characteristic features of the essay. The meaning of the word essay in the dictionary of literary terms


Essay - 1. A small literary work, short description life events (usually socially significant). Documentary, journalistic, everyday essay.2. General statement of a question. Essay on Russian history. (Dictionary)

Essay - 1. In fiction, one of the varieties of the story, is highly descriptive, mainly affects social problems .. A journalistic, including documentary, essay sets out and analyzes various facts and phenomena of social life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation by their author. (Encyclopedic Dictionary)

So, based on the definitions of dictionaries, we can conclude that characteristic feature essay is documented, the reliability of facts, events, about which in question. It is called real names and the names of the persons portrayed, real, not fictional places of events, the real situation is described, the time of action is indicated. In the essay, as in work of art, are used figurative means, elements of artistic typification are introduced.

The essay is the most characteristic genre for journalism, built according to the laws of dramaturgy and based on facts, it is as close as possible to artistic genres. The depth of the author's understanding - distinguishing feature essay. He not only describes, comments or analyzes the fact, but also melts it into the creative consciousness of the author. The personality of the author is no less important in an essay than a fact or event. This may include creative portrait. Right choice expressive means is of fundamental importance. TO expressive means include: style, language, selection of images, comparisons and epithets, composition, etc.

Portrait essay. The hero of a portrait essay is a specific person with certain advantages and disadvantages. In a portrait essay, the author gives not only a portrait in the narrow sense of the word, but also a description of the environment in which the hero of the essay lives and works, talks about his work, interests, hobbies, and his relationships with others. All this together helps to reveal the inner world of the hero of the essay. Real portrait essay arises as a result artistic analysis the personality of the hero, based on the study of its various aspects (moral, intellectual, creative, etc.), i.e. as a result of revealing the character of the hero.

Problem essay. In the center of the problematic essay are socially significant issues: political, economic, moral and ethical, etc. The author of the essay tries to intervene in solving important problems, enters into polemics with his opponents.

Portrait sketches can be used in this genre, but the main thing here is not the character of this or that person, but his attitude to these issues, different points of view, different views. In this essay, you can also find travel notes, sketches. But they also serve as a confirmation of the author's position in the dispute, the expression of a certain point of view, one of the means of proof. An essay of this type is polemical in nature.

In its logical construction, a problematic essay may be similar to such a representative of analytical genres as an article. The reason for this similarity is, first of all, the dominance of the research principle in the course of displaying the problem situation. As in the article, in the problematic essay the author finds out the causes of a particular problem, tries to determine its further development, and identify solutions.

At the same time, a problematic essay can always be quite easily distinguished from a problematic article. Most important difference lies in the fact that in a problem essay the development of a problem situation is never presented, so to speak, "in its naked form", i.e. in the form of statistical patterns or generalized judgments, conclusions, etc., which is characteristic of an article as a genre. The problem in the essay acts as an obstacle that quite specific people with their advantages and disadvantages are trying to overcome. On the surface of this or that activity that the essayist explores, the problem very often manifests itself through a conflict (or conflicts), through clashes of people's interests. By investigating these conflicts, their development, he can get to the heart of the problem.

At the same time, observation of the development of the conflict in the essay is usually accompanied by all sorts of experiences, both on the part of the heroes of the essay and on the part of the author himself. Trying to comprehend the essence of what is happening, a journalist often draws all sorts of associations, parallels, deviations from the topic. In an essay, this is a common thing, while in a problematic article they are out of place. It is impossible to write a problematic essay without understanding the field of activity that is affected by it. Only a deep insight into the essence of the matter can lead the author to an accurate understanding of the problem that underlies the situation under study, and describe it in an appropriate way in his essay.

A travel essay is a description of certain events, incidents, meetings with different people that the author encounters in the course of his creative journey(trips, business trips, etc.) Of course, a good travel essay cannot be a simple enumeration or presentation of everything that the author saw during his trip. And the publication for which the essay is being prepared can hardly afford to publish everything that a journalist sees. One way or another, the essayist has to select the most interesting, the most important. What is considered the most interesting and important depends on the idea that he develops during the journey. Of course, the idea may arise long before the creative trip. The source material for it can be both past personal observations of a journalist, and newly received information from the same newspapers, magazines, radio and television. But it is possible that the journalist will receive a certain task from his editor, or the idea will arise under the influence of some other factors (say, as a result of the journalist's participation in some political action). As in the course of preparing any serious and voluminous material (and travel essays are exactly like that), in the course of preparing an essay, already at the stage of collecting information, this plan can be adjusted or even radically changed - it all depends on the nature of the information that will get at the disposal of the journalist.

It is on this fully formed idea or, as it is called in another way, the main idea of ​​the future work that all the facts and impressions collected by the author during a creative trip should work.

Thus, the essay is one of the most important and difficult genres of artistic journalism. Its peculiarity lies in the combination of two components: artistic and analytical. It is important for the author of the essay not only to explore his subject, but to comprehend it artistically, to emphasize the problematic nature of the situation with visual and figurative means, to show the general in a particular case. It is the artistry of the essay that is the necessary condition for its effectiveness.

Artistic and visual means play a huge role in the essay. The strength of the essayist lies in the wide and skillful use of landscape, portrait, dialogue, description, speech characteristics.

What is the purpose of the essay in the text? There are four main points here.

First, an important characteristic of texts this genre- documentary. The essayist seeks to present in detail what happened, without missing a single significant detail.

Secondly, the subject of the essay is a typical case, classical in the conditions of the present. That is, a case that vividly characterizes and illustrates the stage of social development.

Thirdly, this typical case is a manifestation of an explicit or hidden conflict (contradiction). Drama - intrinsic trait essay.

Fourthly, the image is of great importance in the essay. Emotional, dramatic and organically rich, it is a "generalization of life and an assessment of life phenomena."

