Elena Pogrebizhskaya abolished "Butch": "it's too late to live under a dog's nickname." My secret and manifest life



You said that you yourself struggled with panic attacks. What is this story?

Let's start with the fact that the expression panic attacks has always been a part of The Sopranos for me. The fat mafioso loves his wife. Also a daughter and a son. That doesn't stop him from having a mistress young years and unbridled behavior. Soprano - normal surname, Yes? - stands in a traffic jam on his cool car. I honestly don't understand them. And here, fucking, is experiencing panic horror and loses consciousness. In the next scene, the doctor puts him on Prozac, which he has been consuming ever since, suffering from sudden fits of terror and sweating, which the doctor categorized as panic attacks.
This would have remained part of the series if one day I suddenly didn’t become unbearably scared: it was as if I was carried away from the rest of the world behind an invisible wall, where I felt very bad. My heart was pounding, I felt some kind of nasty weakness ... An hour passed. Uff, I think, what nonsense, has passed - and okay.
But the nonsense did not pass. It began to repeat every day and last longer and longer. I was shaking like a fever. It shook once for five days in a row. All the terrible diseases known to me were rushing through my head.
I had to go to the doctors. The survey was extensive, long and expensive. In the end, the doctors said: "Yes, everything is in order, the tests are good, everything is normal." And meanwhile I was shaking. Large and small tremors. I was very uncomfortable: suddenly people will notice that I am trembling, for example, in transport or in line. Plus, I was terrified. An alarming record was scrolling in my head: what if the bridge falls, what if the elevator, and what if we crash into the wall, and so on without stopping. A couple of months later, the disease drove me home. And no one understood what was happening to me.

What ended up helping you?


When official medicine shrugged it off, it became clear to me, an atheist, a pragmatist, a realist, that I needed to order a magpie prayer service, go to a psychic and shamans. It was pretty interesting. At least now I know what a magpie is. The psychic woman burned candles around me, but it didn't get any better. The shaman woman burned some twigs, spat a little, and even bit me a little. Nothing changed.
In the end, someone advised me to go to a psychiatrist. Moving around the city was already a feat for me. In any place, I could be caught in fits of horror, trembling and “change”. The psychiatrist took right in the classic psychiatric hospital with a large park full of patients. It was for the first time that she uttered the hitherto unknown diagnosis of "panic attacks". And she prescribed pills that turned me into a sleepy vegetable for two years.
This happened in 2004, at the height of my musical career. I was supposed to give concerts several times a week, go on tour, record songs, give interviews, participate in photo shoots, shoot videos, in general, do everything that a rock star should do. I had to live in such a way that no one realized that in fact I only think about how scared I am. Two years later, I and all my relatives believed that now I will always live like this, that it will never end. But it's all over. Not by itself, but thanks to my psychotherapist Maria Orlova. She cured me in six months. Conversations I can't even remember right now. And also - thanks to my work on myself. I no longer have panic attacks.
Oddly enough, in this state, for all its intolerance, there is a constructive element: they are trying to force a person to take responsibility for his life and change. For example, I am no longer a rock star. I make documentaries. I have a movie about panic attacks. It's called "Panic Attacks". The characters in the film, men and women, talk about how panic attacks turned them into disabled people and how they later coped with it. Everyone has spent a large chunk of their lives on this. Every week, someone who has seen a movie on the internet writes me a letter saying, "I'm having panic attacks...". And there is often the word "thank you".

Why do you want to make a series?


Then, that nothing of the kind has been filmed. Because the movie "Panic Attacks" has more than 100,000 views, and panic attacks are not all that our psyche does to us. Then, that every third person suffers from some kind of addiction, and with him his whole family. And it is believed that nothing can be done about it. But it is possible. And how many of our loved ones have eaten a huge body for protection in order to save some unhealed emotional wounds under these bodies? How many people can't sleep well? How many suffer from depression?
Why this cycle? Not to watch a movie and forget about the disease. Not for the neurotics of all countries to unite. Not then, to poke a finger at the screen and say: "That's crazy something." These are educational films. So that we know that there, in our so deep inner world, is happening. And how he, this world, can turn our life into a real torment. And that it can be changed if you know how. Ultimately, these future films are about how to gain faith in yourself, how to begin to take responsibility for your own own life. There are a few days left until the end of the fees for my new movie on Planeta.ru. I want us to be involved in making these films together. Everyone needs them. Who wants to participate in good deed, join. If we raise money, there will be films, if not, then no.

“Lena, you are great. Thank you for what you are doing” - such comments are not uncommon in the friend feed of Elena Pogrebizhskaya. At the beginning of the 2000s, Elena successfully performed with her rock band Butch, today the winner of several television and film awards makes documentaries about people. Her characters are very different, in their stories, according to Elena, the unequal struggle catches, first of all, with the disease, the state, indifference. Elena is convinced that her work makes the world a little better, forcing the audience to think and do. Sometimes the reaction of the audience provokes changes at the government level. As it happened with the film "Mom, I'll kill you" about the life of teenagers in a boarding school in the village of Bolshoye Kolychevo, Moscow Region. Elena shared this story, as well as thoughts about her path in cinema and news about current projects with the readers of To4ki-Treff.

The path to documentary

About ten years ago, as a result of a stupid and irresponsible accident, I had a near-death experience. And then two years of darkness - I regret this period. But then the first questions about life, death, meaning appeared. And I shot the film "I'll get up anyway" (about the women of "Russian rock" Irina Bogushevskaya, Svetlana Surganova and Umka, - ed.). It was a film about overcoming for me. With the next project "Blood Seller" - about the writer Igor Alekseev, a brave man who fought on the verge of possibilities, I managed to go further in search of answers. And then there was the story of Dr. Lisa - again about difficult questions ...

