Man and law correspondents Konstantin. Man and law, analytical program


Alexey Pimanov, whose personal life we ​​will consider in our article, is known to many Russian TV viewers as a presenter, but not many know his other sides and talents. He worked and continues to work as a journalist, director, is related to politics. According to him, it was thanks to his mother that he became what he is now. She always helped him in every possible way and developed certain talents in him.

The life of Alexei Pimanov evolved in the best way. At the initial stage of school education, he set himself the goal of becoming an athlete, but then he abruptly changed priorities, becoming an engineer, then a leader, then acquired an extraordinary a large number of talents. Thus, Alexey today is an important person for domestic television.

Pimanov Alexey: photo

Aleksey himself never considered himself to be in the category talented people. He was simple, open and responsive. Family life, children, all this was in the first place, but he always succeeded in his career.

In general, it is worth considering more thoroughly his biography, which may be of interest to readers. Here are the main facts from the life of Pimanov, which are constantly supplemented. The host's career was so fast and bright that many will be surprised at Alexey's achievements.


Alexei's childhood passed like any other boy. Went to music school, went in for sports, football. Since there was no father in the family, my mother was always responsible for everything. One of Pimanov's main achievements is his game of football team Lokomotiv, though not in the first team. He always dreamed of working as a historian and connecting his life with science. Despite all his desires and aspirations, the teacher, who was a historian at the school, managed to dissuade Alexei.

Pimanov Alexey in his youth

After the eighth grade, he enters a technical school and learns how to work with automatic and telemetric devices, while playing football. Since he progressed well, the coach predicted a great future for him. After he entered the Institute of Communications, and then an offer appeared from a well-known football club. He chose to study, but he did not succeed in graduating from the institute, he went into the army. Service at Baikonur became a new test in life for him. This event did not affect his career in any way. At that time, the personal life of Alexei Pimanov began to settle down and he only thought about it.

The army years flew by for him. He did what he enjoyed doing. Studying at the university was not in vain, but rather supplemented with knowledge in military technology.

Subsequently, working for television, he repeatedly surprised his acquaintances and comrades with his knowledge. Soon he was demobilized and returned home. Here new ones were waiting for him. interesting events in life, which he very often recalls.

Pimanov Alexey: photo

Then he returned and went to study in absentia. The search for work was crowned with success, as he was invited to Ostankino, where he remained to work to this day. Since he had technical education, then he worked as a video engineer, which he chose and turned down an offer to become a sportscaster and lead columnist. It was a pleasure for him to work with the equipment that he serviced, participated in the filming of programs, clips and other interesting projects. Three years in this position and he has own project"Steps" where he acts as a leader, he was very happy.


In order to work more effectively, he had to undergo some training at Moscow State University. After that it opened new transmission"Behind the Kremlin Wall". He was very responsible approach to each work, which was manifested in his achievements. He also worked as a correspondent. A lot has changed in his career. Already in 1993, he became the head of the entire Resonance studio. Under his authorship, various programs are published that carry sports, political and public importance. He independently led the project "Man and the Law", which is still known to the audience.

A. Pimanov independently led the project "Man and Law"

Pimanov's activities on television have always found universal recognition. He was appointed head of the Ostankino shopping mall. Since 1996, he has been CEO the entire TV channel. Subsequently, already in 2013, being a co-founder of the Ostankino shopping mall, he takes patronage over the Krasnaya Zvezda holding.

Many readers are interested in the personal life of Alexei Pimanov, photos of his children, but you need to understand that they are already adults and lead themselves active work to television.

The fame that came to Alexei is directly related to his TV show "Man and Law". Ethers, starting from 1996, still appear. Many viewers remember his face and voice, so it is worth noting that such a sharp career was formed due to the role of the leader and the creation of the author's project. The audience was attracted by the fact that he could so clearly and clearly explain his thoughts about a wide variety of political and social events. Of course, the voice also played an important role. His role was replaced by other presenters, but still he is the true face of the TV show "Man and the Law."

Great amount thematic projects, which were really interesting to the audience, came out for 20 years and today Pimanov does not stop working in this direction. His TV shows are so popular that rarely any episodes go unnoticed by critics. Since 1996, more than a hundred different films belonging to the documentary category have been produced under his leadership. His vision of the world and problems modern society, forced the audience to watch every frame with great enthusiasm. A large number of films have been devoted to historical figures, significant events and so on.

