The plan of the story about the life of Matryona Matryona Dvor. Analysis "Matrenin Dvor" Solzhenitsyn


Analysis of the work

“A village does not stand without a righteous man” - this is the original title of the story. The story echoes many works of Russian classical literature. Solzhenitsyn seems to transfer any of Leskov's heroes into historical era 20th century postwar period. And the more dramatic, the more tragic the fate of Matryona is seen in the midst of this situation.

The life of Matrena Vasilievna, it would seem, is ordinary. She devoted all of it to labor, selfless and hard peasant labor. When the construction of collective farms began, she also went there, but because of illness she was released from there and now she was already attracted when others refused. And she did not work for money, she never took money. Only later, after her death, her sister-in-law, with whom the narrator settled, will remember evilly, or rather, recall to her this strangeness of hers.

But is the fate of Matryona so simple? And who knows what it's like to fall in love with a person and, without waiting for him, marry another, unloved, and then see your betrothed a few months after the wedding? And what is it like to live with him

side by side, to see him every day, to feel guilty for his unfinished life and his life? Her husband did not love her. She bore him six children, but none of them survived. And she had to take on the upbringing of the daughter of her beloved, but already a stranger. How many warmth and kindness accumulated in her, so much she invested in her adopted daughter Kira. Matryona experienced so much, but did not lose that inner light with which her eyes shone, a smile emanated. She did not hold a grudge against anyone and only got upset when she was offended. She is not angry with her sisters, who appeared only when everything in her life was already well. She lives with what she has. That is why she did not accumulate anything in her life, except for two hundred rubles for the funeral.

The turning point in her life was that they wanted to take away her upper room. She did not feel sorry for the good, she never regretted it. It was terrible for her to think that they would break her house, in which her whole life had flown by in an instant. She spent forty years here, she also endured two wars, a revolution that flew by with echoes. And for her to break and take away her room means to break and destroy her life. For her, this was the end. The real ending of the novel is not accidental either. Human greed destroys Matryona. It is painful to hear the author's words that Thaddeus, because of whose greed the case began, on the day of Matryona's death and then the funeral, only thinks about the abandoned log house. He does not pity her, does not cry for the one whom he once loved so passionately.

Solzhenitsyn shows the era when the foundations of life were turned upside down, when property became the subject and purpose of life. It is not in vain that the author wonders why things are called “good”, because this is essentially evil, and terrible. Matryona understood this. She did not chase outfits, dressed in a rustic way. Matryona is the embodiment of the true folk morality, universal human morality, on which the whole world rests.

So Matryona remained not understood by anyone, not truly mourned by anyone. Only Kira cried alone, not according to custom, but from the heart. They feared for her sanity.

The story is masterfully written. Solzhenitsyn is a master of subject detail. From small and seemingly insignificant details, he builds a special three-dimensional world. This world is visible and tangible. This world is Russia. We can say exactly where in the country the village of Talnovo is located, but we are well aware that all of Russia is in this village. Solzhenitsyn combines the general and the particular and puts it into a single artistic image.


1. The narrator gets a job as a teacher in Talnovo. Settles at Matrena Vasilievna.

2. Gradually the narrator learns about her past.

3. Thaddeus comes to Matryona. He takes care of the upper room, which Matryona promised Kira, his daughter, brought up by Matryona.

4. While transporting a log house across the railroad tracks, Matryona, her nephew and Kira's husband die.

5. Because of the hut and property of Matryona, disputes have been going on for a long time. And the narrator moves in with her sister-in-law.


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Experimental lessons on the work of AI Solzhenitsyn.

Outline of lesson number 1. (1 hour)

Subject: « A village does not stand without a righteous person.”

Type : lesson - introduction

View : lesson - seminar with research elements


1) introduce the biography of A.I. Solzhenitsyn and his work, explore the reasons for addressing the problem of Russian national character;

2) to acquaint students with the traditions of depicting the Russian national character in Russian literature;

3) develop monologue and dialogic speech;

4) to form the skills of research activities.

Method : reproductive, heuristic and exploratory

Reception : conversation, comparative work, analysis, student's message, selective reading, cultural commentary, vocabulary and phraseological work, interdisciplinary communication.

Equipment: 1) portrait of A.I. Solzhenitsyn, illustrations for the story

2) "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" by S. Ozhegov and N. Shvedova.


    The text of the story "Matrenin Dvor".

    Lesson development: - T.N. Batalova "The theme of righteousness in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn" Matrenin Dvor ".

S.N.Kononova "There is no village without a righteous man."

3. Critical material on the writer's work.

Lesson progress:

1 . Teacher's word.

"A village does not stand without a righteous person." This is the topic of today's lesson, dedicated to acquaintance with the work of A.I. Solzhenitsyn. To begin with, let's get acquainted with the main facts of the biography of the writer himself.

    Student message.

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn is a prose writer. Born in Kislovodsk. The writer graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Rostov University. When the war began, he was drafted into the army in October 1941. From the end of 1942, Solzhenitsyn was in the army. In letters to a friend, he shared his thoughts on the history of the October events, creative plans. And that was enough to arrest Solzhenitsyn. In 1945 he was sentenced to 8 years in prison. In 1957, the writer was rehabilitated. After that, he taught in the Vladimir region, then moved to Ryazan, where he lived until 1960. The writer created his first works in the Vladimir region.

