Festival new wave. What surprised the competition "new wave" in Sochi


One of the most anticipated events that all music fans anticipate, domestic stage, is the New Wave 2016 contest. According to the already established tradition, the event will be held in the city of Sochi, in Russian Federation in the period 3-9 September. It is worth noting that until recently (and this is actually two years ago), this celebration was held in the city of Jurmala for more than a dozen years. The concert hall "Dzintari" was specially chosen for these purposes, in which, thanks to the peculiar atmosphere, the concert became one of the most anticipated and impressive events of the summer in terms of its scope. As for the date of the event, there was no doubt about when the long-awaited event would take place, all the organizers had known for quite a long time and were happily waiting for the specified time.

Excursion to the past, in 2015

It is worth considering what were such events as the children's "New Wave", as well as an adult event, in the past, 2015. Then only 15 performers took part, representing about 12 countries. In particular, representatives of Kazakhstan, Croatia, three performers from Russia were noted, one singer even represented Switzerland. I remember past concert just an international composition, which was somewhat diversified by immigrants from Scandinavia, the southern regions of Europe.

By the way, what is noteworthy, it was not the owners who became the winners then, proudly carrying forward the banners of their states. For example, the first place was taken by the representative of Croatia, Damir Kedzo, who impressed both the guests and the judges with his vocal abilities, causing a real sensation at the event. The second place was shared between two participants, one of which was Millane Fernandez representing Indonesia, while Ademi from Kazakhstan was her colleague. Surprisingly, but Russian performers failed to take first place, even the third position went to a musical group from Ukraine.

Among the surprises that characterized not only the performers, but also the songs themselves, the casting then carried out, one can safely name the transfer of the celebration from the traditional venue of Jurmala to Sochi.

Remarkably, the fact that the event will now change its venue was previously announced by the governor himself Krasnodar Territory, after which his words were confirmed directly by famous composer Igor Krutoy. Such a decision was connected with Latvia's ban on the entry into its country of such performers as Kobzon, Gazmanov, Valeria. Remarkably, this decision did not affect other celebrities, for example, Alla Pugacheva is not persona non grata in Latvia. Nevertheless, such an action by the Latvian Foreign Ministry acted as a prerequisite for various rumors about the transfer of the New Wave itself to the cities of Russia. A decision was made to choose Kaliningrad, Kazan, even the newly joined Crimea as a new city. But the choice fell on the tourist capital of the Krasnodar Territory, which is Sochi.

The history of the creation and development of the competition itself

In fact, the New Wave event itself was a continuation of another competition called Jurmala, which was held until the onset of 1990. True, it took more than 10 years to restore the status of this event, the first contest in the new format was held already in 2002, and it was then that the organizers already realized that the decision was right and the new event will undoubtedly be in demand by the audience of potential viewers.

The main stages of development can be distinguished as follows:

  • The first competition took place in Jurmala in 2002. The winner then was the growing duet of young guys who took the name "Smash !!", and in fourth place was the real star of Russian musical modernity - Dima Bilan. Among star guests all the first persons of the national stage were noted, popular even after such a long period of time. Well, at the opening of the event, everyone was greeted by the President of Latvia.
  • A year later, the representative of Russia, Anastasia Stotskaya, was already in the first place, and both world stars from Russia and various countries Europe. The next year, 2004, did not glorify the celebration with anything outstanding, and, nevertheless, the now star Irina Dubtsova settled in second place.
  • 2005 was marked for a reason, because its main muse was the prima donna Alla Pugacheva. In the first place at that time was the representative of Latvia Intars Busulis, the second went to the now popular Ukrainian Tina Karol.

Now it remains to wait what surprise the upcoming 2016 will bring.

More recently, the Latvian Jurmala was considered a prestigious resort in Russia, where you can have a good rest and even stare at celebrities. However, two years ago, New Wave and other Russian festivals for political reasons abandoned the Baltic registration. figured out how the “pearl of the Riga seaside” survived the changes.

Age of Plenty

The founders of the New Wave, the composers, chose Jurmala because this resort was chosen by Soviet pop stars of the first magnitude. Everyone performed here. The first "New Wave" was held with great success in July-August 2002. More than 800 people and several huge trailers with scenery and equipment arrived in Jurmala only through the line of the organizers. The television audience of the competition reached 4 million viewers.

