Ivan Bunin is the best. I.A


Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 10, 1870 in Voronezh. His father was ruined because of a passion for gambling and alcohol party Crimean War. Mother also came from an ancient princely family and wrote poetry. When Ivan was only 3 years old, his family moved from Voronezh to the Yelets district.

In 1881 Ivan entered the Yelets Gymnasium. After 5 years, he was expelled from there, as he did not return on time after the holidays. At that time, it was a shame for a nobleman not to even get a gymnasium education. But Bunin's whole life was made up of various troubles, unsettled life and wanderings.

Literacy Bunin continued to study with his older brother Julius, who was a publicist. In 1889 he moved to him in Kharkov. In the same year, Bunin got a job at Orlovsky Vestnik. There he meets the proofreader Varvara Pashchenko, who for a long time became the object of his adoration.

Ivan began writing his first poems at the age of eight, mainly trying to imitate the work of the famous Russian poets Pushkin and Lermontov. For the first time his poem "Over the Grave of Nadson" was published in the capital's newspaper "Rodina" in 1887. The first book of the poet comes out in the early 90s of the XIX century, but it turns out to be rather unsuccessful.

Also in the 90s, Bunin had a period of enthusiasm for the ideas of Leo Tolstoy. He made a special visit to the Tolstoyan colonies in Ukraine. There was even a moment when he wanted to quit writing and take up cooperage (the so-called handicraft, mainly associated with the manufacture of barrels, buckets and other similar wood products). Oddly enough, Bunin was dissuaded from this decision by Lev Nikolayevich himself, whom he met in Moscow.

However, the work of the great Russian writer still influenced the prose works of Bunin himself. Just like Tolstoy, they paid much attention to the connection of man with nature and philosophy ancient east. At the same time, Bunin's works were distinguished by greater brevity, which was borrowed from another Russian classic A.P. Chekhov.

Bunin met Chekhov himself in 1895. He gradually enters the society of writers of that time: in the circle of Bryusov, Mikhailovsky, Balmont. At the beginning of the twentieth century, his lyric collection Falling Leaves was published. However, the writer sharply negative attitude to modernism, he gravitates more towards classical Russian literature and tries to follow its principles and ideals.

Also at the turn of the century, the writer’s books “To the End of the World and Other Stories” and the poetry collection “Under open sky". In addition, Bunin studies English language and translates the poem "The Song of Hiawatha" by the American Longfellow. This work was highly appreciated and soon the Pushkin Prize was awarded to Bunin by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1906 the writer met his future wife Muromtseva, who until his death remained the closest person to him, and after that the publisher and biographer of Bunin. A year later, he goes on a trip to the East with her. They traveled to Egypt, Syria and Palestine. Bunin recorded his impressions of his travels in his diaries, and later they formed his book The Shadow of a Bird.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born on October 22 (October 10 according to the old style), 1870 in Voronezh in noble family. The childhood of the future writer passed on the Butyrka farm in the Yelets district of the Oryol province.

In 1881, Ivan Bunin entered the Yelets Gymnasium, but studied for only five years, as the family had no money. His older brother Julius (1857-1921) helped him master the gymnasium program.

Bunin wrote his first poem at the age of eight.

His first publication was the poem "Over Nadson's Grave", published in the Rodina newspaper in February 1887. During the year, several poems by Bunin appeared in the same publication, as well as the stories "Two Wanderers" and "Nefedka".

In September 1888, Bunin's poems appeared in the Books of the Week, which published the works of the writers Leo Tolstoy and Yakov Polonsky.

In the spring of 1889 began independent life writer - Bunin, following his brother Julius, moved to Kharkov. Since autumn he began to work in the newspaper "Orlovsky Vestnik".

In 1891, his student's book Poems. Then Ivan Bunin met Varvara Pashchenko, a newspaper proofreader, with whom they began to live in a civil marriage, without getting married, since Varvara's parents were against this marriage.

In 1892 they moved to Poltava, where brother Julius was in charge of the statistical bureau of the provincial zemstvo. Ivan Bunin entered the service of a zemstvo council librarian, and then a statistician in the provincial council. IN different time worked as a proofreader, statistician, librarian, newspaper reporter.

In April 1894, the first prose work Bunin - the story "Village Sketch" (the title was chosen by the publisher).

In January 1895, after the betrayal of his wife, Bunin left the service and moved first to St. Petersburg, and then to Moscow. In 1898, he married Anna Tsakni, a Greek woman, daughter of the revolutionary and emigrant Nikolai Tsakni. In 1900, the couple separated, and in 1905 their son Nikolai died.

