Opinion of a commando about the Ossetian-Ingush conflict. The most beautiful Ossetians


To date, in Russian Federation more than 300 ethnic groups live. Of course, in any nation you can meet beautiful female representatives who are able to charm every man with their beauty. The most are considered Russian ethnic group, and the second place is most often given to the Ossetians. Let's see what the most beautiful Ossetian lives in Russia. All information is collected on the basis of a variety of opinions, ratings, tops.

The most beautiful Ossetian models

Elizaveta Galueva is a young and attractive Ossetian fashion model. Possesses beautiful eyes that any woman can envy.

Another beauty model is Alana Khubetsova. This girl is a popular Ossetian model who actively collaborates with various professional photographers. The height of the girl is 1.78 meters, her chest is 84 centimeters.

Diana Dzugutova is another Moscow model, very beautiful and mysterious woman, which is able to captivate with its eyes the heart of any man.

Kristina Tskhovrebova is a beautiful Ossetian model who holds the title of "The Most Beautiful Ossetian", according to many Ossetian sites. This opinion was formed for a reason: the girl is really beautiful and has full right be called such.

Another beautiful Ossetian model is Regina Abaeva. Owns a popular page on the Vkontakte website.

The most beautiful Ossetian singers and dancers

Zarina Maliti aka Eva Mali is an attractive and popular singer. In 2011, she was recognized as one of the most beautiful girls Russia according to the American magazine Complex.

The wife of a member of the Moscow CSKA team and the Russian national football team is very attractive woman. On this moment Zarema Abaeva is a soloist of the Alania ensemble, which performs in Moscow. Many Internet users believe that Zarema is the most beautiful Ossetian.

Elana Alborova is considered another attractive Ossetian singer. The girl is very popular on Facebook and has her own circle of listeners who appreciate not only her external beauty but also a nice voice.

Girls from the Moscow ensemble "Alania" all have a beautiful appearance. Therefore, we give the next position of our list to two beautiful soloists given creative association- Nonna Bazieva and Dina Bekoeva.

Marina Bitarova is a young singer, an aspiring model, one of the most beautiful Ossetians in Russia. The girl is 22 years old, she dyed her hair blonde and does not look like a representative of the Caucasian nationality, but, despite this, it is believed that Marina is the most beautiful Ossetian among young singers.

Other beautiful Ossetians

There are many smart beauties among the female representatives. So, Agunda Bekoeva, a former student at MGIMO, speaks six languages, won the 2009 Clever and Clever Olympiad and is included in the list of "The Most Beautiful Ossetian Girls" for a reason - she is truly beautiful.

Isabella Magkoeva is a young beauty, an ex-model with a height of 1.73 meters, today an active member of the RSD. A resident of Moscow, a former student of the Russian State University for the Humanities, speaks three languages. Today the girl is 26 years old.

Participant of the TV project "DOM-2", model, very popular girl on the site "Vkontakte" - Bella Totrova.

Anna Gurieva

Today, in all ratings and tops, it is believed that it is Anna Gurieva who is the most beautiful Ossetian in the world. model, leads a popular page on Instagram. Anna Gurieva is not in vain considered the most beautiful representative of the Ossetian people - she is truly beautiful.

27/01/11, Alan777
"I am an OSSETIAN" - even though you are my fellow tribeswoman, it is disgusting to read you, by God. What's the slang? You did not notice how you were saturated with the fluids emanating from the creatures from the right column, the manner of expression is at least practically the same: all around are prostitutes and freaks. In general, Ossetians, let's better keep quiet, let representatives of other nations speak. We will not be like you know who.

04/03/11, KerryJey
I don’t even know what to write here) On the one hand, I had an Ossetian fiancé, I loved him very much! He was a smart man, caring, fair. In general, the ideal, but unfortunately he was killed in the war. But after that, I wanted to meet with the boy, also an Ossetian, but ... He turned out to be rude, callous, EGOIST. Who loved ONLY himself and money. As a result, he left me because I did not give him money. In short, as in any nation, 50 to 50%

15/03/11, porvu bleach
Ossetians are a great people! We adopted Christianity even earlier than the Russians! If such scum who write nasty things about us are so cool f**k, come here and say it in person! You can only sit at home at the computer and feel like heroes! but in life you - nonentities! come here - you're afraid to open your mouth, and if you open it, then you are fucked up! Stupid scum who have not achieved anything and fucked up here would have torn if I saw it!

