I want to open a dance school. How to open a dance studio: launching a project


Dancing is one of the most popular types activities for young people. Almost every second person dreams of doing them. That's why the discovery own school dancing is one of the most promising investments. The profitability of the business ranges from 40 to 50%, the project pays off in a year to a year and a half. The starting capital is about 500,000 rubles. All this attracts budding businessmen. But opening a dance school, like opening any other business, requires proper organization.

What are the prospects of the direction?

Dancing not only helps you get your body in order, but also helps you lose weight. excess weight and form correct forms, but also to develop smooth, graceful movements, to maintain the tone of the body. And most importantly, dancing is a source of cheerfulness and good mood. With their help you can quickly get rid of fatigue and relieve stress.

Thanks to this, the number of dance schools and studios is growing every year. They often open in fitness clubs, cultural centers, schools and universities.

Correctly chosen dance direction and location future school- the key to her success.

Determining direction

Opening any dance school should begin with choosing a dance direction. The following areas are identified:

  • Classical ballroom dancing - waltz, foxtrot, cha-cha-cha.
  • Latin American - salsa, rumba.
  • Eastern - belly dancing.
  • Modern directions– hip-hop, break, freestyle.
  • Dancing for everyone – that is, teaching the basics dance moves for their subsequent use in clubs and discos.
  • Pole-dance – pole dance.

In order to choose the right direction, you need to conduct research and answer several questions:

  1. What dances are in fashion now, what will be in greatest demand?
  2. How high is the competition in a particular segment?
  3. For what areas can you really find good teachers?
  4. What dances would attract you personally?

Once you have the answers to these questions, you can create sample list dance courses.

It is best to focus on the more popular areas, but at the same time open one or two areas of less popular areas that are not so widely represented in other schools. For example, folk dances.

Selecting a room

To open a school, it is important to choose the right premises. It should be spacious enough and equipped for dancing. So, the following requirements are put forward to the hall:

  • area from 150 sq. m.;
  • ventilation system;
  • preferably plastic windows;
  • availability of heating;
  • flooring - laminate or unvarnished parquet.

It is important that the floors are not hard and springy.

At least one wall of the hall must be equipped with mirrors at least 2 meters high.

The room should also have good acoustics and the lighting should be bright.

In addition to the main dance hall, additional premises are needed:

  • Men's and women's locker rooms. The size of each is 15 square meters;
  • The presence of two showers in each of the locker rooms;
  • Hall or foyer with reception desk;
  • Recreation room for staff measuring 20 sq. m.

A few words about geography:

  • There should be no competitors near the school.
  • Preferably located in residential area or the city center, where there is a large flow of people.

The future hall can be rented in a regular business center or in a fitness center, or you can buy space for it in a residential building. By the way, you can open your own fitness club.

Another one interesting story a business built from scratch on sheer enthusiasm. The heroine of today's business magazine materialIQR several years ago and achieved some success by opening a business with virtually no initial capital. Today we will talk how to open dance studio and how much you can earn.

Why I decided to open a dance school

Dance class

My name is Maria, I'm 30 years old. In the story that I will tell about my attempt to open a business, it happens in Moscow in 2011. My dance business lasted 2 years.

I was born into a family of choreographers, so my dance genes woke up earlier than any human reflexes. Until I was 3 years old, my mother worked with me, shaping my stretching and elongated feet, then I was sent to ballet studio, and from the age of 12 I independently chose dance styles, to whom I had a soul.

In the early nineties there was practically nothing to choose from: folk, ballroom dancing and rap, which was just coming into fashion. Choreographers staged performances, licking them from foreign videos. At that time, the dream of having my own dance school stuck in my head, where I could teach special dance, living in my imagination, therefore, attending not only classes, but also all kinds of seminars, I absorbed everything like a sponge.

My experience in dance

By the time I came of age, having gained a lot of experience, I began working as a choreographer in a small town. Things were going well, I liked the work, my team constantly participated in city competitions and won prizes, but, unfortunately, my work was not appreciated.

Deep down I understood that in a more developed city this lesson will be more in demand, but break out mainland there was no possibility.

And when I had a family and children, I had to leave the dance sphere altogether - at that moment I had already said goodbye forever to choreography, to the stage, and to my dreams. But at one fine moment life turned its back on me, and I had to remember my dance certificate and go to the casting - there was an opportunity to get a vacant place go-go dancers. It was scary to go to this business at the age of 25, and even after giving birth, because the clubs took younger competitors, but since there were no options, I took a risk.

