Brief description of the main characters of Eugene Onegin. "Eugene Onegin" main characters


Eugene Onegin as a character

The novel in verse "Eugene Onegin" is considered one of the most important works that significantly influenced Russian literature. The famous poetess Anna Akhmatova called the novel "Onegin's aerial bulk." But who is he, Eugene Onegin?

Onegin - main character novel, a young dandy with a rich inheritance, "The heir to all his relatives," as Pushkin himself says about him. Onegin is shown by Pushkin himself as a person with a very complex and contradictory character. Pushkin himself speaks of him in a very contradictory way: the whole novel is full of light irony. Pushkin ironically relishes Onegin's erudition, his "goodness", such as manners, ability to carry on a conversation, all these positive traits given in a somewhat ironic way. The author, with some uniquely correct relish, praises Onegin, but at the same time there is always a drop of subtle irony that does not disappear almost until the very end. But at the same time, Pushkin himself, as he says in the first chapter, became friends with Onegin, that the poet likes his features, that he spent nights with Onegin on the Neva embankment, talks about how they shared memories of past days with each other .. .

To myself, Onegin seemed to be a complete egoist, which, in principle, is not surprising: his father almost did not pay attention to him, completely surrendering to his affairs, entrusting him to miserable tutors - “monsieur and madam”, and they, in turn, groomed the guy, only (“ slightly scolded for pranks", "did not bother with strict morals"), which naturally, the boy grew into a person who thinks only about himself, about his desires and pleasures, who does not know how, and does not want to be able to pay attention to the feelings, interests, sufferings of others , capable of easily offending a person, insulting, humiliating - hurting a person without even thinking about it. His sharp tongue and meanness of character caused the death of Lensky. Pushkin said well about his evil and sharp language: “At first Onegin's language confused me; but I got used to his caustic dispute, and to the joke with bile in half, and the anger of gloomy epigrams "

The contradictions in the character of Onegin, the combinations in him are certainly positive traits with sharply negative ones, are found throughout the novel; Onegin's changes are clearly visible: he is tired of the life of a city dandy, he is bored with this role and he moves to the estate left to him as a legacy from his uncle. There he finds for a certain period of time interesting activities, but they get bored with him after a couple of days. The events that take place in the last chapters have the strongest effect on him: his first change - the change of habitual egoism and passive inattention to others - comes along with the death of his friend, Lensky, which occurs through the fault of Onegin. At this moment, he is no longer that arrogant, standing above all life's impressions, sometimes only dissatisfied with himself, a cold egoist. He is literally horrified by his terrible and senseless crime. The murder of Lensky then turns his whole life upside down. He cannot stand the memories of this sinister crime that familiar places bring, he rushes around the world in search of oblivion, but these searches are not crowned with success. He returns after a long trip to Russia. He knows all the torments of love, sitting locked in his office. Onegin can no longer, as before, go through life, completely ignoring the feelings and experiences of people with whom he, faced in the past, thought only of himself ...

We see that Onegin, who returned from a journey, does not look like the former Onegin. He became much more serious, more attentive to others. Now he is able to experience the most strong feelings that touches him to the core. Returning, Onegin meets Tatyana again. And now he, struck by her mind, nobility, strong spiritual qualities, restraint in expressing feelings, falls in love with Tatyana, like a patient who falls ill with a disease. How far is this man experiencing his love from Onegin, from the first chapters of the novel!

/ Heroes of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"

The great work of A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" contains a wide variety of images and characters, each of which is unique in its own way and gives an idea of ​​that era.

The main characters of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"

- a young representative of the nobility, accustomed to a life of luxury. All his life, Eugene has the opportunity to enjoy going to theaters, balls, etc., but at some point, all these charms can no longer surprise and saturate the soul of the main character, thirsting for something new and unusual.

It is the hunt for new experiences that brings the character to the village, where he meets a very outstanding personalities and families. At first, new acquaintances captivate the hero, especially Tatyana Larina, who stands out from the rest of Onegin's neighbors. After recognizing Tatyana, Onegin cools off both to her, and in general to village life, which in fact turns out to be even more boring than secular entertainment.

By the end of the novel, Onegin acquires new features, matures morally, but this does not at all help him get Tatyana's heart, as it turns out to be too late.