15/03/11, football fan
Ossetians are very kind and hospitable people. I don't understand the people in the right column.

19/03/11, niT
Ossetians are one of ancient peoples Caucasus. To a much greater extent than other highlanders, they were developed and attracted the attention of travelers and researchers. Already in the XVII-XVIII centuries. there was a large number of Georgian, Western European and Russian news about the Ossetians, characterizing different sides their way of life and culture. This is about history! "Russian outpost in the Caucasus", "Christian land that cuts through Muslim republics like a wedge", "bridge in Transcaucasia" - such and similar characteristics are given today to North Ossetia. The republic found itself at the very edge of the Caucasian turmoil (undoubtedly being a part, or rather, a reflection of the Russian turmoil), which has not faded for almost ten years. And she fully experienced all the contradictions, horrors and abominations of our time. This applies to what the Ingush and Chechens write on the contrary, in whose eyes they are empty and still see the herd way of life !!!

25/03/11, Dudaev M
Well .... I read all the pros and cons, what can I say .... as always, this pathetic shadow of the Chechen people, which considers itself a nation, is against it .... I don’t want to offend them, but the Almighty has already offended them, but they believe that they are men .... well, let them believe, just like the fact that on Ossetian land there is something that belongs to them ... I repeat once again, from Nazran to Ossetia, a couple of hours drive, and these fools have been saying for decades that they will come for their lands ..... we are waiting for you .... we are always waiting ... just don’t cry later and don’t say that Ossetians have offended you again ..... Ossetian I .. your knowledge of history is impressive, but you would have been more restrained ..... and yet ... someone claims to be Our Nart Epic .... remember the degenerates ...... this epic never had names like Khamzat , Magomed, Ramzan, etc. exactly the same as among your nation there are no names Soslan, Batradz, Azau, Akhsar, Akhsartag ..... and you are not Alans .... all this is in your childhood dreams ..)

16/07/11, ManSuper
Beautiful people both spiritually and externally. Freedom-loving. Their girls are very beautiful. And in relation to the Russians, it can serve as an example for the entire Caucasus. Russia fully supported Ossetia in the war. From Kremlin officials to ultra-right parties. During Chechen war the Russian army felt at home in Ossetia. In general, respect and respect to you.

08/08/11, Lusi1515
Can't kindle ethnic conflicts, which in recent times take place in our country! I am personally acquainted with several Ossetians. And they are completely different people. I can honestly say that in one of them I was disappointed specifically. The other one I consider my true friend. In my opinion, it's not about the nation, but about the person. As the saying goes, there is a black sheep in every flock!

18/09/11, Tuats
Ossetians who write in the left column, please do not become like people unworthy of an answer. Do not insult anyone. We have never been engaged in propaganda. We are a tolerant people and there is no point in proving anything. The Caucasians have not lost their traditions and culture. Their language. They have never been beaten in the back like jackals. Only the weak and the hurt prove. I love my people and our history. In my family, all Ossetians, but no one inspired me that we are better than others peoples, I have never heard words of hatred against other peoples. And they taught what an Ossetian girl should know. Respect elders. Know your roots. Honor customs, etc. By the way, one of the ancient Ossetian customs called zhiuon (in Russian) - the custom of mutual assistance, regardless of nationality, and this already says a lot. There are many such examples. Being a Patriot and being a Nazi are two different things. So we are not Nazis. What difference does it make what Dani Baksan writes there? Thanks to everyone :-)

24/10/11, Karima89
My feelings are 50/50) I myself am half Ossetian, but I have lived all my life in Russia, my blood, of course, beckons me to those parts. It is very beautiful there and I am leaving, I, from there with tears, in short, I probably want to live there))) )) But until now I can’t understand their attitude towards girls, well, towards Russian girls, as far as I understand, these are 2 different categories)))))) And since I have lived all my life in Russia, and to shit that my father Ossetian, they treat me like a Russian) I really like Ossetian men, but ... In short, it turned out that we talked on the Internet, after 2 meetings I gave myself up, not iron, after all, the charm is just crazy))))))) And he ... didn’t call later and, what’s most interesting, deleted his page from the social network .... Some kind of inadequate, maybe knowledgeable people Will they tell me what’s wrong? Did you give it early? So I didn’t plan to meet him))))))) Some kind of strange)))))))) Well, in general, everything is generally SUPER)))))) ))))