V.A. Bogdanov, relying on the typology of V.G. Belinsky, claims that Leskov "found his real form in the genre of the essay. He can depict reality, seen and studied by him, if you like - to create, but from ready-made material given by reality. He must always adhere to the soil of reality."

The main feature of the essay is writing from nature. Fiction plays a much smaller role in the essay than in other literary genres. Typification in the essay is achieved, in addition to choosing typical phenomena, the selection of traits that are especially typical for the phenomenon. The essayist artistically embodies real historical persons and events in the word, forming an opinion about them on the basis of a systematic study of the object. Judgment is achieved through analysis, and the conclusion and conclusion are its logical completion.

The composition of the essays is very different: they can consist of episodes depicting meetings, conversations, relationships between characters, connected only by an external causal sequence; from descriptions of the conditions and circumstances of the life of society and nature; from discussions about them.

Leskov uses the principles of the poetics of "little things" in his essays. He introduces many details into his narrative, which, at first glance, do not carry any accusatory charge, but have only a "situational" meaning. However, gradually these details capture the reader's attention more and more and turn out to be no less significant than the major events driving the plot.

To give unity to such heterogeneous components, the activity of the author's generalizing thought, the expressiveness and coloring of his speech are important; big role can play the introduction of the narrator, conveying his observations, impressions, describing meetings and conversations with the main characters.

The essay is actually artistic, creatively typifying characters in a "moralistic" aspect.

There is an essay that is predominantly journalistic, expressing a topical interest in a certain state or development trends. social life and reproducing its real typical features, and often significant individual facts, but without their emotional implementation and sharpening (speculation). Such essays often contain general discourses of the author or characters, analyzing and evaluating the depicted life (for example, G.I. weekdays" by V.V. Ovechkin, clarifying the contradictions of collective farm life in a difficult post-war decade). But there is an essay and a purely documentary, extremely accurately reproducing real facts and phenomena, often, however, accompanied by a direct journalistic interpretation or assessment of the author-narrator; such an essay is usually considered as a genre of journalism. Some researchers recognize only a documentary essay as a true essay, and a specific genre feature essay - documentary.

The heyday of essay writing in history national literature arises when in society, in connection with the crisis public relations or with the emergence of a new way of life, “moralistic” interests sharply increase.

In the works of researchers of the genre there is no single definition of an essay. Etymologically, the origin of the word "essay" is associated with the semantics of verbs "delineate outline."

You can use the following definition: Feature article- a short narrative work, the main purpose of which is a figurative illustration or figurative information" .

To the begining

§1. Genre specifics

The main difference between the essay as an artistic and journalistic genre and the genres of informational and analytical is as follows: it incorporates certain features of two areas - journalism and artistic speech. This means that both journalistic and artistic elements should be indicated as genre-forming features of the essay, focusing on the fact that at all stages of creating a text (according to the rhetorical model), the dual nature of the essay will necessarily be taken into account. The stylistic features of the essay include:

1. Author's "I". The journalistic element is created by the direct reflections of the author, the direct intervention of the author in the narrative, and often the author acts as actor one way or another associated with the depicted hero.

2. Optimization- this is a set of "stylistic devices by which the author comes into contact with his reader, making him a participant in his message, his feelings, bringing him as close as possible to what he wants to have him a participant in, straining his interest and in his own elegant way playing with this interest" ( L. Bulakhovsky).

3. Sketchiness(essay). Essay, first of all, is expressed in a certain "sketch", "freedom" of presentation, some kind of deliberate roughness of form. In the very nature of the essay there is a tendency to single out the most typical, main, bright, the desire to outline the main contours of the event, to sketch a portrait of the hero.

Due to the limited size of an essay, especially a newspaper one, the essayist cannot carefully write out events and characters. The very nature of the essay contains the concept of some fluency, the need to grasp the type of person, to sketch at least some dotted lines of his character, distinctive features.

4. Documentation. The publicist deals with different people, problems that can be expressed in specific data-calculations, specific terms, scientific formulas, specific names of names, localities, etc. As a rule, in 99 cases out of 100 the essay in the newspaper is documentary. When creating an essay, the author relies on facts to fully reveal the topic.

5. Topicality. The essay appears in the newspaper almost daily. Hence its essential sign - topicality, "momentary" response to an important event, problem.

Closely related to this feature is another one - the relative brevity of the text. Essay - a genre published on the pages of newspapers and magazines, i.e. genre limited in scope. Therefore, a large amount of accumulated material requires a concise, specific presentation.

6. Hero typing. This is, first of all, the selection of the most essential that exists in life, reality. The essay is always based on concrete life facts, but the fact in its singularity and uniqueness interests the essayist as a manifestation of the general, typical. A real life fact can be replenished with additional information, details in the depiction of the essayist - in this way, elements of artistic generalization are manifested.

Choosing to depict a person with all manifestations of human activity, a problem, a journey, a conflict, the author takes into account two planes of a newspaper essay: typical and unique, while narrating, preserving the individuality of a person, her activities, her social relationships, he seeks to reveal the typical, socially conditioned.

Typification is closely related to another property of the essay - figurativeness.

7. Imagery. To show a hero, an event is possible only if the means of artistic representation are used, creating an image. The author of the essay creates a generalized collective image, reflecting typical features in it, but "the fact in the essay is important both in itself and as a starting point." He, as in any work of art, is the material for creating images. The facts in the essay are comprehended through images.

So, since the essay has as its main subject human individuality with its deeds, connections, joys and anxieties, it is possible to show the hero under the condition of an artistic image, creating an image and using the figurative means of language.

8. Associativity. Describing a phenomenon, the essayist often compares it with another that happened at a completely different time, in a different place. Communication of events - in author's associations.