After the publication of his story One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, Solzhenitsyn received many letters from former camp inmates telling about their destinies. Then the writer begins to work on the novel The Gulag Archipelago. It was unthinkable to print this work in the USSR and it was published in the West. And this fact, coupled with the journalistic activities of the writer in these years, attracted Solzhenitsyn to the expulsion from the Union of Writers of the USSR in 1969 and his expulsion from the country in 1974.

In 1970 Solzhenitsyn was awarded Nobel Prize in the field of literature. Until 1994, the writer lived in Vermont, USA. And in the same year he decided to return to Russia. Here he was active journalistic activity, met with readers, helped former prisoners of the camps.

Teacher : Today we will begin our acquaintance with Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryona Dvor", which brought him recognition from readers.

The story was first published in 1963 in the magazine New world". In fairness, it should be noted that the original title of the story was "A village does not stand without a righteous man." And the name "Matrenin Dvor" was invented by A.T. Tvardovsky. The replacement is explained by censorship considerations. Let's look into the Explanatory Dictionary and find out what the word "righteous" means.

2 . Dictionary work .

IN " explanatory dictionary of the Russian language” by S. Ozhegov and N. Shvedova we read: “The righteous is among believers: a person who lives a righteous life has no sins. Righteous - pious, sinless, in accordance with religious norms.

SFR: pious - for believers: observing the precepts of religion.

"Complete Orthodox Theological encyclopedic Dictionary" gives the following interpretation: "The righteous - or the righteous - the name of the saints who were in the world not in hermitage or monasticism, but in the usual conditions of family and public life. The righteous are also people who are locally revered as saints, but not yet canonized by the church.

SFR: Locally Honored - respect in a certain place, locality.

Canonized - 1. invoked by a rule, a provision acceptable as an example, a rule. 2. for believers: to rank among the "saints", to recognize as legalized by the church.

3. Work on the table.

The purpose of the work: to define the term "righteous". For this we carry out teamwork according to the table:



Faith in God, love for people, kindness, mercy, selflessness, the ability to forgive, humility, conscientiousness, pity for all living things, the ability to enjoy life. Patience. Naturalness in behavior, unpretentiousness. Resilience, endurance.

Evil, malevolence, work for oneself and work through the sleeves for society, indifference, envy, greed, money-grubbing, vindictiveness, selfishness.

SFR : Mercy - Willingness to help someone or forgive someone. out of compassion, philanthropy. Ahynygas.

Unselfishness - alienation of selfish interests. Ymsyyta suoh buoluu, hos sanaata suoh wouldhyy, utuo sana.

self-interest - benefit, material benefit. Thathand thathaarynyy.

Humility - lack of pride, willingness to obey someone else's will. U5aratyy.

Unpretentiousness - from a claim - 1. The desire to get sth., presenting one's rights to sth. 2. The desire to achieve recognition of something. in the absence of grounds for such recognition. Elbe5i ereibet, kyra5a woldyahar, sudurgu.

unpretentiousness - not having many whims. requirements. Talygahand dry.

Endurance - stamina, the ability to endure a lot. Tuluur.

Malevolence - hostile towards other people. Utuonu ba5arbat, kuha5an sanaalah kihAnd.

Sleeveless work - to work reluctantly, to hack.

money-grubbing - from a money-grubber - a greedy, striving for profit person. Or5oruu, good tardyy.

vindictive - not forgetting, not forgiving the harm done. Kuha5any umnubat booluu.

selfishness - selfishness, preference for one's own, personal interests over the interests of others, public interests, neglect of them. Baymsah.

4. Conversation.

At this stage, work is underway on religious vocabulary.

What primarily moves a Russian person to righteousness?

Christian faith. The commandments of God regulate his behavior, relationships with people, determine his worldview, worldview.

SFR : worldview - one or another understanding of the world, reality, a system of views, ideas.

We say that a person is moved to righteousness by the commandments of God. What do you understand by commandment? And do you know these commandments?

Commandments - 1. A saying containing a religious and moral prescription. 2. A rule, a provision that serves as a guideline for someone or something.

Do the Yakuts have similar ones?

10 commandments of the old testament

Aiyy teaching - 9 commandments

    I am God.

    Do not make yourself an idol.

    Do not take the name of the Lord in vain.

    Work for six days and rest for the seventh.

    Love your father and your mother, that your days on earth may be long.

    Don't kill.

    Don't change, love true.

    Don't steal.

    Don't bear false witness.

    Do not envy.

    Always be truthful, honest, fair.

    Never kill, never destroy, never break.

    Keep cut-sur in your soul, be clean, decent, organized.

    Do not envy others, do not steal or steal.

    Don't be a fruitless debater.

    Reject bad habits, do not offend the weak.

    Be wise and smart in your deeds.

    Be purposeful, don't be afraid of difficulties.

    Do not engage in depravity, be faithful, honest, generous, sincere.

Why can we consider Solzhenitsyn's story in the context of the theme of righteousness? What indicates this?

original name. The finale of the story, where the narrator calls Matryona a righteous woman.

Teacher: We know that many writers and poets of Russian literature addressed the theme of righteousness and national character.XIXcentury. This is L.N. Tolstoy, I.S. Turgenev, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.A. Nekrasov, N.S. Leskov. And inXXcentury - I. Bunin, Shmelev, A. Platonov.