Working with documentary films brought him considerable pleasure. He was looking for something new and interesting in this that could completely change his life. Looking at many materials historical chronicles before him were revealed such facts that not many people know about. Alexey traveled around the country to collect information for his projects. Such a thorough approach made it possible to create programs that would be really interesting to the audience. In general, nothing was left without attention.

The TV presenter takes patronage over the holding "Red Star"

Aleksey Pimanov wrote scripts, worked as a director, made serial films. That is, he is such a versatile person that it is very difficult to attribute him to a certain profession. That is why he was appointed CEO. One of the most important works is "Crimea". The script for this film was written for a long time and improved over and over again. Alexey tried to remove documentary about the lives of people and events that took place in 2013. This work was not a political direction, but simply a public project that tells about the fate of people. A considerable amount of philosophical reasoning has been carried out.

One of the most important works is "Crimea"

The events of those years great importance not only for the states, but also for the people living in that region. Alexei Pimanov paid considerable attention to his personal life and children. He was actively involved in their training and career. Today they work with their father on television.

In 2016, information appeared that money had disappeared from his bank in the bank. As a result, during judicial trial Pimanov wanted to recover $500,000 from the company. It was very difficult to prove that such amounts were stored in his cell, since this is confidential information that only the bank's client knows about. Alexey found out about the theft after his key did not fit the cell.

After that, a full-fledged investigation was carried out and it was possible to find out that the money was missing from six more cells. The total damage exceeded $500 million. Bank employees were arrested on suspicion. In general, the incident was settled, but the money was returned to Pimanov is unknown. Today he continues to actively engage in television. IN in social networks you can find information about the personal life and photos of Alexei Pimanov, who very often shares with his fans.

Alexey Pimanov: children, l personal life

Alexey Pimanov: photo

Of course, every fan and reader is interested in the most important part of the biography of Alexei Pimanov - this is his personal life and children. He is considered a rather responsible and diligent father, he already has three adult children and a beloved wife. Despite the fact that Alexei himself was married three times, there were a considerable number of reasons for divorces. The host always said that you don’t need to live with a person with whom it’s hard for you, it’s better to leave him, and you can raise children together, even without a stamp in your passport. Children have always supported him and followed in his footsteps into television. There are no children in the personal life of Olga Pogodina and Alexei Pimanov yet, but this issue may soon be resolved.

The first love of Alexei Pimanov completely changed his life. While still a student, he met the economist Arkhipova, who also studied at the institute. In this marriage, he had two sons. He continued to earn a living by playing football. Sports activity brought a considerable amount of income. But for some reason, he decided to leave. Personal life and first wife for Alexei Pimanov were of great importance. He tried to be a good husband and father.

Arkhipova - the first love of Alexei Pimanov

An office romance with Valentina Zhdanova, which began on one of the filming of Alexei's programs, grew into a wedding and a life together. At that time, both young people were married, but this in no way prevented them from dating. And here Pimanov had a daughter. In means mass media this story was discussed very often, but the spouses themselves did not give any reasons for this. They just went to the registry office and got divorced.

Already in 2007, Pimanov met Olga Pogodina, with whom he was connected by several joint paintings. She was an actress in the TV series "Alexander Garden", but only seven years later they got married. This was a shock for many acquaintances, since nothing foreshadowed this. The wedding for the third time between Olga Pogodina and Alexei Pimanov was held under the strictest secrecy and the secrets of his personal life are not told.

Alexey Pimanov with his wife Olga Pogodina

Alexey does not like to talk about his personal relationship with his wife and children. He believes that this should remain a secret and is kept only in his family. Therefore, in no interview, he never said bad things about his relatives or wives, whom he divorced. IN currently his living together with Olga Pogodina opened up new perspectives for him. He found exactly the woman he had been looking for for a long time.

Pimanov's children are already quite old. Both sons work with their father, having received a director's education, the daughter also works on television. The father never refused them, but on the contrary, he helped as best he could. As a result, his relationship with his wives is quite good. Aleksey Pimanov himself is the person who has done a considerable amount of useful things for his country and television.

