Lesya Yaroslavskaya husband Andrey Kuzichev. Talented mother Lesya Yaroslavskaya


Wife, mother, girlfriend, author and performer. How a fragile girl can combine such qualities, the star editor found out website Alena Vashukevich. Lesya also spoke about the release of the new album, about the “new husband” and gave advice to our readers about what not to do in friendship.

website:Lesya, tell us what are you working on now? Are there any new projects?

Lesya: Now I'm recording new songs, three fresh compositions will be released soon. I perform one of the songs with a Belarusian rapper Ace Cape, with whom we already had experience, we shot a video for the song "When You're Away", it is actively rotated in Belarus and takes first place in the charts. Of course, I am preparing a lot of surprises for my fans.

website: What are your plans for the future?

website: Tell us about life after the Star Factory.

Lesya: Everything has completely changed, turned upside down. New life- saturated, dense. Tours were daily. 30 days - 30 cities. It happened that in one city there were several concerts. Another environment, opened for itself from the other side. This project has been life-changing for me.

website: Why did you decide to start a solo career?

Lesya: In fact, it so happened that in the group everything started to come to naught, unfortunately. I wanted to be creative. It was during this period that I began to write songs, showed my friends, and they convinced me that I should continue to compose and share my work. It so happened that at first they took my song as a soundtrack for the series. Then even more material began to appear, I realized that I like to perform my songs, and I started working solo.

website:Lesya, I know what you got new clip for the song "Be My Husband". Tell us what is his idea?

Lesya: We have been looking for a director for this video for a very long time. Scenarios were considered for six months - they also came from Ukraine, Belarus, Moscow. In the end, we agreed that there would be no definite scenario. Just a kaleidoscope of relationships. All this must be shown in three minutes. specific scenario plan did not have. We worked with the director, with whom we have already filmed four works - this is Georgy Volev. I did not regret it, I think that the clip turned out to be interesting. Despite the fact that he was a big budget, he justified himself. For the role of a man in this video, I invited an actor Vladimir Yaglych He also liked the result. The clip is rotated on television, but not to the extent that I would like. The main thing is that people perceive it with great warmth. I see on the internet a large number of confessions - when girls play this song to their young people or sing it for them. As an author, this pleases me. I wanted the girls to sing this song themselves, and on the Internet I announced a competition for the best performance of my hit with a prize, of course. Company Olimpus supported me - they will give the winner a new camera with a selfie function, and the design house Ksenia Knyazeva will provide any dress of your choice. I myself would be glad to participate for such gifts, but I will be happy to present prizes to worthy participants. The main thing is that the girls have time to send a video in the Vkontakte group "Be My Husband" until February 14th.

website: What inspires you to write new songs?

Lesya: Sometimes I put myself specific tasks. For example, what happened with the song "Juicy Summer": I dreamed of writing a song that would evoke vivid memories of the sea, the sun. It should be explosive, juicy, like orange juice. For a very long time I asked other authors to write such a song for me, but this did not happen. I was driving along the highway, and at some point the first lines appeared: "Juicy summer in a dress is dressed." The biggest praise was when a letter came from office workers: “Lesya, we are sitting in stuffy Moscow, the authorities don’t give holidays, we listen to your track all week.” It was very pleasant, gave a huge boost of energy.

website: Are you inspired by your fans?

Lesya: Certainly! There are situations when something happens in my life or in the lives of my friends that motivates me to create. For example, the song "Wake Up Love" appeared when one couple of my friends broke up, I was very worried and wrote this composition. Moreover, it turned out only the third time, because the tears when writing it did not allow me to finish. I think I managed to convey my emotions.

website: You have been married for so long, tell me, what is the secret of such a long relationship?

Lesya: First of all, boundless trust in each other. I believe that love can happen in everyone's life, but it takes a lot of work to maintain a relationship. It seems to many that feelings have appeared ... And nothing needs to be done further. But from this moment begins the most main job but this job should be a thrill. Needs to be filled to the max free time each other. When people start to relax apart, this is the first sign that people are not comfortable together. Or, when, for example, couples visit very often and rarely stay alone with each other ... This also suggests that they are bored together, there is nothing to talk about. Andrey and I really love each other, we always try to be together. I don't even want to go on vacation without it. I feel comfortable when he is around. We put up very quickly, and this is probably also one of the reasons why we have been together for so long. Previously, when we quarreled, they tried to measure their strengths, characters and waited for someone to come up first. Then they realized that wasting their lives on absurd quarrels is stupid.

