Mercy and indifference in the atmosphere of hostilities. Mercy and indifference - which side are you on?


In this selection, we have formulated the most common problems from the thematic block "Mercy", which are found everywhere in texts for essays on the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. Each of them is dedicated to a separate heading, under which there are literary arguments illustrating this problem. You can also download the table with these examples at the end of the article.

  1. Each person needs support, care and attention, especially in difficult circumstances it is so important to know that you can count on someone. In Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment, the protagonist needed help, because, having committed a murder, he could not recover for so long. Rodion fell ill, had terrible dreams and lived with the thought that sooner or later his crime would be revealed. But in relation to him, Sonya Marmeladova showed sensitivity and mercy, learning about his terrible condition. The girl helped the hero not to go crazy, convinced him to confess and repent. Thanks to Sonya's support, Raskolnikov's conscience ceased to torment him.
  2. In Leo Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostova showed mercy to the wounded soldiers. The sympathetic heroine gave the carts to the wounded, which were set aside for the removal of the property of the count's family. The girl also took care of the dying Andrei Bolkonsky. Kind heart Natasha helped the heroes in difficult moments. In difficult circumstances, you understand how mercy is needed. Indeed, sometimes it is sensitivity and compassion that can truly help us out.
  3. Real mercy can help out not only those around you, but also the person who is sensitive. In Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man", the protagonist Andrei Sokolov, having learned that his relatives were killed, remains completely alone. At the end of the story, he meets the lonely boy Vanya. Main character decides to introduce himself to an orphaned child as his father, thereby saving both him and himself from longing and loneliness. The mercy of Andrei Sokolov gave Vanya and himself hope for happiness in the future.

Indifference and mercy

  1. Unfortunately, so often, instead of mercy, we are faced with the indifference of others. In Ivan Bunin's story "The Gentleman from San Francisco", not even the name of the protagonist is mentioned. For the people sailing with him on the same ship, he still remains a master - a person who only gives orders and receives the results of their implementation for his money. But the reader notices how attention and fun are instantly replaced by indifference, by the way they relate to the lifeless body of the hero. In moments when his wife and daughter need mercy and support, people ignore their grief, not attaching importance to it.
  2. We meet indifference in one of the most controversial characters in Russian literature - Grigory Pechorin. The protagonist of Lermontov's novel "A Hero of Our Time" is either interested in others or remains indifferent to their own suffering. For example, he loses interest in Bela kidnapped by him, sees her confusion, but does not try to correct his own mistake. Most often, it is precisely at those moments when the characters need his mercy and support that Pechorin turns away from them. He seems to analyze his behavior, realizing that he is only making things worse, but he forgets to pay attention to others. The fate of many of his acquaintances is sad because of this, but if Gregory showed mercy more often, many of them could become happier.
  3. Mercy can indeed save many, and the literature confirms this idea. In Alexander Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm", Kabanikh's mother-in-law treats Katerina badly, and the husband of the main character does not stand up for his wife. Out of loneliness and despair, the young woman secretly goes on dates with Boris, but then she decides to confess this to her husband in the presence of his mother. Failing to meet understanding and mercy, the girl realizes that she has nowhere to go, so she decides to jump into the water. If the heroes had shown mercy to her, she would have remained alive.

The ability to empathize as a positive trait

  1. Such a trait as mercy often speaks of a person as a whole. If the hero can feel compassion and support others, most likely in front of you positive character. In Denis Fonvizin's comedy "Undergrowth", the characters are strictly divided into negative (Prostakovs, Mitrofan, Skotinin) and positive (Pravdin, Sofya, Starodum and Milon). And indeed, during the action of the play, none of the uneducated and rude feudal landowners shows compassion and mercy, which cannot be said about honest and intelligent intellectual nobles. For example, in the final scene, Mitrofan roughly pushes mother who did everything for his well-being. But Sophia receives unexpected help from Starodum, who sympathizes with her.
  2. Remembering the story of Nikolai Karamzin " Poor Lisa", The reader will be negatively disposed to Erast, because of which she drowned main character. For Lisa, feelings are the most important thing, so she can’t stand the news that a loved one is engaged to a rich widow. The girl takes everything to heart, she is capable of mercy, because her whole life was devoted to a sick mother in need of care. But her rich inner world was not truly appreciated by Erast. The heroine becomes sorry, we understand how pure the soul of Lisa in love was.

Mercy as self-sacrifice

  1. Many literary heroes show mercy not only by words, but also by actions. This is exactly what the main character of Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita does when she spends her well-deserved desire from Woland not on returning her beloved, but on helping Frida, whom she met at Satan's ball. Margot was imbued with the girl's grief and proves that her compassion is not limited to experiences. Therefore, Margarita wishes that Frida will never again be reminded of her strangled child. From now on, a woman will not be given a scarf, but all because the hostess of the Spring Ball heroically showed sensitivity and mercy.
  2. Mercy means a willingness to help people with words, actions, and sometimes even sacrifices. In Maxim Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil", the image of Danko immediately stands out, showing concern for the people. Just so that people would not surrender to the enemy and be able to get out of the dark forest, Danko tore his chest, took out his heart from there and lit the way for fellow villagers, not paying attention to reproaches. The love for humanity and the mercy of the hero helped the tribe overcome all obstacles on the way, and Danko himself died, but in the last minutes he was truly happy.
  3. Mercy can be expressed in different ways: both in words and in deeds. In Pushkin's novel Captain's daughter» Pyotr Grinev gives the unknown Cossack a sheepskin coat, and then the reader realizes that the hero's courtesy subsequently saved him from the gallows. In fact, the Cossack is Pugachev, who did not forget the help of the protagonist, therefore, he also goes to mercy in response: he gives life to both Peter and his bride. Obviously, this quality not only saves people, but also makes them better, because it is transmitted from one to another.

