Russian female names list. Unusual new and forgotten old female names


Among the many names that seem unusual, there are many that have simply been forgotten over time. There are interesting female names who were born in different eras and are a reflection of ideology, politics, fashion. Parents, trying to highlight their child and make him special, often do not think about how many problems an unusual name can bring to a person. Not without reason, after all, from time immemorial it was believed that it affects the fate of its owner.

Traditions of antiquity

From ancient times, names were given to people not only as a sign of distinction from others. They were a reflection important events, features of life, character, fate, seasons and much more. They did not carry a mass character, so it was rarely possible to meet two or three people who had the same name. Naming the child, the parents wanted to endow him with special qualities. Maybe that's why people lived in peace, harmony, love, wisdom, were hardworking, brave.

Pay attention to the meaning of some old female names:

Augusta - regal, majestic

Astra - star

Vitalina - vital

Glafira - graceful, refined

Ustinya - fair, correct

Forgotten and very rare female names carry a certain mystery. They are beautiful and resonant. If you want to name your newborn daughter one of the old names with deep inner content, you should contact Orthodox calendar. Every day one of the saints is commemorated in the holy calendar. If you name a child in honor of one of the great martyrs, he will become his patron. Religious figures argue that the life of a person under the patronage of a saint will be filled with meaning, and life's troubles will be experienced more easily. In addition, old Orthodox names go well with Russian surnames.

Trends of the times

Unusual female names are often dedicated to deities. Muse, Aphrodite, Maya, Aurora - sonorous, beautiful, elegant. They excite the imagination, amaze, delight, even cause envy. The custom of naming children after the gods came to us from other countries.

Controversial feelings are caused by another tradition - to name girls in honor of events taking place in the country and the world. Most unusual names began to give to girls after the revolution of 1917. There were so many of them that no one was surprised if the woman's name was Oktyabrina, Revmira, Idea, Iskra.

IN Soviet time this tradition has continued. There were many registered girls who were called very strangely: Dazdraperma (Long live May 1), Pofistala (Victor of fascism Joseph Stalin), Perkosraka (First space rocket). Revolution, Turbine, Electrification, Privatization, Vyborina - understandable, but not in harmony with the female image.

The results of the extraordinary thinking of parents and their excessive imagination are still found today. IN last years registered in the archives of the registry offices: Viagra, Afigenia, Joy, Medmiya, Trishka, Bath. And their unusual list is headed by: Kalita, Luna, Russia, Tsaritsa, Milagres.

Calling girls the rare and most unusual names, parents should take into account not only their meaning, but also compatibility with the patronymic and surname.

foreign fashion

From time to time come into fashion foreign names, previously unknown to us. By the way, opinion polls show that Italians, French and Russians consider female names to be the most beautiful.

In Russia in recent years, girls have often been called unusual for us: Adele, Aurelia, Isadora, Bazhen, Juliet, Darena, Diodora, Delia, Iraida, Malvina. Their list can be continued for a long time.

Borrowed names often do not fit with surnames. Parents need to think about this too. After all, in children, problems can begin in enough early age when peers begin to pay attention to the disharmony of the sound of the name and surname. These difficulties can make the child uncommunicative, secretive, shy. Therefore, often, becoming adults, many people are in a hurry to change their first or last name.

When girls are called by month of birth

Focusing on the month of birth, many parents give the girl an old, rare, forgotten name, or unusual sounding:

- January. Felicity, Leonidia, Appolinaria, Theodora. It is assumed that their owners will live a long and happy life, they will be lucky in everything.

- February. Paul, Christina, Aksinya, Rimma. These women are cheerful, active and cheerful. The second marriage is happier than the first.

- March. This month, girls are called Kira, Khristina, Regina, Iraida, Vasilisa. Their life path not always easy. They often marry high-ranking people.

- April. Women named Praskovya, Theodosia, Vasilisa. Akulina, Matryona, usually happy in marriage.

- May. Glyceria, Muse, Susanna, Euphrosyne. Lukerya. Their happy life friends are often jealous.

- June. Most suitable names for this month - Martha, Kaleria, Thekla, Theodora. These women are pleasant in communication, despite their quick temper.

- July. Angelina, Efrosinya, Efimiya, Evdokia will always be in the spotlight.

