Let's go the other way, author. "we'll go the other way"


In fact, this phrase is taken and paraphrased from the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" by Vladimir Mayakovsky.

And then
Ilyich seventeen-year-old -
this word
stronger than oaths
a soldier with a raised hand:
- Brother,
we are here
ready to change you
we will win
But we will go the other way

According to the memoirs of the elder sister Anna Ilyinichna, Vladimir Ulyanov said the phrase in a different wording: “ No, we're not going that way. This is not the way to go". The expression became widespread thanks to the painting of the same name by P. P. Belousov.

"Every cook must learn to run the state"

In the article "Will the Bolsheviks hold state power? (originally published in October 1917 in No. 1 - 2 of the Enlightenment magazine) Lenin wrote:

We are not utopians. We know that any unskilled worker and any cook are not capable of immediately entering into government. On this we agree with the Cadets, and with Breshkovskaya, and with Tsereteli. But we differ from these citizens in that we demand an immediate break with the prejudice that manage the state, to carry out the everyday, daily work of management, only the rich or taken from rich families are able to officials. We require that education state administration was carried out by conscious workers and soldiers, and that it should be started immediately, that is, to teach this immediately started to attract all working people, all the poor.

The option “Any cook can run the state”, attributed to V.I. Lenin, does not belong to him, but is often used in criticizing socialism and Soviet power. The option "Any cook should rule the state" is also used. Lenin had in mind, first of all, that even a cook, as a representative of the broad masses of working people, must learn to govern the state, must be involved in public administration. The expression was used by V. V. Mayakovsky in the poem "Vladimir Ilyich Lenin":

Walkway with a tablecloth!
We and the cook
run the state!

“Of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us”

Lenin’s famous phrase “You must firmly remember that cinema is the most important of all the arts for us” is based on Lunacharsky’s memoirs about a conversation with Lenin in February 1922, set out in a letter to Boltyansky dated January 29, 1925 (ref. No. 190) which was published:

In the context of the conversation, Lenin spoke about the tasks of the development of communist cinema, noted the need for "a certain proportion between fascinating films and scientific films", emphasized the role of the chronicle, from which it is necessary to begin "the production of new films imbued with communist ideas and reflecting Soviet reality", stressed the need censorship (“Of course, censorship is still needed. Counter-revolutionary and immoral tapes should not take place”) and at the end of the conversation he added: “you are known among us as the patron of art, so you must firmly remember that of all the arts, cinema is the most important for us ". In this form, the phrase can be understood as a call to Lunacharsky to pay special attention to cinema in comparison with the "traditional" art forms that are closer to him.

Many mistakenly believe that the phrase sounded different, and such distortions fall into seemingly authoritative sources, for example "While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, the cinema and the circus are the most important for us." Also, as a joke, the option “Of all the arts, cinema, wine and dominoes are the most important for us.”

"Study, study and study"

Famous words of Lenin study, study and study” were written by him in the work “Reverse Direction of Russian Social Democracy”, written at the end and published in 1924 in the journal Proletarian Revolution No. 8-9:

While an educated society is losing interest in honest, illegal literature, a passionate desire for knowledge and socialism is growing among the workers, real heroes stand out among the workers who - despite the ugly conditions of their lives, despite the stupefying hard labor in the factory - find in themselves so much character and willpower that study, study and study and develop out of themselves conscious Social Democrats, "working intelligentsia".

Perhaps Lenin used the phrase of A.P. Chekhov from the work "My Life", Chapter VI, the first publication of which was in the appendix to "Niva" in 1896:

We need to study, study and study, but let's wait with deep social trends: we have not yet grown up to them and, in conscience, do not understand anything in them.

A similar repetition was made in the article “Better less, but better" (" Pravda" No. 49, March 4, 1923):

We must by all means set ourselves the task of renewing our state apparatus: First, learn, second, learn, and third, learn. and then to check that science among us does not remain a dead letter or a fashionable phrase (and this, there is nothing to hide, it happens especially often with us), so that science really enters into flesh and blood, turns into constituent element life completely and truly.

It will be even better if we continue to study (I guarantee you this).

It is a common misconception that for the first time Lenin uttered this phrase at the III All-Russian Congress of the RKSM on October 2, 1920. In fact, in this speech, the words “ study" And " learn communism”, but the word “learn” was not repeated by him three times.

A call to learning from the mouth statesman is not unique. On October 21, 1888, the Minister of Public Education of the Russian Empire Ivan Davydovich Delyanov, speaking to students of the Imperial Novorossiysk University, said: “You are young, inexperienced, and in your hobbies you often forget that you are the only and exceptional task yours while you are within these walls, it is - study, study and study... I'm in last years unreasonably gray-haired and aged from the grief caused by the students of our universities by their behavior.

