Features inherent in choleric. Choleric - what is this type of temperament in psychology


If you look into a textbook of psychology, then among other descriptions of the psychophysiological characteristics of a person, you can find such a thing as temperament. This feature depends on the type nervous system personality and is considered the basis of the character of each individual.

Currently, people use the terminology and classification once proposed by Hippocrates, which allows them to describe the species inherent in specific person. And along with other types, choleric is considered the most "bright". Let's figure out who a choleric is, what features make up the character of a choleric and what behaviors are typical for him.

Wondering what is the definition of the term " choleric temperament”(choleric temperament type), it is worth returning to the distant past. The fact is that Hippocrates (as mentioned earlier) became the founder of the theory of different types character, each of which includes a certain set of qualities.

The word "choleric" comes from the ancient Greek "chole" (χολή), which means "bile" or "yellow bile". Hippocrates associated this designation with the vital fluid that is present in the human body. In turn, the following relations are typical for other types:

  • Phlegmatic - lymph (from the word "phlegm").
  • Melancholic - black bile (from the words "melena" and "chole").
  • - blood ("sangvi").

What qualities of a choleric person will help to recognize him in a crowd

Let's return to the basic terminology and classification in search of an answer to the question: "Who is a choleric?" In psychology, there are two different concepts proposed by K.G. Jung and allowing to divide all people according to personality types into two main groups: extrovert and. These are completely different and at the same time absolutely opposite psychotypes.

For example, an extrovert is a person whose behavior model is aimed at his environment and interaction with people in it. At the same time, an introvert is a person who acts by rushing inward. Based on this classification, we can say that choleric is a concept in psychology applicable to an extrovert, a person whose behavior patterns are oriented to the external environment.

But, given the type of nervous system of such a person, he can be called an extrovert with an unstable / unbalanced emotional background. However, this type is strong people that have an active life position and love to be the center of attention. Although, as practice shows, in some cases, choleric people act as introverts with experience in self-control.

The choleric, whose personality type description does not allow him to be considered a very cheerful person, has the following character traits:

  • Decisiveness (determination).
  • Courage.
  • Perseverance.
  • Purposefulness.
  • Inconsistency.
  • Willingness to take risks (even unjustified ones).
  • Striving to be a leader in everything.
  • Passion for controversy.
  • Thirst for new knowledge, discoveries.

In addition to the qualities described above, choleric people stand out thanks to others. For example, such a person may experience frequent mood swings, which can be observed daily by people from the immediate environment. In addition to this, a choleric person is a restless and even hyperactive person, sociable, impulsive, unrestrained, passionate, violently reacting to different situations.

According to Hippocrates, the fact that “chole” (yellow bile) predominates in the body of such a person affects his behavior. This means that choleric people are often hysterical and aggressive, able to throw out all their negativity and discontent.

The development of temperament at different age stages

Since temperament is often an innate quality of each individual, trends in its development are noticeable from the very early age. So, a choleric child is usually subject to frequent mood swings, which are already observed in him “from the cradle”. Such children are characterized by intolerance to loneliness, which is manifested in the desire to constantly be in the arms of adults or to be in their society.

Choleric children do not sleep well at night. This can be explained by the predominance of excitatory processes over inhibition processes in the nervous system. In addition, such children are emotional and very vividly express desires to satisfy any of their needs. Such manifestations include such typical choleric features as crying, tantrums, screams, whims.

But, speaking of children who, by the type of their temperament, are choleric, one cannot fail to say that they are responsive to affection and are able to appreciate kindness, love, and care. They are very inquisitive and active, which sometimes bothers their parents. Other features of the choleric in childhood are sociability, the ability to easily and simply "get involved" in the game with adults, a stormy expression of joy, the ability to sincerely love.

Among their peers, matured choleric people stand out for their aspiration, propensity for leadership and craving for new knowledge. Parents of such a child, who from childhood is characterized by impulsiveness and increased emotionality, should use individual methods of education in order to instill in him from childhood the skill of self-regulation, self-control. Otherwise, the shortcomings of such a psychotype can gradually become a property of the individual. This, in turn, can be expressed in manifestations of aggression, inappropriate rudeness and inability to complete the work begun.

A matured choleric (characteristic of a man) is often a personality striving for dominance, which can become a despot in the family, because it will require unquestioning obedience and fulfillment of its requirements from all its members, this personality is inherent. At the same time, a choleric man is a person who can become a breadwinner and a stone wall for a woman, reliable support and support for parents, as well as a loving and caring father for his children.