9. A certain amount of fiction. Factual reliability, targeting of the essay form the basis of the fact, therefore the essayist's right to fiction is limited by the factual basis of the essay. Still, there is a certain amount of fiction in the essay. The author enhances some forms of fiction, emphasizes some features of the hero in his portrait at the expense of others.

So, it is generally accepted that the essay combines the features of two styles: artistic and journalistic.

Thus, an essay can be defined as an artistic and journalistic genre in which the core of the material is the author's "I", the thematic center is a person and everything connected with him and his activities. This combination of two styles is reflected in the genre diversity of the essay.

It is customary to distinguish the following types of genre: sketch, portrait sketch, problem and travel.

Almost all of them have the properties listed above. Their main difference lies in the choice and development of the theme.


Travel essay- the most "ancient" variety of the essay genre. Its purpose is already reflected in the title - to state the path, the route traveled by the author. Its distinctive feature is a certain predetermination, the predetermination of the plot. Road observations, meetings, events witnessed by the author, impressions of new countries, localities, cities, a wide panorama - this is the richest material that opens up to the author of a travel essay.

Y. Smuul, V. Peskov, A. Agranovsky, M. Sturua and others are considered famous essayists who worked in the travel essay genre. Each of these authors, creating original, individual texts, nonetheless certainly took into account the main features of this genre.

One of the features of the travel essay is the gradual development of the image: the author moves from village to village, from city to city, from country to country, gradually accumulating impressions and facts. It can also be impressions from one city, from one route, acquaintance with which occurs gradually.

Consider the features of a travel essay on the example of text IN.Peskov"Breadwinner of the North" ( KP. 1999).

V. Peskov


The tundra is inhospitable and joyless in winter. Frost and wind reign on the endless plain. No manifestation of life! Seems like an uninhabited planet. But what is it there near the horizon? A cloud of steam, and something dark underneath. Binoculars, burning the face with eyepieces, bring the picture closer - you suddenly see a stunted dense forest stirring in the wind. Ba! Yes, those are horns. It's a herd of deer! The mobile brown mass is approaching.

You suddenly see a shepherd with a dog that does not allow the herd to spread out over the white expanse. Nearby, a cluster of animals looks like one organism. But you distinguish the details and suddenly see a deer next to you, not at all like those handsome and proud men who roar through the forests in autumn. Squat, with a blunt head, which is decorated with horns, exorbitantly large, and some skinny. And it turns out: with horns - females. (In other deer, females do not have antlers.) Males have shed their antlers after pre-winter wedding fights, but females will wear them all winter. For what? The shepherd must have known. But he shrugs.

Dispersed, the deer began to feed. God, with what difficulty they got food here! They dug snow with their hooves, dipped their hairy muzzles into the pits and found something there on the slightly bare ground. The frost was about thirty with a prickly wind. The helicopter pilot signaled us to hurry. After giving the shepherd a supply of cigarettes and some of the shoulder bags, we got up and already saw a herd from above. Trying not to scare him, we made a circle. Still, it was clear: the sound and something moving at the top frightened the deer. They tried to huddle together, apparently, they felt: it was safer that way. In memory and on the film there was a black scattering of poppy seeds on the tablecloth.

In the North, life is hard for everyone. And in the summer, when the midge eats, and in the winter, when everything is wrapped in snow and when the wind and frost know no mercy. But life, when you look closely, still warms here in winter. Thievishly looking around, the fox ran. The raven, creaking with a pen, flew low somewhere on urgent business. Partridges took off and immediately disappeared into a whitish masking haze. Deer in sight. Although undersized, they look like a challenge to cold, space, and obvious starvation. It is in this region that they are adapted to live. Stay south of the tundra for the summer, the deer would not have endured the heat, unless the mountains would have replaced the saving North for them. Where he was born, there he was fit!

A deer is born in cold weather. It is terrible to see: from the mother's womb, he falls directly into the snow. Of course, the mother deer is looking for thawed patches in the snow for childbirth, but not everywhere in April there are thawed patches, and the frosts are still strong. Fate, as it were, immediately declares to the baby: such is life, if you survive, you will become an adult deer, if you don’t survive, the foxes will pick it up. Most survive, otherwise the deer family would have dried up long ago, despite the fact that only one baby is brought by a mother-important.

The deer is immediately adapted to survival. Very warm coat saves from the cold. Very thick, nourishing milk from a caring mother. And almost immediately after birth, the deer is ready to stand on its feet, to walk, and soon to run after the herd.

An adult deer, too, is perfection itself in opposing the North. The hairs in its fur have air passages. This increases thermal insulation. The deer has almost no sweat glands. And he does not suffer from the cold. It suffers from overheating - it is hot in the tundra in summer. In such cases, the reindeer herd rushes to the sea to the cold saving breeze or looks for the remains of snow, on which it rolls, cooling. Only now, having gathered together everything I know about deer, I suddenly found the key to their strange behavior in Alaska, where oil is produced. There, for some reason, they gather near various iron buildings, barracks and towers.

Why are they attractive to them? We could not get an answer to this question from the oilmen. And now I suddenly realized: a shadow! A saving shadow, which, except near these buildings, cannot be found in the tundra. Reliable fur for winter becomes a hindrance in summer.

Winter snow for deer is a small obstacle. The hooves are split and wide apart. In addition, the rear "toes" of the hooves are flush with the front ones. And hair grows between the hooves, creating a supporting stiff brush. The weight load on the snow in the reindeer is four times weaker than in the elk. In the snow, a deer feels about the same as people on skis.

Finding food is hard work. We have to break the snow. Deer can do this with their hooves. But you also need to stick your muzzle into a prickly, hard hole. The deer is also ready for this - the head, lips and space between the nostrils are covered in this eater with protective hair that protects from wounds. Half a meter of snow is not a hindrance to a deer. Now, if deeper, then we should no longer talk about life, but about survival. And the thaw is deadly for the herd, when the inevitable after frost grabs the snow with an impenetrable hard bark. But the deer leave the extreme oceanic tundra by winter.

