“Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber” main characters. Ilya of Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber


Epics constitute one of the most remarkable phenomena Russian folk literature; in terms of epic calm, richness of detail, vivid color, distinct character of the persons depicted, variety of mythical, historical and everyday elements, they are not inferior to the ancient epic. During the lesson you will become familiar with the content and artistic originality epics “Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich”, “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”.

The main character is Ilya Muromets, peasant son, that’s why he’s wearing the most ordinary clothes: a Russian shirt, trousers and boots. He lay on the stove for 33 years, not thinking about anything. And heroic strength awakened in him along with the desire to stand up for the Russian mother land.

The author emphasizes strength, power and courage Holy Russian hero Ilya Muromets. In the scene of Ilya Muromets' victory over the Nightingale the Robber, there is, of course, fairytale features. Firstly, this is a conversation between Ilya Muromets and his horse. Of course, triple repetitions, fairy-tale appeals and fairy-tale epithets can also be called fairy-tale elements.

But the following words truly sound like an epic: “He began to jump from mountain to mountain,” “the ant-grass kept getting entangled, and Lazarus’ flowers fell off.” Before us is nothing more than a means artistic expression hyperbola.

Widely used in both epics and fairy tales words with diminutive suffixes:grass, path, stirrup.

Remember the last lines of the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by A. S. Pushkin:

Things of days gone by

Legends of deep antiquity .

Really, real events that happened a long time ago, during the time Kievan Rus, and it was then that the creators of epics composed their songs from songs and legends.

The epics were written in a special solemn verse. They had musical accompaniment. Special artistic technique, which was used in epics, is certainly a hyperbole.

  1. Didactic materials on literature grade 7. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - 2008
  2. Homework on literature for grade 7 (Korovina). Author - Tishchenko O.A. - year 2012
  3. Literature lessons in 7th grade. Author - Kuteinikova N.E. - year 2009
  4. Textbook on literature 7th grade. Part 1. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2012
  5. Textbook on literature 7th grade. Part 2. Author - Korovina V.Ya. - year 2009
  6. Textbook-reader on literature 7th grade. Authors: Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. - year 2012
  7. Textbook-reader on literature 7th grade. Part 1. Author - Kurdyumova T.F. - 2011
  1. FEB: Dictionary of literary terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and concepts ().
  3. Dictionary Russian language ().
  4. All about Russian epics ().
  5. Epic Rus'. Collection of cartoons ().
  1. Read the epic “Volga and Mikula Selyaninovich.” Find in it examples of hyperbole, words with diminutive suffixes, and constant epithets.
  2. Read the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber.” Find in it examples of hyperbole, words with diminutive suffixes, and constant epithets.

Ilya Muromets is one of the three most famous Russians epic heroes, defender of the Motherland and all Russian people. There is a legend that Ilya Muromets is not a fictional epic character, but a real person. And everything really happened, as the epic tells: Ilya sat on the stove for thirty years and three years, and then the elders passing through the village treated him with some spoken water, and the hero accomplished his first feat - he overcame his fear and uncertainty.

Then Ilya fulfilled his duty to his parents - he began to help them in everything in difficult times. peasant labor. So Ilya would have remained an unknown village strongman if he had not understood that his special strength should serve people on a completely different level than simply doing hard work. A hero would not be a hero if he did not perform feats, fighting evil in any of its incarnations.

First feat of arms hero, not for glory and wealth, but to help the besieged in hometown Chernigov, became a victory over the enemy army. Refusing the offered position of city governor, Ilya continued his journey towards dangers and battles.

The next enemy is the Nightingale the Robber, the absolute embodiment of evil, a fabulous allegory of the raids of the steppe nomads of the Polovtsians, Pechenegs and Khazars, who tormented Rus' in the ninth and tenth centuries. His whistle “like a nightingale” and his cry “like an animal,” from which “the forest bends to the ground and people fall dead,” are identified with the many years of battles of the Russians for their land.

But the Russian hero withstood the monster, captured him and took him to the capital Kyiv for the princely trial. It is not common for heroes to commit lynching if the enemy has fallen to the ground and begs for mercy.