In turn, a choleric woman is a strong, strong-willed personality, characterized by a penchant for leadership, a desire for independence and a willingness to take risks. For this woman, household chores are not a priority, because she is not interested in the monotony of gray everyday life. She strives to conquer new heights, to conquer the world.

What type of temperament is suitable for pairing with such a woman? In order for her to direct her energy in the right direction, next to her must be a phlegmatic man who can withstand the stormy and hyperactive rhythm of his chosen one's life.

Advantages and disadvantages of the psychotype

Like any other type of temperament, choleric has its pros and cons. Choleric can be characterized by only a few words that can only represent a general psychological picture.

In fact, the choleric has a lot of advantages. The energy bubbling in him will allow him to give all the best on the way to his goal, and the ability to plunge headlong into favorite hobby help you choose the right one life path. Other advantages of the choleric type of temperament include:

  • Innate sense of leadership.
  • High stress tolerance.
  • The ability to capture the attention of the public, to convince and lead people.
  • The ability to quickly make the right decisions.
  • Well developed imagination.

At the same time, choleric people have several disadvantages. The disadvantages of this temperament include:

  • Excessive aggressiveness, which, in the absence of self-control skills, can turn into a force that destroys a person’s life.
  • Short temper.
  • Ambition.
  • Stubbornness.
  • A little patience.
  • Irritability, which makes communication and friendship with such people very burdensome.

If there is a choleric person in your environment (and this will not be difficult to notice, knowing the description of the main features of his character), try to show more tolerance towards him. Such people, although prone to mood swings and irritability, know how to be responsive, grateful, attentive, caring and loving. Author: Elena Suvorova

This is the brightest of temperaments - choleric people never remain in the shadows, they are very active. life force splashes over the edge, they violently experience any emotions - anger, joy, unhappiness, delight. A lot of action and little thought, but full dedication and dedication.

Main feature choleric - energy. If a person of this temperament has a goal, he immediately proceeds to achieve it, and it is almost impossible to stop him. While the melancholic thinks about a plan of action, and tells what he will do, the choleric manages to achieve what was planned and looks out for new tasks.

Choleric child

The first "victim" of the imperious choleric becomes his mother, whom the baby completely subjugates. The peanut can cry for hours, be naughty and angry until he gets what he wants. Cholerics have an innate need for a dominant position, sooner or later they, as a rule, manage to take command positions, in “particularly successful” cases they become domestic dictators and tyrants. The child refuses to obey his parents and forces him to play on his terms. But at the same time, a little choleric is joyful and agile, accepting gifts with delight, loving with all his heart, with infectious laughter and sparkling eyes. The attention of the whole family is focused on him, firstly, because the fidget cannot be left unattended, and secondly, he radiates energy and joy, which is very attractive.

Choleric at work

People of this warehouse have innate leadership qualities. They clearly see the goal, captivate everyone with their idea, and strive for dominance in all situations. This set of qualities allows choleric people to become good leaders. Explicit leadership qualities inherent in almost all choleric people:

  • A clear vision of the goal and the ability to clearly state the tasks.
  • Sincere and emotional manner of communication.
  • The ability to quickly navigate the situation.
  • Ability to motivate subordinates, control their actions.
  • Tendency to manipulate people.

Many world politicians belong to this psychotype, but in order to achieve such heights, a choleric person needs to learn how to control bursts of energy. With excellent strategic abilities, choleric people often lack a sense of tact.

IN critical situations people of this temperament take responsibility without hesitation, and people usually follow them, even if they understand that the path ahead is not easy. Cholerics are not familiar with compromises and doubts, considering them the lot of weak and insecure people. Qualities that often turn away from a choleric leader:

  • Overconfidence.
  • Heightened self-esteem.
  • Rejection of other people's opinions.
  • Unreasonable demands.

Over time and with experience, the choleric learns to curb his indefatigable temper and becomes a charismatic and authoritative leader.

The nature of the choleric

It is impossible to imagine a moping or indifferent choleric person. He always knows what he is striving for and tirelessly moves towards the goal. If you see that a customer in a store begins to straighten a crookedly hanging mirror or a restaurant visitor rubs cutlery to a shine while waiting for an order, you should know that this is a choleric person. These people do not know peace.

