Music lessons in the second junior group. Outline of a music lesson (junior group) on the topic: Open music lesson in the second junior group "Introduction to musical instruments"


Working with young children is difficult - it is a responsible process that requires great knowledge and skills. Creating a clear lesson plan, choosing an original approach, borrowing creative ideas will help novice teachers to get used to it faster, and experienced teachers to diversify their classes. The music director has many tasks that need to be clearly understood and performed. It is about the tasks and how to implement them that you will learn from this article.

The purpose of a music lesson in kindergarten, specific tasks and techniques

At the music director the main objective- to bring pleasure and joy to the wards with their occupation. However, with each lesson, he forms a lot of skills, is engaged in the education of cultural perception.

Tasks and methods of teaching children music (first junior group)

Learning tasks. Children must learn:

  • move rhythmically to the music;
  • distinguish between mood and character musical composition;
  • extract the desired sound from musical instruments and play in the orchestra;
  • distinguish musical shades and sound dynamics
  • collective dances.

Dancing in pairs for two-year-olds is not easy, but exciting

In music lessons it is necessary to develop:

  • responsiveness while listening to musical compositions;
  • subconscious sense of tact and the ability to play instruments rhythmically;
  • musical thinking;
  • cultural consciousness.

Methodical methods:

  • the use of audio recordings to expand children's understanding of the types of music;
  • using illustrations to visually explain what is being said or to enable the child to do so.

Tasks and methods of teaching children music (second junior group)

Learning tasks:

  • teach children to play musical instruments: spoons, drums;
  • learn to pronounce all sounds correctly;
  • teach pupils to intonate, sing drawlingly;
  • to learn to distinguish the nature of a musical composition, genre;
  • learn the round dance.

Development tasks:

  • to develop the desire of the child to independently engage in choreography and music;
  • develop cultural consciousness;
  • form the idea that music is involved in different areas life.

Methodical methods:

  • individual approach, "singing along the chain";
  • musical games.

To spend musical game, children can come to class fairy tale character

How to interest children in an activity: examples of a motivating start

Introductory or introductory part- this is where your lesson will begin. Despite the short duration (from three to five minutes), it will largely depend on this part how much music director will interest his wards, how exactly they will tune in to the lesson. Behind short term it is important to do the following:

  1. It is important to show the children that it is time for class. They must calm down, remember the rules of conduct during the learning process.
  2. Then the children can sing a song, if there is such a ritual, a hero, a picture may appear, music can play that will captivate children in the learning process. The way children get ready for the lesson is very important. These should be positive emotions. If too much time is spent on poetry and a song, then all together, the children and the music director, can simply stand in a circle and wish each other something pleasant, or just smile. Such a ritual can be changed periodically, but infrequently, it is at the subconscious level that it will allow children to finally calm down and tune in to the lesson. The same ritual can complete the training.
  3. It is important to state the purpose of this lesson.

Just because a child is in the mood for an activity doesn't mean they're interested. The game is the easiest method to attract interest. Here are some examples of a motivating start to a lesson that a music director can use to diversify learning:

  • "Help the toy." By solving the problem of the toy, the child achieves the goal of learning.
    Children are told about the problem of the toy, urging them to help. You ask the children if they are willing to help the toy. It is always important to create a choice. You propose to teach children to do what the toy requires, then the explanation and demonstration will interest the children. Each child can have his own character - a ward (carved, toy, drawn character, whom he helps). With this motivation, the child acts as an assistant and protector, and it is appropriate to use it for teaching various practical skills.
  • "The Story of La".
    Before the lesson, the notes A were “hidden” in the room (a sign of a note with a signature). You need to pay attention to the fact that there is someone else in the room, prompting the children to search. When they find all the notes - each with "La" - it is necessary to remember that there are only seven notes, and since La is alone, she must be very lonely. You can practice the note "La" on different instruments, replace the words of the song with this sound, pronounce it during the round dance, train breathing, singing the drawling “La”, thus paying maximum attention to the note. At the end of the lesson, children can take their note away so that they can continue to take care of it.
  • "Help me".
    Here, the motive for children is communication with an adult, the opportunity to receive approval, as well as an interest in joint activities that can be done together. This technique is suitable if the fairy of Music came to visit - your favorite hero music lessons, who often asks for help to get into the country of Music - or another fairy-tale character. You tell the children that the hero needs help. Each child is given a challenging task. At the end, emphasize that the result was achieved through joint efforts.
  • "Teach me".
    The music director must or main character events - some fairy-tale character - should ask the children to master some new business, known to the child or simply for execution. It is imperative that each pupil makes his own personal contribution, which should also be separately evaluated and praised.
  • "Dunno forgot everything."
    Dunno comes to visit the children. He talks about his problem fairy-tale heroes laugh at him because he has forgotten all the songs that are in the world. He asks the children to help him. Need to know and new year song, and a song for a birthday, and an autumn, and a summer, and a round dance. Children are invited to choose on their own which song they will teach Dunno, then everyone goes to the hero, drinking part of the song, Dunno begins to sing along, suggesting that everyone else follow his example. Songs can be accompanied by playing a musical instrument and dancing.

Music lessons are very important for children younger age they contribute to the development mental capacity and memory.

All kids love music lessons.

Thematic planning of classes

Thematic planning is planning in accordance with the main general education program preschool education. However, it is envisaged that the topic can be chosen by the educator independently or borrowed from an exemplary general education program.

Table: a fragment of planning music lessons in the first junior group for a month

listening to music Learn to understand and distinguish plays different nature- calm, affectionate, funny and dancing; encourage accompanying the audition with the appropriate movements (rocking the doll, imitating the habits of a hare, “Masha rides down the hill on a sled”). “Hare, walk around” (r.n.p.), “Lullaby” by E. Telicheeva, “Mashenka-Masha” by V. Gerchek.
Musical and didactic games Develop a sense of rhythm, the ability to distinguish between fast and calm music, accompany listening with sounding gestures (slapping knees with quarters, tapping fingers with eighths) "The doll walks and runs" E. Telicheeva.
Singing Continue to develop singing skills, teaching you to adapt to the voice of an adult; learn to sing along calmly, at a moderate pace, join along with the music. “Hare, walk around” (r.n.p.), “Mashenka-Masha” V. Gerchek.
Musical-rhythmic movements To learn to navigate in the music hall with the help of verbal indications of the direction of movement and as shown by the educator; develop the ability to perceive and reproduce movements as shown by an adult (move in a “straight gallop”, bounce easily); dance moves: rhythmic clapping, stomping with one foot, putting the foot on the heel, circling around itself, “spring”, “flashlights”, tapping with the heel. "Exercise", "Let's dance", "Let's ride Mashenka", "Winter path", "On a walk" by T. Lomova, "Stomp our feet" M. Rauchverger, "Cheerful step" V. Gerchek.
Dances To improve the ability to perform simple dance movements in a circle, in all directions; to teach to move in a circle, holding hands; to train the ability to quickly take each other's hands; continue to learn to dance with objects (with snowballs, with dolls). “Polka bunnies” by A. Filippenko, round dance “Loaf”, “Dance with snowballs” by N. Zaretskaya, “Dance with dolls” by A. Anufrieva.
Games To teach to move around the hall in a flock in a certain direction, to stop along with the end of the music; to teach how to make "collars", holding tightly to the handles, to go into the "collars" without touching the hands. “Hares and a Fox” by G. Finarovsky, “Catch up with a Bunny” by E. Telicheeva, “Collars” by R. Rustamov.
finger games Coordinate the ability to perform finger movements from the text; to encourage them to play correctly and diligently with their fingers. "Lunch", "Ay, kachi-kachi-kachi."
Wellness exercises To teach the basic techniques for performing self-massage of the face: stroking, tapping with your fingertips, rubbing; strengthen the vocal apparatus with the help of phonopedic exercises. Self-massage:
"Bunny washes", "Sanochki" "Washer".
Remedial exercise for the respiratory tract
Elementary music making Encourage them to actively participate in the process of making music on bells and rattles, to accompany singing by playing these noise instruments. "Parsley" by I. Brahms.