09/11/11, OSSETIAN
Ossetians are wonderful people and what you write there in the right column is all nonsense! what history do you remember? I do not understand at the moment Ossetians are bad people? NO! who's calling them cowards? A? I RESPECT the Russian people, they are like Ossetians to us! but to be honest, in Moscow, St. Petersburg ... only cowards and suckers live in the majority! from the age of 7 they already drink and smoke and who the hell knows how they grow up, and in Ossetia at the age of 5 a child already goes to wrestling!

06/12/11, Elena Tsalikova
Have many here simply forgotten that they are people? I am very ashamed of illiteracy, which is only emphasized by obscene language and rudeness, on the one hand and on the other. Everyone has their own thoughts, feelings, opinions ... I love my people, well I also treat Russians. Sorry, but among both the Ossetians and the Russian people there are representatives who can hardly be called educated, honest and SMART people, I found confirmation in the left and right columns, I will not get personal, if any. Caucasian mentality it is peculiar, much is alien to representatives of other nationalities. It is a pity that we are losing a lot - language, customs, traditions, honor in one way or another. pretend to be politicians, cultural experts - this is very far from the truth, just remember that we are all about two hands, two legs. Thank you, to each and everyone of the peaceful sky and earth. Iu laeji huyzaen.

09/12/11, belaz
in general, it’s stupid to treat the whole nation badly ... I knew several Ossetians in my life and, with the exception of one, they were great people and real friends, ready to help in any situation. and they didn’t violate men’s and didn’t show cowardice, as they wrote about them in the red column, so it’s inappropriate for all the people to individual people judge...

12/04/12, Ruslan0015
I myself am an Ossetian and I am proud of it, and I thank God that I was born an Ossetian. And I sympathize with all those who write in the red column, because they probably don’t even sleep from this hatred at night. I am sure that not one of these haters of Ossetians who writes here in reality would not dare to say all this in the face of Ossetians. Virtual warriors can only tap on the keyboard while sitting in front of your computer in comfortable chair. No need to incite ethnic hatred. The country is large and only the unity of all peoples will help to live comfortably in it.

22/04/12, Gasiy
. I will not praise this little people, since it also has a bunch of unworthy citizens, but a big plus is that it is more civilized, if only because in this region people are quite hospitable, friendly and know the concept of honor. If you do good to an Ossetian, he will answer you doubly. Powerful blood flows in Ossetian veins!!! Iron!!! Be smarter, do not succumb to cheap provocations from enemies. Live! Have children! Love your people and be proud not only of them great history. Develop! Take care of your native language! Help a fellow countryman, wherever you are. And then your great nation will flourish endlessly!

31/05/12, Toriya
Ossetians are one of my favorites Caucasian peoples(after the Georgians, of course). I have been communicating with a semi-Ossetian since childhood. Actually, she's my goddaughter. I also want to draw attention to the fact that you will never hear from a zombie that Ossetians danced lezginka in public place, slaughtered Russians or something like that.

17/07/12, Xetto
Ossetians are the most Honest, Strong, and Noble People, and such as the Ingush And the Chechens have always envied them! Ossetians have no equal time to come to terms with this!

01/08/12, agunda777
open big encyclopedia or get on the internet. And there you can easily find such Urartian kings as RUSA the first, RUSA the second, and you will also find the Urartian king TIGRAND, which also does not speak in favor of the Ingush of the Urartian state. Because in Ingush, the Lemmoroi language also does not have such words, but there is Armenian name TIGRAN. And there is also the capital of IRAN - TEHERAN (TIGRAN). By the way, Ossetians are also called IRON in another way. And Iran and Armenia have an Aryan origin. You can cite a lot of facts and only facts to prove the inconsistency of the reasoning of those on the right about Alania and their descendants. Is it just worth it. On the right, there is just anti-Ossetian hysteria, which is whipped up by falsification of facts, but history cannot be changed, no matter how hard you try.