Cholerics sharply do not accept manifestations of injustice, so they actively participate in charity events, rescue operations, protect animals and birds, speak at rallies and picket government agencies. Any battlefield is the best habitat for a choleric, here he feels at home and can throw out an inexhaustible charge of energy.

The speed of choleric reactions is the highest, so they do not understand how others can not understand the essence of the problem for so long and not take action. He himself without hesitation gets down to business, often brushing aside conventions and losing like-minded people. The choleric person often comes to the top alone, because those who started the ascent with him could not stand the tension and pace. The choleric is absolutely sure that he can act as efficiently as possible if no one interferes with him. But for advancement, it is not enough just to see the goal and not see the obstacles, you also need to organize coordinated actions of the whole team. If a person of this type understands in time that it is necessary to take into account not only his desires and possibilities, loneliness will not threaten him.

Working with people, the choleric leader distributes responsibilities quite accurately, but none of the team has a single chance to be on the highest foot - he will take on the most important part of the work and receive all the laurels. Obstacles do not stop the choleric, but incite him and make him obsessed with achieving the goal. Representatives of other types of temperament behave under such conditions in a completely different way: balanced sanguine people leave an impossible task, do not take on its solution, but are looking for an opportunity to bypass difficult moments.

Sanguine and melancholy people usually have friends. The first needs an audience, and the second needs support. Choleric, on the other hand, does not need anyone - he is busy looking for a goal and achieving it. He is completely independent of other people's opinions and does not need understanding and support. He agrees to work in a team only if he can be the first.

How to coexist with a choleric person?

To withstand close contact with an explosive and despotic choleric is not for everyone. But, knowing the features of his difficult disposition, you can adapt to him and recharge with his energy.

  • Cholerics are highly active - they quickly get to work. At the same time, they are direct and persistent.
  • Unrestrained in feelings, impatient, quick-tempered and unbridled. But their goals and interests persist for a long time, attention does not switch until the task is completed.
  • Classic choleric people are extroverts.
  • They tend to make decisions on their own.
  • Optimistic, self-confident, courageous and determined.

The negative qualities inherent in many choleric people are determined by the speed of his mental reactions. Impetuous choleric, not knowing obstacles:

  • They do not forgive people for ordinary weaknesses.
  • They can't really empathize.
  • Can't bear tears.
  • In a relationship, they don't pay attention to the little things.
  • They can't stand those who can't keep up with them.
  • Irritable, especially when they see indecision.

At the same time, choleric people have qualities that make partnership with him favorable. For example, they never dump their responsibilities on others, do not change their decisions and are not afraid of obstacles. When dealing with a choleric person, one must remember that people of this temperament never forgive insults and are vengeful.

Famous choleric people

Among the famous choleric people who have reached greatest success in life, the following people can be distinguished: Alexander Suvorov, Dmitry Mendeleev, Alexander Pushkin, Peter the Great.

In the previous article, we talked about who is ... With this temperament, I hope everything is clear and we can proceed to reveal the next one. And the next temperament we have is choleric. And of course, its characteristics.

Who is a choleric

The name already speaks for itself. Choleric. There is a sense of urgency in it. Cholera!.. But infectious diseases have nothing to do with it. It will still be about character, and therefore the following points should be discussed ...

In the very first article, in the one in which I gave general information about themselves, the choleric is called the "unrestrained" type. It characterizes strength, mobility, imbalance.

Where strength refers to the degree of nervous stability and endurance under prolonged loads. Mobility will indicate the speed of alternation of processes nervous activity. A imbalance will tell us about how the processes of excitation-inhibition correlate in us.

Description of choleric

The choleric temperament is very excitable, quick and mobile. The facial expressions of choleric people are lively and expressive, speech is colorful, and movements are sharp. Their feelings arise quickly, it is difficult to contain them in view of the general instability, and therefore their manifestations can be very enchanting.

Of course, with such a norm on their part, such people subconsciously expect the same from others. For them, it may be sincerely incomprehensible how it is: not to talk about their feelings. And even more so, they will not appreciate - well, they will not appreciate it, they will probably not notice it - silent love. They treat such feelings with distrust, because they doubt their sincerity.

The choleric will enthusiastically take up the matter that interests him and overcome all the difficulties that have arisen along the way. However, his energy reserves are not infinite and may soon run out.

Well, what do you want? This type of personality works on a constant rise, and this is energy-consuming. And then, when the fuse dries up and there will be no more strength, no desire to kick your “battery”, choleric mood drop sharply to the minimum. And together with the mood will decrease and labor efficiency. So, there will be a need to recover ...