IN different years the festival was attended by, Smash!, Polina Rostova, Nyusha, Jukebox Trio,. Some of the artists, the same Jamal, "New Wave" gave a start in life. Naturally, the festival program called big interest. “Due to the “New Wave”, “Voicing KiViN”, guests and a huge number of Russian tourists who visited the resort in July, Jurmala received large financial income. Restaurants, cafes, hotels and guest houses were overcrowded, rents skyrocketed,” Milana Skumbinya, a Riga real estate specialist, deputy director of Ģlob Al Group, told Lente.ru.

According to her, there were simply no free places in the hotels, the waiters in the restaurants were simply knocked off their feet. Among the very important guests of the resort were - their total fortune is several times higher than the annual GDP of Latvia. Raymond Pauls with good reason said that the "New Wave" breathed new life to Jurmala.

But the festival brought not only joy and fun: several times it turned into fines for neglecting the Latvian language. The competition was picketed by nationalists, and many officials spoke of its undesirability. “The New Wave in itself, as well as in terms of all the fuss around it, symbolizes the post-Soviet space from which we want to leave forever,” said Latvian Minister of Culture Sarmite Elerte.

The practical Russians reminded the Latvians that they were making huge profits. One of the organizers of the festival calculated: “During the “New Wave” period, Jurmala entrepreneurs earn in a week by raising prices by 300 percent! I think there are no such precedents in the world. They make money on us. We pay more than a thousand people, we rent 27 hotels. About 2,000 more people work with us as subcontractors, which means 3,000 jobs.” However, in 2014 the "New Wave" was held in Jurmala in last time. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Edgar Rinkevich, banned entry into the country, and Valeria because they expressed support for the Russian foreign policy. “I don't want them to use Latvia to propagate views that are incompatible with our principles,” the minister explained. Later, film actors and were added to the list of "banned people".

time to count

As a result, Igor Krutoy announced that he would find another place for the New Wave. And the competition moved to Sochi. Following from Jurmala, other summer Russian festivals stretched - "Voicing KiViN" and "Jurmala". Whole last year the authorities argued that the city did not suffer from the departure of the festivals, and the outflow of Russians was compensated by visitors from other countries. However, at the beginning of June, the complaint of the mayor of Jurmala, Guntis Truksnis, that instead of generous Russians, tight-fisted Scandinavians and Germans now come to the resort, sounded dissonant to this. “Of course it has been a tough year. Due to the geopolitical and economic crisis, outward tourism from Russia has fallen by forty percent. Thirty-three percent of tourists in Jurmala were Latvians, sixty-seven were from abroad. Of these sixty-seven percent, Russians made up forty. If this figure falls by half, then, of course, it affects ... The previous three years, the number of tourists grew by twenty percent. Last year we finished, fortunately, without minuses, but with a little, little plus, ”complained Truksnis.

Photo: Dmitry Korotaev / Kommersant

According to the mayor, the reorientation to less generous guests helped the city not to go into the red. “The number of visitors from neighboring countries the Baltic States, Sweden, Germany, Great Britain… But, of course, tourists from Western Europe consumer habits are different, they are more conservative. The hotels are full, but the bills are twenty per cent lower. I explain this by saying that this is the norm. They just overpaid before,” the mayor reassures himself.

He also resents the fact that the state has significantly tightened the conditions for foreigners to participate in the program "residence permits (residence permit) in exchange for investments" - because of which rich Russians stopped buying land in Jurmala. “The residence permit program, in principle, has been killed. Real estate sales fell eight and a half times compared to the previous year, and we are still happy about it! Our market is not so self-sufficient that we could afford to acquire such. There are so many people in Latvia who can afford luxury real estate... We must be more open and not as xenophobic as we sometimes are,” Truksnis concluded. Many believe that in the person of Truksnis, Jurmala finally got lucky with the mayor - several of his predecessors were convicted of bribery. And the words of the mayor should be heeded.

Milana Skumbiņa confirms: "The move of the "New Wave" to Sochi, a significant decrease in demand from Russian buyers, new geopolitical realities and changes in the rules for obtaining a residence permit in Latvia adopted in the second half of 2014, led to a decrease in 2015 total transactions in new projects in Jurmala by about 72 percent. The number of transactions with private houses in Jurmala fell by 64 percent. And only this spring, after a year and a half of weak demand, sales transactions in Jurmala began to revive.”

About how things are in the city, Lenta.ru talked to former MP local government, a member of the public council at the Jurmala City Council Janis Kuzins. “Among Russians now, mainly those who have already received a residence permit and are now obliged to check in and check their property come to Jurmala. Other foreigners are Lithuanians, Estonians, Scandinavians and Ukrainians. The latter are actively interested in business opportunities in Latvia as a country. By the way, Ukrainian festivals are trying to replace the departed Russian festivals - such as "Quarter 95", "Made in Ukraine" and so on. There is no stability in Ukraine, and many Ukrainian entrepreneurs are looking for ways to withdraw funds from their homeland to Latvia,” notes Kuzins.