01/08/12, agunda777
As for the year 92, they would be ashamed ... Do not forget the famous phrase of Alexander Nevsky "Whoever comes with a sword will die by the sword." Only those who hid behind your pregnant women, old people and children came with a sword. And your women, old people and children were a voluntary shield to freely enter foreign territory at 4 o'clock in the morning, when our old people, our children, our women were still sleeping. They entered without a single shot, because not a single Ossetian (there were two policemen at the post) dared to shoot at that human shield. This is your strategy to fight women, old people and children, breaking into the houses of your former neighbors at night and brutally cracking down on the unarmed population. It was you that the Russians saved when they stood at the border three days later, after you were thrown back to where you crawled out from. The strategy of the Georgians in 2008 was not much different from yours, so you sing praises to them. If the Georgians would come to you in this way, your screech would be heard as far as Jupiter, if not further.

01/08/12, agunda777
Open a large encyclopedia or surf the Internet. And there you can easily find such Urartian kings as RUSA the first, RUSA the second, and you will also find the Urartian king TIGRAND, which also does not speak in favor of the Ingush of the Urartian state. Because there are no such words in the Ingush language, the language of the Lemmoroi, but there is the Armenian name TIGRAN. And there is also the capital of IRAN - TEHERAN (TIGRAN). By the way, Ossetians are also called IRON in another way. And Iran and Armenia have an Aryan origin. You can cite a lot of facts and only facts to prove the inconsistency of the reasoning of those on the right about Alania and their descendants. Is it just worth it. On the right is just anti-Ossetian hysteria, which is pumped up by falsification of facts, but history cannot be changed, no matter how hard you try

31/08/12, Carl Lewis
Ossetians are the most noble and worthy nation of peoples North Caucasus(I don’t want to offend anyone) they are special, truly royal blue blood! I was born in Siberia and would never insult my neighbors, peoples of other nationalities with whom I live next to, and there are many of them: Ukrainians, Buryats, Yakuts, Kalmyks , Tatars, etc. d different culture and religion - separate disgusting "personalities" and sometimes come across among them. You read all this and ... you are stunned - the problem in the North Caucasus really exists. there are many acquaintances and friends among them, and it is not very pleasant to read a lot of what their fellow countrymen write.

01/09/12, Carl Lewis
In general, the Ossetians are great! There are many of them among us! , and most importantly, they have not lost their identity, culture, their I - while not infringing on anyone's interests. Young guys (and not only young ones) are the best athletes in the world, which is especially true for wrestling, fights without pr-l, boxing, they have no equal on the planet in this segment, the Ossetian team can oppose any national team, and maybe even win the world team .Here they write all sorts of historical nonsense, it's not interesting. Ossetian youth study at prestigious institutes, go in for sports, the smithy of Olympic champions and their girls are the most beautiful ... The future of the North Caucasus is behind them, the rest of them, from their impotence and worthlessness, are simply jealous - that's what they write all sorts of nasty things. Krasnoyarsk

