Where do Arabs and Berbers live? Moroccan chronicles


M. Zadornov In Search of the Aryans...

This is not a choir Kuban Cossacks, and the performance of the Berber women at the festival in Kaveliya (Kabylie - a place in North Africa at the junction of Libya, Algeria and Tunisia, the so-called. "Berber Triangle" Appearance"pure" Berbers, ornament, symbolism, traditional clothing and the melody of the most ancient chants differ little from the South and Central Russian. Numerous bloggers have been writing about this for a long time, but Zadornov, once again, gave sound to this topic. Therefore, in my search for the Aryans, I will not look for anything else about this people. Original taken from the MYSTERIOUS BERBERS (MOROCCO, PART II)

I did not manage to take enough photos, so I used, in addition to my own, also wonderful photos from the sites that are listed under the photos. I express my gratitude to the authors of the photographs, as well as to the authors of articles about the Berbers, whose thoughts- I was especially pleased - confirmed my speculation. But I want to note that I do not agree with all the ideas expressed on these sites. The main inhabitants of Morocco are not Arabs - Berbers! No one knows when they came to northern Africa and from where. But this happened many hundreds of years before the Arabs conquered these lands, and even before the arrival of the Phoenicians. Most Berbers today live in the mountains. There are many Berber villages. Houses made of folded red local stone or clay hut of the same color sometimes hide in the greenery of river valleys, sometimes climb the slopes of the mountains.
For more fun, turn on musical accompaniment and read: The Berber ancestors would have lived in the future in that a long time ago calm and happy, if not for the Phoenicians. They invaded and founded cities for the sake of the slave trade, allegedly bringing civilization. But in fact, they simply established the slave trade and created the largest middle sea slave markets. Most of the Berbers went to the mountains. Away from the "civilizers".
Most people in the world today believe that all indigenous people in Africa are blacks. But Negroes have inhabited Africa south of the desert for centuries. They did not cross the desert, they believed that evil spirits - devils - live in it. And the devils of the blacks ... white and blue-eyed! By the way, so that you, dear readers, are not mistaken, I will tell you by secret what me by secret told even in Tanzania, local blacks. They, it turns out, in their hearts consider white people ... dirty! After all, on white skin, all the dirt is visible! Yes, and the skin itself is unpleasant: all in moles, in some strange spots, pock-marked and in wrinkles. Whether it's black skin! Smooth, clean, almost velvety - no flaws and even moles are visible on it. Not to mention warts. By the way, there are still many light-eyed among the Berbers. Didn't the ancient ancestors of today's Negroes consider people like them to be devils?
easycooks.livejournal.com The original name of this mysterious people is not "Berbers". The Egyptians first called them "the people of the slave" - ​​"worshiping the sun." "Slave" was also pronounced as "rebu." Among the Greeks, who liked to lighten all words, “reba” turned into “leba”, then into “liba” and, finally, into “livs” (“r” and “l” often alternate when moving from one language to another). And soon the Greeks called the whole of Africa Libya. They did not even suspect that in addition to the Livs, thousands of other tribes and peoples live beyond the Sahara. The Greeks also tried to crush the Livs under them. They partially succeeded. They even put three cities- policy, and called this community of policies Tripoli. By the way, Gaddafi, the permanent ruler of Libya for many years, was born in an Arabized Berber Bedouin tribe. True, Arab blood also flowed in him. Interestingly, in the Berber-Arabic language "Gaddafi" means something like "desecrated, offended"! I am sure that the Berbers settled the lands of North Africa from Europe. According to some researchers, many words in one of the Berber dialects coincide with Old Church Slavonic. I think the term "Old Slavonic" in this case is incorrect. It would be more correct to say - Proto-Slavic languages. There were many Proto-Slavic peoples in Europe, and they settled almost most mainland. And they were farmers too! There is a term Indo-European languages". The language of the Berbers is classified by scientists as Semitic-Hamitic. Of course, languages neighboring nations mixed, and the Semitic influence on the Berbers is centuries old. But the basis of the language, if it is cleared of the "make-up" of numerous conquerors, I think, will not be Semitic!
forum.dpni.org In Arabic written sources much has been written about the treachery of the Berbers, about their cruelty, about the fact that they cannot be trusted, that they are uneducated, wild ... The same words about the Berbers are in Phoenician sources. Why did the Phoenicians and Arabs write about the Berbers like that, without saying a word? And in different time? Because both those and others sought to conquer and enslave them. The people you want to subjugate must first be declared second-class, incapable of anything but being slaves. Exactly the same opinion today they are trying to impose on the whole world about all the Slavs - “ Not civilians» western « civilians". In fact, the Berbers simply did not fit with their concepts of honor and dignity into the "noble" hypocrisy of the conquering merchants. The Phoenicians managed to enslave the Berbers with the power of not only weapons, but also money, and the Arabs subjugated them ... with religion! The first royal dynasties of the Maghreb are Berber. Then the Berbers converted to Islam, gradually began to forget their glorious past and believed in their second-rateness. Is it possible to call a Berber woman a savage, a representative of the second-class people, a favorite of all mankind ... Edith Piaf? http://today.shadrinsk.info/star-birthday/881/album/ Greeks, Romans, Israelites, Phoenicians, Arabs - all described their deeds in detail, because they needed to justify themselves for the vile things that they committed to other peoples. And why did the Berbers describe the events of their lives? And what to write about? About how their leader was bitten by a termite ant? Or what huge size a date ripened in harvest year? It makes no sense - after all, the Guinness Book of Records did not exist at that time. Indeed, from the point of view of a “civilizing” slave owner, one can consider full-fledged farmers who get up at dawn, go to bed at nightfall, do not trade in slaves, do not arrange gladiator fights ... Those who have hardworking, obedient children; those who wash themselves with water from the river, and not from the fashionable aqueduct; finally, those who do not have an army, a unified government, brothels and ... gays? But the worst thing is the men are loved only with women? For the Romans, Greeks and Phoenicians, this is - horror terrible! Barbarian primitive, sucks! Over time, the former Berber farmers really became cruel and courageous warriors. But the conquerors made them so! It would never have occurred to the Berbers themselves to try to conquer Phenicia, Greece or Rome. modern-women.ru There is nothing surprising in such a possible migration of Berbers from Europe to North Africa. I saw the Strait of Gibraltar. From afar, there is a feeling that you don’t even need to swim across it - you can step over it. Surely someone in the lands of today's Spain or Portugal is tired of his wife, fed up with freak children who do not want to learn anything and go behind the plow, the leader is a moron, neighbors are scoundrels ... He threw everything and fled with his beloved woman to the opposite shore. And how many outcast criminals in history, who did not want to accept punishment for their crimes, always fled to the outskirts of their ancestral lands or beyond them? Finally, whole tribes left for wilder regions, to which war and enmity between tribes had not yet reached.
tribal.su Naturally, for hundreds of years, immigrants from Europe to " New World» quickly turned black under the African sun. This is another very logical proof that in ancient times people from the north moved to the south, and not vice versa. After all, you go to the Black Sea for just a month and return with an almost Berber skin color. But I've never seen a southerner who turned white from life in our north. Well, where did white people come from otherwise? Came from Africa and turned into Swedes, Germans and Slavs? Did the cold winters make them so white? Or, like polar bears, did they have to change color in order to disguise themselves as ice hummocks? Berbers, like Proto-Slavs, were farmers, not traders. Lived their own labor, not taken away good. What is the most important thing for a farmer? Peaceful life and lots of sun for a good harvest! And therefore, the veneration of the gods of nature, and not the gods of war. Well, why not our village children who grew up in the beds, edges and highways?
miroland.com Farmers and those whom we now call peasants have always dreamed of being able to work quietly in their beds and fields. No wonder one of the Berber tribes calls itself " free people". So, most likely, they were inhabited northern lands Africa from today's Morocco to the Nile River several millennia BC. After all, the Berbers were already part of the population of powerful Egypt. In the history of Egypt, there were even several Berber pharaohs! Anyone who wants to get acquainted with the mummies of the Berber pharaohs can see them on the website of any museum of antiquities. Whoever finds the differences between the mummies of the Berber and non-Berber pharaohs ... will receive Nobel Prize! Berber blood also flowed in the brilliant commander Hannibal from Carthage. In his army, which made a splash throughout Europe, there was a whole Berber cavalry corps. They fiercely hated the "civilizing" Romans, for which the Romans considered them treacherous. Unlike African elephants and their drovers, the Berber cavalry suffered almost no casualties when crossing the Alps. As if the tribal memory of the icy ancestral home woke up. Cheered up and into battle with the hated Roman barbarians! Yes Yes… Romans considered Berbers barbarians, and Berbers considered barbarians Romans! But Romans won history because guessed it describe all your deeds for posterity from my point of view!

There should have been a photo of Hannibal in this place, but I couldn't find it. If one of the excellent students of the Unified State Examination helps to find it on Wikipedia, the book from me will be a gift. With my and Hannibal's autograph.