A person lives in a society and one way or another is obliged to comply with the rules and norms of behavior established by the state. Thanks to laws, human activity, socio-economic, political, legal and cultural relations. Today it is simply impossible to imagine a state without legislation. However, not only state laws must be observed, but also moral standards. Often, it is they who primarily determine human behavior.


One of the most relevant and popular socio-political programs is "MAN AND THE LAW". The first episode of the program aired in 1974. Despite her "age", she continues to be among the highest rated on television. The reason for such popularity, most likely, lies in the fact that the program "Man and the Law" focuses on the average viewer of the middle class, who has found himself in a situation of injustice. In addition, the topics of the fight against organized crime, stories about corruption, criminal stories have always been of interest to the viewer.
The program "Man and Law" tries to give an objective assessment of the events covered in the life of the country, it raises serious problems and questions, and topics for stories are selected based on the interests of the audience. "Man and the Law" airs on Channel One on Fridays at 18:45.

The presenter and director of the TV show is Alexey Pimanov, he has been leading it since 1996. The main rule of the program is only verified information and reliable facts. Topics - the most important events in the political, economic and social life countries. Special interest the viewer is called upon by journalistic investigations and revelations, stories about the activities law enforcement. Sometimes guests are invited to the studio: politicians, journalists, representatives of security forces and law enforcement agencies, famous people caught in one or another "lawless" situation.

website of the program "Man and Law"

The program has an official website "Man and Law" - On the forum, you can discuss issues and express your opinion about a particular story or character. The site "Man and the Law" makes it possible to be aware of recent events, meet with breaking news. In addition, on this Internet resource, you can watch all the episodes of the TV show that have aired, as well as give an assessment of the problem stated and the event covered.

A legal center operates on the basis of the TV project program "Man and Law". Those who wish can get professional free legal advice. The center employs qualified professionals with rich practical experience who will help you quickly solve any legal problem. The user can get legal advice by filling out the proposed form on the site "Man and Law".

« Person and law» stands for the protection of your rights, freedoms and interests!

KONSTANTIN ABAEV is a star of investigative journalism. He was repeatedly threatened with physical violence, tried to blow up his car, offered fabulous sums of money ... However, it recently became known that Konstantin is leaving television journalism: the program "Man and the Law" will now be hosted by his partner Alexei Pimanov.

Kostya, who better than you to know: our government is corrupt?

You know, yes. Not on such a threatening scale, of course, but what is, is. On our television, especially in such investigative programs as "Man and the Law", there are always solid compromising evidence on the mighty of the world this. Periodically, we gave out some kind of bomb with a bang.

Why don't you have an accent at all, because you are Ossetian?

Stop doing that. If a person has a desire to learn a language, he will do it perfectly. I also speak English, French and Georgian languages I speak Italian a little worse. By the way, I know many Georgians who, in principle, could speak without an accent, but do not do it on purpose.

Tell me where you "have gone".

I was born and raised in Ossetia. The blood of many nations flows in my veins, but mostly Ossetian and Georgian. I got sick very often. From the age of three I was severely tormented by asthma. Once a sorceress whispered to her mother that it helps with asthma fresh blood birds. And so the father cuts the head of the unfortunate chicken with an ax, the mother substitutes a mug. Then this instantly curdled jelly is given to me ... Creepy! I was not allowed to eat ice cream. For a long time I did not even know its taste. One day, my mother bought ice cream, put the briquette in the freezer. I quietly crept up to the refrigerator, took out a briquette in the dark and began to gnaw. When I ate half I found out what it was butter... I graduated from school with a gold medal, came to Moscow and easily entered the journalism faculty of Moscow State University. Lived in famous house students and graduate students. Then it was a cult place where golden youth from all over Moscow gathered. He studied, and from the second year he began to write articles for newspapers. However, after graduating from the faculty of journalism, he came to television, to the program “I Serve the Soviet Union”.

Kostya, I know that fate is keeping you. They say you should have died more than once...

Just in the subject, if we talk about fate. The day after the earthquake in Armenia, we film crew were supposed to take off from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow. Group: journalist (that is, me), cameraman and lighter. We run along the military airfield, we agree with the chiefs that they put us on the plane. Somehow they give us good. And now, when it is necessary to load into the plane, it turns out that the illuminator is gone. While they were searching, the plane took off. Oh how I swear!!! The illuminator did not know where to run from me! A few days later I gave him a box of cognac. On the same ill-fated night, we were informed that the plane had crashed while approaching Stepanakert. Not a single member of the crew survived...