In the second half of the 18th century, European scientists traveling through the North Caucasus encountered Ossetians for the first time. Who are they? Where did they come from? These questions baffled pundits, who had little knowledge of the history of the Caucasus and its ethnographic ancestry.
Ossetian German, traveler and naturalist Johann Guldenshtedt called the Ossetians the descendants of the ancient Polovtsians. German scientists August Haxthausen, Karl Koch and Karl Hahn put forward the theory of the Germanic origin of the Ossetian people. The French archaeologist Dubois de Monpere suggested that the Ossetians belong to the Finno-Ugric tribes.
According to the point of view of Doctor of Law Voldemar Pfaff, Ossetians are the result of a mixture of Semites with Aryans. The starting point for this conclusion was the outward resemblance of the highlanders to the Jews discovered by Pfaff. In addition, the scientist focused on some in general terms way of life of the two peoples. For example, there are such parallels: the son remains with his father and obeys him in everything; the brother is obliged to marry the wife of the deceased brother (the so-called "levirate"); with a legal wife, it is also allowed to have “illegal” ones. However, a little time will pass, and comparative ethnology will prove that such phenomena are very common among many other peoples.
Along with these assumptions, the German orientalist Julius Klaproth in early XIX century, the theory of the Alanian origin of the Ossetians was put forward. Following him, the Russian researcher, ethnographer Andrey Sjogren proved the validity of this point of view using extensive linguistic material. And at the end 19th century Vsevolod Miller, an outstanding Caucasian scholar and Slavist, finally convinced the scientific community of the Alano-Iranian roots of the Ossetian people.
Long pedigree
The richest history of the Ossetian nation has at least 30 centuries. Today we have enough information to dive into the study of the genealogy of this people, which reveals a clear continuity: Scythians - Sarmatians - Alans - Ossetians.
The Scythians, who declared themselves victorious campaigns in Asia Minor, the creation of grandiose burial mounds and the art of making gold jewelry, settled in the regions of the steppe Crimea and the regions of the Northern Black Sea region, between the lower reaches of the Danube and the Don, as early as the 8th century BC.
In the IV century BC. Scythian king Atey, completing the unification tribal unions, created a powerful state. However, in the III century BC. the Scythians were attacked by related Sarmatian tribes and were partially dispersed, but a significant group of them were assimilated by the Sarmatians.
In the III century AD. the Goths invaded the Scythian-Sarmatian kingdom, and a century later the Huns came, who involved the local tribes in the Great Migration of Nations. But the weakening Scythian-Sarmatian community did not dissolve in this turbulent stream. Energetic Alans emerged from it, some of which, together with the Hun horsemen, went to the West and reached as far as Spain. The other part moved to the foothills of the Caucasus, where, having united with local ethnic groups, laid the foundation for the future early feudal state of Alania. In the 9th century, Christianity penetrated from Byzantium to Alanya. It is still practiced by most residents of North and South Ossetia.
In the 1220s. the hordes of Genghis Khan invaded Alania, defeating the small Alanian army and by the end of the 1230s seized the fertile plains of the foothills of the Caucasus. The surviving Alans were forced to go to the mountains. Deprived of their former power, the Alans disappear from the historical scene for five long centuries, only to be reborn in a new light under the name of Ossetians.

Vladikavkaz - the capital of North Ossetia - is called the "Caucasian St. Petersburg". No other city in the North Caucasus has such a large number creative people: artists, photographers, designers and artists.

“Indeed, there are many creative people. I was born in a mountain village, we had this joke: “Throw a balalaika out of the window, anyone will catch it and start playing,” says Alik Pagaev, Ossetian, head of the acting troupe of the equestrian theater “Narty” in Vladikavkaz.

Anastasia Stepanova

Creativity, however, is not the only national trait. According to Pagaev, in the blood of every Ossetian is a talent for military affairs and work with horses.

Openness to new cultures

Ossetians descended from Iranian-speaking nomads - Scythians and Sarmatians, in historical writings of the 2nd century AD. these tribes were called serious military and political force. In the 11th century A.D. the medieval state of Alanya has already been formed on this territory. Its inhabitants were also famous in the district for their military skills: the basis of the army was the horse cavalry. Despite the glory, the Alans could not withstand the invasion of the Tatar-Mongols, in the XIV century the people were almost completely destroyed. Several hundred inhabitants remained in the mountains, but at the same time the nation managed to survive, and subsequently successfully assimilate in Russia.

“The Caucasus began to join Russia in the 18th century, our republic was one of the first. The Ossetians perceived these changes as a salvation - it is difficult to survive in the mountains, the intelligentsia understood that it was necessary to develop. A step towards Russia is an opportunity. Then many went to study in St. Petersburg - this is how artists, sculptors appeared here, and then their own strong school of arts, and their own recognizable style”, says Anna Kabisova, photographer and photojournalist.

In her opinion, such openness to contact with new culture is also a national trait. “The reason is in religion: Ossetians are Christians. Therefore, it was easier for them than for the inhabitants of the Muslim republics to find understanding with the Russian population.

