Description of the painting by the artist Vasnetsov three princesses of the underworld.


The painting "Three princesses underworld”In 1880, the industrialist and philanthropist Savva Mamontov ordered Viktor Vasnetsov.

In 1882, Savva Mamontov built the Donetsk coal railway. The philanthropist decided to decorate the office of the board of the new enterprise with paintings of the young talented artist Viktor Vasnetsov. As a result of the agreement, Vasnetsov wrote three works especially for Mamontov: “Three princesses of the underworld”, “Flying carpet” and “Battle of the Scythians with the Slavs”.

The fairy tale "The Underground Kingdoms" is taken as the basis for the painting "Three Princesses of the Underworld". The canvas, according to the author's intention, was to personify the wealth of the bowels of the Donbass. But the board members did not accept Vasnetsov's work. They counted fairy theme inappropriate for office space.

In 1884, Vasnetsov wrote another version of the painting, while slightly changing the composition and color. The painting is acquired by Kyiv collector and philanthropist Ivan Tereshchenko. new version the position of the hands of the princess of coal changed, now they lay along the body, which gave the figure calm and majesty.

Mamontov's son Vsevolod recalled these paintings: “The first picture was supposed to depict the distant past of the Donetsk region, the second - fabulous way movement and the third - princesses of gold, precious stones and coal - a symbol of the richness of the bowels of the awakened land.

So dressed in Rus'

The artist has always been attentive to history and, before starting to paint a picture, carefully studied the life of the era. Viktor Vasnetsov knew all the intricacies of costumes. He dressed two senior princesses in Russian folk costumes.

The golden princess is depicted dressed in a feryaz. This type of clothing with sleeves to the floor, where there are slits for the arms, was common in pre-Petrine Russia. On her head is a koruna - a headdress that could only be worn by unmarried girls(the crown remained open, which for family woman was unacceptable). Usually the koruna was an element of the wedding attire.

The Princess of Precious Stones, like the Golden Princess, is dressed in a feryaz, under which is a long silk shirt. She has opiasts on her hands - an element of Russian national costume, and on the head - a low crown.

It should be noted that in Rus' old maids did not have the right to wear clothes. married women. They weaved a braid like girls, covered their heads with a scarf. They were forbidden to wear a kokoshnik, a magpie, a warrior, to wear a ponyova. They could only walk in a white shirt, a dark sundress, and a bib.

The ornament on the clothes could tell a lot about its owner. So, for example, in the Vologda region, a tree was depicted on the shirts of pregnant women. The chicken was embroidered on the clothes of married women, white swans - on unmarried girls. Sundress of blue color worn by unmarried girls preparing for the wedding or old women. But, for example, a red sundress was worn by those who had just married. The more time passed after the wedding, the less red the woman used in her clothes.

The younger princess

An old Russian beauty could not appear in public with open arms and an uncovered head. But the younger princess in the picture is depicted in a modern dress with short sleeves. Her hands are bare. This is the image of the Princess of Stone Coal - "black gold", which at that time ensured the movement of trains.

Contrasting the clothes of the princesses, the artist wanted to emphasize that beneficial features Mankind discovered coal only recently. This mineral refers to the present and future, while gold and precious stones refer to the past.

In 1883-1884, Ivan Tereshchenko commissioned another version of the painting, in which the artist depicts the brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, amazed by the beauty of the princesses. Vasnetsov combines different interpretations of the tale. In one, Ivan meets the princesses in the mountains, and in the other, he descends into the dungeon on a rope, a fragment of which is drawn in the lower right corner of the picture. The brothers were waiting for him on the surface and, at a signal, raised the prince, their mother and the released captives.

"I fell in love with a black one"

Viktor Vasnetsov's brother Apollinaris, also a painter, wrote to him about XII traveling exhibition, where the second version of the picture was presented:
“... I had to get acquainted with how the public relates to your picture. Undoubtedly, it makes an impression and is liked by many, but the content is at a loss, and I had to enter into explanations of the plot several times. As for me personally, I just fell in love with a black girl, lovely and golden, but a little proud; the clothes on the latter, in my opinion, are made in such a way that there is nothing in the exhibition that could be compared in terms of breadth of writing and naturalness ... ”(Viktor Vasnetsov.“ Letters. Diaries. Memoirs ”).