How I decided to open my own business

After dancing for a couple of months in a nightclub, weighing all the pros and cons of this profession, finding out everything about it from the inside, I set off to conquer the capital. A serious argument in favor of this decision was the fact that earnings for night dancing were much higher than the salary for the main day job. In the capital, things were not so sweet, because, despite the abundance of clubs, the competition among dancers was high, but I still found my niche. Next, I decided to take a couple of classes on Go-Go dancing for the purpose of self-development, after all, this is Moscow, and there are many opportunities to improve your skills here. But, oddly enough, the level of skill of the teachers was not high for the capital; it was at that moment that my dreams of my own dance school came to life again. So to speak, a second wind opened up, because I really understood that as a dancer I was at a high professional level.

But to bring the idea to life, both funds and connections were needed, so I began to storm various studios, classes, find out who works what, and make the necessary contacts. As a result, on the advice of many choreographers, it was decided to unofficially recruit a group, rent a hall and earn money by teaching people the art of dance.

Dance studio business plan

How to open a dance studio

Studio promotion - how I looked for clients for my services

IN in social networks I posted advertisements about my classes, looked for people interested and, at the same time, a place to conduct lessons. Renting the hall was not difficult, since no one asks questions whether you are an entrepreneur or a private owner, the only condition is not to damage the property, and so - pay and dance until you drop.

How much does it cost to rent a hall?

Take off dance hall in Moscow at that time the average cost for an hour was 500 rubles, naturally, I wasn’t eager to go to the center, but the option near the Moscow Ring Road was not considered. My very first hall was located in Medvedkovo, within walking distance from the metro, which is important for the capital; its rent cost 400 rubles per hour. Just imagine what scope this has for earning money at minimal cost: a normal lesson lasts 1.5 hours (I paid for two at once, so that we could calmly work out and solve organizational issues), the hall is equipped with mirrors, the necessary equipment and musical equipment.

Profit and profitability of a dance school

At first, I charged 350 rubles per lesson from everyone who came to class. 7 people came to the first one, so for the first lesson held in Moscow, I earned a little more than one and a half thousand rubles in net profit. The girls brought their friends to the next lesson, asked for an increase in the number of lessons per week, and a month later I already had 4 groups of 10 people. With each of the groups we worked in the direction they liked: in some places it was strip plastic, in others it was incendiary club disco, someone asked for belly dancing, and in one group the girls were only interested in stretching.

Sometimes the composition changed (people get sick, go on vacation, are lazy), but empty seats there was practically none, since those who dropped out were always replaced by new comers. Thus, in a couple of months I began to earn an income of 50,000 rubles, and this was while working 8-10 hours a week. Of course, for Moscow this is not a lot of money, but I had a huge incentive to develop in my dance field, plus there were material goals that warmed my soul and forced me to move forward. I set myself a specific goal - which, according to my calculations, should have happened in a year (I’ll say right away that the purchase of housing was planned far outside the capital, but the apartment at that time cost a little more than a million rubles).

Why did I leave the business?

Of course, I have more than once thought about the need to legalize my activities: open an individual entrepreneur, pay taxes, rent a hall for a long period, but my income has not yet reached such a level as to become a real businesswoman, so I continued to look for halls in other areas, create a schedule that is both convenient and financially beneficial.

After about six months of studying the dance business, my day was so packed that sometimes I held classes until late at night. Usually there were 6 classes a day with short breaks. In addition to group classes, individual classes began to be held, which monetary equivalent were rated much higher than usual. During individual lessons, girls asked to learn variations private dances to perform in front of your other half, there were also a huge number of orders for staging wedding dances.

After a couple of months, I realized that I could no longer cope with such a volume of work alone - after all, I had classes in several Moscow districts: Medvedkovo, Altufyevo, Prazhskaya, and then Tula. Therefore, I decided to look for an assistant to conduct choreographic classes. For a nominal fee, she offered to teach lessons to her own student, entrusting her with teaching stretching classes to beginners. By the way, this girl still teaches classes to this day, although she already collaborates with clubs, preparing dancers for them.

But let's get back to my story. My business, although not entirely legal, lasted 2 years. Perhaps it would still bring me an excellent income, but my plans for life changed, I moved from Moscow to the north, took care of my family and raising children.