The Need for Empathy

  1. Mercy will always be appreciated, especially if it is shown in difficult circumstances. Recall the story of Alexander Solzhenitsyn " Matrenin yard". Before us is a heroine with a difficult fate, but bright soul. Her husband did not return from the war, the children died young, and she was ill and lived alone. Nevertheless, Matrena always showed mercy to others even in the harsh conditions of totalitarianism. During her lifetime, she was not understood, but after her death, the person who, being a storyteller, lived at her house and described her life and character, realized the most important social role this woman. “A village does not stand without a righteous man,” he wrote, defining the significance of a sympathetic old woman for the entire settlement. He immortalized her image in his story.
  2. Even in love lyrics Lermontov, one can observe the motive of mercy, or rather, its absence in a cruel world. In the poem "The Beggar", the author, of course, writes about feelings that remain "deceived forever." However, Lermontov compares this state with the situation of a beggar asking only for a piece of bread. In relation to the poor man, not a drop of mercy was shown, but only a stone was placed "in his outstretched hand." Like lyrical hero, a beggar, needed help and compassion, but both of them met only with the cruelty of others.

Classroom hour. Topic: Mercy Roads.(4th grade)

Target: To develop students' understanding of the virtues of a person, the value of which is recognized in society.


1. Contribute to the development of students' motivation to commit good and humane deeds.

2. Form a negative attitude towards human vices, immoral behavior.

3. Cultivate a sense of responsibility for the actions taken.

4. To form a positive experience of cooperation, the ability to observe one's behavior and attitude towards others.

Equipment: presentation of the clip of the parable by S. Kopylova "Window", printed words - mercy, indifference, cards with situations, candles for each student.

Work form : frontal, group.

Lesson progress:

I. Exit to the problem.

Watching the clip of the parable by S. Kopylova "Window".

The teacher stops. (prediction).

What do you think the patient saw from the window?

(children's answers)

Continuation of the parable.

What did the patient actually see from the window?

Where did all this go?

The teacher pauses again (forecasting).

Why did the patient, who was lying by the bed, tell me that he saw a forest, a river, clouds, people? He couldn't see it, he was blind.

(I wanted to console, cheer up, cheer up, ease the suffering of another patient who was lying at the door)

Continue watching the video.

What can you say about a blind person?

(kind, caring, attentive, sensitive, sincere, responsive, showed sympathy, compassion, etc.)

Compassion-pity, sympathy, caused by someone's misfortune, grief.

Empathy-sympathy for another, to experience a state of mind with him.

Sympathy is a responsive, sympathetic attitude to the experiences, misfortune of others.

Compassion is the ability to sympathize, empathize when another feels bad.

In one word he showed

Can you touch mercy with your hands, hear it? It lives in the human heart. Can you see it? You can only see in the actions of a person.

(Put the word on the board)

Mercy is the willingness to help or forgive someone out of compassion.

Mercy is a humane attitude (attitude aimed at the benefit of others, philanthropic, sympathetic) towards a suffering person.

Mercy is participation in alleviating the misfortune, misfortune, suffering of another person.

Mercy is the ability to give up one's own in order to bring relief to another.

Mercy is helping those in need.

What prevented the patient, who was lying at the door, from pressing the button, because she was very close to him, and calling the sister of mercy? What did he want?

What can be said about the patient who was lying at the door? What character traits did he have?

(envy, anger, hatred, selfishness, indifference, cruelty, heartlessness)

What was his worst quality that led to the accident?

It also cannot be touched. It also lives in the hearts of people. Only in actions.

(Word on the board)

The person who was lying at the door was sick not only in body (physically)……he was sick in soul. Apparently, since childhood, he was not taught to be attentive, sensitive, benevolent towards relatives.

II. Thinking about a problem.

Do you think a person is born merciful or becomes one?

What is easier for you? Merciful or indifferent?

Is it easy to become merciful? How to learn to be merciful?

Conclusion: In order to cultivate mercy in yourself, you need to see yourself in another person, your anxieties, worries, i.e. put yourself in the other person's place. Then you will understand how hard it is for a person in need. Mercy requires the application of labor, trouble, anxiety, often renunciation of one's benefits and limitation of one's desires. It is very difficult to become a merciful person and to be one.

Life always gives us a chance to show mercy, and here each person chooses for himself which path he will follow - along the path of mercy and help the needy or turn onto the path of indifference and pass by with his eyes closed.

III. Resolution of the situation.

Do you remember when you had to walk the path of mercy and help someone? (Children's answers.)

Remember what good deed people did towards you? (Children's answers.)

What do you think: which way is easier to go, and which is more difficult? Why? Which of these paths is flat and smooth, and which is with obstacles and difficulties?

IV. Climax.

Let's return to the parable, to the patient who was left alone in the ward. Can someone have a new feeling in relation to this patient,? No one took pity on this man? After all, he also wanted to lie by the window and admire the sky, the river, the clouds? Is he also human?

- Loving kindness is easy. Try to understand and forgive evil. This is where the power of mercy lies. The ability to forgive out of compassion.

How can you help this person?

How would you like the story to end? (Group work)

(-Who suggested this version in the group? Were there other versions? Why did you choose this particular one?)

Moral choice.

Every day in our life there are different situations, they put a person before the problem of choice: what to do in this situation, which one to choose - the path - mercy or indifference? Discuss situations and share - what would you do?

Situation #1

Hello! My cat's name is Musya. I live in the city dump. I have lived here for four years. My mother died a year ago from starvation, and I try my best to survive, but in Last year began to get sick often. Recently, on the outskirts of the city, I met a cat who lives in a warm house. She was wearing a beautiful, shiny fur coat. She told a lot of interesting things about her housing and caring owners. I listened attentively to everything, everything was interesting to me, since I had never entered a man's dwelling, and I did not have a good host. I really want someone to take me to their warm, cozy home. I am very sad without friends, and I so want affection and a kind owner. New friend! I am waiting for you…. You just call me “Musya!”, And I will immediately come running to you.
We earnestly request - do not throw us out into the street - we are so bad here, lonely and scared! (illustration.)