"Mom, I will kill you"

One day, my friend Masha invited me to go with volunteers to an orphanage in Kolychevo. I then had an unsuccessful streak in my life, and Masha offered to unwind and at the same time do a good deed - to sing to the boarding school children ... The children themselves sang great in chorus. Volunteers who were called sponsors in the boarding school were warmly received: a group of volunteers consisted of bank employees and constantly brought some gifts to children. By the time I arrived, the friendship between the bankers and the boarding school had been going on for several years.

Gradually, I began to notice that strange things were happening in the orphanage. From time to time, children from the boarding school disappeared somewhere without any intelligible explanations. It turned out that children were sent to psychiatric hospitals as a punishment, where they were fed heavy drugs so that they would no longer annoy adults. The guys here are considered mentally retarded, oligophrenics, born to become painters, workers and seamstresses. Only such a future can they have due to the diagnosis, corrective school curriculum, only these professions they are trained. All this was decided for them at the age of 7. Why don't children have the right to choose something else? Why are they isolated from all other people, and why do they never make their own decisions?

What to do?

I wanted to get to the bottom of this more and more. We shot a film about children for a year and edited and rewrote the same amount. Among those who agreed to finance my idea, there was one charitable foundation, thanks to which the disc with the finished film got to Chulpan Khamatova. After watching, she felt desire to do something, I contacted Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Olga Golodets and gave her a disk with the film. The Deputy Prime Minister looked at him. It was Thursday. On Monday, the director of the boarding school called me. I was surprised: we had not communicated for a year before. He also watched the film and, to put it mildly, was not happy.

I decided to find out what was happening with my film, and went with representatives of the charitable foundation to The White house. Olga Golodets has a large TV in the waiting room.
- Sit down, - she said to the ministers, - watch the film without fail. Or upload to iPads, I'll check. This is the Middle Ages - send children to punishment in psychiatric hospitals! - All this she told with obvious indignation in her voice. The guys and I looked at each other: did she really not know about this?
“It is necessary to separate pedagogical neglect from psychiatric diagnoses,” Golodets continued. - Here is Sasha (the hero of the film) - an intelligent boy! He obviously just has a lag, he himself says in the film that his mother drank and did not deal with it. Still, - the vice-premier continued resolutely, - it is necessary to attract young specialists, not deformed by the system, to work with children. By the way, I will go there on Saturday, to your boarding school...

And who is to blame?

Children from the orphanage feverishly called the volunteers and me. After watching a movie in the Government House, commissions tortured the orphanage, educators took away expensive gifts and cosmetics from children. The children scrubbed the corridors twice a day. It seemed that the boarding school was sterilely cleaned and all the liberties brought by philanthropists were eliminated. There were rumors that the boarding school would be closed and the director fired.
- What kind of creature has arranged for us? - Lekha, a guy from the boarding school, told me on the phone, clearly alluding to me.
- Do you seriously think that I can send you commissions with a wave of my hand and give orders to take away computers?
“Listen, but you still don’t come here,” Lyokha breathed, switching to a whisper. - Here the teachers tell us that you made a film about what kind of children are bad, and because of this we are all tormented.
- It's not true, Lech.
- Yes, I know. And others believe.
And it was no longer clear to me whether it was good or bad that the film landed straight into the government. On the one hand, our message went straight to those who are really capable of making a difference. At the same time, my team believed that officials could deal with the task only in the usual way - to clean up the territory in a separate boarding school, report it as end result, ignoring the problem in whole country. For her part, Deputy Prime Minister Golodets said that they, government officials, are only criticized and there will always be those who are happy even to throw a stone for something good. And they in the government also want reforms.

... Six months have passed since the film was released and the hype in the White House rose. All sorts of officials visited Kolychevo, the governor flew to the playground by helicopter, Olga Golodets herself came with ministers. All the children were checked, made sure that every single one of them had mental retardation. Abuses were not found, and yet Golodets forbade punishing children with a psychiatric hospital. The director quit. And it seems that legislative changes are planned, according to which orphanages will be reorganized from long-term storage facilities for children into apartments where children can live until they are taken by a foster family. And in Berlin, my friends took the film to MEP Werner Schultz and with his help staged a screening for German viewers. A little later, the movie was shown by the ZDF channel.

For what? Personal and professional.

While working on projects, it became clear to me that with my stupid fears I can rest, compared to what the heroes of my films go through. I also realized that life is short after all and it’s better not to waste it on garbage. But something to be in time, nevertheless, it would be worth it. My heroes teach me not to sit straight on the priest. I'm trying to change things for the better. Quite often I pick up street dogs and cats and find them new owners. Well, I still shoot films for the same.

I am a documentary filmmaker - that is, a journalist and filmmaker rolled into one. Of course, the films I make are my subjective view of the world. As a rule, there is quite a lot of my text. So the author's opinion is usually present in full height. I don’t hold back emotional pathos in any way, I just prefer a neutral style. The facts in my cinema, even without additional anguish, will themselves have the desired effect on the viewer. And if I still escalate, it will cause distrust. I can’t distance myself emotionally, I worry about everything for a long time. Sometimes I go to a psychotherapist with this.

My mission is to show people through the film what I see and what they can do about it. Usually, by the way, this is what happens. People think, come, for example, as volunteers to see Dr. Lisa, take orphans from an orphanage into a family, or change laws, like Deputy Prime Minister Golodets.

Current crowdfunding projects

The film "Vaska" entered the final stage, yesterday we filmed our heroes who returned from honeymoon trip I'm starting to write a script and edit a movie. “The Andreeva Case” (Elena does not comment on the content until the completion of the work - ed.) We have just begun. Much more than the originally designated amount was collected for the shooting, thanks to which we were able to pay for the damage that Tatyana had to pay according to the verdict - a little more than 800 thousand rubles. Lawyers say that this is a strong argument in favor of her parole ...

