How many flowers to put on the birthday of the deceased. What flowers to put on the grave


Many people wonder why they put on the grave even number flowers and where did this tradition come from? There are several opinions on this matter:

  1. Also in Ancient Rus' the dead soldiers who defended their homeland from enemy invasion, put two flowers on the grave.
  2. According to pagan belief an even number is a symbol of evil and death. No wonder they say "trouble does not come alone." Perhaps this was the origin of the custom of giving to the living odd number flowers, and dead - even.
  3. Many ancient cultures associated even numbers with completeness and completeness. In the case of a funeral, this may indicate the end life path. All odd numbers except 13 symbolized happiness, joy, movement and life.
  4. The ancient Pythagoreans considered odd numbers to be the personification of goodness, light and life, and unpaired numbers - death, grief, disappointment.
  5. Two flowers are placed on the grave: one is for the deceased, and the second is for God or the guardian angel.
  6. Some believe that an odd number of flowers is given to the living “up to a couple”, and since a person has died and thus becomes “married” to death, an odd number is presented to him.

Not in all countries it is customary to give people an unpaired number of flowers for their birthday or any other holiday. For example, in the USA, Europe and some eastern countries, a birthday or hero of the day is presented with a bouquet with an odd number of flowers in the bouquet, not considering this to be something strange and frightening.

If there are more than ten flowers in the bouquet, then no attention is paid to their number (even or not).

Many people, going to a funeral, do not know which flowers are better to buy: live or artificial. Different things are also placed on the grave. It all depends on the personal preferences of the person. Of the fresh flowers, mourning are:

  1. White chrysanthemums often brought to dead friends. This flower symbolizes openness, sincerity and friendship.
  2. White lilies symbolize purity. They are often placed on the graves of girls and young women.
  3. Red carnations are appropriate on the grave of a person who enjoyed great respect among his entourage. These can be mentors, teachers and leaders. These flowers express their respect. They are also placed on monuments dedicated to military operations.
  4. Dark red roses are a symbol of sorrow and living blood. They are placed on the grave of tragically dead people.

There should be an even number of flowers in the bouquet. You need to put them with buds to the head of the deceased.

Much more popular are not live, but artificial flowers. All because they for a long time retain their original appearance, and the living on the second day already wither and dry out, after which they look very untidy on the grave.

And in general, artificial flowers are traditionally considered mourning. You can decorate the grave with them at any time of the year. Today you can buy both a wreath and just a bouquet. It is worth remembering that wreaths are mainly laid on the day of the funeral; it is not customary to bring them on the anniversary and birthday of the deceased.

What to plant in a cemetery?

Or to memorial steles, divided into artificial and living. Artificial flowers include composite wreaths decorated with buds and ribbons, imitations of Christmas tree branches, baskets with plastic or paper flowers, bouquets of various colors. Artificial flowers are durable and can stand outdoors for a long time.

Flowers and wreaths

You should not buy wreaths or bouquets of bright artificial flowers, it is better to choose more restrained tones, such as burgundy or purple colors.

Bouquets of dark red roses are laid on the graves of people who died untimely, this is a symbol of living blood and sorrow.

Of the fresh flowers, traditionally mourning are:
- white lilies
- chrysanthemums,
- red carnations,
- dark red roses.

White lilies characterize purity and inviolability, they are sincere and good relations to a person. Usually they are placed on the graves of young women.

With the help of red carnations, you will express your respect for a person, it is not for nothing that these flowers are popular when laid at various monuments, this is what gratitude is meant for.

Laid on bouquets of white chrysanthemums will symbolize sincerity, friendly feelings and openness. These flowers are brought to dead friends.


It is not customary to bring wreaths to the grave on or on the day; you can buy flower arrangements from fresh or artificial flowers. It is worth remembering that there must be an even number of colors in the composition. Putting flowers on the grave is necessary with a bud towards the head.

Cut flowers will symbolize inanimate beauty, farewell.

Many opt for artificial wreaths, as they do not deteriorate as quickly as natural flowers. However, if the grave or memorial is being cared for, then fresh flowers will be appropriate, because dried ones will be quickly removed.

When buying flowers, nevertheless, rely on your feelings, emotions that you want to express in relation to the departed person. If you cannot attend the funeral ceremony, then a basket of flowers for the house will be appropriate, again restrained cold shades expressing grief. No extra details like decorative ornaments, conciseness is most appropriate for decorating just such a bouquet, which is intended to support the relatives of the deceased.

The funeral is always a terrible shock for close friends and relatives of the deceased, even if we are talking about the death of an old or seriously ill person. It is extremely difficult to observe traditions in such circumstances, but one should try to do this, paying special attention to the flowers that will be brought to the coffin and laid on the grave.