Table: an example of planning a music lesson in first junior group

September, the first lesson: “Hurrah, kindergarten!”
Work form Repertoire Educational
"Let's take a walk" by E. Makshantsev Children learn to move rhythmically to music. Develop emotional responsiveness while listening to musical compositions.
Playing musical instruments. The main tool at this stage is a rattle. "Quiet-loud we play"
"Is it in the garden?"
Children learn to extract the desired sound, try to play to the beat of the music. Develop a subconscious sense of tact and the ability to play instruments rhythmically.
Hearing and voice development The game "Bird and chick" Children learn to distinguish different musical shades and sound dynamics. Develop musical thinking. The music director is involved in the game.
Singing "Kindergarten" N. Murychev Children learn to sing in unison, they need to get an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe rhythmic pattern and clap it. Develop musical ear.
Hearing "Dance with autumn leaves" muses. N. Veresokina Children must understand that music can convey the state of nature. Develop cultural awareness. The music director can choose emotion cards so that the child can more accurately describe what he experiences while listening to the song.
Musical-rhythmic movements "Mushroom round dance" Children learn group dances. Expand your understanding of the types of music, its goals and the culture of joint dance - do not overtake anyone, do not push, etc. All movements must be demonstrated by the music director.

Table: an example of planning a music lesson in the second junior group

Month: October 7, lesson "Golden Autumn"
Work form Repertoire Educational
Musical-rhythmic movements "Waltz"
F. Schubert.
Children learn to move rhythmically to the music, conveying its character. To develop emotional responsiveness and the desire of the child to independently engage in choreography. All movements, the reaction of the music director must demonstrate.
Hearing "A sad story" D. Kabalevsky. Children learn to distinguish the mood and character of the new composition. Develop cultural consciousness, communicate with children about music, replenishing the musical vocabulary. The music director should praise the children for expressing their opinion.
hearing and voice
"Teddy Bear",
O. Boromykina.
Children learn to pronounce sounds correctly, try to sing long, and not just shout out notes / sounds. Develop diction in children. To pay attention to everyone, the music director can use the "sing along the chain" technique.
Singing "Teapot", N. Murycheva
"The Song of Vegetables" by N. Zaretskaya.
Children learn to sing at a fast pace, in chorus and individually. They should try to intonate, convey the character of the composition. Develop the idea of ​​patriotism through music.
It is necessary to teach children to enjoy and positive emotions from singing.
The music director, together with the children, must expressively perform the song.
Playing musical instruments "Rustic Spoons"
Z. Root.
Children learn to produce the desired sound and play with the orchestra. To develop children's interest in playing musical instruments. The music director must take care of the instruments - two spoons for each child.
The music director should show how to play the instrument and then follow the process, working individually with each one if needed.
Musical-rhythmic movements Harvest game. Children continue to develop a sense of rhythm under the round dance. It is necessary to form the idea that music is involved in different spheres of life. The musical director is involved in the process together with the children.

Lesson outline example

Always remember that no one is destined to become a musician or a singer. This is fine. Such children will be able to express themselves in a different way, find a personal approach to them, and they will reveal their best qualities.

The music director can independently select songs and exercises, focusing on general interest groups and abilities of children.

The main thing in the lesson is positive emotions

Music lessons may include different tasks: the study of musical instruments, the ability to extract sounds from them, the transfer of mood through a melody.
For example, the music director shows several musical instruments, asking the children to describe their sound. The leader recalls the fairy tale "Teremok", asks to list the characters. Further, children retell the tale with sounds, not pronouncing the lines, but voicing them on musical instruments.

  1. A knock on the door is transmitted by wooden sticks.
  2. Maracas represent a mouse.
  3. The rattle with bells voices the frog.
  4. A triangle stands behind the bunny.
  5. Chanterelles' dialogues are beaten with a tambourine.
  6. Bass bells play for the wolf.
  7. The drum is given to the one who will be the biggest hero - a bear.