Since the Liv Berbers were originally peaceful farmers, and not militant merchants, they were always ruled by someone. After the Phoenicians, the Romans. For a while the Greeks, then the Arabs. The latter brought the Muslim religion with them and converted the Berbers to Islam, as the Slavs converted to Christianity in their time: forcibly V voluntary order, that is, with fire and sword. Today in Morocco, professions are divided by nationality. Berbers, as a rule, work, Arabs sell what the Berbers have worked out. Yes, yes, it is the Berbers who produce almost all agricultural products, work cheaply in the production of any goods, including under the scorching Moroccan sun in the open poisonous dye-houses of leather factories, which then produce kilometers of jackets, grandmothers, ottomans ...
Some scholars believe that the word "Berber" meant in ancient times the same thing as "barbarian". The words really match. I don't know if this is true or not. But today's work of many Berbers is far from barbaric - it is a slave! For example, knead paint in vats with your feet. The houses around the dyehouses are by no means ruins or homeless people - these are the very cool “brand” firms that make Armani jackets, Gucci ottomans and Brioni grandmothers for the Arab markets.
The most reliable local “truck” is a donkey. Reliable, does not require gasoline and is submissive, like his Berber owner. And his eyes are just as joyless, as if he understands that he is loaded with the skin of his murdered "relatives". The donkey is a donkey, and the eyes are smart: “Is it possible that the same fate awaits me?”

The rulers of Morocco do not want to excavate and study the history of the Berbers. Berbers should not know their past. They must work and obey the Arabs. So school bench they are told that before the arrival of the Arabs they had no past: they lived in caves, like primitive people, half-animals! There was no writing, there was no money, they didn’t believe in God… So it’s pointless to conduct excavations to study the history of the Berbers, and besides, it’s dangerous. You start digging up an ancient Berber settlement, and you find oil. What then? Again, wait for the visit of the crusaders-NATO with their only correct faith in the "divine" democracy. Unfortunately, the Berbers themselves are not interested in their pre-Arab past. Yes, and it is dangerous to try to remember your past - the authorities will consider dissent. It is better to quietly and calmly enjoy a quiet village life in the cool mountains.
When historians are silent, dreamers crawl out of all the cracks. Some argue that the Berbers are the descendants of the Atlanteans: it is not for nothing that the mountains in which they live are called Atlas. Others generally consider them aliens from other planets, sort of downshifters of the universe. And I would like to know the truth. After all, apart from the Maasai, the Berbers are the most mysterious people of all living on earth. But most of all I was impressed by the fact that they are descendants of the Amazons. Considering that the official registration at the place of residence of the Amazons, their nest, was located on the Tanais River, that is, on our Don, we again turn out to be the closest relatives. This fantasy did not come out of nowhere. The fact is that even Herodotus in the 5th century BC described the conquest by the Amazons of the north of Libya. By the way, the latter can be trusted. Seems like really Amazons inherited in North Africa and gave the Berbers a contagious example of how women can fight on an equal footing with men. For example, in the battles against the Arabs, the Berbers also fought very worthily on the side of the Berbers. AND queens were the Berbers! One of them terrified the Arabs so much that they, having decided to destroy its resistance, gathered an army a hundred times larger than the Berbers. What did the queen named Kahina? She ordered to destroy all the cities, to retreat, and to burn all the settlements so that the Arabs would not get anything. Well, definitely our Kutuzov! By the way, pay attention to her name - Kahina. Do you know what that means in ancient Berber? Darling! How can one not remember our Ukrainian - “ kohana"? Queen Kahina What then were the conquerors supposed to write about the Berbers? From their point of view, of course, this is treachery - to burn everything, to leave nothing to them - the colonialists! So the French thought of the Russians in 1812. Maybe our well, very distant ancestors, and indeed, some fourth or fifth cousins right-Berbers? Otherwise, from what chromosomal bins do such Berbers come from today? city-data.com The Berber peasants, like the Slavic ones, are very hospitable. And the table, when guests come, is obliged to “break” with food. Like the Slavs, they love all kinds of pastries, sweets ... Only instead of caviar spread on hard-boiled eggs, they have fruits and a lot of fresh vegetables. They, like Europeans, are not limited to sandwiches the size of a newborn goat's hoof, for which the fork is large and which can only be planted on a toothpick. And the products are fresher than in vaunted Europe. Their apples cannot be admired like European ones - they are not for sale, but to be eaten. Ugly but juicy. It is difficult for Berbers to explain what the expression "fresh-frozen fish" means. For them, it is as incredible as the sunset dawn. Many do not have refrigerators. The owner who received us famously said: “Products that spoil should be thrown away! And those that do not deteriorate, do not ... buy! How much in common in the life of the ancient Berbers with the Proto-Slavs! They are related by the same tools, love for their native land, for their beds, for plots of six acres and ... worship of a woman! Today's North Africans, like most of us, have lost the knowledge of their deep history, kind. Only a few have survived native music. And on holidays in the local village squares they sing short playful songs, very similar to our ditties. They also improvise, composing them on the go, while having fun and laughing. And at night they sing to children ... Berber lullabies!
And just like our peasants, Old Believers and Old Believers, they retained a respectful attitude towards a woman-wife, a woman-mother, and even a woman ... mother-in-law! More than other tribes, these traditions are alive with such a Berber tribe as the Tuareg. The ancestors of the Tuareg left all sorts of conquerors in the hottest "back streets" of the Sahara and hid there in cool dugout houses. These Tuareg Berbers were also called troglodytes. The word "troglodytes" meant " underground inhabitants ". Among the Berbers-troglodytes-Tuaregs, the main in the family is still a woman. Until recently, the groom after the wedding moved ... to the bride's house. Moreover, young men after 18 years of age were required to put on their faces ... no, no, not a veil, but a veil! Why, I don't know. Maybe so that the stranger does not jinx the whole family? Or maybe, on the contrary, so that he would not be jinxed by those who did not recognize strangers? en.wikipedia.org proafriku.ru If a man died in battle, then the widow with children returned to her family, and did not stay with her father-in-law and mother-in-law. It's pretty smart in my opinion. Women were in the old days the keepers of writing and the secrets of carpet patterns.

It is especially impressive that the mother of the leader could impose veto on any of his decisions, if she does not like it. (Similarly, today any decision of the President of Latvia can be subject to veto American ambassador).

I repeat once again: the Berbers never called themselves Berbers. The self-name of one of their tribes - matmata. It is not difficult to guess that the word mother"among the Proto-Slavs and among many other peoples meant the progenitor. Mom! The most terrible shame for the family was considered an insult to a woman, mother, ancestor.

Remember how Zidane, right on the football field during the match, responded to an insult to his mother? Headbutted the offender in the stomach! Then the whole world wondered where such manners come from? Do you know who Zidane is by nationality? Berber! Berbers do not forgive anyone for insulting their kind. Especially insulting the mother. Mother, as for the Slavs in antiquity, and for the Berbers, is a holy woman. By the way, the Berbers deny polygamy.

Why did he hit his head in the stomach? Apparently, some Berber traditions are still alive: for insulting a mother - a blow to the stomach with a running start!

Here it is - the favorite of all mankind! He played for his team and for the national team with dignity and left the sport with his head held high, with which he punished the offender of his kind! And, without hesitating, in front of millions of viewers!

The Berbers, like the Proto-Slavs, are mystics. Interestingly, the Tuareg often in their fine arts there is a motif of the cross. This gave rise to some fictional historians to suggest that the Tuareg are the descendants of those who settled in North Africa after the defeat of the crusaders.

The story of today's Berbers as descendants of the Crusaders, fantasized by semi-scholars, did not surprise me, because even in Kenya they told me that the Masai were the illegitimate descendants of Alexander the Great and his friends.

Wow, even scientists began to fail in our fashionable and mystical time. Don't pundits know that the cross ancient symbol tribes and peoples who worshiped the sun? The sun heats the earthly world on all four sides (!) - this is what the cross meant many thousands of years before Christianity. However, now ask a Tuareg troglodyte or a dancer dressed in national costumes to explain what the cross means in an ornament of clothes or on a carpet? Finally, the symbol of what is a sign similar to the Slavic Kolovrat? They will just shrug their shoulders and, at best, answer: "Well, for beauty."

And we, the Slavs, also cannot decipher our ancient patterns. But old Russian ornaments are akin to writing. According to the stitching on wedding dress the bride could understand what kind she was and even read history of this kind.

The new Arab government, after the adoption of Islam by the Berbers, forbade them to wear sacred tribal signs on their bodies. First of all, the cross. In addition to the cross, the Tuareg also revered " zero". Like our ancestors, it meant the Universe, life, the integrity of being.

Women painted their faces with these two amulets as if someone was playing tic-tac-toe on their faces.

The Berbers, of course, obeyed the new demand of the colonizers-"civilizers", stopped painting their faces and wearing tribal jewelry. But in order to preserve them, they transferred them to ornaments in clothes and carpet patterns and sometimes allow themselves to remember the past for the sake of tourists and maintain the “brand” of the mysterious people.