What bouquet is appropriate to bring to a funeral

It is advisable to choose a bouquet for an even number of flowers, not exceeding 12. Of course, it is doubtful that someone will count the plants, but it is still worth following the tradition. Also pay attention to the design of the bouquet. The best option is to bring individual flowers that are not fastened together, since all the collected bouquets will still be mixed and laid out first in and then on. There is another option - tied with black tape. Decorations, and even then modest, are only allowed in baskets and wreaths.

Choose carefully color scheme bouquet. There are two important rules. Firstly, in no case should you choose colorful compositions. Secondly, it is desirable to give preference to white, red, blue, purple, burgundy shades, but not yellow, orange, pink, cream. If you knew the deceased very well, and he was a person close to you, choose a suitable shade for him - this will be a good symbol of your memory, respect and love.

What flowers to choose for a funeral

Very often they bring red and burgundy roses. There is a certain symbolism in this. Such flowers will mean either love, or consanguinity, or that a person has lived hard life and he was dying very hard, but now his torment is over, and there is no more pain for him. Similar meaning possess red carnations, which are also suitable for funerals.

If you want to pay respect to or show that he was an honest, sincere person with pure soul and thoughts, choose lilies and violets. The same flowers should be laid on a clergyman or a deeply religious person.

Often, plants are also chosen that symbolize rebirth or eternal life. In particular, we are talking about irises: these flowers with dark buds will mean that the deceased remains to live in the hearts of their loved ones. It is appropriate to complement any bouquet with willows, symbolizing the transition to another world and her eternal life. You can use any number of branches at your discretion - their number may not be even.

Also good option there will be the use of twigs of cypress, yew or arborvitae, complementing the flowers. They will also mean the life of the soul, its rebirth in another body or in another world, as well as respect, love for the deceased and grief associated with his death.

Flowers accompany people not only throughout life, but even after death. For the days of memory and sorrow, there are special compositions of flowers, with the help of which respect and love for loved ones and loved ones who have left this world are expressed.


IN European countries most often bring flowers yellow color, since it is considered the color of parting and sadness. In Russia and neighboring states, flowers of red, blue and white are considered appropriate, while yellow is perceived as an inappropriate shade due to excessive brightness.

White and other flowers are usually brought to the funeral of young people or children, as this color symbolizes purity and tenderness. The older the deceased, the darker shade of colors is acceptable. Purple, blue, dark red flowers are considered the most suitable options.

Funerals are a sad, but an integral and inevitable part of our existence. And this procedure has its own traditions: part of such traditions is the laying of flowers in memory of the deceased. Flowers symbolize sadness, loss, give the last tribute to a deceased person, are a symbol of farewell. But not all flowers can be used for funerals, and their number should be special.

In the article, we will consider this issue in detail and find out which flowers are suitable for a sad farewell ceremony, what should be their color, quantity, and clarify other important points.

The first thing to understand is that funeral flowers should not be flashy and bright. Since this is a solemn and not the most fun procedure, the flowers must fully comply with it. That is, to be a neutral, modest shade, not to be conspicuous, to look neat and restrained.

You should not choose bouquets that include two or more different shades of color. Especially if these shades are colorful. Such coarseness is completely inappropriate at a solemn sad ceremony.

Give preference to calm colors, dark shades. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age, gender and other characteristics of the deceased.

If flowers are placed in a coffin, the cellophane wrapper must be removed from them.

In the absence of the opportunity to personally attend the funeral, it is appropriate to send a basket of flowers or a bouquet with a card, where condolences are expressed in writing.

Suitable flowers

In general, there are no special colors specifically for funeral processions. The same flowers are bought for the dead as for the living. However, when choosing, you need to take into account the points that are outlined above.

If we talk about varieties and types, then many florists consider elegant tulips, carnations, symbols of rebirth - irises to be the most suitable flowers for funerals. Also suitable for:

  • daffodils;
  • dahlias;
  • gladioli;
  • orchids;
  • callas.

An important point: the listed flowers should not have a bright color.

To present violets means to emphasize one's own deep connection with the deceased, or to highly appreciate his morality and moral qualities.

Roses can be considered universal flowers: they emphasize the solemnity of the moment, express respect for the deceased, and simply look luxurious. Roses will look impressive in a special black basket or framed with a mourning ribbon.

Carnations are a budget-friendly and always appropriate option for funerals. However, check the shade of the colors: it should be white or red. Less commonly used is a combination of white and red, as well as variegated varieties.

If you settled on lilies, choose snow-white flowers without extraneous inclusions. Great option- chrysanthemums, standing in the cut for a very long time.

The addition of willow branches is appropriate for any bouquet, since willow in Christianity is a symbol of eternal life.


If the deceased is a man, it is appropriate in this case to use bouquets of contrasting shades. The asymmetric arrangement of the elements of the bouquet will pay tribute to the decisive and courageous character of the deceased.