Leskov wrote: "The people are not disposed to live without faith." Christianity determines the people's ethical and aesthetic views, national consciousness and self-consciousness, the Russian character.

What do you think the concept of national character means? And what features and qualities are inherent in the Russian national character?

SFR : Character - a set of mental, spiritual properties of a person, found in behavior.

National character is interpreted as distinguishing feature nation, unique to it. Moreover, this character is historically and socially conditioned.

Teacher: When creating his story, the writer turned not only to the creative experience of N.S. Leskov, but also to the works of N.A. Nekrasov.

What heroines come to mind in your mind?

Students should name such poems by Nekrasov as “Frost, Red Nose”, “Who should live well in Rus'”.

At this stage, students are invited to compare the images of Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina and Matryona Vasilievna Grigorieva. It is desirable that the students have the texts of the story “Matryona Dvor” and Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'”. And in the text, students find similar episodes from the life of heroines.

Matrena Timofeevna Korchagina

Matrena Vasilievna Grigorieva

“... Fell on the heart of Philip!” - got married, fell in love.

For the beloved Thaddeus, "almost did not marry ... The German war began."

Give the shoes to Olenushka [sister-in-law], Wife! – Philipp said.// But I didn’t suddenly answer.// I lifted Korchaga, // Such a burden: to utter a word// I couldn’t say a word.// Philipp Ilyich was angry, // I waited until I put Korchaga on the pole, // Yes slap me on the temple!

“He never beat me once ... that is, he beat me once - I quarreled with my sister-in-law, he broke a spoon on my forehead” ...

Five sons and the dead first-born Demushka.

Six children who died in infancy.

Horse efforts // We carried; I took a walk, // Like a gelding, in a harrow!

“The Talnovo women established precisely that it is harder and longer to dig up your own garden alone than, having taken a plow and harnessed with six of us, to plow six gardens for yourself. That’s why they called Matryona to help. ”

What conclusion do we come to after the comparison?

That for a hundred years the “keys to female happiness” have not been found, and the “female share” has not become easier .

5. Final word teachers:

- Righteous Matryona - moral ideal writer. Solzhenitsyn continues one of the main traditions of Russian literature, according to which the writer sees his mission in preaching the truth, spirituality, in the need to raise "eternal" questions and look for answers to them.

Plan - summary of lesson No. 2, No. 3 (2 hours)

Subject: “There are such born angels…”

Type: Lesson - analysis

View: Lesson - dispute

Goals: 1 develop analytical thinking skills;

2. to form the ability to express own opinion;

3. improve research activities student, the ability to work independently with a special scientific literature;

4. develop oral coherent speech.

Method: research

Receptions: analysis, conversation, vocabulary work, interdisciplinary communication, work with a table, commented reading, linguistic analysis, the use of visibility.

Equipment: Illustrations for the story, photograph by M.V. Zakharova, text of the story.


    The text of the story "Matrenin Dvor"

    Development of a lesson by E. Vasilenko “The soul and destiny of a person in the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn “Matryona Dvor” / / Literature. - 2003, No. 23.- P.14.

    N. Loktionova "There is no village without a righteous man" // Literature at school. 1994. - No. 3. pp.33-37

    Chalmaev V.A. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Life and art. – M.: Enlightenment. – 1994.

Epigraph: "The universe has as many centers as there are living beings in it"

(A.I. Solzhenitsyn "The Gulag Archipelago")

Lesson progress:

    At the beginning of the lesson, “Now you are letting go ...” performed by F. Chaliapin, setting the guys up for a deep, difficult conversation about the fate and soul of a person.

Spiritual singing echoes the very first words that the teacher will utter, that is, it refers to the epigraph of the lesson.

1. The word of the teacher.

In the last lesson, we began studying Solzhenitsyn's story "Matryona Dvor". Read the epigraph, how do you understand these words?

Every living being has a soul. About the soul, about the man who kept the soul, oh human destiny I would like to talk today. We will try to understand the image of the one that will appear before us, we will try to comprehend her through the time in which she happened to live, through the images of the people who were next to her ...

We will also try to answer the question “Can Matryona be considered righteous?”.

2. Analytical conversation.

- How did it happen that the narrator Ignatich became a tenant of Matrena?

It was 1956. Ignatich was returning from the camp, he "wanted to worm his way in and get lost in the very interior of Russia." He settled at the station "Torfprodukt" in the Vladimir region. In the morning he saw a woman selling milk, heard her singsong Russian speech with a Vladimir accent:

“Drink, drink, with a willing soul. You sweat, visitor ».

    During the analysis, students make a linguistic commentary on certain words and expressions that they did not know. The work is done in tabular form.

Students identify the following words:interior - trans. deaf;desirable – dialectal: perhaps “thirsty, desiring”;sweat - dialectal: introductory word "probably".

The milkmaid brought him to the village of Talnovo. In several huts he was refused: "everywhere it was dark and bustling."

    Lopotno - from murmuring, that is, speaking quickly, unclear. Maybe,fidgety means "noisy".

And the narrator was looking for peace and quiet. And I found them in the hut of Matrena Vasilievna Grigorieva. "There was horse-drawn Russia here."

    Kondovy - obsolete: primordial, retaining old customs and foundations.

At this stage of the lesson, work is underway on a comparative table, where students must write down Matrena's character traits and compare them with the qualities inherent in the righteous.