Your family is...

Wife Larisa, son Sergey and daughter Anya. Larisa studied with me at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. We played a student wedding, but not a modest one - in the Fili restaurant. Despite the year 1986, the wedding was drunk. Now Larisa works in journalism, but more in the PR line. Sergei Konstantinovich, despite his 6 years of age, is studying in the first grade of a Chinese gymnasium. Kicks all the time - studies wushu. The daughter, it seems, will also go into journalism.

Once you said that you take a steam bath with your friends every week. This is a tradition?

Wow, what else! It is important for me to communicate with the guys in the bath. Of course, a glass is possible, for tone. Besides, what a procedure! Which is also therapeutic. The pores of the skin in the bath open, toxins are removed from the body, the body, one might say, becomes different. It is important not to eat anything after the bath. Have a drink and go to bed.

Are you looking after your health?

Not so much. The only thing is that my dad really wanted me to quit smoking. But I quit only three years ago, when he had already died.

When he arrived in Moscow, he was literally torn between journalism and VGIK. I really wanted to be a cinematographer. As a child, they still said that I was not devoid of an acting streak. I want to play and create. In TV journalism, this was possible, but within certain limits. Now by by and large I want to combine these two related professions. The choice is clear: I will television films. I recently finished working on the concept of these films. The genre, the form of presentation of the material is determined. I found a reputable company willing to finance these projects. Of course, I won't say anything specific. But the first film will be about the emergence of jazz in our country.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Agency for Education

Penza State University

Department of "Communication Management"

Coursework in the discipline "Journalistic creativity" on the topic:

"Journalistic skills of the host of the program" Man and Law "


student gr.06 SOUTH 1,

Afonina Daria.


professor ChetvertkovN.V.

1. Introduction

2. creative way A. Pimanova

3. Program "Man and Law"

3.1 General characteristics

3.2 Journalistic skills of A. Pimanov

4. Overview of editions of the program "Man and Law"

4.1 "Gambling business"

4.2 "Work of exchange offices"

4.3 "A Tragedy Without a Name"

5. Characteristics of analytical programs:

5.1 Unsuitability of leading analytics programs

5.2 Importance and necessity of analytics

6. The Future of the Man and the Law Program

7. Conclusion

8. References

1. Introduction

Contemporary Russian television impossible to imagine without analytical programs dedicated to major events in our country and beyond. Tens of millions of viewers, and this is the most active part of the country's population, give their preference to just such TV shows.

The main theme of the release of the analytical program is determined, as a rule, by the authors and presenters themselves. The opinion expressed by them may not coincide with the information policy of the channel, but this is the opinion of a professional observer, set out in an extremely correct and short form. Analyst correspondents are initially tasked not only to present reporting material, but to analyze the event, perhaps to predict its further development.

Non-standard approaches to the presentation of material, vivid plots make such TV programs more spectacular, emotional, and therefore interesting not only for adherents of information and analytical genres, but for all viewers in general.

However, in Lately more and more often you notice that on the “hottest” days for the country, there are simply no analytical programs on the air. This draws attention not only to the professional, but also to the political side of this problem. Some presenters generally made it a rule to use a purely informative, boring tongue twister, listing what has already been said many times.

Thus, preparing a worthy analytical program is not so easy as it might seem at first glance. It is important to take into account not only your own strengths, the relevance of a particular problem (or issue), the possibility of obtaining required material or facts, but also the real needs of society.

Today, when the country faces the problem of mobilizing the nation, not only what the TV presenters will talk about on the screen, but also their moral authority will be of great importance for viewers.

For this reason, the main objectives of this term paper are:

Overview of modern analytics on Russian television,

Characteristics and analysis of the program "Man and Law",

Determining the place of this program in a number of others,

Evaluation of the TV show "Man and the Law" in terms of the journalistic skills of the author and presenter - Alexei Pimanov,

Identification of possible trends in the development of analytical programs on TV.

The topic presented in this course work is quite relevant today. Millions of viewers prefer the genre of analytics.

In this regard, our main task is to understand the variety of television programs of an analytical nature and to give an objective assessment of the program "Man and Law".

The construction of the course work provides the user with the opportunity, without reading the entire text, to directly extract the necessary information using the content.