In Moscow, the young writer met many famous poets and writers - Anton Chekhov, Valery Bryusov. After meeting Nikolai Teleshov, Bunin became a member of the literary circle "Wednesday". In the spring of 1899, in Yalta, he met Maxim Gorky, who later invited him to cooperate with the Znanie publishing house. Literary fame came to Ivan Bunin in 1900 after the publication of the story " Antonov apples".

In 1901, the symbolist publishing house "Scorpion" published a collection of poems "Falling Leaves". For this collection and for the translation of the poem "Song of Hiawatha" (1896) by the American romantic poet Henry Longfellow, Ivan Bunin was awarded the Pushkin Prize by the Russian Academy of Sciences.

In 1902, the Znanie publishing house published the first volume of the writer's works.

In 1906, Bunin met Vera Muromtseva, who came from a noble professorial Moscow family, who became his wife. The Bunin couple traveled a lot. In 1907, the young couple went on a trip to the countries of the East - Syria, Egypt, Palestine. In 1910 they visited Europe and then to Egypt and Ceylon. From the autumn of 1912 to the spring of 1913 they were in Turkey and Romania, from 1913 to 1914 - in Capri in Italy.

In the fall of 1909, the Academy of Sciences awarded Bunin the second Pushkin Prize and elected him an honorary academician in the category of fine literature.

In the works written after the first Russian revolution of 1905, the theme of the drama of Russian historical fate became dominant. The stories "Village" (1910) and "Dry Valley" (1912) had big success at readers.

In 1915-1916, collections of short stories by the writer "The Cup of Life" and "The Gentleman from San Francisco" were published. In the prose of these years, the writer's idea of ​​the tragedy of the life of the world, of doom and fratricidal nature is expanding. modern civilization.

Ivan Bunin was extremely hostile to the February and October revolutions of 1917 and perceived them as a catastrophe. The journal of journalism " cursed days" (1918).

On May 21, 1918, he left Moscow for Odessa, and in February 1920 he emigrated first to the Balkans and then to France. In France, at first he lived in Paris, but from the summer of 1923 he moved to the Alpes-Maritimes and came to Paris only for some winter months.

Here he turned to the intimate, lyrical memories of his youth. The novel "The Life of Arseniev" (1930) closed the cycle of artistic autobiographies related to the life of the Russian local nobility. One of the central places in later work Bunin was occupied with the theme of fatal love-passion, expressed in the works "Mitya's Love" (1925), " Sunstroke"(1927), novella cycle" Dark alleys" (1943).

In 1927-1930 Bunin turned to the genre short story("Elephant", "Veal head", "Roosters", etc.).

In 1933 he became the first Russian writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature "for the truthful artistic talent with which he recreated in fiction typical Russian character.

In 1939, with the outbreak of World War II (1939-1945), the Bunins settled in the south of France, in Grasse, at the Jeannette villa, and in 1945 returned to Paris.

IN last years life, the writer stopped publishing his works. Many and seriously ill, wrote "Memoirs" (1950), worked on the book "On Chekhov", published posthumously in 1955 in New York.

In the "Literary Testament" he asked to print his works only in the latest author's edition, which formed the basis of his 12-volume collected works, published by the Berlin publishing house "Petropolis" in 1934-1939.

On November 8, 1953, Ivan Bunin died in Paris. He was buried in the Russian cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois.

His wife Vera Muromtseva (1881-1961) left literary memoirs about the writer "The Life of Bunin" and "Conversations with Memory".

In 1988, the Literary and Memorial Museum of I.A. Bunin was opened in Yelets, in 1991 the literary and memorial museum of Ivan Bunin was created in Orel.

In 2004, the annual literary Bunin Prize was established in Russia.

In 2006, the presentation of the first complete 15-volume collected works of Ivan Bunin in Russian took place in Paris, which includes three volumes of his correspondence and diaries, as well as the diaries of his wife Vera Muromtseva-Bunina and the writer's girlfriend Galina Kuznetsova.