1884 Oil on canvas. 164 x 297 cm. State Museum Russian art

Description of the painting by Vasnetsov V.M. "Three Princesses of the Underworld"

In 1880, Vasnetsov received an order from patron Savva Mamontov to paint three paintings to decorate the Donetskskaya railway station. railway. The artist, whose work is inextricably linked with epics, legends and fairy tales, this time again opted for fairy tales. Soon the paintings "Flying Carpet", "Battle of the Scythians with the Slavs" and "Three Queens of the Underworld" were ready.

The painting "Three Queens ..." was painted last and was intended to decorate the office of the Board of the Railway. As conceived by the master, the picture was to become the personification of the untold riches stored in the land of Donbass. The heroines of the folk tale became the embodiment of these treasures - underground princesses. According to the tale, there were only two of them - the princesses of Gold and Precious Stones. But to please the industrialists, the artist also painted the third one - the Coal Princess.

Three girls, shining with the dazzling beauty of their faces and outfits, became the main characters of the picture. In the center is depicted the princess of Precious Stones. Majestic and proud, she stands with her head held high, demonstrating her noble origin. Her outfit is indescribably beautiful: an expensive dress embroidered with intricate ornaments catches the eye, bewitching with emerald, pinkish, turquoise, red and yellow tints of precious stones that make up the pattern. Heavy beads on her chest and a crown of gems on her head complete the image of the guardian of the underground treasure. Her face is not inferior in beauty to the attractiveness of stones: scarlet lips, a burning blush and sable eyebrows - a true princess.

To the left of the Queen of Precious Stones stands the equally majestic Princess of Gold, who is easily recognizable by her sparkling golden robe. The intricate pattern of gilded fabric is complemented by a scattering of gems that adorn the sleeves, buttons and hem of the dress. Shines with the brilliance of precious stones and the crown-kokoshnik on the royal head, and the beads on the neck of the queen. But her beautiful face is sad and sad, longing is hidden in her lowered eyes.

Somewhat away from the majestic sisters, the viewer will see the timid Coal Princess. In her attire there is no pretentiousness and magnificent royalty, just as there is no arrogance in her face. A modest but exquisite black brocade dress, beautiful black hair, freely falling on her shoulders, open, helplessly lowered hands, sadness on her snow-white face - such was created by Vasnetsov, the youngest of the princesses. Standing out against the background of her sisters with her simplicity and modesty, she seems more sweet, dear, close and humane.

Beautiful princesses are saddened. And the reason for their sadness can be seen here, on the canvas. In the lower right corner, the artist painted two brothers, Ivan Tsarevich, the hero of the fairy tale that inspired the artist to create the painting. According to the story, the princes betrayed their brother: having kidnapped the underground beauties and rescued their mother, they cut the rope and left him to die underground. In their hands, you can see both the rope and the knife with which it was cut. Both brothers are shown at the moment when they, struck by the beauty and stature of the princesses, bowed down before them in a daze in a bow to the ground.

Monumentality gives the picture and the red sunset sky, and blocks of black rocks. The contrasting combination of sky and earth, at the intersection of which the abducted girls are shown, emphasizes their anxiety and excitement.

Despite the beauty of the canvas, the railway workers refused to buy the painting, citing a fairy tale plot alien to industry. As a result, the work of the great artist was acquired by the collector and philanthropist I. Tereshchenko.

The best paintings of Vasnetsov V.M.

Viktor Vasnetsov

Three princesses of the underworld


The painting "Three princesses of the underworld" in 1880 was ordered to Viktor Vasnetsov by the industrialist and philanthropist Savva Mamontov.
Mamontov, one of the richest men in Moscow, had a passion for art. He was the owner of the Abramtsevo estate, one of the most important centers of Russian artistic life 1870–1910s.

