How to become a famous singer yourself. How to start a career as a singer and what you need for this


Every year a large number of new singers appear on the screens of the country. At the same time, many talents conquer YouTube, social media. networks and the Internet in general. Many girls dream of repeating the fate of their idols. But what does it take to become a singer and gain popularity? Of course you will need ear for music, voice, some artistry. But there is also something that is not talked about.

What does it take to be a singer?

The main criterion here is fearlessness. If you have embarked on this path, then you should attend all competitions, maintain your blog and YouTube channel. Don't be afraid to state that you sing. You must scream about it. Otherwise, no one will see you in the thickness of other applicants.

Also, you must have a healthy megalomania. If you treat yourself like common man, then you will definitely not get anything. Don't think of yourself as the rest. You are a talent. Remember this.

Also, don't forget self-criticism. Know how to correct your mistakes before other people notice them. So you can improve yourself faster than others and break into show business.

What is a singer?

In general, the main qualities of each talented singer are:

  1. Charisma. The ability to remember from many faces;
  2. Voice. You still need to be able to sing;
  3. Sense of rhythm. You must move at least a little to the music;
  4. Attractive appearance. Clothes, make-up, figure (albeit not a model, but not too fat);
  5. Diligence. Singers really work hard.

Of course, many say that the main thing is talent. But today everything is bought by the wrapper. And if you do not know how to paint, lose weight and pick up your clothes, then you should not think about a career.

Penetrating qualities

Among other things, to become a singer you need to be able to come anytime and anywhere. If there are any castings in your city, then you should always be there.

If there is a chance to contact any producer, then you should not miss this opportunity. You must always be ready to show your talent.

It's better to do everything together. Sign up for a choir, join an interest club. You can perform at holidays at your own school, institute, etc. This will definitely increase your self-esteem.

Record your songs and listen to them yourself. Learn not to be afraid of your voice, but to analyze it. Then you will definitely be fine.

If possible, learn to play the guitar or some other musical instrument. Such people in all circles of show business are valued much higher.

Try recording your video clip. See how many views it gets. Many stars started their journey with YouTube.

You can come up with a speaking pseudonym. So you will be well remembered at the auditions. And that way, someone will definitely notice you.

Don't dream big for yourself. Do what you do. Otherwise, you will definitely achieve nothing but empty dreams.

Feel free to ask the stars for advice if possible. You can attend seminars and master classes. Then you will be intellectually savvy. And this will make it easier to understand this area life.

Show business is not heaven, but work for creative people. Therefore, it is worth preparing for work. If you just want to sing a little, then limit yourself to free performances at holidays in your area.

The most difficult thing is to believe in a dream, and to realize it is a matter of technology, step-by-step instructions and wisely invested. You can handle the first one yourself, and we will help you to realize what you want.


To record a song with your own voice, you need to put this same voice. To do this, it is best to contact private vocal teachers. A good teacher will be able not only to expand your singing range, but also to advise in which direction to move and how to become famous singer. The training time depends on natural data, purpose and diligence.


The next step is choosing a song. Knowing and respecting copyrights, we immediately reject the path of plagiarism. Our option: either a song own composition, or a ready-made song on a turnkey basis. This means that the words, music and arrangement will be created just for you. Then there will be recording, mixing voice and music and, if required, overlaying back vocals. The cost of services varies: as you understand, the more famous the author or production center, the more expensive. Small studios for writing a song with the transfer of a non-exclusive right to perform (this is when other people can legally sing a song you bought and recorded by you) will take relatively godly - no more than 20-35 thousand rubles. If you have your own material, you will only have to pay for the rental of equipment, the work of a sound engineer and arranger.

Air on the radio

Now we have to solve the equation: how does a novice performer get to the radio station.
Music for the broadcast is selected by the program director and music editor. If your song impresses them, is in station format, and could end up being a hit later on, it will most likely be on the airwaves. But not all predictions come true. It seemed that the composition has every chance to fly to the top of the charts, but it does not even reach the 30th place.
“This is a normal situation,” says Ilya Efimov, program director of BEST FM (formerly program director of DFM and Monte Carlo), “only 100% hits. There should also be passing tracks… In general, I have played unknown artists on the air more than once, if I saw potential in them, this is the most important thing. No amount of money is enough to promote mediocrity.”


