Unconventional drawing in dhow dandelions. Drawing in a non-standard way on the topic: "Dandelion, dandelion - the stem is thin, like a finger!" (summary of the lesson)


Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush. Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing

2. Fine.

3. Developing.

4. Educational.

5. Vocabulary work.

Preparing for the lesson.

Course progress.

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

Children: "Bee".

Children: Draw.

Above her metal parts.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

After the poke comes the poke!

Final part.

Why do we need flowers?

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the world around, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. Build emotional positive attitude to the process of drawing.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: green and yellow gouache, white color; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; White list paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: "Guys, it's come beautiful time year Spring. All nature wakes up from long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on small sheet paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water removed by priming on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator to children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers are real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Abstract of an open lesson in drawing.

Unconventional technique: poke with a dry brush.

Middle group.

Theme: "Yellow dandelions".


1. Educational.

Learn to convey the image of a flower, its structure and shape using the method of poking with a hard brush. Expand knowledge about the first spring flowers. Improve the ability to properly hold the brush when drawing.

2. Fine.

Develop fine arts and crafts skills. Be able to arrange flowers all over the sheet. To consolidate the ability to use a thin brush when drawing leaves, stems. Depict flower heads with a hard brush without leaving a gap between the poke. To consolidate the ability to independently draw flowers using the poke method (large and small ovals and circles).

3. Developing.

Develop imagination and perception of the surrounding world, cognitive abilities. Orientation in space, sense of color, rhythm. Development of eye-hand coordination, hand control. Master the techniques of depicting flowers using round, oval shapes in various combinations.

4. Educational.

Instill accuracy in drawing. To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the drawing process itself.

5. Vocabulary work.

Poke drawing, spring flowers, stem, leaves, color texture.

Preparing for the lesson.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the first spring colors with children. Acquaintance of children with the technique of drawing by the poke method, reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya “Dandelion”, examining a reproduction of a painting by Levitan I.I. "Dandelions", looking at pictures and photographs depicting dandelions.

Equipment: gouache green and yellow, white; two brushes - a brush with hard bristles, a soft brush with a thin end; palette; light green sheet of paper A-4; white sheet of paper; cloth rag; paper napkin; a jar of water; brush stand.

Course progress.

Talk about the first spring colors with children. Educator: “Guys, the wonderful time of the year Spring has come. All nature wakes up from a long sleep. Which flowers bloom first? (children's answers)

Educator: "I will tell you a beautiful verse." Reading the poem by O. Vysotskaya "Dandelion".

The sun dropped a golden ray. Dandelion has grown - the first young one! He has a wonderful Golden color, He is a big sun, A small portrait!

Look what a beautiful dandelion. How is this flower similar to the sun?

Children: "The same round and yellow."

Educator: - What does a dandelion have? (stem, leaves, flower).

Hear someone buzzing.

Who is this?

The teacher makes a riddle:


Children: "Bee".

The teacher brings a bee toy to the group.

Educator: "Hello, bee! What is your name?" - MAYA.

The bee found out that a dandelion appeared in our group. She woke up early, and the flowers had not yet blossomed anywhere. The bee wants so much to collect a lot of nectar. So she came to us.

Educator: “Guys, a bee needs a lot of flowers to collect flower nectar. Where can we get a lot of flowers?

Children: Draw.

Invite the children to draw dandelions using the poke method. Remind and show the children how to hold the brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush. Perform the exercise - warm-up with a brush, while the hand should be on the elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - Hand on the elbow. The brush is held with three fingers

Above her metal parts.

It's difficult? No, rubbish! - Movements with the hand over the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform poke without paint

Twisted like a top. on the sheet.

After the poke comes the poke!

Consider dandelions, clarify the color and shape of flowers and leaves.

Children independently draw the contour of a dandelion with a pencil (the flower is oval or round, at the request of the children).

Remind the children and show that with a brush you can paint flat with the whole pile, sticking, end, and if you hold the brush vertically to the paper and flatten the pile on it, you get an imitation of a large "fluffy" or "prickly" point (children

shown on a piece of paper). Remind the technique of drawing with a poke. The teacher shows and explains. Children first trace the outline of the flower with their finger, then poke with a brush with stiff bristles without paint along the outline of the flower. The hand rests on the elbow, hold the brush with three fingers, above the metal part, the brush is placed vertically on a sheet of paper and falls down from the top, the movements are rhythmically repeated. Children repeat after the teacher.

Offer to draw a dandelion in the color they want to see it. (independent choice of children).

The teacher invites the children to type gouache on the brush. Gouache should be thick, the brush should be dry. To remove excess paint, you need to make a few random poke on a small sheet of paper and see what color you get. Draw the attention of the children that the point turned out to be “airy”, “fluffy”, like a real dandelion bud. Recall that a light yellow tint can be obtained by mixing yellow and white gouache on the palette.