Polina Mandrik

Copyright: To4ka-Treff
October 2014

Elena Pogrebizhskaya compared the former name of her group "Butch", which was "abolished" the day before, with the "dog nickname". That's why new album"Credo" will be released as a solo album by the singer under her real name.

"Butch" - "active lesbian", as a rule, short-haired, courageous. Although Pogrebizhskaya has always been an illustration of this common cliché, she was not too lazy to look into dictionaries. And since the fall of 2002, she began to tell reporters that she called the group using rare American slang: "butch" is a silly person, like an older Beavis, but quite charming. "Each next version was more intricate: and the nickname of the hero Bruce Willis in" pulp fiction", and "fighting cool dog" bull terrier.

"... At 34 years old, living under a dog name is somehow too late, I need to leave a mark under own name. I write songs, books and make films. And for everything that I do, I am personally responsible. And my name is Elena Pogrebizhskaya," according to a press release distributed on the eve of the album's release by the Intermedia agency.

The performer worked on the disc for two years. Of the 40 songs written for the disc, only 12 were selected. The release of "Credo" will be carried out by the recording company "Nikitin". The deluxe edition of the album will include a DVD with Elena Pogrebizhskaya's film "I Will Get Up Anyway", which tells about the singers Irina Bogushevskaya, Svetlana Surganova and Anna Gerasimova (Umka).

In all press releases, Elena Pogrebizhskaya is now referred to as the ex-soloist or former vocalist of the band "Butch".

Elena Pogrebizhskaya with her manners and behavior, reminiscent of a man, took the stage, proclaiming the absence of sex, its transitivity as a philosophy of mastery, a creative principle. This image was easily adopted by Russian lesbians and transgender people in the first decade of the 21st century.

On the eve of the presentation of "The Artist's Diary" in the spring of 2005, Bucci abruptly stopped talking about her "genderlessness". She referred to PR and said that she "greatly regrets it." Not all fans believed that the revelations of 2001-2003 were just "a hoax, an embellished life with deviations from reality." This turn caused an uproar. Soon the group felt it at their concerts. The ranks of the thematic audience thinned out, and a new viewer was in no hurry to come ...

The thematic audience reacted indifferently to the attempt of a new image of a pretty woman, correct speech with feminine intonations. Short-haired girls disappointedly left the singer's fan club. Another vector of Pogrebizhskaya's creative life did not interest the press either.

It became clear that the time of the creative blow ended in 2003, when two discs were released one after another with an interval of almost a month - the debut and a collection of Russian romances. When Bucci's hits sounded at festivals next to the songs of rock idols, and the singer herself enjoyed the favor of such cult figures as Zemfira.

The new sound on the record "Torches" in the spring of 2005 mainly attracted critics, not the public. As a result, the book "The Diary of an Artist" was sold in a much larger circulation than the album. And Bucci hurried to build on her journalistic success. A new book at the very beginning of 2007, it was dedicated to three singers - Irina Bogushevskaya, Umka (Anya Gerasimova) and Svetlana Surganova. It was called "Confession of the Four". Although there are only three chapters in the book, and the revelations of Bucci herself only emerge through her conversations with the heroines. A third of the circulation of "Confessions..." was sold through shops for gays and lesbians. But Pogrebizhskaya again reacted coldly to the attention of the thematic audience.

The link to the LGBT store "Indigo", he was the first to sell "Confession...", will disappear from the official website of "Butch" almost immediately. The band director will say that "Butch" is "extremely hampered by the lesbian aura". "... We are not invited to festivals, fearing lesbian propaganda. Especially since Bucci's songs are not about "this", or at least not only about this. We are very tolerant of sexual minorities, but the address of the store is posted We won't. This is Pogrebizhskaya's decision."

Be that as it may, the readers of "Confession ...", as well as "Diary ...", will be mostly lesbians - fans of the Surganova and Orchestra group. The chapters on Bogushevskaya and Umka will remain unread. And journalists will begin to grumble with displeasure that the thematic audience dominated the presentation-concert.

An angry Bucci soon admits that she will write a third book. About a man, moreover, a playboy.

Elena Pogrebizhskaya is one of the headliners of Russian lesbian culture at the beginning of the 21st century. Now the former leader of the Butch group, judging by the LiveJournal lesbian audience surveys conducted by historian Galina Zelenina, only Svetlana Surganova and Diana Arbenina were ahead.

Like other women in Russian rock, whose work is perceived within the boundaries of thematic culture, Pogrebizhskaya never admitted her homosexuality. On the contrary, the growth of hatred against homosexuals, provoked by gay radicals in the spring of 2005, made Pogrebizhskaya more cautious about her relationship with lesbian fans. And in 2007 even make a few statements in an attempt to distance themselves from them. However, the crowds of pinks at Butch concerts have not disappeared. After the release of the book "Confessions of Four" at the end of February 2007, lesbians still formed the core of the group's audience. The fans forgave the desire to get rid of the "lesbian aura" by reading in "Confession ..." the brightest chapter about Svetlana Surganova, who knows that in life one must experience love with a woman too. Pogrebizhskaya admitted that she was "friends passionately."

I wonder what lesbians will say about the behavior of the settled down "androgynous joker" now?

We cannot say anything about the presentation of Pogrebizhskaya's film, presented to journalists on Saturday. The singer's press service refused to accredit the lesbian newspaper "Pinx"... Instead, she invited new friends - journalists who in their LiveJournal call lesbians "fat", "dirty", "eternally drunk aunts"...