The Berbers not only did not recognize gold as a precious metal. They hated him! Their most sacred amulets were made of wood or silver. It was silver that the ancestors of the Berbers considered a noble metal. I believe they were right! All wars "civilizers"-barbarians started because of gold. Since the traders began to rule the world, gold has become a karmically dangerous metal. Bloody! Subtly feeling the energies of nature, the Berbers and Proto-Slavs, for this very reason, did not wear gold on their bodies - as if intuited that a gold necklace around your neck or a brooch will worsen the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Unfortunately, today few people feel natural energies. Fashion and fuss destroyed the chuyka. Although since those ancient times, gold has become an even more bloody metal. I formulated the following sign for myself: the more gold jewelry a woman wears today, the more aggressively she asserts herself in life. And the cheaper it will get to anyone.

On this Berber woman, dressed in a bride's outfit, there is not even one gold beads. But the face don't fuss! Why not a peasant woman from our distant Slavic past?

Unfortunately, some of the troglodytes in our time have surrendered to the world of consumption. They did not give up to the conquerors, but they could not resist the dream of enriching themselves. Started to trade, learned breed tourists. built modern houses in cities. True, in the Sahara they kept their dugout dwellings like dachas, as well as for the reception of tourists traveling for the sake of extreme light, for whom the very word "Berber" is already a brand. Isn't it cool to brag when you get home, "I spent the night with troglodytes in the Sahara?"

While in Tunisia, anyone can travel to the south of the country and stay in a Berber five-star dugout or in three-star cave. True, water will flow from the tap, as from a dropper in an intensive care unit, and the Berber service will correspond to the word "troglodytes".

There are in such "dungeons" and expensive restaurants with super-food! In them you can get some extravagant zebra hoof carpaccio, giraffe ear tartare, grilled cobra cheeks, and a salad of the famous Atlas turtledoves, served as a compliment from an Arabian chef in a shell the size of our northern squirrel's ear. But the compliment is free!

And for a special fee, the local sorceress will tell you all about your past life and, God forbid, with such an expression on his face will predict the future.

The secular life of the "civilizers" finally reached the Saharan troglodytes. In my opinion, they have not only glamorous restaurants in dugouts and cool hotels in caves, but also their own troglodyte models.

It's amazing how huge people, despite all its historical troubles, not only preserved itself, but also bred so that standing anywhere in the Atlas Mountains, you can immediately see up to a dozen Berber villages. And how many Berbers live today in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria!

In short, they do not understand real art at all.

Maybe that's why Berber children grow up in families as obedient helpers, because their TV screen is a window to the world of mountains, sky and light! Berber TV is a continuous 5D live show with 3D image, with the smell of mountain flowers, birds singing and the sound of mountain rivers.

It may seem incredible to us civilians but the children uncivils Berbers obey their parents! They are not rude to them, do not interrupt them, and the candy gifts presented by us are divided fairly, without noise, uproar and fights. How would we say "according to concepts"!

I am not sure of my observation, but, in my opinion, few of today's Arabs see these bright sides of Berber life. On the contrary, many people like to tell jokes about the stinginess of the Berbers, their stupidity, lack of education.

Upon learning that I was a humorist, my guide, who accompanied me to the Berber village, began to pour jokes at the speed of a Russian KVN officer.

For example, before entering the village, he warned that if a foreigner wants to sleep with a Berber woman, he should know that half of the local population is sick with AIDS, and half with tuberculosis, so it is advisable to seek intimacy only with those women who cough!

I, of course, chuckled for decency. But in his heart, as a professional humorist, he considered the anecdote unfair to the Berbers.

Again I can't help but compare with the Slavs. The Proto-Slavs also suffered for centuries from the same " civilizers". And the Slavs were driven into slavery and sold to Greece, to Rome, to the Phoenicians ... " Civilians» smacked « Not civilians". And what is the result? Look at the modern map! The Slavs settled throughout the mainland, and those states that smacked remained only in memories. Why? Because the Slavs remained faithful their land. Both the Berbers and the Slavs call the land... Mother! Russian heroes, when they wanted to gain strength, lay down on the ground. And they became invincible.

You can defeat the hero in his native land only by deceit!

Hercules overcame the mythical ruler of Libya, Antaeus, precisely by cunning. First, he tore the hero from his land. Deprived of strength! And only then he managed to overcome. This is a parable, not a documentary description of events.

(Unfortunately, neither Hercules nor Antey's photographs have been preserved).

All "civilizing"-colonizers-democratizers are always for valor revered cunning. In order to enslave some people, they first had to tear them away from their native land. Root out! So the Slavs today are trying in every possible way to deprive last strength, transported to metropolitan cities, destroying the national basis - the peasantry! Turn into chipped, low-frequency music-fueled slaves bustling around in pursuit of virtual happiness!

Oh, how it is necessary for the Western "Hercules" to tear the Slavs away from Mother Earth! However, everything is not so simple!

No matter how much smacked plowmen Berbers and Slavs, they still resurrected. Berbers and Slavs are phoenix birds, which each time are reborn almost from the ashes!

Because both of them have a saving motto: “What we haven’t eaten, we’ll finish it!”

I talked on Skype with a young man for almost a year (I'm 48, and he's 35), and I didn't take him seriously. And she spoke frankly to him about it. And in April of this year I received an SMS from a Moscow phone and a request to meet. He flew to Russia.

We are getting married in September.

I'm 48. Three divorces. I don’t know what will happen after the wedding, I also can’t say what would happen if I came to him in Morocco.

I can only judge what is happening between us in Russia.

I don’t know what will happen later, but now I can say that we live on his means (I am in a “creative search” for a new job). He doesn't drink or smoke. He does not need to be told 100 times what needs to be done. He is looking for more money work. It's not easy, because his appearance is not Slavic and he has a passport from abroad. But having arrived in Russia, he takes on any job to support his family.

Of course, the mentality and the language barrier. (He does not speak Russian, and we communicate exclusively in English, which is neither native to him nor to me). He is not from rich family. But the fact that he is not ashamed to go shopping with me and that I do not have to tell 10 times that we are running out of food is true. It is enough to say once. And he always pays for everything.

I am the daughter of a single mother. The only late spoiled child. There was always an example of my mother before my eyes - "if you want something to be done, do it yourself."

And in my previous families, as soon as I began to hope that my husband would do something, everything immediately went awry. And again I had to harness myself.

This is where I started to take the lead. And then I realized - you just need to let him be a man and a head. And only then I realized why I ran away from my 3 previous husbands - I was tired of being a mother-nanny-leader and not getting anything in return.

We just forgot what it is to be a Woman!!!

Of course, the Russians are all different, and the Arabs, too, are not all carbon-copied. Although my Moroccan proudly declares that he is not an Arab! He is a Berber! What's the difference?…

Maybe I'm just lucky...

P.S. The audience gathered here experienced and for the most part savvy on the topic. Does anyone have any observations of Berber families in "their traditional habitat"? It would be interesting to hear your REAL experience. (Thoughts and conjectures on this topic I am not interested, only real observations in the "habitat" - those who have spent enough time in Morocco).

Natalia, comment on the article


After 3 weeks:

Now my beloved is no longer the groom. Now my Moroccan proudly calls himself "I am a HUSBAND")

Our marriage is already 3 days old. As long as everything is ok. Nothing has changed for the worse. His attitude towards me became even better, more respectful. We are planning to live in Russia for the time being. Obtaining Moroccan citizenship was not so easy. Even if all the documents are in order, then you need to wait 5 years to obtain citizenship and the adoption of Islam is one of the necessary conditions. I don't agree to this. We are planning to move to one of the Scandinavian countries.

I also met Arab talkers on dating sites many times. And now I’m looking at my wedding ring, which he brought me from Morocco, and I’m thinking - what courage and faith you need to have in order to do this, practically without knowing each other (what is skype communication? it does not give a real idea of ​​​​what a person is in life) collect all the necessary documents, buy wedding rings and come to a foreign country, without knowing the language, in a cold climate, etc. and so on. …

My husband has a lot good qualities both male and human. In his homeland, he worked mainly with Europeans for 12 years, knows 5 languages ​​(only problems with Russian 😀 - we communicate in English at home) and I see that European culture sits in it very superficially, only some external attributes clothes, etiquette, etc.

My husband and I still prefer to communicate in English. It's already become a habit. Although sometimes you want to speak Russian at home, his level of Russian is still very low. In English, we understand each other better, although for both of us it is not a native language.

And don't believe in adulthood language cannot be learned. I started learning English at the age of 44. Now I am 48. I can’t say that I am fluent in it, so I continue to study the language. In addition, communication foreign language develops horizons with residents of other countries, and it becomes more interesting to communicate with you. And besides, knowing English, even at an intermediate level, made me more confident.

And I think that the fact that we live in Russia saves me in many ways. It is not pleasant to realize this, but I think that if we lived in his country, then his attitude towards me would be less gentle.

Special thanks for the comment with a hint where you can learn Arabic. I think it will be useful to me in the future.


After 3 months:

I can say that after marriage, a lot of things change in a relationship. But not only from the side of men. Women change too. Yes, not everything and not always smoothly. But for me great importance has the fact that he does not drink alcohol at all and does everything possible to ensure that our family lives in abundance. And I see that when he succeeds, he is proud as a man that he likes to take care of our family.