He will invite the children to start drawing on their own with pokes right along the line of the bud, making pokes next to each other, leaving no gap between the pokes. Then, with arbitrary pokes, paint over the surface inside the contour of the flower. Draw flowers with yellow, white paint of the choice of children. When changing paint, rinse the brush in water, wipe dry with a cloth, and continue to paint. The remaining details of the flower (stem, leaves) draw with the end of a soft brush. The tip of the brush is dipped into a jar of water, excess water is removed by dipping on a cloth. Then gouache is picked up at the tip of the brush and painted.

The teacher helps children who have difficulty in drawing. Shows on your sample.

Final part.

Physical culture minute "Dandelions".

At this time, the work dries up.

After a pause, the children put their work on the table. They stand in a semicircle around their work.

The teacher puts the Maya bee toy on the children's drawings.

Maya the bee: "Thank you guys, now I will collect a lot of nectar."

Educator to children: “You and I found ourselves in a large clearing where dandelions grow. Let's look at them." The teacher asks leading questions to the children.

How did you draw dandelions? (children's answers)

What color are dandelions? (children's answers)

What does a meadow of dandelions look like? (children's answers)

Show me the dandelion you liked the most? (children's answers)

Why do we need flowers?

Need to pick flowers just like that? (children's answers)

Educator for children: “You all tried to draw beautiful flowers, real artists. Let's make an exhibition of your paintings so that all the guests coming to our group admire your flowers.

Summary of GCD on drawing a dandelion in non-traditional techniques "Little Sun" in middle group.

Target: To fix drawing with children in an unconventional technique with a dry hard brush, cotton swab.


Continue to learn how to draw dandelions in an unconventional technique - drawing with a hard semi-dry brush, cotton swab;

To consolidate the ability to print with a foam rubber sponge;

Develop a sense of composition in drawing to create expressive image dandelion in the landscape;

To form an aesthetic perception of natural phenomena.

Integration of educational development: socio-communicative, speech development, fiction physical, artistic and aesthetic.

Materials for classes: landscape sheet, watercolor, yellow and green gouache, hard brush, cotton swab, brush stand, paper napkins, pieces of foam rubber, cups of water.

Preliminary work: viewing the presentation “Golden Dandelion”, looking at illustrations depicting dandelions, observing in nature, memorizing poems and reading stories about dandelions, tinting the album sheet with green watercolor paint pieces of foam.

Lesson progress:

Introductory part:

On the lawn, near the forest

flowers bloomed

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Wear hats -

soft, airy

Obedient to the wind! (Dandelions)

On the teacher's table is a vase with a bouquet of dandelions. The teacher invites the children to look at the flowers and come up to smell them. Asks:

What do dandelions look like? Children's answers (to the sun) Children touch the flowers and determine how they feel to the touch. The teacher shows dandelion leaves and explains that dandelion leaves are not even, but seem to have notches. It looks like someone tore them up.

The teacher says that this plant is considered medicinal. In September, the root of the flower is harvested and sent to a pharmacy to make medicine from it. Many people collect dandelion flowers, pour them with an alcohol solution and insist. This infusion relieves joint pain.

Lettuce is made from dandelion leaves, because in them a large number of vitamins. And from the flowers they make jam and call it May honey.

The teacher offers to remember how the children painted with a hard semi-dry brush.

Hold the brush like this.

It's difficult? No, rubbish!

Right, left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then

The brush runs around.

Twisted like a top -

A poke follows a poke.

The teacher shows the children how to draw leaves and stems with cotton swabs.

Independent activity of children

During the work, the educator helps the children as needed.


The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up

(children squat, stand up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stretched

(children stand up slowly)

turn left, right, stretch,

Soared up and flew

(smooth movement of the arms to the sides,

running slowly, circling).

Summary of the lesson

At the end of the lesson, the children get up, look at the drawings, choose the ones that they liked the most, explain why they attracted their attention so much. The teacher praises the children for interesting and dissimilar work, makes a remark to some children, how it was necessary to draw dandelion leaves correctly.

From the experience of the educator. Non-traditional drawing technique. Drawing with a hard brush using the "poke" method - "Flowers, flowers ..."

Author of the work: Shakleina Irina Yuryevna, educator of MADOU CRR, d/s No. 110 Kaliningrad region Kaliningrad city.
This material will be of interest to preschool educators in working with children preschool age, for parents. The drawing can be used as a gift, room decoration.
Target: creation of conditions for the realization of individual creative abilities of children.
- introduce non-traditional techniques drawing;
- to form the ability to create (in a joint activity with the teacher and independently) simple images, to associate the image with objects of the surrounding world;
- develop technical skills, visual-motor coordination, motor characteristics and shaping skills;
Materials and tools:
- visual material (picture, illustration or nature);
- paper for drawing;
- thick gouache;
- hard bristle brush for glue;
- rags for drying brushes.