Viktor Vasnetsov, Mikhail Vrubel, Nicholas Roerich and other artists stayed and worked there.

Savva Ivanovich Mamontov (1841–1918)

In 1882, Mamontov built the Donetsk coal railway. The philanthropist decided to decorate the office of the board of the new enterprise with paintings by the young talented artist Viktor Vasnetsov.

Mamontov's son Vsevolod recalled these paintings: "The first picture was supposed to depict the distant past of the Donetsk region, the second - a fabulous way to travel and the third - the princesses of gold, precious stones and coal - a symbol of the richness of the bowels of the awakened land."

Vasnetsov wrote three works for Mamontov: "Three princesses of the underworld", "Flying carpet" and "Battle of the Scythians with the Slavs". However, the Railroad Board deemed the stories not serious enough for a business environment. big company, and the paintings from Vasnetsov were not accepted.



Viktor Vasnetsov. Carpet plane. 1881. Nizhny Novgorod State Art Museum, Nizhny Novgorod.
Viktor Vasnetsov. Battle of the Scythians with the Slavs. 1881. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg


The plot of the picture goes back to the Russian folk tale"Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold", famous modern reader in several versions, edited by Alexander Afanasiev. In the fairy tale, Ivan Tsarevich descends into the underworld to free his mother, Tsarina Anastasia the Beautiful, who was kidnapped by the villain Raven Voronovich.

On the way, the prince meets the captives (in some editions of the tale - daughters) of the Crow - the Copper, Silver and Golden princesses. The girls tell Ivan how to free his mother, and in gratitude, the prince, returning from the underworld, takes them with him. Returning home, he marries the Golden Princess, and marries her younger sisters to their older brothers.

Fragment of the cover of the book "Russian Folk Tales" by Alexander Afanasyev


Three paintings painted for Mamontov largely determined the further work of Viktor Vasnetsov - from that moment on he often turns to the plots of Russian folk tales and epics.

Thanks to the paintings "The Knight at the Crossroads", "Alyonushka", "Ivan Tsarevich at gray wolf» the artist received recognition among collectors and patrons: Vasnetsov managed to embody the motives of Russian folklore in understandable modern man images.

It is no coincidence that he was instructed to design an extension of the main entrance hall to the building of the Tretyakov Gallery in Lavrushinsky Lane, which became calling card museum. The artist worked in the neo-Russian style, rethinking the motives of traditional Russian architecture.


extension project.jpg

Self-portrait. Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov (1848–1926). 1873. State Tretyakov Gallery
The project of the extension of the main entrance hall to the building of the Tretyakov Gallery, together with V. N. Bashkirov. 1899–1901 Moscow, Lavrushinsky lane

golden princess

According to the Russian folk tale "Three Kingdoms - copper, silver and gold", on the plot of which the artist relied, Golden is the most beautiful of the princesses of the underworld. When Ivan defeats Raven Voronovich, he frees all of his captives and marries the girl. Vasnetsov borrows only this character from the fairy tale, the other two images of princesses are not found in Russian folklore.

The golden princess is depicted dressed in a feryaz - a type of clothing common in pre-Petrine Russia with sleeves to the floor, in which there are slits for the hands. She has a koruna on her head - a headdress that only unmarried girls could wear (the top of her head remained open, which was unacceptable for a family woman). Usually the koruna was an element of the wedding attire.

North Russian (Novgorod, Arkhangelsk provinces) Koruna. XIX century. Collection of Natalia Shabelskaya

Princess of Precious Stones

The artist wanted to embody the wealth of the depths of the Donetsk region in the images of girls, so he creates a new image for Russian art - the princess of Precious Stones. Like the Golden Princess, the girl is dressed in a feryaz, under which is a long silk shirt. She has opiastya on her hands - an element of the Russian national costume, and on her head - a low crown, which in central Russia was called "girl's beauty".

The second half of the 19th century is the era of historicism, when Russian artists carefully studied folk life, traditional costumes, folklore of their country. Although the painters were not always able to achieve historical accuracy in detail, they sought to convey the flavor of the era as accurately as possible in the works.