Kindness, mercy, diligence, humility, the ability to forgive, unpretentiousness, etc.

Faith in God, love for people, kindness, mercy, selflessness, the ability to forgive, humility, conscientiousness, pity for all living things, the ability to enjoy life. Patience. Naturalness in behavior, unpretentiousness. Toughness, endurance

What was the hut in which Ignatich happened to live?

The description of Matrona's hut, the interior is selectively read, along with a linguistic commentary.

    Non-red side - northern;bridges - the same as the canopy - a room between the residential part and the porch;upper room - (obsolete) a separate log house without a stove, a room on the top floor;podklet - the lower (usually non-residential) floor of the house.

Lavatory removed, clean;run - from launching, that is, to bring to desolation, decline;pleasing - compare. degree, same as better.

How did her guest see his future mistress at the first meeting?

Why, contrary to Matrena's unwillingness to "get a tenant", Ignatich decided: "My lot was to settle in this darkish hut with a dim mirror"?

What portrait details of Matryona does the writer focus on? What is the role of these details?

“And always ... disarmed me with a radiant smile. And innocently, looking with faded blue eyes, she asked: “Well, what can I cook for you?”

“But her forehead did not remain darkened for long ... she returned already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile” .

2. The narrator chose her hut because he felt the kinship of souls.

SFR: disarmed – 1. Take away from someone, make them incapable of resistance, struggle. 2. Deprive the opportunity to object, oppose, resist something. Utarara suoh onoruu, tumnarar, samnarar.

Radiant - sparkling, shining. Coolumurdes, syrdyk.

innocently - naive, gullible. Kono maigylaakh, sudurgu, os kiirbeh.

darken - to make gloomy, sad. Sannyt, sanaatyn aldatyy, sappa5yrt.

Teacher: Pay attention to the photo of Matryona, made by Solzhenitsyn. Do your ideas about Matryona match this image of her in the picture?

How did the narrator characterize his mistress?

Ignatich noted that Matryona was delicate, did not interfere in someone else's life. She was generous in soul, not indifferent to beauty (ficuses, Glinka's romances), not malice. And there was a kind of unpretentiousness, blissfulness in it.

SFR: restlessness - restless

Bliss - 1. In the highest degree happy. 2. Silly [original] holy fool]. Toloru gyollooh, duohwow.

What do you think the “black disease”, the disease “weared her down”?

In response, the students cite Solzhenitsyn's phrase "Many injustices with Matryona were heaped up."

- Does the “cared-for” Matryona complain? Does evil hide on people who drive a sick person “from office to office”, on “a life full of worries”? What turns Matrena away from resentment, returning the “good mood”?

The students in their answers will note that she "did not complain, did not moan," that the forehead of Solzhenitsyn's heroine "did not remain clouded for long": "she had a sure means to regain her good mood - work." They will also note that Matryona just “had some considerable business” for every day. In her work, in her “great labor”, Matrena Solzhenitsyn reveals her spiritual wealth: patience, reliability, selflessness, full absence of envy, moreover, joy for the well-being of others.

- Why, then, does so much injustice and insults fall on a kind, trouble-free, hard-working person? Who is to blame for them?

From whom did Ignatich learn about Matrena's tragic past? Did she accidentally reveal herself to him?

    Reading an excerpt from the visit of Thaddeus.

What unites Matryona Vasilievna and Ignatich?

The heroes are united by the fact that both of them - each in their own way - have learned life "not in food to find the meaning of everyday existence." They both keep a vow of silence until the deadline, and both - only to each other - will tell about the past: Ignatich - that he spent a lot in prison. Matryona - about her marriage.

"I would have cut both of you." Did Matryona deserve such a threat? Why did she go to Yefim's family? Why asks the wife of Thaddeus "the womb of her snatches" - youngest daughter Kira?

Students must realize the cruelty of circumstances, the unpredictability of fate, see how "the whole world turned upside down" and with it - the life of Matryona.

Why does Matryona give Kira the upper room? Is this decision easy for her? And which of the participants was the most active in this issue?

It is not easy for Matryona to decide to break the chamber, for the heroine this means the end of her life. Most insisted on the destruction of the chamber Thaddeus. And its author draws as a greedy, greedy predator.

SFR: greedy - Greedy, covetous. Passionately desiring something. Inseleeh, ymsy.

Predator- 1. Predatory animal. 2. Someone who profits from exploiting and robbing someone. Adyr5a, siemeh kyyl,

At this stage, we can offer a narrowing of Viktor Chalmaev regarding Thaddeus: “Is this Thaddeus such a terrible evil, counting every log, taking the remnants of the upper room from the crossing almost on the day of the funeral? INXIXcentury, he probably would have passed for Turgenev's Khor from Khor and Kalinich. Under Stolypin, he would have become a civilized farmer.”

Do you agree with the researcher's opinion?

The students express their opinions.

Teacher: At the end of the story, Solzhenitsyn's words sound like a harsh sentence: “His daughter was touched by her mind. The court hung over the son-in-law, own house his son, who had been killed by him, lay in the same street, and on the same street, the woman whom he had once loved, who had been killed by him. Thaddeus only briefly came to stand at the coffins... high forehead it was overshadowed by a heavy thought, but this thought was - to save the logs of the upper room from the fire and from the machinations of the Matryona sisters. Terrible, not only that Thaddeus was not tormented by grief, and not that there are many like him. And the scary thing is that at the commemoration they talk about anything, but not about Matryona.