I work in the first junior group(children 2-3 years old). For holding educational activities(workout) 10 minutes. How do you want to give the maximum to children in this short period of time? interesting information, read poetry, do a physical minute, breathing exercises and create another beauty ... Especially when flowers bloom around unprecedented beauty! Their beauty is so short-lived...
But how to preserve the beauty of flowers in memory? Well, of course we can draw them.
O. Chusovitina "Gift for Mom"
I love my mom
I will give her a present.
I made a gift myself
From paper with paints.
I will give it to my mother
Hugging affectionately.
For drawing classes, I “found” an assistant - a hard bristled glue brush. To work, we need a dry brush, and if it happens that we need to wash off the paint, then the brush after washing in water must be dried with a cloth. We need thick gouache. We pick up the paint on the tip of the brush and “knock” with the brush, applying the paint to the paper. "Knocking" - that's how we talk to kids. The tip of the brush points to the ceiling.
Which great work we are getting.
Spring came, the sun warmed up and here they are ... dandelions.
Vysotskaya O. "Dandelion"
Dropped the sun

Golden beam.
The dandelion has grown
First, young.
He has wonderful
Golden color.
He is a big sun
Small portrait.

For classes with children 2 - 4 years old, the teacher makes blanks for each child: cut out leaves from colored paper, stick them on sheets of paper; for children 2-3 years old we draw with a simple pencil contour of the future flower,

and children 3-4 years old draw a flower on their own.

First, we apply the paint along the contour of the future flower, and then paint over the free space in the center. The kids draw the stem with felt-tip pens, you can paint, but we give the brush already with a squirrel.
Children of the middle group (and older) draw green leaves themselves, the teacher does not already make blanks.

Look, here the bird cherry has blossomed.

S. Yesenin "Bird cherry" (excerpt)
Fragrant bird cherry
Hanging out, standing
And the green is golden
Burning in the sun.

A. Barto "Spring Thunderstorm" (excerpt)
Bird cherry, bird cherry
Bloomed in the ravine.
Bird cherry, bird cherry
It is white-white.
And here comes May. The smell of lilac in the air...

Svetlana Dzhus "Lilac"
The bush is blooming lilac color,
Only it blooms in spring, not summer.
Bees fly around and buzz:
“Very pleasant flower aroma.
We will circle over it all day long.
Oh! How beautiful the lilac is!

For children 2-4 years old, we make preparations for each child.

For the image of lilac flowers, the children of the first junior group were given ready-made diluted paint (fuchsia + white).

And this lilac was depicted by the children at the lesson of the drawing circle. First, the children drew clusters of lilacs dark color(violet, fuchsia), without allowing the first layer to dry, white gouache was applied with a “poke”. Paints are mixed, creating different shades, creating volume.

Here comes autumn. But there are still beautiful flowers in the flower bed.

Marina Blinnikova "Astra".
There is a flower in the garden
and he looks like a star.
Can be any color.
For autumn bouquet
let's gather a beautiful flower,
It's called ASTRA.

This is our teamwork.

Thank you for your attention!

From the experience of working in the 1st junior group in the summer.

An unconventional drawing technique to help the teacher (in this case, we stayed in the group because of the rain) An ordinary dishwashing sponge can help us create original and amazing pictures. Drawing with paints with a sponge is an excellent way out for those children who are not yet able to skillfully hold a brush in their hands, and not all kids like to get their hands dirty with paint. Learning how to draw with a sponge is easy: put the required amount of paints of different colors on the palette and try to paint over a large one with a sponge. contour drawing. Show your child how to sponge paint on paper.: jerky touch or sweeping smear.

Non-traditional drawing technique"Dandelions"


Teaching children to draw with a sponge on the Dandelion template

Teach children to distinguish colors, correctly name them

To form the correct posture in children when drawing

Enrich artistic experience children

Develop fine motor skills fingers

Raise children's interest in drawing, a positive emotional response, accuracy in doing


Q: - Guys, look out the window - it's raining (draws the children's attention to the flowerbed on the playground).

Guys, look what yellow flowers grow in a flower bed. What do they look like? - (Children's statements). The teacher sums up - these flowers are yellow, like the sun.

Reading the poem by E. Serova "Dandelion"

wears a dandelion

Yellow sundress

Grow up, dress up

In a white dress

Fizkultminutka. The teacher shows the movements in the text and invites the children to repeat them.

Wears a dandelion (crouch)

Yellow sarafan (hands above the head in the form of a circle-sun)

Grow up, dress up (slowly rise, arms to the sides)

In a white dress (spring)

V: Guys, the sun gives us warmth, it warms with its rays. Warms trees, bushes, birds, animals and us. But now he is gone. And where is it? Where did you hide? - Answers of children. The teacher sums up - the sun hid behind a cloud.