- Outwardly, a completely unremarkable girl who spent her whole life away from the bustle of the city. But it is within this heroine that most of the incredible features are hidden, even if she is not as pretty as her sister, Tatyana has restraint, modesty, good breeding, these features give her a special attraction in the eyes of the main character.

At the time of meeting Onegin, the girl is in a certain balance and harmony with herself, but the main character breaks into her soul and makes her experience new, yet unprecedented feelings, which are still very difficult for Tatyana. It was especially difficult for the heroine to hear Onegin's refusal, because so many feelings were invested in her letter. But Larina did not break, she was able to find the strength in herself to move on, got married, and as a result, she had to refuse Onegin when he suddenly realized that Tatyana Larina was his ideal.

- it is worth highlighting the narrator as a separate main character, and from the context it becomes clear that he represents A.S. Pushkin. The author appears before readers in the role of a longtime friend of Onegin, therefore, "in his own way" describes his whole life, in many ways explaining and justifying the actions of the protagonist.

Secondary characters of Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin"

- a good friend of the protagonist, who is his absolute antipode. Lensky feels a constant interest and thirst for life, new feelings and ideas are constantly opening up for him, which bring the hero into a state of incredible delight. He sincerely believes in all the simple values ​​\u200b\u200bthat bored Onegin so much.

Lensky is in love with Tatyana's sister, Olga Larina. This feeling flares up in the hero with a bright flame, he is ready for a lot for Olga, sees her muse in her, dedicates a huge number of his own poems to her. It is quite natural that Lensky is very upset by the act of a friend in relation to his beloved, this forces him to challenge Onegin to a duel. With the death of Vladimir Lensky, the author shows how weak the generation of such romantics in our society is, it is not able to withstand and withstand this strong pressure.

younger sister Tatyana, who always seemed to everyone around more sweet and attractive. This comparison has been present between the sisters since childhood, it is not surprising that Pushkin also presents these two images in a similar manner. Olga is always incredibly cheerful and carefree, life is in full swing in her, and the girl herself wants events to revolve around her. Lensky falls in love with this image of Olga, so airy, cheerful and attractive. Onegin, however, is not attracted to this girl because of the lack of depth of soul, he only draws Olga's attention to himself for fun. As a result, it is Olga Larina who becomes the cause of the duel of friends, and after the death of the groom, the heroine cannot be sad for too long simply because of her character and habit, she quickly finds herself a rich officer as her husband.

The mother of Tatyana and Olga is a woman who is full of care and love for her children, she sees no other meaning in life than maintaining a family hearth. The reader manages to learn her story, and as it turned out, the heroine in her youth was a very romantic and dreamy nature, but typical fate representatives of the wealthy nobility made her plunge too much into the realities of life.

Tatyana's nanny is an elderly woman who is very attached to the Larin family, as she has been serving in their house for a long time. Nanny played very important role in the upbringing of Tatyana, it was she who from childhood taught the heroine to various stories, books, patronized and instructed her.

Thus, the images in the novel by A.S. Pushkin's "Eugene Onegin" are very real characters, many of which are quite typical for that time.

The central character of "Eugene Onegin", a novel in verse, after which the work is named, a native of St. Petersburg, a young nobleman, spoiled by social evenings and receptions. He is single and is able to make a worthy party of any of the "elite" brides. Eugene's manners are not just good, they are "polished" to a shine. And it costs him nothing to turn the head of even the most selective lady.

Onegin is good-looking, courteous, educated, dressed in the latest fashion, and closely follows appearance. Despite the fact that the hero has lived in the world for a little over a quarter of a century and is constantly in the circle of noisy friends, his existence is poisoned by a depressive state. This "noble" spleen is connected with the uncertainty in which Eugene lives. He gravitates towards a free, unencumbered life, but among the idle crowd he feels lonely. What would you like to dedicate your life to? Pushkin's hero doesn't know yet. Inconstancy in relations, parties, small talk, where the hero has no equal, he was rather tired of it. But in order to devote himself to hard work, Onegin is too lazy. Perhaps this is how the “crisis of 30 years” crept up to the young master.