Vitaly Starykh, Hit FM music editor: “Not a single radio station will air a bad song for money. This will immediately affect the ratings (you won’t fool the listener) and, as a result, the volume of advertising. At the same time, the radio is in no hurry to “broadcast” unknown, even if interesting, performers. What to do? A beginner needs to attract as much attention as possible to himself, create a buzz around his name: using the Internet, print media, TV. You can connect friends and forums to the promotion.

vocal teacher
1.5 thousand rubles x 2 times a week
x 6 months = 72 thousand rubles
Turnkey song bought from famous authors or in a large production center (words + music)
From 10 thousand c.u.
Recording in a large recording studio: recording vocals and instruments, arranging, mixing, editing vocals, backing vocals, session musicians
From 5 thousand c.u.
Professional PR-promotion of an aspiring artist (publications in the media, presentations, special events)
The price is negotiable. Presumably from 50 thousand USD
Radio rotation
from 60,000 c.u.
Writing your own song
For free.
Turnkey song purchased from unknown authors (words + music), with non-exclusive copyright transfer
From 20 thousand rubles.
Equipment rental in a little-known or regional recording studio
From 30-35 thousand rubles.
Free or minimal fee.
Self-PR (drawing attention to a new artist on your own everyone accessible ways)
Starting investments -
from 5 thousand rubles
Radio rotation
Free, subject to the interest of the radio station.
from 60,000 rubles
* Approximate prices are based on data published in open sources and announced in private conversations.

How to become a popular singer, said Denis Fokin

Previously, since childhood, everyone dreamed of becoming teachers, doctors, but no one thought about the profession of a singer. Although some people have had certain skills since childhood. Now almost everyone dreams of being a singer or a singer, even those who have neither talent nor abilities. This is evidenced by music shows in which the most different people. Someone dreams of being famous and famous, and for someone it’s even enough just to light up in the “blue” screen and already become known to the whole world.

How can a girl evaluate her voice data and understand whether she is capable or not of being professional singer. After all, all her singing in karaoke and in the company of friends is not considered, friends and acquaintances may be delighted with her performance, they may compliment her, but they do not have a special music education.

If a girl really wants to become a singer, then she does not need to participate in a talent show, but to receive a musical education. Do not forget that being a singer is actually very difficult. Someone might think that nothing is easier - to open your mouth and sing whatever your heart desires, and they also pay money for it. But even with excellent vocal abilities, the profession of a singer requires great effort, patience and extraordinary work. For an artist who enters the stage, it is very important not only to have a hearing and a voice, but also to have charisma and good looks. The singer must be artistic, smiling, be able to move correctly on stage, which means she must have great feeling rhythm.

When a singer has her own "zest", her own charm, her dissimilarity to others, then she is remembered by the viewer. And it is remembered a large number of people. And it's not always just about the voice, because it can be some manners or special movements, even the performance of songs can be unusually beautiful and non-standard.

For example, Zemfira was remembered precisely for her unusual performance of songs. She knows what she sings about, but the listener cannot always understand the meaning of her songs, which is why she is unique. She performs her songs in an interesting way, so people are interested in her performance and listen to her songs with great pleasure. The Mumiy Troll group also became famous for its non-standard performance of songs. And even if someone does not like them and is terribly annoying, one cannot but agree that they are talented guys, and most importantly, memorable personalities.

Now, if you imagine any popular singer or a singer, then there will definitely be their extraordinary features that distinguish them from others. Even the timbre of the voice is already familiar to every listener, no one will ever confuse the voice of Philip Kirkorov, Sofia Rotaru, Irina Allegrova, Kai Metov, Larisa Dolina, Alla Pugacheva, Nikolai Baskov, Alexander Buinov and many others famous performers. Everyone remembers them and always recognizes them by their voice. Or maybe not only by voice, because they can also have their own “zest”. A girl who dreams of becoming a singer must find in herself something different from other singers. She should not copy her favorite artists, she is an individual, she is one of a kind.

