satirical novels. Satirical novel-review "The history of one city


IN Lately in linguistics, the principle of compositionality (which is sometimes called the Frege principle) has become widespread, and in the general view, is formulated as follows: "The meaning of a linguistic expression is a function of the meanings of its parts and the ways of their syntactic connection" . Compositionality is considered as a prerequisite that in a sentence the meaning of the whole is built from the meaning of the parts, but at the same time, the meanings of individual words in the sentence are not just “applied” to one another, but interpenetrate one into another, moreover, in different cases differently. In this case, the transformation of the meanings of the parts inevitably occurs. Also important when considering common sense sentence is its semantic-syntactic structure. Thus, the analysis of the general meaning of a sentence requires an appeal to its semantic-syntactic structure, the specific lexical filling of its parts, as well as to the rules of its composition. These points are given special attention in compositional syntax, as one of the areas of semantic syntax. Compositional syntax differs from other directions in that it considers a sentence as a two-layer structure formed by denotation and significate, which are not isomorphic, but are in relative dependence, and whose coordination mechanism is lexical composition offers . Of course, one cannot fail to note a certain structural similarity of these aspects of the semantics of the sentence, but if we recognize their isomorphism, then each situation should have its own proposition and be reflected only in it. In this case, the number of propositions in the language would have to correspond to a huge number of situations. As a result, information about new situations simply could not be transmitted. And the language would lose its main property - universality.

So, the significat of a sentence is a logical-semantic structure, which we will call a proposition. The proposition is formed by the organizing power of the predicate. The denotative structure of a sentence is that fragment of our knowledge of the world to which the proposition is related, and it is called a situation. It is assumed that the situation is what is modeled in the sentence, and the proposition is how it is modeled. To emphasize the independence and independence of the two structures, we will call the elements of the proposition arguments, and the elements of the situation participants.
The number of arguments in a proposition is limited, since the proposition is a logical-semantic structure and is specified deductively, while the number of participants in the situation is unlimited, since the situation is a model of extralinguistic reality and is determined inductively. But the situation is just a model of some fragment of reality, therefore, the sentence does not implement the entire set of potential elements of the semantic structure, but only the necessary part, which reflects the most essential properties that play a leading role in each specific case. Therefore, one and the same situation, modeling some fragment of reality, can be represented by different structural variants of propositions, depending on how the speaker conceptualizes the observed picture and what is significant for him in it. Thus, the arguments of a proposition are always related to the participants in the situation, but not every participant in the situation is reflected in the propositional structure. Due to such a discrepancy between the elements of the denotative and significative structures, the correlations of the participants in the situation and the arguments of the proposition may be violated. Incomplete coincidence of the structure of the situation with the structure of the proposition leads to the fact that at the surface level of the sentence, a non-standard lexical filling of the actant environment, opened by the predicate, is found. Under the influence of non-standard filling, the meaning of the predicate is modified, and, as a result, the meaning of the whole sentence, for the understanding of which certain conditions are necessary, i.e. its non-literal understanding, which requires some background knowledge from the speaker/listener. This fact of lexico-semantic disagreement between the arguments of the proposition and the participants in the situation we called dialectic.

Consider it with an example: The experiment provides the evidence. The predicate provide in this sense is characterized by the appearance in the position of an agent of a person or an active being with intellect, which is required by the situation of mental action. However, in this case, the derivative tool the experiment is used in the position of the agent. We have before us a case of violation of the rules for combining units, which leads to a lexico-semantic mismatch between the argument of the proposition and the participant in the situation, i.e., dialectics. The predicate, as a component that defines the structure of the proposition, “chooses” only part of the information from the situation and gives certain way conceptualization, comprehension of this situation - in other words, the predicate is a semantic model of the situation, and like any model, something emphasizes, highlights, if you like, sticks out, and something obscures, relegates to the background or even distorts. This sentence contains the same arguments as the sentence with an unmarked proposition, in which the arguments are related to the elements of the situation, but has a different configuration of these components (another internal syntax) and a different communicative perspective. Thus, the so-called argument strategy is applied in dialectic, the essence of which is to promote hierarchically “lower” arguments to a higher position. The function of such transformations is to accentuate, promote to more prestigious, more central positions different participants one and the same situation and generally form different views, points of view on the same situation. As a result, the emphasis is shifted to other, “adjacent” components of the same denotative situation, so this process can be considered as metonymy. That is, the proposed model of metonymy is based on the idea of ​​metonymy as a shift in the focus of attention, and in this sense it can be called cognitive.