We want to be together, so we try to make each other happy.

Shot from the filming of the video "Be my husband"

website: How does your husband feel about your activities?

Lesya: Now it's normal. He used to think that show business would spoil me. Many men showed up. In fact, they have always been and still meet, those who express their sympathy and admiration. Naturally, you need to be a persistent person and not be led to provocations. He knows that I will not allow myself too much. If there are excessive courtship, then I myself will fight back. Andrei understands that this is part of my profession, because I am a singer.

website: Was it hard in the Tootsie group? It's all just girls...

Lesya: In any team there are different stories and we are no exception. When you come to work, you have an 8-hour schedule, and then you run home, plunge into family life. And we had such a situation that we were with each other 24 hours a day, month after month, we did not see our loved ones.

Lesya Yaroslavskaya as part of the Tutsi group

Group "Tootsie" became part of my family.

We've been through so much, we've been through so much together. Well, of course, they didn't quite get it right. Were young, fame fell unexpectedly. We did not appreciate what was happening at that moment. Now that I have started my solo career, I understand everything. I myself have to knock on the doors of program directors. Sometimes it is very difficult to agree on the production of my songs. And before it was at the snap of a finger, everything was decided for us by our favorite producer Viktor Drobysh. I was madly in love with the group and never had ambitions about solo work. If the group functioned normally, we would probably sing even now. But there must be a limit to everything - it is impossible to sing in women's group. Moreover, when you write songs yourself, you can feel more and tell people about yourself. It is difficult for me to pick up a repertoire written by someone else.

website: Do you keep in touch with the rest of the group?

Lesya: From morning to evening I communicate with Iroy Ortman And Masha Weber. We are almost sisters now. I know more about them than their close people, and they probably know about me too. Permanent Secrets, permanent advice. Now we see each other less often, but we are in touch 24 hours a day. We love each other very much. For all family holidays girls come with me, and I'm very glad that I have them.

website:Do you believe in female friendship? And do you think she was in your group?

Lesya: I can't say that she was specifically in the girl group, we had different moments. At first, there was a misunderstanding with Ira, Masha, Nastya - we rubbed each other. Moreover, there were four of us, and it always turned out that two by two, wall to wall. Now I perceive it with humor, this is life, this is normal. After some time, we learned to communicate, and friendship turned out of this - it's great. Such friendship with kindred relations. But specifically in female friendship, I do not really believe. In order to be friends, girls must be in equal weight categories in terms of everything. In terms of family, career, appearance.

I had such situations in my life when I plunged headlong into friendship, and then faced a lot of betrayals.

I believe more in female-male friendship. Male and female friendship is based, however it may be, on sympathy. Without this, there can be no friendship, people should be nice to each other. I have a few male friends in my life that I can rely on. I value friendship and know how to be friends. If you need any help from me, I will always help in any way I can. If I can't help, I'm very worried about it.

There should be no selfishness in friendship, you need to be able to hear each other. When a person feels bad, you need to be able to hear him, accept the situation. No need to impose your presence if a friend wants to be alone. It is impossible to teach this - a person either knows how to be friends, or not. It happens that in friendship a person believes that everyone should revolve around him. Sometimes such selfishness brings friendship to naught. You must love the people who surround you, and everything else will tell the heart.

Name: Lesya Yaroslavskaya

Age: 37 years

Family status: Married

Lesya Yaroslavskaya: biography

Lesya Yaroslavskaya - Russian pop singer, who became famous after participating in the project "Star Factory 3", in which the young lady, together with her colleagues on the show, and Anastasia Krainova in 2004 formed Music band"Tootsie". After the breakup of the group, the artist began a solo career.

Childhood and youth

Olesya Vladimirovna Yaroslavskaya was born on March 20, 1981 in the city of Severomorsk (Murmansk region). The mother of the performer of the song “Come back” taught vocals all her life at a local music school and his father is a retired major. From the biography of the singer it is known that she has younger sister Masha, with whom Olesya still keeps in touch.

Yaroslavskaya began to sing at the age of five. Then she often performed at concerts and at various holidays celebrated in the Northern Fleet, sharing the stage with her mother. At the age of 7, Lesya and her parents moved to Naro-Fominsk (Moscow Region) and entered a music school there, after which she continued her studies at the Moscow Regional high school arts.

Having received a diploma of a vocal teacher, in 2002 the singer immediately entered the second year of the Institute of Contemporary Art, and after the winter session of the first year of study, she transferred to the third.