“In fact, this is not a brain, but shit” (about bourgeois intellectuals)

Lenin's phrase about bourgeois intellectuals is well-known: "In fact, this is not the brain [of the nation], but shit."

She is found in his letter to A. M. Gorky, sent on September 15, 1919 to Petrograd, which the author begins with a message about the meeting of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the RCP (b) on September 11, 1919: “we decided to appoint Kamenev and Bukharin to the Central Committee to verify the arrest of bourgeois intellectuals near-Cadet type and for the release of whom it is possible. For it is clear to us that there were mistakes here too.”

And he explains:

“It is wrong to confuse the ‘intellectual forces’ of the people with the ‘forces’ of bourgeois intellectuals. I will take Korolenko as a model: I recently read his pamphlet War, Fatherland and Humanity, written in August 1917. Korolenko is, after all, the best of the "near-Cadet" ones, almost a Menshevik. And what a vile, vile, vile defense of the imperialist war, covered up with sugary phrases! Pitiful tradesman, captivated by bourgeois prejudices! For such gentlemen, 10,000,000 killed in the imperialist war is a cause worthy of support (by deeds, with sugary phrases “against” the war), and the death of hundreds of thousands in a just civil war against the landowners and capitalists causes aahs, oohs, sighs, hysterics.

No. It is not a sin for such “talents” to spend weeks in prison if this is to be done to prevent conspiracies (like Krasnaya Gorka) and the death of tens of thousands. And we have uncovered these conspiracies of the Cadets and "near-Cadets". And we know that professors close to the Cadets give help to the conspirators all the time. It is a fact.

The intellectual forces of the workers and peasants are growing and strengthening in the struggle to overthrow the bourgeoisie and its accomplices, the intellectuals, lackeys of capital, who imagine themselves to be the brains of the nation. In fact, this is not a brain, but a g ...

We pay higher than average salaries to the "intellectual forces" who want to bring science to the people (and not to serve capital). It is a fact. We protect them."

"There is such a party!"

"There is such a party!" - a catchphrase uttered by V. I. Lenin at the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets in response to the thesis of the Menshevik I. G. Tsereteli.

"Political prostitute"

Not a single document has been preserved where Lenin directly uses this term. But there are many [ ] evidence that he used the word "prostitutes" in relation to his political opponents (the Bund). In particular, a letter from Lenin to the Central Committee of the RSDLP dated September 7, 1905 has been preserved where he wrote:

“For God's sake, don't hurry with an official resolution and don't yield one iota to this Bundist-new Iskra conference. Really without protocols will be?? Is it really possible to conference with these prostitutes without protocols?”

Better less is better

It is noteworthy that the original phrase is taken from the New Testament: “... When we were with you, we bequeathed to you this: if who does not want to work, he does not eat» (2 Thess.).

Trade unions - the school of communism

The slogan put forward in relation to the trade unions of the Soviet era. One of the testaments of Ilyich. For the first time, the expression appeared in April 1920 in Lenin's work "Children's disease" leftism "in communism" even before the start of a broad discussion about trade unions. There is this characteristic in his article “Once again about the trade unions, about the current situation and about the mistakes of vols. Trotsky and Bukharin", written in January 1921. Subsequently, Lenin repeats the thesis about trade unions as a school of management, a school of management, a school of communism in the “Draft Theses on the Role and Tasks of Trade Unions in the Conditions of the New Economic Policy” in January 1922.