With the first cold weather, the reindeer begin their great nomadic pastures, follow the beaten paths of thousands of years, on which mountains and rivers meet. In Alaska, an old riverman-captain said: “There was time - for a day, or even more, they stopped steamboats to let the deer overcome the Yukon.” And now there are still places where many thousands of herds of deer pass. In Alaska, at the exit to the tundra from the mountains, we hoped to shoot this spectacle. We're late! They saw only the ground stamped with hooves, lost antlers, shreds of wool and ribs of deer killed by wolves.

In summer, the scourge of deer is gadflies and midges. From these bloodsuckers they rush to the saving wind by the ocean. The feeding midge makes them run almost continuously. And, despite the abundance of food, deer with a short summer say goodbye skinny. They begin to fatten quickly when the midge disappears and when mushrooms grow in the tundra - the biggest delicacy and the most nutritious food for the indigenous northerners. They give preference to the same mushrooms as people - boletus, boletus, boletus. Some of the deer become drug addicts, addicted to fly agaric mushrooms. Such a beast is constantly on the move, constantly excited. This is a hindrance to his wild relatives and a bore to the shepherds of the economic herds.

And the main food of deer is peculiar - moss lichen, low-nutrient, devoid of salts and protein vegetation. And only on it do deer hold on, eating reindeer moss in winter and summer, refusing in captivity from more satisfying food. Konstantin Simonov in his diaries gives a funny story of the colonel about reindeer transport in the war. “Unpretentious animal deer! They are so unpretentious that they do not eat anything but their reindeer moss. And where will you get it, this reindeer moss?” In addition to lean reindeer moss and mushrooms, deer in the tundra also eat bird eggs, as well as mice. Thirst for salt makes them drink the bitter-salty ocean water, and in winter run to the shepherd, if he has gone to urinate, they grab the urine-soaked snow.

After wintering in a less windy forest-tundra, in spring the reindeer begin their return trip to their beloved North. Behind them are constantly moving wolves - constant "shepherds" of wild reindeer herds. The wolf will not catch up with a healthy deer. But in a large herd there will always be a sick or weakened one. These end always the same.

Deer are also attacked by bears and wolverines. But there are few of these animals in the tundra, and their speed of running with salt is incomparable. But these animals are always ready to profit from the herd.

Hunt for wild deer and people. This hunt is not easy. The deer is sensitive (it detects danger a kilometer away) and trusts its instinct. In Alaska, we observed a lost week-old fawn. He recklessly rushed towards us, but his innate instinct told him - not that! Roaming helplessly through the valley, he suddenly sensed his mother's footprint and rushed to her by the smell of the footprint, like a rope.

Local hunters approach wild deer for a shot, hiding behind a group of domestic ones, or, moving against the wind, carry their antlers in front of them. And in recent years - the motor! Snowmobile and helicopter. With this power, the deer heart (mystery: it contains a bone) cannot compete. For this reason, as well as from anxiety (how many newcomers are in the tundra!) And the destruction of pastures by technology, the number of deer in this century has decreased by fifteen (!) times.

Wild reindeer are strikingly different from domestic reindeer in size, body and vigor, although they live in approximately equal conditions. But the wild is free, and his subdued fellow serves people without receiving anything in return. Hence the silliness short stature and quiet sadness in large almond-shaped eyes. But different positions do not prevent deer from feeling very close kinship. Wild male choirs often take stag deer out of the domestic herd, and they very soon lose their desire to return to human control. Reindeer were "semi-tamed" thousands of years ago.

Exceptionally adapted to live on the edge of the possible, he made possible life in the North and people. Without the deer, many small peoples of the North could not exist. Everything, literally everything for the life of these people is given by deer. Deer are food: meat and milk. Deer skins are clothes, shoes, blankets, bags, belts and covers for dwellings. Deer is a transport in the endless tundra. Deer blood is a remedy for scurvy. Deer veins are split into threads, antlers and bones were used in the economy when the tundra did not yet know iron. The life of the "reindeer peoples" is poor, primitive. But without a deer, it would be impossible in the North. Only the deer, specialized for life in very harsh conditions, pulled the chain of human life, also specialized, in extremely harsh conditions.

In each zone of the Earth, man has adapted, placed animals at his service. In the middle belt, this is a horse, in the deserts - a camel, in the mountains - llamas and mules, in tropical zones - buffaloes and elephants. But none of these animals in terms of the benefits brought to people can be compared with the reindeer. The deer in the North is life itself.

Genre features

The travel essay intertwines the features of all the varieties of the genre noted above: in it difficult problems of life are posed and ways to solve them are outlined. For example: “the number of wild deer in this century has decreased fifteen (!) times”; it incorporates a sketch (a picture from nature), in which the author depicts what he saw from beginning to end, including a portrait sketch; it captures both the characters of the characters and the circumstances in which they act. For example: "Straightaway adapted deer to survival. Very warm coat saves from the cold. Very thick, nourishing milk from a caring mother. And almost immediately after birth, the deer is ready to stand on its feet, walk, and soon run after the herd.”

In the essay, with special power and brightness, the personality of the author. The author's position, reasoning and evaluations not only help to understand what is depicted, but also connect heterogeneous pictures into a single narrative, i.e. they are the main condition for the movement of the plot. So, in the essay by V. Peskov, his impressions and assessments make it possible to present the pictures more vividly and move from one moment of the story to another: “They tried to huddle together, apparently, they felt: it’s safer that way. A black scattering of poppies on the tablecloth remained in memory and on film.

Travel writing has a lot of potential. It perfectly combines the means of portrait and event essays. For example, considering the life of wild deer, V. Peskov, choosing a successive change of episodes from the life of animals, constantly gives descriptions of deer: “The feeding midge makes them run almost continuously. And, despite the abundance of food, deer with a short summer say goodbye skinny.”