In addition to ranking the arguments of the same denotative situation, an example of dialectic can be cases where several situations are reflected in a sentence. The construction of such a sentence begins with the transformation of propositions. This can take place in several ways.

One of the propositions is nominalized and its predicate becomes the name of the action (Nomen Actionis), which fills the position of the agent. For example: The description of the utterances presupposes some framework of descriptive terminology (to describe the utterance). The category of action names is a semantic category, which includes not only nouns with word-building motivated procedural meaning, but also nouns for which this meaning is "autonomous", word-building is not motivated. Therefore, the term “action name” denotes “procedural” nouns with the meanings of the actual action, process, state, such as wedding, duel, fatigue, etc.

Other ways of conveying an embedded situation at the surface level of a sentence are secondary predication, for example: To view the language faculty as an organ like the heart involves a deep philosophical confusion, subordinate clauses- But whether we have been able to construct such a function tells us nothing about the mental mechanism, as well as sentences with pronouns indicating the previous context -Human beings and their brains are physical objects; their minds are not, because they are capacities. This does not mean that they are spirits. This type of lexico-semantic mismatch is characteristic in particular scientific texts, since it fully reflects the pragmatic characteristics of this type of text, namely, its desire for object-centricity and a concise form of information presentation.

It should be noted that as a result of the lexico-semantic mismatch between the arguments of the proposition and the participants in the situation, in addition to cognitive metonymy, which we consider as a shift of emphasis to other, “adjacent” components of the same denotative situation, stylistic metonymy may also arise, in the case when metonymically related conceptualizations of the same situation give rise to an image - Not only Fleet Street but the whole of the world was looking eagerly as the most fascinating girls scrambled for him. “Metonymic transfer leads to a conciseness of the statement, which almost automatically sharpens the attention of the perceiver and accentuates his sensory thinking, that is, provides a certain level of figurativeness.” This can be explained by the fact that during metonymic transfer "the whole consciousness as a whole participates, not only thoughts, but also feelings, emotions, mood of a person, therefore, when naming, both logical and figurative associations arise."

So, summing up, dialectic as a type of lexico-semantic disagreement arises as a result of non-standard filling of the argument of the proposition by the participant of the situation, which often leads to metonymy. Moreover, the nature of metonymy is different. We can talk about cognitive metonymy, when the conceptualization of a certain fragment of reality shifts the focus of attention to other, “adjacent” components of the same denotative situation, and about stylistic metonymy, when metonymically related conceptualizations of the same situation generate an image.


  1. Paducheva, E. V. The principle of compositionality in informal semantics / E. V. Paducheva // VYa. - 1999. - No. 5. - S. 3-23.
  2. Outline of the Compositional Syntax Proceedings of the 16th International Congres of Linguists 20-25 July 1997: [Copy] 2: Philosophy of linguistics. D. G. Bogushevich Oxford: Elsevier Science Ltd., 1997. - 21 p.
  3. Kustova, G. I. Types of derived values ​​and mechanisms of language extension G. I. Kustova. - M.: Languages Slavic culture(Studia Philologica), 2004. - 472 p.
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  5. Koryakovtseva, E. I. The status of the name of the action E. I. Koryakovtseva VYa. -
    1996.- No. 3.- P.55-66.
  6. Lyutikova, V. D. Metonymy as a means of creating imagery in the idiolect V. D. Lyutikova Vocabulary and phraseology of the Russian language: Sat. scientific tr. Tyumen. state un-t; editorial board: acad. N. K. Frolov (responsible ed.) [id. ] - Tomsk, 1998. - C. 54-59.
  7. Chirsheva, GN Stylistic paradigmatics and syntagmatics of metonymic transfer GN Chirsheva Lexical units in various functions: interuniversity. Sat. scientific tr. Mordov. un-t; editorial board: I. B. Khlebnikova (responsible ed.) [id. ] - Saransk, 1992. - C. 16-22.

