

Saniyat: Guri knows that the guy invited her for a joke and a laugh. In fact, he is trying to attract the attention of young girls.

Where it is not customary to talk on the street, bulka is the only way for young people to find a bride.

Dance of boys and girls.

Video of high mountain Avar villages + music

Naida: And now let's move to the mountainous Dagestan and see what wedding customs the Avars have.

A wedding in a village is an event of the first importance. Among the Dagestanis, it lasted three days, regardless of the financial condition of the young parents. For two days she walked in the groom's house, and on the third day she went to the bride's house. (an old Avar melody sounds). The sounds of the zurna and the beat of the drum echoed through the mountains, and a real theatrical spectacle unfolded. We invite you to a traditional Avar wedding.

Raysat: (video or video sequence)

According to tradition, they went for the bride at night with burning torches, in animal masks and in sheepskin coats turned inside out, with songs and dances (zurnach and drummer ) , in order to drive away evil spirits .. At the head of the procession, accompanied by musicians, was the groom's friend with a long stick in his hand. Being a friend of the groom was considered prestigious, and public opinion Strictly ensured that a worthy person was appointed to this role.

Vazipat: Escorting her daughter to a strange house, the mother gave instruction:

Daughter's mother's command

And each house is a power in itself.
Everything is there. There is a schedule
And its own law, And rules, And right.
Throw your whims at the threshold
And respect their habits any:
If there are lame - lean on a cane
And put on your glasses if you're blind.
You are given a hearth
From now on and forever!
Let it burn like a light in the eyes
Like a heart in a person.
Sumey big fire set on fire
On a small light
And bake big bread
On a little flour!
You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
And there are their own paths from the threshold.
To take a step, you look around, wait
And choose where to put your foot.
Eat good words- words-rays,
Be generous with a kind word.
And there are words that sound harsh.
Without weighing the word, it is better to remain silent.
You, my daughter, are leaving for a strange house.
May it grow closer every year.
And everything that will appear before you,
Let it be the sun for you and honey.


SCENES - the groom and his relatives follow the bride

Naida: Even if the bride lived in the neighborhood, she was led to the groom's house for many hours. In front of everyone was an older friend with a large tray of halva. To everyone who has passed best wishes for the bride, she gave a piece of halva.

Raysat: All the inhabitants of the village flocked to look at this cheerful and bright spectacle, filling the streets and flat roofs of houses. From the bride's house to the groom's house, they pour flour, grain and sweets on the bride, wishing her sweet life in a new house.

Continuation of the scene: The groom's mother met the bride with a cup of honey, brought it to the girl's lips and at the same time said:

Groom's mother: May your life be sweet as honey.

Vazipat: The highlight of the wedding is the dance of the newlyweds.

Dance of the newlyweds, the music is quieter

Naida: Only after the dance of the newlyweds began common dances. For example, the dance of the inhabitants of the village of Gidatl looks very colorful. It's called Karsh.

Quiet music - Gidatli karsh

Saniyat: A man starts the dance, women are not invited, they go out on their own. thus showing respect for the man.

Naida: In Dagestan, from ancient times, they paid special attention to the rituals associated with the birth of a child and the laying of the first-born in the cradle.

Raisat: Cradle - this is the first home for a child for 1.5 - 2 years of life. In our opinion, there is no thing made for a child and more surrounded by superstitions, beliefs and rituals than a cradle. It was with the help of the cradle that the first accustoming to discipline took place, which was necessary in traditional society.

Vazipat: It was believed that no matter how tightly they swaddled the child, until they put him in the cradle, his back hurts. The first laying in the cradle was preferred to be done on Friday, usually on the 7th day.

Under the mattress of the cradle they put something steel: a knife, scissors, and also the Koran. The baby was placed in the cradle by one of his grandmothers, on the paternal or maternal side, or another close woman who lived happy life and possessed, as they said, "light" hand.

She wished the child health, a happy and prosperous life, she wished him to become the head of a large family, she circled the cradle three times with a prayer and laid him in it.

We present the Dargin rite of laying the first-born in the cradle.

The room is decorated in the hall: a cradle with all accessories, a table with refreshments, household items.

The song sounds

Guests are welcomed by the grandmother. Children and adults are free to enter the hall. In the hands of small souvenirs, gifts.

Guest- We came to congratulate you on the birth of your granddaughter. We wish you that your granddaughter grows up healthy, beautiful and that you have many more grandchildren.

Grandmother- Yes, my son had a daughter, and my granddaughter. Thank you, my dear ones, for coming to share our joy. (guests pass and sit on chairs)

daughter-in-law- Mom, someone came to us?

Grandmother- (Turning to the daughter-in-law). Come, daughter, look who has come to us.

(grandmother cleans up the room while the daughter-in-law went to see who arrived).

daughter-in-law- Mom, my relatives came to see us.

Grandmother- Welcome! (hugs) Relatives - We have come to congratulate you and your entire family on the birth of your granddaughter, we wish you to have enough health for all your grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Grandmother- (addressing guests). Thank you, thank you! Sit down please. How are you doing? How is the health of your parents, children, relatives?

H.Aminat - Thank you. All are alive and well. And how is your health?

Grandmother - Yes, I’m glad that my granddaughter was born, I run. It's good that you came to us today. Today we have a holiday - "Laying our baby for the first time in the cradle."

Mashidat- Dear Mesedu, we were instructed to congratulate you and present these gifts.

Grandmother- Thank you for your gifts. I wish you that people come to you on a good occasion and that I can repay you kindly for your attention.

Arsen- What did you name your granddaughter?