According to him, the city is forced to take on the maintenance of the famous concert hall "Dzintari", which previously existed on self-sufficiency. Today, the cost of his rent has tripled. “Unlike the Russians, for vacationers from the Baltics and Ukraine, a ticket to a concert worth one hundred euros is too expensive. Even Scandinavians prefer to spend money not on a live music session, but on a coffee with a bun,” Cousins ​​explains. According to him, if earlier local owners of beach cafes had to pay about a thousand euros per season for renting land, now prices have increased tenfold - although earlier earnings were twenty percent higher.

The smell of the outback

The public figure is sure that it is possible to improve the affairs of Jurmala only by taking steps to resume cooperation with the Russians. And if government has not yet matured, then the municipalities should take the initiative. “Personally, I intend to speak in the public council with a proposal to renew the contract with the sister city of Jurmala, Alushta. Following the example of colleagues from Italy and France, you can gather a delegation of former and current deputies of the Jurmala City Council, businessmen, public figures and visit Alushta on a friendly visit. I hope for mutual support from the administration of Alushta,” he says.

And guests from Russia. It is assumed that it will be much larger than the first - some even say that, in fact, the New Wave will return to Jurmala in a different guise. However, the resort, according to visitors, is not yet very impressive. Here, for example, is the opinion expressed by Pskov journalist Elena Yazemova to Lente.ru: “Legendary Jurmala not only disappointed, but led to a slight shock - my idea of ​​\u200b\u200bit was too far from reality. No, the sea there is wonderful and the beaches are wonderful. But here she is... My husband took me to the sea along one of the central streets. And I look around and think: this is the "same" Jurmala, a fashionable fashionable resort where dachas were bought in batches Russian stars? Backwater backwoods ... "

Yaseniya (Russia)

Denis Sokolov (Russia)

Group N.E.V.A (Russia)

Anastasia Prudius (Ukraine)


Galina Bezruk (Ukraine)

Sasha Zakharik (Belarus)

Dino (Croatia)

Damir Kedzo

Kristjan Kasearu (Estonia)

Kristian says.

Walter Ricci (Italy)

Alisa Danelia (Georgia)

took first place

SARYN (Kazakhstan)

Samantha Tina (Latvia)

Brio Sonores (Moldova)


Before the start of the 15th anniversary international competition for young performers popular music, which will be held in Sochi for the second time this year, there are only a few days left. From September 3 to September 9, 16 contestants from 12 countries will have to show several numbers, including duets with stars. Today, September 1, on the official website of the contest - www.newwavestars.eu - started audience voting for the participants, the results of which will be announced on the closing day of the competition: the winner of the audience award will receive a valuable gift. To help choose the favorite contestant, HELLO.RU offers to get to know the participants of the "New Wave-2016" closer.

Yaseniya (Russia)

This year, 3 representatives from Russia will go to try their hand at the "New Wave", including the singer Yaseniya. The artist has not only great stage experience, but also the support of producer Viktor Drobysh, with whom she began to cooperate several years ago. The real name of Yaseniya is Nana, she was born in Abkhazia, but as a child she moved with her parents to Sochi. Her old dream is to sing with the famous Sochi singer - Grigory Leps.

Since childhood, I have loved Leps' songs, his extraordinary timbre of voice, a manner of performance that cannot be confused with anyone else. Besides, he is Georgian. And from Sochi - the city where I have been living for a long time!

True, while the dream will remain a dream: within the framework of the competition called "Duets with the Stars", Yaseniya will have to sing with another colorful artist - Abraham Russo.

Denis Sokolov (Russia)

A talented musician from Novosibirsk - Denis Sokolov - is already familiar to Russian viewers: last fall he was a member of the show "Voice" and played for the team of Grigory Leps. The idea of ​​participating in the "New Wave" was suggested to Denis by friends, but he himself did not follow the competition much.

I was advised on time to apply for participation in the "New Wave" - ​​literally a day before the deadline for accepting applications, I managed. And here I am in the final! I sing at the competition what I like. It is important!

Like Denis different styles- indie rock, funk, disco, rock and gospel. A few years ago, together with his group, he already released an album - "Triton - I" m siberian ".

Group N.E.V.A (Russia)

N.E.V.A will also represent Russia. The team was formed in 2009 in Yekaterinburg and during its existence managed to participate in several music competitions - in particular, musicians could be seen in the show " main stage where they made it to the final.