Situation #2.

A boy and a girl were walking down the street. It was raining heavily. An old woman walked ahead of them. It was very slippery. The old woman slipped and dropped her stick into a puddle.

Wait for me! - the boy shouted to the girl, and rushed to the aid of the old woman. When he returned, the girl asked:

Is this your grandmother?

Not! - answered the boy.

Mother? - the girlfriend was surprised!


Well, aunt or friend?

Yes, no, no! the boy answered. - It's just an old woman.

Situation #3.

Brother and sister are walking with their mother in the meadow. They play catch-up, jump, run. When they get tired of all the activities, they begin to uproot grass and flowers from the ground. Mom, rejoicing that the children themselves were carried away by something, does not make any comments to them.

What can you advise mother and children?

To what is mercy to be shown here?

"If everyone picks flowers, there will be no beauty in the world."

Situation number 4.

One day my brother and sister went outside to play volleyball. They merrily tossed the ball to each other and laughed out loud. And not far from the playground, in a wheelchair, with sad eyes, the boy Petya was sitting alone. He also had a ball in his hand. He also dreamed of running on soft grass, tossing and catching a ball. And the children happily played ball with each other and did not notice anyone around them. They didn't care how the boy, chained to wheelchair. The main thing is that they themselves were good and fun. (illustration)

What should these children be taught?

Conclusion: We see that life all the time gives us chances to take the path of goodness and mercy and follow it.

During natural Disasters, environmental disasters always come to the rescue various countries. Can this be called mercy between countries?
Let's remember another tragedy. This is Beslan. How many people were injured during this attack.?! And how many people responded to someone else's grief. Regardless of nationality, people showed mercy and compassion to those in need.

A volunteer is one who own will rather than being forced to take on some work.

A volunteer is the same as a volunteer.

A patriot is a person who loves his homeland, his people.

virtue is positive moral quality, high morality.

Charity is selfless mercy towards anyone who asks.

V. Decoupling.

We talked a lot about mercy, and now I want those thoughts that you had during the lesson that you could not say aloud to lay down on paper.

Creative work in groups.

1gr. - Depict mercy in the form of a picture.

2gr.- Will draw up a "Decree on mercy for all living things"

3gr.- Haiku about mercy, kindness.

4gr.-Compose "cinquain" about mercy.

VI. Reflection.

Children stand in a circle in the form of a heart. The teacher puts a small lighted candle in each hand.

Fire is a symbol of warmth, kindness, comfort.

You'll be done soon primary school, disperse along different schools, for different classes, and I really want these paths of mercy, which we are now treading along with you, not to overgrow, but, on the contrary, to become wider and wider. To keep you on the path of mercy? but walked along it firmly and confidently, providing support and assistance to those in need. Love and do good to those who are close to you and you yourself will feel how much happier you have become. Blow out your candle and let the light smoke from the candle show you the right path in life.


Compilation of "Sinkwine"

Adjectives: Verbs:


The selfless helps

Gratis makes it easier

Mental supports

Voluntary forgives

Heart warms

Light regrets

Reliable loves

Quiet heals

Warm protects



Mercy is help.

Mercy is a warm sun.

Mercy is a medicinal drink.

Mercy is the salvation of the soul from indifference.

Mercy is helping those in need.

Mercy is happiness for oneself.



2. Lifebuoy.

3. Happiness.

4. Rain in the desert.

The topic of the two-hour elective lesson: Preparation for the final essay on the topic “Mercy and indifference in the world: what will win?” ( direction “Indifference and responsiveness”) based on the short story “Beauty” by I.A. Bunin and the story by Tatyana Kudryavtseva “Orphanage. Leka.


1. On the desks - printed texts of the short story by I.A. Bunin "Beauty"Untitled , story by Tatiana Kudryavtseva “Orphanage. Leka.

2. Album sheet and colored pencils.

Lesson progress

I . Introduction to the topic…

1) Discussion of the topic of the essay “ Mercy and indifference in the world: what will win?

    Guys, in today's lesson we will continue preparing for the final essay in the direction of "Indifference and responsiveness."

    Let's create a "Thought Cloud" by choosing synonyms for the word "responsiveness" and literary arguments.

Thought Cloud Reception

(selection of synonyms and literary arguments)


(story by A.P. Platonov "Yushka")

Yeshua Ha-Nozri - (M.A. Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita")


(the story of V.G. Korolenko "In a bad society"

love for people

Petr Grinev

(A.S. Pushkin's novel "The Captain's Daughter")



Dr. Pirogov

(story by A.I. Kuprin " Miraculous Doctor»)

Sonechka Marmeladova (F.M. Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment)

capacity for sacrifice

the words!!!




(V. Zakrutkin's story "The Human Mother")



Timur and his team (in the story of the same name by A. Gaidar)

understanding someone else's pain

Lidia Mikhailovna

(story by V.P. Rasputin “French Lessons”)


(story by A.I. Solzhenitsyn "Matrenin Dvor")

Andrey Sokolov

(story by M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man")



Tatyana Kudryavtseva

"Orphanage. Leka")

    Take a look at the Cloud of Thoughts we created. Tell me, what will win in the world - good or evil, mercy or indifference?

    You have a few minutes to write down the answer to this question, formatting it as an introduction to an essay on the topic “Mercy and indifference in the world: which will win?”.

2) Acquaintance with the poem by Andrey Dementiev “How important it is to be in time”

    Read the poem by Andrei Dementiev.

The importance of being on time

tell someone good word,

So that the heart trembles from excitement! -

After all, death can ruin everything.

