Scenario plan for the day of the dance. Scenario of the dance game program "Dance with us"



The man was born cheerful.
Changed fashions and rhythms too,
But we can't live without dancing


Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and in the hour of leisure
Cheerful dance was the best friend.


Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

2. Sounds "Fanfare"

presenter .We are glad to welcome you to our hot party! Today we will see a hot battle between Stilyagi and representatives of Chicago!! Hooray!!!

I can not hear! Are you ready to rock today? A? You are ready to see the real Dance Slaughter here!

To light you up even more, and so that your energy is enough for the whole hot dance night, and I invite to this stage those without whom our show today will not start!!

Leading . And I want to introduce you to our jury.

3. Sounds "Black and White"

The exit of the dancers.

Leading . An incredible feeling of brightness, unbridled happiness, freedom and drive - that's what distinguishes dudes! They will try to create for you the atmosphere of those years when our parents were not even in the project! rock-n-roll, boogie-woogie, twist - our grandparents burned to the fullest to this music, conspiring from ideological Komsomol members. Crazy ties, puffy skirts. Well then, welcome!
By the way, the dude girl was called dude, or babe. and the boys are dude.

Stilyagi, what is your motto?

Leading . With the words "Chicago, 20-30s" we immediately imagine gangsters, prohibition and alcohol smuggling, Al Capone, jazz ... Chicago of the 30s, which means that style, jazz, spectacular glamorous ladies, money, passion...

Chicago, what was your motto for our party?

Leading. And we have the first round"Business card" teams present us with a quick dance.

4. Sounds "Leningrad rock and roll"

Leading. Well, now it's time to get acquainted with the jazz band from Chicago

5. Sounds "Fast Chicago"

Leading . We continue to turn up the fun and charge the batteries of energy! Turn on your speed and charm - you will need them in our next round!

So I call the round"Dance battle" team forward!

6. Sounds "Battle"

Leading. In the meantime, we continue to have fun and dance!Dancing is not only an opportunity for dance self-expression, it is, first of all, an opportunity to communicate and spend time in a circle of like-minded people. Now we will give the dancers a break, and I am pleased to invite the guys from grade 11 to the stage with my musical gift.

Number 11 class.

Leading. Friends, Thanks a lot for such a wonderful gift!
And now I want to invite our charming members to the dance floor. How many charming girls! I'm already dizzy ... And when will our small competition, I'm afraid I will become completely uneasy ... from excitement and delight, of course.

All dancers dance in pairs and must be able to get out of any situation.

And I announce the next round of “Dance on the Newspaper”, whoever has more pairs left will win this Round.

So the most romanticRound "Dance on the Newspaper"

7. Sounds "dance on the newspaper"

Leading. And now I'd really like to hear if there are Hipster fans here (applause), but fans of the Gang of Chicago. Amazing? They will be very helpful right now. So, Stilyagi and Chicago decided to decorate a Christmas tree, but they did not take toys and decorations. Dear fans, it is in your power to help them, give them as much as you can into the box. Who will collect more jewelry? All decorations are handed over to the jury. So, while the music is playing, we collect decorations in the hall for 2 people from Stilyagi and from Chicago. We choose a Christmas tree from the dancers and dress it up in what God sent.

8.Music for the competition.

Leading. And I invite the 9th grade to the stage with my musical gift.

Number 9 class.

Leading. Our show is gaining momentum, what Stilyagi and gangs from Chicago can't sing. And I announceRound Battle of the Choirs. So, we present to the audience a choir from Chicago. Fans can sing along.

9. Song Chicago "Provence"

Leading . Well, on stage, the choir Stilyag.

10.Song Dude " Black and white color»

Leading. It's time for the Masterclass. We need volunteers for this round. Those who wish, please go to the dance floor. You can also invite people from the jury. So, now the dance mix will sound, your task is to teach volunteers to dance. The dudes start, the song plays, everyone dances with the dudes, as soon as the song changes, everyone dances with Chicago, the next song of the Dudes, then Chicago, etc.

11. Mix master class sounds.

Leading. And now we'll see whose team is friendlier, more united and more danceable.. You can invite your fans. I explain the problem. You should stand in a column and take each other by the waist. There is a plastic cup in front of you, while dancing you must pass over the cup, and I will complicate the task (I substitute the cups wide)

12. Sounds "Lambada"

(Dudes one way, Chicago the other)

Leading. Well, now is the time to look at the romantic compositions of our dancers. On the Chicago dance floor

13. Slow Chicago "Men's World".

Leading. And the final dance of Stilyag.

14. Slow Dudes "Let everything be as you want"

Leading. While our jury accepts important decision, I invite grade 10 to the stage with a musical gift

Room 10 class

We give the floor to the jury.

Rewarding. presenting gifts from Santa Claus

Leading . Dear our viewers!

You are always for us Light source,

And the guys are all, as if by agreement

Dressed in bright costumes

And dance today only for you!

After all, for them the radiance of your eyes -

Best Award for the effort

Better than any of the praises

And they have one desire -

Just to bring joy to you!