Table: summary of a music lesson in the second junior group on the topic “Autumn Adventure”, author A. R. Bulatova

Stages of GCD Stage content
  1. Teach children to keep a circle, to narrow it with a fractional step.
  2. To enrich motor experience, the ability to meaningfully use expressive movements in accordance with musical and game images.
  3. Develop auditory attention, the ability to perform movement in accordance with the nature and tempo of the music.
  4. Cultivate interest, the need for movements to the music.
Introductory part - Open the doors
Let the kids into the hall!
funny kids,
Girls and boys!
(Children follow the teacher into the hall, moving "like a train"). The song "Train" T. Babadzhan - N. Metlova sounds.
Teacher: Here we are. Look at the guests! Let's make friends with them.
- Here we go to the meadow.
(They walk in place.)
I am your friend and you are my friend!
(Hands stretch forward and point to themselves).
Stretched towards the sun.
(Hands pull from the "Sun").
They hugged and smiled.
(They hug each other and smile.)
Main part - Guys! You came here by train, and now I suggest you fly on hot-air balloon. Our ball is big and round. Here's what. (Children hold hands and rebuild in a circle).
  • A ball flies, flies across the sky,
    the balloon flies across the sky.
    And we know that this ball.
    Will cover the whole earth.

Our ball flew and flew (go in a circle) and sank to the ground.
A mouse ran past. (Children run in a circle like mice and squeak "wee-wee-wee").
She saw the ball, thought it was cheese, bit her teeth (children: "am") and the ball was blown away. (Children at the “fractional” step narrow the circle).
We'll glue it up and inflate it again. (Children imitate with their hands, “inflate”, step back, expanding the circle).
What a beautiful ball we got.
Our ball flew further. He flew and flew, got tired and sank into a clearing in the forest.
A hedgehog ran past (children walk like hedgehogs and snort: “fsh-fsh”), pricked with his needle (children: “Oh!”), The ball was blown away.
We will glue it, inflate it and release it into the sky. Wave goodbye to our balloon (Children wave).
- Look, guys, how many leaves fell on the clearing, what color they are. Why are they multi-colored? (Answers of children). That's right, because autumn has come. A breeze blew on the leaves, they flew and spun in a beautiful dance.
A dance with leaves “Swing over me” is performed, at the end the children collect them in a bouquet.
- Guys, look under the bush someone is sitting. Who is this? (Bunny). And under the tree? (Bear). What are the paws of the bunny? (Small). What about the bear? (Large). Let's show you how to walk big feet and small feet.
Exercise "Large and small legs"
- Tired of our legs to walk along the path
Lie down, lie down and look at the sun.
(Children lie on their stomachs and wave their legs. The first verse of “The Song of the Lion and the Turtle” sounds).
Music sounds on the screen, the Fox doll appears.
Fox: Oh, how many hares are here. I can eat anyone.
Muz.ruk: Do not eat the fox of our bunnies, it's better to play with us.
Dance-game "Hares and Foxes".
At the end of the game, the fox "says": Bunnies, don't be afraid of me. I still want to dance with you.
Use "Pair dance".

  • You are fun to play with.
    It's fun to dance with you.
    Guys, it's time for me to go to the forest.
    Goodbye kids. (Runs away)

Our journey has also come to an end. Winter will come soon and at parting, let's sing a song about autumn.
Use song "Autumn"

Final part - Well done boys. Whom did we meet on our way? Did you like it? Now let's go to the group.

Video: music lesson for kids Video can't be loaded: Private Music Lesson for Toddlers kindergarten"Development". (

If you decide to become a music director in kindergarten, then try to study as much material as possible so that your classes take place with maximum benefit for children. A bright start, a productive lesson and a warm smile in the end will allow the child to fall in love with music. Your efforts are a contribution to the development of each of your wards.

Abstract music class in kindergarten was Sheshukova Zoya Vladimirovna, music director of the highest qualification category of MBDOU "Kindergarten of combined type No. 17", Glazov. The lesson is held for children of the first junior group.


1. Educational: (artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development)

  • to attach to melodious, drawn-out, expressive singing;
  • to learn to move in accordance with the pronounced nature of the music, to associate movements with music;
  • to acquaint children with the change in the life of animals in the spring season;
  • encourage children to make their own decisions.