Being at a crossroads, he comes to a deep province to enter into the inheritance left to him by his dying uncle. Eugene stays at a new estate. And from the unhurried village life, he begins to mope even more. To somehow unwind, he makes friends with a neighbor, a local romantic and poet Vladimir Lensky, who introduces him to the Larin family. Lensky is wooing them youngest daughter Olga. Onegin immediately notes that her older sister is much more interesting. Tatyana falls in love with a city guest literally from the first minutes of meeting. Brought up on French novels, the girl writes a letter to the chosen one of her heart on French where he confesses his love. But Eugene rejects the ardor of the girl, because he understands that such a party as Tatyana Larina was created exclusively for marriage relationships. The hero is not yet ready to marry.

Some time later, Lensky brings Onegin to a party at the Larins' house. Tatyana's name day is being celebrated. Eugene gets bored, gets angry at his young friend and dances and flirts with his fiancee for "humorous" revenge. Lensky, out of jealousy, challenges the city slicker to a duel. The joke turns into a tragedy - a young poet dies during a duel. Onegin leaves the village and goes on a long journey.

Returning to St. Petersburg two years later, the hero meets Tatiana at a ball, now a married lady. Continuing to love him, the girl agreed to marry a rich man, Prince N. Now she is cold and impregnable for Onegin. Seeing her different, Eugene realizes that he is in love. He writes and sends letters to Tatyana, but does not receive answers. Having achieved a personal meeting, Onegin ardently confesses his love. But the "new" Tatyana firmly refuses him, explaining that he was late, and she will never break her oath of allegiance to her husband. The hero remains alone and hears the steps of Prince N approaching.

Onegin quotes

We all learned a little
Something and somehow
So education, thank God,
It's easy for us to shine...

be possible efficient person
And think about the beauty of the nails...

Who lived and thought, he cannot
Don't despise people in your heart...

How less woman we love,
The easier it is for her to like us
And the more we ruin it
Among seductive nets...

But pitiful is the one who foresees everything,
Whose head is not spinning ...

Dashing fashion, our tyrant,
The disease of the newest Russians...

And here is the public opinion!
Spring of honor, our idol!
And that's what the world revolves on!...

Moscow ... how much in this sound
Merged for the Russian heart!
How much he resonated! ...

Talking too often
We are happy to accept...

Blessed is he who was young from his youth,
Blessed is he who has matured in time...

Give you forbidden fruit
And without that, paradise is not paradise for you ...

Love for all ages...

I thought: liberty and peace
replacement for happiness.
My God! How wrong I was...

In the novel "Eugene Onegin" next to the main character, the author depicts other characters that help to better understand the character of Eugene Onegin. Among these heroes, first of all, Vladimir Lensky should be mentioned.

According to Pushkin himself, these two people are absolutely opposite: "ice and fire", - this is how the author writes about them. Nevertheless, they become inseparable friends, although Pushkin notes that they become such from "there is nothing to do."

Let's try to compare Onegin and Lensky. Are they so different from each other?

Why did they "get together"? Comparison of heroes is better presented in the form of a table:

Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Education and upbringing
Traditional noble upbringing and education - as a child, a mamsel looks after him, then a monsieur, then he receives a good education. Pushkin writes: “We all learned little by little something and somehow,” but the poet received, as you know, excellent education in the elite Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum. Studied in Germany. About who was involved in his upbringing in more early age the author says nothing. The result of such an education is a romantic worldview, it is no coincidence that Lensky is a poet.
State of mind, attitude to human values
Onegin feels tired of life, disappointed in it, for him there are no values ​​- he does not value love, friendship, or rather, does not believe in the sincerity and strength of these feelings.
>No: early feelings in him cooled down
He was tired of the light noise.
And then the author "makes a" diagnosis "of the state of his hero - in short: the Russian melancholy took possession of him little by little ..."
Returning to his homeland, Lensky expects happiness and a miracle from life - therefore his soul and heart are open to love, friendship and creativity:
The purpose of our life for him
Was a tempting mystery
He broke his head over her
And I suspected miracles.
Eugene Onegin Vladimir Lensky
Life in the village, relations with neighbors
Arriving in the village, Onegin is looking for an application to his strength, a way out of an aimless existence - he is trying to replace the corvee with "easy dues", he seeks to find people who are close to him in look and spirit. But not finding anyone, Onegin himself separated himself with a sharp line from the surrounding landowners.
And those, in turn, considered him an "eccentric", "farmason" and "stopped friendship with him." Soon boredom and disappointment take over again.
Lensky is distinguished by an enthusiastic dreamy attitude to life, sincere simplicity and naivety.
He had not yet had time to fade "from the cold debauchery of the world", he "was an ignoramus at heart."
Understanding the purpose and meaning of life
Doesn't believe in any lofty goal. I'm sure there is some the highest goal in life, he just doesn't know it yet.
Poetic creativity and the attitude of the heroes towards him
Onegin "could not... distinguish an iambic from a trochee..." had neither the ability to compose nor the desire to read poetry; to the works of Lensky, like A.S. Pushkin, he treats with slight irony. Lensky is a poet. He wandered with the lyre in the world Under the sky of Schiller and Goethe Their poetic fire The soul ignited in him. Lensky is inspired by the work of German romantic poets and also considers himself a romantic. In some ways, he is similar to Pushkin's friend Kuchelbecker. Lensky's poems are sentimental, and their content is love, "separation and sadness, and something, and foggy distance, and romantic roses ..."
Love story
Onegin does not believe in sincerity female love. Tatyana Larina, at the first meeting, does not evoke any feelings in Onegin's soul, except perhaps pity and sympathy. Only after a few years, the changed Onegin understands what kind of happiness he refused, rejecting Tatyana's love. Onegin's life does not make sense, since there was no place for love in it. Lensky, as a romantic poet, falls in love with Olga. Ideal for him female beauty, fidelity - everything in it. He not only loves her, he is passionately jealous of Olga for Onegin. He suspects her of treason, but as soon as Onegin leaves the evening dedicated to Tatyana's name day, Olga once again sincerely shows her affection and love for Lensky.


With all the differences in characters, temperaments and psychological type between Onegin and Lensky one cannot fail to notice a number of similarities:

They are opposed to the nobility, both in the city and in the countryside;

They strive to find the meaning of life, not limited to the "joys" of the circle of secular youth;

Broad mental interests - and history, and philosophy and moral questions and reading literary works.


The duel becomes a special tragic page in the relationship between Onegin and Lensky. Both heroes perfectly understand all the senselessness and futility of this duel, but neither of them could overcome the convention - public opinion. It was the fear of judgment from others that made the two friends stand at the barrier and point the muzzle of a pistol at the chest of their recent friend.

Onegin becomes a murderer, although according to the rules he does not commit murder, but only defends his honor. And Lensky goes to a duel in order to punish the universal evil, which at that moment, in his opinion, was concentrated in Onegin.

After the duel, Onegin leaves, he sets off to travel around Russia. He is no longer able to remain in that society, the laws of which force him to commit acts contrary to his conscience. It can be assumed that it was this duel that became the starting point from which serious changes in Onegin's character begin.

Tatyana Larina

The novel is named after Eugene Onegin, but in the text of the novel there is another heroine who can be fully called the main one - this is Tatiana. This is Pushkin's favorite heroine. The author does not hide his sympathy: “forgive me ... I love my dear Tatyana so much ...”, and, on the contrary, at every opportunity emphasizes his disposition towards the heroine.

This is how you can imagine the heroine:
What distinguishes Tatyana from representatives of her circle Tatiana compared to Onegin
. She is not like all society girls. There is no coquetry, affectation, insincerity, unnaturalness in it.
. She prefers solitude to noisy games, does not like to play with dolls, she likes to read books or listen to nurse's stories about the old days. And she also surprisingly feels and understands nature, this spiritual sensitivity makes Tatyana rather closer to common people than secular society.
. The basis of Tatiana's world - folk culture.
. Pushkin emphasizes the spiritual connection of a girl who grew up in the "village" with beliefs, folk traditions. It is no coincidence that an episode is included in the novel, which tells about Tatyana's fortune-telling and dream.
. There is a lot of intuitive, instinctive in Tatyana.
. This is a discreet and deep, sad and pure, believing and faithful nature. Pushkin endowed his heroine with wealth inner world and spiritual purity:
What is gifted from heaven
rebellious imagination,
Mind and will alive,
And wayward head
And with a fiery and tender heart...
Believes in ideal happiness, in love, creates in his imagination under the influence of reading French novels perfect image beloved.
Tatyana is somewhat similar to Onegin:
. The desire for loneliness, the desire to understand yourself and understand life.
. Intuition, insight, natural intelligence.
. The good disposition of the author to both characters.