see also


  1. Ulyanova A. I. Childhood and school years of Ilyich. - M.: Detgiz, 1962. - 40 p. -( School library. For elementary school)
  2. Will the Bolsheviks retain state power? = V. I. Lenin. Will the Bolsheviks retain state power? // "Enlightenment": journal. - October 1917. - No. 1-2. // V. I. Lenin complete collection essays, ed. 5th. - M.: Publishing house of political literature, 1981. - T. 34. - S. 289-339.
  3. Virtual reference service "Ask a bibliographer" // National Library of Russia.
  4. « That "the most important of all the arts for us is the cinema", everyone knew Soviet people. It was only during the years of perestroika and glasnost that they were surprised to find that the quote that met them in every cinema did not fully reflect what Lenin said in 1923 to Anatoly Lunacharsky, People's Commissar of Education. The thought of the most humane person was perverted twice for the sake of the leaders of the cinema. In its original form, it sounded like this: “While the people are illiterate, of all the arts, cinema and the circus are the most important for us.”» - Svetlana Kuznetsova Separation of the circus from the state // Journal "Kommersant Power" No. 30 of 07/31/2006. - S. 52.
  5. Backward Direction of Russian Social Democracy // V. I. Lenin Publishing house of political literature, 1967. - V. 4 - S. 269.
  6. Chekhov A.P.. Complete collection of works in 30 volumes. - M.: Nauka, 1985. T. 9.
  7. Better less is better. March 2, 1923 // V. I. Lenin. Complete Works, ed. 5th. M .: Publishing house of political literature, 1970. - T. 45 - S. 391.
  8. Five years of the Russian revolution and the prospects of the world revolution. (Report at the IV Congress of the Comintern November 13, 1922) IV Congress of the Communist International November 5 - December 5, 1922 // Lenin V.I.. Complete Works, ed. 5th. - M .: Publishing house of political literature, 1970. - T. 45 - S. 291, 293
  9. Plans for the report "Five Years of the Russian Revolution and Prospects for the World Revolution" at the IV Congress of the Comintern. November, before 13, 1922 // V. I. Lenin. Complete Works, ed. 5th. - M .: Publishing house of political literature, 1970. - T. 45 - S. 439.
  10. .

Pyotr Belousov. "We'll go the other way." 1951

For those who studied at school back in the USSR, this picture, of course, is memorable. The future head of the Soviet government, Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, not yet Lenin, receives news that abruptly changed his life: that his older brother Alexander was executed for organizing an assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander III ("the case of the second March Day"). And says heartbroken mother: "We'll go the other way." And this happened just 130 years ago, immediately after May 8 (20), 1887, when Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov was hanged.
Perhaps this moment changed the fate of not only one person or the entire Ulyanov family, but also Russia, and the whole world as a whole. Who knows, don’t find yourself in 1917 so collected and purposeful person how could Vladimir Ilyich, at the head of a revolutionary party, be able to take power and keep it? And would she even exist?
Vladimir Ilyich's younger sister Maria recalled: "Decades of years have passed since then, but even now I can clearly see the expression on Vladimir Ilyich's face at that moment and hear his voice:" No, we will not go this way. This is not the way to go "... At the same time, he had such an expression on his face, as if he was sorry that his brother gave his life too cheaply ...". "Victims on our part are inevitable," he later said. "But it is necessary that they be minimized ... We must protect people."
In those same days, Vladimir Ilyich's attitude towards the liberals also probably finally took shape. “Vladimir Ilyich once told me,” wrote Krupskaya, “how ‘society’ reacted to the arrest of his elder brother. dared to express a word of sympathy to my mother after the execution of her brother. To avoid meeting her, these rascals ran across the street. " “This general cowardice,” continued Krupskaya, “produced, according to Vladimir Ilyich, a very strong impression. This youthful experience undoubtedly left its mark on Vladimir Ilyich's attitude towards "society", towards the liberals. He learned early on the value of all liberal chatter."

Room of A. I. Ulyanov. House-Museum of the Ulyanov family

Memorial plaque at the place of execution of A. Ulyanov

In 1894, Dmitry Ulyanov asked his brother, according to his memoirs:
- We have a lot of comrades, old ones, known to us, why not take it upon ourselves and create a terrorist organization?
- What is it for? Vladimir objected. “Suppose the assassination attempt succeeded, the king could be killed, but what does it matter?
- How important, - Dmitry was taken aback, - would have a huge impact on society.
- What society? What society do you mean? Is this the liberal society that plays cards and eats stellate sturgeon under horseradish and dreams of a scanty constitution? Is this society you mean? This society should not interest you, it does not interest us...
In general, this day, May 8 (20), exactly 130 years ago, became a tuning fork for the rest of Vladimir Ilyich's life. Not quite in the philistine sense that was invested famous anecdote"how he avenged his brother!" because Lenin did not avenge at all specific people, but to all the orders that doomed his brother to death. But also to the people who sent his brother to the gallows - that is, the Romanov dynasty - good feelings he certainly didn't.
Once in a conversation, he remembered the executed brother, then he was silent and, as if to himself, read a stanza from Pushkin's ode "Liberty":
Domineering villain!
I hate you, your throne
Your death, the death of children
With cruel joy I see.