But the hero remains independent and independent, even if those in power try to humiliate him and laugh at the hero. This is what happened at the princely feast with the boyars, who did not believe Ilya Muromets that he defeated the Nightingale the Robber, who had brought fear and terror to the entire district. By forcing the Nightingale to demonstrate his whistle, Ilya put the mockers to shame and earned the great popular, and with it the princely, honor of a liberator from an evil scourge.

Selfless heroism, desire to help one's people and native land, forces Ilya Muromets to refuse all the rewards offered by the prince and ask for himself only a place in the princely squad to serve “for the sake of Mother Rus',” to be her intercessors and a threat to “evil enemies.” This well characterizes the hero’s choice of a road that prophesied death. Fearlessly turning his horse towards mortal danger, the Russian knight set off “to perform military service, to fight with enemies for righteous Rus' and for the Russian people.”

Literature lesson notes for 6th grade

“Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber:

From Kievan Rus to the present day."

Teacher: Oleshchenko Irina Vladimirovna

Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 37", Saratov

Lesson type : combined.

The purpose of the lesson : conduct benchmarking text of the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” with the animated films “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” 1978 and 2007.

Lesson objectives.


1) consolidation of the idea of ​​the epic genre, the features of the image of its main character - the hero;

2) consolidation of the skill of mastering literary terms: antithesis, irony, idealization of the hero;

3) formation of comparative analysis skills.


1) development of imaginative and analytical thinking, creative imagination students;

2) development of oral and written speech of students;

3) developing the ability of schoolchildren to be a “thoughtful reader” and a “thoughtful viewer.”


1) maintaining interest in studying literature;

2) the formation of an idea of ​​morality, a moral ideal;

3) development of patriotism.

Lesson equipment:

1) multimedia projector for viewing presentations and video clips;

2) handouts (a table that students fill out during the lesson).

During the classes.

1 . Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Greetings, introductory words from the teacher. Students write down the dates and topics of the lesson.

2. Familiarization with the purpose of the lesson, instructions on organizing work in the lesson.

The teacher announces to the students the objectives of the lesson:

1) repeat how Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber are portrayed in the epic, explain how this is related to the genre of the work;

2) get acquainted with how the same characters are presented in the animated films of 1978 and 2007, find out how similar they are to the heroes of the epic, and how they differ from them.

3. Getting to know new material.

Students get acquainted with messages devoted to the question of whether Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber really existed or whether they were fictional characters.

1) Did Ilya Muromets really exist?

Researchers believe that Ilya was born in Murom around the 12th century. He was famous for his power and strength, was in the service of the prince and accomplished many feats, which were known not only in Rus', but also beyond its borders. Thus, in the Norwegian sagas (songs) of the 13th century, Ilya the Russian is mentioned, who probably was Ilya Muromets. According to one version, Ilya dies in battle near Kiev. According to another version, after being seriously wounded, he goes to the Kiev Pechersk Lavra and becomes a monk. In the 17th century he was canonized. His relics are still kept in the monastery. A recent examination of the relics established that Ilya was exceptionally strong and tall man, he was found to have signs of spinal disease and traces of wounds. He died at the age of approximately 50 years. Thanks to this examination, the supposed appearance of the hero was restored. Saint Ilya of Muromets is considered the patron saint of the Russian army. (The message is accompanied by a presentation.)

2) Did the Nightingale the Robber really exist?

Nightingale the Robber, apparently, is also a hero, only from an enemy tribe. He settled down on the direct road from the Rostov-Suzdal land to Kyiv. At that time, these territories were inhabited by the Vyatichi, Krivichi and Ugrians tribes. The main industries of these tribes were hunting and beekeeping (honey collection). Beekeeping was associated with tree climbing, since beehives were built on the tops of trees. Apparently, such a bogatyr-beekeeper is depicted in the person of Nightingale the Robber. In addition, it is known that representatives of some nations gave their children the names of birds and animals. Thus, along with the Nightingale the Robber, the hero Starling is mentioned in book legends.

After listening to the messages, the teacher concludes that the prototypes of the main characters of the epics could actually exist. How are these characters depicted in the work of art?