We learned about the life of the heroine, about her surroundings. Now tell me, can Matryona be considered righteous? To begin with, let's read what the writer and literary critic V.A. Chalmaev himself thought about this.

“We all lived next to her and did not understand that she is the same righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, the village does not stand. Neither city. Not all our land » (A. Solzhenitsyn)

“... This conclusion about righteousness is somewhat theoretical, in the finale of the story, the robe of the righteous is stretched, as it were, on Matryona” (V.A. Chalmaev).

Is it possible to agree with Solzhenitsyn that Matryona is a righteous woman?

Is the literary critic Chalmaev right in his assessment of Matrena?

Although we only call positive traits Matryona, remember the episode where our heroine, along with others women go steal peat. But one of the commandments sounds like this: "Do not steal." So this alone does not make it possible to call Matryona a righteous man.

How do you feel about it?

(Students who adhere to the opinion of Solzhenitsyn note that Matryona was forced to bring peat).

Teacher: “The holy mystery of the righteous ladder lies in the fact that the high steps of spiritualization ... are generally not achieved without some “falls”. The righteous greatest essence those who have sinned (and wept over their sins)…” – wrote religious philosopher Rozanov.

- Yet what allows the writer to call Matryona a righteous man, despite the fact that her behavior and lifestyle are by no means ideal?

(Matryona has infinite humility, which does not require any effort of will from her. She does not indulge in the sin of pride, she knows how to be grateful for every moment she lives. Matryona can be content with little - what she has: feelings of envy, anger, resentment, money-grubbing are not characteristic of her. Matrona's righteousness is based on her indifference to material values).

Teacher: Let's hear what the doctor says philological sciences, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy M.M. Dunaev about righteousness: “What is the righteousness of Matrona? In non-possessiveness. Maybe she just lived to her liking, showing her natural Christian essence?

That's right, Matryona is a righteous man. She is not a hoarder, not a hoarder.

Let's open the New Testament and read: "Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal... For where your treasures are, there your heart will be also."

3. Summing up.

Teacher: I would like to finish our lesson with the words of the writer himself: “There are such born angels - they seem to be weightless, they seem to glide over this slurry (violence, lies, myths about happiness), without drowning in it at all. Even touching its surface with our feet, these are the righteous, we saw them, were surprised, used their goodness ... immediately plunged again into our doomed depth. We wandered, some up to the ankles, some up to the knees, some up to the throat ... and some even completely sank, only with rare bubbles that the surviving soul still reminded of itself on the surface.

After these wordsLarcimosaMozart's Requiem.

Plan - abstract No. 4

Subject: Reflection on the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor"

Type: lesson consolidation

View: speech development


    Check the level of assimilation of the material on the topic covered;

    Improve analytical thinking skills;

    To develop monologue and dialogic speech of students.

Method: heuristic, partial search

Receptions: conversation, selective reading, oral word drawing, paperwork.

Equipment: portrait of AI Solzhenitsyn, illustrations for the story.

Lesson plan:

    Teacher's word.



    Writing a mini essay

During the classes:

    Teacher's word.

So, we have finished studying the story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryona Dvor". We said in previous lessons that this story is autobiographical. But we can assume that this work goes beyond ordinary memories and acquires deep meaning recognized as a classic. He was called "brilliant", "a truly brilliant work."

2. Conversation.

    What makes it brilliant and "genuinely a work of genius"?

    What is the main theme of the story? (the theme is traditional for Russian literature - the fate of a Russian peasant woman, the theme of righteousness)

    What feelings does the narrator experience after the death of Matryona?

(narrator experiences sharp feeling guilt: no Matryona. Killed native person. And on the last day I reproached her for her quilted jacket.

Teacher: A.T. Tvardovsky wrote: Why is the fate of the old peasant woman, told on a few pages, for us such big interest? This woman is unread, illiterate, a simple worker. And yet, her spiritual world is endowed with such qualities that we talk with her, as with Anna Karenina. Solzhenitsyn answered this to Tvardovsky: "You pointed out the very essence - a loving and suffering woman, while all the criticism scoured all the time from above, comparing the Talnovsky collective farm and neighboring ones."

Tell me, what qualities of Matryona are noted by Tvardovsky and Solzhenitsyn?

Do you agree with this assessment of the heroine?

3. Quiz

    Give the original title of the story.

    In what year and in what magazine was the story published?

    In what year did "Ignatich return to Russia"?

    What was the name of the village where Ignatich stayed?

    name full name main character.

    Which hero opposes Matryona?

    What details of Matryona's appearance and behavior emphasize her kindness? (subtract from text)

    What are the substantive details that testify to the difficult living conditions of the heroine? (Give an example from the text)

    What sure means did the heroine have to regain her good location spirit? (Job)

    What role do references to Matryona's past play in the work?

    Which musical works evoked a lively response from Matryona, moving her to tears? (romances to music by Glinka)

    Determine which of your relatives Matryona is talking about:

Oh, oh, oyinki, poor little head! How many brides were in the village - he did not marry. He said: I will look for your name, the second Matryona. And he brought Matryona from Lipovka, they cut down a separate hut, where they still live ...