The author is one of the heroes of the story, he acts as a living witness, in some cases, the discoverer. For example: “Only now, having gathered together everything that I know about deer, I suddenly found the key to their behavior in Alaska, where oil is produced ... And now I suddenly realized: a shadow! A saving shadow, which, except near these buildings, cannot be found in the tundra.

They play an important role in the travel essay. details, details- those elements of the image, without which neither the image of a person, nor the situation, nor the picture of the action arises. Let us dwell in detail on those moments, thanks to which the originality of the travel essay genre is created, illustrating them with examples from the same essay by V. Peskov “Breadwinner of the North”.

This is, first of all, landscape fragments to help describe the situation. The landscape is used as a means of determining the time of action; as a way of describing the conditions in which events take place; as an opportunity to convey the mood of the hero.

These are the main functions of landscape microtexts, which are an integral part of the travel essay. So, in the essay “The Breadwinner of the North”, V. Peskov uses several landscape microtexts to describe the winter time, including the following: “But life, when you look closely, is warm here even in winter. Thievishly looking around, the fox ran. The raven, creaking with a pen, flew low somewhere on urgent business. Partridges took off and immediately disappeared into a whitish masking haze.

The living conditions are also repeatedly described by the author with the help of small microtexts or inclusions of descriptions of details (V. Peskov masterfully masters precisely the detail): “But the deer leave the extreme oceanic tundra by winter. With the first cold weather, the deer begin their great nomadic pastures, go along the beaten paths of millennia ... "

Another function of the landscape is to be one of the means of revealing the character of the hero. This possibility is especially clearly traced in the travel essays of V. Peskov, in whose works the main role is given to animal characters, and their description accompanies almost every semantic segment of the text, sometimes representing a whole microtext, sometimes being only separate inclusions in another segment according to the semantic purpose. . For example: “But it is necessary to put into a prickly, hard hole also muzzle. The deer is also ready for this the head, lips and space between the nostrils are covered in this eater by a protective hair that protects from wounds. Half a meter of snow is not a hindrance to a deer.”

So, pay attention that the microtext-landscape is one of the elements that make up the author's handwriting.

In addition, the presence of such landscape sketches in the travel essay corresponds to the specifics of the genre. With the help of landscapes, the author depicts what he saw, and the details of what he saw form the outline of the essay. In a portrait essay, one description can become the main one, in a travel essay, a scattering of observations throughout the entire text helps to recreate a single picture.

One of these functions is a detailed description of the route and everything seen on it, that is, the description of a person is not an end in itself, but is subject to the general intention of the author.

There are no individual micro-portraits of a person in the analyzed text. But the description of deer can be attributed to the portrait sketch: “But you distinguish the details and suddenly you see a deer next to you, not at all like those handsome and proud ones that roar through the forests in autumn. Squat, with a blunt head, which is decorated with horns, exorbitantly large, but somehow skinny, and it turns out: with horns females."

Isn't it a wonderful portrait? A portrait that conveys both the desire of the author to describe his heroes, and his feelings at the sight of them. V. Peskov not only admires himself, but also invites readers to this.

Features of the introduction of certain microtexts are associated with the individuality of the author, the manifestation of his author's "I", which is an essential stylistic feature of the genre.

Among all the genres of journalism, the essay is the most personal genre. Its most common feature is the activity of the author's "I", a high degree of his participation in the development, in the movement of the essay plot. The author's "I" of V. Peskov is felt in almost every line of the text: "I unexpectedly found the key to their strange behavior in Alaska"; “In Alaska, at the exit to the tundra from the mountains, we hoped to shoot this spectacle” and etc.

The functions of the author's "I" are diverse. Let us recall the informational genres, where the author acts primarily as a witness. In the essay, along with the function of the author-witness, one can single out the functions of the author-researcher and the author-lyrical hero, which also affects the content (semantic, structural and linguistic) of the text. The functions of the author's "I" are clearly shown in the table.

Communicative intent

way of expression

think out


draw a conclusion



In literature, there are more than fifty different genres, the essay is one of the most interesting of them. This essay absorbed a little from fiction, a little from journalism. Pupils and students unknowingly write ordinary descriptive articles, but this is wrong. The essay is something more, the author's thought slips through it, there is truthful information, facts, reflections on the solution of the problem. To write such an article, in some cases it is necessary to conduct an investigative journalism. For this, an example of an essay is needed, so that it is clear how to draw up an essay and what kind of thoughts to express on paper. Similar works are found in many eminent writers.

What is an essay

The first acquaintance with such a literary genre occurs in the lessons of the Russian language, but all its types and subspecies are already studied in more detail by journalists and philologists. In order to write an essay correctly, you need to understand its essence. An essay is a small description of true incidents, events, specific person. Time frames are not respected here, you can write about what happened thousands of years ago and what just happened.

Before writing an essay, it is necessary to collect all the facts, since they are the basis of the essay. Incidents and actions narrated by an eyewitness should be important for society, raise serious sociological issues. The article is written in a descriptive style, subjective assessment and the author's own conjectures are excluded in it.

The main components of the essay

The composition of such a genre should contain three main components: journalistic, sociological and figurative aspects. The author must necessarily affect the social important questions. This may be an essay on juvenile delinquency, alcoholism and drug addiction of a particular nation, pollution environment, AIDS, cancer, tuberculosis and other diseases dangerous to society. The writer must take facts as a basis, rely on statistics. For example, this can be data on the number of sick people in a particular region, country or around the world, on the amount of hazardous substances released into the atmosphere, etc. At the same time, the work should not be clogged only with numbers, otherwise it will turn out to be dry, too official and will not affect the feelings of readers.