Copyright © Ed Mishin

What do you think about it?

P.S. "More information about Butch can be found here.

Interview: Sofia Avdyukhina

IN THE HEADING "CASE" we introduce readers to women different professions and hobbies that we like or are just interested in. This time we talked to Elena Pogrebizhskaya, a documentary filmmaker, and in the past - a TV journalist and singer, the leader of the Butch band. Pogrebizhskaya has shot many documentaries - including the story of Doctor Lisa, and is now working on the cycle "My Neurosis", designed to honestly talk about mental characteristics.

About rock and roll
and documentaries

All the changes in my career happen impulsively: I finish some things and start new ones very quickly. So it happened with the transition from music to documentaries. My previous career didn't allow me to fully realize myself: music was born out of a craving for publicity, a desire to be in the spotlight, to sing and lead a rock and roll life. But that's not all of me most of stayed behind the scenes. My intellect, for example, was not involved at all.

Music was born from a craving for publicity, the desire to be in the spotlight, to sing and lead
rock and roll life

When it became clear that I would no longer be doing music, I had to urgently figure out how to buy food, clothes, feed dogs and travel from point A to point B. Documentary films became the solution. In fact, this is a kind of continuation of my work as a TV journalist, which was before music. The form may change: reports, documentaries, feature films - but I always gravitate towards filming or writing scripts.

Even during my musical career, I made documentaries ( "Anyway, I'll get up" about the musicians Svetlana Surganova, Umka, Irina Bogushevskaya. - Note. ed ). Then there was a period of cooperation with Ren TV and Channel 5.

These were Good times: The producers and I understood each other perfectly. I can't even call it commissioned work - it was pure embodiment my ideas; the movie was shown on TV and everyone was happy. During this period, "The Blood Seller", "Doctor Lisa", "PTSD" and "Panic Attacks" were filmed. Then, unfortunately, this relationship ended.

Then I decided to found my own independent documentary film studio Partizanets. It was the year 2011 or 2012, just when we started shooting the film “Mom, I will kill you” - about the pupils of the orphanage. Studio "Partizanets" is a movie that we make only for own will so people can see our stories. So, all films are posted in free access on youtube.

About love and hate
to the audience

When I was making music, I didn't feel connected to the people who chose me: there was an insanely distant crowd in front of me - and it just killed. Looking at drunken teenagers is probably tolerable once, but to understand that this is your the target audience, is painful. In documentaries, everything is different: I make films that reach exactly those people who will understand and love them. It's the audience different ages, gender, marital status, and I have no questions for them - I respect and appreciate everyone who watches my work.

My task as a director is to make a person have an emotional response: either learn more, or feel more, or sympathize. What he does with it is his own business. In my opinion, this is called the formation of an active life position- appearing, it will definitely lead a person somewhere.

Man against machine

I choose topics for films instinctively: what attracts me, I will shoot. They can be completely different: we filmed in a boarding school and in a colony, we filmed neuroses, we filmed a doctor and a man dying of cancer, we filmed a writer - whatever we did. In any case, I am guided only by my desire.

At the same time, there is a recurring motif: I am attracted by a plot in which a person is trying to overcome a huge colossus. This colossus can be the state, injustice, law, illness, indifference - sometimes it is possible to overcome it, sometimes not. For example, in the film "Vaska" the boy was trying to cope with a huge injustice, with the state system, which decided everything for him and shoved him almost into a psychiatric hospital for life. And he took it and did it, achieved what he dreamed of. When we were filming "The Blood Seller", I was fascinated by how a person does not want to die of cancer, how he becomes a writer exactly at that moment, begins to seek recognition - does not want to give up.

We filmed
in a boarding school
we filmed neuroses, we filmed a doctor and a man dying of cancer - that we only
didn't film

I am attracted to loners - a person one on one with something huge. At the same time, I do not set myself the task of helping my heroes. It is wrong to interfere in events. We're just filming human life and we do not climb into it, because it attracted us exactly the way it is. A person deals with it himself - this is his life, not mine.

My neurosis

Now I am working on a series of popular science films “My Neurosis”. "Neurosis" is not quite the correct name, but I still don't have the right one. In fact, this is a cycle about various psychological difficulties - about everything that would be worth going to a psychotherapist with. The first work "Thin and fat" is devoted to eating disorders.

When I start making some kind of educational film, it suddenly turns out that most of the stereotypes that we live with are wrong. For example, it seemed to me that anorexia exists only in the West, that it is a disease of models who have brought themselves to exhaustion in order to meet the standards. And someone thinks that people with overweight just being lazy and just eating too much. All this is not true at all. For example, back in the movie "Post Traumatic Syndrome" I met an overweight woman - a consequence of the fact that she was raped in childhood. This is a very common reason, by the way. That is why it is worth explaining that everything is much more complicated. What if there is a person in your family who refuses to eat, do not dare to put pressure on him - this will not help, but will only turn him against you. Let's try to understand it. And do not insult an overweight person, because there are reasons for that.

When people watch my movies, they write very personal feedback. For example, one girl said that she finally understood her sister: she called after the movie, talked to her, met. I was terribly pleased that that sister, who was not understood, finally heard Right words- words of support, not insults and pressure.

About panic attacks

The topic is not alien to me psychological problems. In 2004, I experienced panic attacks. This is an altered state that is difficult to describe in words: everything around begins to buzz slightly, as if you are sitting behind some kind of wall and cannot connect with your feelings. I cannot say that this is fear - it would be too obvious and understandable. It's just a terribly unpleasant state of affairs. And it developed. Then a tremor joined him. I remember sitting at the doctor's office for the flu, and I'm just shaking. You need to understand that this is almost a disability. I was afraid to leave the house, ride the subway, drive through bridges and tunnels. I spent two years of my life at home, with the exception of concerts.