Many try to win fame by writing their songs, which they demonstrate in their performance. When he performs his song, and not the song of a famous singer, then no one compares him with anyone, he is so alone and this is his advantage. Even those people who take part in music show, commit big mistake, performing for a long time famous songs. The jury that evaluates them is no longer surprising, especially original performance it prevents them from adequately evaluating the contestant. If a person sings Pugacheva's song, then Pugacheva's performance is heard, and if Vysotsky's song, then Vladimir Vysotsky's performance will also be heard. There must be something of their own in the performance of the contestant.

For example, one person can change the arrangement in a song, thereby giving it a novelty that you don’t even immediately understand who performed this song. And it's great when a person is able popular song to sing in such a way that it seems unknown to others. Other people may not make special arrangements, but just a girl can sing a "male" song, that is, the song that the singer performed. Thus, the song, as it were, also has novelty, because it is performed by female voice and not male. And if no one has heard this song before in female performance, this is also a great "trick" to become a unique singer.

A girl who dreams of becoming a singer must find something special in herself in intonations, movements, emotions. She must really evaluate herself as a whole, not deny her shortcomings, but also not underestimate her merits, see her real vocal and external data, her abilities and skills. If a girl has no illusions, but can adequately assess herself from the outside, then she is more likely to achieve good results and soon reach her goal.

"Dance while you are young…"

If we talk about dancing, then the singer's movements should be rhythmic, because if there is no rhythm in the dance, then the performer will look awkward. And when the singer sings beautifully and moves rhythmically during her performance, this is a skillful and winning combination. After all, singing and dancing at the same time is difficult, and not even a professional singer can do it. Here you can use some kind of "chip", come up with some kind of your own unusual dance move that no one can replicate.

For example, Oleg Gazmanov is already recognized by everyone by his voice, but he is also distinguished by his energy, mobility, and cheerfulness. He jumps and jumps like a boy on the stage, he is always in sportswear despite his age. He was remembered by the audience as one of the most athletic and positive artists.

Down with shyness and embarrassment!

A girl who dreams of becoming a singer must understand that she will be in full view all the time, and a large audience will look at her, which means that there should simply be no embarrassment and timidity. Only a confident girl is able to captivate the audience with her beautiful voice. And if she is timid, then even beautiful voice will not sound, and every viewer will hear these trembling notes in his voice. To be bold on stage and not tremble while singing, you need to train your voice in karaoke bars and be sure to experiment with style and sound.


An attractive artist is a winning position and the key to his success. But, really, not always. For some, appearance is the main advantage, but for someone it does not play any role. But it cannot be denied that the charming external data is still some kind of reward for the artist, thanks to which he achieves incredible success.

If a girl who dreams of becoming a singer does not have pleasant external data, then she can visit a beauty salon, a gym to improve herself. If a girl is confident in herself, then she is able to be successful.

First you need to become open to people, not be afraid of a direct look and be able to look into the eyes of another person for a long time. Moreover, when looking into the eyes of another person, do not try to look away and do not lower your eyes to the side, let the other person do it. Thus, a person develops self-confidence.

Another way to develop self-confidence is to be able to express your opinion in public without any fear, while not being afraid that someone will laugh. If a person knows those people who do not believe in him and do not appreciate him, then you do not need to prove anything to them, but you just need to ignore such people and stay away from them. A person should be able to appreciate himself, treat himself with respect and mentally thank himself for the results he has achieved. And most importantly, do not forget to bring good to people: the more you give to others, the more you get in return.

As mentioned earlier, a person will be able to express himself in at its best, if he knows how to compose poetry or write music, even the talent to remake already finished poems can be very useful. And it's good if a person has such a gift, and does not try to learn it. So nothing will work.

It is believed that it is necessary to start with verses, and already on the basis of these verses to make lyrics. Many pop singers they do so. The song "A Candle Burned on the Table", performed by Alla Pugacheva, was written to a poem by Boris Pasternak. Moreover, Pugacheva not only became the first performer of this song, she is the author of music for the text of this song.

Alla Borisovna is a very talented and versatile person, so there are many songs that she wrote herself. After all, the texts of their own composition more deeply and expressively reflect the feelings of the singer, her emotions than the text that was written by someone. If a girl so far only dreams of her fame and popularity, first she needs to record a video with a beautiful performance of the song, the author of which she is and place it in in social networks. And from now on, you can upload new videos every time that are dedicated to her creative work.