2. The creative path of A. Pimanov

Among the bubbling positive information on our television, the analytical program of Alexei Pimanov "Man and the Law" stands out in particular.

In 1989 he graduated from the Moscow Academy of Telecommunications.

In 1992 he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.

On television since 1986: until 1989 he worked as a video engineer at the TTC, operator. In 1989, he moved to the editorial office of the socio-political programs of the Central Television.

In 1989 - 90 years. - host of the program "Steps".

In 1990 - 91 years. - special correspondent TC "ViD".

In 1993 - 94 years. - Director of the studio "Resonance", TRC "Ostankino".

In 1995 - 97 years. - Producer of the programs "Seven Days of Sports", "Football

Review”, “Sports News” and “Man and Law”.

Since 1996 - General Director of the Ostankino TV channel and host of the Man and the Law program.

In 1997, he suggested that ORT revive the Health program.

Currently, Alexey Pimanov is the author of the programs “Man and the Law” and “Kremlin, 9”, and also produces 12 television programs created by his television company: “Man and the Law”, “Lubyanka”, “Kremlin, 9”, “Idols”, " Impact force”, “Health”, “Army Store”, “Emergency Call”, “Secrets of the Century”, the cycle “Documentary Detective”, “Special Forces of Russia” and “Delicious Stories”.

His hobbies are political science, history and sports. Plays hockey and tennis.

3. Program "Man and Law"

3.1 General characteristics

The socio-political program "Man and the Law" has been broadcast on the country's main TV channel for 35 years (Alexey Pimanov has been running the program since 1996). So " old age» does not prevent the program from remaining one of the most popular and relevant on domestic television. Perhaps because the main topics are the fight against organized crime, investigations of corruption in the highest echelons of power, and criminal stories.

The program tries to give a balanced assessment of the most important events in the political, economic and social life of the country, highlights a huge range of issues and problems that a person has to face every day, not only from a legal point of view, but also from the standpoint of universal morality.

That is why "Man and the Law", focusing on the ordinary viewer, constantly monitors the fate of its permanent hero - ordinary person caught in the pincers of injustice and lawlessness.

The program "Man and Law" continues to develop within the framework of the last years stylistics. Sharp “social” reporting by Alexander Karpov, foreign scandals by Alexander Senatorov, “ human stories”(often with a criminal past or present) by Oksana Sviridova, materials from the series“ a journalist changes profession ”by Rustem Davydov, analytical comments and special reports by Petr Gulenko, current journalistic investigations by host Alexei Pimanov.

Alexey Pimanov loves to invite guests to the studio of the Man and the Law program. These are the main newsmakers of the week, politicians, representatives of law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies, well-known journalists with their not always “convenient” investigations, VIPs known throughout the country who, through no fault of their own, got into a big mess (whether it be incorrectly executed copyrights, protection honor and dignity or provoked by an accident).

The basic rule of the program is as old as the world: first-hand information and only proven facts.

In the new season, the program "Man and the Law" has changed a bit. The changes affected, in particular, the introduction of a new section, in which a story about the best investigation week, published in the domestic media, which reveals the details of the topic. Such stories are now published in every issue of the Man and the Law program.

This is a unique video version of each investigation, which includes “behind-the-scenes footage” describing, for example, what threats were made against the journalist and from whom, as well as what obstacles were placed on him and by whom. Furthermore, we invite authors of high-profile publications to face-to-face meetings with opponents. The viewer becomes a direct eyewitness to the development of events.

Moreover, the program "Man and the Law" is not limited to a narrow range of topics. The plots are devoted to anything - from politics to football. The weekly release cycle does not prevent the program from responding as quickly as possible to the most topical events in the life of the country.

A certain club of investigative journalists has been created around the program. However, I would like to note that those who call the "Man and the Law" program criminal are very mistaken. The display of corpses, the flashing of police sirens in the frame and the bloody plots created counting on the outcasts - this is not the goal for the presenter Alexei Pimanov.

3.2 Journalistic skills of A. Pimanov

Some reviews of A. Pimanov's journalistic investigations leave a bitter aftertaste. When they are characterized as "harassing journalism" or "black PR", it becomes very unpleasant. It's a shame for a really good program.

In terms of the way of thinking and the accuracy of its presentation, it is quite difficult today to compare with A. Pimanov another full-time television analyst, moreover, Pimanov's presentation is very figurative, non-standard.