Even in her youth, Yaroslavskaya became the winner of many competitions: "Golden Microphone" (1998, 2000), "Young Talents of the Moscow Region" (1995), TV competition "Victoria" (1998), Moscow International Army Song Festival "Vivat, Victory!".


Before the "Star Factory", the performer of the song "Blue Eyes" was known not only in Naro-Fominsk, but also in the navy. Yaroslavskaya often performed at various concert venues and even for a couple of months she taught vocals in the house of culture.

The young lady got to the "Star Factory" by accident. In an interview with media representatives, the artist told this story more than once. On the day she was called to the project, my mother went to the country, leaving youngest daughter under the supervision of an elder.

Lesya Yaroslavskaya at the "Star Factory"

A couple of hours after Yaroslavskaya's departure, the organizers of the "First in the Army" action called and invited the vocalist to sing in the Taman division. The girl, without a second thought, took her sister by the hand and together they went to the place where the concert was to be held. After the speech CEO Channel One, present at the event that day, invited young talent in a popular show.

It is worth noting that even before this fateful meeting, Olesya, together with her friend, planned to apply for participation in the project and pass the casting. It is noteworthy that after the proposal for participation Olesya did not immediately leave for Moscow.

Before becoming a full member of the Star Factory, the young lady went around all the star teachers in a week, and also passed a medical commission. Moreover, the girl was more afraid of examining doctors than listening. The fact is that the artist has had heart problems since childhood. Therefore, Yaroslavskaya was afraid that this circumstance would not allow her to go further, but fortunately, everything worked out.

Once in the star house, every day I got up at six in the morning and went to bed after midnight. The moment that she slept for three or four hours did not bother the vocalist then. According to the singer, she was ready not to sleep at all, just to fulfill her cherished dream.

During the period of participation in the show, the family fully supported Lesya, and when the opening of Factory-3 was shown, the telephone did not stop for a second in the Yaroslavsky house. Relatives and friends called from different parts of the world, congratulating the artist's mother and father on the fact that their daughter got to the "Star Factory". The former colleagues of the head of the family, and classmates, and classmates of the performer of the song "Become my husband" did not stand aside.

Despite the colossal support of relatives and friends, on the project of Yaroslavskaya, who got into the star house at the very last moment life was hard. The girl had no conflicts with her colleagues, but she was very homesick and wrote letters to mom and dad every day.

Lesya Yaroslavskaya in the Tootsie group

After the Star Factory 3 project, Lesya, along with Irina Ortman, Anastasia Krainova and Maria Weber, became part of the Tutsi pop group. The group was formed in 2004, when the graduates of the project went to the producer for further cooperation. Initially, the team was supposed to have five members, but even before the debut, Sofia Kuzmina left.

In the year of creation, the first song "Tootsi" - "The Most-Most" (a remake of the song by Vicki Fersh) was also released. It was this composition that brought the team popularity. The self-titled album was released in 2005 and was met with rather cool reviews. music critics, despite the fact that the track list included the single "I love him", co-written with.

In 2007, the Cappuccino album appeared on the shelves, and a year later Olesya left the group due to pregnancy, and Natalya Rostova took her place. Olesya returned to Tootsie a couple of months after the birth of her daughter. In the new line-up, the group shot a video for the song "It would be bitter", which was the last for all members of the team.

Final creative decline came in 2010. Then Anastasia Krainova recorded a solo album, Irina Ortman and Olesya Yaroslavskaya also began to pursue solo careers, and in 2012 the group broke up.

Personal life

Few people know, but after the end of the Star Factory project, the charismatic singer was invited to Dom-2 as a host, but then the artist preferred music and refused the opportunity to work on the same platform with.

Today Yaroslavskaya - caring mother And loving wife. The singer is happily married to Andrei Kuzichev. In August 2008, Olesya gave her husband a daughter, whom happy parents named Elizabeth.

Lesya Yaroslavskaya now

In 2017, the singer leads an active social life: attends film premieres, participates in photo shoots and does charity work. Despite being busy, the Star Factory graduate finds time to create new songs, promising fans to release a new track in the near future.

Among other things, in

” №4/2015 13.04.16

Popular pop singer Lesya Yaroslavskaya talks about succession family values who help her raise her daughter.

Soloist famous group"Tootsie" Lesya Yaroslavskaya gave concerts not only in our country, but also abroad, as a member of the group she recorded two albums and starred in six wonderful videos, among which are the audience's favorite "I love him", "Bitter chocolate" and others . Now Lesya Yaroslavskaya pays a lot of attention to her solo career as a songwriter and performer. And of course, she is engaged in the most important thing in the life of any mother - raising her daughter Lizaveta. Read our interview with Lesya Yaroslavskaya.

