First DJ. Who is a DJ: the meaning of the word


Almost every one of us at least once in our lives has come across such a word as a DJ. We all also understand that this is a person who plays music in public places, we will try to consider this definition in more detail.

Consider the profession of a DJ, namely, what it means, how it can be perceived by society.

It is important to understand the meaning and significance of some definitions, one of them is the word DJ. Its meaning lies in translation. This is a person who publicly plays melodies and tracks, adding different sounds on his own.


A DJ is a person who has a delicate ear, plays music tracks in public places, bars, clubs and modern festivals. Few people know that this profession is quite complicated, since real equipment has many different mechanisms and functions that must be used with high quality and know the principle of their operation. and hearing are mandatory, since the task of the DJ is to select melodies and tracks that suit the style. But at the same time, in order for the music not to stop, you need to create the right transition, which can also be the highlight of the whole composition. In this case, it is also worth noting that when using a particular genre, you need to select only those melodic effects that will be most suitable.

The answer to the question, who is a DJ, is still quite simple in our understanding.

The meaning of the word "DJ" can be found in dictionaries, as it refers to a person who practices musical view art, combining different melodies and tracks.

What equipment is used

We have considered the question of who a DJ is, but still what he uses and what settings exist for creating tracks, it is worth understanding.

People in this profession have their own equipment that they use. It contains separate sensors, buttons and rollers that can be used to add various kinds of musical accompaniment to the melody and rhythm track.

In order to learn how to use it, it is best to listen to each component of this type of equipment. It can be volume, smoothness of transition and others.

The most important thing is to have the right sounds with you and musical elements, which will give the composition highest quality and effect. Also in this case, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the theme of the track itself, as well as its beat.

Dynamics and loudness are very important, and the point is that there should be smooth transitions, like, for example, from loud to quiet or vice versa. This will help values ​​such as fortissimo, forte, mezzo forte, piano, pianissimo.

Do not lose sight of the very essence of the track. It can be different styles, they need a special approach, which will help create the necessary elements in the work.

What should a DJ be able to do?

A professional and first-class DJ is a person who creates transitions of different tracks in such a way that the listener does not notice it. Also added to the composition different effects and sounds that only increase the rhythm and create a good atmosphere.

Mainly dance music that can make a person move to the beat.

The craving for a new style and creating a melody that people will like will definitely pay off, as a person will become a real guru in this kind of modern art.

Types of DJs

Of course, it all depends on skill and knowledge. this person. For example, if he has an understanding of what kind of track it is, what effects can be added to it so that the sound is on high level, is a professional.

If the DJ does not yet have sufficient work experience, then he can use ready-made “raw” tracks, on which you can overlay a different sound of the melody. In this case, we can say with confidence that using this method, you can greatly facilitate your work.

In the event that a DJ creates his own track, then it is much more difficult, and it is also important to note that with this type of work it is possible to make unique melodies that will be especially interesting in their sound.

What does the word mean in different dictionaries?

In this section, we will consider what a DJ is. The definition of such a word is in many dictionaries, since on this moment There is a large number of people who know about this type of activity. DJs must also have full knowledge different in order to combine them into one composition. This type of profession appeared not so long ago, but it is worth noting that today it has gained great popularity among young people.

The meaning of the word "DJ" explanatory dictionary explains that this is a person who performs in public places and turns the audience on with his compositions. The higher the professionalism, the more he wins the audience.

It is worth noting that in order to better understand the peculiarity of such a profession, read the words, explain their meaning. DJ is translated from English as "disco jockey", it should be understood that even these words immediately call out to us associations that can come up as images and pictures in our minds.

Lexical meaning

The lexical meaning of the word "DJ" explains that this is a person who plays music in public places. In such a case, he also has special equipment.

It cannot be said that when a person plays different tracks and melodies, this is already a DJ. In such a profession, it is imperative to understand how this or that type of music can be built. There must be an understanding of how, in terms of rhythm, theme and similar melody, tracks can be combined into one long and modern composition. It is important to create conditions so that people really dance to the music and enjoy its quality.

If there is a feeling that certain musical effects are superfluous, and the tracks can be called different, then such a DJ needs to learn a little and improve his skills. In this case, it is best to stop such activities for a while.

How to learn a profession

Like any musical skill, DJs must develop their own individual flair. In order for those tracks and melodies that they play to be created with high quality and correspond to one rhythm, it is worth feeling a little. It means that in this case you need to spend a little time on the songs and listen to them. If you can establish the beat and rhythm of the work, then, of course, the chances of success in such a matter are greatly increased.