Years of life: from 10/10/1980 to 11/08/1953

Russian poet, prose writer, translator. From 1920 he lived in exile. Nobel Prize Laureate. I. Bunin is characterized by following the traditions of Russian classical literature and deep dislike October revolution.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin was born in Voronezh. The impoverished landowners Bunins belonged to a noble family. In 1874, the Bunins decided to move from the city to the village to the Butyrki farm, in the Yelets district of the Oryol province, to the last estate of the family. Memories of childhood - from the age of seven, as Bunin wrote - are connected with him "with the field, with peasant huts" and their inhabitants. In the eleventh year he entered the Yelets gymnasium. In the gymnasium, he began to write poetry, imitating Lermontov,. Bunin studied at the gymnasium for 4 years, further education received at home under the guidance of his brother Yuri. In the autumn of 1889, his work began in the editorial office of the newspaper "Orlovsky Vestnik", Father in 1890 finally went bankrupt (he had a weakness for cards and alcohol), sold the estate in Ozerki. In the editorial office, Bunin met his first common-law wife (the girl's parents were against marriage) - V. V. Pashchenko. At the end of August 1892, Bunin and Pashchenko moved to Poltava, where Bunin worked as a zemstvo council librarian, and then as a statistician in the provincial council. Bunin's poems and prose began to appear in "thick" magazines - Vestnik Evropy, World of God, " Russian wealth"- and attracted the attention of critics. In 1893-1894, Bunin, being a passionate admirer of L. Tolstoy, visited the Tolstoy colonies, met with Lev Nikolayevich himself. Bunin refused to continue following the path of "simplification", but the artistic power of Tolstoy the prose writer forever remained for Bunin an unconditional reference point, as well as the work of A.P. Chekhov. In 1895 civil wife Bunina marries his friend. Bunin left the service in Poltava and went to St. Petersburg, and then to Moscow. There he enters literary circles gets to know almost everyone famous writers and poets. In 1897, the book “To the End of the World” was published, which brought the writer fame in the literary environment. In 1998, in Odessa, Bunin married A. N. Tsakni, but the marriage was unhappy and short, they separated in 1900. Their son Kolya died January 16, 1905. In 1899, Bunin visited Yalta, met Chekhov, met Gorky. Later, Gorky invited Bunin to cooperate with the Znanie publishing house and, despite the ideological dissimilarity of the writers, this cooperation continued until 1917. At the beginning of 1901, a collection of poems "Leaf Fall" was published, which caused numerous positive reviews criticism. "Falling Leaves" and Longfellow's translation of "Song of Hiawatha" were noted Pushkin Prize Russian Academy Sciences. Since 1902, Bunin's collected works began to be published by Gorky's publishing house "Knowledge". During this time, the writer traveled a lot. In 1906, Bunin met V. N. Muromtseva, who became his civil and then legal wife (in 1922). In 1909, Bunin was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences. The story "The Village", published in 1910, caused great controversy and was the beginning of Bunin's enormous popularity. The "Village", the first major thing, was followed by other novels and stories published in collections: "Dry Valley", "John Rydalets", "The Cup of Life", "The Gentleman from San Francisco." I. Bunin reacted sharply negatively to the revolution and Having lived in Moscow during the winter of 1917-1918, Bunin and Vera Nikolaevna left first for Kiev, then for Odessa. After long wanderings in 1920, the writer and his wife sailed to Constantinople, then to Paris. Bunin lived in France until his death. In the 20s and 30s, the books "Rose of Jericho", "Mitina's Love", collections of stories "Sunstroke" and "God's Tree" were published. And in 1930 it was published autobiographical novel"The Life of Arseniev". During the emigrant period, Bunin was actively involved in the life of Russian Paris: from 1920 he headed the Union of Russian Writers and Journalists, made appeals and appeals, conducted a regular political and literary column in the newspaper Vozrozhdenie in 1925-1927, created in Grasse like a literary academy. At this time, Bunin's life began quite strange story. In 1927, Bunin met the Russian poetess G. Kuznetsova. Bunin was fascinated by the young woman, she, in turn, was delighted with him, their romance was widely publicized. However, Ivan Alekseevich managed to convince his wife that his relationship with Galina was purely platonic. It is not known what motives moved the writer's wife, but Kuznetsova was invited to live with the Bunins and become a "family member". For almost fifteen years, Kuznetsova shared a common home with Bunin, playing the role adopted daughter. In 1942, Kuznetsova left Bunin, carried away opera singer Margo Stepun, which inflicted a deep spiritual wound on the writer. In 1933, Bunin was awarded the Nobel Prize, as he believed, primarily for "The Life of Arseniev." When Bunin came to Stockholm to receive Nobel Prize, in Sweden he was already recognized by sight. The Russian emigration rejoiced, and in the USSR it was officially announced that the award of the Bunin Prize was "the intrigues of imperialism." From 1934 to 1936, Bunin's collected works were published in Germany. In October 1939, Bunin settled in the town of Grass, lived here throughout the war. Here he wrote the book "Dark Alleys". Under the Germans, Bunin did not print anything (“Dark Alleys” was published in the USA), although he lived in great lack of money and hunger. He treated the fascist regime with hatred, rejoiced at the victories of the Soviet and allied forces. The book "Dark Alleys" caused a mixed reaction. The writer, who considered the book the pinnacle of his work, was accused of almost pornography. After the war, Bunin expresses a desire to return to the USSR, which removes many Russian emigrants from himself. However, after the famous decree on the magazines "Zvezda" and "Leningrad" (1946), which also trampled M. Zoshchenko, Bunin forever abandoned his intention to return to his homeland. In recent years, Bunin was ill a lot, and yet he wrote a book of memoirs and worked on the book "About Chekhov which he did not finish in time. Ivan Alekseevich Bunin died on the night of November 8, 1953 in the arms of his wife in dire poverty.