Danced for you today

Maslov Alexander and Merkulova Anya, Tkachenko Vika and Bessonov Dmitry, Tovstik Evgeny and Shatalova Svetlana, Varnachkina Irina and Maxim Zharkikh, Zabelin Dmitry and Zubkova Polina, Bezyaeva Vika and Sukhorukov Ilya, Michurina Alexandra and Drozdov Viktor, Zhdanova Kristina, and Ageev Dmitry, Prokopenko Karina and Mikhail Degtyarev, Fedorov Vladimir and Klimenko Anatasia.

All this applause to you!!!

And I invite our charming girls from the Jury to the stage. The song is a gift for you.

15. Sounds "Happy New Year country"

The dancers are dancing.

It's time to say: "Before new meeting!»,

I wish you success in the New Year,

This evening of dancing may not take place at the school itself, but in some cafe or club with an extensive dance floor. This, of course, will be more expensive, but teachers-organizers will be calmer.

The dances themselves at the evening should alternate with competitions and draws, so that students are unlikely to get bored. And of course, we need such a leader who could involve as many children as possible, including the most modest ones, in action.

The first step is to unite everyone in one big dancing circle so that the guys feel more liberated. The leader comes to the middle of the platform.


You came to dance, right? But I haven't seen how you can move yet. Come on, show me your dancing skills. No, guys, that's not going to work. I see, after all, not everyone came here to dance. Many decided to settle down or, even worse, to sit out. This will not work! Let's organize one big circle.

All participants stand in a circle, in the middle of which is the Leader.

Look closely at your neighbors on the left and right. Do you notice anything? Then notice that we all have hands. Noticed? Wonderful! A very valuable observation! Now take your right hand neighbor's hand on the right. And we begin to dance, as in early childhood on the Christmas tree. Only at the same time everyone should say: “We all have hands!”

Everyone begins to move in a circle around the Leader, saying: “We all have hands!”


Now take a closer look at your neighbors. What else have you discovered? That's right, everyone has necks! We hug the neighbor on the right by the neck. Gentle, gentle... No need to be rude! And we continue the round dance, only now everyone says: “We have necks!” Joyful, happier! You should be glad that you have necks! Pay attention to your neighbor again. What a coincidence! We all have shoulders! We take on the shoulder of a neighbor! Repeat after me: “We all have shoulders!” We look at the neighbor even more carefully! We notice that we all have waists. Well, someone has it more, someone less, but everyone has it without exception. We hold on to each other's waists and say: "We all have waists!" Yes, we've dealt with that. Let's pay attention to the more piquant places of your neighbors. Of course I mean the ears! Hold your neighbor by the ear! We repeat: “We all have ears!” Do we have noses? Of course have. Follow me: "We all have noses!" Let's not stop the dance! Faster Faster!

The round dance speeds up its movement.


We all have chins! Faster! We all have hair! We all have fingers! Now let's run! We all have elbows! We all have legs!

Usually, at this point in the game, a merry mess begins, since it is very inconvenient to run in a round dance, holding on to a neighbor's leg.


All! Stopped! Now you see how much we have in common! See that everyone has the same body parts! That is, we are all equally created for dancing. So why don't we dance then?!

The music turns on, the guys dance. But the Leader does not allow them to relax for a long time.


And now the first competition. All couples are invited to participate. Who does not have a pair, choose! Dear young men! The essence of this competition is that you dance not only with your partner, but also with balloon tied to her leg. Disassemble the balls! Ring your partners with them.

The youths are tied Balloons to the ankles of their partners for a string. It is best to use small balls in this game that are difficult to hit.

On my command, you begin to dance. As I said, the task of the young men is to keep the ball of their partner intact. In addition, you also need to crush the balls of other people's partners with your foot. The pair whose balloon burst is out of the game. And the winner will be the pair that has kept their ball intact and unharmed. Go! Let's music!

Rhythmic music plays. Couples dance, dodging other people's legs. Those whose balloon has burst stand at the edges of the dance floor. In the end, the winning couple is announced. They are given a small prize. Music sounds. The guys are dancing.

After a short period of time, the Host again interrupts the dance for the competition.


You surely know about famous dances on the newspaper. Have any of you ever danced on a newspaper? Now such an opportunity will present itself. Here are your mini dance floors...

Spreads several newspapers on the floor.

All couples wishing to show their art of dancing in miniature squares, please come to me. Each pair is given a newspaper. Just don't read them! They need to dance. Get on the papers! Your task during the dance is not to leave them. Everything is pretty easy, isn't it? Well, let's see how easy it will be for you, and if you can handle the task.

Since the Leader did not warn that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe newspaper under each couple would gradually decrease, the task may seem too easy for unsuspecting young dancers. However, during the dance, the Leader gradually tears off a piece from each newspaper. The area for dancing decreases each time. The winner is the one who lasts the longest on a piece of newspaper. Usually the winner is the one who keeps his partner in his arms the longest. After the awarding of prizes, ten to fifteen minutes of dancing follow. Then the Host again gathers everyone for a new competition.