Also, do not forget that any business requires a return. In the event that this area is not interesting to a person, then this, of course, will also affect the result of such work. A DJ must constantly be surrounded by music lovers and his music must meet their expectations and demands.

And the main thing to remember is that no matter what the melody is, it should smoothly transition to one or another effect. In this case, you can use the dynamics in order to better feel the edge of volume and accuracy.

General atmosphere and feeling of the audience

A DJ must also have skills such as, for example, the feeling of his listener. Still, by the behavior and emotions on the face, you can understand how this or that listener relates to what is happening, but you should also definitely pay attention to own feelings. The music that is created by a DJ should energize a person and make him dance. Professionally able to ignite even those who do not like to dance and who do not perceive this type of activity.

Listeners should feel that the DJ likes his kind of work and in different cases it can be said that this species music, namely the combination and decoration of tracks, can be quite an interesting process. Such people should enjoy this business.


As you can understand, DJs today can be different. This means that for such a profession and type of activity it does not matter whether it is a man or a woman. We can all feel the music, and if this is not manifested in the plasticity, namely in dancing to it, then this appears in whether we can at least a little tap in time to this or that melody.

Finally, I would also like to say that DJs must also have artistry, since in various cases and at events you can even ignite the crowd with your behavior and mood.

We hope that in this article you have learned who a DJ is and what musical skill he has.

At times Soviet Union children dreamed of becoming astronauts and policemen, now they want to be DJs. Consider this profession and talk about who a dj is and what he does.

The word DJ itself is a derivative of the phrase disc jockey (English "disc jockey", that is, playing discs), which today has been reduced to just two letters DJ. From the word "DJ" came the name of what he actually does - "DJing" (English DJing, that is, the work of a DJ).

The result of the DJ's work is a "mix", i.e. a composition of music that sounds without interruption, smoothly moving from one theme to another. The basis for the mix is ​​a musical recording, which is processed by a DJ and receives a new independent sound.

Full DJ performance, i.e. what a dj does, his program is a "set". A set may include performances by several djs. DJ competitions are held separately, where they compete in their skills, this is called a “battle”.

Types of DJ

Conditional division of DJs into 3 types is accepted:

  • radio dj
  • mobile DJ
  • club DJ

The work of a radio DJ is built mainly from communication with radio listeners, which alternates with news and music. Musical compositions are served, as a rule, unchanged, with the exception of author's radio shows, where the host builds his program entirely around music and performers.

A mobile DJ performs at some event: corporate party, wedding, school disco. At his own disposal he has everything necessary for work: equipment, a collection of music discs. His performance comes down, as a rule, to the organization of recreation in general, and not just to playing musical compositions.

A club DJ works permanently in a club and has, for the most part, his own individual style. The compositions that he uses differ from the original ones in their processing and can sound 2 times longer.

But such a division is conditional, because. many DJs combine their activities, and only a few are pure representatives of the species.

DJ(eng. DJ from disc jockey - disc jockey) - a person playing for an audience recorded on audio media musical works. Records and compact discs are mainly used as audio media.

The DJ mixes compositions using turntables or other special equipment, if non-vinyl media are used, while he can change the playback speed for “smooth” mixing, use scratches and other sound effects, thereby turning his mix from compositions of other musicians into independent piece of music.

IN Lately DJs often improvise by playing several songs at the same time, creating remixes (mashups) of songs in real time. The highest, last and only goal of a DJ is to encourage people to dance. A good DJ is not at all the one who has good records, and not the one who knows how to dock them into a long gut, but the one who is able to control the mood of the dancers, turn on the audience, bring it to a state of ecstasy. Continuation

Who is a DJ?

The figure of a techno-house DJ is no less mythical than the figure of a rock guitarist.

DJs in modern understanding of this word appeared in the first half of the 70s. It's not even about what kind of music they started then (in Jamaica - reggae, in chic New York ballrooms - disco, in the Bronx - hip-hop), the whole focus of DJing was and still is that in the hands DJ, the well-known phonograph records begin to sound in a new way and produce a completely different effect on the public. If you don't go into the subtle differences between DJ handicraft technologies, then we can say that the main idea was to present music as a continuous flow of sound. This stream is collected from dance - that is, more or less rhythmic - music recorded on vinyl records, which, without audible joints, wind up one after another.

The highest, last and only goal of a DJ is to encourage people to dance. A good DJ is not at all the one who has good records, and not the one who knows how to dock them into a long gut, but the one who is able to control the mood of the dancers, turn on the audience, bring it to a state of ecstasy. Dancing to DJ music should ideally be ecstatic. Continuation

DJs keep track of music hits and mix them together

DJs keep track of music hits and mix them together. Like a chef who picks just one perfect cherry from each tree for his pie, a DJ condenses the work and talent of hundreds of musicians into one condensed performance. DJs mix all the right stuff together, which is why we love them so much. And they do it in such a way as to meet the tastes of the public. When you hear the result of a good DJ, you have the opportunity to come across a unique performance, perfectly suited to the moment. Real DJs...