Regarding the October Revolution, Bunin wrote the following: “This spectacle was sheer horror for anyone who has not lost the image and likeness of God ...”

The writer, devoid of "practical ingenuity", disposed of the Nobel Prize extremely irrationally. Z. Shakhovskaya writes in her memoirs: “Having returned to France, Ivan Alekseevich ... apart from money, began to arrange feasts, distribute “allowances” to emigrants, and donate funds to support various societies. Finally, on the advice of well-wishers, he invested the remaining amount in some kind of "win-win business" and was left with nothing.

The last entry in I. Bunin's diary dated May 2, 1953 reads: "It's still amazing to the point of tetanus! After some, a very short time, I will not be there - and the deeds and fate of everything, everything will be unknown to me!"

I. Bunin was the first of the émigré writers to be published in the USSR (already in the 1950s). Although some of his works, such as the diary "Cursed Days", came out only after perestroika.

Ivan Alekseevich Bunin; Russia, Voronezh; 10/10/1870 - 11/08/1953

Ivan Bunin - writer, popular poet and prose writer, publicist and translator, who became the first Russian Nobel laureate. From his pen came a large number of poems, stories and stories in which he described the beauty native land. Based on many of Bunin's books, plays were staged and filmed. art films. And the writer himself constantly occupies high places among.

Biography of Ivan Bunin

Ivan Bunin was born in the fall of 1870 in the city of Voronezh, where his family moved due to the fact that older children needed to receive a quality education. His father was an impoverished nobleman whose lineage dates back to the fifteenth century. The story of Bunin as a future writer began with the fact that little boy From childhood, they instilled a love for literature. Many years later, he will remember how it was customary in his family to read in the evenings. Just as early future writer began to study foreign languages and fine arts.

When the future writer was fourteen years old, Bunin's biography took a sharp turn - by the decision of his father, he entered the Yelets Men's Gymnasium. Throughout his studies, Ivan often changed places of residence, ranging from renting a room in the house of a local tradesman, ending with a closet at the sculptor's. As for the learning process itself, as the writer's brother said, if you listen to Bunin, he did best with the humanities, unlike mathematics, the exam for which he was most afraid of. Five years later, in 1886, the future writer graduated from the Yelets Gymnasium. This happened because during the holidays he moved to his parents, after which he decided not to return to educational institution. For failure to appear after the holidays, the leadership of the gymnasium decided to expel Bunin. Then he began to study at home, giving all his strength humanities. Also in early age the author can find Bunin's poems about nature, and at the age of fifteen the young man created his first novel called "Hobbies". However, Bunin's work did not receive a proper response at that time, which is why he was denied publication. In 1887, the poet who was the idol of the young author, Semyon Nadson, dies. Bunin decides to write a poem in his honor, and it immediately appears on the page of the periodical.

Thanks to his brother, who started teaching Ivan, he was able to calmly pass the exams and get his certificate. In 1889, Bunin went to work at the publishing house of the well-known magazine Orlovsky Vestnik. There, Bunin's stories, critical notes and poems are not only published, but also receive many enthusiastic reviews. But three years later, together with his brother Julius, Ivan decides to move to Poltava, where he starts working as a librarian. In 1894, the aspiring writer came to Moscow for some time, where he met with. At the same time, several stories and poems by Bunin were published, which describe the beauty of nature and the sadness that the era of the nobility will soon end.