Pies, beer and gifts to the gods

In fact, Christianity in the republic is not quite traditional, there are strong and pagan beliefs. Ossetians have dozens of folk religious holidays with cult customs. There are symbolic peace offerings, such as slaughtering a chicken or a ram for guests at a celebration.

famous national Ossetian pies- sacred food. Round and thin pies with meat, cheese and potatoes in the worldview of Ossetians personify the sun: on holidays, each family sets the table with three pies. Among similar traditions is the culture of brewing.

On many Ossetian holidays, women brew beer according to a national recipe. It also has its own “Oktoberfest”: the festival-competition of Ossetian beer takes place every October in Vladikavkaz: Ossetians from all over Russia and other countries come to it. This drink, in appearance and taste, is more like kvass, it contains 1.5-2 degrees of alcohol. This beer is brewed in a large cauldron over a fire. The main ingredients are familiar to all peoples: hops, malt, and additional ones - lamb ribs and sugar, in general - there are hundreds of recipes.

Ossetians are not merchants

“Ask me what I dislike doing most of all - I will answer: trade,” Alik Pagaev tells about the national character. - Ossetians do not have an entrepreneurial spirit - we have many talented artists, good athletes - especially in freestyle wrestling, horse breeders, and we try to avoid commerce.

He also calls tolerance and delicacy. “I worked in Kabardino-Balkaria for three years and still could not get used to the fact that they speak the national language. I come to visit Kabardians, they communicate with each other, I don’t understand them, but someone translates for me common sense. In Ossetia, this is not accepted: if there is at least one guest in a society, we speak Russian. One of my acquaintances from Chechnya often came to us and once heard how in Vladikavkaz, on the street, people spoke Ossetian. He was surprised - he thought that we always speak only Russian, ”recalls Pagaev.

At the same time, in the cities there are young people who do not know national language. “This is sad: our language must be preserved. My children at home speak only Ossetian. If I hear Russian speech, I explain: “You will speak Russian where necessary, and at home communicate in mother tongue", - says the rider.

important national trait Ossetian is a good learner. “People are often surprised: a young guy from a remote mountain village comes to study in St. Petersburg or Moscow. Within two years he is fully integrated, speaks Russian without an accent and shows good academic results. This is an important feature of the Ossetians - I think it helped our people to survive in hard times", - emphasizes Alan Pagaev.

Did you know that:

  • Today, about 700 thousand Ossetians live in the world, of which 528.5 thousand live in Russia, according to the 2010 census.
  • The majority live in North Ossetia - 459.6 thousand people, in South Ossetia - 45.9 thousand, in Moscow - 7.9 thousand, in St. Petersburg - a little more than 3 thousand Ossetians.
  • Ossetians also live in the neighboring Caucasian republics: there are more than 9 thousand of them in Kabardino-Balkaria, in Stavropol Territory- almost 8 thousand people, there are separate Ossetian villages in Karachay-Cherkessia - there are 3.1 thousand Ossetians.
  • There are Ossetian diasporas in other countries. A large community has developed in Turkey (37 thousand) and in Georgia (14.3 thousand).

One of the peoples living in the North Caucasus is called Ossetians. It has rich and unique traditions. Long years scientists are interested in the question: "Ossetians - Muslims or Christians?" To answer it, it is necessary to get acquainted with the history of the development of the religiosity of this ethnic group.

Ossetians in antiquity

Since ancient times, the nationality of Ossetians has been various titles. For example, they called themselves "iron adam", and the country in which they lived - "Iriston". The Georgians called them "ovsi", and the country, respectively, "Ovseti".

From the first millennium of our era, the people lived in the North Caucasus, in the Alanian kingdom. Over time, the Ossetians were strongly pressed by the Mongols and the troops of Tamerlane, after which they lifestyle changed a lot. Having fallen under the influence of Georgia, they began to change their lives, and with it their confessional affiliation. It became quite difficult for the people to live under the new conditions and had to settle down in the harsh mountains.

People who watched the life of the Ossetians from the outside sympathized with them very much, because their country was closed and inaccessible to the outside world because of the mountains shrouded in ice and snow, and also because of the presence of rocks and fast-flowing rivers. Because of environment the fertility of Ossetia is low: apart from cereals such as oats, wheat and barley, virtually nothing will be born there.