Lesya, your dad is a military man, and your mom is a music worker. How did it happen that in your life you united the destinies of the family, because your husband is a military man, and you are a singer?
When we got together as a family festive table, everyone was waiting for the grandfather to start playing the harmonica, and the grandmother to start singing. And then there was general fun, everyone sang and danced. So music has been in my life since childhood. And that my husband is a military man, this is probably thanks to my dad. From childhood, the example of my father, a noble, strong and just man, was before my eyes. My husband Andrey corresponded to this standard of a man. And most importantly, a great, sincere feeling immediately arose.

Did your mother want you to connect your life with music?
My mother took care of my musical and singing education with early childhood and tried to get me into it. She took me to the stage at the age of 4. Through my whims and tears, my mother nevertheless achieved that everything began to turn out naturally for me. Music lessons began to give me great pleasure. Now I can easily pick up any music, accompany myself or my colleagues in any key. So it was at the "Factory", and at concerts, when the technique failed. Mom's lessons help.

Where did you meet your husband?
In the Kantemirovskaya division, where I performed at a gala evening. Andrei decided to come to such an event for the first time.

Did he immediately win your heart?
Oh yeah! As soon as Andrey entered the hall, it was as if I had a flash inside. I realized that this is my man. And he felt, began to care.

Was the courtship period long?
We got married a year and a half later. First they got married, and then they signed. All in one day.

Why did you put off having a baby?
We did not have housing, after the wedding we lived in the garrison house of officers in the office in English without basic amenities. And so I wanted to bring the baby to my own apartment! On Christmas night, my husband prepared a festive dinner, set the table and waited for me to arrive. And that day I took a test and found out that I was pregnant. In a solemn atmosphere, I told him this news. We were overjoyed! And when they told their parents the next day, dad, with whom I have a very close relationship, for some reason asked: “What are we going to feed the child with?”

How was the birth?
It so happened that in the fourth month of pregnancy I had a car accident, and I was brought to the clinic of the Sechenov Academy with the threat of a miscarriage. There, Raisa Alekseevna Chilova saved me and the child. Then she took our daughter. Huge thanks to her!

Already six months after giving birth, you continued to perform as part of the Tutsi group. Who helped you raise Lisa?
Of course, mom. She always helps me out. Although I myself try to spend all my free time with my daughter. We like to watch movies together, walk in the park, master skiing and rollerblading.

Is your daughter a musical child?
Her hearing was not immediately discovered, but my mother and I, as teachers, knew that it could be developed. And so it happened. Mom is currently working at kindergarten where my daughter goes. And Lizaveta sings at matinees.

What else is she into?
Lisa is successfully engaged in a choreographic school, and also attends art school. I think it is very important that the child is engaged in vocational schools. Liza has a designer vein: she can create from any, in my opinion, rubbish three-dimensional picture or original craft.

Are you raising her strict?
I really want her to be unspoiled. But I can't always be strict. But her dad, though she loves, but brings up in severity.

What do you think is important in raising a child?
You need to be able to hear a child, talk to him, explain why this is possible, and this is not, and give him the right to choose, and not insist on his own. I want us to have a good, trusting relationship.

How do you see your daughter's future?
I think that the profession of an artist or designer would be very suitable for her.

You are an active participant in many charity events held to support disabled children. Is this the command of the soul?
Yes, if I had a greater financial opportunity, I could help the children even more. Except financial assistance I take part in charity concerts I urge people to help sick children. And a lot of people respond.

Planning to expand your family?
I want two more kids. There should be many children in the family. I am very close to my sister, although we are 13 years apart. And Lisa in New Year said: “Why did I ask Santa Claus for a phone, I needed a brother or sister!”.

Interviewed by Violetta Kolokolkina
Photo by Svetlana Vieru and from family archive Lesia Yaroslavskaya


The husband of Victoria Tolstoganova considers treason to be a manifestation of promiscuity

The husband of Victoria Tolstoganova considers treason to be a manifestation of promiscuity

Actor Andrei KUZICHEV turned 40 years old. For superstitious reasons, men do not celebrate this date. Nevertheless, we decided to congratulate the artist, who has long moved from the rank of "Victoria TOLSTOGANOVA's husband" to the rank of a talented actor. On the eve of the anniversary, our correspondent met with Andrei in a Moscow cafe. Over a cup of tea, Kuzichev shared the most intimate.