In moments of communication, this type of temperament also shows its sharpness, it is quite capable of even provoking a conflict. The faith of a choleric is based on vivid manifestations of feelings. So, if you love, then “Love!”, And if you hate, then you can tear the enemy to shreds!

Work for the choleric

Just as you can already understand from the above, the need for communication in choleric people is increased. He must draw his restless emotions from somewhere! And therefore often their choice in professional field also falls on those professions that require constant contact with people. It can be both jurisprudence and politics, administration or the service sector, and a lot of things. In general, any field of activity where it is necessary to have effective communication skills.

Incredibly difficult for a choleric individual or monotonous work. It is difficult because a person of such a warehouse for life will need variety in activities and communication. Their efficiency in general is extremely unstable and largely depends on the interest in the case being worked out, as well as on external circumstances.

In addition, they can be impatient and unrestrained, and restructuring for any the new kind activities for them is more than difficult. Cholerics, in general, can be described as fearless scouts and pioneers, and this is far from conducive to perseverance and love for monotony in work. Cholerics are innovators and the unknown path only spurs them on.

Features of the behavior of the choleric

The behavior of a choleric person can be called uneven due to the fact that imbalance his nervous system is cyclical. Yes, and he himself is capable, having processed, to bring himself to depression, when nothing is already unbearable - he is fed up with everything, and therefore everything falls out of his hands. This alternation of cycles of rise and fall leads to the fact that his susceptibility to neurotic breakdowns increases several times. And this, not to mention, about observed in moments of depression, strong

Characteristics of choleric

After all, not without reason the most characteristic features choleric is irascibility, aggressiveness and unbridled nature. It is for this reason that it is not recommended to argue with them. No, they are unlikely to throw ashtrays. However, all the same, the impressions of a quarrel with them will be enough for you for years to come. But if you make a concession, such a person is able to cool down at the same moment.

In general, it is possible to live and work peacefully with a choleric person. However, all this is worth some effort on the other hand, since you must always know what he wants from you. So we can safely say that this is possible almost on condition unquestioning obedience his person.

After all, such people from childhood love and learn to give commands. And feeling from an early age himself a full-fledged master of the situation, rare person will want to release power and control from their hands. In their family, choleric people are often commanders in chief, if not tyrants and dictators.

It is he who is able, without listening to anyone, to make the rest dance to his tune. However, still no other type of temperament is able to have so much fun, rejoice and thank you, and plus everything else, love with all your heart, as a choleric person will do. So he will easily win the hearts of everyone and quickly become an idol in the family.

Choleric is generally difficult to imagine indifferent, inactive and dull. None of this suits him! He will always be on horseback. He will always have an ideal at hand to strive for. On the spot, such a person will definitely not sit.

In addition, choleric people are usually extremely sensitive to injustice, which, undoubtedly, can lead to the fact that one day he will not stand it, and even climb on the rampage. After all the main thing for the choleric is to achieve the goal. Losses don't matter. What this leads to is clear.

Like-minded people get lost along the way, besides, on the way to the goal, you can also burn out, discarding the idea as unnecessary and not deserving of attention. And such people will light up, as well as cool down quickly enough.

However, what can you give them an unequivocal compliment. Despite the fact that the choleric temperament type is not able to boast of a large number of friends, he will be very attached to those whom he loves. Even if his love is often distinguished by ardor.

Psychology as a science has different characteristics according to which people are divided into certain groups. This also applies to the types of temperament, of which there are 4 types: melancholic, choleric, phlegmatic and sanguine. Who is a choleric? This is a person who can be characterized as follows: impulsive, hot, unbalanced, quickly reacting to the situation. He never sits in one place, easily overcomes various difficulties, but is prone to strong emotional outbursts and sudden mood swings.

It can also be said about such a person that he fidget and perpetual motion machine, all the time somewhere in a hurry, trying to do several things at once, but rarely brings them to the end. Choleric can hardly be called cheerful, as his vigor often takes on a conflicting form.


It is generally accepted that in the body of choleric people is located in in large numbers yellow bile, which makes people of this temperament unrestrained, hysterical, unbridled. A choleric person is usually aggressive, starts up very easily, splashing out all his emotions on others, and also quickly cools down and calms down. Thanks to his strong character choleric people easily solve various problems, but such a feature as instability does not allow him to complete what he started.

