Relatives of the deceased participant in the "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova spoke about her death.


It often happens that bright personalities they leave very early, as if I’m burning mine in a huge bright fire for quite a short time. Some are taken by chance, while others die voluntarily, like these Soviet celebrities.

May 27, 1960 was born Alexander Bashlachev - Russian poet, author and performer of songs. Despite his growing popularity, Alexander committed suicide at the age of 27. Now our country occupies a high line in the ranking for the number of suicides. In the USSR, such data were not available to the general public, but, undoubtedly, in those days, people often took their own lives. Among them were many well-known actors, singers, directors throughout the country ... Who are they, and what made the people's favorites take their own lives? The answer is in our report.

Alexander Bashlachev. Although it is difficult to talk about the official popularity of the author and performer who moved from Cherepovets to Moscow and Leningrad, his songs were a clear success among the people.

On February 17, 1988, he was visiting friends. Between seven and nine o'clock in the morning, he fell out of the kitchen window on the eighth floor, because of which he died on the spot.

The most likely version of death is suicide, but it is disputed.

According to him civil wife Anastasia Rakhlina, who was pregnant at that time, Bashlachev was very lonely, because of a special spiritual vision. His mutual understanding with people was possible up to some kind of barrier that cannot be overcome, since you see what others do not see.

Despite the fact that people were interesting to Bashlachev, and he was interesting to them, by and large he was lonely. On February 23, he was buried in Leningrad at the Kovalevsky cemetery.

Ekaterina Savinova. During filming in the Crimea, the actress bought fresh milk at the local market, which she immediately drank. A few days later she felt unwell, but did not attach any importance to this. For six months, the artist was tormented by a severe migraine, sometimes the temperature jumped for no reason.

She could not be diagnosed for a long time, but then it was found out that through the same milk she became infected with brucellosis. The virus struck the body of Catherine, giving serious complications to the nervous system.

Savinova developed schizophrenia, spent several months of the year in psychiatric clinics, but the treatment, apparently, brought poor results.

In the spring of 1970, Ekaterina went to her sister in Novosibirsk, where she visited the church on Easter week, after which she went to the railway station and threw herself under a train.

Jan Puzyrevsky. In 1986, the 16-year-old actor woke up famous after playing the role of Kai in the film The Secret snow queen". A year later, he married a classmate Lyudmila.

Married life did not go well, after the birth of their son Istvan, Jan's wife had an affair on the side and decided to file for divorce. After they parted, Jan decided to visit his son, and Lyudmila went to her neighbor friend.

After a while it resounded phone call and Yang asked his wife to look out the window. After that, taking little son, he jumped from the 12th floor. The child survived, clinging to the branches of trees.

The actor himself died at the age of 26 as a result of the fall.

Gennady Shpalikov. In 1974, the poet and director, the author of the script for the films "I'm walking around Moscow", as well as the song of the same name and "You and I", worked on a new script, the plot of which was based on the story of a turner girl who became a deputy, but at the end -ends, who decided to burn herself in a garbage dump.

It is clear that at that time no one would have allowed to shoot such a picture. At the same time, the writer "tied up" with alcohol.

All this negatively affected his psyche, Shpalikov committed suicide by hanging himself on his own scarf in the House of Creativity in Peredelkino.

Inna Gulaya. 16 years after the death of Shpalikov, his wife, who was a famous actress, also voluntarily passed away.

Inna took a large dose of sleeping pills. According to relatives, she never recovered after the departure of her husband and complained about the lack of film roles.

Anatoly Verbitsky. On July 4, 1977, due to lack of demand in the profession and problems in his personal life, the 51-year-old actor who played Pechorin in "Princess Mary" and Gerd in "Shield and Sword" committed suicide.

Verbitsky was supposed to go on tour with the theater, but he did not board the plane with his colleagues. Instead, he went home, wrote some of his favorite poems, and opened all the burners on the gas stove in his kitchen.

Leonid Dyachkov. Famous actor, known for the film "Burn, burn, my star!" jumped off the balcony of his own apartment.

Before that, the 56-year-old artist received a meager salary in the theater, went to the temple in a depressed state and lit a candle for the repose of his son, who died in a car accident.

The next morning, he left a note with the word: "It's time!" and opened the balcony door...

Alexander Gray. The director did not have a simple fate: he was in prison, drinking. Among his works are such popular films as "Shot in the Fog", "Gentlemen of Fortune", "Take Care of the Women".