At twenty-seven, Ivan Alekseevich publishes a book called "To the End of the World." Prior to that, he had made his living mainly by translating popular foreign authors. This work of Bunin gained great popularity, and already in 1898 he published a collection of his poems. However, the traditionalism that seeps into the writer's work was already slightly outdated for that era. Then he was replaced by the Symbolists, who criticized Bunin's poetic verses. The same, denying everything revolutionary ideas, one after another, publishes stories that in a harsh manner describe the Russian people ("Village", "Dry Valley", etc.). Thanks to these works, he again becomes popular among readers. Over the next few years, new stories by Bunin are published, while the writer himself travels a lot. This is due to the revolution in our country. So in 1917 he lives in Moscow, a year later - in Odessa, and two more later he moves to Paris, where he is experiencing serious financial difficulties. For the creation of the traditional image of a Russian person and Russian nature in 1933, Ivan Bunin, whose stories have long become popular outside his homeland, receives the Nobel Prize in Literature. He distributed half of the amount that was awarded along with the prize to those in need who asked him for help. Thus, already three years after the presentation of the award about Bunin, we can read that he again began to live rather poorly, trying to earn money with the help of his stories. All this time he actively continues to engage in writing activities, while simultaneously trying to follow what was happening in his homeland during the Second World War.

In the 1940s, the writer's health deteriorated greatly. Doctors discovered he had a serious lung disease, and Bunin went for treatment to a resort in southern France. However, he could not achieve a positive result. Since it was quite difficult to live in poverty in such a state, the writer turned to his friend, who lived in America, for help. He was able to get the consent of a local philanthropist to pay a pension to Ivan Alekseevich. In the autumn of 1953, the writer became much worse, and he could no longer move normally. In early November, Ivan Bunin died of cardiac arrest due to a severe lung disease. The grave of the writer, like many other emigrants from Russia, is located in the small French cemetery of Saint-Genevieve-des-Bois.

Books by Ivan Bunin on the Top Books website

Literary activity begins as a poet. In articles written in his youth, he imitates Pushkin, Lermontov.

In 1891, the first book of poems was published, in 1897 - the first collection of poems "To the End of the World", and in 1901 - another collection of poems "Leaf Fall".

Intimate and landscape lyrics form the basis of the work of the Russian poet of the 90s - 1900s.

Landscape lyrics displays life philosophy author. Nature is the source creative ideas artist. Therefore, the lyrics of this period are characterized by the motif of transience human being, as opposed to eternity and imperishability of nature.

TO lyrical works This period can be attributed to the poem "Forest Road".

The image of the Motherland is the key one in Bunin's poetry. For example, the poem "Spring".

The poet's lyrics are characterized by restraint in expressing feelings, a variety of described moods and an almost complete absence of artistic tropes.

The range of lyrics is quite wide, however, I.A. Bunin brought prose.

Main topics early stories the writer of steel - an image of the peasantry and the ruined nobility.

In his stories such as " new road”, “Pine”, the author writes about the outgoing harmony of the patriarchal way of life, about the gradual withering away of the class.

The devastation and ruin of noble nests causes sadness. The author's sadness is especially vividly conveyed in the story "Antonov apples" (1900).

The writer avoids sharp plot events. For early creativity Bunin is characterized by the smoothness of the narrative, sometimes even slowness. The texts are filled with complex associations and figurative connections. Special meaning It has artistic detail which can tell about psychological state character, beauty and complexity of being.

The revolution of 1905 left its imprint on the work of the writer and poet. According to I.A. Bunin, the Russian peasant was divided into two types - the humble and the rebel. He will write about the confrontation of these types of people in his works “Village”, “Dry Valley”, “Thin Grass”.

1914 - 1916 - this is the time of the finalization of the style and worldview in the writer's work. During this period, a person is a part of something eternal, which is included by the writer in the Cosmos, but at the same time, everyday ties are not lost, so a person is forced to fight for elusive and fragile happiness.

This dialectic is typical of Bunin's works of this period. A well-known example reflecting these thoughts was the story "The Gentleman from San Francisco". The writer, through the image of the protagonist, showed the depravity and sinfulness of modern civilization, which has lost spirituality.

The foreign prose of the writer is saturated with a feeling of sadness and homesickness.

In exile I.A. Bunin is working on the collection "Dark Alleys", where he conveys love as the embodiment of the unity of spiritual and physical principles.

Bunin, as a poet, is engaged in poetry until the end of his days. Mine creative way he ended by writing shortly before his death last poem"Night".

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