Everything flows, everything changes... Why am I?.. Ah, yes, the music is changing, we are changing after it. Can you change as many times as the music changes? What does it mean? Now you will see! I ask everyone who wants to come to me. We will dance alone, but couples can also participate. Only then the prize will have to be divided by two. The task, at first glance, is quite simple: with your movements to match sounding music. Now our DJ will start his mix of various melodies, and you will try to match them with your body movements. If there are any surprises during the competition... I mean musical surprises... Don't get lost. The main thing is to keep dancing and not stop for a minute. This competition will be won by the one who best captures the changes in music. Please, DJ, start bullying the dancers!

The “surprise” lies in the fact that the DJ really turns on a crazy mix of many melodies following one after another in an absolutely free sequence: for example, after 10 seconds of slow music, 20 seconds of fast music follow, which suddenly gives way to a tango that sounds like half a minute. The tango abruptly transitions to disco rhythms that only last about five seconds. And so on.

Musical passages should be different in length, rhythm, style. Include in the soundtrack an excerpt from " swan lake". See how the dancers will "switch" from disco to Tchaikovsky. Several times the DJ turns off the soundtrack altogether, and the dancers need to imitate silence, while not ceasing to move, as agreed. If one of the participants hesitated, the Host immediately reminds that there was a condition not to interrupt the dance.

After the competition, the results are summed up, the most artistic participant (or the most artistic and well-coordinated couple) is selected, whose movements most corresponded to all musical fragments, including those when the music subsided.

After this contest dance program continues, and for fifteen minutes the guys dance to the music chosen by the DJ. After a while, the Leader appears imperceptibly among the dancers. He is clearly going to play pranks and is now organizing a "snake". Grabbing the hand of one of the dancers, he pulls him along, he picks up the third dancer, he, in turn, the fourth, etc. The “snake” moves around the hall, skirting the dancers and gathering more and more participants. Finally, all participants dance evening become involved in a single movement.

When the “snake” gathers everyone into itself, its “head”, that is, the Leader, begins to twist the chain in a spiral. As a result, the "snake" turns out to be coiled. The beginning of the "snake" is somewhere in the middle of the rings, and it is already impossible to get out of there. This is where the movement ends. Everyone starts noisily unraveling the rings.


And now it's the turn to show themselves to our guys. Guys, come on, come to me. Now let's see which of you are Robinhoods, Chinganchguks, Napoleons and Gagarins. At the beginning of the evening, our girls had to dance with balls on their feet. Some of them are still experiencing this fact ... Now the girls will stand aside and watch the boys. Only in the beginning will need your help, girls. Tie these matchboxes from behind to the belts of our young men with threads. Just do it in such a way that the boxes touch the floor.

Girls tie empty matchboxes to boys' belts. The boxes must touch the floor so that they can be stepped on.


Do you know, Robinhoods, that it is now very fashionable to wear a matchbox on the back, tied with a thread to the belt? Do not know?! So, I'm telling you about it. Envy each other, because now you will all have boxes hanging on your belt. But everyone can't be equally cool, right? Everyone can't carry matchboxes. So, Chinganchguki, your task consists of three parts: firstly, you need to beautifully perform a dance to the music offered to you, and secondly, deprive as many of your opponents as possible of the opportunity to have boxes on their belts, and simply put, step on a neighbor’s box and rip it off the thread with your foot. Thirdly, and this is the most difficult thing, you need to protect your own box from the insidious encroachments of your opponents. The horseman who keeps his box on his belt will win. This is going to be really cool. Begin!

Rhythmic music sounds, the young men jump around the site, trying to step on each other's boxes. In the end, only the two most evasive remain, who decide who will be the winner.


Boys, don't leave! There is an opportunity to win another prize! Of course, for this you need to participate in the competition for the most accurate. I need five volunteers! (Five young men come out.) I give you targets. (Distributes to the participants of the competition in a small basin and plastic cup.) Place the basins on the floor next to you. Put the glasses in the basins in the middle. It will be your "bull's eye" or "ten", as you please. And here is the weapon from which you will have to shoot. (Gives each a liter plastic bottle filled with water.) Your task is to hold the bottle between your knees, open it and carefully fill your glass to the brim. I repeat: to the brim! We start as soon as the music starts. Whoever fills their glass the fastest wins. Go!

There is a competition. The winner receives a prize.

Again, music plays for 15-20 minutes, to which the guys just dance, like in a regular disco. After a while, the Leader enters the case again.


Well, the boys showed themselves. Now let's see how agile and agile our girls are. Girls, don't be shy, come to me. It's strange, usually during competitions it is girls who always behave more actively. You don't know why? Maybe they want to win some prize more? Or is it a sporting interest? Tell me. Well, now all the girls will get the opportunity to show themselves. Only I need an assistant from young men. (A young man comes out who will help the Host during the competition.) Girls, have any of you been to the Hawaiian Islands? And in Cuba? What about some Latin American countries?