The importance of being on time

Congratulate or congratulate

Shoulder reliable substitute!

And know that it will continue to be so.

But sometimes we forget

Fulfill someone's request on time

Not noticing that the resentment is blood

Invisibly alienates us.

And belated guilt

Then it torments souls.

All you have to do is learn to listen.

The one whose life is exposed.

    What is the main idea of ​​the poem:

    How does the idea of ​​the poem resonate with the topic of the lesson?

    Where do you need to go? And why? And why is it important to be on time?


help someone save someone protect someone

3) work in groups

Group 1 :

    using colored pencils, draw the word "indifference";

    What color do you associate it with? Justify your answer.

Group 2 :

    What geometric figure is associated with the word "indifference"? Why?

    Draw this shape.

Group 3:

    Pick up synonyms for the word "indifference" by drawing a "flower of indifference".

    Think about what shape the petals of this flower will be and why.

    What color will you paint it? Why?

Group 4:

    using colored pencils, draw a world of indifference;

    what color will prevail in your drawing, why?

Group 5:

    read lines from a poem Omar Khayyam.

I, looking into myself, was convinced of a lie:

Heaven and hell - not circles in the palace of the universe,

Heaven and hell are two halves of the soul.

    Using these lines as a guide, write an introduction to your essay. (Hint question: for good to win, what needs to be done?)

Group 6.

    Before you is a material that is called "The Language of Numbers". What do these numbers say?

    Using the data from this material, write an introduction to the essay.

The language of numbers

1. To the question “If you witness violence, what will be your actions?”, 53% of respondents answered: “I will call the police”. 29% of people answered: “I will immediately intervene in the situation and provide assistance.” 6% of those participating in the survey said: “I will step aside so as not to suffer myself,” and 12% of the respondents found it difficult to answer.

2. The newspaper "Arguments and Facts" conducted a survey, which included a single question: "When you became victims of hooligans, did you help random witnesses of the incident?" 74% of the respondents answered: “No!”.

II . Analysis of the story by I.A. Bunin "Beauty"

1. Work with text (selection actual material for writing)

Reception "Immersion" in the text:

1) Reading a novel without a title.

An official of the Treasury, an elderly widower, married a young, beautiful woman, the daughter of a military commander. He was silent and modest, and she knew her worth. He was thin, tall, consumptive, wore glasses the color of iodine, spoke somewhat hoarsely and, if he wanted to say something louder, broke into a fistula. BUT she was small, well-built and strongly built, always well-dressed, very attentive and housekeeping, had a sharp-sighted look . He seemed just as uninteresting in all respects as many provincial officials, but he was also married to a beautiful woman by his first marriage - everyone just shrugged their shoulders: for what and why did such people go for him?

And so . Then the father, out of fear of her, also pretended that he did not and never had a son. And the boy, by nature lively, affectionate, began to be afraid to say a word in their presence, and there he completely hid, became, as it were, non-existent in the house.

Immediately after the wedding, he was transferred to sleep from his father's bedroom on a sofa in the living room, a small room near the dining room, decorated with blue velvet furniture. But his sleep was restless, every night he knocked down the sheet and blanket on the floor. And soon the beauty said to the maid:

- This is a disgrace, he will wear out all the velvet on the sofa. Lay it out for him, Nastya, on the floor, on that mattress that I ordered you to hide in the large chest of the late lady in the corridor.

And the boy, in his round loneliness all over the world, began to live a completely independent life, completely isolated from the whole house, - inaudible, imperceptible, the same from day to day: he humbly sits in the corner of his living room, draws houses on a slate board or reads in a whisper from warehouses he keeps looking out the windows at the same book with pictures, bought back in the days of his dead mother ... He sleeps on the floor between the sofa and the tub with a palm tree. He makes his own bed in the evening and diligently cleans it himself, rolls it up in the morning and takes it into the corridor to his mother's chest. All the rest of his goodness is hidden there. September 28, 1940

    How many characters are in the text?

    Which of the heroes can be called the main one? Why?
  • How would you call the short story by I.A. Bunin? Why?

    Guess what Bunin called his short story. ("Gorgeous")

    Pick up associative series to the word "beauty" (kindness - a bright smile - warmth ...)

    Can the beauty of the heroine cause admiration? Why?

    What would you name the story (names of students: "Orphan", "Loneliness of a boy", "Someone else's child")?

    Is it a coincidence or not that the author calls his story that way?

    2) Text research


    Riddle 1 : n text title

    • What is the meaning of the title of the text?

    Five paragraphs. A few words about the beauty:

    1 paragraph : «… she was small, perfectly and strongly built, always well dressed, very attentive and housekeeping, she had a sharp look.

    2 paragraph : «… the second beauty calmly hated his seven-year-old boy from the first, pretended not to notice him at all ».

    3rd paragraph: «… the beauty said to the maid:

    - This is a disgrace, he will wear out all the velvet on the sofa. Lay him, Nastya, on the floor, on that mattress that I ordered you to hide in the large chest of the late lady in the corridor.

    Mystery 2: image system

      What words and phrases does the author use to create portrait characteristics official?

      What can be said about the behavior of the father? How do his actions characterize him?

      What conclusion do we draw about him as a person and a father?

    Ordinary, unremarkable, but seemingly decent

      Read again what the author says about the beauty?

      What are her mental qualities?

      What alerted you in the behavior of the beauty?

      What conclusion can we draw: what is it?

    –“ knew her worth”, “young” (compare: young), “small”, “excellent and strong built”, “always well dressed”, “very attentive and housekeeping”, “had a sharp-sighted look”.

      Read the adjectives and participles with which the author describes the boy.

      Find the antithesis (living - non-existent).

      What is behind these words?

    Seven-year-old”, “lively”, “affectionate”


      What is the similarity between the characters of the stepmother and the father?