If a girl really turns out to be talented, she will definitely get positive reviews from users who often express their thoughts and share their impressions. It is possible that a girl can get tempting offer to develop your career. In any case, someone will already know about the girl, she can become very popular on the Internet.

Also, your unique song can be attributed to the radio. If she is interested in management, then she will definitely be put on. You should not miss a single opportunity, if you really want to become famous - let new performer songs will be recognized by both acquaintances and random people. And it doesn’t matter at all on which forum or website they found out about her talent.

The girl does not just upload videos with the performance of her author's songs. She does this to be noticed. And she does not have enough approving reviews, she dreams of a career and popularity. So, she wants to be noticed by a creative music producer. But just sitting and waiting for “weather from the sea” is not effective method, you need to do something yourself. For example, call all your friends and acquaintances, perhaps one of them knows the right people. On the Internet you can find a production center that will interest you the most.

The girl needs to decide on the direction of music (jazz, classical, pop or rock music). It is very important what kind of creativity she will be engaged in, since there are no producers who specialize in different directions. As a rule, the producer has some one direction.

A girl who wants to be a professional singer needs to have a completed musical education. But if there is no musical education, but there is a hearing and voice data, those professionals who see talent in her will deal with the girl. And most importantly, the girl worked hard. Only through hard work, she is able to declare itself to the whole world.

Proper breathing

Do not forget that to become a singer it is not enough to have only voice and external data, but what about breathing? You need to learn how to breathe correctly. For example, to sing high notes, you need to train your breathing. There are even special exercises for singers, where they learn to sing with the help of emotional mood and breathing. And with the help of facial massage, you can warm up the vocal apparatus.

A girl who has set herself the goal of becoming a singer must have reasons for this. If she does not know the answer to the question: “Why do you want to become a singer?”, then she will never become a singer. She must have an explanation for her desire. Moreover, the girl will have to pass difficult tests. It will face a lot of competition, which means a huge number of talented and creative people who have a number of advantages. The struggle will be long, everyone will want to prove that he is the one who deserves the first place on the popularity podium.

Singer profession This is an extraordinary job that requires great effort. To make it easier to evaluate your singing abilities, you need to remember the importance of such concepts as: appearance, charisma, artistry, hearing, voice, patience, smiling, cheerfulness, sense of rhythm, musical education.

The singer must keep a “zest” in herself. Only then will it be remembered for a long time by millions of people.

Come up with some special "chips" (in movements, in intonation, in manners, and so on).

Explore all the lines that pass between the world of illusions and the real world. You will always go one step further towards your cherished goal if you learn to adequately evaluate your data. Do not deny each of your shortcomings and do not underestimate your dignity.

Work out the rhythm. Why is a sense of rhythm important? Because the skillful combination of dance and song performance is a winning position. By the way, not everyone can dance and sing (at the same time), as there are difficulties here.

How to become a professional singer?

Girls and women who dream of "becoming" a singer go through the difficulties of huge competition. Get ready for the fact that you will have to wage a long struggle for the first place on the podium.

Work on yourself

First, decide why you want to be a celebrity. Set a clear goal (if it is absent, then it will be impossible to even become a “singer”).

Be sure to beat the shyness! You can’t be shy when you sing, as a treacherous trembling will definitely declare itself in voice notes. Sing often in karaoke bars.

You have several options. Choose one of them: city singer, singer for friends and relatives, famous singer. Who did you decide to become? Think about it properly!

Experiment with sounds and styles. Something new in music world- one of the paths to success in show business.

Attractive appearance is the key to success on stage

Attractive appearance for the singer - the issue is rather controversial. Sometimes it plays a huge role, and sometimes it doesn't matter at all. However, no one argues that chic external data serve as a "bonus" in achieving success.

Take care of yourself, be careful in makeup and clothing. Visit gyms, beauty salons, hairdressers. Your appearance, let's say, is (will become) the "decoration" of the voice.

Do not do it plastic surgery to be like one of the stars. Don't pay money to have your identity taken away!