Ossetians, whose religion has been considered Christian since ancient times, today are only considered as such because of the observance of Great Lent, veneration of icons, faith in priests and churches. They have nothing else to do with Christianity. Previously, Ossetians revered many gods of the elements and looked for parallels between the Christian pantheon and saints in Islam. Very often they made sacrifices to Christian saints, such as Nikolai Ugodnik, George the Victorious, Archangel Michael and others.

The emergence of Christianity in Ossetia

How did Ossetians become Christians? This religion came to them from Georgia in the 11th-13th centuries - this is according to official data, but not many people know that the people got acquainted with this faith much earlier. And she entered their lives gradually.

Back in the 4th century, South Ossetians adopted Christianity from western Georgia. But due to the weakening of faith after the departure of Lazik to the Persians, religious teachings did not spread further. Again Christianity declared itself during Justian's campaign against Ossetia and Kabarda. It happened already in the VI century. During the activity of Justinian as a missionary, churches began to be built, and bishops came from Greece. It was during this period that Ossetians were accustomed to the elements of the Christian cult and rituals. But already in the 7th century, the campaigns of the conquering Arabs began, which again suspended the development of Christianity.

Many centuries religious life in Ossetia remained unstable. There were also Christian Ossetians and those who adhered to the Islamic faith. Both branches became native to them.

Study of the faith of the Ossetians

For many years, this people (Ossetians) adhered to both Christianity and Islam. Despite the differences in confessions, the rites were held together. In addition, they were interconnected with ancient beliefs. Today North Ossetia has communities of 16 confessions. Researchers constantly monitor the inhabitants of the country and their religion, their attention is attracted by the form and degree of influence of faith on the people.

The beliefs of Ossetians began to be systematically studied after the annexation of Ossetia to Russia. It was representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church who began to observe how Ossetians, whose faith was unstable, live, and what traditions they prefer. And the first studies began during missionary activities in the territory of this mountainous country.

The specifics of the faith of the Ossetians

Thanks to the traditional system of religion, for many centuries the opinion of the people was formed, which was radically different from monotheistic beliefs. Their faith is open and capable of accepting completely new ideas and perspectives from other faiths. The specificity of the Ossetian religion is the tolerant attitude of this people towards both Christianity and Islam. These are the Ossetians. Muslims or Christians around - it doesn't matter to them. Despite the belief that relatives and friends take, these people treat them the same way, because in different times both Christianity and Islam were present in the life of the people.

The manifestation of Christianity in Ossetia

The origins in the territory of Alanya could not be studied as well as the arrival of Christianity. There are some differences among scientists. The history of the Ossetians says that the faith of the sons of Allah began to spread in these lands in the 7th century, while other sources claim that Islam became "one's own" among the Ossetians only in the 18th century. Whatever it was, but it is only known for certain that the turning point occurred precisely after the annexation of Ossetia to Russia. Religious forms were dramatically transformed and adapted to the new rules. Orthodox Church began to restore Christianity among the Ossetians, although the missionaries desired result it wasn't easy.

Ossetians regarded baptism as an act necessary for joining Russian people, and were absolutely not interested in Christian dogmas and, naturally, did not adhere to rituals. It took several decades for the Ossetians to know the faith of Christ and join the church life. The creation of Christian schools helped a lot in this, where public education took place.

Christianity and Islam began to develop in parallel after the annexation of Ossetia to Russia. Islam spread in some parts of the country, to a greater extent this applies to the western and eastern regions. There people accepted it as the only religion.

Russian influence on the religion of the Ossetians

Already during the first time, the Orthodox Russian Church was declared a stronghold of the counter-revolution. Subsequently, there were repressions directed against the clergy. They stretched out for several decades, churches and temples began to be destroyed. Vladikavkaz diocese already in the first 20 years Soviet power was destroyed. Ossetians, Christians or Muslims, did not have a single faith. And already in 1932-37 there was a second wave of repressions, then both Christianity and the Muslim faith suffered. It was during these years that mass destruction and closing of churches was observed in Ossetia. For example, in Vladikavkaz, out of 30 cathedrals, only two have survived, which are still in operation today.

In the 1930s, the mosques that were located on the territory of North Ossetia were destroyed. The best priests of various nationalities were persecuted.