Doctors diagnosed Gray with leukemia, after which they tried to treat him with chemotherapy, radiation, but this did not bring results ...

Lyudmila Shlyakhtur (Davydova). 57 year old actress known for the role Verki, a milliner in "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed," took her own life after being discharged from a psychiatric clinic.

Several failed marriages did not bring happiness to Lyudmila, and the absence of children made the actress believe that she did not take place as a woman.

In the early 1990s, Shlyakhtur began to have health problems, she suffered from headaches, and often fell into depression. It was nerve problems that drove her to a psychiatric clinic and suicide.

Alexander Fadeev. iconic Soviet writer And public figure. Laureate Stalin Prize first degree for the novel "Young Guard" waged a fierce fight against anti-Soviet literature, while helping some writers who were persecuted.

Hardly experiencing such a split, he suffered from insomnia, fell into depression. In recent years, Fadeev became addicted to alcohol and fell into long drinking bouts, even undergoing treatment at the Barvikha sanatorium.

On May 13, 1956, Fadeev shot himself with a revolver at his dacha in Peredelkino. official reason suicide was called alcoholism.

However, it is known that two weeks before the suicide, the writer stopped drinking, about a week before the suicide he began to prepare for it, wrote letters to different people.

“I don’t see the possibility of living on, since the art to which I gave my life has been ruined by the self-confidently ignorant leadership of the party and now can no longer be corrected. My life, as a writer, loses all meaning, and with great joy, as a deliverance from this vile existence, where meanness, lies and slander fall upon you, I am leaving life,” he wrote.

Vladimir Mayakovsky. Last year life began unsuccessfully for the poet. He was ill a lot, his lover and her husband left for Europe, and they began to work on him in the newspapers as a "fellow traveler". Soviet power- while he himself saw himself as a proletarian writer.

On April 14, 1930, Mayakovsky shot himself in the chest. This suicide was witnessed by Veronika Polonskaya.

Two days earlier, Mayakovsky wrote suicide note, which said: "Do not blame anyone for the fact that I am dying, and please do not gossip, the deceased did not like this terribly ...".

Igor Nefedov. The actor began acting in films while still a third-year student, making his debut in Nikita Mikhalkov's film "Five Evenings", and played the most prominent role in the film "Accident - Cop's Daughter".

Until 1988, Nefedov was popular, filmed with famous directors. But then they stopped inviting Igor, because of which he started drinking, began to miss rehearsals, and in the end was fired from the Snuffbox. On the morning of December 2, 1993 after another quarrel Nefedov hanged himself with his wife. He was buried at the Kotlyakovsky cemetery in Moscow.

Regina Zbarskaya. Fate future star the catwalk took shape like a Cinderella story. After leaving school, Regina Kolesnikova came from Vologda to conquer Moscow, and very soon in the Western press she was already enthusiastically called "Soviet Sophia Loren".

The girl became her own in the circle of the capital's bohemia, soon marrying the dissident artist Lev Zbarsky. Perhaps it was this step that became for Regina herself big mistake in life.

After going through many life blows, in November 1987, the legendary fashion model committed suicide. She was only 51 years old.

Larisa Pashkova. Star Vakhtangov theater regularly shone on stage, actively acted in films in the 50-70s.

However, the life of the actress, which began so rosy, was tragic: she had a car accident, was operated on, but as a result, one leg became shorter than the other, which clearly affected her demand as an actress.

In 1982, the wife of the actress was arrested for bribery, CEO"Union State Circus" Kolevatov, sentenced to 13 years in prison. Pashkova immediately became a "stranger", although outwardly no one deprived her of work in the theater.

Stress, depression, nightly calls from "well-wishers", turned away friends - all this undermined the morale of the actress. She committed suicide in Moscow on February 14, 1987.

Yulia Drunina. The Soviet poetess who went through the war tragically passed away by committing suicide on November 21, 1991.

It is believed that the cause of suicide, most likely, was a personal loss: the death of the second spouse, the famous screenwriter A. Kapler, and the collapse of social ideals during perestroika.

Drunina wrote this in one of her letters written before her death: “... Why am I leaving? personal back..."

According to a familiar politician: “She, like many in those days, could not come to terms with what was happening. She opened the exhaust pipe in her garage, where she had a Muscovite, and suffocated. front door Yulia Vladimirovna left a note addressed to her son-in-law: "Andryusha, don't be afraid. Call the police and open the garage."