It is difficult to find a writer in the world who would give so many of the greatest examples of creativity in various types living literary style, like A.S. Pushkin.

Among his main works is the novel "Eugene Onegin". What is the value of this novel?

"Eugene Onegin" is one of the most complex and important works poet. It is made in an innovative genre - in the style of "novel in verse".

The protagonist of the novel is Eugene Onegin. What is Onegin? A young man, a nobleman, whose birth caught the change of centuries: the eighteenth and nineteenth. regular secular society, "deep economy", philosopher, connoisseur of "science of tender passion". In society, he succeeded in everything. Educated, elegantly dressed, properly "cut", a connoisseur of Latin and dancing, an admirer of Adam Smith. He knew how to bow at ease, to be in time everywhere - to the theater, to the ballet, to receptions.

“What do you want more? The world decided
That he is smart and very nice."

But very quickly Onegin got tired of the tinsel and glitter, the noise and bustle of the world. “Feelings in him have cooled down,” betrayals are tired, “friends and friendship are tired.” And the ailment familiar to many called "Russian melancholy" began to take possession of him.

The soul of Eugene Onegin is not crippled by nature. It is corrupted by superficial things: the temptations of society, passions, inaction. Onegin is capable of doing good deeds: in his village he replaces corvée with "easy dues".

Onegin feels: the relations that have developed in society are false. There is no spark of truth in them, they are thoroughly saturated with hypocrisy. Onegin yearns; and this eternal longing for something worthwhile, true.

By the will of fate, Onegin finds himself in the village, where he meets Tatyana Larina, a thoughtful, dreamy county young lady. She writes to him love letter- and here the egoism and coldness of Onegin's soul are fully manifested. He teaches her life, reads her an insensitive rebuke, rejects her love.

The case brings Onegin to a young neighbor Lensky. Lensky is a romantic, he is far from reality, his feelings are genuine and direct. With Onegin, they are completely different. A quarrel arises between them, a duel follows, and Onegin kills Lensky in this duel. And then, with even greater longing from remorse for this involuntary, unnecessary villainy, he leaves to wander around Russia.

Onegin returns to St. Petersburg, meets again with Tatiana. But what is it? What a striking change. At the sight of Onegin, her eyebrow did not even move. An indifferent princess, an impregnable goddess.

What happens to Onegin? "Care of youth - love? .."

In his soul, previously cold and prudent, a tender feeling began to glow. But now he is rejected. Sacrificing her love and Onegin's love, Tatyana may have shown the main character the path to moral and spiritual rebirth.

Eugene Onegin is a product of a secular society, he observes the rules of decency, but at the same time, light is alien to him. The secret here lies not in society, but in itself. In his inability to work, to live with firm ideals and goals. He has no tasks to solve, he does not find true meaning in anything.

Why is Pushkin his hero, as the bearer of a lofty idea - human personality, her freedom and rights, puts her in such a strange position, why in the minds of this person is the hero unsuccessful and insolvent? The explanation here can be twofold. According to the first version, Pushkin created his hero under the influence of Byron, and thus Onegin is an echo of those heroes, "anxious types", imbued with skepticism and disappointment, which Western culture put forward at that time, and as such, being transplanted into foreign soil , they are actually unsuccessful and untenable here.

Another explanation may be that such "anxious types" could have arisen independently on Russian soil, thanks in part to the same Western culture on the one hand, and on the other hand, thanks to Russian life, which provided sufficient material for skepticism and for disappointment.

Their inconsistency and unsuitability for Russian life was first realized by Pushkin, and this consciousness penetrated into our public self-consciousness, which is proved by all our subsequent Russian literature. These "anxious types" continued to exist for a long time in our literature in the works of Lermontov, Griboedov, Turgenev and other authors, with the same character of inconsistency and unsuitability for Russian life.


Pushkin introduced into our public consciousness lofty idea of ​​the human personality, its freedom and its rights, but at the same time he introduced into our consciousness the fact that this lofty idea in our hands advanced people those who have both education and upbringing, often, and for the most part, breaks down on their personal egoism, as a result of which it does not bring the expected results. Whereas in the mass of the Russian people the idea flickers like a spark under a mass of ashes, and at every opportunity is ready to catch fire, moving the mass and each individual person to great feats.

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