The idea of ​​coordinating meanings in speech constructions was submitted by L. Tenier. As a theory of lexical solidarities, it was developed by E. Cosseriou; introduced and further developed into Russian studies by V, G, Gak [Gak 1972] as the law of semantic agreement (G. A. Zolotova’s semantic solidarity),

specified in the works of Yu. D. Apresyan [Apresyan 1974, 1995] and others. fundamental law language. In contrast to structural linguistics, where the grammatical correctness of a sentence is fundamentally important, but not its meaning (cf. N. Chomsky's words about the acceptability of a sentence Colorless green ideas sleep furiously since it is grammatically correct), for us the basis of the sentence is its content invariant

Considering the main function of the language to be communicative, the transfer of meaningful information, we admit that the Language has a powerful set of mechanisms that protect it from nonsense. The main one is the law of semantic agreement, which boils down to the fact that in any statement, semes that carry one meaning or another are repeated at least twice.

Yes, in the proposal We arrived yesterday the seme "plurality of subjects" is repeated twice (in "we" and in the form of the verb) and twice - the seme "past tense" (in the verb - the formant l and yesterday). The SSS manifests itself in three possible realizations: 1) semantic agreement; 2) semantic compatibility; 3) semantic mismatch.

1. Semantic agreement(selection by E. Cosseriou) is the repetition of the seme "a" of the same name in two or more components of M. Following V. G. Gak, we represent this case in the form of a formula: M1 (a) + M2 (a), for example: The plane was flying south; The car was driving towards the station; The dog ran to the house- where the same-named semes are presented in each pair of highlighted words: airplane- means of transportation by air and fly- move, move through the air (about aircraft); car- vehicle, And drive- move, move on land or water with the help of any means of transportation, etc.

2. Semantic compatibility(affinity in E. Cosseriou) is a conjunction (combination, combination) of two semes, of which one has a broader meaning (a), and the second has a more specific meaning (a +), but at the same time they do not contradict each other.

Note. For V. G. Gak, this is “semantic inconsistency”. We use the term "compatibility" not only because there is agreement here, but also because, at first perception, "inconsistency" is understood as the antonym of "agreement".

This case can be illustrated by the following examples: Airplane(M1 a+) directed/followed(M2,a) South; Car(M1, a+) headed(M2, a) to the station; Dog(M1, a+ ) was sent(M2, a) To home- where, unlike the first case, the verbs to go, to follow are not characterized with respect to the mode of movement and in this respect are unmarked words, generalizing in relation to verbs fly, ride, run. The formula looks like; M1 (a+) + M2(a) or vice versa: M1 (a) + M2 (a+).

But in these sentences there is also a semantic agreement, that is, the formula (1) is implemented in relation to the seme "direction" (directives); head south / to the station / to your house. This seme is one of three

characterizing the direction of movement (except for the name S). In examples like The plane was flying south between the verb fly and directive to the south there is also a relationship not of actual agreement, but of compatibility, since Russian non-prefixed verbs of movement appear not only in combination with the directive-finish, but also with the “track” component (cf. sentences: Airplane flew over the forest- Where did you fly?; The car drove down the alley- Where did you go?; The dog ran across the yard- Where did you run?) and with the "directive-start" component: The plane was flying from the south; The car was driving from the center; The dog ran from the direction of the village. Both of these components - trace and directive-start will be impossible with the verb be guided, cf. unmarked: * The plane was heading over the forest / from the south; * The car was heading down the alley; * The dog was walking around the yard.

Regarding these two hypostases of the ZSS, we note the following:

1) It is semantic compatibility that is often interpreted as complete

lack of semantic links. But this is not true: the component with (a+) "orients itself" to the seme a, as consonant with it. So, in sentences: (1) During the summers I lived in the country;(2) Over the years he wrote an article;(3) In the summer he came - the syntaxeme in summer is, as it were, indifferent to the nature of the course of the action. Indeed, in relation to live and write, she is the carrier of an unmarked seme (the seme "temporalization", or localization in time), an unmarked member of the privative opposition (§ 28) and for these verbs, semantic agreement would be realized in sentences with dimensive All summer I lived in the village; and with terminative Over the summer he wrote article, having the same name with live and write semes. However, in relation to the verb to come from all the presented ITGs, only in summer, compare: *All summer he I arrived; * 3a summer he I arrived . Accordingly, in (3) there is a semantic agreement for the verb.