But I didn’t leave empty-handed: with the income from my dance business I bought and renovated an apartment. So, having achieved my goal, I left, leaving this activity young and energetic.

Real figures on income and expenses of a dance school

For those who are interested in this field of activity, I would like to bring real numbers so that you can evaluate the pros and cons.


  1. Hall rental - 500 rubles per hour.
  2. Cost of 1 rug - 600 rubles (if the hall doesn’t have them, which is extremely rare, but if you buy them, it will last for a long time).
  3. Damage to property - from 500 to 15,000 (the rug was torn, the mirror was broken, the equipment was broken - I never had such cases).
  4. Payment to assistant choreographer - 100 rubles from each student in the lesson.


  1. Cost of one lesson - 500 rubles for 1.5 hours.
  2. Individual lesson - 1500 rubles for an hour and a half.
  3. Staging wedding dance - 2500 per lesson (usually 2-3 lessons are required). Middle group- 10 people. One group has 2-3 classes per week. 6-7 lessons per day.

Profitability of a dance studio

The net profit for one lesson is about 4,000 rubles, respectively, for a day with 6 lessons - 24,000 rubles. When working 5 days a week, 5 lessons a day (we subtract travel expenses and unforeseen expenses), the net profit is 80,000-100,000 rubles.

This calculation is given for one choreographer; if you hire an assistant, the number of groups will increase by at least 2, and when deducting the assistant’s payment, you will get a net profit per week of about 130,000 thousand.

If you are inspired by my story and want to follow in my footsteps, I want to warn you that this is not easy work. There will be almost no energy or time left for personal life, as well as for any other matters, so it is extremely difficult to hold out for a long time in this mode. Here you need to have excellent health, and nerves of steel. Don’t be afraid to seem intrusive, pester everyone with questions of interest, don’t pay attention to what they think about you, go clearly towards your goal, bring it to life, believe in your strength - and you will certainly succeed.

Every person at least once in his life thought about starting his own business. AND dance art in this case is a completely acceptable option. How to open your own dance school? How profitable can such an activity be? What documents are needed for this? These questions interest many aspiring entrepreneurs.

Modern dance school: how profitable such a business can become

Naturally, every person, before starting his own business, is interested in the question of its profitability. And a dance school is an excellent option for those people who cannot afford large investments.

This area gives the entrepreneur a lot of opportunities. Indeed, according to statistical studies, even in big cities Dance teaching is a non-competitive business. On the other hand, there is always a demand for such lessons. The profitability in this case is about 20-60%, which, you see, is not bad. With the right approach, the costs of opening a dance studio will pay off within 1-2 years.

Advantages and disadvantages of such an enterprise

Before exploring the question of how to open your own dance school, it is worth understanding the advantages and disadvantages of such a business. As already mentioned, this area not too competitive and does not require too much investment, which is undoubtedly a plus.

On the other hand, there are some pitfalls that are definitely worth paying attention to. After all, according to the same statistics, many dance schools close during the year. Why? To begin with, the reasons include problems with finding suitable premises.

In addition, the lack of competent advertising will affect the number of customers and, accordingly, the profitability of the enterprise. But the main problem in this case is the search for qualified teachers, specialists who really know how to work with people, determine their requirements and capabilities and, naturally, have the necessary knowledge and experience.

How to open your own dance school? What documents are needed for this?

Official registration of the enterprise, of course, is a necessary component of your own business. And if you are drawing up a business plan for a dance school, then you are probably interested in the package of necessary documents.

Fortunately, for a dance studio, the amount of official paperwork is much less. Of course, you will need to register with tax service- it's best to do it like this individual entrepreneur and work according to a simplified taxation scheme. However, it is always possible to create a society with limited liability, especially if you work not independently, but with partners.

As for everything else, you just need to comply with the requirements for the premises, in particular the rules fire safety, labor protection, etc. By the way, this red tape can be avoided if you rent space in a fitness club.

Deciding on the target audience and teaching style

Of course, first of all, you should decide what style of dance you will teach and what category of clients your school will focus on. For example, are you going to train children or recruit a group of older clients?

Of course, classical ballroom dancing will always be in demand. But we shouldn’t forget that this is a paired dance, and not everyone can find a partner. Therefore, it is worth making sure that the school offers this service.

A hip-hop dance school can be quite profitable. This modern style becoming increasingly popular, does not require each student to have a partner. Again, such energetic dances are more suitable to the younger generation. Women will certainly be interested if a belly dancing school opens in the city, because such a passionate and beautiful dance has been popular at all times.