This is my 4th marriage. And he has the first one. Previous husbands were Russian. I have never seen such care from any of them as from my Berber.

Sometimes he is harmful and stubborn, like all Muslims. With the acceptance of the new, they all have a hard time 😀. But I just learned to ignore these quirks and the problems became much less. Grumble, grumble, and then still do as I ask.

And I also noticed this detail. Apparently, among Muslims from Arab countries, the wife in the family has much more rights than we usually think. We Russians are not used to this. But sometimes, when the “Russian tactics” don’t help, I just stomp my foot and say: “I am your WIFE! And I want SO!”. And oh, miracle! It works :)

True, I often don’t stomp my feet like that, I use “heavy artillery” only if something fundamentally important for both of us is being decided.

I do not presume to judge what it would be like if we lived in Morocco. But in Russia this is how it is. With them, with the Arabs, you just need to know how to behave.

If someone had told me a year ago that I would marry a Berber from Morocco, I would have decided that something was very wrong with his head. 💡

September 05, 2012

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25 comments on “ My favorite fiance is a Berber from Morocco

  1. Anna:

    I am married, and for your information, not Russian, my husband is a Berber, and we have been living in my homeland for 3 years, we met on the Internet, purely by chance! Can I even briefly tell you how?
    My godmother went to work in Germany, and she has been living there for 9 years already. There were unexpected “turns” in my life related to Russian ex-husband, I had to be strong, take courage, so as not to get lost in this world and not perish.
    The godmother knew all this not by hearsay, but from me. We have a small age difference, we are like girlfriends-sisters. Tried to help with advice. Having saved up for a plane, I flew to her for Christmas. She lives in Badsoden-Salmunster, about 60-70 km from Frankfurt am Main.
    After talking day and night, she said that she would help me find a job for the first time, the main thing is the language - fluent speaking! I knew him to a normal extent, but upon my return, it was like intensive courses to remember. The son wondered what was going on. The German teacher also offered to help with the work. It remains to somehow put all my thoughts in order in order to understand how to leave, what to do and what not to do, in short, to weigh everything.
    And during this period, when I was going to deactivate my profile, her profile was often viewed by 1 man, not Russian, but who spoke Russian well. Correspondence began, and the rest is like a dream!
    I want to note that the “dust” did not let into my eyes! A man, like a man, is not a bum.
    After learning, after some time, that I was going to work in Germany, he advised me not to go, because. before that, he had already proposed to me, and said that everything happens in life, the son will be left alone at home, how he will be alone there, because the Russian father needs him when it was necessary to talk after drinking!
    Now everything is different, absolutely, and I'm not 33 years old, but a little more, and my son is already an adult!
    When we met in person, and it was in Spain, where we both flew in, he gave me a laptop, saying:
    Do you know why I donate a computer? because, thanks to him, we met and now we will always be together!

    Such a common story happened to me in this life!
    Comments on my comment will be redundant, because. I don’t really want to read rudeness in my address, and read some attacks of aggression!
    Life is complicated, and you don’t want to spoil it for yourself, because there will always be many others who spoil it for you!
    All goodness and mercy to your neighbor!

  2. ANYA:

    Anna wonderful story co happy ending! Happy for you!

  3. Elena:

    Good afternoon
    I completely agree with Natalia in terms of "... 3 previous husbands - I'm tired of being a mother-nanny-leader and not getting anything in return." I have exactly the same situation as a carbon copy: 3 divorces and in the end I am alone. I am also looking for a husband on international dating sites, but I know for sure that I will not risk contacting a Muslim. Because religion is very important side life. And I know for sure (my own daughter is married to a foreign Adventist) I will have to fully accept his religion and observe his customs. So we can only advise one thing - immediately check with your future husband about his religion and customs.

  4. Irina:

    Natalia, believe me, for them it is a huge difference - an Arab or a Berber !! 🙂 therefore, don’t tell your sweetheart what the difference is, and don’t call him an Arab. And when you go to the country of the groom, don’t call everyone Arabs either 🙂 like all nats. minorities, Berbers are terrible separatists 🙂 For me, too, at one time it was the discovery of America that not only Arabs live in Algeria :)) here is Zidane, for example, he is a Berber 🙂 Berbers, perhaps prettier than arabs, they have white skin, and they are proud that they are the original population of the Sahara, and the Arabs of the alien type, in the 8th century AD. pinned down. so do not offend them nat. self-esteem 😉 it doesn’t matter to them, Ukrainian or Russian. but for us there is a difference 🙂

  5. Irina:

    and so, well done, you wrote everything correctly, I, as an Algerian girl, confirm everything 🙂 Good luck to you and great family happiness!

  6. Jackdaw:

    God bless everything goes well. How old is he? Will the wedding be in Russia? Where are you going to live next? Sorry for so many questions....

  7. Elena:

    Natalia, your letter touched me very much. I sincerely wish you happiness. If I may, I will say the only thing that scratched me and caused concern: you write - what difference does it make whether he is a Berber or an Arab. You yourself feel that he is proud to be a Berber. Try to understand why. If you love him and are in tune with long relationship, show respect for this feeling of his and try to find out how the Berbers differ from the Arabs (albeit in our, Russian opinion, nothing, but for them it is important, I know what I'm talking about). I'm sure when you start to be interested in the history and customs of these peoples, you will become interested. It will be easier for you to get used to it. And believe me, your future husband will appreciate it. Good luck.

  8. ANNA:

    Good day, everyone!
    In fact, everyone who wrote to you is right in some way, each in his own way!
    I'll start at the end of your monologue.
    “Does anyone have any observations of Berber families in their ‘traditional habitat’? It would be interesting to hear your REAL experience. - smiled a little when I read such a sentence - "in the environment ... ..habitat" - like in the program "In the world of animals" !!! This is the same people as the Slavs, who have been living on the planet for a long time, and therefore they are proud of their origin and, this is worthy of respect! Families are all different - therefore, no one will tell you anything definite either here or there!
    How can Americans, Dutch or other peoples say how Russians behave? - they can, if they lived next to Russians, but this does not mean that they know Russians!
    About "real experience" ... everyone has their own experience, you will have your own - but why share? I always thought that people who get married, be it a Russian couple or a mixed one, must first understand all the responsibility that lies on them - so that no one suffers later! You don't want to go to the supermarket, do you? First you need to think carefully, what do you have in common? how will you solve your everyday, financial, moral difficulties, if they arise?
    If you live in your spouse’s country, the opportunity to learn the language in a Madrasah and learn more about its traditions will be more accessible than in your homeland, that’s for sure if your spouse doesn’t mind, and you have a desire!

    And about family life, it’s just wonderful that you don’t need to repeat a hundred times! That's for sure! Behind financial side in such a family, the SPOUSE ALWAYS RESPONSES - if he has an education, and a God-fearing Muslim, then there will be no problems - it’s another matter if the spouse is spent on all sorts of trinkets that are not needed in everyday life and then there is nothing to eat, then the conversation will be serious, and even more so if you they didn’t put him in the course that they bought it!
    In fact, a person needs little for life, it’s just that many “requests” and ambitions “grow” in order to show off in front of others, but your life SHOULD NOT BE THE PROPERTY OF OTHER PEOPLE! There are many envious people who “wish” you in the back ...
    To learn more, improve your English, then you can start learning French, if the spouse is a BERBER, then most likely he should know him well, but not a fact!

    Good luck to you!

    • Natalia:

      I lived in their habitat for two months in the Atlas Mountains. I returned two weeks ago with great pleasure. There are no family scandals in Berber families, there are practically no divorces. They are very friendly and friendly people. They love children very much and almost never scold or punish them .There are no orphanages and women's prisons in Morocco. ARAB THERE are 60%, and Berbers - 40. WOMEN age quickly. There are few wealthy families, but there is clannishness. .He said that he would pay for everything. He paid most of it, but it turned out that he was a narcissistic egoist who used to live for his own pleasure. He is an atheist, but his mother is an orthodox Muslim. We communicated with her in sign language, and with him in English .I'm glad you were lucky, but I don't regret the trip.

  9. ANNA:

    For Elena:
    “... I am also looking for a husband on international dating sites, but I know for sure that I will not risk contacting a Muslim. Because religion is a very important part of life. And I know for sure (my own daughter is married to a foreigner…)”- ???
    May I ask you: what are you more afraid of?
    1 - change religion?
    2 - or the words "Muslim"?

  10. Elena:

    For ANNA:
    Answer: 1 - change religion and lifestyle

  11. ANNA:

    there is such an expression in the Russian colloquial genre: "EYES ARE AFRAID, BUT HANDS ARE DOING" - such an expression can be applied to everyone, everywhere and always!
    Most likely it's not about religion, but about how you associate it with someone? looking at her daughter's life, how will she change her life!?
    You write: "... I will not dare to get involved ..." - if you love, then this is not to get involved! but to exist as one whole, think together, decide together, be able to compromise!
    Strange, but with a rich historical culture, Russian women are less loyal - they are always ready to argue, if only to remain right, because. their “truth” is the most correct, they often become stubborn, not wanting to admit the obvious, etc.