Who has a headache, who has a stuffy nose, who has allergies, who has panic attacks.
Well, what can you do?

Since it was 2004 or 2005 and there was no talk about psychological illness in the pop culture field, I tried everything: the magpie prayer (despite the fact that I am an atheist, but, as they say in one Jewish joke, “it doesn’t hurt”), the services of a woman- shamans and women with esoteric abilities. Nothing helped. Then I underwent a full medical examination, but everything turned out to be normal. Only after that I got to a psychiatrist, who explained that I had panic attacks. Further, the task was already to find a specialist, because in practice they are perfectly cured with the help of psychotherapy - mine went away after six months.

I remember there was a moment when I said to my psychotherapist: “Mash, why do I have panic attacks?” She then told me: “Lena, what would you choose: a stomach ulcer, a heart attack ...” I immediately answered: “No, fine. Let there be panic attacks. This, in general, is not the worst thing. Of course, it's good to be an absolutely healthy astronaut, but I must say that most of us still have something. Who has a headache, who has a stuffy nose, who has allergies, who has panic attacks. Well, what can you do?

About plans for the future

Now I have a plan: to release the “Andreeva Case” (the story of the athlete Tatyana Andreeva, convicted of murder. - Approx. ed.), which we have been doing for three years and have almost finished, and shoot the next film from the My Neurosis series - Survive the Loss. And then I really want to take a break. That's a lot for me - I give out films too often. But I want, like all people, to walk with my feet, to walk - I sit and write all the time or sit and edit, because I need to finish the films.

Artist's diary

The candid diary of Elena Pogrebizhskaya, in which the rock star talks about her ascent through the barricades Russian show business. Sex, drugs, alcohol... - three years of life and creativity, love of fans and hatred of ill-wishers. All this is Bucci ... It's too early to write her memoirs, just something came out - the second album. But this, if you look from the outside, and from the inside - the whole universe called Buchch has already exploded and expanded. Rotates around Pogrebizhskaya the whole world of which she became the center. But the whole world is not enough for her - this is the essence of creativity. Create your own world around you, and then turn it over so that it always remains new. Everything else - vodka, sex, drugs, lies, betrayal - is the rubbish of life, but a true talent can make poems out of it. Did Pogrebizhskaya manage to do this in her book?.. You see, this is "... An Artist's Diary"! And show business taught Pogrebizhskaya to overcome difficulties, and not complain about them. Personal diary

Since this is a personal diary, the world in this place will be arranged like this:

1. Stupidity will not pass. Therefore, for stupidity in a clinical form, perhaps I will ban or I will not be too lazy to delete the comment.

2.Another detail - plant a cute cabal at www.butch.ru Branching according to the principle "and we'll talk about our own here", I'll erase it. Branches, where there are more than 4 messages, will also go into the distance of light, so as not to impede perception. No offense.

3. it is forbidden to insult other people, even if they are singer-singers. Whether you insult them or not, I decide.

4. please don't write "Lena, don't be sad".

5. In short, the more informative our communication, the better. I proceed from the fact that I want to see here people who are like me, that is, intelligent, smart and with a sense of humor. Modesty can be reduced. In addition, I want to see different, that is, intelligent, smart and with a sense of humor.

I hug.
Lena. Torch

The "Torch" record does not contain militants for radio stations, sharp attacks on society and feelings that are bare to the bone. Butch no longer calls to fight for life, love and sexual orientation. Completely different than on the first album, the composition of the musicians, the new sound producer and Butch as the author of almost all the songs completely changed the former mood of the band's songs from rebelliousness and scandalousness to sugary sweetness and romance. First of all, this song and musical transformation causes bewilderment: under the name of one group, a completely different one performs on the disc, which does not stand out in any way. Smooth and professionally played music is pleasant as a background, it is not remembered at all and is similar to all such bands put together. I would like to single out no more than three songs: "Not Given" - for a pleasant text, "Apples" - for unobtrusive music, and "Sky over Moscow" - for romance, reminiscent of Chicherina in her best creative period. Butch miraculously survived a terrible accident

The singer injured her spine and broke her nose Anton Sharapov, KP.RU - 24.09.2007

The rock diva, together with the group, was returning from Voronezh to Moscow by minibus. At five in the morning, the bus turned out because of a truck standing on the highway.
Suddenly jumped out from behind a car. The driver of the musicians unsuccessfully tried to squeeze into the gap between the truck and the passenger car. As a result, the car crashed into the group's minibus, which hit the truck.
Almost everyone on the bus was asleep. The shocked Butch spoke about her impressions on her personal blog:
“A blow with some kind of crack woke me up. I find myself at the window in another part of the car. I press my head against it and understand that in the next second the glass is gone, and blood is pouring out of my nose in lumps. I see in front of me Shilo (musician of the group, - ed.) with a face covered in blood.
Olya was sitting to my left, blood dripping from her forehead. It was not possible to get out for a long time, the leg was squeezed by chairs.
When we managed to get out, the bus became visible from the side. He crumpled in the place where we sat with Andryukha, and looked like a squeezed tin can. Someone was throwing up right in the cabin - a concussion ...
A passenger car has grown to the side of our bus. In the back seat, a man wheezed with blood, and from the blood that came out it was clear that his lung had been pierced. The man breathed with a whistle and strange breaks. It was very scary to watch. There was another one on the hood.
I seem to have a broken nose, a slight concussion and two upper vertebrae are injured. In the mirror, I am pure Jasmine (meaning famous shots, in which Jasmine demonstrates the beatings inflicted by her husband - ed.) "
Despite the injuries, the band intends to continue rehearsals. In early October, the singer plans to present her solo album "Credo". Her real name will be indicated on the cover - Elena Pogrebizhskaya. From the nickname "Butch" Lena decided to refuse, saying that it is "too reminiscent of a dog's nickname." Pogrebizhskaya invites everyone to her home