2) As V. G. Gak showed, languages ​​can “adhere” mainly to one or another method of agreement. The Russian language "prefers" semantic agreement, therefore, it contains systemic and frequent sentences of the type The flock stands in the corner; The carpet is on the floor, the picture is hanging on the wall; French will choose an unmarked verb located.A specific verb is chosen in case of a non-trivial state of affairs: The table is in the corner.

The discrepancy in the type of coordination explains the errors of foreign phones. Semantic agreement forces us to choose the word form with the verb to sit on a chair: I was sitting on a chair. In Iranian languages, a preposition will appear here, naming the location without characterizing the position "on the surface" (the connection between the meanings of "sit" and "chair" is systemic), - the preposition dar, (in Korean - the particle -e). If instead of a chair there was a table - an object not intended for sitting, a combination of prepositions dar roy-e (mez) - on the table (literally, "on the face of the table") would be chosen. Since the gift is usually correlated with the Russian v, the Iranophones have a mistake I sat in a chair frequency, as well as type errors I came(instead came) e Russia from Bulgaria (from Germany)- Bulgarians and Germans. “Their” compatibility turns into “our” mismatch, that is, a mistake.

The same in combination with locatives and directives. IN Slavic languages(except Bulgarian), as you know, locatives and directives are formally

differ and semantically agree with the verb: live, stay, be located in Orel / in the south / behind the forest; head, fly, go to Orel / south / beyond the forest. In Bulgarian, French, Georgian languages ​​there is one form indifferent to the locative/finish directive distinctions, and ZSS is implemented as a semantic compatibility; hence system errors like: *npuexal in Orel, perceived by Russians as a semantic mismatch.

3. Semantic mismatch- a phenomenon that can be used as a tool to answer the question "Why is this wrong?" To understand the mechanism of "correctness". There are at least two reasons for the disagreement:

1) Absence (0) partner context to seme a, that is: M1(a)+M2(0), for example: *C read books for years where in the gradation over the years there is a seme of gradualness,

but there is no such seme in the text; cf. completed seme sentences

WITH read more and more books / more serious books / books about more and more serious problems over the years; Same: *The plane is heading from the south; And: The plane is heading from south to north. In this variant, the result is always

is the semantic destruction (destruction) of the sentence;

2) The conjunction of semes that are opposite in meaning, for example (a +) and (a-), when the formula looks like: Mi (a *) + M 2 (a ~), For example: *All summer he came- where the dimensive all summer has this length, and the verb to come is one-act (more on this below), which explains the incorrectness of the sentence. With this option, the result is:

- either destruction of the meaning of the sentence, see the example with the "*" sign, as well as "green ideas..." (the seme of materiality in green and abstractness in ideas).

- or rethinking the component, cf. for example, the expression before

school in sentences: (1) He stopped in front of the school Where before school- locative formed by subject name school and semantically consistent with the verb stay, calling the cessation of movement in space, and the same expression in sentence (2): Before school he got a sore throat- where there is no seme of locativity, objectivity, but there are semes with the meaning "state", which makes one understand the word form before school How before school, before the start of the school year,that is, to attribute to the subject word a propositive meaning. Wed Also: blue dream, black thoughts.

This is the essence and main cases of manifestation of ZSS. It is realized, as already mentioned, in specific mechanisms: valence, grammatical

attachment and implication (lexical solidarity).

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Evaluative metaphor of the German youth language abstract

The specificity of the reviewed work is to identify the objects of metaphorization of the German spoken language and the analysis of the main structural and semantic types of metaphors of the German youth language, as well as to determine the deep meanings assigned to the evaluative metaphor of the German language.

The language of the German youth - semantic shifts (semantic mismatch) metaphors. The essence of semantic mismatch lies in the incompatibility of the denotative meanings of the metaphor components from the standpoint of real relations between objects.