Maria Politova // Photo: social networks

Is the DOM-2 project pursued by evil fate? At least that's what fans of the show believe. After all, in Lately crime chronicle literally full of names former stars reality show. Some do not stand the test of popularity, others, on the contrary, go for fame and beautiful life too much sacrifice.

StarHit decided to recall the most tragic and shocking stories of the death of project participants.


A bright and always smiling girl, capable of unexpected antics - this is exactly how Maria Politova was remembered by the fans of DOMA-2 back in 2006. The model tried three times to conquer the telestroke, but each time she failed.

Desperate to find love under the cameras, Maria finally left the project in June 2010.

As a result, fate smiled at her outside of Polyana - Politova was able to find personal happiness next to Artem Shanurov. The chosen one of the girl took care of her, despite the deteriorating state of health. Bipolar disorder, long diagnosed in Maria, progressed, and the star of "DOMA-2" herself suffered from prolonged depression.

As a result, on December 4, Politova left home and went missing. This was announced by her beloved Artem, noting that the girl took the medicine with her. The man did not hide the fact that Maria had already tried to commit suicide several times, and therefore his forecasts were the worst.

The final cause of the death of Maria Politova became known

“Masha has bipolar disorder with depressive moments. She was taking antidepressants. All the pills from the house are gone. The worst thing is that once, even before meeting me, Masha, in a conversation with a friend, described such a scenario: she takes drugs and leaves somewhere in the forest, ”admitted the excited groom Politova.

Long searches did not bring results, and Shanurov increasingly complained about the inaction of the police. As a result, the body of Mary was found on December 13 suburban area located in the Shchelkovsky district of the Moscow region. According to the official conclusion of experts, the radiant star of "DOMA-2" died as a result of poisoning with pills belonging to the group of antidepressants.

However, on this tragic story, associated with the name of Politova, has not ended. A few months later, Artem Shanurov told the fans of DOMA-2 that Maria's relatives accused him of the girl's death.

“The car is a mother, she is a doctor, like all other relatives, in an extremely ugly form accused me of having killed her. Because I “should have guessed she needed to be hospitalized.” Masha's mother initially refused to get to know me and did not tell me about several fatal dangerous diagnoses, which Masha hid from me, ”complained Artem.

Fans of the TV show are sure that the initially vulnerable Politova simply could not stand the test of fame. Becoming one of the most bright participants"DOMA-2" the girl could not cope with her own mental problems, so she saw suicide as the only way out for herself.


An attractive brunette appeared on the project at the end of September 2013. Anastasia immediately tried to build relationships with Andrey Cherkasov and Nikita Kuznetsv, but things did not go beyond flirting. After several failures and conflicts with other stars of DOMA-2, Tarasyuk left the perimeter.

IN total, she stayed on the project for about a month, which was not enough to be remembered by the audience. Fans of the show quickly forgot Nastya, but at the end of June 2018, her name thundered throughout the country. The fact is that a 24-year-old girl died after falling from the 19th floor of an elite Moscow new building.

Ex-participant of "House-2" Anastasia Tarasyuk died after falling from a window

Tarasyuk's body turned out to be mutilated, but her relatives and friends were still able to identify her, and soon unpleasant details from the girl's biography surfaced. As it turned out, Anastasia dreamed of a beautiful life, and for this purpose she went into an escort. About this “StarHit” said the former lover Tarasyuk.

The fashion world is cruel and dangerous. And it is not just words. Endless auditions, constant pressure from agents and designers, fierce competition - all this places a heavy burden on the shoulders of young girls and boys who decide to connect their lives with the fashion industry. Reality bears little resemblance to the fairy tale that many paint in their imagination, considering beautiful pictures in glossy magazines.

Girls demonstrating the latest collections and shooting for gloss are subject to severe stress, depression, and mental disorders do not bypass them. Some manage to cope with all this, others, alas, do not.

Rauda Atif

The owner of the "most beautiful eyes” in the global fashion industry was found dead in her room in a student hostel. The reasons that prompted the girl to commit suicide are still unknown.

Despite official results investigation, the father of the 21-year-old model believes that his daughter was killed.

Rauda Atif.

Vivek Babaji

Another representative of the Indian fashion industry, model and famous Bollywood actress Viveka Babaji was found dead in her apartment in Mumbai.

Found in personal diary the recording patterns, as well as the testimony of her family members, indicate that an unhappy love was the cause of the tragedy.