2. Developing: (artistic and aesthetic development, speech development)

  • to promote active manifestations of children in the process of listening and performing activities;
  • develop emotional responsiveness to music, its character and mood, musical image available to the child.

3. Educational: (social and communicative development)

  • cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, towards Mishutka, careful attitude to toys;
  • encourage children to desire to please each other;
  • education of independence in actions with objects.


  • Dance "Ribbons", music by G. Vikhareva.
  • “Dance with flags”, music by G. Vikhareva.
  • "Game dance with bears".
  • Song "Sun", music by A. Filippenko.
  • Playing with a bell, music by E. Grinina.
  • Communication game "Horse", music by E. Makshantsev.

Equipment and aids:

  • laptop,
  • multimedia projector,
  • screen (interactive whiteboard);
  • bells,
  • flags,
  • bear cubs toys,
  • ribbons,
  • containers for attributes (for each child) are located under the chairs.


  • Vikhareva G.F. Song call! Toolkit. - St. Petersburg: "Childhood-press", 1999. - 48 p.
  • "Kolokolchik" No. 54/2013 educational-methodical and literary-musical magazine - St. Petersburg.
  • Makshantseva E.D. Children's fun. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991. – 64 p.
  • Petrova V.A. Reader for the program "Baby" for children of the 3rd year of life. Part 1.: Moscow 2000.

Synopsis of a music lesson for children of the first junior group

Music is playing, the children are calmly entering the hall.

Musical director: - Hello guys! The sun came to visit us today!

Musical director: - Guys, let's say together "Hello, Sunshine!".

Children greet the Sun.

Musical director: - The sun really likes the way you sing. What song can we sing for him?

Children's answers.

The song "The Sun", music by A. Filippenko.

Musical director: - Sunny, did you like how the guys sang for you? Well done, guys, you all tried very hard - the Sun really liked it!

Educator: - From the joy of the sun, the rays became multi-colored, like our ribbons. They invite us to dance.

Children take ribbons, go out into a circle.

“Dance with Ribbons”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: How fun we danced! Let's put the rays in baskets so that they do not scatter.

Children put ribbons in baskets - containers.

Music Director (points to the screen): Look, guys, who is sleeping so sweetly?

Children: - Bear!

Musical director: - Where does he sleep?

Children: — In the den.

Musical director: "And when will he wake up?"

Educator: - It's already spring! It's time to wake up Mishenka.

Musical director: - Let's take our ringing bells and wake up Mishka.

Playing with bells, music by E. Grinina.

Educator: - So Mishutka woke up! Say hello to Mishka.

Children greet Mishutka.

Educator: - Mishutka slept well, rested and is very glad that we came to visit him. Mishutka loves to play. Show, Mishutka, what are your favorite toys.

Slides 5, 6, 7 depict various toys.

Educator: The bear asks us to guess which toys he likes to play with the most.

Further, the repertoire in the lesson will be performed in random order. Children optionally choose "Mishutka's favorite toy". If they guess right, the toy stays on the screen and gets bigger. If the choice is not correct, the toy disappears.

Educator: - Which beautiful balls! Where can you guys go with balloons?

Children's answers.

Educator: “Don’t we have balloons that we can take with us to the party?”

Children's answers.

Educator: That's right, flags. Look, Mishutka, how cheerfully we walk with them!

“Dance with flags”, music by G. Vikhareva.

Educator: - Come on, Mishutka, we'll try to guess your favorite toy. Look, guys, Mishutka loves to play with a teddy bear! And let's show Mishutka how you can dance with the cubs.

"Game dance with bears".

Educator: - Mishutka offers us to guess another favorite toy. Who is it guys? That's right, Horse! What interesting toys Mishutka has! Thank you, Mishutka, for showing us your favorite toys, come and visit us. We will also show you our favorite toys. Goodbye!

Children say goodbye to Mishutka.

Educator: - And we will harness the horses and go back to kindergarten!

Communicative game "Horse", music by E. Makshantseva.

Musical director: - Guys, did you like visiting Mishutka? What are his favorite toys? What toys did you play with?