Well, do you remember the Lambada dance? So, in all these countries the following game is very popular. (The leader picks up a bar about one and a half meters long or a piece of rope of the same length. He passes the second end of the bar or rope to the assistant. The bar rises to a height of average human height, the rope is pulled at the same height.) What do you think, girls, is it easy go under this bar? Let's try. Who wants to - go under this bar and see how easy it is. (Girls with Latin American music easily pass under the bar.) And what do you think, if we lower the bar like this (lowers the bar by fifteen centimeters), it will be just as easy for you to pass under it? Let's try with one condition: if the bar prevents someone from going under it evenly, you only need to bend back. Forward is not allowed. (Music sounds, girls pass under the bar.) It's all fine. You demonstrate simply miracles of flexibility. Well done! But it will be really difficult ahead. If we lower the bar by this much... (lowers the bar by another 15 centimeters). Who would dare to go under it now?

With each round, the leader and partner lower the bar lower and lower. The girls are trying to go under it, leaning back to the music. In this case, it is forbidden to touch the bar itself with your hands. The lower the bar goes down, the fewer participants will be able to bend as low. Accordingly, everyone who fails the flexibility test is out of the game. In the end, the most flexible girl will win. She will get the prize. Again, a small musical fragment of the evening follows, when the guys can dance. Further, the Leader appears again in the center of the site.


Although you and I, friends, have come to the dance party, it is impossible to dance all the time. Sometimes you need to take a breath. Let's take a break from dancing and play one game. In the course of this game, in which absolutely everyone can participate. you will need to quickly, quickly break up into different groups according to some sign or condition. I will call these signs and conditions. Well, for example, I say: "Break into smokers and non-smokers." You need to complete the task very quickly. Those who mixed up the group perform Additional tasks which, again, I give. By the way, I hope there are no smokers among you yet... So, all the participants freely walk around the site, resting from music, dancing, have a casual conversation... And suddenly they break up... in pairs!!! (Everyone tries to quickly find a mate for themselves. Those who do not have time do some task related to dancing. We will talk about tasks below.) So, we walk further, walk, talk, rest. I complicate the task ... And we break into groups ... by hair color !!!

Further, the Host can give the task to break into groups with an even, and then an odd number of people, into triples of the same sex, form groups according to height, according to the color of clothing (who wears more red - in one group, who wears more white - in another, and on who neither one nor the other - in the third). Can you give more difficult tasks. Quickly split into two groups by gender. Then the girls split into two groups: those in trousers and those in skirts. The boys are divided into groups according to the "denim" sign: who is in jeans and who is in trousers. Then the girls in trousers break down on those with long hair, and those with short. Girls in skirts are divided into groups according to the length of the skirts (short - long). Boys in jeans are divided into groups according to the color of the jeans (dark - light). Boys in trousers are divided into groups according to the color of their shirts.

Now about the penalty tasks for those who did not cope with the main task and mixed up the group. If there are a lot of "penalty boxes", it is best to select them in separate group and force, for example, to dance a lambada or a Russian folk dance. If there are only a few penalties, then it is better to give them individual tasks associated with music and dance. Ask what dances the “penalty man” knows. Ask about Cuban dances, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Georgian, Polish. Surely the guys will name rumba, gypsy, flamenco, hopak, lezginka, and polka, because these are very famous dances. In addition, the "penalty boxers" need to be asked to dance something. For example, lezginka or spanish dance. Ask to come up with the most original movement in the dance.

After the game, the dance program continues again. This time it can be interrupted by competitions that reveal the "most". For example, the Host, without stopping the music, announces: “And now, within three minutes, I am announcing a competition for the fastest dancer!” This is followed by competitions for the most plastic dance, at the very incendiary dance, for the best dance technique, for the most resourceful dancer, for the most inventive dancer, for the most original dance movement. Naturally, the selection of the best dance couple of the evening stands apart. This competition is especially loved among young people. Of course, the "most" are awarded with small souvenirs or prizes.

A few more tips. Remember that on a dance night people come to dance. So try not to get too carried away with non-dance games, as most people just stand back and watch a small group of participants. Try to make the competitions one way or another related to dancing, and as many people as possible participate in them.

We hope that our advice will help you organize a dance evening and turn a banal disco into an exciting and relaxing holiday.


Dancemaster: At today's party, everyone should dance until they drop. The program of our evening will include competitions for the most ridiculous and ridiculous dances, as well as for the most extravagant costumes and original names of their author's dances. You can split into groups, couples or perform solo! All who wish to take part in these competitions must notify our authoritative jury. In the meantime, I'm announcing a competition for the most incredible and sparkling tango - whatever your imagination can suggest. Competent jury, please take your seats. Competitors are given 10 minutes to prepare. And the rest for the warm-up will perform dance exercises for me.

To peppy music, everyone performs dance steps: a variety of funny movements with arms, legs, head.

Dancemaster: Well done! We warmed up well, and now we will support our contestants with thunderous applause. The jury today will give out cards to everyone: red - highest mark, followed by blue, green, yellow and black, respectively, which is equivalent to scores of 5,4,3,2,1. (In order to make it convenient for guests to dance after receiving any card, they can be made on a ribbon and hung around the neck. You can also draw emoticons on the cards - the higher the score, the wider the smile). The guest who earns more points during the evening will receive a prize and the title of the best dancer of the evening. So, the competition begins!