We are all born in musical families or in the families of artists. We sing who from the age of two, who from five, who from six. The timbres are different: Nechaev - first tenor, Khabibullin - second tenor, Vasiliev - bass, Mekhonoshin - second tenor-baritone, Panin just sings,

Team members talk about themselves.

Anastasia Prudius (Ukraine)

23-year-old Anastasia Prudius from Kharkov has become a real YouTube star after successfully auditioning for the Voice of Ukraine show. The audience shared the delight of the jury, the video from Anastasia's blind auditions has about 1 million views. Anastasia loves soul, funk, jazz and pop music, and among the Russian artists who inspire her, she names Leonid Agutin and Keti Topuria - it is with them that she would like to make a duet.

Anastasia has been following the New Wave contest since childhood and was happy to find out that she made it to the final:

The brightest and most interesting for me at the competition was Jamala, she is one of my favorite singers ... I believe that the "New Wave" will be an impetus for my future career, I believe that I will adequately represent my country and come home with a prize.

Galina Bezruk (Ukraine)

Another contestant from Ukraine is actress and singer Galina Bezruk. She began her career on television with the show "Voice of Ukraine", in which she reached the final under the leadership of Alexander Ponomarev. In 2014, Galina received a role in comedy series"The Last Muscovite". On film set the artist met her future husband, ironically, Russian artist Artem Alekseev. The couple got married in August this year. Now Galina lives and works in Russia - at the Moscow Musical Theater, but does not forget her native Ukraine. Arriving a few days ago in Sochi to prepare the show, Galina managed to become a participant big news, unexpectedly unfurling the flag of Ukraine in the middle of the square where the pre-competition event took place.

To participate in the "New Wave" for Galina is a childhood dream. True, she never thought that her entry into the competition would coincide with another important event Now she and her husband are expecting a baby.

"New Wave" is famous for the qualitative improvement of artists. So study, study and study again!

Posted by Galina on Instagram.

Sasha Zakharik (Belarus)

Representing Belarus (Belarus) this year will be Sasha Zakharik, a 27-year-old singer from Minsk. This year, the singer tried to get to Eurovision, but lost in the national selection, but outperformed her competitors in the semi-finals of the New Wave:

After participating in the selection for "Eurovision" there was an inner feeling: do not stop! She sent an application to the Ukrainian "X-factor", Russian "Voice" and "New Wave". And it fired. The jury included Viktor Drobysh, Igor Krutoy, Ilya Revzin, Keti Topuria. I noticed that during the performance they compared what was happening on the stage with the picture on the monitors. Since this is a television competition, it is very important how the artists look in the frame,

Sasha Zakharik told the Belarusian edition.

Alexandra Zakharik graduated from Belarusian State University culture and arts by class pop vocal. And after graduation, she became a soloist in the Lipnitsky Show Orchestra and the jazz group Apple Tea. He is a laureate of the special fund of the President of the Republic of Belarus to support talented youth.

Konstantin Rabotov (Bulgaria)

Konstantin Rabotov, a contestant from Bulgaria, is well known to Russian viewers - last year he took part in the show "Voice", and at a blind audition all the judges turned to him at once. Before that, Konstantin did not perform on stage for about 6 years, being engaged in teaching activities.

I made the decision to take part in the competition because I want to develop singing career. "New Wave" is a forum where a lot of people from show business gather, a lot of producers, and maybe someone will notice me.

It is highly likely that Philip Kirkorov, who traditionally praises the merits of the New Wave contestants from Bulgaria, will pay attention to Konstantin.

Dino (Croatia)

The 24-year-old contestant from Croatia, Dino Jelusic, will have a responsible task on the New Wave - to show himself no worse than his predecessor Damir Kedzo, who became the winner of the competition in 2015. However, Dino himself knows what victory tastes like: in 2003 he became the winner " Junior Eurovision", and then brightly performed at the "Slavianski Bazaar".

Kristjan Kasearu (Estonia)

Estonia at the "New Wave-2016" will be represented by a musician from Tallinn - Kristjan Kasearu. For a trip to Sochi, Kristyan even began to learn Russian: is it necessary to perform in a duet with Russian celebrity, the artist does not disclose, but information has already appeared on the network that Nyusha can become his partner on stage in one of the stages of the competition.

Darling musical genre Kristiana - rock. He listens to Alter Bridge, Nickelback, Aersomith, Sixx Am and Queen. He called his first solo album Rock'n'roll is life, denoting the motto of his life.