Elena Pogrebizhskaya, formerly known as Butch, continues to disassociate herself from her "dog nickname" - now she has changed the name of her LiveJournal nickname from _butch_ to p0grebizhskaya, and also changed her official website from butch.ru to more in line with the new image of pogrebizhskaya.ru. The idea of ​​the site is the singer's apartment, where you can make a small virtual journey.
Elena Pogrebizhskaya has abandoned the pseudonym Butch, which brought her fame, and positions her recently released album "Credo" as her debut solo disc. “At 34, living under a dog name is somehow too late, I need to leave a mark under my own name. I write songs, books and make films. And for everything that I do, I am personally responsible. And my name is Elena Pogrebizhskaya, ”the NEWSmusic.ru music and news site quotes the words of the singer.
The singer wrote the book "Confession of the Four", which tells about three famous Russian singers: Svetlana Surganova, Umka, Irina Bogushevskaya and Pogrebizhskaya herself. The singer also made the film “I’ll Get Up Anyway”, this time showing the audience some of the details of the same Svetlana Surganova, Umka and Irina Bogushevskaya. Obviously, the journalistic past haunts the singer. The film was included in the program of the first non-format documentary film festival "ArtDocFest". Butch band withdraws support from Lesbiru.com

From now on, their soloist (s) does not want to be associated with sexual minorities

In April 2002, with the support of Lesbiru.com, the official site of the Butch band was opened, and under our Internet patronage, the first performances of the band in Moscow took place. From August 1, Lesbiru.com ceases cooperation with this resource due to a change in the group's PR concept: from now on, its soloist does not want to have any associations with sexual minorities.

Bucci first told The Chimes, "I can now draw about two portraits of our fans today. The first is a girl with such a squat build, with short hair, rather gay than traditional. Second: a girl, most likely with long hair, a high school student. This girl is absolutely formatted, such a wonderful girl. But, it seems to me that over time the first "portrait" is unlikely to remain. People look for landmarks based on what they assume. Little information. They considered it: yeah, it looks like this is what they need. But it's not. They need a gay icon. But it's not me."

Later, when the first negative feedback to attempts at artificial "face control" of listeners, Bucci explained her position on the band's official website:

"It seems to me that my position on this issue was somewhat vague, which causes a lot of interpretations and various insults. It was meant that I am not a specific performer for a gay audience and not a character for such use. Respecting this part of my audience , devoted and born from the very beginning, I intend to be successful among bi and heterosexual people.Among people also living in Swedish families and having a harem. Among those who did not realize their sexuality and had no experience in life, as well as those whose sex life By different reasons ended. In short, I don't care about audience orientation. I am categorically against holding an ideology both "for gay love" and "against". Specific sites are specifically designed to discuss this. As for me personally. I hope to belong only to myself all my life and claim to perceive me as the one and only unique person without calculating who I would be attributed to - minorities, majorities, communities. Site visitors are free to think and do whatever they want in this regard." And further: "Personally, I would like to see more men among the audience. It seems to me that there is not enough masculinity on the site. The request of consistent fans of the group to support. I hope there is clarity. Butch."

A month ago, the group had new administrators who began to enthusiastically eradicate the lesbian "defamatory connections" of the musician, who from the very beginning of his career declared his androgyny and love exclusively for women.
Now, as we managed to find out, an agreement has been reached with another web studio, which will deal with technical support and website promotion on the Internet.

As the editor-in-chief of Lesbiru.com, VolgaVolga, said: "I'm very fond of Lena, the lead singer of the Butch group, whom we met about a year ago, she is a hardworking and sincere person. I wish her "to be No. 1" on musical Olympus as she wishes. As far as I know, Lena was more than satisfied with the Butch.ru site itself and its support. But if she or those around her believe that there is no place for lesbians around, well, all that remains is to silently leave, thanking for the attention. The reason for the collapse of the first composition of the BUCCH group became known

By the fall of 2003, relations in the group were such that there were no relations at all. People came out on the same stage at a concert, something seemed to happen, and we were glued into one creative whole. But as soon as the concert ended, everything collapsed. Finally, everything was rotten to such an extent that it became clear that it was no longer possible to pull. I tell the guys - we are going to my place and discussing what to do next.

Not everyone came. Without saying a word, we told each other that we were finishing the last few concerts and parted ways. The guys demanded from me to pay a percentage of the sale of the album, which, according to the contract, the label had to pay us. But he didn't pay anything. The musicians thought that they could get this money from me. They said so, or you give us these percentages, or we disperse. I can’t give them anything, we just finish the game and disperse.

Relations with Sergei Petukhov were different. After all, we were partners with him, together we invested money in the group and sometimes gave our boys when the fee was low, and we also wrote songs with him, his music, my words .. Petukhov and I agreed like this - I collect new team and we will first play the songs that he wrote the music for, the songs that made the first line-up of Butch. We agreed that while I sing these songs, he receives part of the fee from these concerts. Considered in hindsight. And by the time of the conversation, he was already entitled to 500 dollars under these agreements. He received them from me. Then we counted and decided that by the end of the month I would give him another five hundred.

Our last concert together. They played him evil. Bassist Denis Petukhov was not there, he left with the Tatu group for Japan. All these disassemblies seemed to no longer concern Denis, he already formally left for another team. The bassist was invited. We played a concert and began to wrap things up. And then Petukhov says, give me 500 bucks now. And I told him, we agreed that before the end of the month, another week. I will give it back. No, give it now. - Damn, I say, you're violating our agreements. So what, he says, you break them all the time, now I do too. No, I say, I'll give it to you at the end of the month.