Real DJs don't sport a set of dainty tunes; they carefully consider the time, place and people in front of them and choose something that is perfect at the moment.

This is the real mastery of the organization. dance party and it doesn't come easily. Cognition, discovery and understanding of music is a process that requires several years. And if you have just begun this work, there will be no end to it. In fact, a DJ's real job is behind the scenery: scouring the hoard of dark vinyl records, devouring endless lists, and sniffing out the wonders they contain. Playing records is rarely hard work, but doing research and hoarding music information, in order to do it well, involves very hard work. Continuation

DJ - who is he?

In the center of all disco parties - both club and street parties - he always stands, the king and god of the dance floor DJ. He holds in his hands the energy of dozens, and sometimes hundreds of dancers, and they literally carry their idol in their arms. And the high school students writing essays on the epochal theme "Who do I want to be", more and more often in the answers they draw the cherished monogram "D" and "J". Want to? No problem!

First, let's deal with special professional terms.

Turntable, table, turntable- a turntable, a device for extracting sound from one or two vinyl records.
Disc, vinyl, plastic- vinyl record.
Seth- the length of time allotted to the DJ for the performance of his music.
Apple- a round paper sticker with information. Pasted in the center of the vinyl.
Envelope- cardboard packaging for storage of vinyl.
Needle- The most important part of the pickup mechanism.
Tonearm- Shiny tube running from the needle to the pinwheel mechanism. The needle is on it.
Slipmat- Special gasket between the rotating element.
Peach- a lever for controlling the speed of rotation of the plate, the main element that distinguishes a DJ turntable from a conventional player.
Console, mixer- a mixing console used for mixing, processing various musical segments.
Ears- headphones.
Monitor- a special speaker through which the DJ hears the music.

Not a little important!

You probably wondered more than once: "Who is a DJ?". I'll try to explain.
A DJ is first and foremost an artist. And, like any artist, it is an object of attention, worship, imitation, and imitation in everything: in demeanor, style, hobbies, preferences. DJ is a cult personality. Modern dance parties gather up to 50,000 people in Russia. All these people come to see and listen to their favorite DJ. With his skill, the DJ immerses a huge crowd in the world he created. For several hours, he takes possession of their thoughts, emotions, movements. These feelings, as well as the image of a DJ, remain with the listeners for a long time. DJ trendsetter of fashion, style and taste. Many DJs sign contracts with fashion labels, perform at fashion shows, write music for them. Their fans closely follow the DJ's clothing style, what he drinks, what he listens to, where he goes. DJ is the leader. It creates the atmosphere of the club, sets the tone for the party. The DJ feels the spirit of the dance floor and charges the listeners with his energy. DJ is a musician. Continuation

DJ number one...

Tijs VerWest (aka DJ Tiesto) was born on January 17, 1969 in the Dutch city of Breda. At the age of 12, he was already composing music. At the age of 14, he played long sets at the local club The Spock. There were no other DJs in town, so he wasn't influenced by anyone else's style of work. Isolation from other DJs, according to Tiesto, was useful for him. He could develop his music and himself.

Early in his career, VerWest promoted acid house and some pop music. Was crazy about Madonna's work. Before the release of her albums, dance mixes were already ready. Just at that time came out famous hit Madonnas - "Vogue" and it was one of the songs played in The Spock. Tiesto "brought" trance culture to Holland in 1993, but success came to Tiesto first abroad and only then at home.

Soon Tiesto moved to more famous clubs, where he focused on club and popular music from the Dutch charts. As a result, he settled on house music, a simple hybrid of beat overdubbed with deep bass, and began to create his own musical style.

Who is a DJ.

DJ (Eng. DJ, DeeJay, Disc-Jockey) is the person in charge of musical accompaniment recreational activities, in other words, a person playing music, it does not matter where - , a street dance floor, night club, restaurant or radio broadcast.
the main objective a professional DJ is not only the ability to play music, but also to carry the audience positive mood, using different means for this, but about these means later. To begin with, let's define the term why these people are called DJs.