I like it when musical groups the singers have passion and energy in their voice!

Kristian says.

Walter Ricci (Italy)

This year Italy will be represented in Sochi by Walter Ricci from Naples. Walter began to study music at the insistence of his composer father and at first sang with his brother, trying to cover famous Italian and American songs:

My vocal style is quite "dark and warm". It is reminiscent of the style of the old era of American swing music. I am working on my own means of musical expression to avoid being dependent on one particular genre.

Walter considers John Legend to be his musical idol, who, in his opinion, is the best at combining traditional mototown and soul with modern sound.

Alisa Danelia (Georgia)

Alisa Danelia, a contestant from Georgia, has been performing on stage since childhood. Having moved from her native Batumi to Moscow, she became a soloist of a children's musical theater"Domisolka".

I had the best childhood imaginable: concerts, tours, filming, then I felt like a little star!

Last year, Alice decided to try her hand at the Main Stage music competition, and this year - at the New Wave.

The winner of 2009 from Indonesia, Sandy Sondoro, made a great impression on me: how much energy, charisma, what a timbre! To get to this competition was not only my dream, but also of my whole family. This year the stars aligned so that our dreams came true. All my beloved Georgia will support me.

The second representative of Georgia on the New Wave 2016 is Georgy Nadibaidze. IN home country George became famous after participating in the "Voice", where, being a member of the Keti Topuria team, he took first place. Georgy considers a trip to Sochi to the "New Wave" an exit to new level and hopes not only to be remembered by the audience, but also to win.

As far as I know, my timbre is a lyric tenor, but due to the range they say that I am a baritone,

Tells about himself George.

SARYN (Kazakhstan)

The duo "Saryn" (SARYN) was entrusted to represent Kazakhstan this year, the participants of which are 21-year-old Berik Berdekeev and 20-year-old Altynai Tulembetova. The musicians have been following the results of the "New Wave" since 2007 and, by the way, it was in 2007 that Kazakhstan was represented by the Rin "Go group, one of whose soloists - Daniyar Otegen - is the duo's producer.

We know that the "New Wave" is 15 years old this year: 15 years ago we were small and were fond of studying letters, numbers and plasticine! new bright names and songs, opens up new opportunities for the contestants.

Nursultan Azykbaev (Kyrgyzstan)

21-year-old Nursultan Azykbaev will represent Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan) at the "New Wave", this will be the musician's debut performance at a competition of this level. And if many participants prefer to keep the details of their future numbers a secret, Nursulan decisively revealed all the cards to the Kyrgyz edition of Sputnik.

There are three songs to be played. I chose Sting's world hit Shape Of My Heart. Then the works of the composer Viktor Drobysh will be performed with the participation of Russian stars. We will sing "The Girl on the Ball" with Leps. The third song is author's, called "Attin ai", a rough translation of "What a pity," the singer said.

Samantha Tina (Latvia)

27-year-old Samantha Tina has extensive experience performing in front of a wide audience. A few years ago, she won the competition " Slavic Marketplace", and then three years in a row passed qualifying rounds the Eurovision Song Contest. A big dream Samantha - sing with Grigory Leps:

I love Leps! Mom laughed a lot when I told her that I would marry him,

Samantha talks about herself.

Tina has been following the results of the New Wave for a long time:

For as long as I can remember, I've been watching this contest for as long as I can. And I can’t even believe that now I myself will participate in it. Of all the contestants, I really liked our Intars Busulis, as well as Jamala and Roberto Kel Torres. My minimum life program for the next five years is as follows: to get into the top three finalists of the "New Wave 2016", record new album, perform on the stage of a large concert arena in any country and get married.

Brio Sonores (Moldova)

Last year, Moldova (Moldova) did not participate in the competition, but this time it sent five artists at once - the Brio Sonores group. The team, whose members are Dmitry Mytsu, Valery Moruz, Mikhail Gandraman, Vitaly Machunsky and Vyacheslav Timofti, was created in 2009 on the basis of church choir, and in 2013 the musicians began to perform in the genre of pop opera. The group has achieved great success at home, and in 2014 she won the competition "Romania is looking for talents", receiving money prize 120 thousand euros. Last year Brio Sonores recorded their own version of the Moldovan anthem.

The international music competition "New Wave 2016" starts in Sochi, Krasnodar. Ceremony grand opening anniversary, 15th competition with the participation of stars Russian stage is currently taking place in the New Wave Hall. open holiday program Philip Kirkorov, Sergey Lazarev and many other Russian pop stars.