The last entry in the girl's diary reads: "Gautam, you killed me ..." These words referred to her boyfriend, stockbroker Gautam Vohru, with whom Viveka has not been on good terms lately.

Vivek Babaji.

Tom Nikon

The case with Tom has become the most discussed on the network. The young man committed suicide on the eve of the Men's Fashion Week in Milan, in which he was supposed to take part in the shows of Versace, Giorgio Armani and other brands.

Police suspect that the 22-year-old fashion model committed suicide for personal reasons: a few days before his death, he broke up with a girl.

Tom Nikon starred a lot for GQ and Vogue, was the favorite of Donatella Versace and Kim Jones, who is in charge of the Louis Vuitton men's line, and was also the face of the House of Burberry.

Dol Kim

By the age of 20, the girl, who began modeling at the age of 13, suffered from chronic depression, emotional instability and insomnia. Shortly before the suicide that Dol committed in her Paris apartment, she called one of her closest friends and shared that she was having a hard time and did not know how to live on.

Another shocking thing about Dol Kim's story is that doctors suspected she had a split personality.

Dol Kim was called the "Asian Kate Moss", and her career was as dizzying as that of the British fashion model.

Dol Kim has appeared on the covers of many famous magazines, and in her homeland, in South Korea, became twice main character vogue. Since the fall of 2007, she has walked in every Chanel show: Karl Lagerfeld called her his muse.

Some fans tend to believe that her name, which can be translated as "a lot of sadness," played a special role in the girl's life.

Lucy Gordon

The official cause of suicide is the girl's reaction to her suicide. close friend after which she was depressed.

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, Lucy Gordon did a lot of commercials and collaborated with designers. The latter loved her for her appearance, ideally suited to the main trends of that time - androgyny and minimalism.

Lucy was in demand not only in the modeling, but also in the film business. The girl played in the films "Spider-Man 3: The Enemy in Reflection", "Russian Dolls", "Four Feathers", and her latest work in the cinema was the role of Jane Birkin in the autobiographical drama Gainsbourg. Hooligan love.

Ruslana Korshunova

Many people know the tragic story of Ruslana Korshunova - a few days before her 21st birthday, the girl fell out of the window of her Manhattan apartment from a height of the 9th floor.

Many friends and fans of Ruslana are still tormented by the question of what really happened that day - suicide or murder. According to relatives, shortly before the incident, the girl returned from Paris, where she took part in shows, and looked very happy.

American designers of those years considered Korshunova the main star, and fashion journalists called her "Rapunzel".

One of the most famous campaigns with the participation of Ruslana was a photo shoot for Nina fragrance by Nina Ricci.

There is a version that the girl decided to end her life after attending personal growth trainings.

Ruslan Korshunova.

Hayley Marie Cole

Hayley Marie Call is not the one whose name the whole world knew. However, in the noughties, she was a very popular model.

The reasons for Hayley's suicide are unknown: she starred for a lot of gloss, took part in shows, and a few months before the incident she moved to live in Milan, where she signed a lucrative contract with one of the modeling agencies.

Hayley Marie Cole.

Natasha Duncan

One of the first plus-size models Natasha Duncan, according to media reports, suffered from a psychological disorder and emotional instability. The girl's body was found by her roommate.

According to the brother of the deceased, shortly before her death, she complained to him about problems with her boyfriend.

The owner of red hair and green eyes had every chance of becoming a real plus-size supermodel.

Margot Hemingway

Margot Hemingway - famous model 70-90s and the granddaughter of the writer Ernest Hemingway - committed suicide the day before the anniversary of the suicide of her famous grandfather.

In those times famous surname in the fashion industry did not have of great importance. Margo's successful modeling career has developed thanks to her high growth(180 centimeters) and spectacular appearance. Wide and thick eyebrows were the main pride of Hemingway.

Becoming in demand, the girl went through all the circles of hell modeling business- exhausted herself with diets and training, subsequently suffered from bulimia and anorexia, and eventually became addicted to alcohol and illegal drugs. In 1975, Time magazine placed a portrait of a girl on the cover and called her "the face of a generation and America's most desirable model." Having conquered fashion- industry, Margot Hemingway decided to become a star in the world of cinema. Alas, several paintings with her participation were met with extremely negative reviews by critics. Failures in this area, poor health, as well as two dysfunctional marriages negatively affected the mental state of the fashion model and led to the events known to us.

If you delve into history, then you can’t help but remember the name of Regina Zbarskaya. One of the most famous Soviet fashion models died in psychiatric hospital at the age of 52. The third suicide attempt was successful.