Mikhail Semyonov. Last words Alexandra Ulyanova. 1976

Oleg Vishnyakov. Brothers

Tsar Alexander III carefully read the program written by Alexander Ilyich Ulyanov, and commented on it in the margins. General impression: "This note is not even a madman, but a pure idiot."
Text by A. I. Ulyanov: “The party must devote its main forces to the organization and education of the working class, its preparation for the upcoming public role. Strong in knowledge and consciousness, the party will strive to raise the general intellectual level of society, and finally, make every possible effort to directly improve National economy in order to direct him on the path that corresponds to his ideals. But with the existing political regime in Russia, almost no part of this activity is possible.
A note by the royal hand: "This is comforting!"
Text by A. I. Ulyanov:
"1. A permanent representation of the people, freely chosen by direct and universal suffrage, without distinction of sex, creed or nationality, and having full authority in all matters of public life;
2. Wide local government ensured that all positions are elected;
3. Independence of the world as an economic and administrative unit;
4. Complete freedom of conscience, speech, press, gatherings, associations and movement;
5. Nationalization of the land;
6. Nationalization of factories, plants and all instruments of production in general;
7. Replacing the standing army with a zemstvo militia;
8. Free primary education."

Lantsov Mikhail Alekseevich

Leader. "We'll go the other way!"


We are all used to the fact that the ever-living leader of the world proletariat constantly roams the world in the form of the ghost of communism and plays tricks honest people in the form of various revolutions. And they, as you know, go according to Chernomyrdin's scenario: "We wanted the best, it turned out, as always." That is, they leave behind only ruins, blood and socio-political devastation. revolutions, after which long years clean up and try to restore what was destroyed by the raging crowd, led by fanatics and bandits. But what will happen if Vladimir Ilyich Lenin turns out to be completely different? If he goes other ways?

Of course, we will not choose among the "shades of gray". Because it's too languid and boring. Therefore, I propose a rather sharp, brazen and large-scale version, in which our contemporary is infused into the body of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, who is not yet familiar with his pseudonym. Yes, not just like that, but keeping in touch with our time. Is it bad or good? Who knows. But I'll try to bet on "one rebellious diesel boat against everything American nuclear fleet". That is, a person, albeit endowed with great opportunities, against objective historical processes and circumstances.

And yes, of course, everything that you will find in the vastness of this book was invented by me, and any coincidences are coincidental.

Vladimir Ilyich Solovyov stood at a large window and admired the bloody sunset from the height of the fifty-second floor. glass pencil"new Moscow reality. Today was a very important day in his life - he was leaving. No, not at all. Health, thank God, was quite normal. He was leaving, leaving the business to the young and hot sharks of capitalism, which a pack curled behind him. Fifty-five years and fifty-five million dollars of a fortune converted into highly liquid assets. That is, in simple terms, into ordinary money in accounts. Now it was possible to ride around the world without hurrying anywhere. To live, as they say, in pleasure. Of course , Vladimir understood that with his active character he would not be able to sit back for a long time, but the very impressive money that he had left "for the road" allowed him not to think about sad things. fly, but that's all right, there's enough to do without that.

You might as well not leave. But it's boring. Not interested. Fresh. Acutely lacked the taste of life. And for the sake of what or whom should he strive to acquire? He had no close people - they all died different reasons. And he didn't need much.

Solovyov turned around.

Isabella Yurievna Papayani stood at the door - his true friend and assistant. Moreover, surprisingly, despite a certain sympathy for each other, for so many years they managed to do without sex. Even when drunk. They were afraid to violate that thin and tender line of trust that was between them. Well, not them, but him. Vladimir perfectly understood what passions could begin if he let Isabella into his bed. Moreover, for the last twelve years he had been a lone widower, and her matrimonial chances were serious. That's why he kept his distance, naturally fearing not to stand it. Despite the fact that Isabella was an excellent assistant in business, he did not want to see her as his wife. And decisively. Beautiful, spectacular, seductive… and ruthless. Not a woman, but a predator, sexually aroused by the satisfaction of her ambitions and purse.

Vladimir Ilyich easily picked up the leather bag and headed for the exit. Having kissed Isabella Yuryevna on the cheek on the way, and with some regret running his hand along her seductive thigh, he rushed towards a new life. new destiny.

Two hours in traffic jams and, the happy owner of an elite car, was finally able to leave the Moscow Ring Road. Then he dropped his foot on the gas pedal and rushed forward as a wounded hippopotamus. I didn't want to wait. Not one extra second. Moreover, at his dacha old friend Lev Borisovich Weinstein promised a surprise. And he always knew how to surprise.

- ... well, come on, tell us what you wanted to please? - Said, Vladimir completed the counter ritual of greeting.

Do you remember how many times we argued about certain issues in history?

How to forget that? Solovyov chuckled.