Traditionally, on the day of the opening of the competition Today there will be a draw, which will determine the order of performance of the performers on the first day of the competition. Today, for the first time, the main characters of the "New Wave" - ​​the contestants - will appear on the stage. Spectators will see the solemn removal of the flags of the participating countries, a dynamic draw, the presentation of the members of the professional jury of the competition, and, of course, the performance of Russian and foreign stage in a grand gala concert.

The program will be attended by Philip Kirkorov, IOWA group, Irina Dubtsova, Lyubov Uspenskaya, Polina Gagarina, Degrees group, Band'eros group, Iosif Kobzon, Natasha Koroleva, Dominik Joker, Sergey Lazarev, Ani Lorak, Yulianna Karaulova, Jasmine, Elena Temnikova, Valery Meladze and Konstantin Meladze , Larisa Dolina, Taisiya Povaliy, Zara, Jukebox, Children's Choir of the Academy of Popular Music of Igor Krutoy "New Wave", Anzhelika Varum, Ukrainian singer Alekseev, Alexey Vorobyov.

The contestants this year will be 16 performers from 12 countries. These are representatives of Russia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Georgia, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Ukraine, Croatia and Estonia. Russia at the "New Wave - 2016" will be represented by three participants at once: the N.E.V.A group from the city of Yekaterinburg, singer, saxophonist and participant in the show "Voice" Denis Sokolov from Novosibirsk and performer Yaseniya.

In total, more than 10 thousand people applied for the festival. The vocal abilities of the contestants will be assessed by a competent jury chaired by People's Artist Russia, producer and composer Igor Krutoy. It included Leonid Agutin, Valery Meladze, Philip Kirkorov, Igor Nikolaev and others famous performers and musicians.

The headliners of the festival this year will be Ricky Martin, who will open the competition, and Sting, who will perform at the closing of the festival on September 9th. The first competitive day - September 4 - will be devoted to cinema. The contestants will perform songs from popular films together with the stars.

Lara Fabian, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Anna Netrebko, Yuri Bashmet are expected on the stage of the "New Wave".

On September 8, the participants will present the premieres to the jury and the audience own songs, and the stars of domestic show business will perform with their hits. The New Wave will close with a big gala concert, - the press service of the Sochi administration reports.

The International Competition for Young Pop Music Performers New Wave 2016 will be held in Sochi from 3 to 9 September. The competition is celebrating its 15th anniversary. Over the years, the interest of millions of viewers in the creative struggle of the contestants, as well as in the concert programs of the competition, testifies to its relevance and importance. main goal"New wave" is the opening musical talents", - reported the press service of the administration of the resort city, reports TASS.

Igor Krutoy, founder of the New Wave international competition for young performers, believes that the festival's move from the Latvian Jurmala to the Russian resort of Sochi gave the competition new energy.

“We have a good sediment left. In principle, in order to understand who he lived with, you need to break up. And we have nothing negative, we have maintained friendship with Raymond Pauls,” Krutoy said. In his opinion, in Jurmala "there was a slightly different competition, there was a slightly different atmosphere, a slightly different energy."

One of the co-founders of the first New Wave contests was the famous Latvian composer Raimonds Pauls. According to Krutoy, after the contest moved to the Russian Federation, communication with him did not stop, although the producer of the contest admitted that he had not invited a colleague to the contest in Sochi. "I don't think he would have gone," said Krutoy.

Recall international competition young performers "New Wave 2016" (New Wave 2016) for the second year in a row takes place not in Jurmala, but in Sochi, as it is organized by Russian performers, most of whom are banned from entering Latvia.

Last year the competition moved to Sochi and was held from 2 to 11 September on the territory of the Marine Station in concert hall New Wave Hall.

This year the venue of the competition will not change.

For the second year in a row, the international competition New Wave will be held in Sochi. After the grand success of the New Wave 2015 in the Olympic capital, no less excitement is expected in 2016. The music competition for young performers "New Wave" in Sochi will be held on September 3-9, 2016. By tradition, the modern concert hall "New Wave Hall" will receive participants and guests of the festival. Prior to this, the competition, according to a long tradition, was held in the Latvian resort of Jurmala, in the Dzintari concert hall, and is becoming one of the brightest events of the summer.