I very clearly feel my age, although many are sure that I am much younger, - said the actor. - You know, life has changed, at least in the last two years. (Probably, here Andrei means frequent quarrels with his wife Victoria Tolstoganova; In the spring of this year, it was actively discussed in the theater party that the couple had officially divorced at all due to the fact that Vika met another man and went to him. However, Kuzichev and Tolstoganova themselves refuse to comment on changes in their personal lives. - V.R.). A lot of things don't matter. Previously, I wanted to go to different parties, but now it’s clear that this doesn’t give anything new in life.

- Andrew, sorry for the tactless question. Did you and Vika really break up?
- (After a short pause.) I read about it in the papers. Gossip spreads very quickly, and everyone begins to actively discuss it. Everything that is written, I take it easy. Used to.
- But after all, they wrote more than once (and this information was illustrated with corresponding pictures), your wife appears everywhere with another man ...
- It's funny to exaggerate. Vika and I share everything with each other. She is the closest person to me.
- Can you imagine that you fell in love and left your wife?
- I do not believe in these passions. It's promiscuity - at least for me. I have never allowed myself to do this and never will. I am not responsible for others.

adult actions

- What feelings did you experience when you became a father, when your daughter Varya was born?
- Now I don’t remember my feelings, but very positive, cosmic ones. Babies are not born human. but aliens. And when you look at an alien whose existence you did not believe, it becomes simply amazing. A lot has changed since her arrival. For me, now all women are a little daughter. They are all small...
- And who came up with such an unusual name for a girl?
- By Christmas time, she is Ulyana. But Vika and her mother insisted that their daughter be Varya. At first I didn’t really like this name, since our teacher at GITIS Natalya Alekseevna Zvereva said: “No! But not Barbara! You will spoil the child's life - so many "p", an explosive name! This is how Varya turned out: very active - she can smash everything around.

- Tell us about your parents.
“Unfortunately, they are no longer alive. Mom was glad that I became an actor. She once studied ballet and her dream of a stage was embodied in me. My father passed away without waiting for my film works. I'm a late child.
- Did they manage to attend your wedding with Vika?
- We managed, although there was no wedding, as such. We signed on August 9, 1996, and the day before I wrote a note to my parents (they were in the country, and we were in Moscow): “You are invited to Moscow on the occasion of your son’s marriage.” They arrived a little overwhelmed. We drank champagne, and in the evening Vika and I left to celebrate a wedding with friends.
- Was the stamp in your passport so important to you?
- Then I was already 26 years old. The institute is behind, which means that a certain stage in life has ended and adulthood has begun. You have to do adult things too.

Became a woman

- In the play "Twelfth Night" you play a woman. Was it difficult to get used to the character?
- In this performance, I tried my best to avoid transvestism, gay hints. Playing a woman is hard work. At one time, many great artists reincarnated as a lady: Kalyagin, Tabakov. My Vika watched the performance with my participation - she liked it. After all, she, like me, also played Viola in Twelfth Night, but in a different production.
- By the way, can you put in a good word to the director for your wife, or is she for you?
- Victoria can put in a good word for me, but I will never do it for her! I am not asking for anyone or anyone. And for myself as well.

- Did it happen that the amount of the fee for the role is good, but the script is not very good?
- I have never been tempted by the amount of the fee. Of course, money is important to me - the family is big. But I prefer such roles for which I will not be ashamed later in front of my children.
- Is it more difficult to play with your spouse than with a “strange aunt”?
- Easier. We played together in the film "May". Vika helped me a lot, prompted. Who else will tell you, if not a dear dear person ?!
- Andrey, can anything surprise you?
- good movie or a performance. Of the last seen, I really liked the picture “Simple Things”. Excellent directorial work. I recommend to everyone!

Olesya Yaroslavskaya was born on March 20, 1981 in closed city Severomorsk, Murmansk region. Olesya's father was a military man, and his mother music worker. Her parents named her Olesya in honor of the popular song "Alesya" from the repertoire of the Belarusian VIA "Syabry". Mom Irina, a vocal teacher, instilled in her daughter a love of music from early childhood and at the age of four she first brought Lesya to the stage of the Severomorsk Palace of Culture to jointly perform the song "Unnecessary Letters". In 1988, the girl moved with her parents to the city of Naro-Fominsk in the Moscow region.