— August. The people around will enjoy the kindness of Concordia, Olympias, Magdalene, Seraphim, Praskovya.

- September. Martha, Rufina, Domna, Vasilisa are distinguished by curiosity and optimism.

- October. Happy love waiting for Evlampia, Ustinya, Zlata, Ariadne, Pelageya, Praskovya.

- November. Coquetry and flirting are inherent in Cleopatra, Glyceria, Neonil.

- December. Anfisa, Cecilia, Augusta are distinguished by the nobility of character.

A rare unusual name can make a star out of a girl and distinguish it from others, or it can play bad joke in fate. Let it excite the imagination, caress the ear, arouse interest, not curiosity. When naming a girl, one should remember the euphony of the name and the harmonious combination with the surname.

In ancient times, when the daughter's parents wanted to name her by some name, they always looked first at the manifestations of her character traits, abilities, craving for something specific. Slavic names for girls must necessarily reflect not only the purpose of the future mother and wife, but also some of their personal traits. If today more people choose names of foreign origin or from the Orthodox nomenclature, then earlier the Slavs relied on ritual and even religious traditions. Beautiful Slavic names for girls were given according to personality. In the rite of naming, the sorcerer conducting the rite played a key role. Subsequently, traditions changed, Slavic Russian names for girls began to be assigned at birth. Perhaps now is the time when we can use rare Slavic names for girls?

According to culturologists, the Slavs had never given names to their children since infancy. In addition, they were always in the habit of naming children or an adult person by several names. Until now we have folk custom give nicknames to a person who already has a first name, patronymic and family name.

Beautiful Slavic names for girls were assigned in adolescence. The destination for each girl played a special role. It could be both personal and generic, having a family or communal meaning.

The first feature includes the personal qualities of the child, which will remain with him for life. And to the second - social role future mother, wife, successor of the family. There is also a third meaning - this is the identification of a girl with one or another Goddess of the Slavic pantheon of gods. Then the girl could involuntarily attract divine power to herself by her name alone.

Features of Slavic names for girls

The original Slavic name for a girl today is considered a rare occurrence. People are already accustomed to calling girls names of Greek, Germanic, Roman and even English origin. It is also popular today to name children from the church Orthodox name book. But most of them include Jewish names, mixed with Greek variants.

Female names among the Slavs could be complex or simple, depending on the tribal way of life, traditions and personal features, time of birth, circumstances. In Russian fairy tales, even today you can find names consisting of an additional nickname: Elena the Wise, Marya the Artificer, Tiny Khavroshechka, Varvara Krasa - Long Braid, Ognevushka-Poskakushka and others. In addition to fairy tales, in the life of the Slavs there were names: Zarina Svetlaya, Dobronrava Solnechnaya, Yasun Krasa, Dobryana Kunitsa, Vedana Groza and others.

In addition to the double names that spoke about the special qualities of the child, or the special time and hour when he was born, the children of the Slavs were also called secret names. Only the priest conducting the ceremony, the Native Gods blessing the child and the girl herself knew about this name. This name should not be said to anyone, because there is a belief that with its help, evil forces can completely take possession of a person wearing secret name. The function of such a name is to protect against various failures, attacks evil spirits, from the evil eye and other negativity.

If they wanted to mark the girl with the power of any Goddess, then she was given a name either with the root of the name of the Goddess, or by naming the child with a whole divine name. Such a relationship with the Native Gods allowed future girl to marry successfully, future mother - to conceive, give birth and raise good children, future wife - to be true friend, companion and keeper of her husband.


What Slavic name could you have if you lived in those distant times?

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There are the following names associated with the pantheon of Slavic goddesses: Lada, Zara (derived from Zarya Zaryanitsa), Maria (derived from Mary, Morena), Dana. Female names derived from the Gods: Yarila, Velesynya, Perunitsa.

How to choose Slavic names for girls

Rare Slavic names for girls (Vedagora, Gorislava and others) or common ones, such as Lada, for example, were chosen according to a special principle. It consisted of the following:

  1. A temporary name was given. From the moment of birth until a certain age, girls were not called any specific name, but simply called - “child”, “child”, “girl”, or even a number at all - “second”, “third”.
  2. Naming. After observing what inclinations the girl showed, what she aspired to, parents could help choose a name.
  3. Honor the ancestors. Could name a girl by any name outstanding personality in the genus. For example, great-grandmothers-needlewomen, grandmothers-witnesses and so on.
  4. Honor the ancestral God. When a certain god or deities were worshiped in the Slavic family, their names could also be passed on to people at the request of parents or grown-up children.