4. Repetition of learned material.

Students independently answer the question posed by the teacher by filling out the columns of the table:

Images of Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber in the text of the epic and animated films of 1978 and 2007.

1. The epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber.”

Ilya Muromets

Nightingale the Robber

Ilya Muromets is a ………………… hero who ……………. your country, without requiring ……….. . He is wise and generous, gives the Nightingale the Robber the opportunity to …………… and ………….; does not hold a grudge against Prince ……………….., who was talking to the hero ……………. Behaves …………., causing everyone’s respect.

Nightingale the Robber – …………………. a hero who evokes only …………………… in everyone. He has a lot of ruined ………………… on his conscience, and in his atrocities he never ……………….., therefore the punishment is ………………………….

After checking the job, the completed table may look something like this:

Ilya Muromets

Nightingale the Robber

Ilya Muromets is an ideal hero who serves your country, without demanding awards . He is wise and generous, gives the Nightingale the Robber the opportunity repent and improve ; doesn't hold a grudge against the prince Vladimir who was talking to the hero rude . Behaves with dignity , commanding everyone's respect.

Nightingale the Robber – negative a hero who evokes in everyone only fear . On his conscience there are many ruined lives , and in his atrocities he never will repent , so the punishment isdeserved and fair.

Thus, the image of the hero and the Nightingale the Robber is based on an antithesis. The Nightingale the Robber is the embodiment of evil. Ilya Muromets - embodiment moral ideal, i.e. ideas about what a person should be. How will we see these characters in the 1978 cartoon?

5. Testing students' abilities to apply knowledge in non-standard conditions ( comparative analysis epic text with animated films).

A) Students are offered to watch fragments of the cartoon “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (1978, director – I. Aksenchuk). The viewing of each episode is preceded by questions from the teacher.

The image of Ilya Muromets in the 1978 cartoon.

1) Liberation of Chernigov.

How does Ilya Muromets appear in this episode? How similar is he to the hero of the epic?

After viewing the fragment, the teacher corrects the children’s answers using a series of questions:

What can you say about the strength of a hero? Why is he liberating the city? Who meets him at the gates of Chernigov? (Strong warriors, not old men, crones or women with children.) Why is this detail so important? Does Ilya Muromets feel his superiority over the people of Chernigov, does he evaluate his action as a feat? Why doesn't he stay in the city? How similar is he to the hero of the epic?

2) Meeting with Churila Plenkovic.

What episode of the epic can this fragment be compared with? (Conversation between the hero and Prince Vladimir).

How does the prince behave towards the hero, how does he address him? How does Ilya Muromets answer him? How does Churila Plenkovich talk to the hero? And how does the hero answer him, why is he not offended by him?

What is the reason for the appearance of irony in this episode?

The image of the Nightingale the Robber in the 1978 cartoon.

1) Fight with Nightingale the Robber. Temporary defeat of the hero.

What can be said about the power of the Nightingale the Robber? What is it aimed at? Why is this hero scary? Is it just because he is unusually strong? (He is confident in his absolute superiority, knows no pity, and therefore at the “grave” of a worthy opponent who has just been defeated, he gloats and blasphemes). Does he look like the hero of the epic?

2) Victory over Nightingale the Robber.

How do we see the same Nightingale at the end of the episode? Why does he seem funny? Why do cartoon creators use irony?

After watching all four video fragments, the children independently write down their conclusions in the second part of the table.

2. Cartoon"Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber"


Ilya Muromets

Nightingale the Robber

As in the epic, Ilya Muromets - ideal a hero without disadvantages He's not offended on Churila Plenkovic, refers to himkindly. Ilya Muromets refusesvoivodeship in Chernigov; leaves aliveNightingale the Robber.

As in the epic, Nightingale the Robber - negative hero with destructive by force. He is confident in his power and will never repent in what he does evil

The difference from the epic is that in the cartoon appears irony , which serves tomake fun of the Nightingale the Robber and emphasize the significance of the hero’s feat.

After checking, students conclude that there are significant similarities between the text of the epic and the 1978 cartoon. Perhaps this cartoon can be called a video illustration for a work of art.