V: And so that we do not feel sad without the sun, I want to teach you how to draw dandelion flowers. Will you draw with me? - Answers of children. The teacher invites the children to sit down at the drawing tables, corrects their posture.

Main part

On the easel - a subject picture with the image of a dandelion (the teacher draws the attention of the children). Each child has a sponge, a template and a palette with paint on the tables (the teacher draws the attention of the children to the sponge and explains what exactly the children will draw with).

Q: - Guys, look, your dandelions are completely white (the teacher pays attention to the patterns).

Look at the picture. What color are the stems and leaves of a dandelion? - Answers of children. The teacher explains how to sponge-paint the stem and leaves on the template.

Look at the picture. What color is a dandelion hat? - Children's answers.

The teacher changes the paint and sponges, explains how to color the hat on the template.

The teacher helps the children as needed.

Final part

Q: - So we got dandelions. Guys, what did we do? - Answers of children.

Did you enjoy painting with a sponge? - Children's answers.

The teacher praises the children and, together with the children, hangs the drawings at the exhibition.

Q: Guys, we got our hands a little dirty. What to do? - Answers of children. The teacher sums up - you need to wash your hands.

I offer a summary of drawing classes for children of the middle group

Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution « Kindergarten No. 18 "Ladushki" of the city of Gai, Orenburg Region __________________________________________________________ Orenburg Region, Gai, st. Molodyozhnaya, d. 71b, tel.: 4-06-40; e-mail:

Completed by: Fedorova M.V.

Lesson progress:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers blossomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Wear hats -

Soft, airy

Teacher: Correct.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant for cough. This is a honey plant, so bees and bumblebees love to fly to it. as soon as the dandelion changes its cap to white, then the seeds have ripened, and it needs to scatter them on the ground. The guys look like parachutes on lumps of fluff

Yellow like the sun. Round like... Soft like... White like... Fluffy like...

Fragile as... What an amazing flower!

Children: answer.

Children: come on.

Dandelion, dandelion! (squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is thin, like a finger. If the wind is fast-fast (They scatter in different sides)

It will fly into the clearing, Everything around will rustle. (They say "shhhhhhhhhhh")

Dandelion stamens Scatter in a round dance (Join hands and walk in a circle) And merge with the sky.

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"Drawing lesson in the middle group on the topic "Dandelion has grown""

Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution
"Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushki "of the city of Gaya, Orenburg Region
Orenburg region, Gai, st. Molodyozhnaya, d. 71b, tel.: 4-06-40;
e-mail: [email protected]

Drawing lesson in the middle group on the topic "Dandelion has grown"

Completed by: Fedorova M.V.

Target:. Fix parts of the dandelion structure. Learn to draw a dandelion using the priming method. Learn how to compose. Develop creativity

Lesson progress:

Educator: reads a riddle:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers blossomed.

Yellow like the sun.

On a green leg.

And as soon as they grow up

Wear hats -

Soft, airy

Obedient to the wind! (dandelion)

Educator: Right. Look closely at this wild plant. Wild because no one cares for him. And as soon as the sun rises, the dandelion blossoms, and at sunset it closes its head.

Educator: Consider what parts this plant consists of.

Children: root, stem, leaves, flower

Teacher: Correct.

Dandelion is a medicinal plant for cough. This is a honey plant, so bees and bumblebees love to fly to it. as soon as the dandelion changes its cap to white, then the seeds have ripened, and it needs to scatter them on the ground. The guys look like parachutes on lumps of fluff

Educator: now you will be a breeze, take a ball of fluff; place it in the palm of your hand and blow lightly on it. See how fluff scattered in different directions. This is what happens in nature with dandelion seeds.

Educator: Guys, I invite you to play the game "Tell me a word" with me. Want to

Teacher: Then listen carefully:

Yellow like the sun.
Round like...
Soft like...
White like...
Fluffy like...

Fragile as...
What an amazing flower!

Children: answer.

Educator: Guys, let's draw this plant.

Children: come on.

Educator: shows how to draw using the sticking method

Educator: But first, let's play

Dandelion, dandelion!
(squat, then slowly rise)

The stem is thin, like a finger.
If the wind is fast, fast
(They run in different directions)

Will fly into the meadow,
Everything around will rustle.
(They say "shhhhhhhhhhh")

dandelion stamens
Scatter in a round dance
(They join hands and walk in a circle) And merge with the sky.

The teacher invites the children to go to their places and start drawing. The children sit down in their places, the teacher turns on calm music, the children draw.

Educator: what beautiful dandelions we got. Let's decorate our booth with these colors. The teacher is posting pictures.

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