So. I figured out how to resolve all our disputes. And once and for all to the mutual interest of both.

It was not in vain that Vladimir Lenin became a famous publicist, which allowed him to start political career in the Bolshevik Party. A native of Simbirsk was well-read and rich in language. This allowed him in his public speaking use a variety of catchphrases which, thanks to Soviet propaganda, went to the people. Lenin's quotes are often used in everyday speech, and sometimes people do not even realize that some phrases belong to the leader of the proletariat.

"There is such a party!"

One of the most famous phrases Lenin is considered to be the exclamation "There is such a party!". In the summer of 1917, a All-Russian Congress Soviets. It was attended by representatives of various parties, including the Bolsheviks.

Chairman Irakli Tsereteli asked those gathered in the hall if there was a party that was ready to take power into its own hands at a difficult moment for the country and be responsible for all its decisions at such a difficult time. difficult situation. The question was asked for a reason, because for several months a variety of layers Russian society were dissatisfied with the Provisional Government and its decisions. But no one saw an obvious alternative to the existing government.

In response to Tsereteli's question, Lenin, who was also present at the congress, stood up. He declared: "There is such a party!", referring to his own Bolshevik party. The hall responded with applause and laughter. No one could imagine that the Bolsheviks would come to power, and Lenin's quotes would come true.

"Who does not work shall not eat"

Many of Lenin's quotations ended up in his critical articles. Most of journalistic activity Ulyanov came during the years of emigration, however, even during the existence of the USSR, he continued to be printed, this time in millions of copies.

For example, his phrase "Who does not work, he does not eat" has become widespread. With this passage, Lenin criticized the parasites who did not help the young Soviet economy develop against the backdrop of the consequences civil war. It is interesting that a similar phrase is found in the Bible, but in a slightly different form. Lenin himself considered the call to work the main commandment of socialism, on which the ideology should be based. Soviet state. The phrase became widespread in May 1918, when it appeared in a letter from a revolutionary to the Petrograd workers. A little later, the slogan "Who does not work, he does not eat" was directly used in the first Constitution of the RSFSR.

"Study, study, study!"

The call "Learn, study, study!" was also used by Soviet propaganda to motivate the masses. Most likely, Lenin used this phrase in one of his articles after reading Chekhov. In the story “My Life”, the classic of literature was marked by a similar appeal.

Ilyich did not like the education system under the tsarist government. This explains what Lenin said about the Russians. The leader's quotes about education were often used in the interiors of schools and universities in the Soviet Union.

"We'll go the other way"

One of Lenin's most mythologized phrases is rightfully considered the replica "We will go the other way." According to the point of view of the official Soviet ideology, young Volodya said it after he learned about the death of his older brother, he was executed for his intention to deal with the emperor Alexander III. Lenin, by his phrase, meant that his future struggle against the tsarist regime would be based not on individual terror, but on propaganda among the masses. In Soviet and Russian life, this phrase is already used without reference to revolutionary events XX century, but refers directly to the topic of conversation.

We'll go the other way

We'll go the other way
The words that, according to the Soviet tradition, the young Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin, 1870-1924) uttered when he learned about the execution (1887) of his older brother, the Narodnaya Volya revolutionary Alexander Ulyanov, who, together with his comrades, was convicted of preparing an assassination attempt on Russian emperor Alexandra 111. As Lenin's sister Maria Ilyinichna Ulyanova reported in her speech at the mourning meeting of the Moscow Soviet (February 7, 1924), he said: No, we will not go that way. This is not the way to go.
At one time, the popularity of the expression was facilitated by the painting “We will go the other way” (1951), written on this plot. Soviet artist P. P. Belousova (b. 1912).
Jokingly: about the desire to act differently than predecessors or colleagues, in the hope that this way you can achieve better results.

encyclopedic Dictionary winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

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    - (Ulyanov) (1870 1924), Russian politician. Brother of A. I. Ulyanov. Born in the family of an inspector of public schools, who received hereditary nobility. In 1887 he entered Faculty of Law Kazan University; expelled from... encyclopedic Dictionary

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  • Leader. "We'll go the other way!" , Lantsov M .. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Grand Duke of the Pacific, Grand 1st Class of the Spanish Crown, Duke de Alaska, Count Grumant, Guard Captain of the Russian Imperial Navy, Adjutant Wing ...
  • Leader. We will go the other way! , Lantsov Mikhail Alekseevich. Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Grand Duke of the Pacific, Grand 1st Class of the Spanish Crown, Duke of Alaska, Count Grumant, Guard Captain of the Russian Imperial Navy, Adjutant Wing…

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