B) Students are offered to watch fragments of the cartoon “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber” (2007, director – V. Toropchin).

The image of Ilya Muromets in the 2007 cartoon.

(Since the cartoon lasts more than an hour, the guys get preliminary task get to know him on your own. During the lesson, only fragments are shown, and when answering questions, the children will have to give examples from the entire animated film.)

1) Ilya Muromets fights Nightingale’s gang, liberating the village.

How similar is the hero of a modern Russian cartoon to the hero of an epic and the hero of a 1978 cartoon: with whom and for what does he fight? How strong? What is his power directed towards? Where does he get it from?

It can be noted that the images are completely consistent; the only difference is that the hero of the Russian cartoon is too young.

2) Ilya Muromets loses his strength after Prince Vladimir reminds him that they are far from their native land.

How is the beginning of this segment similar to the previous episode? What transformation happens to the hero at the end of the episode?

Losing his heroic strength, Ilya turns into ordinary person. Will this change his character?

3) Conversation between Ilya Muromets and the prince about Nightingale the Robber, the hero’s refusal to serve Vladimir.

Why is the hero so angry? Is this only due to the fact that the prince is in Once again released the Nightingale?

The prince does not even hide the fact that he does not appreciate Ilya, and this is most offensive to the hero. And this is far from the only case when Vladimir acts unfairly towards the hero (the prince repeatedly deceives Ilya Muromets, leaves him in trouble, says to his face that he does not value his merits at all, is going to erase the name of Ilya Muromets from the chronicle and attribute all of it to himself feats). Then, perhaps, the hero’s anger is justified, but this can hardly be attributed to the hero’s merits. Remember how the hero of the epic behaved towards the prince and the hero of the 1978 cartoon towards Churila Plenkovich? The hero of a modern cartoon sometimes cannot contain his anger.

What other disadvantage does modern hero? (He takes signs too seriously, which allows the creators of the cartoon to make fun of him).

Thus, Ilya Muromets is now more like an ordinary person: superstitious, he can lose his temper. Does this mean that from the ideal positive hero Has he turned negative? Of course not. He will flare up, get angry with the prince, but will never leave him in trouble (he will rescue him from captivity, force Basileus to return all the money) and will never remind Vladimir of his unfair words or behavior unworthy of a ruler. The most amazing thing is that even his sworn enemy Nightingale the Robber recognizes the undoubted merits of the hero. Remember when this happens? (Nightingale acts as Ilya’s fan, and after the battle with undisguised pride he says to Vasileus: “You can’t compete with the Russian hero!”)

Thus, Ilya Muromets in modern cartoon becomes like an ordinary person, but he is still strong, devoted to his country, generous and unforgiving. It is no coincidence that the action of the cartoon is transferred to Byzantium: there are no equals to the hero not only in Rus', but also in the whole world.

The image of the Nightingale the Robber in the 2007 cartoon.

Victory of Ilya Muromets over Nightingale the Robber during the battle for the village.

Is the Nightingale endowed with extraordinary strength? Why doesn't it cause fear in the viewer? There are many episodes in the cartoon when the former villain looks very comical. Give examples.

Thus, the image of the Nightingale the Robber in the Russian cartoon is radically different from the image of a ruthless villain and murderer we are used to.

Students write their own conclusions in the third part of the table:

3. Animated film “Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”


Ilya Muromets

Nightingale the Robber

As in the epic and the 1978 cartoon, Ilya is ………………Rus. He defeats ……………….., repeatedly rescues ……………………… from trouble. .

The difference is that Ilya Muromets is no longer such a ………………… hero. He can ………………… on the prince, but this feeling is ……………….., since the prince is not ………………… a hero.

This hero is more like …………………. a person with his characteristic ………………. However, this does not detract from the significance of his ……………………….

Unlike the epic and the 1978 cartoon, Nightingale the Robber is no longer a ………………… hero, he evokes ………………… in the viewer, and sometimes even …………………. . His strength is small, since he can be overcome not only by ………………………….., but also by ……………………………. .

This is no longer a villain and a murderer, but a petty and greedy ……………….. .