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No. 2 "Humanities" [Yaroslavsky Pedagogical Bulletin, 2012]

The scientific journal "Yaroslavsky Pedagogical Bulletin" has been published since 1994 and is the first scientific journal in the Yaroslavl region, which publishes articles on various fields of science. The journal is included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications that publish the main scientific results dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences. The materials published in the journal are reviewed by members of the editorial board.

Semantic mismatch actualizes the semantics of inconsistency associated with the modal meaning of disapproval, less often - approval. In utterances with OGIO, various types of situations of inconsistency are realized.

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No. 3 [Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series: Philology and Art History, 2012]

the results of research in philology and art history are reflected. In the section "Linguistics. Theoretical problems Linguistics” publishes the results of research on the systematization of linguistic knowledge, the identification of various relationships and relationships between its parts and elements in the process of creating a unified scientific picture language. The section "Russian Studies" publishes the results of studies of author's new formations in the text, functional and pragmatic features of word-formation means in acts of communication, phenomena of word formation, the development of lexical semantics of individual words, the dynamics of polysemy and homonymy in the Russian language, etc. In the sections "Adyghe Linguistics" and " Contrastive Linguistics” publishes the results of research on the development of Caucasian languages ​​in comparison with Russian, English and other languages, multidimensional phenomena of the translation process. The journal also presents the sections "Theoretical Problems of Literary Studies", "Russian Literature", "Problems of Studying the Literature of the Peoples of the Russian Federation", "Folklore Studies". The section "Art Studies" publishes the results of research on various issues of musical art, examines the problems of research musical taste in modern domestic and foreign scientific literature, various aspects of the musical and instrumental culture of the Circassians, issues related to folk song folklore, etc.

Based on its functioning, V. G. Gak distinguishes three types of relations between the components of the syntagma: 1) semantic agreement; 2) semantic inconsistency; 3) semantic mismatch .

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the article analyzes a conscious deviation from the canons of the usual use of language units in discourse, leading to the emergence of irony in a statement / text. The focus is on the concepts of language norm, language anomaly, usage and non-trivial use. language tools. Based on examples from the National Corpus of the Russian Language and fragments of non-fiction texts of various genres, the author shows that violations of implicit usual norms do not always lead to anomalies and errors: a deliberate deviation from the “usual”, expected use of the language can convey additional pragmatic information. If this information includes a negative assessment of the situation, the statement can be interpreted as ironic.

The journalist's comment contains a collocation of a whole deputy, which attracts attention. To explain what is semantic mismatch between an adjective and a noun, let's look at other uses...


The article is a development of the ideas of the theory of estrangement as an invariant of linguistic poetic figurativeness, a conceptual operation of creative thinking, and is conditioned by the question of studying the types and ways of implementing estrangement in different eras.

Such discrepancy or "semantic mismatch"from the point of view of ordinary language, secondary, figurative semantic agreement in poetic language) - required condition for active, living...


Cognitive-pragmatic vectors of modern linguistics...


The collection of scientific articles by students and associates of the hero of the day includes research on fundamental and at the same time debatable issues of the interaction of language, consciousness and culture. The authors of the collection or develop the ideas of cognitive linguoculturology within the scientific school professor N.F. Alefirenko, or work in parallel in the area of ​​his research interests: language theory, cognitive linguistics, phraseology and lexicology in the cognitive-pragmatic paradigm of language.

Semantic mismatch is caused by the fact that an object or phenomenon is endowed with a distant, alien property, as, for example, in L.E. Ulitskaya "Sonechka": The second musical interlocutor was Alyosha Pitersky - under this nickname he was known in Moscow.

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No. 2 [Russian language in scientific coverage, 2007]

The journal publishes works by leading Russian and foreign experts in the field of Russian studies, publishes research on the theory and history of the Russian language, discusses debatable issues and publishes materials on the history of science, as well as newsreels and reviews of new books. Much attention is paid to reviewing the most interesting domestic and foreign studies on the Russian language. The publication is intended for Russian philologists and all those interested in the theory and history of the Russian language.