He does not just comment on the problem, phenomenon, event of our life, but carefully examines it with the involvement of several diverse sources.

Childhood and family of Alexei Pimanov

Alexey was born in Moscow. As a child, the boy devoted a lot of time to sports, playing hockey and football. He even tried himself at one time in the capital's Lokomotiv, becoming a candidate for master of sports. Pimanov recalls that he often returned from training, banging and clattering his skates on the stairs, and literally fell from fatigue.

As a teenager, he loved to play the guitar. In the family, as in many families at that time, all the holidays were celebrated at the laid table, whether it was March 8, May 1 or the New Year.

After school, Alex entered Technical University communications and in 1989 received a diploma. In 1992, he graduated from Moscow State University, having received a profession - a journalist.

The beginning of Alexei Pimanov's career at the television center: from technician to journalism

Pimanov has been on television since 1986. His first position was as a video engineer, then at the Telecentre he worked as an operator, and from 1989 he began working in the editorial office of the socio-political programs of the Central Television, starting with the host of the Steps program.

Since 1990, Alexei Viktorovich worked for a year as a special correspondent for the TV channel ViD. Then, for two years, he was a presenter and director own program"Behind the Kremlin Wall".

Since 1993, Pimanov has been the head of the Resonance studio and the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company for a year. And since 1995, he began to try himself as a producer of such programs as Sports News, Football Review, Man and the Law and Seven Days of Sports.

Program "13". Guest - Alexey Pimanov

In 1996, Alexey Pimanov headed the Ostankino TV channel, becoming the general director, and became the permanent host of the Man and the Law program.

Alexey Viktorovich acted as a screenwriter and director of about a hundred documentaries.

Since 2004, Pimanov began producing serial films, where he was the scriptwriter and director: "Alexander Garden", "Zoya", "Hunting for Beria", "Gypsies", "Zhukov", etc. Among his films are full-length films : "The Man in My Head" and "Three Days in Odessa". First of all, Pimanov considers himself a journalist. Thanks to the main profession, he had the opportunity to try his hand at politics and directing. Nothing came easy.

At the beginning of his career, in the absence of useful acquaintances and the necessary connections, he had to face the system one on one more than once. Now he, as a journalist, can declare that with open arms people his profession is not expected anywhere. He had to prove his right to exist in journalism every day. The difficulties that arise in Pimanov's work and life only make him angry, forcing him to move on.

Personal life of Alexei Pimanov

IN this moment Alexey Viktorovich is married with a third marriage. His first wife was the economist Valeria Arkhipova, whom Pimanov met while studying at a technical school. From his first marriage, he has two grown-up sons: Denis (born in 1980) and Artyom. Both connected their lives with television - they are directing the program "Man and the Law",

The second wife of Pimanov is a TV presenter and director Valentina. Their daughter Dasha. She too creative person: journalist, screenwriter and director.

Since everyone in the family works in approximately the same area, it is important that no one interferes with each other during work. The daughter began to live independently very early, but even when she was small, her personal space always belonged only to her.

Pimanov about Navalny and VKPB

There are many animals in Pimanov's house. This is a ninety-kilogram Bernese shepherd dog - a real "mountain of fur and love," as the TV presenter's daughter put it. In addition, they have a small chihuahua Nafanya and a furry cat Eremey. All animals need to be taken to the vet and salons from time to time. All these worries lie with Daria.

In 2014, Alexey Pimanov married actress and film producer Olga Pogodina. They met in 2007 in one of the restaurants in the capital. Later, Pimanov invited Olga to his series "Three Days in Odessa", but she got the role on your own by going through all the necessary auditions.

Pimanov's divorce from Valentina was commented on by his eldest son, who noted that the couple parted peacefully and intelligently. “What can you do, everything is changing rapidly in our life,” Denis complained.

TV presenter's hobbies

Pimanov continues to play hockey and football whenever possible. He is familiar with many famous athletes. So, he often plays hockey with Sergey Makarov, Vyacheslav Fetisov and Alexei Kasatonov, which surprises Alexei Viktorovich himself.

Today, the project "Idols" by Valentina Pimanova is the most rated on ORT. By this, she proved that she is not only just the wife of a famous journalist, she is also a professional in her field.

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