Ilya Muromets

Nightingale the Robber

As in the epic and the 1978 cartoon, Ilya - defender Rus'. He wins overNightingale the Robber, repeatedly helps out of trouble Prince Vladimir.

The difference is that Ilya Muromets is no longer the same ideal hero. He might get angry at the prince, but this feeling fair , since the prince is not appreciates the hero.

This hero is more like ordinary a person with his characteristic shortcomings . However, this does not detract from its importance feats

Unlike the epic and the 1978 cartoon, Nightingale the Robber is no longer scary hero, he evokes in the viewer laughter and sometimes even pity . His strength is small, since not only hero, but also frail old lady.

This is no longer a villain and murderer, but petty and greedy thief

6. Summing up the lesson.

What conclusions did we come to by comparing two animated films with the text of the epic?

Why do you think there is a revival of interest in Russian heroes these days? You, of course, know that a cartoon was made not only about Ilya Muromets, but also about Alyosha Popovich and Dobrynya Nikitich. What could this be connected with, since these days there are already too many heroes and superheroes, although mostly foreign ones?

It seems to me that the creators of Russian cartoons, focusing primarily on young people, wanted to show the modern viewer that we have something to be proud of. We have our own heroes who need to be known and whom we need to respect. Moreover, these are not fictional heroes, but real-life ones. It is no coincidence that we began our lesson with the fact that Ilya Muromets is not a fictional character, but a real defender of the Russian land. Both during life and after death.

7. Homework.

Answer the question: “What is the strength of Ilya Muromets?”

To the question, analysis of the epic Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber plz asked by the author Dima Emelyanov the best answer is

Oh, what a hillbilly peasant,

But Prince Vladimir’s anger was short-lived, because the captive Nightingale the Robber, tied to a saddle, was waiting for him in the courtyard. The prince was glad that such glorious heroes had not yet died out on Russian soil, and “the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets”, having saddled his horse, rode out into the field, where he cut off the head of the violent villain, who had killed many people in his lifetime human lives. This is how the Nightingale the Robber died ingloriously - for the edification and fear of all enemies of the Russian land.

Answer from Woke up[newbie]
1.Which epic cycle can the epic you read belong to? What topic is it dedicated to?
This epic should be attributed to Kyiv cycle. Its theme is the defense of Rus' from enemies.
The epic tells how Ilya Muromets, on his way to mass in Kyiv, chose a shorter, more direct road, which no one took because of the Nightingale the Robber. Having met the Nightingale the Robber, Ilya Muromets defeated him, thereby freeing the “direct road” to Kyiv.
The character of Ilya Muromets is serious, he is a brave, straightforward person. Ilya speaks with dignity, his speech is calm and measured. That's how he behaves. Ilya Muromets is brave, fearless, without hesitation he enters into battle with the Nightingale the Robber; upon arriving at Prince Vladimir, he does not brag, but behaves “scientifically.”
The mood of the epic is solemn, it is expressed in the final lines, which talk about people's gratitude.
2. Why Ilya Muromets refused to become Chernigov voivode and what helped the “glorious hero of the Holy Russian” defeat the Nightingale the Robber? How the epic expresses the attitude of the people towards the hero and what brings him closer to the heroes folk tales? How does Ilya Muromets appear before us? Try to draw an oral portrait of the hero using the text of the epic.
Ilya Muromets refused to become a governor in Chernigov, because his goal was different: to get to mass in Kyiv, and the goal of his life was to protect the Russian land.
He defeated the Nightingale the Robber because he did not doubt that he was right, he thirsted for justice, and he believed in his own strength.
The attitude of the people towards Ilya Muromets in the epic is expressed, firstly, using hyperbole (exaggeration). Ilya's strength and abilities are exaggerated. Also, the attitude is expressed using epithets (“remote, portly good fellow"). The attitude of other heroes of the epic towards Ilya Muromets (Nightingale the Robber is afraid of him, the Chernigov men respect him) also suggests that the people treat the hero with respect and love.
What brings Ilya closer to the heroes of fairy tales is that he is endowed with a certain magical gift to overcome space, fights evil and wins.
Ilya Muromets is a tall, large, densely built man. He has a serious face, a beard and mustache. He wears heroic clothes: chain mail, a helmet, he carries with him a shield and a quiver of arrows, he shoots from a bow, and very accurately.
4.The text often contains words with diminutive suffixes. What role do they play?
Words with diminutive suffixes are often used in epics (children, path, skoreshenko, lesushki, obedenka, dorozhenka, river). This is a reflection of the folk poetic perception of life, as well as a way of expressing author's attitude to heroes and events.
What character traits of Ilya Muromets appeared during the battle? What, besides fearlessness, helps him defeat the Nightingale the Robber? How does he talk about it himself?
During the battle, fearlessness and the ability to control oneself were demonstrated. Ilya Muromets firmly believes that it’s time for the Nightingale the Robber to stop robbing, “stop widowing young wives, stop orphaning little children.” The hero accomplishes his feat not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of people.
How do you understand the ending of the epic?
The ending of the epic (the last two lines) suggests that people highly appreciated the feat of Ilya Muromets because he protected them.
6. The main character is Ilya Muromets. The people - the storyteller rewards him with the epithets “remote”, “burly”, “kind”, “glorious hero of the Holy Russian”.
7. Ilya Muromets was traveling to Kyiv, on the way he passed through Chernigov and the Smorodina River. He did not listen to the advice of the Chernigov residents to take a roundabout road, he took the “straight” route, although dangers awaited him there. This speaks of the fearlessness of Ilya Muromets, of faith in the rightness of his cause.
8. The battle of Ilya Muromets and Nightingale the Robber went like this: Nightingale whistled and shouted like an animal, it was very scary, the forests bowed to the ground, Ilya Muromets’s horse became