Oh, so, Petukhov and Stupin say, - then we take away the equipment (and it was bought with my money). Well, choke, I say. And you, Petukhov fool, ruined everything for yourself. So I would receive as agreed with each next concert reward, and now I don't even want to know you.

Some of my personal belongings remained at the rehearsal base. I think, really, they will fall to such a point that they won’t give up their clothes. I called the drummer Zeleny the next day. Slava, I say, there is my heater, fan and vocal lotion. I don’t know anything, Slava tells me, I won’t give anything away. Well, hell, I say, with you. Keep warm and ventilate. So we parted. And I wanted to be a gentleman. But it didn't work out.

The original text is in the singer's LiveJournal. Butch changes role and name

Group leader Butch Elena Pogrebizhskaya officially announced that a group with that name no longer exists. In October, the first solo album of the singer will be presented in one of the Moscow clubs, and the other day there will be a show documentary film"All the same, I'll get up," authored by Elena. The heroines of the tape were Irina Bogushevskaya, Svetlana Surganova and Anna Gerasimova, better known as Umka. Why one of the brightest people on the Moscow rock scene decided to abandon the promoted brand, what inspired her to shoot movies and why she writes books, the artist told in exclusive interview correspondent "Ytra"

"Utro": On September 14 you showed the press your documentary featuring Irina Bogushevskaya, Umka and Sveta Surganova. How to take such a forced march away from your musical career?

Elena Pogrebizhskaya: Actually, I am a TV journalist by profession, for a long time She was a political commentator on the Vremya program on Channel One. And although I have not been working in this specialty for six years, as they say, you cannot drink away professionalism. Behind last years musical activity Film and TV history didn't come into my life simply because it didn't occur to me that you could do different things at the same time. Especially to me, a person who, it seems to me, is captured by "one, but fiery passion." It turned out that I was wrong. You can do several quite successful projects in one period of time: you can record music, publish a book and present a film.

"Y": What did you find the most difficult in preparing the film?
E.P.: The most difficult thing was to assemble the soundtrack of the film in order to respect all copyrights. This is a real balancing act, believe me.
"Y": What did you learn new about your heroines?
E.P.: Well, it's very general question. Before the editing of the film, I had published a book about these people, so I had a rather voluminous idea of ​​the heroines. Although the attitude of their relatives to them was new for me, how reverently the sons treat Irina and Anya and how her mother is rooting for Sveta. Until you see it with your own eyes, you won't feel it.
"Y": Will there be a continuation of your cinematic work?
E.P.: Yes, we have now received an order for another documentary, and I think we will continue, I like it.
"Y": There are rumors that Butch has ceased to exist. What do you say?
E.P.: I will say that it is so. In fact, it ceased to exist when we parted ways. different sides with those who created it, in my opinion, in 2003. And most importantly, I want to leave a mark under my own name.
"Y": What kind of reaction do you expect from your fans to this step of yours?
E.P.: I look forward to understanding.
"Y": And how did the band members react to the abolition of the name?
E.P .: In my opinion, calmly, we have a well-coordinated team, we have just created an excellent album.
"Y": What's going on with him?
E.P .: It comes out the other day, the presentation is scheduled for October 20th.
"Y": Will there be something special at the concert at Tochka? You always came up with something for your fans, performed some duets.
E.P.: And this time we are preparing big show, I will give out one secret: I will even dance.
"Y": Which of your two books - "Confessions of the Four" or "The Diary of an Artist" - was more successful, in your opinion?
E.P.: This is a question for publishers, not for me. It's like asking a parent which of their children they love more. "Y": Do you write books because it's fashionable?
E.P .: It seems to me, because I have a talent for this. And most importantly, I enjoy it.
"Y": What else would you like to do but can't afford it yet?
E.P .: Probably, by learning languages, I can’t think of a motivation for myself yet. Elena Pogrebizhskaya presented her "Credo"

The presentation of the album "Credo" by Elena Pogrebizhskaya took place on October 20 at the "Tochka" club. The album cover first appeared on huge screens, and then the countdown.
Elena Pogrebizhskaya came out in a black trouser skirt, a red plaid jacket and red tights.

Elena Pogrebizhskaya came out in a black trouser skirt and a red plaid jacket. She began by performing a prayer, the text of which was shown on the screens. When she finished, several young people from the audience shouted: "Thank you!", "Bravo!". Lena said: "Good afternoon, Dear friends! We present to you today a new album called "Credo" - and performed the song "While I breathe" from it.

While Mrs. Pogrebizhskaya was introducing Georgy Denisenko, who accompanied her, her musicians took the stage, and Lena announced: "Now we will perform our album for you." According to Intermedia, the compositions were performed in the same order as on the record: "One Second", "There Will Be No War", "While I'm Breathing", "Only Love Remains" and so on. "While I'm Breathing", as on the album, was performed twice. The second time Lena imitated playing the violin with her hands. On some songs, she shook her head so much that she had to remove the spring headband from her hair, and put it back on on slower ones.

Some of the compositions were accompanied by a video sequence, about which Pogrebizhskaya reported: "The screens turned on, I see." After the song "My name is love" Lena was presented with roses in a vase. She thanked for the flowers - these and those donated earlier, and turned to another part of the audience: "People standing like pillars, in a state of fig - you have to understand that they came for the first time or is this their normal behavior? Especially in the center there are a lot of such people" . And she asked: "If you move some parts of your face, at least we will be a little happier on stage." The first rows, already active, clapped and shouted. And Pogrebizhskaya continued: "Or somehow let's decide on the signs: this is our normal condition at the concert that we like. It's not clear on stage.