    Cruelty towards a child. The calm hatred of the stepmother and the betrayal of the father: he “pretended”, pretended that he did not and never had a son.

      Why don't heroes have names?

    Riddle 3: speech of heroes

      Can we characterize the hero by speech, guess what he is?

      Which of the three characters has a voice? Why?

      What is the key word in the heroine's remark, characterizing her position in the family?

      How does this characterize family relationships?

    Riddle 4:loneliness

      Pay attention to the last paragraph and name the keyword.

      Did Bunin accidentally write the adjective "round" next to the word "loneliness"? What does this adjective add to the picture drawn by the master?

    The key word is LONELY.

    Riddle 5:detail in art space

      What words describe the boy's living space?

      Is the choice of nouns with diminutive suffixes random?

      Is there an artistic detail in the description of the boy's living space?

    corner”, “house”, “book”, “bed”, “good”, “sofa”, “mattress” - this is manifested good relations author to little hero

    The palm tree is a symbol of warmth. “Tub with a palm tree” is the only reminder that outside his house, his eternal prison, something blooms, grows, pleases

      In the lesson, we turned to geometric shapes. What geometric figure can we use to draw the boy's living space?

      What underlies this acute angle?

      What underlies the point of this angle?

      Can he feel comfort and peace in this position?

      What needs to happen in order for the all-round loneliness and the corner into which the boy was driven out to leave his life?

      Can it happen? Why?

    III . Reading Tatyana Kudryavtseva's story "Orphanage. Leka" and conversation

    Tatyana Kudryavtseva

    Orphanage. Leka.

    The orphanage was good. First, they gave food. Secondly, everyone there had a mother Kira from the oldest 7th grade. Mom Kira helped to do homework and even washed Lyoka in the bath. And when one of the children fell ill, Maria Konstantinovna herself, the director, came up in the evening and stroked her head.

    More at orphanage there were beds on which food grew! Turnips, onions, carrots, and most importantly - cucumbers. At the beginning of summer, they planted everything together. Lyoka kept running and looking to see if cucumbers appeared from yellow flowers like butterflies. Mom Kira said they would be made of flowers. Lyoka had never seen cucumbers, she just didn’t have time: at first she was small, and then the war began. During the blockade there was no food, not even water. Mom gave the last boiling water along with the pink salmon to Leka and died. And there were no letters from dad at all, not a single letter, at first mom cried a lot, and then suddenly stopped, she just looked into nowhere and gave Lyoka her bread. Lyoka was then unthinking, did not understand that you can’t eat mother’s bread, she ate. I wanted to eat every minute. But then, when the city was shackled by great cold, Leka no longer had the strength left - there is.

    Then my mother went for snow, melted it on a kerosene stove and poured it into Lyoka's mouth. Lyoka warmed up and fell asleep. And I woke up already in the orphanage. She was told that her mother was no more. But Lyoka did not believe, she did not believe for a long time, got up on her knees at the window and looked out into the street, what if her mother would come. But the street was empty and terrible, eyeless. No people, no cars, no military even, no one. Without a mother ... And Leka's mother was the most beautiful in the yard. Maybe not just in the yard. Her dresses shimmered and rustled. Before the war, she had many elegant dresses, shining like a piece of gold, and only quilted jackets remained in the war. And most importantly, the voice. Mom had special voice melodious like a piano. The orphanage also has a piano, Maria Konstantinovna plays on it. But she doesn't sing. And my mother sang. She sang and laughed. Then dimples erupted on her cheeks, Leka also has one dimple, in her mother. And dad was very tall, in a black overcoat, the overcoat was very prickly. In the orphanage they told her, since the overcoat is black, it means that your dad is a sailor. Lyoka knows that sailors sail on ships, some ships are very large, they can sail far, even where there is no war. dad had big hands. He circled Leka and said: “Lyoka-Lyoka, two jumps, the third bunny, run away!” Bunny, because Lyoka is white. When they came to the orphanage to adopt, Leka was often chosen. The white ones seem to be more loved. Or maybe because of the bow. Leka has a blue bow on her head, from her grandmother's scarf. Leka was brought to the orphanage, with a bow, Maria Konstantinovna told. In addition to this bow, Leka had nothing left. But she did not agree - in children. She hid under the bed, and Maria Konstantinovna did not give her away. Lyoka did not want another father and mother, she remembers her own. What if dad comes back, and Lyoka lives with strangers, then he won’t find her!

    And then the winter passed, and the sun returned to the city. As it warmed the earth, Maria Konstantinovna immediately gave them seeds. Some seeds sprouted by themselves, and cucumbers - from seedlings. Lyoka kept thinking: what kind of cucumber? Round or long? She woke up in the morning, so hurry - to the garden! Nurse Shura says, Lyoka is a lark, a bird that calls before anyone else. And now Lyoka comes running, looks, and the cucumber sticks out of the leaves, green, like small pencil. Leka immediately remembered what it tastes like, she, it turns out, just forgot! It tastes crispy, smells like summer. Lyoka does not understand how it happened that the cucumber had just been in the garden, and suddenly once - in her mouth. And no cucumber! It was very embarrassing, and maybe even theft, a common cucumber! Lyoka turned red with horror.

    On the ruler, Maria Konstantinovna asked sternly: “Where did the cucumber go?” No one realized anything, Lyoka alone saw the cucumber, but Lyoka understood and lowered her head.

    Maria Konstantinovna approached her, and everyone looked at Lyoka and was silent. And then mom Kira says:

    - Maria Konstantinovna, I plucked a cucumber for Leka, because it's her birthday.

    - I understood that,” said Maria Konstantinovna. But it would be better to ask anyway.

    And she didn't say anything more. And no one did, although the elders all knew that Lekin's birthday was not known. Lyoka ended up in an orphanage without documents, in her mother's padded jacket and with a bow, but she had no papers with her.