The naming was carried out for the girl in such a way as to first “wash away” a temporary name in a lake where there is no flowing water (for boys - in a river with flowing water). Then they “attached” a new name through a special ritual. The sorcerer performed the ritual at the temple. This is all done when the girl reaches a certain age:

  • if the qualities of the future sorceress, priestess, witch were manifested, then the girl was named at the age of 9;
  • when a child shows all the qualities of a warrior, or she was a princess - at the age of 12;
  • children showing the qualities of other classes - at 16 years old.

Slavic mythology describes a number of conditions in the traditions of the ancient Slavs, when they could rename children or adults. This usually happened if a new name "from the language of the people" was already fixed in a girl or woman, given the passage of one or another stage of life, where she in a special way showed herself. They could conduct new rites of naming when, for some reason, earlier given name didn't fit. It rarely happens when a temporary name is assigned to a child for life.

The name of a girl, girl, woman must be heard! Our Slavic ancestors believed that spoken words had magical power, including the names that were repeated aloud more often than other words. The future mother, wife must necessarily receive strength from Nature, the elements, the gods, in order to safely create virtuous offspring. Slavic culture In many ways, the Russian North has now most fully preserved these traditions, especially in the villages.

Slavic female names

AGNIA - fiery, enlightened
ALLA - highly spiritual
BAZHENA - desired
BELA - white, clean
BELOYARA - bright
BORISLAVA - fighting for glory
BOYANA - fighting, courageous
BRATISLAVA - taking glory
BELOSLAVA - glorifying purity
BELYANA - enlightened, spiritualized
BOGOLYUBA - loving her gods
VLASYA - long-haired
VELENA - imperative
VESNYANA - spring
VLADA - fine, slender
VELMIRA (Velemira) - commanding the world (people)
VEDANA (Vedeneya, Vedenya) - in charge
VELIMIRA - very peaceful, balanced
VERA - knowing Ra (sun, primordial Light)
VSESLAV - all glorifying
GALA - sincere
GALINA - feminine, earthy
DANA (Danuta) - given
DARYANA (Daria) - courageous
DRAGOMIRA (Dorogomila) - dear, dear to the world (society)
ZLATA (Zlatana) - golden, golden-haired
ZVENISLAVA - calling glory
ZLATOYARA - ardent, strong as the sun
INNA (Inga) - feminine
KARINA - brown-eyed, rasenka
LYUBAVA (Lyuba, Lyubima, Lyubush) - beloved
LUDA - human
LUCHEZARA - radiant, illuminating with light
LUBOYARA - loving Yarila
LYUDMILA - dear to people, humane
MILA (Mlava, Milica) - dear
WORLD (Mirava, Mirana, Mirona, Mireta) - peaceful, reconciling
OLESIA - forest
OLGA (Olyana) - playful
OGNESLAV - glorifying Fire
POLADA - flexible
PEREYASLAVA - who adopted the glory of their ancestors
RUSSIA - blond
RITA - born in accordance with the Law of the Genus
SVETANA (Sveta, Svetla) - light
SNEZHANA (Snezhina) - snowy, white-faced
SVETLANA (Svetlena) - bright, pure soul
FLOWER - blooming, tender
YADVIGA - nurse
YANA - courageous
YAROSLAVA - glorifying Yarila-sun

Female Russian names, beautiful and sonorous, are a great asset national culture. Centuries-old history naming in Rus' has formed a huge name book of magnificent female names that have become an integral part of Russian history.

The origin of Russian names is very different, but their fate is the fate of Russia, a reflection of the great and long-suffering history of the country, the fullness of its cultural life. In addition, Russian names have been conquering the cultures of other countries for more than a decade, gradually turning from exotic and rare names into common and close names. Particularly popular in the West short forms Russian female names - Tanya, Liza, Sasha and others.

Modern beautiful female Russian names reflect the dynamics of development national culture V modern times which combines, on the one hand, Russia's openness to the world, the influence of other cultures, but on the other hand, the desire to preserve and strengthen the identity of the national culture, its traditions and customs.