Morning archery execution. Fragment. Vasily Surikov. 1881. Tretyakov Gallery. Moscow. The Streltsy's wife is dressed in a feryaz, traditional for Rus', and the soldiers of Peter I are dressed in European costumes. So Surikov contrasts the ancient Rus' that is fading into the past with the Peter's era that came to replace it.

Princess of Stone Coal

Since the picture was intended for the office of the Board of the Railway, Vasnetsov considered it necessary to depict the princess of Stone Coal - "black gold" at that time ensured the movement of trains.

The older princesses are dressed in Russian folk costumes, but the younger one is wearing a more modern fitted dress with short sleeves (an old Russian beauty could not appear in public with open arms and bare head).

The painting by the Russian artist Vasnetsov Three princesses of the underworld, or rather its first version, was painted in 1881. And again a fabulous plot, and again an appeal to the past of Rus' and folk epic creativity, which so excites the painter. For the painter, his rebellious creative soul, fabulous images represent something real, connected with reality, they are not divorced from his day today, and this is not a metaphor at all. For the master, the princesses of the underworld represent the personified wealth of the Russian land.

Vasnetsov's painting Three Princesses of the Underworld - the characters of the heroines

Proud princesses appear on the canvas before the audience - each with her own disposition, her own temperament. But even the proudest character knows the sadness of the lost father's house. The painting by the painter Vasnetsov Three Princesses of the Underworld shows us the recalcitrant Russian souls, which cannot be conquered by force. 3 princesses have similar fates - they lost what they loved. But here the attitude to their fate varies.

The golden princess is cold and proud, her face is like a mask depicting contempt. Under it, the golden princess skillfully hides her emotions. otherwise responds to the world copper queen. In her beautiful face the arrogance of the sister is read, and at the same time curiosity, and the desire to open up to this world, to know it. The younger sister, the coal princess, is embarrassed, sad, she is unable to raise her eyes, all her thoughts fly to the lost home. Confused, on new world she can't even look, he terrifies her. This painting full of symbols and sacred signs. In the interpretation of the painter, in the painting he painted, the Three Princesses of the Underworld old fairy tale acquires a completely new sound and a different meaning.

A brief description of the painting by the artist Vasnetsov - who are these three princesses?

How much different tempers three queens in the picture of Vasnetsov, they are so different in appearance. Two older sisters, personifying gold and copper, are dressed in richly decorated outfits of princesses and queens. Ancient Rus'. On the third princess simple black dress, her arms are bare, and a wave of dark hair rests loosely on her shoulders. There is no arrogance in it, only endless sadness and a feeling of some defenselessness. And this makes the young princess especially attractive. Her hands are freely located along the body, and this further emphasizes her confusion and vulnerability. The hands of other girls are closed in front, which gives their figures in the picture 3 princesses of the underworld majesty.

Three Princesses in the painting of the painter are surrounded by dark piles of rocks, and above them in the background of the canvas the sunset sky is blazing with frozen gloomy clouds. The first version of the painting Three Princesses of the Underworld, made in hard contrast: jet black shades and a bright yellow-orange palette. However, in the canvas of 1884, the colors are saturated, disturbing, the palette shifts from black to red tones. Customer famous canvas was a well-known industrialist Savva Mamontov, who actively supported any kind of creative activity. In 1880 and 1881, Mamontov ordered three canvases from the Russian artist Viktor Vasnetsov at once. And the painter fulfilled the order, writing, in addition to the painting of the Three Princesses of the Underworld, also the paintings of the Flying Carpet and the Battle of the Scythians with the Slavs.

Watch the video story about the fabulous paintings of the artist Vasnetsov

This picture is more like an illustration for a fairy tale that I don't know. Against the backdrop of mountains, stones that look more like skulls, three girls stand from dried black branches. Three girls! They are beautiful, but not at all smiling. They have very beautiful and expensive outfits - all in precious stones. This Russian folk clothes: sundresses, kokoshniks ... Two in golden colors, one (the youngest) - in black.