    A tear rolled out of Leka's eye and stopped on her cheek, out of shame. She decided that when she grows up, she will definitely give Kira a cucumber, and Maria Konstantinovna a whole basket of cucumbers! .. This incident happened last year, but it seems to Lyoka that it was yesterday. Shame is worse than smoke, it stings in the soul.

    Opposite the orphanage was the house of the blind - there lived children whose eyesight had been eaten away by the war. That's what Nurse Shura said. These children were very scary to look at. Lyoka tried to walk in the other direction, near the fence, where a small wooden mansion stood. Lyoka climbed onto the porch and played in the house, as if she had it again, and everyone was alive: dad, and mom, and grandmother, and the cat Bunny. Lyoka said: "Trick-track." She pretended to turn the key in the lock.

    One day she was playing and eating a piece of bread. Or rather, half of the cracker that was left from the afternoon snack. Although the blockade had already been lifted, Lyoka now never ate anything at once, she left it for a rainy day. At least a little. And suddenly Lyoka saw someone's face in the fence. Completely grown-up, even old, because unshaven. This someone did not take his eyes off her cracker. Lyoka understood exactly what it was from the cracker. First she hid the biscuit behind her back. Then she turned her back to the fence. But even back Lyoka felt this look. She realized that someone was hungry there. Lyoka sighed, but nevertheless went up to the fence, broke off half of the half and held it out ...

    And Kolya the Nameless, from senior group, peeped. Nameless - that was his last name, because he didn’t remember anything, he was older than Leka, and he didn’t even remember his last name. From hunger, probably. Kolya had no memory left inside, and only hatred remained.

    - What are you doing? Kolka shouted. - It's an enemy, a fascist! A German prisoner, let him die! The Germans have killed all of us, and you are his cracker! Take it back!

    Leka was crying. But she couldn't take it back. Not because I was afraid, but because I couldn't. And Kolka couldn't explain anything either. At eight years old, Lyoka knew well who the Nazis were. But even the Nazis have bellies, but the belly asks for food.

    Kolka screamed so much that Kira's mother from the 7th grade came running. Kira's mom hugged Lyoka to her and took her away.

    And in the evening, Maria Konstantinovna gathered everyone and ordered:

    - You don't have to go to the fence. Walk on the other side.

    Her face was sad, sad. Lyoka thought that there were no more sides for walking. And then she accidentally heard Maria Konstantinovna say to her nanny Shura:

    And Lyoka realized that Maria Konstantinovna was not angry with her. And what to regret is not ashamed. And that was the most important thing.

    Since then, they secretly sneaked up to the fence and fed the captured Germans. They had such a jar from Lendliz stew, they poured soup into the jar, as much as they could, and fed.

    These Germans were very quiet, all the time mumbling something about tanks and tires. Lyoka asked Kira what it means: “Tank tires?”

    Mom Kira said that in German it is "thank you." "Danke Sheen".

    And by the summer, even Kolka began to walk with them. The girls didn't say anything to him, and he didn't say anything to the girls either. Yes, and what can I say!

    The German, the one to whom Lyoka first gave half a cracker, carved a small doll for Leka. From a harmonica. Lyoka did not know if it was possible to take from a fascist. But he held out and smiled. And Lyoka thought again: “Although he is a fascist, he is still alive. Do not take, it's like hitting.

    And took.

    And at the beginning of the summer, their orphanage number twenty-five planted trees on Pesochnaya Embankment. Lyoka could grab the strongest, most beautiful seedling, because she was the first to stand, because she was the shortest and chose the first. But Lyoka chose the thinnest crooked tree, which no one even looked at. “Let it also grow in many years,” thought Lyoka. All summer and autumn she came to her seedling and watered it from a bottle.

    By the first anniversary of the Victory, the tree turned green. And they were given new coats in the orphanage. True, it was too big for Lyoka, the coat had to be cut right on her, but just think, little things! On that day, everything seemed like happiness ...


    The girl, whom everyone in the orphanage called Leka, having become an adult - Olga Ivanovna Gromova, chose the profession of a doctor for herself.

    This doctor had a happy gift: she not only operated beautifully, but also knew how to nurse the sick. Olga Ivanovna had the ability to regret in such a way that it was not at all offensive. Many people still say thank you to her. Me too.

    Once Olga Ivanovna brought me to the Vyazemsky kindergarten. To the very place where Orphanage No. 25 planted trees almost half a century ago. In the old alley on Pesochnaya Embankment, next to Malaya Nevka.

    These lindens have grown, become beautiful and shady. Somewhere there, among them, is her sticky, which was once a small crooked twig ...

    Olga Ivanovna is no longer in the world. But on Victory Day, I always commemorate her, bright memory to her ...

      What time period is described in the story?

      Who is Leka?

      Why was she in an orphanage?

      What did little Lyoka experience?

      Who did Leka feel sorry for?

      Is it possible to pity the enemy?

      Why did Leka do this?

      What surprised you about a seven year old girl?

      What did the seven-year-old girl understand when she heard the words of Maria Konstantinovna:

    - Where did she get the strength to pity?

      What is the most important trait in a girl's character?

      What does the story of Tatyana Kudryavtseva teach?

    IV . Let's get back to the topic...

      The topic of our today's lesson is: “WHAT will win: mercy or indifference?”

      What arguments (theses) should we put forward so that the two works that we talked about in the lesson could become arguments?


    Option 1

    Reason 1: The world, in which, unfortunately, good and evil, mercy and cruelty coexist, can only be changed with the help of kindness, compassion for the pain of others. ( exit to the story Tatyana Kudryavtseva)

    Reason 2: Indifference should not win in modern world. In order to eradicate it, it is necessary to show its terrible face more often, which is what writers, poets, and film directors do. Let people be horrified and understand that indifference to someone else's fate is an unforgivable sin. ( access to the short story by I. Bunin "Beauty")

    Option 2

    Reason 1: The world is cruel. It is uncomfortable, uncomfortable for the weak and infirm. Offending those who cannot fight back, we commit a crime, and until we, the people, understand this, heartlessness and indifference will win.