Program " New wave 2016» will not go unnoticed by fans of modern Russian music. After all, only here they will have the opportunity to get to know all the participants music competition and enjoy the performances of famous masters of domestic and foreign stage.
The New Wave contest has been considered a highlight for many years cultural phenomenon attracting the attention of a huge number of people from different countries peace. After all, this program is international. And every year, young performers and popular artists from different countries. Not so long ago, the competition moved to a new location, in Sochi. And in 2016 it will be held there. And its participants, as always, will be the most the best representatives Russia and some other countries. Anyone who manages to order in time will be able to see them. tickets for this event. The contest will be held this year for seven days. On the first day will be grand opening events and gala concert famous performers. The second day will start directly competitive program. And its first stage will be dedicated to world hits, which will be performed by the contestants. The next day Sochi will host the long-awaited creative evening Oleg Gazmanov. Here famous author and the performer will share his creative plans and perform new and good famous compositions. The guests of the program will be popular Russian performers and bands. On the fourth day, there will be a competition of contestants, as well as a creative evening of the composer Viktor Drobysh, in which all the "stars" will take part. The next day of the program will not go unnoticed by connoisseurs of academic classics and opera. After all, world famous Russian musicians and vocalists such as Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Anna Netrebko, Yuri Bashmet, Denis Matsuev and others. On the sixth day, music lovers are waiting for the final performances of the contestants, where they, as well as the "stars" of pop music, will present the premieres of their new compositions. And the competition will end with the awarding of the winners and gala concerts of all its participants and guests.
It is not surprising that the competition New wave 2016”, as always, will attract the attention of many music lovers. After all, only here they will be able to find out the names of the best young talents from all over the world who will become winners or prize-winners of this project. This will open up new and interesting names. Also, this event will give the public a meeting with the most famous Russian and foreign performers and their favorite hits and new songs.

The program of the competition "New Wave 2016"

September 3 - Opening (Gala concert of stars)
The gala concert of the opening, for the first time the contestants will appear on the stage, the traditional removal of the flags of the participating countries, an exciting draw, the presentation of the members of the professional jury of the competition and the performance of Russian and foreign pop stars will take place. (S.Rotaru, F.Kirkorov, P.Gagarina, ALEXEEV, V.Brezhneva, L.Uspenskaya, I.Krutoy, Jukebox, S.Lazarev, A.Lorak, V.Meladze, I.Dubtsova, L.Uspenskaya, Nyusha, T. Radriguez, IOWA, Damir, VIA GRA, Dzhigan, Y. Savicheva, I. Kobzon, A. VArum, Y. Karaulova, D. Joker, T. Povaliy, N. Koroleva, D. Klyaver, Banderos and many more other.

September 4 - Film Day (concert of the Stars) + First competition day and World hit
Concert of the Stars and the first competition day, the audience will hear world hits performed by the contestants, and before the performance, the audience is waiting concert program. (N. Mikhalkov, E. Artemiev, Yu. Antonov, A. Belyaev, Lolita, F. Kirkorov, I. Krutoy, M. Merabova, L. Agutin, P. Gagarina, T. Kuznetsova, A. Rosenbaum, G. Yuffa , E. Krig, L. Leshchenko, I. Kireev, V. Eilinkrig and others.
Leading: N.Mikhalkov, K.Sobchak, S.Lazarev)

September 5 - Creative evening of O. Gazmanov (all stars participate)
Concert of stars and creative evening of Oleg Gazmanov. (O.Gazmanov, I.Allegrova, F.Kirkorov, V.Leontiev, T.Gverdtsiteli, N.Baskov, A.Lorak, I.Krutoy, L.Uspenskaya, S.Pavliashvili, Diskateka Crash, L.Leshchenko, A. Buinov, A. Marshal, A. Ivanov, N. Rastorguev, L. Vaikule, I. Busulis, Kel Tores, V. Meladze, Jasmine, Kuban Cossack choir and others.
Leading: Radion Gazmanov, Aurora)

September 6 - evening of V. Drobysh (concert of stars)
Stars concert, Viktor Drobysh's evening and the second competition day, during which the contestants will sing duets.
(G. Leps, I. Allegrova, S. Mieha, K. Orbakaite, L. Dolina, Valeria, Zara, Slava, A. Rosenbaum, A. Kogan, T. Ovsienko, V. Saltykov, Buranovsky grandmothers

Second day of competition (duets)
D. Bilan, T. Karol, A. Russo, D. Joker, G. Leps, A-Studio, Juke box, I. Dubtsova, P. Gagarina, A. Borodin, Kel Tores, Damir, T. Shirko, Nyusha and other
Leading: V.Drobysh, K.Orbakaite, Valeria, A.Vorobiev, Lipa)

September 7 - Evening of the Stars classical music
An evening of classical music stars.
(A. Netrebko, Y. Aivazov, Sumi Jo, D. Khvorostovsky, L. Fabian, Y. Bashmet, A. Yarova, L. Leshchenko, A. Varum and many others)