It is better to choose flowers of cold tones. From a warm palette, red is suitable. However, it should be understood that scarlet flowers will be appropriate only if the deceased was a father, husband or loved one.

You should not choose pink flowers for a man: whatever one may say, this is the least suitable shade in this case. In addition, it is undesirable to give preference to flowers with a delicate aroma: such smells are not at all associated with masculinity.

If the deceased was engaged in spiritual practices, a bouquet of violets, lilies would be an appropriate choice. It would be nice to plant a cypress near the grave - a symbol of wisdom, spiritual purity.


When choosing a bouquet for a deceased lady, be sure to consider the age of the deceased, her lifestyle, social status, habits, and other important nuances. If a woman was very dear and close, it makes sense to present in last time her the flowers that she preferred during her lifetime.

If a woman died at a young age, snow-white flowers are usually brought - a symbol of innocence, purity. A variety of delicate shades of pink - too suitable option. If the lady left this world in middle age, plants of saturated shades will do: red, orange, lilac, yellow.

A woman of a homely, calm, peaceful warehouse will suit a symmetrical bouquet, made in pastel shades. If the deceased was distinguished by an active disposition, perhaps a rude one, the bouquet in her last way you can also present an asymmetric, brighter, contrasting one.

If a woman died elderly, optimal solution will be a bouquet of pastel shades.

To kid

The funeral of a child is the saddest, because a person has just begun his life path, and now he has finished it: unexpectedly, scary and too quickly. Especially carefully you should choose a bouquet in this case.

If the deceased is a baby, put soft cream flowers on his grave. Boys and girls pre-school school age It is customary to see off the last journey with white flowers. If the deceased is a teenager, pay a sad tribute with white roses, violets or lilies.

It is undesirable to present large funeral baskets with flowers to children: leave bulky compositions for the adult deceased. It is better for children to choose a small elegant bouquet with delicate flowers.

Not all flowers are suitable for funerals: many of them are too bright or colorful for this mournful ceremony. Find out what shades in the bouquet will be appropriate.


The shade symbolizes the suffering that the deceased had to endure. Also, the red tone may indicate true love to the deceased or to mean a very close relationship.


Hue, very appropriate for a funeral. Usually white flowers are carried when they want to emphasize the innocence, purity of the body and soul of the deceased. In general, a white shade will help out in any case: it is neutral, and is suitable for both a close relative and a distant acquaintance, colleague - and of any age.

Yellow and orange

We associate these shades with the withering of autumn, so mourning bouquets of these flowers are appropriate to present to an elderly person.


This shade will be appropriate at the funeral of a young girl, it is also suitable for a woman - home, family. Pink flowers are not presented to a man.


The shade symbolizes sadness and grief, so it will be quite out of place at the funeral. There aren't that many blue plants, and if you find them, be sure to buy them.

A combination of two or three shades

Although this is not a very common technique when composing funeral bouquets, however, in some cases it may be quite appropriate. Usually, a composition of several shades is presented when they want to emphasize the admiration for the multifaceted and bright nature of the deceased.

Tip: no matter what shade of plant you choose, a black ribbon will help emphasize the mourning meaning of the bouquet.

Flowers and degree of intimacy with the deceased

If the deceased was your friend or girlfriend, in this case it is appropriate to present a bouquet of white chrysanthemums: they symbolize openness and friendly disposition.

If the deceased former colleague, teacher, mentor, boss, usually presented with red carnations. These plants symbolize honor and respect, pay tribute to the merits of the deceased. Red carnations will also be appropriate at the funeral of a military man.

If a person died tragically, it is appropriate to present dark red roses in this case, best of all burgundy.

If the deceased was a very close relative, friend, you can present an evergreen plant in a pot. Such a plant is a symbol of eternity. Cut irises in a bouquet have a similar meaning.

The favorite flowers of the deceased have the right to bring to the funeral only people very close to him during his lifetime.

How many flowers should be in a funeral bouquet

An ambiguous question - and in different countries he decides on his own. As for Russia, traditionally we have developed that an even number of flowers are brought to funerals. An even number is a sign of completion: in this case, completion is implied life process. Note that the tradition of laying on the grave an even number flowers is coming since the time of Ancient Rus'.

It is interesting that in Europe and the USA, on the contrary, it is more customary to give funeral bouquets of an odd number of flowers to the deceased. However, there people don’t “steam” much on this occasion, and they may well present any amount. Nobody will judge for it.

The funeral traditions of Israel involve the presentation in ordinary life living people an even number of flowers and the absence of any vegetation at the funeral. And if you have to attend a funeral in Georgia, keep in mind that an odd number is worn in the cemetery in this country. The tradition is associated with the belief that the deceased can take happiness from the living: an odd number of plants protects against this.