There is a competition for the best tango. The jury announces the winner of this competition and distributes scorecards.

Dancemaster: And now a dance for everyone. My assistants will give the guys a piece of paper and a pen (pencil). During the dance, they need to collect as many autographs of the girls as possible, while not forgetting to dance. Each girl writes her name. Of course, the one with the most autographs wins.

At the end of the dance, the host announces that each autograph is a promise of a dance.

Dancemaster: Well, finally, it's time for author's dances.

Participants of the competition show pre-prepared dance numbers. Spectators are invited to give a name to the dance they saw, write it on a piece of paper and submit it to the jury. After all the presentations, the jury read out the most original titles dancing. The jury, after consulting, announces the winner and solemnly presents a comic prize, and the rest of the rating cards.

Dancemaster: The evening continues. I announce a dance for everyone. Those who are "unwilling" become spectators who will determine the winners with their applause.


First, everyone dances as usual, then the host announces that everyone should dance ONLY with the upper body, after a while - ONLY with the head and arms, then - ONLY with the head, and finally - ONLY with facial expressions. Those who break the rules are out. The jury or the audience celebrate the best. It is advisable to record this unusual dance with facial expressions on video.

Dancemaster: For the next competition, everyone should stand in a circle and dance. Dancing, you need to pass this bag to each other. As soon as the music stops, the one who at that moment has a bag must, without looking, put his hand into the bag and get the first thing that falls into his hand, then put on what is in his hand. Go!


You can put a variety of skirts, tutus or details of any costume in the bag: the one who gets the tutus should dance the “Dance of the Little Swans”, those who get wide skirt- a gypsy girl, a short skirt - lambada, etc.

Dancemaster: And now I need to know which of you likes to draw? Come out to the center. I have a special game for you.


There is a large sheet of paper on the floor and colored crayons or pencils around it, which should be one less than the participants in the game. To the music, everyone starts to march around the leaf. As soon as the music stops, everyone starts drawing where it stopped. You can draw anything - a house, trees, animals. Whoever lacks a pencil is out of the game. Music sounds and the presenter removes another pencil. The music stops again. Again, everyone is trying to grab a pencil and draw something - exactly at the place where the stop occurred, regardless of whether something is drawn there or not. The one who remains last in the game wins. As a keepsake, the presenter is left with a sheet with drawings that he can hand over to the birthday man, if any.

Dancemaster: Well, in conclusion, I announce the final competition. It's called Do Like Me. The rules are as follows: to the music, everyone takes turns showing some kind of movement, and everyone repeats. If someone hesitated or did not come up with anything, everyone makes claps, jumps or some other movement by agreement.

The movements can be repeated for the second round, and then all the movements can be performed as a general dance, which can be dedicated to a possible hero of the occasion.

Contests don't have to do everything. It is best to alternate general or pair dances with competitions, periodically, announcing pauses for snacks, drinking drinks or going to the toilet, otherwise the guests will not have time for competitions.

At the end of the evening, those who have the most points (scorecards) are declared the winner and the best dancer, who will be rewarded with a prize or a joke medal. For those who have cards with a lower face value, special nominations can be established: “The fastest legs”, “The most flexible waist”, “The best jumper”.

You can also watch - "Dance Party"


Tatiana Fink
Dance script game program"Dance with us."

Scenario of the dance game program

« Dance with us» .

the date of the: 1.05.15

Time: 15.30 -16.30h

Location: GPKiO

Leading: Fink T. S. Kuznetsova Ya. A.

Animators: Starodumava A.A., detachment "Volunteers"

Responsible for props and musical escort: Kapitanova K. A.

Props: Ribbons.

Target: summarizing the stay in the camp "Spring" means gaming activity.


Promote physical activity of children;

Creating a positive atmosphere;

Development of attention, speed of reaction, ability to interact

in a group, creative abilities;

To instill in children a sense of teamwork and friendliness.

Incendiary music sounds, the presenters come out.

Lead 2:

Presenter 1:

Presenter 1:

Lead 2:

Presenter 1:

Lead 2:

Presenter 1:

Lead 2:

Presenter 1

Lead 2

Presenter 1

Lead 2

Presenter 1

Presenter 1

Lead 2

Hello guests and participants of our programs"Dance together in dreams"! We are glad to welcome you in this Park. Your applause! I want to say hello to everyone and everyone individually.

This rhyming game will help us with this. I will start and you continue.

When we meet the dawn

We tell him.

Spectators. Hello!

With a smile, the sun gives light,

Sending us yours.

Spectators. Hello!

When we meet after many years

You call out to your friends.

Spectators. Hello!

And smile back at you

From a kind word.

Spectators. Hello!

And you remember the advice:

Give to all your friends.

Spectators. Hello!

Let's all answer together

We will tell each other.

Spectators. Hello!

Earth dance

(after dance volunteers divide children into teams)

It's great that you can dance and in plasticity to embody all feelings, because dance is a flight of inspiration and lives in harmony with music.