Answer from just[active]
Ilya Muromets is a great hero, a glorious warrior, main character Russian epics. In the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" many qualities of the "daring good fellow" as a folk hero are clearly revealed.
Endowed heroic strength, Ilya Muromets knows no fear. The hero draws this strength from his love for his native land and people, who are ready to protect from enemies and offenders. Therefore, the good fellow left without delay, only as soon as he learned that on the way to the capital city of Kyiv-grad, Nightingale the Robber Odikhmantyev’s son was committing a crime:
And is it from him, from the nightingale's whistle,
And is it from him or from the cry of an animal?
All those ant grasses are tangled up,
All Lazarus flowers fall off,
The dark forests all bow to the ground, -
And as for the people, they are all lying dead.
However, Ilya Muromets - " old Cossack", he is brave, smart and experienced. He shot the formidable Nightingale the Robber, "knocked out his right eye with a braid." When his sons-in-law came running to the rescue of the villain, Nightingale the Robber immediately realized that even all of them together could not defeat the glorious hero, and they decided bribe him with the promise of “sugar food,” “a honey drink,” and precious gifts. However, Ilya Muromets did not succumb to the enemy’s persuasion and took the captured robber “to the glorious capital of Kiev and to the glorious prince in the wide courtyard.” Vladimir liked it, but when the hero began to talk about his exploits, the prince became angry, thinking that he was simply bragging and deceiving:
Oh, what a hillbilly peasant,
In your eyes, man, you're playing tricks,
In your eyes, man, you're mocking!
But Prince Vladimir’s anger was short-lived, because the captive Nightingale the Robber, tied to a saddle, was waiting for him in the courtyard. The prince was glad that such glorious heroes had not yet disappeared on Russian soil, and “the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets,” mounted a horse, rode out into the field, where he cut off the head of the violent villain, who had destroyed many human lives in his lifetime. This is how the Nightingale the Robber died ingloriously - for the edification and fear of all enemies of the Russian land.

Epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

Genre: epic

The main characters of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" and their characteristics

  1. Ilya Muromets. Russian hero. Powerful, brave, decisive. Defender of the Russian land, protector of widows and orphans, honest and fearless.
  2. Nightingale the Robber. Murderer and murderer, dishonest, evil, insidious, cunning.
  3. Prince Vladimir. Important, swaggering, stupid.
Plan for retelling the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
  1. Ilya is traveling from Karacharovo
  2. Battle of Chernigov
  3. Ilya as voivode
  4. A story about the Nightingale the Robber
  5. Ilya's decision
  6. Battle with the Nightingale the Robber
  7. Nightingale's Daughters
  8. Nightingale's sons-in-law
  9. Ilya Muromets in Kyiv
  10. The prince's mistrust
  11. The nightingale whistles
  12. Death of the Nightingale the Robber
The shortest summary of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Ilya Muromets went to Kyiv and defeated enemies near Chernigov
  2. The people of Chernigov called him to be governor, but Ilya refused, and went straight to Kyiv
  3. Ilya met the Nightingale the Robber and knocked him off an oak tree with an arrow
  4. Nightingale’s daughters wanted to recapture the robber, but Nightingale ordered them to retreat
  5. Ilya brought Solovy to Kyiv, but Prince Vladimir does not believe him
  6. The Nightingale whistles in Kyiv, everyone gets scared, and Ilya blows off the Nightingale’s head with his saber.
The main idea of ​​the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
It is not for the sake of glory that heroes perform feats, but for the sake of ordinary people, for the sake of their homeland.

What does the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber" teach?
This epic teaches one to love the Motherland, teaches one to defend it from enemies, teaches one to stand up for the weak and offended. Teaches you to be fair, brave, honest.

Review of the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
This is a very interesting epic in which we meet Ilya Muromets, the greatest Russian hero. This is a real defender of the Russian land. I really like Ilya Muromets, because he is reliable, he is calm, he is confident and invincible.

Proverbs for the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword.
The hero is not famous by birth, but by his feat.
Take care of your native land like your beloved mother.

Summary, brief retelling epics "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"
The good fellow Ilya Muromets sets off from the village of Karacharova. He meets Matins already in Murom, and plans to be in Kyiv by lunchtime.
But Ilya Muromets drove up to Chernigov and saw the black force. Ilya Muromets defeated all the black forces and entered Chernigov.
Ilya was joyfully greeted in Chernigov and invited to become a governor. But Ilya refused and asked to show the way straight to Kyiv.
The Chernigov residents answer him that the straight road has been overgrown for a long time, no one drives along it, because near the Smorodina River the Nightingale the Robber sits on an oak tree and whistles so that the trees bend to the ground, and people are dead are lying.
Ilya was not afraid, he drove straight along the road. He approaches the Currant River, the Nightingale saw him, and how he whistled. The heroic horse stumbles.
Ilya whipped the horse and took out the bow. He shot a red-hot arrow and knocked out Nightingale’s right eye. He fastened the Nightingale to the stirrup and took him to Kyiv.
Ilya drove past the nest of the Nightingale the Robber, and there his three daughters were sitting, looking at the road. The elders say that Nightingale is coming, carrying a peasant peasant. And the younger one says that on the contrary, a country man is riding, carrying the Nightingale in the stirrup.
Here Nightingale’s daughters called their husbands and told them to take the spears and kill the peasant peasant. The husbands grabbed the spears and ran to Ilya Muromets. Yes, the Nightingale shouts to them from the stirrup so that they throw down the spears and invite the man to visit him for dinner. But Ilya does not listen to the promises, he continues on.
Ilya Muromets arrived in Kyiv, entered the white stone chambers, bowed to all sides, especially to Prince Vladimir.
Vladimir asks who he is and where he is from. Ilya answers that he is from the village of Karacharova, near Murom, that he was traveling through Chernigov on a straight road.
Prince Vladimir does not believe him, he says that there is immeasurable black power near Chernigov, and the Nightingale the Robber sits near the Smorodina River.
Ilya answers that the Nightingale is fastened to his stirrup, and his eye is knocked out. Vladimir runs out into the yard to look at Nightingale and demands that he whistle like a nightingale.
The Nightingale doesn’t want to whistle, he replies that Ilya knocked him down, and he should give orders.
Ilya ordered Nightingale to whistle. The Nightingale asks you to drink wine. I drank a cup of half a bucket and how it whistled. The poppies tilt, the windows shatter, Prince Vladimir wraps himself in a fur coat.
Ilya quickly took Solovy to the field and cut off his head. The Nightingale will no longer whistle and destroy Russian people.

Drawings and illustrations for the epic "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber"

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