Self-confidence will help in show business

Do you feel like you lack self-confidence? Level her up!

Always and everywhere try to take places in the first row. Make eye contact with those who are performing on stage, do not look away or down.

Be thankful for every achievement in life. Tell yourself that you are capable of more.

Do good to people! Love yourself, but don't focus on yourself. The boomerang effect works flawlessly: the more you give to people, the more you get in return.

Go often where you can express your opinion. You need to speak out in such a way that there is not the slightest fear that you will say something stupid, that you will be laughed at, and so on.

Ignore people who don't believe in you. Stay away from them, communicate with them coldly and distantly.

Be yourself! You don't have to play the part perfect woman. You are not perfect (as, indeed, and all other people).

Accept your “cons” and find at least small “pluses” in them. Correct in yourself only what hinders you in Everyday life and in a particular situation.

Moderate self-confidence is important on stage because it radiates positive energy.

Self promotion - where to start? promotion repertoire.

Try writing poetry, music, lyrics. Keep doing what you do best. They say that it is easiest to start by writing poetry, and then rework it into song lyrics, dividing the poem into verses and a chorus.

Self-written songs express emotions and feelings more deeply than a creation written by someone for you and your performance.

Make a good video for a song you wrote. Post it on the Internet.

Come up with a story about yourself and your life. Think over everything in it to the smallest detail, because any detail of your story may be charged with real “magnetism”.

Need a professional photo shoot! Fifty photos is the minimum number of shots you need to take.

Take your song creation to the radio. If the management likes it, then it will definitely be included in the rotation (for free!).

Follow the example of Justin Bieber. He recorded his first hit in a randomly selected record company and immediately began to popularize it (posted it on various forums and websites, gave it to relatives and casual acquaintances to listen to, posted a video version of the song on YouTube).

Creative music producer of my talent. How to find it?

It's not the first time you've woken up with the question, "How do I find a creative producer for my talent?" Take action! Don't wait for everything to resolve itself.
Take your phone book. Call all your acquaintances, colleagues, classmates, girlfriends, relatives, neighbors. Ask them about what production centers they know about. Ask if they know the people you need. Who are they? Singers, actors, producers, musicians, poets….

Trust virtual world. Look for yourself what you want to find. You can enter the phrase "producer center" in the address bar. The Internet will give you a huge list of sites.

Study them carefully. Write down and save the contact details of each of them.

Rock, pop, jazz, classical?

By the way , find out for yourself what direction your work belongs to (rock, pop, jazz, classical). There are no such producers who would be engaged in different directions in creativity. Each of them, as a rule, is engaged in his own business (that is, he specializes in one thing).

Call the centers, "running" through the compiled list. State your name, occupation, purpose of your call. Make an appointment. Let the music guru choose the place where you will meet. Timing is also best left to him. This is how you show respect to the producer.

What to tell when the “dream date” takes place? Tell us about yourself, about your plans, about your positive qualities. Speak confidently, beautifully, follow the speech.

Remember that you will not immediately find a creative "wizard". Despite the unsuccessful meetings, you must continue the search! Put your hands down - you lose. Depression and tears are superfluous!

How to surprise and charm the producer? Talent and desire is not enough.

Let's assume that you managed to find your producer. Your task now is to amaze him, surprise him, conquer him. How to do it?

Send recorded songs (of your own composition) or lyrics of your new songs to his e-mail. Attach your most successful photo to the files. Do not think anything bad! The photograph is not needed to physically attract the producer. The fact is that it will be easier for him if he has the opportunity to compare voice and image (when you are not around).

Attention! You don't have to sleep with a producer! There are other ways to surprise your musical "assistant".

Do you want to send him a short or detailed letter about yourself? Write it as competently as possible, without a single mistake and typo. This will surely surprise you!

You can amaze him with detailed knowledge about how to breathe correctly, how to train your breathing, why “your” vowel is so important, how to sing high notes.

Breathing exercises for singers

We provide you with information that you will study right now, without postponing it "indefinitely".

To learn to sing is to master the singing emotional mood and breath. Mood and breath interact with each other.

Breathing exercises

"Like balloon". Lie down on a hard mat. Clasp your hands behind your head. Fill the abdomen with air until it becomes unbearable.