    Reason 2: To eradicate evil, indifference on earth, we ourselves must become kinder. We all need to learn how to act mercifully, to come to the aid of those who need it, to respond to someone else's pain as if it were our own. Responsiveness, mercy, compassion are needed by everyone in order to live in a bright and pure world. Evil and indifference must not win!

    V . Work on the conclusion of the essay.

      Read a few poems and "smart thoughts" of writers and scientists and write a conclusion to an essay on the topic“Mercy and indifference in the world: what will win?”


    I believe the time will come

    The power of meanness and malice

    The spirit of good will prevail!

    B. Pasternak.

    Do not be afraid of friends: in the worst case, they can betray!

    Do not be afraid of enemies: in the worst case, they can kill!

    Fear the indifferent: they do not kill or betray.

    But only with them tacit consent

    There is murder and betrayal on Earth!

    B. Yasensky

    Hurry up to warm your soul

    Someone who needs so much care.

    A hundredfold day will return you golden

    All that you give with a light heart.

    T. Kirkoyan.

    Indifference to those in need of help is one of the most dangerous vices. To be indifferent means, in essence, to lose the ability to feel a person next to you.V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    good people there were, are and, I hope, always will be more than bad and evil, otherwise disharmony would set in in the world, it would warp like a ship loaded with ballast or garbage on one side, and would capsize and sink long ago ... ( V. Astafiev )

    Indifference is the most terrible disease souls.(A. Tocqueville, French historian, sociologist, political figure)

    take care each other,

    Kindness warm.

    Take care of each other,

    Forget the fuss.

    And in a moment of leisure

    Stay next to a friend.

    Take care of each other

    Without pretense and flattery.

    Take care of each other:

    We're together for a while.

    O. Vysotskaya.

    In order to protect oneself from indifference, one must master complicity, sympathy, compassion and, at the same time, high principles and exactingness, implacability to evil, the ability to distinguish harmless human weaknesses from vices that deform the soul.V.A. Sukhomlinsky

    "Smart" thoughts:

    1. One of the most important human feelings- sympathy. And let it not remain just sympathy, but become an action. Assistance. To those who need it, who feel bad, although he is silent, one must come to the rescue, without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. If it is tuned to a wave of high humanity ( Sergey Lvovich Lvov, prose writer, critic, publicist, author of numerous articles about the Soviet and foreign literature, works of biographical and children's literature).

    2. What is the biggest purpose of life? I think: to increase the good in those around us. And goodness is, first of all, the happiness of all people ( Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, Russian scientist, historian, publicist. Third Letter "The Biggest").

    3. The main life task "should be dictated by kindness to people, love for the family, for your city, for your people, country, for the whole universe ( Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, Russian scientist, historian, publicist. Sixth letter "Purpose and self-esteem").

    4. Floors of care. Caring strengthens relationships between people. Strengthens the family, strengthens friendship, strengthens fellow villagers, residents of one city, one country ( Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, Russian scientist, historian, publicist. Letter seven "What unites people »).

    5. If you live only for yourself, with your petty concerns about your own well-being, then there will be no trace of what you have lived. If you live for others, then others will save what they served, what they gave strength to. ( »).

    6. Kindness is the most valuable thing in life ( Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, Russian scientist, historian, publicist. Letter forty-six "Ways of kindness »).

    7. Happiness is achieved by those who strive to make others happy and are able to forget about their interests, about themselves, at least for a while. This is the "unchangeable ruble".

    Knowing this, remembering this always and following the path of kindness is very, very important. . (Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev, Russian scientist, historian, publicist. Letter forty-six "Ways of kindness »).

    8. Leo Tolstoy: "Kindness is eternal higher purpose our lives"

    9. Mercy - it is a willingness to help someone or forgive someone out of compassion, philanthropy; one of the indisputable and priceless spiritual riches of man (Jacqueline Safier)

    VI . Homework. An essay on one of the topics:

    1. Mercy and indifference in the world: what will win?

    2. "... If there is a meaning and purpose in life, then this meaning and purpose is not at all in our happiness, but in something more reasonable and great. Do good!" (A.P. Chekhov ).

    3. Do you share the opinionA.P. Chekhov, who said: "Indifference is a paralysis of the soul, premature death."?

    4. What would our world be like if kindness and empathy disappeared?

    5. Can you expect sympathy if you don't show it yourself?

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Mercy or indifference?

Mercy or indifference - what is more common in our lives? Less and less people pay attention to a homeless animal, to a person who needs help - we just pass by. Why so?

To be clear, what is mercy? Mercy - for every person - different concept. For someone - a waste of time - "Why help someone? You have to live life for yourself!” For another, it is a way to do something useful and pleasant to another, even without receiving a reward. Mercy is, above all, a voluntary and selfless exercise.

Indifference, cruelty, selfishness are frequent phenomena of our life. The hearts of people freeze, harden and are no longer capable of noble deeds. But, if we need help, will someone be kind, generous and merciful to us? Think about it.

How not to be indifferent? Remember this saying and stick to it always: "Treat others the way you want to be treated." And if you quarreled with your relatives, didn’t help in something, became stubborn (this also hardens the heart and spoils the character), imagine that this person does not exist. Scared? Cherish this person? So, do not be lazy to get up and help.

Short description

Mercy or indifference - what is more common in our lives? Less and less people pay attention to a homeless animal, to a person who needs help - we just pass by. Why so?
To be clear, what is mercy? Mercy is different for every person. For someone - a waste of time - "Why help someone? You have to live life for yourself!” For another, it is a way to do something useful and pleasant to another, even without receiving a reward. Mercy is, above all, a voluntary and selfless exercise.