  12. ANNA:

    I would like to give the readers of the site a parable about family happiness for reflection.

    "In one small town two families live next door. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all the troubles, while others do not care for their soul mate. The obstinate hostess marvels at the neighbor's happiness. Jealous. Says to her husband:
    “Go see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.
    He came to the neighbors, went quietly into the house and hid in a secluded corner. Watching. And the hostess sings a cheerful song, and puts things in order in the house. Just wipes the dust off an expensive vase. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so much so that it was about to fall.
    But then her husband needed something in the room. He caught a vase, it fell and broke. “What will happen?” the neighbor thinks.
    The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:
    - Sorry honey. I am guilty. So carelessly put it on the table.
    - What are you, honey? This is my fault. I was in a hurry and did not notice the vase. Anyway. We would not have had greater misfortune.

    ... The neighbor's heart hurt. He came home upset. Wife to him:
    – Nu that you so long? Looked?
    - Yes!
    - Well, how are they? - It's all their fault. But we are all right.”

  13. Elena:

    For ANNA:
    1. I do not defend my “truth”, especially since there are so many people, so many “truths” ... And they are all right, in their own way ...
    I'm not good, and I'm not bad. I am the way I am..
    2. My daughter likes to go to Orthodox Church, and the husband insists that the whole family attend the Adventist church on Saturdays with him, he also wants her not to work on Saturdays. And on Sundays she can go to Orthodox. There are differences in the church service. This makes her a little "annoying", but she compromises here, especially since the religion is practically the same (I do not claim that I understand a lot in different religions). And as a person and a husband, her husband is very good. Moreover, she has someone to compare with. Her first husband was a spoiled, selfish guy.
    4. I personally knew a girl (she is my grandson's aunt), she is a Muscovite, she married a Turk 7 years ago, gave birth to a son, lives in Turkey, is very pleased with her husband and life.
    5. I myself am a Muslim, so to speak, by birth. But it so happened that the Orthodox religion is closer to me in spirit. But in general, I am convinced that God is one, it’s just that we, people, address him in different ways, perform rituals in different ways ...

  14. ANNA:

    For Elena:

    1- yes, yes, of course, you are right.

    2- about the truth...only the Almighty knows who is right, people can assume, but God disposes!

    3- Muslim families live in my town, where the women are from my town, and the husbands are from Turkey, Dagestan, Morocco, Syria, Pakistan, and they live in peace!

    They are the same people as everyone around, they also want to live happily and peacefully, but "thanks" to some residents, their life becomes hectic! Because 80% of the population believes the media, since a Muslim means a terrorist! Or a martyr! they have no idea about Islam as a religion of PEACE!
    But the doors are opened to Jehovah's Witnesses, they talk calmly, smile, accept invitations and attend meetings, etc.
    Why are Muslims worse than sectarians?

    They humbly accept shouts and blasphemy against them on the street, preventing enmity from flaring up, do not respond to rudeness, honor only ONE CREATOR, pay zakat to help the poor, so that they, in turn, calmly treat more wealthy people, keep fasting in St. Ramadan (Christians also fast), respect and honor and do not leave their parents in old age, support the younger ones as best they can! Recognize and respect all the prophets and messengers! Isn't such a Muslim worthy of respect?

  15. Elena:

    Every person strives to live comfortably. And if someone is comfortable in Islam, then for God's sake! God bless you all. I just said at the very beginning that I don’t feel comfortable in Islam, I don’t want to wear a headscarf, a long skirt, etc., I don’t like that a woman is considered unclean (although there are such moments in Orthodoxy) ...
    I know cases when Muslims converted to Orthodoxy, and vice versa ... In general, I love myself and live as I like. And I wish you all the same! I also wish you all peace on earth, love and happiness! And who is looking for a husband on sites like me, I wish you success in your search! Well, I wish you success too!

    Tatyana, I completely agree with you. With Muslims, I like the same things, and everyone has their ardent faith (of course, I mean those with whom I know). But circumcision in women is a terrible horror! I do not wish anyone, neither my potential daughters-in-law, nor any of the women at all!

Berbers are the indigenous people of Morocco, who inhabited the country before the advent of Islam. The word "Berber" comes from the Roman word barbares (translated - "barbarians"). So the Romans called indigenous people territories they captured and all foreigners. The Romans left Morocco, but the name stuck.

Berbers began to live in what is now Morocco in the first century BC. Their exact origin is difficult to establish. In North Africa, scientists have discovered traces of human settlements, which are about three and a half thousand years old. However, it was not possible to find a relationship between the Libyan people (as the ancient Greeks called them) and modern Berbers. According to one of the legends, the Moroccan Berbers are the descendants of the inhabitants of Atlantis.

From an ethnic point of view, the Berbers are not a single entity. They can be divided into several peoples with different roots. Moreover, among them there are tribes of typical Africans and tribes of blue-eyed tall people.

The Berber languages ​​are part of the Hamitic language family. Based on the results of research by linguists, the Berbers can be divided into three groups. The most common Berber group are the Masmuds (also called "shlehs"). They inhabit the High Atlas, the Sousse Valley and the Anti-Atlas. Shlekhs speak Tashelhit. Representatives of the Sanhaja group live in the Middle Atlas, in the Tafilalet region and on the Mediterranean Reef. The Berbers of the Middle Atlas speak Tamazight, while the people of the Reef speak Tarite. All of them used to call themselves imazigen, which means “free people” in their language. They perfectly understand each other and do not pay attention to differences in languages. Zenets live in the Middle Atlas and the eastern part of Morocco. They speak the language of knowledge.

Today, the Berber culture is on the verge of extinction. The indigenous language is constantly being replaced by Arabic, as it does not have its own script. However, many Berber groups (usually living in the mountains) try to maintain their language and traditions. There are even a few schools that teach in the Berber languages.


Every tourist who has ever been to the desert loves to talk about how he met with " blue people"- Tuareg. In all art galleries Morocco you can see the paintings in which they are depicted. The whole world knew about the Berber Tuareg tribes inhabiting the Sahara even in the time of Herodotus. They are called "blue people" because of their color. traditional clothes. Interestingly, the clothes themselves were dyed indigo. And already from her on the skin of the Tuareg was transmitted Blue colour. Until the 60s of the twentieth century, the Tuareg owned the entire desert from Niger to Morocco. They simultaneously served as protectors and robbers for caravans. The Tuareg contributed to the development of the slave trade. It was possible to stop it only in the middle of the twentieth century, when the authorities of Morocco, Niger, Algeria and Mali introduced strict laws on restrictions on nomadism. By doing so, they closed the caravan routes. The Tuareg are followers of Islam. But it is customary among them that men hide their faces, not women. This happens because of the fine sand of the desert. He makes the Tuareg hide their faces. This leaves only the eyes visible. For the manufacture of a turban, haik is used - a blue woolen cloth.


The Arab inhabitants of Morocco are also heterogeneous in their ethnic origin. The first Arabs set foot on the Atlantic coast at the end of the seventh century. They were on a military mission. Their commander was Okba ibn Nafi. But the first settlements of the Arabs began to appear only in the eighth century, when the Idris dynasty came to the country. Then the migration of Arabs to the territory of modern Morocco became more and more massive. Among the migrants were many Moors who had to leave Andalusia. All Arabs arriving in these lands were united by religion and language.

The Arabic language spoken in Morocco belongs to the De Rija dialect. It contains many French and Berber words. Linguists believe that there are 13 different dialects in the state. For example, in Fez, Arabic is spoken differently than in Rabat. In the southern cities, Arabic was mixed with Bedouin dialects. However, in Morocco, the differences in the forms of the language are less significant than in other Arab states.

The Arabic alphabet has 6 vowels and 26 consonants. Words are built on the basis of a root consisting of three letters. Suffixes and prefixes are added to it, as a result of which several forms of one word are formed. When writing, short vowels are not used. Therefore, the meaning of the word has to be guessed. Because of this, there are different translations of the same text, as well as different interpretations of the spelling and pronunciation of words. Most often this can be seen in the names.

When writing the Qur'an, the Kufic style of Arabic was used. Its letters are square. This style is commonly used in architectural elements, as it is easier to draw straight lines in wood and stone. Modern style is more rounded. It arose later. This style is useful in everyday writing.


The first Carthaginian Jews came to the territory of Morocco in the 3rd century BC. They mixed with the local Berbers, as a result of which they became adherents of Judaism. Thus, some Jewish families", who now live in Morocco, have Berber roots.

A large number of Jews came to the kingdom in the 70s after the Romans captured Jerusalem. In the 14th and 15th centuries, the Jewish community in Morocco also swelled due to the persecution of the Jewish people in Europe.

Jews usually lived apart in areas that were created especially for them. These areas were called mellahs. In 1956, the number of Jews in the country reached 221 thousand people. But as a result of increased tension in the Middle East, many of them left for Israel. By the end of 1966, 15,000 remained.