Traditions name naming in Russia

The history of naming in Rus' is in many ways similar to the history of naming all European nations with one significant difference - the patronymic is included in the Russian naming system. Thus, complete Russian name consists of a personal name, patronymic and surname. In addition, like many other peoples, there are short forms of the name, nicknames, petting-diminutive forms, pseudonyms. In addition to the Russian people, patronymics exist among Belarusians, Ukrainians, Icelanders, Bulgarians and Greeks.

Before the adoption of Christianity Old Russian names were a conglomeration of generic name, nicknames, secret name, so it is sometimes impossible to determine which name is personal.

Significant changes in the practice of naming came with the adoption of Christianity, although for a long time not only peasants, but also princes had two names: one Slavic origin(pagan), the other - received at baptism. Until the 15th century, Russian princes had Slavic names, consisting of two bases - Vladimir, Yaropolk, Svyatoslav, Mstislav and others. The words from which princely names were composed most often had meanings related to the world military glory, valor and honor. Female princely names are also two-part - Pereyaslav, Dobronega, Yaroslav. Commoners did not have the right to bear princely names, as, however, for a long time they did not have either patronymics or surnames. First christian names as the main name, as well as surnames, were acquired by princes and boyars, then merchants and clergy. The surnames of the peasants are formed only to late XIX century.

Origin of Russian female names

With the adoption of Christianity, name-books Ancient Rus' expanded significantly. According to Orthodox tradition, a person acquired a name only at baptism. For a long time, the church was forced to fight pagan, that is, Slavic names. And although some Old Slavic names were present in the holy calendar, most of them were banned. Most interesting example such a “forbidden fruit” is the female name Svetlana, which arose as a result of the literary searches of Russian romantics. Until now, many do not even realize that it has become so dear, it has literary background. However, the organic sound, its phonetics and positive meaning make it almost Old Slavonic. At least, Orthodox Church for a long time she refused to include it in the holy calendar.

Most of the names of Orthodox saints are of ancient Greek and Roman origin. In turn, the ancient Greek civilization is known as a culture that absorbs the experience and traditions of other countries, and therefore ancient Greek names absorbed best names from various regions of the Oikoumene. The importance of Hebrew names, known to everyone in the Bible, is especially great.

Petrine reforms, cultural interactions with European countries, primarily France, Germany, Great Britain, also enriched the corpus of the Russian nomenclature, Russifying many Western European nicknames. For example, Pauline. Thus, by the end of the 19th century, an impressive name book was formed, incorporating hundreds of beautiful Russian word variants.

Next turning point in the history of Russian naming was October Revolution, marking the transition to Soviet system denominations. The role of saints in the choice was abolished. Names appear as a result of abbreviation. For example, Vladlena - Vladimir + Lenin.

So, by origin, Russian female names are divided into:

  • Slavic: Alena, Bogdana, Borislav, Vlad, Darina, Zabava, Zarina, Zlata, Lada, Lyubava, Lyudmila, Mila, Milana, Milena, Miloslava, Miroslava, Rada, Radmila, Snezhana,;
  • ancient Greek and ancient Roman: Avdotya, Aurora, Aglaya, Agrippina, Akulina, Alexander, Antonina, Anfisa, Valentina, Valery, Barbara, Vasilisa, Venus, Veronica, Victoria, Glafira, Diana, Eugene, Efrosinya, Larisa, Lydia, Melania, Natalia, Nina, Pelageya, Polina, Praskovya, Raisa, Sophia, Taisia, Tamara, Tatyana, and others;
  • Hebrew: Anna, Elizabeth, Leah, Martha, Seraphim, Susanna.
  • Soviet: Idea, Iskra, Vilena, Vladlen, Ninel, Oktyabrina, Stalin.

Choosing a beautiful modern female Russian name

Currently, the name of the child is chosen only by the parents, and no matter how unusual it would be, the registry office is obliged to register it.

Modern scientists have found that the determining factor in favor of choosing one or another option is its "beauty". For Russians, this means: euphony of the name, harmonious compatibility with the patronymic and surname, pleasant cultural and symbolic associations. As practice shows, more and more Russians, when choosing a name for a child, are guided by Orthodox saints, resulting in the return of many forgotten names. For example, Varvara, Pelageya, Ulyana and others.