IN Soviet times it became very difficult to exist, but the Orthodox faith remained traditional and numerous for the indigenous Ossetians. Only by the 90s Islam began to revive in Ossetia, communities began to register, mosques were restored. To this day, the consequences of past attacks and raids are felt. The clergy do not have a professional special training, there is practically no literature necessary for worship. This affects the work of Muslim communities. There were attempts to invite young people who were educated in Egypt and in Saudi Arabia, but they led to bad consequences, because along with them, the Salafi doctrine, unfamiliar and not inherent to the people, began to appear in the Caucasus.

Modern Ossetia

IN modern world because of the transformation of religion, its new forms began to appear, which are very far from traditions. Ossetian culture is also undergoing changes. Under the guise of restoring the national Ossetian religion, there are attempts to create new movements that can become an alternative to Islam and Christianity. They are defined as non-pagan. Three such communities have already been registered in the Republic of Ossetia. They are trying to create a republican organization.

Today, Ossetia has become a small state with a territory of almost 4,000 square meters. km and small population. After the August war with Georgia, the Ossetians began to live in safety. The Georgians left them, but at the same time the people became very vulnerable. The borders of South Ossetia and Georgia are under tight control Russian authorities. Russia has specially created the Border Guard for South Ossetia. After the war with Georgia, the country is recovering very slowly, and its capital, Tskhinvali, has recently begun to be truly reconstructed.

Pentecostals and communities of Ossetia

The situation with religion is rather peculiar. Only the Tskhinvali synagogue survived after atheism Soviet era, and is valid to this day, however, it was converted into a Jewish Cultural Center. Nowadays, Jews began to leave Ossetia en masse and return to Israel, so the synagogue began to work for Ossetian Pentecostals. But now only the part of the building, which was located behind, is functioning, since the Jews held services in the front. Throughout the territory of Ossetia there are six more communities of Pentecostals.

Many representatives of the Ossetian intelligentsia have adopted their faith, and for convenience, divine services are conducted both in Russian and in the local languages. Although Pentecostals are not officially registered today, they are absolutely free to develop and go about their business. This trend has taken a strong position in the social structure of the united church of Christians with the evangelical faith.

Ossetians today

A considerable part of the Ossetians to this day is true to traditional beliefs. Different villages of the republic have their own sanctuaries and chapels. Today, Ossetia is being restored and reconstructed. Due to the unsatisfactory socio-political situation, many citizens left the country, and those who remained live on a small salary. It is very difficult for people to build or acquire necessary products food, as the customs services of Russia continue to work according to the same scheme as before the war with Georgia. The culture of the Ossetians is not developing fast enough, so far they do not have the opportunity to receive a good education and achieve something in life. And this is despite the fact that Ossetia is rich in non-ferrous metals, they have wonderful wood, textile industry. The state can begin to develop and become one of the most modern, but this will require a lot of effort and a new government.

Ossetian religion today

The history of the people is quite complicated, the same is the case with religion. Who are the Ossetians - Muslims or Christians? It is very difficult to say. North Ossetia has remained closed to research, and not much is known about it. Experts have calculated that approximately 20% of the population in the north are faithful sons of Allah. Basically, this religion began to rise after many young people of North Ossetia began mainly in the form of Wahhabism. Some people think that the clergy want to control religious activities Muslims, and that it itself is tightly controlled by the FSB, albeit behind the scenes.

Religion and nationality

South Ossetia has become a haven for different peoples- Ossetians and Georgians, Russians and Armenians, as well as Jews. V in large numbers left the country due to the conflict of the 90s and began to live in Russia. Basically it is North Ossetia - Alania. Georgians, in turn, left en masse for their homeland. Orthodox faith, despite all the ups and downs, began to prevail among the Ossetians.

Relationship between culture and religion

Ossetian culture is constantly evolving, but the people are trying to adhere to ancient traditions and teaches it to the new rising generations. For the inhabitants of Ossetia, it is absolutely unimportant what religion their relatives and neighbors have. The main thing is good attitude to each other and mutual understanding, and God is one for all. Thus, it does not matter who the Ossetians are - Muslims or Christians. For spiritual and mental development, museums and theaters, libraries and educational establishments. The state is constantly working on raising the economy and other areas.

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