Publicism in an essay is also very important, since the author acts as a journalist and conducts a personal investigation. An example of an essay can be found in many entertainment magazines, newspapers. To get reliable data, sometimes you have to devote a lot of time to collecting information. To do this, you need to visit the library, look for facts on the official websites of enterprises or government agencies, communicate with specific people, visit the places described, because you can’t describe how beautiful Lake Baikal is by seeing it only in the picture. In other words, the essayist must be a diversified, inquisitive person, a great connoisseur of life.

To interest the reader, you need to write an essay in a beautiful literary style. Genre is an important part of a work. The essay should be written in an artistic style, a colorful description of the problem, a story about the life of a particular person will be logical here. The introduction of a bright and memorable character into the story will allow the reader to plunge into a certain environment, to understand the essence of the problem. The text has a specific structure: the designation of the problem, its analysis, the search for solutions. An essay of this kind is a combination of statistics with everyday stories.

The history of the essay

A vivid example of the work can be seen in the work of some writers of the XVIII century. The fact is that such meaningful, vivid and fascinating essays arise in times of crisis in social relations, changes in the usual way of life. Great Britain came to this genre at the beginning of the 18th century, because it was during that period that the moral decline of the elite of society was observed. The magazines mainly published socio-critical sketches on the topic domestic scenes or characters of representatives of certain segments of the population.

In Russia, a similar phenomenon was observed in the second half of the same century. In satirical magazines, the intelligentsia ridiculed the officials and landowners of the old system in essay forms. In the first half of the 19th century, the crisis reached unprecedented heights Therefore, essays have become the main genre of writers who want to convey to society the idea of ​​the decline of morality, the oppression of the poor, the stupidity and degradation of those in power and the rich. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Belinsky, Nekrasov wrote in this style, Gorky, Korolenko and other democratic writers continued in the same spirit.

An example essay can be found in Soviet literature. This genre is fueled by changes in the life of society, changes in the economic, social, everyday and legal spheres life. Soviet writers developed compositional and meaningful forms, improved the main functions of the essay: the study of the problem, the disclosure of the complexity of life. V. Tendryakov, E. Radov, F. Abramov, E. Dorosh and others resorted to this genre.

portrait work

The genre of portrait essay requires good observation and erudition from the essayist. In the absence of these qualities, the author will not get a vivid and lively description of a person’s appearance, but some kind of sketch. Good essays are usually obtained from lovers of classical literature, because such people already know how to roughly compose a text. The classics have already left full-fledged examples of portrait sketches as a keepsake for posterity. You also need to accustom yourself to observation, carefully look at the behavior of your relatives, friends, acquaintances, ordinary passers-by, neighbors. You should concentrate on the manner of speaking, style of speech, gait, gestures, facial expressions, body features, facial features.

In creative universities, mainly at directing faculties, students are offered to play a game - describe a stranger, try to guess his profession, where he goes, who his companion or companion is, etc. An essay in the genre of a portrait essay is written in the same format. Be sure to carry a pen and a notebook with you to record all the interesting moments and details you see, this will help you train and learn to separate the important from the insignificant. Experienced essayists at a glance determine the specific qualities inherent in the described person.

Only a description of the appearance, gestures, gait of the hero should not contain a portrait sketch. An example can be seen in classical literature. Appearance very often it can tell a lot, acquaint you with the inner world of a person, his habits, preferences. For example, by the appearance and condition of clothing, you can find out if the hero is neat, interested in fashion, likes to be in the spotlight, or prefers to blend in with the crowd. When studying a person, one should rely not only on the visual impression, but also connect touch, hearing, and smell. What kind of hands does the hero have to the touch, what is his voice, maybe something special smells from him.

A portrait essay example may contain from the life of the character being described. For example, something unusual happened in the life of the hero, he happened to save people from a burning house, solve global issues that affect the economy of the region, perform a serious operation, etc. It is necessary to trace how the character of a person is manifested through this act. It must be unusual verbal portrait, consisting of beautiful words, the incident shows what a hero is like in life, whether you can rely on him.

Travel essay

Before writing a work, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the work of other, more experienced authors. An example of an essay can be found in the works of such great writers as Pushkin, Novikov, Radishchev and others. You cannot write an essay of this type without experiencing the emotions described, without seeing the sights with your own eyes. Here one cannot rely only on fantasy, because an essay is a true work based on reliable information. When traveling to some places, be sure to make notes in a notebook about the impressive details of the landscapes, interesting incidents about what worked and what didn't go as planned. At the same time, it is impossible to describe a specific person; the essay should be larger.

It is common for a person to forget about some moments from his life, so during a trip it is useful not only to take notes, but also to keep an audio diary and take photos. Before you write an essay, you need to put together all the pictures and notes, refresh your memories, make an approximate one, and only then start writing it.

Problem work

Literary essay contains analytical beginning And artistic description. In a problematic work, the author can touch on some economic, political, social, environmental situation, in which he is very well versed. the main objective essayist - to get to the bottom of the truth, to understand why such a problem arose, what it can lead to, what are the ways to solve it. The essay requires in-depth analysis, a superficial description will not work here. Before writing an essay, one should not only study the problem in detail, but also read the works of other authors, get acquainted with their view on this issue, and study the style of writing.

Only the person who is interested in solving and analyzing the existing problem can write such texts with high quality. The topic should be close to the author himself, only then he will describe the situation in a truthful and lively language. In the travel essay, the individuality of the essayist is very clearly traced, the text is written only in the first person. The author must clearly describe the essence of the problem, acquaint readers with his vision of the situation, and the work can also be supplemented with the opinions of several heroes, it is very good if they are opposite.

The essay is based only on reliable information, but it should not be overloaded with graphs, figures and statistics, so as not to turn into a dry, uninteresting article. The essay is written in an artistic style, if any data is given, then they must be accompanied by explanations and comments. This type of text is similar to a story and a story, it allows the use of artistic turns, spatial reflections, comparison with other events.