In short, you need to decide on a list dance styles who will teach at your institution, and select the appropriate teachers. In addition, it is necessary to draw up a work schedule - for sure most of clients will come to you in the evening hours, since during the day everyone is at work or school.

On the other hand, some people will find it much more convenient to attend classes in the morning or afternoon - perhaps as the business grows it will be necessary to add some classes during the daytime to the schedule.

Where to rent a room

Of course, in this case, finding premises is extremely important. In most cases, entrepreneurs are inclined to two options - you can rent premises for a school in a fitness club or cultural center. Both options have their advantages. For example, a fitness club next door will provide you with additional clients. In turn, your school sports dances(or any others) will increase the list of services offered by the center.

Naturally, you can build your own club or rent premises in any other place in the city - the main thing is that it is convenient to get to you (for example, make sure that there is a public transport stop not far from the school).

When looking for a suitable room, you should worry about the convenience of students and teachers. First, remember that the dance studio must have enough space. In addition, the school should have an entrance hall, which will serve both for meeting clients and for waiting for classes. It is imperative to equip a locker room with hangers and lockers, since students need to change clothes and leave their things somewhere. And of course, showers and toilets are needed.

How to decorate a room

In fact, the design style can be almost anything. The main thing is that the students feel comfortable. Equip the reception area workplace for the administrator and place several sofas or chairs.

In the locker room, it is best to place lockers that can be locked - clients will be able to leave their things without fear.

The basic requirements for opening a dance school are set directly for the training premises. The plan (project) of a dance school must necessarily include the costs of arranging the hall.

It is extremely important to make a suitable floor (for example, use parquet or laminate), as well as equip a powerful ventilation system. And of course, you will need several large mirrors.

Is additional equipment needed?

In fact, the list of additional equipment depends on what services you are going to offer. Most likely, you will need dance machines. Make sure that the hall is equipped with speakers and a record player, because music is essential for dancing.

A dance school will help you spend time with health benefits and pleasure. How many people, after studying and working, would gladly spend their free time for such a pleasant activity. Parents are happy to take their children to dance clubs, because moving to music is not only for physical training has a positive effect, but also on the formation personal qualities.

Opening such an establishment requires a little effort, but a love of dancing is a must. Great option there will be availability teaching experience behind us in this area. Having previously completed a dance school or at least a short experience as an instructor will make it much easier to choose the future direction of your studio.

Initial costs

  • Renting premises from 70,000 rubles;
  • employees from 140,000 rubles;
  • equipment and repairs from 60,000 rubles;
  • advertising and website creation about 50,000 rubles.

To open your own dance school in total will be needed spend about 320,000 rubles.

One lesson depending on where the school is located on average it costs 300–500 rubles.

Approximate monthly income around 350,000 rubles.

Net profit will be about 150,000 rubles.

Profitability dance school

The profitability of a dance school directly depends on the number of clients. The number of groups required to obtain a stable profit should be three or four daily. The optimal number of students in each group is 15–20 people. You can also organize individual sessions, capable of bringing up to 20% of the total profit.

Possible problems of the dance business

Of course, a pleasant environment, convenient access to the school, high-quality equipment, original name attract customers. But the determining factor is teachers. However, everything good craftsmen They have already opened their own schools and have been working for themselves for a long time. It is quite difficult to find a professional in his field, this is the main problem of the dance business.

To recruit capable instructors for your school, you will have to work hard - go around many similar establishments, trying to lure the best, call advertisements or find out from dancers about their favorites.

The next challenge may be recruiting customers, especially if there are already similar establishments in the area. The only way to interest future dancers is through action.

You can develop own program training, The main thing is that after just a few lessons a person feels and sees a positive result and development. This will be excellent advertising; clients will naturally recommend your school to their friends.

Opening of a dance school the business is profitable and incredibly exciting. This is an opportunity to show yourself, teach people to dance, hear music and move correctly.

Nowadays dancing is gaining more and more popularity, and with the relatively low cost of one lesson, there are enough people who want to try it. Pleasant communication with like-minded people, fighting inhibitions, keeping the body in shape, control - this is all dancing.

To carefully study the market, identify the most popular dance styles in your area, find and convince professionals to work for you, and then you will be guaranteed a stable income.

How to open a dance school? Watch the following video for recommendations:

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