Studying at the Naro-Fominsk Children's Music School No. 3 in piano, and studying in various circles of the garrison officers' house, the girl constantly performs at concerts held in the city. Later, Lesya begins to study in vocal-variety studio"Constellation" at the Naro-Fominsk Regional Palace of Culture "Zvezda" and takes part in all kinds of singing and music competitions and festivals, where he won his first creative awards.

Together with other artists, Lesya often performs at concert venues in Moscow and the Moscow region, tours. In 1996, she traveled with concerts, from the youth department, to the Northern Fleet, performed in her hometown Severomorsk, on the aircraft carrier "Admiral of the Fleet Soviet Union Kuznetsov. The young singer becomes a laureate of the competitions "Victoria", "Golden Microphone", Moscow international festival army song "Vivat, Victory!" and in other competitions and music festivals.

After graduating from high school secondary school No. 4 of Naro-Fominsk Lesya Yaroslavskaya enters the Moscow Regional School of Arts at the pop-jazz faculty, which she graduates with a red diploma in the specialty “vocal teacher”. In 2001, the young singer entered the Moscow Institute contemporary art. Lesya also graduated from the Institute with honors, having received the specialty " pop vocal". In college and at the institute, she studied with another soloist of the Tutsi group, Irina Ortman. At the same time, the girl begins to work in her specialty as a vocal teacher in the House children's creativity them. Vera Voloshina of the city of Naro-Fominsk. In 2001, Lesya Yaroslavskaya marries Andrei Kuzichev, officer of the Kantemirovskaya Guards Tank Division.

In 2003, Lesya Yaroslavskaya got on the reality show of the First Channel "Star Factory 3" under the direction of Alexander Shulgin. Having stayed on the TV show for more than two months, the girl leaves the project, losing according to the results of the voting of the audience and participants of the Star Factory-3.

At the end of Star Factory-3, Lesya signs a contract with REAL Records and producer Iosif Prigozhin, and, together with the rest of the project participants, leaves for a long-term tour of 140 cities of the country. During this period, famous composer And music producer Victor Drobysh came up with the idea to create a female pop group "Tutsi" and Lesya became one of the members of this group, entering its "golden" composition.

Over the 8 years of its existence, the Tutsi group recorded 2 albums: “The most, the most” and “Cappuccino”, 6 clips were shot: “The most, the most”, “I love him”, “Bitter chocolate”, “By itself”, “ One Hundred Candles” and “A Cup of Cappuccino”. "Tootsi" performed with concerts not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world.

In 2008, Olesya Yaroslavskaya leaves for maternity leave and on August 27, her daughter Elizabeth is born. Six months after the birth of her daughter, Lesya returns to the team and again begins touring with the group.

In 2010 she starts recording songs own composition. The song “Not with me” in 2011 gets into the soundtrack for the television series “Random Witness” and the singer decides to shoot a video for it on her own. Having received permission from the group's producer Viktor Drobysh, Lesya Yaroslavskaya begins to pursue a solo career.

In October 2012, a video was released for the song "The Heart Worries", which Lesya Yaroslavskaya also wrote herself. She starred in the video for the song "Forever" performed by Irina Ortman and Alexander Kireev. Will participate in the 4th season of the show One to One.

Lesya Yaroslavskaya is often invited to television and radio, with her participation many programs have been recorded on all-Russian and Moscow television channels, the singer is a frequent guest on the pages of various printed publications.

Lesya Yaroslavskaya is an active participant in charity events for children and the disabled, held by various well-known companies, firms and public organizations. Lesya Yaroslavskaya took part in the action of the Charitable Foundation for Helping Children with Cerebral Palsy "Step Towards" Gosha Kutsenko, participated in the action "Mac Happy Day" as a cashier in one of the McDonald's restaurants in Moscow, along with other stars Russian stage, cinema and politics, she took part in the Rainbow of Summer charity art project to help children from the Otradnoye social rehabilitation center.

The singer devotes a lot of time to popularizing the traditions of patronage in Russia. In an interview with Okhotnichiy Dvor magazine, Lesya spoke about her attitude to charity in the following way: “I can’t speak for everyone, but personally I have a need to help people. If I can, if I feel the strength in myself - why not help those who need it? Whenever possible, I try to take part in raising funds for children for treatment and medicines. It’s great when there are also charitable foundations that take care of those in need.”

Lesya has repeatedly been a member various concerts for military personnel both as part of a group and solo, she visited the combat zones in the North Caucasus, more than once spoke to Russians who performed their duty outside the Fatherland, as well as soldiers of special forces of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Has medals public associations: "Union of paratroopers of Russia" "For service in the North Caucasus", etc.

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