He ran down the street at the peasants with his fists, but he didn’t even once ... that is, there was once - I quarreled with my sister-in-law, he smashed a spoon on my forehead. I jumped up from the table: “You should choke, choke, drones!”. And she went into the forest. Didn't touch anymore.

(1. about brother-in-law Thaddeus; 2. about her husband Efim)

13. What is the function of dialectisms in a work? Give examples.

14. Draw with the help of ergonomics the main characters of the story. (Matryona, Ignatich, Thaddeus)

Teacher: The merit of A.I. Solzhenitsyn in the depiction of the Russian national character lies in the fact that he lowered the image of common man. He showed that the power of Russia is created not by a man-monument, but by millions of modest Matryonas. Russia, according to Solzhenitsyn, will stand as long as the hut of the righteous Matryona stands ": in the middle of the sky".

4. The final stage.

Pupils are invited to write a mini-essay on a chosen topic:

    What is the essence of Matrona's righteousness?

    “All the life returned to me ... has an embedded purpose” (A.I. Solzhenitsyn).

    The role of the symbol in the story "Matryona Dvor".



The history of the creation of the story by A. I. Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor".

2. The main part. Matryona is a model of the righteous in the story.

2.1 The life story of Matryona.

2.2 Matryona and fellow villagers.

2.3 Death of Matryona.

3. Conclusion.

The righteous is a special person.

The story of Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn "Matryonin Dvor" was written in 1959 and a few years later published in the journal Novy Mir. Initially, the story was supposed to be called “A village is not worth without a righteous man.” The work itself was written within the framework of the so-called “village” prose. The life of the village and its inhabitants is the content of such works. They are distinguished by a simple language, attention to everyday details, details in the description of the village way of life. However, AI Solzhenitsyn is not limited to this. His story is more deep meaning: it created the image of a person who lives not for himself, but for others, the image of the righteous.

The story is told on behalf of the narrator, who settles in the village of Talnovo. He rents a room from a lonely elderly woman Matryona. The reader will learn the details of the life of the heroine. The house of Matryona is described in detail (large ficuses in tubs all over the spacious hut) and its inhabitants: a crooked cat, mice, cockroaches. There is also a goat on the farm. Women's fate Matryona Vasilievna did not work out: she married an unloved man, without waiting for a groom from the war. Her life revolved around farming and gardening.

The heroine has worked all her life at the state farm for "workday sticks", she is not entitled to a pension. Matryona Vasilievna is lonely. She lost her husband and buried her children: of the six, not one lived to see three months. She left only the pupil Kira, who got married and left. Despite the loneliness and hardships suffered, Matryona did not lose her cheerfulness and good spirits. She is always ready to help fellow villagers disinterestedly and sincerely.

Matryona wholeheartedly responds to someone else's grief. Love for work is the main quality of the heroine. “She had a sure way to regain her good mood - work. Immediately she either grabbed a shovel and dug potatoes. Or with a bag under her arm, she went for peat. And then with a wicker body - berries in a distant forest. And not bowing to the office tables, but to the forest bushes, and having broken her back with a burden, Matryona returned to the hut already enlightened, pleased with everything, with her kind smile.

The kindness of Matryona Vasilievna is not ostentatious, but sincere. Therefore, she gives her pupil Kira and her husband her room, although for this she had to break the roof of her house. “It was not a pity for the chamber itself, which stood idle, no matter how hard it was. Matryona never spared her goodness. And the chamber was still bequeathed to Kira. But it was terrible for her to start breaking that roof under which she had lived for forty years ... But for Matryona it was the end of her life.

The trouble-free heroine helps to take out manure on the collective farm, helps her neighbors in plowing and harvesting, without accepting any payment for her work. Often Matryona has neither the strength nor the time for her own household. Responsiveness and mercy determine the character and fate of the heroine. It was Matryona's desire to help others that caused her death. But even after death, no one remembered the good nature and hard work of the heroine.

Relatives began to share the simple inheritance of Matryona. And only the narrator regretted her death and experienced heartache: “There is no Matryona. A family member was killed." The heroine remained misunderstood even by close people: “I didn’t chase the plant ... I didn’t even keep a pig ... and, stupid, helped strangers for free.”

"A village does not stand without a righteous man" - this is the original title of the story. The story echoes many works of Russian classical literature. Solzhenitsyn seems to transfer any of Leskov's heroes to the historical era of the 20th century, the post-war period. And the more dramatic, the more tragic the fate of Matryona is seen in the midst of this situation.

The life of Matrena Vasilievna, it would seem, is ordinary. She devoted all of it to labor, selfless and hard peasant labor. When the construction of collective farms began, she also went there, but because of illness she was released from there and now she was already attracted when others refused. And she did not work for money, she never took money. Only later, after her death, her sister-in-law, with whom the narrator settled, will remember evilly, or rather, recall to her this strangeness of hers.

But is the fate of Matryona so simple? And who knows what it's like to fall in love with a person and, without waiting for him, marry another, unloved one, and then see your betrothed a few months after the wedding? And what is it like then to live side by side with him, to see him every day, to feel guilty for his and his life that did not work out? Her husband did not love her. She bore him six children, but none of them survived. And she had to take on the upbringing of the daughter of her beloved, but already a stranger. How much warmth and kindness accumulated in her, she invested so much in her adopted daughter Kira. Matrena went through so much, but she did not lose that inner light that shone in her eyes, cast a smile. She did not hold a grudge against anyone and only got upset when she was offended. She is not angry with her sisters, who appeared only when everything in her life was already well. She lives with what she has. That is why she did not accumulate anything in her life, except for two hundred rubles for the funeral.