The history of the appearance of the abbreviation DJ.
In order to understand why the person conducting the musical accompaniment is called the DJ, you need to make a short digression into.
In 1934 the first time the word disc jockey came from an American commentator Walter Winchell. Walter used the term discjockey (a combination of 2 words "disk", which refers to vinyl records, and "jockey", who is the operator of the machine (player)), this term was uttered to the radio host, at that time the host was Martin Block, the first DJ to become a star. Later, this phrase will be shortened to the usual abbreviation DJ from which a new derivative phrase will appear, i.e. .
Later, with the development of the music industry and audio technology, this term began to be used in various fields creative musical activity. Several different trends have emerged.

Studio DJ.
Top class professional working in recording studios.
A studio DJ creates mashups for recording and replicating audio productions on digital and analog media.
These people are able to breathe new life into boring hits, creating new arrangements and. Therefore, record labels and musical groups often turn to studio DJs. Nowadays, with the development computer technology and programs, for this work it became enough to have a PC or laptop and have the skills to work with them. Even for writing music, musical instruments and expensive studio equipment is no longer needed.

Radio DJ.
Unlike club DJs and those working in the studio, the radio DJ has a different way of presenting material. He does not need to mix tracks in, because. on the radio they are not needed. However, a radio DJ must be a sociable person, preferably with a sense of humor, and it is easy to conduct monologues between songs and dialogues with listeners. Because radio programs are live a radio DJ should be ready for any surprises and be able to adequately get out of any situation, the main thing is that there is no silence on the air. Also, a radio DJ must also have the technical skills to work with recordings of music tracks and adjust the sound level.

Hip Hop DJ.
it's a party musical group. Its task is to play a bit assembled from different loops and. The first hip-hop DJ was DJ Kool Herc. Cool Herc used two vinyl players, they had the same record, from which only the instrumental fragment of the composition was taken, while when it ended on one player, the other turned on immediately, and this created the impression of one continuous composition, which was accompanied by rap reading.
In Hip Hop groups, rap is read by eM C (Eng. MC) and. In the early 80s, in the Soviet Union, for the first time rap under instrumental losses foreign performers read by Alexander Astrov. Later this initiative was picked up by other disc jockeys. This was the beginning of the birth of Russian rap. DJs in the west often mixed or rapped with different music. As a result of such experiments, new styles were born.

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"The highest musicality in the realm of thought", said Bohr Nils Henrik David. Everyone knows that not a single university produces DJs, because they are not made, but born. DJing is a lifestyle. He is a "taster" and a pioneer of a new sound, and the atmosphere of the event or even the morning mood of the drivers depends only on him, because often a DJ is able to smooth out the tension caused by traffic jams.

Historical aspect

So interesting profession originated already in 1906. How did it happen? For the Christmas holidays, Reginald A Fessenden broadcast not standard coded signals (as was usually the case), but real music and speech, which caused absolute delight to the audience. Thus, the famous American commentator Walter Winchell (Walter Winchell) was the first who presented the society with the term "disc jockey" (disc jockey), which was directly related to radio host Martin Block, the first DJ, who later became a star. Later, in society, the concept of DJ began to be used to refer to the presented term. In addition, this phrase is the original root of the term "DJing", which explains the activities of the DJ. Thus, sounds and music became the main aspect of this profession. The DJ mixes (mixing) different compositions into a pleasant and high-quality complex by means of special equipment. For successful career V musical area, of course, creative inclinations, good taste and serious preparation in the relevant direction are necessary.

Front side of the profession

As it turned out, the work of a DJ is to track, collect and connect (mix) musical compositions and their individual parts. These operations must be carried out so that in the process of a dance party or going on the radio, he can choose the most suitable from a variety of audio recordings and provide them for public listening, because the specific situation and the specifics of the event can be fully determined and made brighter precisely by well-chosen music. DJing is not an easy job, as it seems at first glance to some people. But society is only familiar with front side medals. Much of his work takes place behind the scenes. entertainment programs and outside the atmospheric ballroom scenes. around the world practice identifying and listening to an incredible number of media, getting to know a wide variety of melodies and, accordingly, their performers, getting acquainted with endless public polls, the results of hit parades and other musical information and, of course, scrupulous work with all kinds of materials used on the further creative path.

The technical aspect of the profession

As noted earlier, it involves the direct mixing of various musical fragments. Here, the master is required to have absolute knowledge of technology, possession of the appropriate techniques and skills to work on professional equipment (sampler, turn-table, and so on). Naturally, with the advent of CD players, the activities of DJs have been greatly facilitated and significantly expanded in terms of possibilities (quick change in the speed of recordings and the formation of even the most unusual musical effects). Despite such a significant revolution, professional DJs still believe that no discoveries and miracles scientific progress unable to become a suitable alternative to the familiar and tried and tested vinyl records. They tend to believe that even the most virtuoso technique will not help if the music is boring or of poor quality. It is important to note that the best DJs in the world learned not only to mix compositions, but also to correctly say what is important aspect this area, because it is very important to qualitatively and successfully "eclipse" the pause between musical creations.