An important factor influencing the choice of a name is its popularity, the fashion for a name. This factor has always mattered. An example is widely known when, thanks to the genius of A. S. Pushkin, the name Tatiana, once considered common, came into fashion and gained popularity among the nobles. What to say about our time, when the means mass media shape the tastes and preferences of a multi-million audience.

As the survey showed, for several years now the most popular and, therefore, beautiful female name for Russians has been the name Anastasia. He is followed by: Sofia, Anna, Alexandra, Maria, Daria, Elizabeth, Polina, Elena, Natalia.

If you make a list of the most beautiful modern Russian female names and their meanings, you get the following:

Alexandra is a protector, reliable;

- noble;

- favor;

Anastasia - resurrected;

Antonina - from the Antoniev family;

Valentina is strong;

Valeria - healthy, strong;

Barbara is a foreigner;

Vasilisa - royal;

Faith is faith;

Veronica - on the personal name of Ptolemy's wife Fereniki;

- the winner;

Galina - calm, serene;

- great fire

Eugenia - noble;

Catherine - true, pure;

- solar;

Elizabeth - worshiping God;

Jeanne - given by God;

Zinaida - divine;

Zlata - golden;

Zoya - life;

Inna - a stormy stream;

Irina - peaceful;

Karina - sweetheart;

Carolina - from the male name Karl;

Kira - mistress;

- a Christian

Xenia is a wanderer;

Lada - on behalf of the Slavic goddess of love and beauty;

Larisa - seagull;

Love love;

Lyudmila - dear to people;

Margarita is a pearl;

Marina - sea;

Miroslava - glorious in peace;

Hope is hope;

In ancient times, when the daughter's parents wanted to name her by some name, they always looked first at the manifestations of her character traits, abilities, craving for something specific. Slavic names for girls must necessarily reflect not only the purpose of the future mother and wife, but also some of their personal traits. If today more people choose names of foreign origin or from the Orthodox nomenclature, then earlier the Slavs relied on ritual and even religious traditions. Beautiful Slavic names for girls were given in accordance with the personality. In the rite of naming, the sorcerer conducting the rite played a key role. Subsequently, traditions changed, Slavic Russian names for girls began to be assigned at birth. Perhaps now is the time when we can use rare Slavic names for girls?

According to culturologists, the Slavs had never given names to their children since infancy. In addition, they were always in the habit of naming children or an adult person by several names. Until now, we have a folk custom to give nicknames to a person who already has a first name, patronymic and family name.

Beautiful Slavic names for girls were assigned in adolescence. The destination for each girl played a special role. It could be both personal and generic, having a family or communal meaning.

The first feature includes the personal qualities of the child, which will remain with him for life. And to the second - the social role of the future mother, wife, continuer of the clan. There is also a third meaning - this is the identification of a girl with one or another Goddess of the Slavic pantheon of gods. Then the girl could involuntarily attract divine power to herself by her name alone.

Features of Slavic names for girls

The original Slavic name for a girl today is considered a rare occurrence. People are already accustomed to naming girls with names of Greek, Germanic, Roman and even English origin. It is also popular today to name children from the church Orthodox name book. But most of them include Jewish names, mixed with Greek variants.

Female names among the Slavs could be compound or simple, depending on the family structure, traditions and personal characteristics, time of birth, circumstances. In Russian fairy tales, even today you can find names consisting of an additional nickname: Elena the Wise, Marya the Artificer, Tiny Khavroshechka, Varvara Krasa - Long Braid, Ognevushka-Poskakushka and others. In addition to fairy tales, in the life of the Slavs there were names: Zarina Svetlaya, Dobronrava Solnechnaya, Yasun Krasa, Dobryana Kunitsa, Vedana Groza and others.

In addition to the double names that spoke about the special qualities of the child, or the special time and hour when he was born, the children of the Slavs were also called secret names. Only the priest conducting the ceremony, the Native Gods blessing the child and the girl herself knew about this name. This name should not be told to anyone, because there is a belief that with its help, evil forces can completely take over a person who bears a secret name. The function of such a name is to protect from various failures, attacks by evil spirits, from the evil eye and other negativity.