The turning point in her life was that they wanted to take away her upper room. She did not feel sorry for the good, she never regretted it. It was terrible for her to think that they would break her, in which her whole life flew by like one moment. She spent forty years here, she also endured two wars, a revolution that flew by with echoes. And for her to break and take away her room means to break and destroy her life. For her, this was the end. The real ending of the novel is not accidental either. Human greed destroys Matryona. It is painful to hear the author's words that Thaddeus, because of whose greed the case began, on the day of Matryona's death and then the funeral, only thinks about the abandoned log house. He does not pity her, does not cry for the one whom he once loved so passionately.

Solzhenitsyn shows the era when the foundations of life were turned upside down, when property became the subject and purpose of life. It is not in vain that the author wonders why things are called "good", because this is essentially evil, and terrible. Matryona understood this. She did not chase outfits, she dressed in a rustic way. Matryona is the embodiment of true folk morality, universal morality, on which the whole world rests.

So Matryona remained not understood by anyone, not truly mourned by anyone. Only Kira cried alone, not according to custom, but from the heart. They feared for her sanity.

The story is masterfully written. Solzhenitsyn is a master of subject detail. From small and seemingly insignificant details, he builds a special three-dimensional world. This world is visible and tangible. This world is Russia. We can say with accuracy where in the country the village of Talnovo is located, but we are well aware that all of Russia is in this village. Solzhenitsyn combines the general and the particular and puts it into a single artistic image.


The narrator gets a job as a teacher in Talnovo. Settles at Matrena Vasilievna. Gradually, the narrator learns about her past. Thaddeus comes to Matryona. He takes care of the upper room, which Matryona promised Kira, his daughter, brought up by Matryona. While transporting a log house across the railroad tracks, Matryona, her nephew and Kira's husband die. Because of the hut and property of Matryona, disputes have been going on for a long time. And the narrator moves in with her sister-in-law.

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Theme: "A village does not stand without a righteous man." The story of A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor" in the 11th grade.

Goals: to help students understand how the writer sees the phenomenon of the “common man”; understand philosophical sense story; show as aggregate artistic means helps the author to express thoughts and feelings; develop the skills of analysis of the work; form in students moral qualities: attention to the person and sympathy.

Methods: analytical conversation, expressive reading story fragments.

During the classes.

    Story plan (on the board)

    The creative history of the story "Matryona Dvor" (individual task)

    genre features. (individual task)

    Main character: her appearance, speech, its environment.

    The fate of Matrena is the tragedy of a rural Russian woman.

    Moral values ​​of Matryona.

    The people surrounding Matryona, the moral foundations of the village.

    Conclusions: Matryona's yard is the symbolic world of the righteous.

II.Update basic knowledge:

In the last lesson, you learned about the writer A.I. Solzhenitsyn. What events of his life do you consider the most important, fateful? (students name the participation of the writer in the Great Patriotic war, arrest, years of exile, release and expulsion from the country, life in the USA, triumphant return home, active social and political activity in the 90s.)

What works of AI Solzhenitsyn can you name?

Today we will talk about the writer's story "Matryona Dvor". Did you like the story? Probably, a lot of thoughts and questions arose after reading? For example, who is a "righteous man" and why can't a village stand without him? Let's try to understand why the fate of a simple Russian woman so touches the reader, what is the humanistic meaning of the story and try to see what the artistic perfection of the story is. (the teacher draws students' attention to the work plan and suggests starting with a creative story story)

III. Analytical conversation.

So what is creative history story "Matryona Dvor"?

The story "Matryona Dvor" was written in 1959, published in 1964 in the journal "New World", the editor-in-chief of which was A.T. Tvardovsky. We must pay tribute to his civic courage for the fact that he, at his own peril and risk, undertook to print the story of the disgraced writer. Tvardovsky replaced the original title “A Village Without a Righteous Man” with “Matryona Dvor.” The story takes place in 1956, but at Tvardovsky’s insistence, the year was also changed to 1953.


- We have a story. What do you know about this genre?

Message prepared by a student:

The story is small art form storytelling. In a story in an extremely condensed form, with a stunning artistic power you can reflect on "eternal" questions, tell about the fate whole life heroes. For example, the stories of A.P. Chekhov, the story of M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of a Man”, the story of A. Platonov “Yushka” and others. Solzhenitsyn explains his appeal to this genre as follows: “You can put a lot in a small form, and it is a great pleasure for an artist to work on a small form. Because in a small form you can hone the edges with great pleasure for yourself.


And for the reader, meeting with the story is a great pleasure. What is at the heart of any story? (an incident that reveals the character of a person). Solzhenitsyn builds his story on this traditional principle. What incident is at the heart of the story? (Matryona's death) Through the death of Matryona, the author comes to a deep understanding of her personality. Only after her death “the image of Matryona floated before me, as I did not understand her, even living side by side with her”

draw verbal portrait Matryona. Is in the story full portrait heroines? No, the writer does not give a specific description of the heroine, as, for example, he describes Thaddeus. Only one portrait detail constantly emphasized by the author.

What is the detail of the portrait? (smile) What is she like? (We are looking for in the text: “radiant”, “kind”, “excusing”) What is the name of this means of expression?