Guys let's go with you now let's dance not an ordinary dance but a real flash mob! You can? Now learn! Each team now comes up with their own movement and remembers it. And then I call the number of your team and you show your movement! The main thing - do not get confused! Be careful!

A game "Flashmob"

Each team comes up with its own movement, each team is assigned its own number. A rehearsal is underway. Music sounds and the leader speaks in a scatter of numbers, and the children must perform their movements when they hear their number.

(e.g. for six commands: 1,2,3,4,5,6,1,1,5,5,1,6,3,4,3,2,6,2,4,3,2,6,1)

And now you and I are turning into funny caterpillars (engines). Each team gathers one after another and performs my tasks

A game "Engines or Caterpillars"

(Children are divided into teams, each team is a caterpillar (or steam locomotive). Music sounds, the presenter gives the task to the caterpillars dance show with movements actions: caterpillars wake up, wash themselves, do exercises, go to school, answer in the lesson, spend a break, do physical education, go home, do their homework, go for a walk, meet friends, dance.)

What good fellows you are! So fun with you! (praises the participants)

And now you and I, guys, are going on a trip to different countries. But the journey will not be easy, but dance. And our first country is Russia. Let's dance as is customary in Russia. (And further RUSSIA, GEORGIA, SPAIN, UKRAINE, TURKEY, GREECE, MOLDOVA, BRAZIL, ISRAEL, KANSAS, TATARSTAN, people of KHANTY)

A game "Journey"

(Dancing all over the hall. Music tracks change in a certain sequence. (RUSSIA, GEORGIA, SPAIN, UKRAINE, TURKEY, GREECE, MOLDOVA, BRAZIL, ISRAEL, KANSAS, TATARSTAN, people of KHANTY) dance like this, as is customary in a particular country.)

Guys, do you help moms at home? What are you doing? Now let's check what you can do.

A game "Wash"

(Dancing in a circle. Children listen to a song with words dance, performing the movements that the leader shows.)

You can immediately see what good fellows you are, what good helpers!

And now it's time to warm up! I suggest everyone stretch their backs, arms and legs. We will pass under the tape, and at the same time do not forget dance and smile!

A game "Limbo"

(Props - tape (rope, how many teams so many tapes. Dancing under the ribbon. Two adults are holding a ribbon. The guys go under the tape, dancing without touching her. As the game progresses, the tape falls lower and lower. The guys are trying to get under it.)

I invite you to play counting now! We are with you we dance and listen carefully. What number I will name - how many people you need to get together with friends. The number two is a pair, the number three is three, and so on. As soon as I call a two-digit number, I will need to gather in one big circle. Ready guys? Begin dance!

A game "Counting"

(All children dance, and when the music is interrupted, they gather in teams of as many people as the host says. For example, 2 - in pairs, four - four, etc.)

Well done guys, they coped with all the tasks!

Boys and girls! I suggest you go now to the forest and see what kind of Christmas trees there are, and what kind of stumps. Now we join hands together and walk in a circle. When we hear the word Christmas trees we raise our hands up, and when we hear "stumps"- we sit down. Be careful!

A game "Christmas Trees - Stumps"

(Music - track Christmas tree stumps

Dancing in a circle. All the guys go in a circle. At the word Christmas trees, they perform hand movements, at the word stumps, they squat. The game is speeding up.)

(Leaders say goodbye to the guys)

Nice, we had fun

Played, frolicked!

And now it's time

Let us part Friends!

You Friends do not be discouraged!

We'll meet again

Until New Meetings!

Don't forget us!

Leading. Hello guys and dear guests! Today we are gathered in this cozy room to mark International Dance Day, celebrated by the entire dancing world. Why do you think we decided to celebrate this holiday?

Children. Because we love to dance when we have good mood we play and dance to the music...

Leading. You're right. Then, it's time to open the dance evening for us. But why is the wind picking up here? Maybe you need to close the windows, doors? (Music from the movie “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” Sounds; composer M. Dunaevsky.). I think I recognize this wind. This is the wind of change.

Mary Poppins appears with an umbrella; she is dancing.

Mary Poppins. Hello my good ones!

Hello my pretty ones!

I flew on the wings of the wind

Many thousands of kilometers!

Over frozen seas

Over the forests, over the fields.

I was in a hurry, guys, to you,

To my little friends!

Leading. I thought the wind brought you?

M.P. Yes, that is right. Do you recognize me?

Vedas. Yes! (Turns to the children.) Did you recognize our unexpected guest?

Children. It's Mary Poppins!

Vedas. You are the most famous nanny in the world!

M.P. Yes, I'm Mary Poppins. I fly to the children with the east wind, I tell them amazing stories. When I spin my magic umbrella, the children fall asleep and have colorful dreams. I also teach children to sing and dance. And I heard that you are talking about dancing today ...

Vedas. Yes, we are celebrating international dance day. And we will be very happy if you tell us something about dancing.