Representatives of this temperament are individualists who always have their own opinion. They always strive to be the first, which is due to their innate leadership qualities and the desire to attract attention. Such people usually initiate a dispute and then become active participants in it themselves.

Choleric temperament can be determined by motor skills and actions - such a person is impulsive and dynamic in his movements. His facial expressions are expressive, his gestures are feverish and sharp, his gait is swift, and his speech is fast. Choleric people usually sleep little, eat a lot and have a good appetite. This is the type of person who believes that best defense is an attack.

A person of this temperament has practically inexhaustible energy. Such forte character allows him to fight for his ideals, up to fanaticism. But if the enthusiasm begins to dry up, then the choleric usually does not complete what he started. These people are able to make quick decisions and make impulsive actions.

The weak side of choleric people is:

  • increased irritability;
  • coarseness;
  • conflict.

But such people are most often not too vindictive.

Representatives of this temperament react painfully to injustice and are able to defend those who, in their opinion, need such protection until they lose their pulse. Due to the nature of the character, these people are not able to stay away. But, on the other hand, because of such a trait, they strive for dominance. Choleric parents often demand perfect obedience from their children and can get very angry because the child does something wrong. Although they try to be caring household members, they can also be family tyrants.

Suitable Professions

Since choleric people are proud and decisive, they strive for leadership, having a hard time experiencing a subordinate position. The best solution for them is independent work, which does not require minute-by-minute reporting. If they various reasons have to be subordinate, they often conflict with leaders, especially if they do not have such developed force will.

The labor activity of choleric people should be connected with the solution of various problems, taking everything free time. Only people of this temperament are able to withstand high rates of work, long business trips and regular shifts.

This type of worker is characterized as follows:

  • takes the initiative;
  • active;
  • acts rapidly.

But if something does not go according to plan, then he can flare up. After cooling down after a while, the person realizes that the problem is easily solved.

People of choleric temperament usually become excellent leaders and entrepreneurs. Due to their sociability and ability to clearly express their thoughts, they effectively manage a team, and purposefulness, high speed of thinking and penetrating nature help them to succeed in this business.

Features of a choleric child

Children of this type of temperament are usually always in the spotlight. They are capable of being capricious until they achieve what they want, and they believe that everything should happen the way they want. But at the same time, choleric children are very grateful to their loved ones even for minor surprises and signs of attention. IN good mood they are very sweet, affectionate and responsive. A choleric teenager is usually a bully teenager with aggressive behavior.

mixed temperament

According to modern psychology, choleric in pure form are very rare. According to the scientist Gennady Sukhodolsky, there are usually intermediate types - melancholy-choleric and choleric-sanguine.

In the first case, this type of character is not very common. Such people periodically experience a state of impulsivity or apathy. They are impulsive, like choleric, and have an internal margin of safety, like melancholic. It happens that when striving for a goal, people of this temperament perform high deeds, and after a while they become indifferent to everything. Melancholy-choleric people are able to achieve high altitudes than representatives of the choleric type.

The choleric - sanguine type of temperament characterizes a person with a quick change of emotions, but in a milder form than that of a choleric person. Going ahead to their goal, such people are more fruitful, which is usually inherent in sanguine people.

So who is a choleric? In psychology, this is a specific type of temperament, characterized by its individual features. This is usually very energetic and explosive people who often take on any business, but sometimes do not bring them to the end. But still, after a while, they try to finish the unfinished.

At one time, Hippocrates divided all of humanity into four main types of temperament: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and. Choleric is a very energetic person. Having set a goal, he immediately proceeds to action and successfully achieves his goal. talks more than does. thinking all the time. You can live and work peacefully with a choleric person. At the same time, you must always know what he wants from you. This is possible only under one condition, if you obey him implicitly. Do everything as he wants here and now.

Choleric child

Already in early childhood people of this type of temperament like to command and feel like the master of the situation. Children are choleric who do not yet know how to walk, the first to completely subjugate their mother. It's just a matter of time before he takes power into his own hands. A child can cry, get angry and act up for hours until he gets what he wants. In his family, he becomes a commander and sometimes even a dictator or tyrant. He does not listen to anyone and makes everyone dance to his tune. But no one will have so much fun, play and give thanks, love with all his heart and unrestrainedly express his joy, like a little choleric. He easily wins the hearts of adults and becomes the idol of the family. The child grows, and the type of temperament over the years, as a rule, retains the main features.