Educator: - Probably, our toys in the group got bored without us. Let's get back to them soon!

Children say goodbye, leave the hall to calm music.

Perhaps the last toy will not be a horse, in which case the teacher, at his own discretion, will sum up the lesson.

Title: Musical lesson for children 3-4 years old.
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, music, 2 junior group

Musical lesson in the younger group "On a visit to the cat Timofey"

Program content: pin familiar musical repertoire using game situation. Develop a sense of rhythm, stability of attention, musical memory; develop the ability to imitate the behavior of animals. Teach singing skills, perform movements in pairs in a coordinated manner, consolidate familiar dance movements. Cultivate Kindness in Children

preliminary work: Listening to the play "Kitty" by T. Lomova

Learning the song "Tsap-scratch" by S. Gavrilov

Learning the dance "Palms"

Lesson progress:

Children enter the hall and sit on chairs. Flies into the hall balloon

Musical director: Guys, look, a balloon flew to us, and a postcard on a thread. Now let's see what kind of postcard it is. Guys, this is an invitation. Who is it from, who sent it? Don't worry, we'll try to guess everything together. There is musical riddle- I will play music for you, and you tell me who she is talking about

Plays the play "Cat" by T. Lomova

Guys, did you recognize this music, who is it about? (you can make a riddle)

Mokhnatenka, mustachioed,

Sits songs sings (cat)

That's right, cat.

Educator: I guessed who sent us this invitation, it was sent to us by the cat Timofey

Musical director: Now I will read what he writes, “Guys, I miss you so much, come to visit me, I will be waiting for you.” Well, shall we go to visit the cat? (children answer)

And we will go by train, take the wagons soon, our train is leaving

Sounds "train" T. Suvorova

And now we will go along this path, take your hands rather

Frenkel's "round dance" sounds

Well, here we are. And where is the cat Timothy, why doesn't he meet us? Guys, let's call him, sing his name very affectionately. Everyone sings: "Timofey" on one sound. No, he can't hear, he's probably asleep. Guys, let's clap (clap to the music) And now let's stomp (stomp to the music)

Exercise "clap-stomp" arr. Ya Stepovoy

A cat appears on the screen

Cat: Meow meow, hello guys, how glad I am that you came to visit me

Musical director: Why don't you meet us?

Cat: To be honest, I dozed off

Musical director: What are you shaggy, unkempt . What do you guys have to do in the morning? (children's answers)

Exercise "The cat washes" (elements of psycho-gymnastics)

On the screen is another picture of a cat washed, combed

Musical director: For such beautiful cat can you sing a song

Children sing the song "tsap-scratch" from Gavrilov

Cat: Oh, what a good song, thank you guys! I also love to dance, would you like to dance with me?

Dance "Chok da Kok" by E. Makshantseva

Cat: what a fun dance, thank you guys

Musical director: Cat Timofey, do you like to play?

Cat: Of course I love

Musical director: Then play with the guys

Cat: My favorite game is Cat and Mice , but there are no mice here

Musical director: And we will say magic words and turn into little mice

They say turn left and right

And turn into a mouse

The game "Cat and Mice" by V. Petrova Children are caught by a cat - a toy similar to the screen

Cat: thank you, you made me laugh

Musical director: Timothy the cat got so much snow, the guys and I made snowballs , will you play with us?

Speech therapy game "Snowball" by M. Kartushina

Musical director: Well, Timothy the cat, you cheered me up

Cat: Of course, they cheered me up, I'm so glad that you came to visit me

Musical director: Unfortunately, Timothy, it's time for us to say goodbye. Our train leaves for kindergarten

Cat: What a pity, but will you come again?

The kids are in charge

Musical director: Goodbye, Timothy, don't miss us (Children say goodbye and "ride" again on the train)

Educator: Well, guys, we came to kindergarten. Did you enjoy our trip? (children answer) Me too

Musical director: I liked it too, bye guys.

Nomination: Music lesson for children 3-4 years old.

Position: music director of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 142
Location: Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic

Tatyana Koval
Synopsis of a musical lesson for children of the second junior group

Synopsis of a musical lesson for children of the second junior group.