Under the first chords, "Gorodok" added: "Ogish, we also love you very much." She performed this song together with guitarist Pavel Martynenko (Pate). "Thank you very much, I want to say that you came. It's not that we were preparing to meet the presentation alone, no, we're just very glad to see you, really," Pogrebizhskaya said. Numerous "Thank you!" came from the hall. and "We're happy too!" After all the songs from "Credo" were performed, a dance block began, in which there were songs already familiar to everyone in a new arrangement: "Hymns", "Bitch", "Apples", etc.

On the "Fakel" Lena turned her back to the audience and, dancing, unbuttoned her jacket. The audience noticeably perked up, and when she turned her face, the audience, seeing her pumped-up press, simply exploded with hysterical screams and whistles. "Sky over Moscow" was traditionally sung together. Lena thanked the DJ who helped make this part of the concert and handed the microphone to Pate to button up his jacket. The audience shouted: "Lena, no! Don't zip up!" Pate urged to buy their records "several copies in the house: for grandmothers, grandfathers, for dogs and cats." Especially for those "who came to the moment of the presentation of the album, knowing all the songs already, and now they are asking the question, what's next", the musicians showed what will happen next - for the first time performing new song called "Speed" ("Speed").

The presentation ended with the hits "Feelings at will", "Morning Light" and "I'll Rise". And after the concert, Elena Pogrebizhskaya signed CDs and posters for everyone. Elena Pogrebizhskaya will mount a "folk" video

A well-known TV journalist in the past, and now famous singer and the writer Elena Pogrebizhskaya became closer to the people. Clip to her last song"Speed" will be made from an amateur video.
On the popular resource TOP4TOP there is a competition for The best video corresponding to the driving mood of the composition. The presentation of the "folk" clip will take place at the singer's concert on April 26 at the Tabula Rasa club.
The idea to make a folk video came to Elena not by chance. The idea to make a folk clip did not come to Elena by chance: the most interesting and “live” pictures are obtained involuntarily and become the property of amateurs. The singer is sure that only real, not staged shots can convey the mood of her new song:
- “Speed” is the feeling of a person who considers the car and himself as a single whole. This is his pulse, his heartbeat. When he steps on the gas, the sound of his breathing is louder than the world around him. This song is for those who live at high speed. And only then does he feel alive, ”says Elena Pogrebizhskaya.
"People's video" weighing up to 80 MB. will be posted on Top4Top and watched by Elena Pogrebizhskaya from March 25 to April 15. From the best fragments and shots, the singer will mount her own new clip which will subsequently be presented to the general public. Birth

Elena Pogrebizhskaya (born October 1) is one of the headliners of Russian lesbian culture at the beginning of the 21st century. The former leader of the Butch group, judging by the LiveJournal lesbian audience surveys conducted by historian Galina Zelenina, was only ahead of Svetlana Surganova and Diana Arbenina.
Like other women in Russian rock, whose work is perceived within the boundaries of thematic culture, Pogrebizhskaya never admitted her homosexuality. On the contrary, the growth of hatred against homosexuals, provoked by gay radicals in the spring of 2005, made Pogrebizhskaya more cautious about her relationship with lesbian fans. And in 2007 even make a few statements in an attempt to distance themselves from them. However, the crowds of pinks at Butch concerts have not disappeared. After the release of the book "Confessions of Four" at the end of February 2007, lesbians still formed the core of the group's audience. And the fans forgave the desire to get rid of the "lesbian aura" by reading in "Confession ..." the brightest chapter about Svetlana Surganova, who knows that in life one must experience love with a woman too. Pogrebizhskaya admitted that she was "friends passionately."
Until 2001, Elena Pogrebizhskaya was a reporter for the main news program Russian television- "Time". Neryadov - bright, talented. Having become an artist, she spoke about herself, trying to avoid generic endings and definitions - "man", "creator". In 2001-2002, the singer answered questions from journalists only on behalf of male. This was later explained in various ways. More often - the burden of education - "I am a philologist", "everyone has his own style of speech" or a reference to the Serbian writer Milorad Pavic. He wrote his own famous novel"Khazar Dictionary" in male and female versions. Sometimes it came almost to "theological" disputes. "I want to be a god"... - said Pogrebizhskaya at one of the first press conferences. And God, rather, has no gender.
But to lull the vigilance of the general public, who did not read Pavić, ornate reflections did not work. Pogrebizhskaya's appearance, lifestyle and communication screamed much louder than the name of the group ...

From the book by Vladimir Kirsanov "+31. Russian gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals" (M., 2007) Printed additional circulation film by Elena Pogrebizhskaya "I'll get up anyway"

Almost a year and a half has passed since the book by Elena Pogrebizhskaya "Confessions of Four" was published. It was followed in the fall of 2007 by the premiere of the film "I'll get up anyway." All the same heroines - Svetlana Surganova, Irina Bogushevskaya, Umka and Pogrebizhskaya herself, when she was still called "Butch" - talked about creativity and the obstacles that they were able to overcome in life.
Interest in the book and film continues to be high, especially among the lesbian audience. Therefore, the production company printed a small additional edition of a separate edition of the documentary "I'll Get Up Anyway".
Recall that the disk with the picture was included in the last - third - Pogrebizhskaya's album in October last year. The double plate is quite expensive. In addition, most likely, not all fans of Pogrebizhskaya's journalistic skills, as well as fans of Surganova, Bogushevskaya and Umka, would like to receive the rock singer's album as a load.
Separately, the film was released only at the beginning of 2008 in a very small edition and was immediately sold out. The day before, the manufacturing company made a small reprint. The discs have already arrived at the Indigo store, they can also be ordered at Shop.Gay.Ru.

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