M.P. Of course, with great pleasure. Sit comfortably and listen. (Music sounds, slides with an image on the screen dancing people according to the text.) There are very few people in the world who can imagine life without music and dancing. There are dances that are associated with a certain nationality, belong to some people. First, we'll talk about some of them. And let's start, of course, with our country, with Russian dances.

It is difficult to determine how many folk dances and dances exist in Russia. They are simply impossible to count. But in all these very different dances there is something in common, characteristic of Russian dance in general: this is the breadth of movement, prowess, special cheerfulness, poetry, a combination of modesty and simplicity with great feeling dignity. A special place belongs to dances, in which the observation of the people is manifested: either about natural phenomena, or about any animals or birds, or about plants and flowers.

Vedas. City Hall, we also have such a dance, it is called "Daisy". After all, always in Rus', girls liked to tell fortunes on a camomile "Loves - does not love" and now our kids will show this dance. . Greet them!

Dance "Chamomile" (middle group of kindergarten)

M.P. And now guys, get ready for the journey, we will visit many countries of the world, we will see how different nations dance.

We will grow up, we will know the world,

We will go around the whole wide world,

How much the world has to offer us

There are no limits to the dreams of children!

For now, they will only dream:

China, Japan, Vietnam,

And how can we get there?

Close your eyes and you are already there!

M.P. And here we are in China.

Vedas. Mary, what do you have in your hands?

M.P. Fan. A fan is a small, foldable fan for fanning the face, neck and shoulders.

Vedas. And what about China?

(A film about China, against its background the words)

M.P. Chinese mythology says that the fan was brought to earth by a powerful and domineering goddess of the wind. Descending from the sky, the goddess of the wind - Nemiza walked our land for a long time and saw that a lot of people on our planet were suffering. Her heart was filled with sympathy for people. And in order to somehow help them, she gave them her magic fan. And since then, every person who needed help, it was enough just to wave this fan and create a wind. This meant a request for help from the goddess of the wind.

Vedas. Oh, how great. Can you dance with fans?

M.P. Of course, in China they are very fond of dancing with fans, and not just one, but two at once. Those who have ever seen the national Chinese dance with fans will never forget the grace of gestures and the beauty of open fans. They create a complete illusion of something fantastic, light, like a breath of wind, beautiful, like a flap of a butterfly's wing.

Vedas. A. you know, Mary, the dance of the girls from the senior group is very similar to the dance beautiful butterflies, and their fans are exactly like two wings.

"Chinese dance" ( senior group kindergarten)

M.P. Now let's see where the wind of change will take us. Close your eyes, let's fly!

(Children close their eyes (music sounds), Mary spins the umbrella)

M.P. There are dances that were born by one people, but have become the property of many, sometimes even all the peoples of the world. Today we will talk about one of these. This is my favorite dance.

Vedas. I know what you are talking about. I will begin to tell, and you guys and respected adults, look at the screen and try to guess. (A video clip is shown on the screen, a waltz melody sounds.) This dance has existed for more than three centuries. First, he was folk dance and felt very good in the sound of several musical instruments, which were played by 2-3 musicians in wide-brimmed hats and coarse wooden shoes. And in the 18th century, thanks to its extraordinary fascination, it entered the aristocratic salons, where it was performed to the accompaniment of a fragile and delicate harpsichord, which was played professional musicians in silk camisoles and powdered wigs. (Question to the audience). What is the name of this dance?

Spectators. Waltz

M.P. Well, waltz, of course! Time passed, and gradually the waltz music ceased to be only the music to which they dance - they began to listen to it, ensembles began to perform it and symphony orchestras. And what is interesting: over the course of three centuries, many other dances appeared, but this did not interfere with the waltz at all - it continues to live and still lives, although it is danced less and less, partly because it is not easy to learn how to dance a waltz beautifully. Today you will see a waltz performed by children who are professionally engaged in choreography in the club sports dance"Lita" of the Palace of Culture "Sovremennik" _____________________________________________________________

We welcome guests!

Vedas. We send our guests off with thunderous applause!

Vedas. Great waltz story. What can you tell about greek dance Sirtaki? Our children will hear about it with great pleasure.

(A film about Greece, against its background - words)

M.P. "Sirtaki" is not a Greek folk dance, it was invented by the famous Greek composer Mikis Theodorakis! It was like this: he wrote the music for the film "The Greek of Zobor". Took as a basis traditional dance Sirtos, common in the islands of the Aegean Sea. Should have danced to the music American actor Anthony Quinn. But shortly before filming, Quinn injured his leg and was unable to perform a quick sirtos. I had to correct the dance a little. As a result, "Sirtaki", or small sirtos, appeared. It starts at a slow pace, which then gets faster and faster. The Greeks liked the music so much that "Sirtaki" immediately became a folk dance. And it is still very popular, it is danced even in discos. Do you want to be in Greece for a while? Close your eyes, and I will spin my magic umbrella ... (Sounds "Sirtaki"). Come out all in a circle, we will all dance this together interesting dance.

Dance "Sirtaki" (performed by all children)

M.P. Well, let's continue our journey. Close your eyes, let's fly!