Program content:

Continue teaching children listen carefully to the singing of an adult, an instrumental music. Answer questions about content and nature music. Learn children sing in a loud voice. Perform movements as shown by the teacher and hear the end music. To form the ability to convey the main emotions and feelings through facial expressions, posture, gesture, movement. Raise the desire to speak in front of children and adults. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie.

Tasks: To teach speech, singing, motor skills.

Equipment: Box, rattles, bird toy, cat toy, dog toy.

Lesson progress:

Children and teacher go under music to musical hall and stand near their chairs.

Musical director:

Let's say hello guys.

Communication game "Hello" words and music M. Kartushina.

Hello palms! - Stretch your arms, turn your palms up.

Clap-clap-clap! - 3 cottons.

Hello legs! - Spring.

Top-top-top! - They stomp their feet.

Hello, cheeks! - Stroke cheeks with palms.

Chubby cheeks! - Circular movements with fists on the cheeks.

Plop-plop-plop! - 3 times lightly pat on the cheeks.

Hello sponges! - Shake head left and right.

Smack-smack-smack! - 3 times smack lips.

Hello teeth! - Shake head left and right.

Click-click-click! - Click their teeth 3 times.

Hello my nose! - Stroking the nose with the palm of your hand.

Beep beep beep! - Press on the nose with the index finger.

Hello guests! - Stretch your arms forward, palms up.

Hello! - They wave their hand.

Musical director:

Today we have an unusual class, a guest will come to us. Who is it, we will find out now.

Sounds like a funny piece music"Clowns" D. Kabalevsky.

Musical director:

Which music by nature? (answers children)

(There is an elegant, beautiful box on the table).

Guys, look what a beautiful box? She must be magical. Let's take a look and see what's in it, shall we? Yes, it has Petrushka! (bibabo toy). (The teacher puts the toy on his hand).


Hello friends!

Here I am! You recognized me correctly!

Performs a song "Parsley". Music I. Arseniev, lyrics by N. Frenkel.

I, Petrushka, well done -

That's what!

At the top of the bell -

Here's one!

I'll go out, I'll go out

I'll have fun!

I came to you to play with you, to sing, to dance. Look what I brought you? (Takes out a rattle from the box). I will distribute it to everyone now, I will not forget anyone. (Hands out rattles).

Everyone stand in a circle.

Musical director.

"Dance with rattles" Words and melody by V. Antonova. Arranged by I. Kishko.

1 Our rattles-

Sound toys.

The boys' rattles

They ring very cheerfully.

2 Let's have fun

The paddle is spinning.

The boys' rattles

They ring very cheerfully.

3 The children ran away,

It became quiet in the hall.

The boys' rattles

Shut up, don't call.

4 Where are you guys?

Don't play hide and seek!

Come out for a walk

Let's dance together!

(Knocking is heard).


Hear, something is happening in our box, something is there. (Opens the box, takes out a bird).

Yes, it's a bird. Let's sing a song "Little bird"

Musical director:

"Little bird" Muses. A. Filippenko, Verses by E. Makshantseva.

1 small bird.

The bird is pretty.

I will give the bird grains, -

Come visit us soon.

2 small bird

pretty bird,

The bird will peck the grain,

Sing a song to the children.

3 little bird,

The bird is pretty.

sang a song

And flew into the forest.


Well done! How well you sang.

(Meowing is heard, takes out a cat toy).

What are you meowing?

(The cat answers in the ear).

She wants milk. Let's give her some milk!

(played out, song played).

"Cat" Music A. Alexandrov, Words by N. Frenkel.

1 Kitty approached the children,

Milk requested.

The milk asked

"Meow" spoke.

Meow meow meow.

2 Treated with milk-

Kitty ate.

Kitty ate,

I sang a song:

"Murr. Murr… Murr…”


Come on guys, pet the cat.

Kitty, you sit with us and look at the guys.

(Baking from the box).


What's happened? Let's go to our magic box and see. (pulls out dog toy).

Here the dog is barking: Woof woof woof!

She scares us: Woof woof woof!

Doggy, don't bark

Better play with us!