On the right, I see two heroes kneeling as if begging for mercy. One was completely depressed - he dropped his head into his hands. He has a red shirt tied with a beautiful belt. The second looks at the magical girls tensely. They seem to be relentless.

By the way, the second hero (bearded) reaches for his knife. It is possible that he decided to take one of them hostage, to threaten everyone. Or he simply decided to risk robbing them, no matter what. They all have such rich decorations!

It can be seen that these "robbers" (one has a whip in his hands, and the other has a long curved knife) violated something. For example, they entered the territory of the magic king. He ordered them to be executed! And only the sorceress-daughters of the king could save them. But they will do this if the heroes get through to their hearts.

I hope that the good fellows, even if they are robbers, will be saved. By the way, only one of the sisters looks quite haughty. And crossed her arms. The second (closer to the center) also crossed her arms, but not so “tightly”. The younger one, who is in black, has her hands down.

I think that in the picture it is evening - such pleasant pink reflections in the sky. On the right are even visible the bats! Sorceresses, they are not quite fairies, they better appear after dark. And robbers too!

The whole picture is made in pretty dark colors. You will not immediately notice the robbers in the corner. Either fog breaks through between the stones, or such a cloud, if this is already happening high in the mountains.

Beautiful, albeit a little gloomy picture, just right for Halloween, perfectly conveys the spirit of this holiday.

Description of painting 2

The painting "Three princesses of the underworld" was painted by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov to order for Savva Mamontov. At that time, the philanthropist Mamontov, known for his patronage of many artists and artists, was the head of the Donetsk railway. He ordered Vasnetsov three paintings. "Princesses" were supposed to decorate the office of the board, but they did not decorate it, the fairy-tale plot was considered inappropriate for such a serious institution.

However, the artist even deliberately altered the plot of the fairy tale, on which he painted his canvas, to match the place that it was supposed to decorate. There are three underground kingdoms in the fairy tale: gold, silver and copper. Viktor Mikhailovich on the canvas depicts the Copper Princess (or the Princess of Precious Stones, as she was also called), the Golden Princess and the Coal Princess - a character invented by the artist specifically to reflect on the canvas the wealth of the earth's bowels of Donbass.

The copper and gold princesses are dressed in very rich clothes. A golden princess in a gold-colored brocade dress, the hem is embroidered with pearls, her hair is pulled back under a chic golden-colored headdress. Her arms are crossed, her gaze is lowered, which gives her majesty and arrogance. The dress of the Copper Princess is embroidered with precious stones, her chest is decorated with heavy beads, her headdress is also all made of precious stones, Her hands, like the hands of the Golden Princess, are crossed in front of her, her gaze is arrogant and even somewhat contemptuous. The Coal Princess is the exact opposite of her sisters. Her outfit is simple, there is no painting of ordinary black fabric, there are no decorations on her either, her hair is not removed under her headdress, it falls in a free wave over her shoulders. Her hands are located along the body, which gives the princess defenselessness and openness. Her gaze is confused. And only a slightly raised chin betrays her royal origin.

The light sky creates a striking contrast with the black boulders. Because of one boulder, two people look at the princesses with trepidation and fear. According to the tale, these are the two brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, who betrayed him when he saved the princesses and his mother Nastasya from the underworld. It seems that the look of the Copper Princess, permeated with contempt, is directed precisely at them.

It is noteworthy that the picture was painted by Vasnetsov in two versions. The first was completed in 1881. Now this version of the canvas decorates Tretyakov Gallery, where he got under the will of the collector M.A. Morozov.

The second version saw the light in 1884. In it, the artist slightly changed the colors, added contrast to them, and also changed the position of the hands of the coal princess, in the original version they were brought together, and in this the artist placed them along the body. In this version, the brothers of Ivan Tsarevich appeared, on the previous canvas only the end of the rope was visible, falling into some kind of pit. This rope was cut off by the brothers when Ivan Tsarevich used it to ferry beautiful princesses and his mother Nastasya to the ground. This canvas adorns the Museum of Russian Art in Kyiv.

Description of the mood of the painting Three princesses of the underworld

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