A LARGE Berber demonstration took place earlier in the week in the Moroccan capital of Rabat. The demonstrators shouted slogans at mother tongue tamazight, carried banners in the Berber Tifinagh script saying: "We are not Arabs! Don't distort history!" Many of the passers-by reacted to the demonstrators with sympathy, but most were perplexed why the Berbers denied what had connected them with the rest of the inhabitants of North Africa for 14 centuries, why they abandoned the Arab culture that seemed to have become familiar and familiar to them.

Morocco is officially Arab country where Islam is the state religion. Berber activists in Morocco claim that all Moroccans are Berbers, but Berber influence in the political and economic life of the country is minimal. The official number of Berbers living in Morocco is unknown, but according to independent sources, they are in the majority. In total, according to various estimates, there are from 10 to 25 million Berbers in the world. Most, except for Morocco, live in Algeria, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Tunisia, the Canary Islands, Egypt, Burkina Faso and Chad.

Activists of the Berber movement complain that in modern history books they forget about the contribution of their ancestors to the history of the countries where they live. The Berbers are remembered mainly at folklore festivals and for the entertainment of tourists, mentioning them as something exotic.

The word "Berber" comes from "barbarian" - this is how the ancient Romans called this people during the conquests of North Africa. The Berbers themselves identify themselves by the name of the tribe, the people to which they belong (Tamazight, Reefs, Shleh, Tuareg, Kabils). Moroccan Berbers prefer to call themselves "Imazighen", which in translation from the language of Tamazight means "free man".

Addressing the speech on the occasion of the second anniversary of the reign, King Mohammed VI of Morocco promised to create a Royal Institute for the Study of Berber culture, calling it a national treasure of the country. The king added that the institute would do everything possible to preserve the Berber heritage. True, back in 1978, the country's parliament decided to create such an institution, but this idea was never implemented. At the same time, the Berbers are not going to be satisfied with the recognition of their culture - they demand that the Tamazight language be given the status of the official language of Morocco along with Arabic.

The problem with the recognition of the Berber language is that it has about 300 dialects, and some experts even consider them independent languages. It is good if representatives of only one Berber nationality live in the country. And if there are several of them, then which of the languages ​​should be recognized as official?

While everything goes without bloodshed in Morocco, in neighboring Algeria, Berber unrest has not stopped for several months. As NG has already written, it all started with the murder of a Berber youth by police in Kabylia. A wave of protests gradually overwhelmed several Algerian provinces. In July, protesting US support for the Algerian regime, the Berbers staged a picket at the White House during a visit to Washington by Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Demonstrations were also held in front of American embassies and consulates in many European and African countries.

OUT OF THE 29 MILLION population of Algeria, there are about 3 million Berbers. By the time of the Arab conquest of North Africa in the 7th century, the Berbers had already established a feudal system. After the arrival of the Arabs, the process of their gradual assimilation began, Islam, the Arabic language, writing and culture began to spread. Nevertheless, the Berbers have retained their language and customs for many centuries. The bulk is religiously related to Sunni Muslims, a small part after the colonization of Algeria by France adopted Catholicism. The Kabyles, who mainly represent the Berber population of Algeria, still retain many elements of animism, remnants of pre-Islamic beliefs and rituals, and do not comply with many of the precepts of Islam. And to this day, many of them live in settlements, which are small closed "mini-states".

For a long time, the Berbers resisted French and Spanish colonization. Since the colonization of Algeria, Kabyles began to be heavily recruited into the French colonial troops and during French army, and the name of one of the Berber tribes living in Algeria - the Suava - gave the name to a special kind of French troops: the Zouaves. The first such regiment was created in 1831. Zouave regiments took part in almost all the colonial wars of France, in the Franco-Prussian War and in two world wars.

Organizer recent speeches in Algeria is the "Movement for a Free Kabyle", created by a group of representatives of the Kabyle intelligentsia. The movement demands that those responsible for the crimes committed against the Berbers be punished, that their language be recognized as the official language, that national rights be guaranteed, and that the economic situation be improved.

Recently, separatist slogans have been put forward more and more often. For many decades, relations between the Kabyles and the Algerian Arabs were complicated. At the same time, the French colonial authorities deftly used these contradictions.

The "Movement for a Free Kabylia" aims to unite all Berbers in single state. Similar plans exist for the leaders of another group of Tuareg Berbers living in the desert regions of Algeria and Libya, as well as in Mali and Burkina Faso.

This is not a choir of Kuban Cossacks, but a performance of Berber women at a festival in Kaveliya (Kabylie is a place in North Africa at the junction of Libya, Algeria and Tunisia, the so-called "Berber triangle")

Original taken from zelenyislon in MYSTERIOUS BERBERS (MOROCCO, PART II)

I did not manage to take enough photos, so I used, in addition to my own, also wonderful photos from the sites that are listed under the photos. I express my gratitude to the authors of the photographs, as well as to the authors of articles about the Berbers, whose thoughts- I was especially pleased - confirmed my speculation. But I want to note that I do not agree with all the ideas expressed on these sites.

The main inhabitants of Morocco are not Arabs - Berbers! No one knows when they came to northern Africa and from where. But this happened many hundreds of years before the Arabs conquered these lands, and even before the arrival of the Phoenicians.

Most Berbers today live in the mountains. There are many Berber villages. Houses made of folded red local stone or clay hut of the same color sometimes hide in the greenery of river valleys, sometimes climb the slopes of the mountains.

To make it more interesting, turn on the musical accompaniment and read:

The Berber ancestors would have lived in the future in that a long time ago calm and happy, if not for the Phoenicians. They invaded and founded cities for the sake of the slave trade, allegedly bringing civilization. But in fact, they simply established the slave trade and created the largest middle sea slave markets.

Most people in the world today believe that all indigenous people in Africa are blacks. But Negroes have inhabited Africa south of the desert for centuries. They did not cross the desert, they believed that evil spirits - devils - live in it. And the devils of the blacks ... white and blue-eyed!

By the way, so that you, dear readers, are not mistaken, I will tell you by secret what me by secret told even in Tanzania, local blacks. They, it turns out, in their hearts consider white people ... dirty! After all, on white skin, all the dirt is visible! Yes, and the skin itself is unpleasant: all in moles, in some strange spots, pock-marked and in wrinkles. Whether it's black skin! Smooth, clean, almost velvety - no flaws and even moles are visible on it. Not to mention warts.

By the way, there are still many light-eyed among the Berbers. Didn't the ancient ancestors of today's Negroes consider people like them to be devils?


The original name of this mysterious people is not "Berbers". The Egyptians first called them "the people of the slave" - ​​"worshiping the sun." "Slave" was also pronounced as "rebu." Among the Greeks, who liked to lighten all words, “reba” turned into “leba”, then into “liba” and, finally, into “livs” (“r” and “l” often alternate when moving from one language to another). And soon the Greeks called the whole of Africa Libya. They did not even suspect that in addition to the Livs, thousands of other tribes and peoples live beyond the Sahara.

The Greeks also tried to crush the Livs under them. They partially succeeded. They even put three cities- policy, and called this community of policies Tripoli.

By the way, Gaddafi, the permanent ruler of Libya for many years, was born in an Arabized Berber Bedouin tribe. True, Arab blood also flowed in him. Interestingly, in the Berber-Arabic language "Gaddafi" means something like "desecrated, offended"!

I am sure that the Berbers settled the lands of North Africa from Europe. According to some researchers, many words in one of the Berber dialects coincide with Old Church Slavonic. I think the term "Old Slavonic" in this case is incorrect. It would be more correct to say - Proto-Slavic languages. There were many Proto-Slavic peoples in Europe, and they inhabited almost most of the mainland. And they were farmers too!

There is a term "Indo-European languages". The language of the Berbers is classified by scientists as Semitic-Hamitic. Of course, the languages ​​of neighboring peoples are mixed, and the Semitic influence on the Berbers is centuries-old. But the basis of the language, if it is cleared of the "make-up" of numerous conquerors, I think, will not be Semitic!


In the Arabic written sources, much is written about the treachery of the Berbers, about their cruelty, that they cannot be trusted, that they are uneducated, wild ...

The same words about the Berbers are in the Phoenician sources.

Why did the Phoenicians and Arabs write about the Berbers like that, without saying a word? And at different times? Because both those and others sought to conquer and enslave them. The people you want to subjugate must first be declared second-class, incapable of anything but being slaves.

Exactly the same opinion today they are trying to impose on the whole world about all the Slavs - “ Not civilians» western « civilians».

In fact, the Berbers simply did not fit with their concepts of honor and dignity into the "noble" hypocrisy of the conquering merchants.

The Phoenicians managed to enslave the Berbers with the power of not only weapons, but also money, and the Arabs subjugated them ... with religion!

The first royal dynasties of the Maghreb are Berber. Then the Berbers converted to Islam, gradually began to forget their glorious past and believed in their second-rateness.

Is it possible to call a Berber woman a savage, a representative of the second-class people, a favorite of all mankind ... Edith Piaf?