Many spoke about the reasons for what happened, but most agreed that the betrayal of a loved one and lack of demand in the profession were to blame.

Or maybe the whole thing is in the book "One Hundred Nights with Regina Zbarskaya", which became real sensation Abroad? Its author was last lover Zbarskaya, a Yugoslav journalist who did not hesitate to publish the confessions of his beloved woman that she had to write denunciations against colleagues in the shop, dilute them intimate details and accompany the text with candid photos.

All this affected modeling career Regina, and she lost her title of "catwalk queen".

Information appeared in the Russian media that Ilona Novoselova, a participant in the 6th and 7th seasons of the popular television show "Battle of Psychics", died in Moscow yesterday.

This is stated in the message Life.

As an eyewitness told reporters, the tragedy happened on the Enthusiasts Highway - a 29-year-old girl fell out of a sixth-floor window.

According to correspondents of another Russian media outlet, on the eve of Novoselova, she quarreled with her boyfriend. The young man decided to go home to Chelyabinsk, but Ilona was against it. The psychic called her mother and asked her to come. Accustomed to her daughter's irascible character, the woman tried to calm her down, and when after a while she went into another room, she heard a strange sound. Novoselova fell from the balcony onto the visor of the dental clinic and died.

It was also reported that the girl used alcohol on the day of the tragedy.

As Ilona herself claimed, her “gift” manifested itself at the age of 10. She saw next to her mirror reflection silhouette deceased grandmother. Since then, she began to "communicate with the dead." As Novoselova said, her paternal grandmother was a witch, and her maternal grandmother was a healer.

From the age of 12, the girl developed her gift and at 14 she was already able to recognize people's illnesses and "talk with the dead." At 17, Ilona came to understand that her mission was to help people.

At the age of 19, the girl experienced severe emotional stress due to separation from her beloved. She almost committed suicide, but it was at that moment that the spirits informed her that she had been granted magical powers. By the age of 30, according to Novoselova, her abilities had reached their peak.

Note that recently Russian actor Vasily Stepanov tried to commit suicide by throwing himself from a fifth floor window.

New details of the death of a scandalous participant in a reality show have become known, the participants of which demonstrated their supernatural abilities, - Ilona Novoselova.

According to eyewitnesses, shortly before the suicide, the girl bought alcohol in a store, after which she was seen drunk. In addition, the neighbors claim that they heard the clairvoyant swearing with her roommate, and a few minutes later she jumped out of the window.

The outrageous and scandalous witch, who, according to her assurances, came from the other world, was found on the visor of the entrance of an ordinary high-rise building. Here, in the east of Moscow, the sorceress Ilona Novoselova rented an apartment. Together with a young man - supposedly also a magician. She fell out of a 6th floor window. How exactly is a mystery. But even though it happened on the 13th, there is too much everyday reality in the life of a sorceress.

Participant of various shows and television projects, Ilona Novoselova considered herself a black psychic. True, scandals added more darkness to her role. Sharp, talkative, she was happy to spoil everyone. She filmed videos in cemeteries and performed rituals at the graves. Everyone knew: where Ilona is, there is a mystic.

Skeptics exaggerated information about the sex change, found her name in the criminal news bulletins. The superstitious made an appointment for the evil eye, tried to improve their personal lives with the help of Novoselova. She did not leave the TV screens. And there, in the frame, in her own way she knew how to outshine many.

"I am sure that she had a premonition of her death, and I am sure that in the state in which she was, this also had an effect. She had many enemies, and those who wished her death", - says psychic Vlad Kadoni.

A few years ago, the fears of acquaintances were even confirmed. Ilona was kidnapped. The ransom is 7 million rubles. The press again started talking about the witch. The police launched a search and even detained the kidnappers. But then Novoselov was accused of attracting attention on purpose like this. The psychic began to become depressed, she again went into herself. True, not for long.

She talked about death every time she appeared in public. It's like she wasn't really afraid. More than once she threatened to commit suicide in scandals with her mother and a young man. There were also problems with alcohol, which, according to acquaintances, the 29-year-old girl could not solve.

Ilona Novoselova managed to raise a fuss in the press even after her death. The Internet community is divided: some sympathize with the loss, others call her a charlatan and literally wish her to burn in hell.

It is not magicians and psychics who are now investigating the causes, but investigative committee. Before disclosure official version the death of Ilona Novoselova, her colleagues in the magic shop do not undertake to guess.

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