Choleric at work

The ability to lead people behind them is innate. A clear vision of the goal, the ability to captivate, the desire to dominate in any situation allow choleric people to become an excellent leader over the years. A clear statement of the task, open emotional communication, the ability to instantly assess the situation, control the performers are the qualities inherent in leaders. Representatives of this psychotype are often found among successful politicians on the world stage. Provided that the choleric temperament will be polished. They are great strategists, but they tend to lack tact.
These people cause sincere admiration of others and lead. IN difficult situations choice, they are able to make an immediate decision. Even if it is unpopular. Not ready to compromise, the choleric sweeps away all doubts, leaving the weak and insecure their fears and indecision. Leading people is not easy. Self-confidence, lack, inability to hear and accept someone else's opinion, excessive demands put choleric in reproach. But he knows what he is doing and is able to make quick decisions. Over the years, gaining life experience and knowledge about his temperament, an energetic choleric person will learn to restrain his activity and become an excellent leader.

The nature of the temperament type of choleric

It is difficult to imagine a choleric person indifferent or dull. He is always on horseback. He knows the ideal to which he aspires. And it works. A visitor in a restaurant, wiping cutlery to a shine, or a buyer who corrects a picture hanging askew in the trading floor, as a rule, will turn out to be a choleric. He does not sit still. He reacts strongly to injustice. Participation in charity events, saving people, birds and animals in trouble, speaking at political rallies. Here this type of temperament is at ease and tries to the last word left behind him.

In any situation, wherever he may be, such temperament type takes the reins of government into his own hands. Sometimes, not taking into account secular conventions. But he is able to bring the matter or the current situation to its logical conclusion and take his Everest. What surprises them the most is that other people cannot see the right way to solve the problem. The main thing for the choleric is to achieve the goal. Here he stops at nothing. Often, he reaches his peak alone, losing his like-minded people along the way.

His loneliness is due to the inability of others to keep up with him and be as energetic. People can't keep up with his pace. The effectiveness and success of the actions of this person will directly depend on the absence of resistance from others and obstacles in his path. To move forward, it is not enough just to see the goal. It is necessary to properly organize the movement of all participants in the action. Like a talented conductor, he will make the whole team work smoothly and on time from his console. At work, in the family or among friends, he will quickly and effectively coordinate, set up, teach how to do and achieve his goal.

Thanks to high level this type of temperament will leave any opponent behind with its mental activity, energy of actions, swiftness, strength of movements, their fast pace. The speed of thinking allows you to immediately break the task into separate parts. Having assessed the abilities of his assistants, he quickly distributes tasks, well understanding who is in front of him and what help he can count on.

People who are lazy and slow choleric person will select a suitable task and everyone will make a feasible contribution to the common cause. But he will do the most important and responsible work himself, leaving others to work out the details. This can be perceived by others as distrust and alienate supporters from him. Few people like to always remain on the sidelines. But if he learns to treat people correctly and distribute responsibilities reasonably, their heart will forever remain with him.

Often for this type of temperament, an obstacle that has arisen in his way only strengthens his energetic desire for a goal. He becomes obsessed with her. People with a different type of temperament will act differently. A calm, balanced sanguine person, having learned that the task is impossible, will leave his efforts and be grateful to the one who warned him.

Description of choleric

A sad melancholic will regret the time spent. The phlegmatic will be delighted that you can not make any effort and step aside. A quick and stubborn choleric will redouble his efforts. Regardless of gender, the desire to win is so strong that he will destroy all obstacles or disappear on his own. He is not afraid of criticism. He doesn't care about the opinions of others. He clearly sees the goal in front of him and strives for victory.

If a balanced sanguine needs friends for company, then friends always give support to a melancholic. The nature of the choleric such that he does not need either one or the other. He always makes his own plans and is independent of secular opinion. When a group is needed to achieve a goal, he works in a team with great pleasure, because communication on business only increases his energy, and never wastes time on empty chatter.

Sensitively reacting to changes in the surrounding situation, it has an internal locator tuned to the target. Such a person will most often express his opinion if he is sure that he is right. This is a very useful quality. Others may speak out against him. They are outraged by the peremptory tone and harsh manners of the choleric. But having humbled their own, they will appreciate this gift of the choleric - to feel where the dog is buried. This is a very valuable feature. In the boring routine of everyday life, the bright energy of the choleric goes out. But an extraordinary event or unexpected turn give him a chance to prove himself. The melody of his life rings free as he sees purpose and perspective as a thirty-piece Scottish brass band plays for him.

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