Grandmother- According to the customs, a boy is called the name of a grandfather or a valiant horseman, a girl is called the name of a grandmother or a happy, beautiful woman. . Oh, and all our relatives and friends argued for a long time about what to name our girl. Some suggested calling her Zarema, others Aigul, Mariam, Medni, Zhamilya. What names were not offered. Finally called Zhamilya. The one who gave the name should give the dress. Look what a gift my brother brought, a respected person (shows a gift). It was he who named our girl Zhamilya.

My granddaughter is two weeks old, and today we will put her in the cradle for the first time, and in honor of this I have prepared a treat. We will arrange a holiday for everyone. And our neighbors, relatives, everyone who shares this joy with us came to this holiday today.

(grandmother pushes the cradle forward and tells).

The cradle is made from hawthorn, as this tree is considered happy, strong and light. In such a cradle, the child grows up healthy, strong and happy. At the birth of the first child, a boy, the cradle and all accessories for it are prepared by the maternal grandmother, and for the girl - by the paternal grandmother. Since my daughter was born to my son, I prepared a cradle for my granddaughter. Look how beautiful she is with patterns.

An experienced, kind woman was entrusted with laying the baby once. And today they invited such a woman.

Daughter, please bring my granddaughter.

The woman begins to put the baby in the cradle. Mother stands aside, watching.

Grandmother- Look and remember, daughter, then you yourself will have to put the child in the cradle.

Woman(Saniyat) - So that you have a milky dream, my little one (comments on his actions): The legs should be well straightened, wrapped in a diaper and tied, where the knees are, and so that the bandage does not press, put a flat small pillow under it. Straighten your arms along the body, wrap in a diaper, put on both sides of the pads and tie. Then cover with a blanket on top. It is impossible for the temechko to freeze, so you can attach a scarf to your head. Well, now you can sing a lullaby.

Sings a lullaby H.Aminat.

(Grandmother thanks the woman for her attention.).

Saniyat: No one in this world has come up with a greater truth than age-old wisdom ancestors. Among the people who follow their traditions, the elderly are held in high esteem, children are taken care of, and the house is full of guests.

Raisat: We wish everyone in the hall peace and happiness! Let everyone remember that Dagestan is ours common Home!

Vazipat: We, the younger generation, must learn from the best traditions and living examples.

Saniyat: the future of our country depends on us

Naida: Peace to you Dagestan, and clear skies above your head!

Sabina Saidova's song "Dagestan" + video from the photo of dag.sel (preferably PPK teachers)

The wedding customs of the Dagestan people are closely intertwined with their national culture. Among the characteristic traditions of the Dagestan wedding are:

1) Double celebration . The holiday is held for two days, the first time in the house of the bride, and the second in the house of the groom. It is important that the days of celebration do not go in a row, but with a break of seven days.

2) Prohibition of weddings on certain days . In Dagestan, one cannot marry on the birthdays of the future husband and wife, on the birthdays of their parents, and on religious celebrations of the Islamic religion.

3) The choice of the type of holding a holiday from two opposite ones. The bride and groom, together with their parents, decide for themselves what they want: a silent, calm holiday with a taboo on alcohol or a fun, groovy party with a classic set of fun drinks.

4) Many guests. Regardless of the type of wedding, at least three hundred guests must be present, but their number is usually no more than one and a half thousand. Every resident of the city in which the newlyweds live needs to appear at least for a short time at the celebration as a sign of respect.

5) Theft of the bride in case of disagreement of the parents. Theft of the bride is not practiced everywhere at modern Dagestan weddings, but if the parents do not give their blessing, then the groom has no choice but to steal their daughter so that she can spend the night in his house. Since such a phenomenon entails a shame for the girl, the wedding is destined to take place.

6) Secret marriage. The matchmaking procedure takes place in the evening when the groom's parents visit the bride's house, where various gifts are presented to her. At the same time, they try not to disclose the very fact of such a visit, and the process itself takes place in a close circle only with the closest relatives of the bride.

7) Beautiful rich celebration. As soon as a child is born in a Dagestan family, cash Families start to save money for his wedding, which is why such events are always lavish and expensive.

8) Bride's Lamentations. On the first day of the wedding celebration, which takes place in the bride's house, her friends mourn her, because the departure of the bride to the groom's house is considered to be a sad situation for them;

9) Groomsmen shooting. It is noteworthy that when a friend marries, his comrades engage in shooting, because such an activity helps to make a young family happy and drive away troubles from them.

10) Dance of the newlyweds. This process is especially surprising at a Dagestan wedding, it is an essential component of it. First, around the bride, the invited men dance the lezginka and throw money on the floor, which the bridesmaid collects. Aravul (the one who starts dancing at the wedding) heralds the beginning of dancing for men, but the invited women come out to dance only after the dance is performed by the sister of the groom.

11) Outfit. It is customary for a woman to dress elegantly and beautifully for a wedding, in a long dress, they do not put a veil on her head. A man wears an ordinary costume, but during the dance he must have a folk headdress - a hat on his head.

12) drinking honey. As soon as the bride enters the groom's house, his mother will hand her a bowl of honey to taste it, family life the bride became sweet and smooth.

What happens after the celebration

In the first days after the wedding, guests continue to come to the house of the newlyweds, congratulating them on joyful event, while the owners of the house always undertake to let them in and give due attention. The next day after last day At the wedding, a scarf is removed from the bride, if she was wearing it, since in modern times its presence on the bride is no longer a prerequisite. Divorce in Dagestan is a very rare occurrence, so after the wedding, the newlyweds live in perfect harmony, without thinking about the correct choice of their partner.

It is difficult to convey in words the process of a Dagestan wedding, since the scope and chic that accompanies it is extremely amazing, and in order to plunge into the customs and traditions of weddings for this nationality, it is best to attend this celebration at least once and see everything with your own eyes.

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