The Greeks, Romans, Israelites, Phoenicians, Arabs - all described their deeds in detail, since they needed to justify themselves for the vile things that they committed to other peoples. And why did the Berbers describe the events of their lives? And what to write about? About how their leader was bitten by a termite ant? Or what huge size date ripened in the harvest year? It makes no sense - after all, the Guinness Book of Records did not exist at that time.

Indeed, from the point of view of a “civilizing” slave owner, one can consider full-fledged farmers who get up at dawn, go to bed at nightfall, do not trade in slaves, do not arrange gladiator fights ... Those who have hardworking, obedient children; those who wash themselves with water from the river, and not from the fashionable aqueduct; finally, those who do not have an army, a unified government, brothels and ... gays? But the worst thing is the men are loved only with women? For the Romans, Greeks and Phoenicians, this is - horror terrible! Barbarian primitive, sucks!

Over time, the former Berber farmers really became cruel and courageous warriors. But the conquerors made them so! It would never have occurred to the Berbers themselves to try to conquer Phenicia, Greece or Rome.


There is nothing surprising in such a possible migration of Berbers from Europe to North Africa.

I saw the Strait of Gibraltar. From a distance, the feeling that you don’t even need to swim across it - you can step over it. Surely someone in the lands of today's Spain or Portugal is tired of his wife, fed up with freak children who do not want to learn anything and go behind the plow, the leader is a moron, neighbors are scoundrels ... He threw everything and fled with his beloved woman to the opposite shore. And how many outcast criminals in history, who did not want to accept punishment for their crimes, always fled to the outskirts of their ancestral lands or beyond them? Finally, whole tribes left for wilder regions, to which war and enmity between tribes had not yet reached.


Naturally, over hundreds of years, immigrants from Europe to the "New World" quickly turned black under the African sun. This is another very logical proof that in ancient times people from the north moved to the south, and not vice versa. After all, you go to the Black Sea for just a month and return with an almost Berber skin color. But I've never seen a southerner who turned white from life in our north.

Well, where did white people come from otherwise? Came from Africa and turned into Swedes, Germans and Slavs? Did the cold winters make them so white? Or, like polar bears, did they have to change color in order to disguise themselves as ice hummocks?

Berbers, like Proto-Slavs, were farmers, not traders. Lived their own labor, not taken away good. What is the most important thing for a farmer? Peaceful life and lots of sun for a good harvest! And therefore, the veneration of the gods of nature, and not the gods of war.

Well, why not our village children who grew up in the beds, edges and highways?


Farmers and those whom we now call peasants have always dreamed of being able to work quietly in their beds and fields. No wonder one of the Berber tribes calls itself " free people».

So, most likely, the northern lands of Africa were inhabited from today's Morocco to the Nile River several millennia BC. After all, the Berbers were already part of the population of powerful Egypt. In the history of Egypt, there were even several Berber pharaohs!

Anyone who wants to get acquainted with the mummies of the Berber pharaohs can see them on the website of any museum of antiquities. Whoever finds the differences between the mummies of Berber and non-Berber pharaohs... wins a Nobel Prize!

Berber blood also flowed in the brilliant commander Hannibal from Carthage. In his army, which made a splash throughout Europe, there was a whole Berber cavalry corps. They fiercely hated the "civilizing" Romans, for which the Romans considered them treacherous.

Unlike African elephants and their drovers, the Berber cavalry suffered almost no casualties when crossing the Alps. As if the tribal memory of the icy ancestral home woke up. Cheered up and into battle with the hated Roman barbarians! Yes Yes… Romans considered Berbers barbarians, and Berbers considered barbarians Romans! But Romans won history because guessed it describe all your deeds for posterity from my point of view!

There should have been a photo of Hannibal in this place, but I couldn't find it. If one of the excellent students of the Unified State Exam helps to find it on Wikipedia, the book from me will be a gift. With my and Hannibal's autograph.

Since the Liv Berbers were originally peaceful farmers, and not militant merchants, they were always ruled by someone. After the Phoenicians, the Romans. For a while the Greeks, then the Arabs. The latter brought the Muslim religion with them and converted the Berbers to Islam, as the Slavs converted to Christianity in their time: forced into voluntary okay, that is, with fire and sword.

Today in Morocco, professions are divided by nationality. Berbers, as a rule, work, Arabs sell what the Berbers have worked out. Yes, yes, it is the Berbers who produce almost all agricultural products, work cheaply in the production of any goods, including under the scorching Moroccan sun in the open poisonous dye-houses of leather factories, which then produce kilometers of jackets, grandmothers, ottomans ...

Some scholars believe that the word "Berber" meant in ancient times the same thing as "barbarian". The words really match.

I don't know if this is true or not.

But today's work of many Berbers is far from barbaric - it is slave! For example, knead paint in vats with your feet.

The houses around the dye-houses are by no means ruins or homeless people - these are the very cool “brand” firms that make Armani jackets, Gucci ottomans and Brioni grandmothers for the Arab markets.

The most reliable local "truck" is a donkey. Reliable, does not require gasoline and is submissive, like his Berber owner. And his eyes are just as joyless, as if he understands that he is loaded with the skin of his murdered "relatives". The donkey is a donkey, and the eyes are smart: “Is it possible that the same fate awaits me?”

The rulers of Morocco do not want to excavate and study the history of the Berbers. Berbers should not know their past. They must work and obey the Arabs. From the school bench they are taught that before the arrival of the Arabs they had no past: they lived in caves, like primitive people, half-animals! There was no writing, there was no money, they didn’t believe in God… So it’s pointless to conduct excavations to study the history of the Berbers, and besides, it’s dangerous. You start digging up an ancient Berber settlement, and you find oil. What then? Again, wait for the visit of the crusaders-NATO with their only correct faith in the "divine" democracy.

Unfortunately, the Berbers themselves are not interested in their pre-Arab past. Yes, and it is dangerous to try to remember your past - the authorities will consider dissent.

It is better to quietly and calmly enjoy a quiet village life in the cool mountains.

When historians are silent, dreamers crawl out of all the cracks. Some argue that the Berbers are the descendants of the Atlanteans: it is not for nothing that the mountains in which they live are called Atlas. Others generally consider them aliens from other planets, sort of downshifters of the universe.

And I would like to know the truth. After all, apart from the Maasai, the Berbers are the most mysterious people of all living on Earth.

But most of all I was impressed by the fact that they are descendants of the Amazons. Considering that the official registration at the place of residence of the Amazons, their nest, was located on the Tanais River, that is, on our Don, we again turn out to be the closest relatives. This fantasy did not come out of nowhere. The fact is that even Herodotus in the 5th century BC described the conquest by the Amazons of the north of Libya.

By the way, the latter can be trusted. Seems like really Amazons inherited in North Africa and gave the Berbers a contagious example of how women can fight on an equal footing with men. For example, in the battles against the Arabs, the Berbers also fought very worthily on the side of the Berbers. AND queens were the Berbers! One of them terrified the Arabs so much that they, having decided to destroy its resistance, gathered an army a hundred times larger than the Berbers. What did the queen named Kahina? She ordered to destroy all the cities, to retreat, and to burn all the settlements so that the Arabs would not get anything. Well, definitely our Kutuzov! By the way, pay attention to her name - Kahina. Do you know what that means in ancient Berber? Darling! How can one not remember our Ukrainian - “ kohana»?

Queen Kahina

What then were the conquerors supposed to write about the Berbers? From their point of view, of course, this is treachery - to burn everything, to leave nothing to them - the colonialists! So the French thought of the Russians in 1812.

Maybe our well, very distant ancestors, and indeed, some fourth or fifth cousins right-Berbers? Otherwise, from what chromosomal bins do such Berbers come from today?


The Berber peasants, like the Slavic ones, are very hospitable. And the table, when guests come, is obliged to “break” with food. Like the Slavs, they love all kinds of pastries, sweets ... Only instead of caviar spread on hard-boiled eggs, there are fruits and a lot of fresh vegetables. They, like Europeans, are not limited to sandwiches the size of a newborn goat's hoof, for which the fork is large and which can only be planted on a toothpick.

And the products are fresher than in vaunted Europe. Their apples cannot be admired like European ones - they are not for sale, but to be eaten. Ugly but juicy. It is difficult for Berbers to explain what the expression "fresh-frozen fish" means. For them, it is as incredible as the sunset dawn.

Many do not have refrigerators. The owner who received us famously said: “Products that spoil should be thrown away! And those that do not deteriorate, do not ... buy!

How much in common in the life of the ancient Berbers with the Proto-Slavs!

They are related by the same tools, love for their native land, for their beds, for plots of six acres and ... worship of a woman!

Today's natives of North Africa, like most of us, have lost the knowledge of their deep history, a kind of. Only in some places native music has been preserved. And on holidays in the local village squares they sing short playful songs, very similar to our ditties. They also improvise, composing them on the go, while having fun and laughing. And at night they sing to children ... Berber lullabies!