If they wanted to mark the girl with the power of any Goddess, then she was given a name either with the root of the name of the Goddess, or by naming the child with a whole divine name. Such a relationship with the Native Gods allowed the future girl to marry successfully, the future mother - to conceive, give birth and raise good children, the future wife - to be a true friend, companion and protector of her husband.


What Slavic name could you have if you lived in those distant times?

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There are the following names associated with the pantheon of Slavic goddesses: Lada, Zara (derived from Zarya Zaryanitsa), Maria (derived from Mary, Morena), Dana. Female names derived from the Gods: Yarila, Velesynya, Perunitsa.

How to choose Slavic names for girls

Rare Slavic names for girls (Vedagora, Gorislava and others) or common ones, such as Lada, for example, were chosen according to a special principle. It consisted of the following:

  1. A temporary name was given. From the moment of birth and up to a certain age, girls were not called by any specific name, but simply called - “child”, “child”, “girl”, or even a number at all - “second”, “third”.
  2. Naming. After observing what inclinations the girl showed, what she aspired to, parents could help choose a name.
  3. Honor the ancestors. They could name the girl by the name of some outstanding personality in the family. For example, great-grandmothers-needlewomen, grandmothers-witnesses and so on.
  4. Honor the ancestral God. When a certain god or deities were worshiped in the Slavic family, their names could also be passed on to people at the request of parents or grown-up children.

The naming was carried out for the girl in such a way as to first “wash away” a temporary name in a lake where there is no flowing water (for boys - in a river with flowing water). Then they “attached” a new name through a special ritual. The sorcerer performed the ritual at the temple. This is all done when the girl reaches a certain age:

  • if the qualities of the future sorceress, priestess, witch were manifested, then the girl was named at the age of 9;
  • when a child shows all the qualities of a warrior, or she was a princess - at the age of 12;
  • children showing the qualities of other classes - at 16 years old.

Slavic mythology describes a number of conditions in the traditions of the ancient Slavs, when they could rename children or adults. This usually happened if a new name “from the language of the people” was already fixed in a girl or woman, given the passage of one or another stage of life, where she showed herself in a special way. They could conduct new rites of naming when, for some reason, the previously given name was not suitable. It rarely happens when a temporary name is assigned to a child for life.

The name of a girl, girl, woman must be heard! Our ancestors, the Slavs, believed that spoken words had magical powers, including names that were repeated aloud more often than other words. The future mother, wife must necessarily receive strength from Nature, the elements, the gods, in order to safely create virtuous offspring. The Slavic culture of the Russian North has in many ways now most fully preserved these traditions, especially in the villages.

Slavic female names

AGNIA - fiery, enlightened
ALLA - highly spiritual
BAZHENA - desired
BELA - white, clean
BELOYARA - bright
BORISLAVA - fighting for glory
BOYANA - fighting, courageous
BRATISLAVA - taking glory
BELOSLAVA - glorifying purity
BELYANA - enlightened, spiritualized
BOGOLYUBA - loving her gods
VLASYA - long-haired
VELENA - imperative
VESNYANA - spring
VLADA - fine, slender
VELMIRA (Velemira) - commanding the world (people)
VEDANA (Vedeneya, Vedenya) - in charge
VELIMIRA - very peaceful, balanced
VERA - knowing Ra (sun, primordial Light)
VSESLAV - all glorifying
GALA - sincere
GALINA - feminine, earthy
DANA (Danuta) - given
DARYANA (Daria) - courageous
DRAGOMIRA (Dorogomila) - dear, dear to the world (society)
ZLATA (Zlatana) - golden, golden-haired
ZVENISLAVA - calling glory
ZLATOYARA - ardent, strong as the sun
INNA (Inga) - feminine
KARINA - brown-eyed, rasenka
LYUBAVA (Lyuba, Lyubima, Lyubush) - beloved
LUDA - human
LUCHEZARA - radiant, illuminating with light
LUBOYARA - loving Yarila
LYUDMILA - dear to people, humane
MILA (Mlava, Milica) - dear
WORLD (Mirava, Mirana, Mirona, Mireta) - peaceful, reconciling
OLESIA - forest
OLGA (Olyana) - playful
OGNESLAV - glorifying Fire
POLADA - flexible
PEREYASLAVA - who adopted the glory of their ancestors
RUSSIA - blond
RITA - born in accordance with the Law of the Genus
SVETANA (Sveta, Svetla) - light
SNEZHANA (Snezhina) - snowy, white-faced
SVETLANA (Svetlena) - bright, pure soul
FLOWER - blooming, tender
YADVIGA - nurse
YANA - courageous
YAROSLAVA - glorifying Yarila-sun