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Mercy and indifference - which side are you on?
MERCY - compassionate, benevolent, caring, love relationship to another person; opposite to indifference, hardness of heart, malevolence, hostility, violence. The concept of mercy goes back to the Pentateuch, where the word “hesed” meant “kindness”, “loving kindness”. In prebiblical Greek literature the word είδος denotes the feeling that arises at the sight of undeserved suffering. Aristotle has a feeling opposite to anger: sympathy, pity, compassion.

Although mercy is the highest moral demand, it can by no means be regarded as a demand that man is always expected to fulfill; in actual relations between people as members of a community, mercy is only a recommended requirement. Mercy is imputed to a person as a duty, but he himself has the right to demand only justice from others and nothing more.

Mercy is mediated by service; in this way it rises above alms, service, help. In the normative plan, mercy is directly related to the requirements of forgiveness of insults, opposition to evil, violence, and love for enemies.

style.rotation Vivid Examples of Mercy
Romanova Elizaveta Fedorovna Soon after the death of her husband, she sold her jewels (giving away to the treasury that part of them that belonged to the Romanov dynasty), with the proceeds she bought an estate with four houses and a vast garden, where the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent of Mercy, founded by her, is located. It was not a monastery in the exact sense of the word, the sisters of the monastery were engaged in charitable and medical work. Elizabeth was canonized.

style.rotation Nicholas II with his family and Elizaveta Fedorovna visiting the Soldatenska Hospital

Sisters of Mercy hallmark congregation is to take a special vow of service characteristic only for this community and actively social activity. In accordance with their mission, many nuns are engaged in teaching, medical and charitable activities.

Angelina Jolie Jolie created several charitable foundations to help children in Cambodia and those who suffered from man-made disasters. The actress saw with her own eyes the plight of the people of Cambodia, and went on a humanitarian journey to third world countries. Soon the idea came about the first adoption.

style.rotation David Beckham When David Beckham flew to Sierra Leone, he made his team find a window in his schedule so he could play soccer with the local kids. David decided to help the family of one of former football players whose relatives now live below the poverty line. David gave each family member an iPhone and told the family not to worry about their phone bills, as they were already paid for 10 years in advance. Finally, the player presented a check for 100 thousand dollars.

style.rotation What is indifference? Indifference is a state of apathy towards the surrounding world, people, phenomena, events, unwillingness to participate in change own life for the better, no concern for other people. "I don't care... It doesn't concern me... It doesn't interest me... Leave me alone... Don't interfere with me...". Each of us has heard or said such phrases. Man wants to be left alone, he wants nothing to do with certain people or events, he cares and is not interested in anything. There are many manifestations of indifference. A little boy stood at the window And read the ad in syllables. The shop assistant said in it, That he was selling funny kittens. The boy timidly entered and from the threshold He modestly asked how much they cost. His pockets, He slowly took out everything that was. Yes, it’s not enough, even though he saved up for a long time. I would buy it for sure, But I won’t have time to save up.” And the seller slowly opens the Lid in a huge box, and now Eight kittens run out of it, Well, the ninth one crawls after them, Wants to catch up with his friends, But he can’t keep up with them. And all because his legs are sick, So he was born ... to his own misfortune. The boy seemed to be doused with water, He did not dare to look away his eyes, He was not even able to say something, Only looked at the lame kitten. But through force, with great excitement, Barely, barely audibly, he suddenly uttered: “If there were money, then I, without a doubt, would have bought a lame kitten from you.” And the seller, looking in amazement, Sadly replied, nodding at him: “You know , a sick kitten, unfortunately, I was born like that, you can’t cure it. But, if you want a lame kitten, You can take it for yourself without money. Nobody will give a penny for this, I didn’t even think to sell it. “I can borrow money from my mother, I will pay for a lame kitten, Why is it worse than healthy kittens? want!" Having said this, he awkwardly bent down and crawled under his trousers for some reason. Looking at him, the seller was horrified: Instead of a leg, he saw a prosthesis ... Tears in his eyes, a lump in his throat, trembling in his body ... Everything became clear now to the seller. The boy is strong I wanted to hug, He extended his hands to the boy. Indifferent attitude... Indifference... What is it? Where does it come from in people? AT recent times indifference is a common word. We often hear about him on television and on the radio. It is in the air outside. Everyone is afraid of him, but when they come across him, they will not recognize him. Indifference is callousness and failure human soul. As a rule, indifferent people do not recognize themselves as such, moreover, some of them quite seriously consider themselves romantics. It's funny... By definition, romance is feelings and emotions that elevate a person, it is "characterized by the depiction of strong passions." Simply put, toromantics is true love, devoted friendship ... So indifference and romance are incompatible. Causes of indifferenceIndifference is often a kind of protection that protects a person from stress. If a person has been repeatedly rejected or insulted, then he tries to avoid such negative emotions. Wanting to defend himself, a person often quite unconsciously begins to portray indifference. However, over time, a problem arises, because indifference and indifference often become internal state person. Sometimes there are severe cases of indifference to others and to oneself. Nowadays it is very difficult to be merciful and at the same time remain a respected person. As a rule, kind, unselfish people who seek to help are considered strange. As soon as we begin to show mercy, they immediately begin to call us Mother Teresa. It's like we've done something stupid. People for the most part are accustomed to being selfish, caring only about their own well-being. They are afraid of what others think of them, and they suppress their own good qualities. But this is wrong!

Everyone chooses what he considers necessary. Each of us is simply obliged to cultivate mercy, compassion in ourselves ... otherwise the world will collapse. And we must not forget about one simple thing: if you are not touched by someone else's pain, do not express your indignation at the inhumanity of the world around you. Better to start with yourself!

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