Essay about a person

Even Gorky said that the center of the work should be a man. The writer also mentioned that the essay is between the story and the study. This genre cannot be called easy, since it consists of rational facts and a vivid, emotional description of events. In the essay, journalism, documentaryism and creativity should complement each other, then it will turn out to be an interesting, truthful and lively essay about a person. Examples of such works can be seen from the classics, it is from them that you need to learn and try to reach the level of their work.

The hero must be in the center of the work, he must be described from two sides. First, you should find out the social relationship of the character with society, and then study his inner world, find out how he behaves at home, relates to close people, acquaintances. It is necessary to collect as much information about a person as possible before writing an essay. An example of a phased compilation of a work: conducting an interview, selecting key points, listing positive and negative character traits, mentioning extraordinary situations in the life of a character.

In an essay, it is usually necessary to write short biography person, but it should not be similar to personal data. It is important to focus on the character of the hero, and you can’t just say that he is hardworking, persistent, smart, etc., you need to provide evidence, cite difficult moments from his life as an example, tell how he behaved, what led him. Describing a certain act, it is necessary to analyze psychological features human, typical and personality traits character. You can also talk about the thoughts of the hero in a given situation.

Absolutely isolated people do not exist, each person interacts with society to some extent, he has and is influenced by economic, political, moral processes. Therefore, in the essay it is necessary to be able to link together the individuality of the hero with social phenomena, to show the attitude of the character towards them. Professional essayists often succeed in reconstructing an important historical event through a certain fact from the biography of a particular person.

If central figure is famous with numerous merits, it is worth emphasizing them. The essay-essay should also contain the theme of creativity, spiritual quest. A good work not only tells the reader in detail about someone else's life, accomplishments and falls, but also makes you think about understanding your mistakes, learn to dream, set goals and achieve them.


Very often, journalists conduct research in order to tell the reader about unknown or little-known information. It may be some unusual area of ​​human activity or the study of certain phenomena. Here it is allowed historical sketch, the author may collect important data about a particular region or country, investigate buildings erected several centuries ago, or uncover an organization that has kept sensitive information secret for many years.

To begin with, the journalist must start collecting facts, if necessary, go to the place of investigation. Then you need to decide on the task and objectives of the study, based on the information received, you can proceed to put forward various versions and hypotheses. In America, an investigative essay is a material collected and analyzed by a journalist on a serious topic that some people would prefer to keep secret. Not everyone can write such an article, since even at the stage of collecting information, certain qualifications are required, the author must understand the topic of the study. At the same time, the essayist must not only competently operate with data, but also describe situations in a beautiful, lively form, create an image of the central character.

Judicial essay

Unfortunately, essays are written not only about good events and kind, sympathetic people. Stories are different, there are bad endings. Works on the judicial theme are mainly written by journalists in order to give a moral assessment of the crime, to make readers think about where this world is heading, to find ways to prevent the recurrence of such situations. The author of the essay must analyze in detail the corpus delicti committed by a group of persons or by one person. The journalist does not give a legal assessment of the situation, he must come from afar, talk about what influenced the criminal's act, what factors pushed him to a terrible step, which forced him to break the law.

For example, a young man is accused of stealing. The essayist must understand the motive for the crime. This is a guy from childhood, his parents taught him to steal, deceive, in order to get his livelihood. So he got used to such a life, the man does not want to get a job, start a family, he likes to mess around and live at someone else's expense. Of course, not only the young man is to blame for this, but also his parents, society, which did not stop at the right moment, did not direct him on the right path.

The journalist in his essay should describe in colors the childhood of a homeless child, how he begged on the streets, searched together with stray dogs at least some food in the landfills. It is also worth mentioning the parents suffering from alcoholism, who do not care about the child, a society that turns a blind eye to such children. the main task the author - to show the conditions and circumstances that led a person to commit a crime, to analyze the motive.

As facts, eyewitness testimony, details and elements of the crime can be given. The journalist should not only acquaint the reader with a negative assessment of the deeds of the criminal, but also make them think about their own behavior. Perhaps, there are people who need help very close by, if they do not lend a helping hand today, then tomorrow they will become potential thieves and murderers.

The place of the essay in literature

Each genre has a certain influence on the minds of mankind. What is an essay in literature, what place does it occupy in cultural development people, how important is it to society? The main goal of this genre is to tell the reader the truth about current events, innovations, and the life of a particular person. Thanks to the living understandable language information is easier to digest. A colorful description takes the reader to those places or draws the image of the person the author is talking about. Although the essay reads as though it contains reliable dates and facts.

Most people learn about the events taking place in the world precisely from newspaper articles written in essay form. There are no areas of human activity in which this one of the most important and useful literary genres. Thanks to the essay, people learn a lot of reliable information from different parts of the world. In literature, there are a huge number of varieties of this genre, the most common of which are portrait, travel and problematic.

Sketch it epic, prose genre with a pronounced organizing role of the author's "I". It is located at the intersection of fiction and journalism. The boundaries separating the Essay from other epic genres are very arbitrary and mobile. The essay preserves the features of figurative reflection of life, using the means of artistic representation, and in this regard approaches the story From the story and the story, distinguished by a sequence of events arising from one another and conditioned conflict situations between the characters, the Essay is distinguished by a free composition organized by a "narrator" or an ideological "task". " The essay genre has its own specific, difficult and only partially overcome weaknesses - fragmentary, small coverage of reality, inevitable brevity, locality. But the essay has advantages that many other types of verbal art do not have. It can combine and plot story, and a scene, and a statistical calculation, and a journalistic attack, and a lesson"(Shcheglov).