One of the most pressing questions for parents while waiting for the birth of a baby is choosing a name. For a girl, parents tend to choose beautiful feminine names. IN Lately trends have gone towards simple, well-known and familiar names, such as Tatyana, Anna, Ekaterina, Natalya, etc., as well as towards unusual, extraordinary names. For those who are looking for an original unusual name for their future daughter, this article is dedicated.

First of all, remember a few simple rules necessary for a successful choice of a name for a girl. Firstly, the first name must be combined with the patronymic and surname. To achieve this, it is enough to make sure that several consonants present in the patronymic and surname are also in the name. Secondly, think in advance about how you will abbreviate your baby's name as you affectionately call her. Quite often some rare names are not amenable to adequate reduction, and this is a reason to think about choosing a different name. Well, the last, but still very important advice. Recall that when your girl grows up and gets into the team, her unusual name can be a reason for ridicule, teasers, unpleasant nicknames and name alterations. This problem can occur throughout the child's stay at school. Therefore, when choosing a name for a girl, be very careful. After all, the main thing in the name is not originality, but practicality.

In view of the fact that long and unusual names are fashionable today, I suggest you turn to such a source as the names of our ancestors. Among the Old Slavonic names there are very interesting and beautiful girl names. Perhaps you can find what suits your baby from the list provided.

Slavic name book for a girl:

Bazhen- Desirable child.
Beloslav(abbr. Belyan) - from the phrase white glory, i.e. a man famous for good deeds.
Berislav- conceited.
blagoslav- glorifying kindness.
Bogdan a child given by God.
Bozhidara- the same as Bogdan.
Bozena- blessed.
Boleslav- renowned.
Borislav- famed for wrestling.
Bronislava- nicely defensive.
Velimira- from the phrase big world.
Velislava- the most glorious.
Wenceslas- dedicating / dedicated to glory.
Faith- Faith, faithful.
Veselina- Cheerful, cheerful.
Vidana- visible.
Vladislav(abbr. Vlad) - the one that owns fame.
Vojislava- glorious warrior.
Vsemila- dear to everyone.
Vsemysl- thinking about everything.
Vseslav- famous.
Golub- meek.
Gorislava- burning in glory, fiery.
Gradislava- guardian of fame
Granislava- improving fame.
Darina, Dara - donated.
Dobrognev- terrible, powerful in anger.
Dobromila- nice and kind.
Dobromir- peaceful and kind.
Dobroslav- one that glorifies kindness.
Dragana- dear, beloved.
Dragomir- the one that is more expensive than the whole world.
Zhdana- long awaited.
Fun- cheerful.
Zvenislav- announcing glory.
Zdebora- victorious.
Winter- cold and harsh.
Goldenflower(abbr. Zlata) - golden-colored.
Krasimira- beautiful and peaceful.
Lada- in honor of the goddess Lada.
Lyubava- darling.
Love- Love.
Lyubomila- sweet and loving.
Lubomir- the one who loves the world.
Malusha, Mlada - younger or small.
Milan- Darling.
Miloslava- famed for her mercy.
Mirina- peaceful.
Miroslava known for its peaceful disposition.
Mstislav- avenging glory.
Nezhdan- unexpected.
Nezhana- tender.
Predslava- appearing before glory, anticipating glory.
flames- fiery.
Radimir- caring about the world.
Radosveta- illuminating with joy.
Rostislav- the one whose fame is growing.
Ruzhana- rose.
Blush- ruddy.
Svetislava- glorifying the world.
Svetozar- illuminating with light.
Svyatoslav- covered with sacred glory.
Siyana- shining.
Smilyan- by the name of the flower.
Snezhana- white-haired, cold.
Stanimira- the one that sets the world.
Stanislav- the one that establishes glory.
Tikhomir- quiet and peaceful.
Tsvetana- similar to a flower.
Chaslava(Cheslava) - thirsty for glory.
Chernava- swarthy, dark-haired.
Yaroslav- having a strong reputation.
Yasna- clear.

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