"Fire control". Take a deep breath. Take as much air into your lungs as possible. Start fanning an imaginary flame of fire. Hold on for one and a half minutes. Do not be afraid of spontaneous dizziness, as it appears due to hyperventilation of the lungs.

"Knees and hands". Get on all fours. Rest your hands and feet (knees) on the floor. Take a few deep and slow breaths. Try to touch your stomach to the floor (during inhalation). Repeat three times.

Voice training

The producer will be surprised by your knowledge of how to warm up the vocal apparatus. Read how it warms up.

Facial massage will help. Place your fingertips under the chin so that they "collide". Move your fingers up, right, left. After four minutes, place your fingers on the nasal area. Follow the stroking procedure (without touching the eye area).

The following exercises will also help: “Oval Magic”, “Horse Snort”, “Scratch Your Lips”, “Massage of Parallels”, “Displacement Plus Pressure”.

Exercise "Horse snorting". Close your teeth and lips. Relax them. Pass air through your teeth, making the sound "fyr-r-r". Your goal is to make the exercise easy to do.

Exercise "Scratch your lips." Imagine that your lips are very itchy. Open your mouth wide and scratch them with your teeth. Pull your lips over your teeth. Try to cover the inner tooth surface with your lips.

Exercise "Displacement plus pressure." Quickly, vigorously stroke the edges of the face, directing movements from the lower jaw to the temples. Place your fingertips in the middle of your forehead. Rotate your fingers, pressing on your face, for four minutes. You can take a few short breaks.

Exercise "Massage of Parallels". Apply to each other index fingers. Put them in the middle of your chin. Do a five-second massage with your fingertips. Repeat the exercise, moving towards the parallel front part.

Exercise "Oval Magic". Open your mouth by two fingers so that your face resembles an oval. Pull up the veil of the sky. After a few seconds, close your mouth, relax, repeat the exercise.

Prepare musical recommendations, if you have them, of course. What are musical recommendations? This is a detailed "report" about where you studied (meaning the presence of a musical education), where you performed, where you auditioned ....

Producer, image, talent + hard work and the stage will cave in to the applause of your fans

Remember that only hard work (combined with talent) will make all your vocal dreams come true! Much depends solely on you.

What is required?

Performances! Take part in any activities and concert programs. Announce yourself at every opportunity. You must be recognized!

Training! Choose a couple famous songs that you like and sing them in front of a mirror. You need to be able to see your mouth and yourself as you sing.

Yawn! Feel free to yawn during rehearsals (when hitting high notes). What does it give? Setting the ideal vocal position.

Striving for uniqueness! Find in yourself what makes you different from other people.

Jams with musicians! Learn from them everything that you yourself do not know how to do. Share your knowledge and skills with musicians. Such a mutual exchange is an excellent combination of business and pleasure.

Star parties! Be surrounded famous people to become a little more famous.

You will have to work hard and in gratitude for your diligence the stage will submit to you! The producer will independently take care of your image if you impress him.

The fans won't let you pass! Don't expect it to happen right now. You need to come to fame gradually, spending many years on it.

Advice for future stars from famous celebrities

What does Lady Gaga advise future pop stars? Watch your face. The kiwi mask is the singer's favorite mask. Buy a kiwi, wash it and peel it. Add about two hundred grams of low-fat yogurt. Get your blender ready. Mix yogurt and kiwi in it. Keep the mask on the cleansed face for twenty-five minutes. Wash it away warm water. Lady Gaga also advises to opt for a career as a singer, and not a man. She explains this choice with a simple phrase: “A career will not wake up one morning and say that there are no more feelings for you.”

Oksana Fedorova advises to make such a miracle face mask. Mix the ingredients: hydrogen peroxide (tablespoon), baby soap(one hundred grams)

Jessica Alba claims that without classes in gym(on simulators) you can not achieve even a small success on stage. You should visit the gym at least twice a week. Jessica, for example, trusts her body to yoga.

Madonna advises aspiring "stars" the following: "Go to any difficulties for the sake of a career!". She says she would go to any lengths to make her way onto the stage if she wasn't a celebrity. Listen to Madonna! Criminal methods of achieving stage success are an exception.