The first Essays (moral and moral) appeared in the Enlightenment in England on the pages of the magazines "Chatterbox" (1707-11) and "Spectator" (1711-14) by R. Style and J. Addison. Borrowings from English moralistic journalism predetermined the appearance of Essays describing everyday reality and an ordinary hero in Germany, Italy, and Russia (N.I. Novikov's satirical magazines "Druten", 1769-70 and "Painter", 1772-73). In the 18th century, not only various forms of essay literature were developed, but also the specific genre content of the Essays was established - the “characteristics” of types, carriers of common shortcomings and “vices”, subjected to satirical sharpening and ridicule. In the essay writings of C. Dickens (“Essays of Boz”, 1836, defined by the author as “small sketches of true life and customs”) and W.M. Thackeray (“The Book of Snobs”, 1847), the motives and themes of their future novels were outlined. A large series of Essays that outlined the main types of " human comedy”, Posted by O. Balzac. His story "Gobsek" (1830) grew out of the Essays "The Moneylender" (1829). Unlike the enlighteners, in whose work the Essay was a characteristic of a certain “universal” vice, the authors of “physiological essays” (and above all Balzac), who tried to apply new methods natural sciences(hence the name - "physiology") to understand the patterns of social life, Essay turns into characterization social types representatives of different strata of society. In the 20th century, the Russian "" polemically opposed the literature of fact fiction trying to substantiate leading value factographic Essay in the development of literature (similar views were expressed by the representatives of the French "literature of fact" of the 1930s - R. Dorgeles, A. Londre, P. Ami). At the same time, the Essay, permeated with a variety of lyrical and philosophical reflections, is gaining popularity: “The Green Hills of Africa” (1936), “Death in the Afternoon” (1932) by E. Hemingway, “Planet of People” (1939) by A. de Saint-Exupery. In 1929, the magazine Nashi Achievements, founded by M. Gorky, who believed that the Essay occupies an intermediate place between research and storytelling, began to appear - a kind of laboratory of Soviet essay writers. The flow of essay literature was generated by the second World War(J.Laffite, J.Aldridge, K.Simonov, V.Grossman, J.Ehrenburg, L.Leonov).

Types of Essay

Distinguish between Artistic and journalistic-documentary essay. Artistic Essay creatively typifies the characters, conveying the "statics" of their being, depicts stable relations between people that have developed in their social and privacy. The object of the “moral-descriptive” analysis in the artistic Essay is not only the environment as a whole or its typical representatives, but also an individual person taken in its moral and psychological aspect. "Generalized", "non-addressed" characters in the Essay are one of the signs of his artistry. Artistic Essays include "Notes of a Hunter" (1852) by I.S. Turgenev, "Essays of Bursa" (1862-63) by N.G. Pomyalovsky, essays by V.A. Gilyarovsky, K.G. Paustovsky. Artistic Essay is represented by various compositional varieties: Essay on memoirs, Essay on biography, lyric-philosophical Essay. Travel Essay - the most "ancient" artistic variety genre: "Fragment of a journey to *** I*** T***", published in the journal N.I. Novikov "Painter" in 1772; “Journey to Revel” (1821) by A.A. Bestuzhev, “Journey to Arzrum” (1835) by A.S. Pushkin, essay prose by I.A. Goncharov (“Pallada Frigate”, 1855-57), A.P. .Chekhov ("From Siberia", 1890, and "Sakhalin Island", 1893-94), M. Koltsov, I. Erenburg, M. Shaginyan. Journalistic-documentary Essay is usually considered as a genre of journalism.

The absence of a single, acute and quickly resolved conflict and the greater development of the descriptive image. Both differences depend on the features of the problematics of the essay. Essay is a semi-fiction-semi-documentary genre that describes real events and real people.

Essay literature does not touch upon the problems of the formation of the character of the individual in its conflicts with the established social environment, as is inherent in the short story (and the novel), but the problems of the civil and moral state of the "environment" (usually embodied in individuals) - "moral descriptive" problems; it has great educational diversity. Essay literature usually combines features of fiction and journalism.

In fiction, one of the varieties of a story is called an essay, it is more descriptive, it mainly affects social problems. A journalistic, including a documentary, essay sets out and analyzes real facts and phenomena of public life, usually accompanied by a direct interpretation by their author.

The main feature of the essay is writing from nature. Fiction plays a much smaller role in the essay than in other literary genres. Typification in the essay is achieved, in addition to the selection of typical phenomena, by the selection of features that are especially typical for the phenomenon. From the predominantly descriptive nature of the essay, its compositional structure also follows. In the essay, the plot may be completely absent or, in any case, it is weakened. The author of the essay often moves from one characterized phenomenon or its side to another, only in general form outlining their dependence. Not bound by the need to visually, figuratively show the development of the action, the author of the essay more often than the authors of other genres intervenes in the course of the events described in the first person. This gives the essayist the possibility of a more free grouping of material, the possibility of diverse comparisons, analogies, and so on. In an essay, much more important than, for example, in a story, publicistic reasoning, scientific generalizations, and sometimes even statistical material take place. The language of the essay, to a greater extent than the language of any other literary genre, includes elements of journalistic and scientific language. The features of the essay as a genre do not remain constant.

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Types of essays

  1. Portrait (biographical) feature article. The author explores the personality of the hero, his inner world. Through this description, the reader guesses about the socio-psychological background of the committed actions. It is necessary to indicate the details that make the character of this person dramatic, elevate him above all other heroes. In modern Russian editions, the portrait sketch looks different. Most often this summary biographies, set of classic human qualities. Therefore, the portrait sketch is more literary genre than publicistic.
  2. Problem essay. The main task of the author is publicistic coverage of the problem. He enters into a dialogue with the reader. First denotes problem situation, and then considerations on this subject, reinforcing them with their own knowledge, official data, artistic and visual means. This genre is more popular in magazine periodicals, as it surpasses newspaper analytical articles in size and depth.
  3. Travel essay- Formed much earlier than other types of essay. At the heart of the author's story about the journey, about what he saw and heard. Many Russian writers turned to this genre:

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