(Children close their eyes (music sounds), Mary spins the umbrella)

Vedas. Mary, look what the wind brought us. (Shows a handkerchief)

(a film about the East, words against its background)

M.P. That's right, we're in the East. The East is the most mysterious country in the world. A scarf in Muslim countries used to be worn by all women. He replaced them with a cape, which should hide the body and face from the eyes of others. Now women no longer cover their faces. And with a headscarf they dance oriental dances. They need a scarf in order to make the dance more expressive and mysterious. He is sometimes gentle, like the breath of a peri among citruses. garden of paradise sometimes as cruel as Damascus steel. It contains the honey of summer flowers and the sting of the bee that brings it. It takes you to the world of dreams, in the heart of which - real life, often more wonderful than a fairy tale ...

Vedas. How beautifully you talk about oriental dance! Just like Scheherazade from the fairy tale "1001 Nights"! The fairy tale continues, meet oriental beauties!

"Dance with scarves" (preparatory group)

M.P. Thank you girls, just real oriental beauties! And we close our eyes, flew!

(Children close their eyes (music sounds), Mary spins the umbrella)

M.P. And now we are in Brazil. (A film about the carnival, with words in the background) Brazil is the most amazing and unique country. Brazil is a country of contrasts, a mixture of diverse peoples, cultures and traditions. And yet, by right, Brazil is called the birthplace of the carnival, the country of eternal celebration, fun and incendiary rhythms. What is the Brazilian Carnival? The Brazilian carnival is luxurious feathers and costumes embroidered with multi-colored glass beads and sparkling rhinestones. Brazilian carnival is an exploding hall expressive dance samba. Samba - national dance Brazil and one of the most popular Latin American dances. And the Brazilian carnival is music similar to light marine a breeze that evokes the carefree mood of relaxing on the beach. These are embodied emotions that give a cheerful mood on a sunny Sunday morning. Many have been preparing for it since childhood. In local stores you can find masks, carnival costumes of any size, even for a child. All this is the Brazilian carnival.

Vedas. And we are at the Brazilian Carnival, meet the young dancers with the Sambarita dance.

Dance "Sambarita" (senior group of kindergarten)

M.P. Well done boys!

Vedas. Mary, in which country can you tell us more?

(The film is about Denmark, not its background words)

M.P. There is a small country in the world that is still ruled by a king and a queen. It was born and lived great storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. This is the country of Denmark. Do you know Andersen's fairy tales? Let's remember some of them! " The Snow Queen”, “The Little Mermaid”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Princess and the Pea”. People in this amazing country are kind to each other and keep the traditions of the past. Dancing has been popular in Denmark since ancient times. Archaeological excavations indicate that dance performances already existed in IX-V centuries BC e. It is known that dancing played an important role. cultural role In the Middle Age. On the frescoes of some churches in Denmark, scenes from dances are depicted. Love ordinary people to this dance did not fade away in the 19th century. Residents of Denmark still gather in the squares of cities, where they dance folk dances with pleasure.

Vedas. Mary, do you know how they dance in Denmark?

M.P. I know, and now I will teach you. The dance is called "7 figures". We will show you different figures, only you need to freeze after each figure and stand like that until the sound signal. Agreed? Get bolder in the circle!

Dance "7 figures" (learns M.P. with children)

Vedas. Thank you for such an interesting dance! Mary, tell me, have you ever been to America?

M.P. Of course it was.

Vedas. And where did you and your children go on vacation, where did they like to play most of all?

M.P. Well, of course, in the Disneyland park. Disneyland in California is the very first Disneyland in the world, "the real one", the embodiment of Walt Disney's dream of a recreation park that would be interesting for both adults and children,
located in the mountains of Santa Monica, also in the vicinity of Los Angeles.
The artist's fantasy embodied in
magical world of cartoons and fairy tales, where Mickey Mouse and his friends live and
miracles await at every turn. It is curious that among the visitors to the park
there are almost more adults than children!
Vedas. Let's take a look at this wonderful park!

(film about Disneyland)
Vedas. What fun at Disneyland! And, you know, Mary, we have children. middle group They also know the Mickey Mouse dance. Let's look at our little artists.

Dance "Mickey Mouse" (middle group)

Vedas. Thank you young dancers!

We are mischievous mice

We play cat and mouse.

4 paws, claws and tail,

Call us soon to visit!

Dance "Naughty mice" (preparatory group)

Vedas. How amazing.

What can be danced, and in plastic

Embodi all feelings!

After all, dance is a flight of inspiration!

And lives in harmony with music!

M.P. So dance my friend

And don't look at others

In whom there is no heat inside.

And let your dance burn

Like a fire

So that everyone can enjoy the miracle!

Dance "Dancing fire" (preparatory group)

M.P. And so the time has passed unnoticed. I feel the east wind is picking up and it's time for me to go back.

(The melody from the movie “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” Sounds, the corresponding frames are on the screen, Mary Poppins says goodbye to the guys, opens the zones and “flies away”)

Vedas. Our holiday has come to an end, but I hope we learned and saw a lot of interesting things today. Did you guys like it? (Yes I am very happy! I hope our meeting was not the last.

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