By the way, Beyoncé says the following about time: "Take time to think about the future, about life." You can't just do what you love professional business. You run the risk of "burning out".

If you have a great voice, then why not become a celebrity thanks to your talent? This is a great goal! At the same time, it is important to understand that only one voice is not enough to become famous singer. You can not do without stage charm and your own style of performance. All these abilities come with practice and experience. No one can guarantee you a particular level of popularity, but there are many steps you can take to gain fame and recognition and make a living from your talent.


Part 1

Develop talent

    Practice and more practice. Try to sing whenever possible so that your voice develops and stays in good shape. Choose from a variety of songs with different vocal ranges and in different keys. Your goal is to get maximum amount practice in all possible genres.

    • Sing in your bedroom, in the shower, while driving, with friends.
  1. Sign up for vocal lessons online or in real world to develop your skills. Search good teacher singing is one of the most important tasks that should be solved for the development of your musical career. Even if you have an amazing voice by nature, professional advice will help you achieve new level. In the classroom, you will learn not only how to sing well, but also the following techniques:

    Find your unique features and develop your own style. It is important to understand how you are different from everyone else. Sometimes you have to experiment to determine your vocal abilities and a particular style.

    Sing on stage to gain the experience of performing in front of an audience. When you feel confident in your voice, take the next step and start singing in the presence of strangers. Often people prefer to sing alone or in the presence of friends and acquaintances who will support them in any situation. It takes a lot of courage to sing in front of people you don't know!

    • Start going to a karaoke bar, sign up for a school or church choir. This is a "fail-safe" option, as it allows you to sing for fun and with other people with enough reason to rehearse, but still get a chance to show off.
  2. Sing in places that require getting out of your comfort zone. As you get used to the scene, try something new. You can perform as a guest performer with a local band or sing on open area restaurant. Any new and unusual experience will be useful.

    Choose your signature song that you can sing at any time. Always be ready. If you are unexpectedly asked to stand up and sing with or without music musical accompaniment audition, then you should always have a homemade preparation. Choose a song that will sound great at any given moment.

    Learn songs from other artists. Many singers don't write own songs. It's quite normal. When meeting you for the first time, it is important that people pay more attention to your voice, and not the talent of the songwriter. Build a "repertoire" of 10-15 cover songs that can be effectively performed in the park, and rehearse each one.

    Find a paid performance. It is unlikely that the payment will be large, but the opportunity to earn money by singing will establish you as a potential performer. The first performances may be free, but if you make a name for yourself, it will be easier for you to find paid events and concerts.

    Start writing your own music to increase your reputation. Own songs- a serious step forward and reputation growth, but don't worry if you can't write songs. Many singers work with authors and composers. Your goal is to give listeners something new and not rely solely on cover songs.

    • When collaborating with other songwriters, you need to decide whether you will credit the songwriter or work on the terms of "nameless" authorship. Usually fans appreciate sincerity.
  3. Chat with other musicians to expand your range of possibilities. Meet in person and online to make valuable connections in the music industry. Other singers and musicians were also in your place. I'm sure they have a couple for you. useful tips. Just ask.

  4. Get involved in the local music community. Spend as much time as possible in places where you can meet successful musicians and producers. Go to clubs and places. Behave like a full member of the community, even if no one knows you yet.

    • During your vacation, try to visit cities that are famous for their musical culture. You can visit St. Petersburg, Sochi, Moscow and chat with local musicians.
  5. Create your own YouTube channel and post regularly. With one billion visits per month, his own YouTube channel will allow the singer to show himself to millions of listeners around the world.

    Make a demo record to promote yourself in your local market. Use the services of a professional recording studio or set up your own home studio to record your best songs. Share your material on CDs, flash drives and online.

    • Submit your entries club DJs, to local radio stations, publishers and record labels.
  6. Share music on online platforms. Thanks to the development digital technologies today your music can be listened to, downloaded and bought by people from all over the world. In addition to fame, you get the opportunity to earn!

    • Check out Bandcamp, SoundCloud, CD Baby, Record Union, MySpace, Google Play Music and iMusician.
    • Each company has its own Terms of use and the cost of services, so study everything possible options and choose the best service.

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