As the analyzed material shows, it depends not so much on which axis the semantic mismatch: by internal form or by actual value, how much from other factors.

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Scientific heritage of the Geneva Linguistic School [monograph...

M.: Languages ​​of Slavic culture

The monograph is devoted to historiographic analysis from the standpoint of modern linguistics of the scientific heritage of the Geneva School - one of the leading areas of linguistics of the 20th century, which had a significant impact on the development of the science of language and has not lost its significance. A comprehensive assessment of the scientific heritage of the Geneva School is given, its place in the history of linguistics is determined, and the unifying principles are established, which give reason to recognize this school as an independent scientific association. The concept of the Geneva School is analyzed not only on the basis of the canonical text of the "Course of General Linguistics" by F. de Saussure, but also with the wide involvement of his handwritten sources, archival materials, documentary sources. The components of the scientific heritage of the Geneva School, which are insufficiently represented in existing works, are introduced into scientific circulation - the theory of the linguistic sign, grammatical doctrine, the semiological concept and a new array of data - soussurological studies, materials from scientific funds.

V. G. Gak showed that not only semantic agreement, but also semantic mismatch(in particular, metaphorization) and inconsistency (lack of repetition of one or more semes in a syntagm) have implementation rules, specific 174 Part I...

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No. 10 [Bulletin of Tomsk State University, 2009]

The journal is multidisciplinary periodical. Initially (since 1889) it was published under the title "Izvestia of the Tomsk University", then - "Proceedings of the Tomsk state university”, in 1998 the publication of the university journal was resumed already under modern name. Currently published monthly. Included in the VAK List.

Cette copie ne rend pas bien l'original (Dictionnaire de français). When metaphorizing verbal predicate semantic mismatch in the propositive syntagmatic chain also does not take place, because all these syntagmas are semantically marked in...

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No. 4 [Bulletin of the Irkutsk State Linguistic University, 2010]

The ISLU Bulletin has been published since 2008. The journal publishes articles by leading scientists of Siberia, Far East and Russia as a whole on topical issues linguistic research. The journal presents an innovative view on the problems of the relationship between language, culture and communication, linguistics of discourse, and the linguistic reality of cognition.

compatibility or incompatibility of components of a linear speech chain. by counterdetermination we mean the semantic mismatch elements of the speech chain, partial or complete absence in the volumes of their actual meanings of recurring ...

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#4 [Personality. Culture. Society, 2007]

"LiKO" is a magazine that conceptually unites the original categories of social sciences and humanities, which express the main aspects of modern society - Personality, Culture and Society. The priority directions of the publication of the journal were the methodology of a comprehensive study of a person, culture and society, social theory, theory of culture and personality, theory of organizations and management, psychology, theory of state and law, gender studies, science of science, cross-cultural studies, Russian studies, social technologies and applied developments, Pedagogy and Methods of Teaching Social and Humanitarian Disciplines. The magazine is intended primarily for professionals who are interested in a deep and comprehensive knowledge of the matter, and are not concerned about their belonging to any corporate community - "narrow" specialists and one-sided pragmatists. A journal for scientists and practitioners seeking to overcome "disciplinary boundaries" between sciences and to solve the problems of social life.

In Russian, semantic mismatch by number is observed in constructions with compound numerals with the final element one, in which a unique form of the so called “mutual” agreement is established between the components...

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Stylistics. Modern English textbook for universities


The main task of the book is to teach you to consciously approach the literary text as a whole, considering it in the unity of form and ideological content. All aspects of stylistics studied by modern scholars are reflected in this book. Functional stylistics, lexicological stylistics, theory of images, stylistic analysis at the level of phonetics and morphology - this is not a complete list of issues addressed in the book. Analysis of expressive and visual means carried out on a linguistic basis, which allows students to improve their knowledge of the language. Theoretical material The manual is illustrated with examples from works original literature. A special place in the manual is given to the general problems of stylistics in its connection with other disciplines.

In a metaphorical epithet, two-dimensionality is obligatory, an indication of similarity and dissimilarity, semantic mismatch, marking violation.

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No. 2 [Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series: Theory of language. Semiotics. Semantics, 2013]

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