I'm funny, clumsy, I licked you right on the nose.

He made a puddle in the hallway, and fell asleep on the rug.


It's clear, doggie, but let's play with you. We will now turn into little dogs and we will bark like little dogs.

And now we will turn into big dogs and we will bark like big dogs. dogs: "Woof woof woof".


How great you are here, what good fellows you are! I gotta go guys. Thank you magic box.

Children say goodbye to Petrushka. Petrushka leaves.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 10" Zhemchuzhinka "p. Granitny

Abstract of a music lesson in junior group

"Journey to Musical Land"

Prepared by:

Musical director

Zhimbaeva A.T.


Program content

  • Learning tasks:
    • distinguish character piece of music, perform appropriate movements;
    • to form singing skills, start singing after the introduction, sing smoothly in the ensemble, clearly pronounce the words of the songs.
    • to form the skills of playing children's musical instruments;
  • Development tasks:
    • develop emotional sensitivity
    • sensory abilities and pitch hearing,
    • develop a sense of rhythm fine motor skills hands
    • form singing voice and expression of movement.
  • Educational tasks:
    • cultivate love and interest in music.


  • Various toys. Dudka.
  • rattles
  • Screen
  • Projector
  • Music Center

Course progress.

Children enter the hall, stand in a circle.

M.W.: Hello guys! Today we will go with you on a journey to a musical country.

Where do you think we'll go? (Answers of children). Look at the screen. What awaits us?

slide 1

Along the wall there are chairs on which toys are located.

M.W.: Oh, look, our toys are also going to ride the train. Shall we take them with us? Let's sit down with them and go on a journey. Sit where you want.

The children are seated, choosing among toys favorite and putting her on her knees.

M.r. Do you know how to ride such a train? We will sit and knock with our feet, and the music will delight us. Here we go?

The teacher blows a whistle and sits down with the children.

M.r. That's how good it is to ride a train, now let's listen to a song about him. (Sings the song "Locomotive".with musical accompaniment. children listen) What song? What is her character?

Children. Cheerful, joyful.

Slide 2.

M.W.: Here is the stop. The station is called "Song". Various songs live here. Do you want to know which ones? Then get off the train and go to the piano. And let the toys sit on the train for now, we will sing for them. (Children plant toys, and they themselves approach the piano) What songs live at the station? Now let's listen and find out.

Performs the melody of the song The pussy came up to the kids ”, children recognize and name her. Offers to sing one verse at a time,

M.r. And here's another song. Do you know which one? Be attentive, sing without shouting, listen to the music and to each other.

Performs the melody of the song « Babies congratulate mom » , the children recognize her and begin to sing along. Draws attention to the expressiveness of singing - fun, provocatively); makes sure that the children sing in a natural voice.

slide 3

Children, together with the teacher, sit on the “train”, pick up toys.

slide 4

M.r. I wonder what station is next? (Children “ride” to the tune) Here we have arrived! Different dances live here. Today we will dance One hand, two hands and the toys will admire us.

Children continue to learn dance, themselvesfall into place, which increases interest in the lesson, creates a good emotional atmosphere. The teacher teaches children to keep their hands on their belts correctly, to spin rhythmically.

slide 5

. M.r. The horn is calling us again. Let's go further.

(performs the melody of the song "Locomotive",

slide 6

M.r. next station (Children “ride” to the tune) We've arrived! Various musical instruments live here. And today we will play rattles, and the toys will listen to us.

Children take rattles, play "Oh, canopy" together with muses. leader.

Slide 7

M.r. The horn is calling us again. Let's go further. (performs the melody of the song "Locomotive", children tap their feet to the beat of the music Here we have arrived! Tired? Hungry? Let's bake pies, eat and go.

Performs without musical accompaniment song "Pies"(music by A. Filippenko, el. N. Kuklovskaya // Music in kindergarten. Issue 2. M., 1965). Encourages children to move with the words of the song.

M.r. We baked pies for the children. What about for mom? That's right, gingerbread.

Eat, eat, mommy,

delicious two gingerbread.

Let's invite Mom to visit and treat her. And now it's time for the group. Goodbye!

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