And just like our peasants, Old Believers and Old Believers, they retained a respectful attitude towards a woman-wife, a woman-mother, and even a woman ... mother-in-law! More than other tribes, these traditions are alive with such a Berber tribe as the Tuareg. The ancestors of the Tuareg left all sorts of conquerors in the hottest "back streets" of the Sahara and hid there in cool dugout houses. These Tuareg Berbers were also called troglodytes. The word "troglodytes" meant " underground inhabitants". Among the Berbers-troglodytes-Tuaregs, the main in the family is still a woman. Until recently, the groom after the wedding moved ... to the bride's house. Moreover, young men after 18 years of age were required to put on their faces ... no, no, not a veil, but a veil! Why, I don't know. Maybe so that the stranger does not jinx the whole family? Or maybe, on the contrary, so that he would not be jinxed by those who did not recognize strangers?


If a man died in battle, then the widow with children returned to her family, and did not stay with her father-in-law and mother-in-law. It's pretty smart in my opinion.

Women were in the old days the keepers of writing and the secrets of carpet patterns.

It is especially impressive that the mother of the leader could impose veto on any of his decisions, if she does not like it. (Similarly, today any decision of the President of Latvia can be subject to veto American ambassador).

I repeat once again: the Berbers never called themselves Berbers. The self-name of one of their tribes - matmata. It is not difficult to guess that the word mother"among the Proto-Slavs and among many other peoples meant the progenitor. Mom! The most terrible shame for the family was considered an insult to a woman, mother, ancestor.

Remember how Zidane, right on the football field during the match, responded to an insult to his mother? Headbutted the offender in the stomach! Then the whole world wondered where such manners come from? Do you know who Zidane is by nationality? Berber! Berbers do not forgive anyone for insulting their kind. Especially insulting the mother. Mother, as for the Slavs in antiquity, and for the Berbers - a holy woman. By the way, the Berbers deny polygamy.

Why did he hit his head in the stomach? Apparently, some Berber traditions are still alive: for insulting the mother - a blow to the stomach with a running start!

Here it is - the favorite of all mankind! He played for his team and for the national team with dignity and left the sport with his head held high, with which he punished the offender of his kind! And, without hesitating, in front of millions of viewers!

The Berbers, like the Proto-Slavs, are mystics. It is interesting that among the Tuareg people, the motif of the cross is often found in their fine arts. This gave rise to some fictional historians to suggest that the Tuareg are the descendants of those who settled in North Africa after the defeat of the crusaders.

The story of today's Berbers as descendants of the Crusaders, fantasized by semi-scientists, did not surprise me, because back in Kenya they told me that the Maasai were the illegitimate descendants of Alexander the Great and his friends.

Wow, even scientists began to fail in our fashionable and mystical time. Do not scientific men know that the cross is the oldest symbol of the tribes and peoples who worshiped the sun? The sun heats the earthly world on all four sides (!) - this is what the cross meant many thousands of years before Christianity. However, now ask a Tuareg troglodyte or a dancer dressed in national costumes to explain what the cross means in an ornament of clothes or on a carpet? Finally, the symbol of what is a sign similar to the Slavic Kolovrat? They will just shrug their shoulders and, at best, answer: "Well, for beauty."

And we, the Slavs, also cannot decipher our ancient patterns. But old Russian ornaments are akin to writing. By embroidering on the bride's wedding dress, one could understand what kind she was and even read history of this kind.

The new Arab government, after the adoption of Islam by the Berbers, forbade them to wear sacred tribal signs on their bodies. First of all, the cross. In addition to the cross, the Tuareg also revered " zero". Like our ancestors, it meant the Universe, life, the integrity of being.

Women painted their faces with these two amulets as if someone was playing tic-tac-toe on their faces.

The Berbers, of course, obeyed the new demand of the colonizers-"civilizers", stopped painting their faces and wearing tribal jewelry. But in order to preserve them, they transferred them to ornaments in clothes and carpet patterns and sometimes allow themselves to remember the past for the sake of tourists and maintain the “brand” of the mysterious people.

The Berbers not only did not recognize gold as a precious metal. They hated him! Their most sacred amulets were made of wood or silver. It was silver that the ancestors of the Berbers considered a noble metal. I believe they were right! All wars "civilizers"-barbarians started because of gold. Since the traders began to rule the world, gold has become a karmically dangerous metal. Bloody! Subtly feeling the energies of nature, the Berbers and Proto-Slavs, for this very reason, did not wear gold on their bodies - as if intuited that a gold necklace around your neck or a brooch will worsen the functioning of the thyroid gland.

Unfortunately, today few people feel natural energies. Fashion and fuss destroyed the chuyka. Although since those ancient times, gold has become an even more bloody metal. I formulated the following sign for myself: the more gold jewelry a woman wears today, the more aggressively she asserts herself in life. And the cheaper it will get to anyone.

On this Berber woman, dressed in a bride's outfit, there is not even one gold beads. But the face don't fuss! Why not a peasant woman from our distant Slavic past?

Unfortunately, some of the troglodytes in our time have surrendered to the world of consumption. They did not give up to the conquerors, but they could not resist the dream of enriching themselves. Started to trade, learned breed tourists. They built modern houses in the cities. True, in the Sahara they kept their dugout dwellings like dachas, as well as for the reception of tourists traveling for the sake of extreme light, for whom the very word "Berber" is already a brand. Isn't it cool to brag when you get home, "I spent the night with troglodytes in the Sahara?"

While in Tunisia, anyone can travel to the south of the country and stay in a Berber five-star dugout or in three-star cave. True, water will flow from the tap, as from a dropper in an intensive care unit, and the Berber service will correspond to the word "troglodytes".

There are in such "dungeons" and expensive restaurants with super-food! In them you can get some extravagant zebra hoof carpaccio, giraffe ear tartare, grilled cobra cheeks, and a salad of the famous Atlas turtledoves, served as a compliment from an Arabian chef in a shell the size of our northern squirrel's ear. But the compliment is free!

And for a special fee, the local sorceress will tell you everything about your past life and, God forbid, predict the future with such an expression on her face.

The secular life of the "civilizers" finally reached the Saharan troglodytes. In my opinion, they have not only glamorous restaurants in dugouts and cool hotels in caves, but also their own troglodyte models.

It is amazing how a huge people, despite all their historical troubles, not only preserved themselves, but also bred so that standing anywhere in the Atlas Mountains, you can immediately see up to a dozen Berber villages. And how many Berbers live today in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria!

In short, they do not understand real art at all.

Maybe that's why Berber children grow up in families as obedient helpers, because their TV screen is a window to the world of mountains, sky and light! Berber TV is a continuous 5D live show with a 3D image, with the smell of mountain flowers, birdsong and the sound of mountain streams.

It may seem incredible to us civilians but the children uncivils Berbers obey their parents! They are not rude to them, do not interrupt them, and the candy gifts presented by us are divided fairly, without noise, uproar and fights. How would we say "according to concepts"!

I am not sure of my observation, but, in my opinion, few of today's Arabs see these bright sides of Berber life. On the contrary, many people like to tell jokes about the stinginess of the Berbers, their stupidity, lack of education.

Upon learning that I was a humorist, my guide, who accompanied me to the Berber village, began to pour jokes at the speed of a Russian KVN officer.

For example, before entering the village, he warned that if a foreigner wants to sleep with a Berber woman, he should know that half of the local population is sick with AIDS, and half with tuberculosis, so it is advisable to seek intimacy only with those women who cough!

I, of course, chuckled for decency. But in his heart, as a professional humorist, he considered the anecdote unfair to the Berbers.

Again I can't help but compare with the Slavs. The Proto-Slavs also suffered for centuries from the same " civilizers". And the Slavs were driven into slavery and sold to Greece, to Rome, to the Phoenicians ... " Civilians» smacked « Not civilians". And what is the result? Look at the modern map! The Slavs settled throughout the mainland, and those states that smacked remained only in memories. Why? Because the Slavs remained faithful their land. Both the Berbers and the Slavs call the land... Mother! Russian heroes, when they wanted to gain strength, lay down on the ground. And they became invincible.

You can defeat the hero in his native land only by deceit!

Hercules overcame the mythical ruler of Libya, Antaeus, precisely by cunning. First, he tore the hero from his land. Deprived of strength! And only then he managed to overcome. This is a parable, not a documentary description of events.

(Unfortunately, neither Hercules nor Antey's photographs have been preserved).

All "civilizing"-colonizers-democratizers are always for valor revered cunning. In order to enslave some people, they first had to tear them away from their native land. Root out! So today they are trying in every possible way to deprive the Slavs of their last strength, to transport them to metropolitan cities, destroying the national basis - the peasantry! Turn into chipped, low-frequency music-fueled slaves bustling around in pursuit of virtual happiness!

Oh, how it is necessary for the Western "Hercules" to tear the Slavs away from Mother Earth! However, everything is not so simple!

No matter how much smacked plowmen Berbers and Slavs, they still resurrected. Berbers and Slavs are phoenix birds, which each time are reborn almost from the ashes!

Because both of them have a saving motto: “What we haven’t eaten, we’ll finish it!”

PS: The text is completely copyrighted, the pictures are partially added, partially ignored (for example, Gaddafi).

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