September 8 - Premiere Day (concert of the Stars) +
Third day of competition

Concert of the Stars and the third competition day, during which contestants and professional performers will share their premieres.
(N.Baskov, F.Kirkorov, I.Allegrova, D.Bilan, A-Studio, Center, LENINGRAD, P.Gagarina, V.Presnyakov, N.Podolskaya, Valeria, V.Meladze, A.Lorak, T .Gvertsiteli and others
Leading: L. Flying, Lera, T. Rodriguez)

September 9 - Closing (Gala concert of the Stars and Laureates of the competition)
Gala concert of the closing of the competition, awarding of the winners, presentation of "Crystal Waves" and other prizes. Most bright performers together with the contestants will sing along with the audience in the hall. (STING, F. Kirkorov, I. Allegrova, V. Leontiev, M Bend, N. Baskov, K. Orbakaite, A. Belyaev, I. Busulis, I. Nikolaev, L. Vaikule, Burito, Lolita, Emin, P. Gararina, V. Meladze, Valeria, A-Studio, N. Koroleva, A. Rosenbaum, S. Pavliashvili, A. Buynov, L. Uspenskaya, L. Leshchenko
Leading: K Sobchak, Lera, A. Vorobyov, S. Lazarev, Lipa, T. Radriguez)

Ticket price:

Ticket New Wave 09/03/2016 Ticket price per person/ruble*
Vip tables 1 30 000
Vip tables 2 24 000
Vip tables 3 18 000
Parterre 1 28 000
Parterre 2 24 000
Parterre 3 18 000
Parterre 4 15 000
Parterre 5 10 000
Ticket New Wave 04.09.2016
Vip tables 1 8 000
Vip tables 2 10 000
Vip tables 3 13 000
Parterre 2 5 000
Parterre 3 6 000
Parterre 4 7 000
Parterre 5 8 000
Parterre 6 10 000
Parterre 7 12 000
Ticket New Wave 09/05/2016
Vip tables 1 7 000
Vip tables 2 8 000
Vip tables 3 13 000
Parterre 2 2 500
Parterre 4 4 000
Parterre 5 5 000
Parterre 6 6 000
Parterre 7 7 000
Parterre 8 8 000
Parterre 9 10 000
Ticket New Wave 06.09.2016
Vip tables 1 8 000
Vip tables 2 10 000
Vip tables 3 13 000
Parterre 10 12 000
Parterre 4 4 000
Parterre 5 5 000
Parterre 6 6 000
Parterre 7 7 000
Parterre 8 8 000
Parterre 9 10 000
Ticket New Wave 07.09.2016
Vip tables 1 8 000
Vip tables 2 10 000
Vip tables 4 15 000
VIP tables 5 25 000
Parterre 10 12 000
Parterre 3 3 000
Parterre 4 4 000
Parterre 5 5 000
Parterre 6 6 000
Parterre 7 7 000
Parterre 8 8 000
Parterre 9 10 000
Ticket New Wave 09/08/2016
Vip tables 1 8 000
Vip tables 2 10 000
Vip tables 3 15 000
Parterre 10 12 000
Parterre 3 3 000
Parterre 4 4 000
Parterre 5 5 000
Parterre 6 6 000
Parterre 7 7 000
Parterre 8 8 000
Parterre 9 10 000
Ticket New Wave 09/09/2016
Vip tables 2 24 000
Parterre 1 28 000
Parterre 2 24 000
Parterre 3 18 000
Parterre 4 15 000

*Ticket prices do not include service charge. The service fee is 10% of the ticket price. When booking total cost services are displayed including the service charge.

Scheme of the New Wave Hall (Sochi)

Important: booking tickets is only possible in the form additional service to accommodation.

Information on obtaining tickets:
You can get an original ticket for the event by any convenient way:

  1. in our office at the address: Moscow, st. Upper Maslovka, 20 with a passport and a voucher for booking tickets.
  2. at the register «Parter.ru» in Sochi at the address: Sochi, Navaginskaya street, 16, (the main pedestrian street in the center of Sochi), if you have a passport, a voucher for booking tickets and a power of attorney * to receive tickets from ALEAN LLC (by informing in advance, full name and passport data of the tourist upon request, who will receive entrance tickets).

Checkout hours: Monday - Friday, from 9.00 - 18.00.

*power of attorney for the right to receive tickets will be sent after 100% payment for the reservation.
Information about the start date of ticket issuance will be posted later.

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