DJ as a pioneer of new sound

An important aspect of the DJ profession is the ability of the master to stir up public interest, which never allows you to stand in one place, remaining hostage to a standard and such a boring melody, song or one rhythm. So, the masters of this field can rightly be called a musical preacher, because over the long period of existence of the professional category (more than fifty years), it was the DJ who processed the first rhythm and blues, and then rock and roll. In addition, the creations presented were aired despite strong opposition from conservatives. An interesting fact is that it was the radio DJ who brought out the styles that are very famous today, including disco, techno, house or hip-hop. Yes, in modern time DJ skill determines the direction of popular clubs and radio stations. In addition, the names famous figures of this category (for example, Groove) are on a par with the names of our pop stars.

The DJ is the modern master of dance!

It is important to note that DJ activities are no longer limited to insignificant clubs. So, actively sites of large-scale concert halls and even the widest stadiums. In addition, the most famous performers today they often order remixes of their songs from professionals. No one will argue with the fact that today it is impossible to imagine any youth event, festival or competition without a DJ, because the master of music can not only control the public mood, but also make speeches sincerely.

DJing is not just a profession, but a way of life. As a rule, it is related to young people, because often, due to a non-standard work schedule, there is practically no time left for sleep. You need to play at night, when the clubs where it takes place are open and crowded. disco. DJ- a person, of course, "burning" with his work, because if his soul did not lie so evenly to music, he would hardly have worked to the detriment of his daily routine.

Personal qualities of a DJ

Of course, in addition to professional skills and knowledge, the main among which are knowledge musical styles and specialized equipment, the ability to mix tracks, music cutting experience, high-quality equipment setup, entertainment events, availability of music data and creative imagination, a radio DJ must have a number of personal qualities that will help maximize his productivity and, of course, general mood. It would be appropriate to include competent and pleasant speech, good staging diction, developed taste preferences in relation to aesthetics, the ability to speak beautifully, as well as to formulate one’s thoughts very clearly, a good sense of humor, taste in music, energy, sociability and, of course, consistency. All these qualities will help the DJ to reach his full potential and really charge the audience with positive energy.

The question of employment

The modern audience is particularly diverse, and a DJ is a person who needs to clearly capture its mood and create a festive atmosphere. Of course, a specialist in this field should be well versed in music, know what is popular at the moment and what was the most common, for example, in the 90s. It is important to note that in major cities The number of DJs is increasing every year. And this is not surprising, because young people find this work quite interesting and very profitable. Moreover, a good specialist in this field, who is able not only to perform professional operations with high quality, but also to enjoy it, will undoubtedly be in demand. have very good earnings. They are invited to various events and get paid every hour of work. In addition, in restaurants and other public institutions there is a separate rate for workers in the profession in question. A nightclub resident receives a smaller amount per hour of his activity than an invited guest. However, this job is based on fixed conditions and a fixed salary.

Universities do not produce DJs

It is important to note that the DJ profession is not taught in universities and colleges. Therefore, to get acquainted with this area of ​​knowledge, it is necessary to study independently or through specialized courses. It was noted above that for activities in a nightclub, skills in working with a variety of media (both standard and innovative) are required. In addition, absolute knowledge of the computer in terms of mixing music is important. The DJ must have his own equipment, especially if we are talking about servicing thematic events of a private nature (weddings, anniversaries, graduations, specific parties, corporate parties, and so on). A music specialist also needs to periodically select a personal library. These should be not only tracks that correspond to the taste of the DJ himself, but also those that are fully capable of satisfying a wide audience. Professionals note that the most important thing for a professional is good musical ear and But these qualities can be developed independently!

The specifics of the profession

Like any kind of activity, the music industry has its pros and cons. So, in the process of working as a DJ, the main advantages are the possibility of starting a career at almost any age (which is why 16-year-old DJs today are far from uncommon), the exclusion of “old” DJs in this area (for some, the hobby becomes uninteresting, while others turn him in the cause of life), interesting life, because a DJ can constantly travel, make new acquaintances, fans, and most importantly, fruitfully do his job. The profession also has a number of disadvantages, among which the following are quite significant: work at night (but for some this is a plus), unhealthy atmosphere in clubs (loud music, a lot of smoke, not always friendly visitors, severe fatigue at the end of the shift and so on), as well as the need to have your own equipment, and after all, decent equipment costs decent money. But even in the last paragraph there is a latent plus: after all, equipment can be rented out!

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