What was Matryona's speech? (Looking for in the text: smooth, melodious, native Russian, beginning with "some kind of low, warm purring, like grandmothers in fairy tales")

Find at the end of the story a description of Matryona, in which one feels author's attitude. (from red frosty sun the frozen window of the passage, now shortened, filled with a little pink, and Matryona's face warmed this reflection. And: “Those people always have good faces, who are at odds with their conscience”)

And how do you imagine the world of her home? Who inhabits it and in what relationship are those who are close to Matryona? (according to the text: cockroaches rustling behind the partition, the rustle of which resembles the “distant sound of the ocean”, a darkish hut with a large Russian stove; a rickety cat picked up out of pity, mice that tragic night Matryona's death so rushed about behind the wallpaper, as if Matryona herself "invisibly rushed about and said goodbye to her hut here")

Find other artistic details that are important for understanding the image of the main character. (we are looking for in the text: Matryona's favorite ficuses, which she saved from the fire, in that terrible night when Matryona died, the ficuses "feared by the crowd" froze in the deserted house. What an expressive metaphor.)

The author-narrator does not unfold the story of the “stab little hut” Matryona at once. Bit by bit, he scattered throughout the story the events of her life with digressions, comments, then Matryona herself told something. How was her fate? Tell briefly the most important thing about the life of the heroine. (Broken love, the death of six children, the loss of a husband in the war, hellish. Not every peasant has feasible work in the countryside, severe illness is a disease, a bitter resentment at the collective farm, which squeezed all the juice out of it, and then wrote it off as unnecessary, leaving without a pension and support.)

In the fate of Matrena, the tragedy of a rural Russian woman is concentrated - the most expressive and blatant. How did grief and misfortune affect Matryona? (wood mining, theft of peat, hay, reference, free work pensioners in the collective farm)) How did she go through everything? Give examples from the text. (An amazing thing! Matryona did not get angry at this world, she retained a good mood, a sense of joy and pity for others, her radiant smile still illuminated her face).

What was her sure means of restoring her good humor? (according to the text. Work. Never was she a burden for Matryona. “Matryona never spared her labor or her goodness.”)

How did others use her selflessness? Who are these people? What is their attitude towards Matryona? (Sisters, sister-in-law, adopted daughter Kira, Masha's only friend in the village, Thaddeus). These people were closest to Matryona, they should have understood and appreciated her. And what is appreciated? (We are looking for it in the text: she lived in poverty, wretchedness, alone, - “a lost old woman”, exhausted by work and illness. Relatives almost did not appear in her house, apparently fearing that Matryona would ask them for help. Everyone condemned Matryona in unison that she is funny and stupid, working for others for free.)

How do the sisters and relatives behave on the part of her husband at Matryona's funeral? (We look in the text and read out how they cry accusing each other and Matryona of what happened, that is, the struggle for the chamber continues at the coffin of Matryona.) Give a description these heroes.

Did Matryona live well among them? And in the collective farm and in the native state?

Teacher after student answers: Uncomfortable and cold. I gave everything and no one wants it. She is lonely within a large society and among her native people. It means that the society whose system suppresses the best is wrong! Was it not for this reason that the story could not be printed, and no one but Tvardovsky had the courage to do so? Matryona is a conciliar person, that is, she carries the principles of the people, she subconsciously feels responsible to the people. Recall that she was ashamed of the chairman's wife. What is the case? (according to the text) Thus, Solzhenitsyn's measure of all things is the spiritual essence of man. He wrote: “It is not the result that matters, but the spirit! Not what is done, but how. Not what has been achieved, but at what cost.” That is why the writer was disgraced, because he did not accept false moral values. This is what sounds the alarm in the story "Matryona Dvor".

What can be said about the life of the village? What was the name of the station? About forests, about the chairman? (according to the text: “peat product”, bread was not baked in the village ...)

How do people treat each other? (envy, anger and indifference drive the actions of the villagers).

Now you understand why Tvardovsky advised moving the year of action from 1956 to 53? (If students find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps: events have been moved to years “before Khrushchev thaw", because the picture created by the writer leaves a too painful impression. Solzhenitsyn's view of the countryside of those years is harsh, cruel, but truthful.)

Which of the characters in the story do you think is the most sinister, scary? Yes, this is Thaddeus. But Solzhenitsyn writes: “Having sorted out the Talnovskys, I realized that Thaddeus was not the only one in the village.” - that's scary.

Was there still such a disinterested, conscientious woman in the village? No. The mother is one of a kind. She was the best.

Teacher: With her death, something leaves the village that connected her with good, true folk rules.


What is the meaning of the title of the story "Matryona Dvor"? What is it - this yard of hers? (After the students' answers, the teacher will add) Matryona's yard is a special device of life, where there is love, work, kindness, conscience. Matryona managed to save her world, which opposes the world of rudeness, violence, self-seeking. Her world is the world righteous man. How would you explain the meaning of this word? (Students say that this is a biblical concept, a person who lives according to Christian laws, who does not violate Christian commandments.) The Bible says that if there is at least one righteous man in the "city", then "there is no standing city." (teacher's explanation) Let's read the final lines of the story: “We all lived next to her and did not understand that she is the same righteous man, without whom, according to the proverb, the village does not stand.

Neither city.

Not the whole earth."

The results of the lesson, grading.

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