Where to put the bouquet

If you have not had the experience of attending a funeral, the question - where to put the brought flowers - can become problematic. Next, we will explain this subtle point.

If farewell to the deceased is organized in the traditions of Orthodoxy, a separate place is usually allocated where the brought bouquets are folded. You just have to watch where the rest of those present take their flowers and repeat after them.

Living plants are taken out of the wrappers and placed near the coffin or on top of it. With the lid open, you can go inside. Usually, at the funeral, some time is allotted for parting: during this period, the laying is done.

Important: the buds should be directed towards the head of the deceased.

All brought bouquets must move with the coffin to the cemetery, you can’t leave them, pick them up or throw them away.

So, we learned what flowers are appropriate to take with you to a funeral. The traditions of our country mean flowers of discreet shades and in an odd number. With this simple rule in mind, you can never go wrong with a choice. And if you didn’t know the deceased well during your lifetime, buy white roses - an unmistakable neutral option that is always appropriate.

IN Everyday life a person tries not to think about things related to death. But sooner or later, most of us have to deal with the funeral of relatives, friends or acquaintances. And at such moments, in addition to the unthinkable bitterness of loss, and sometimes even panic, many realize that they know absolutely nothing about funeral rituals. As for religious rites, you can ask about them from older people, or better, from a priest or a representative of the religious community to which the deceased belonged.

Meanwhile, in addition to religious rites, certain rituals are observed at the funeral ceremony. public rules. Take, for example, even flowers. Everyone knows that it is customary to come to funerals with flowers. But is it necessary to bring bouquets and wreaths to all funeral ceremonies? What flowers are suitable for a young girl or guy, and which ones are taken to the funeral of an elderly woman or man? Is it possible to buy fresh plants for a deceased father, mother, friend, child, or is it better to take artificial ones? Perhaps the most correct answer to questions related to flowers for funerals will be answered by professional florists - specialists of the online store, in which, by the way, you can not only buy, but also order flower delivery.

How many flowers do you need for a funeral?

Probably, for some, the question of how many flowers to carry to a funeral may seem strange. Like, a well-known fact: an odd number of plants are given to the living, an even number to the dead. But I must say, this opinion is widespread mainly in the post-Soviet space. In many countries, bouquets of an even number of elements are given and received quite calmly, without seeing a bad connotation in such a gesture. At the same time, an even number of plants are not worn by the dead everywhere. In Georgia, for example, bouquets of 3, 5, 7, 9 flowers are taken to the cemetery.

The tradition of bringing compositions of an even number of plants to funerals has a long history and is rooted in pagan times. Also in Ancient Greece believed in bad energy even numbers. In many other ancient cultures, paired numbers were a symbol of completeness, in particular, the completion of a life path. In Rus', 2 flowers were brought only to dead soldiers: one was intended for God, the other for the deceased. This tradition has been preserved to this day. And today, among the Slavs, it is customary to bring an even number of flowers to a funeral, but usually no more than 8 plants.

What flowers are brought to funerals?

Depending on gender and age

The flowers brought to the funeral have an important mission. With their help, those who came to the funeral express their attitude towards the deceased, present condolences to relatives. Therefore, it is important to choose the right plants for a mournful bouquet. Moreover, according to the rules of etiquette for deceased men and women different ages It is customary to bring different flowers. Which plants to choose for the funeral also depends on how close you were with the deceased.

It is customary to come to the funeral of dead friends with white chrysanthemums, as this flower is a symbol of friendship and openness. Former teachers, mentors, leaders often carry red carnations. These plants symbolize respect, reverence and admiration for the merits of the deceased. The same bouquets are appropriate for the military. On the graves of people who died in tragic circumstances usually bear burgundy roses. Evergreens in pots indicate that the deceased will forever remain in the heart of the living. Irises have similar semantics. And only very close relatives can bring the deceased's favorite flowers to the funeral.

What flowers are bought for a man's funeral?

For the funeral of men, it is customary to choose flowers of rich shades, usually from cold color palette. Although plants with red inflorescences will also be appropriate. In such mournful circumstances, burgundy roses turn from a symbol of passionate love into a flower that speaks of the bitterness of loss. Scarlet bouquets can be laid at the coffin of a beloved husband or father. But rose buds, especially with a delicate aroma, should be avoided. Such plants are considered classic choice for dead women. If a man was a spiritual person during his lifetime, then a bouquet of violets or lilies can be brought to his funeral, and then a cypress tree can be planted near the grave. Among the most suitable flowers that can be brought to both a young and a man in years are carnations, chrysanthemums, dahlias, gladioli, daffodils, callas, lilies, roses.

Flowers for a woman's funeral

The choice of a funeral bouquet for a woman essentially depends on her age. Traditionally, flowers are brought to the funeral of a young girl, which symbolize purity and innocence. Therefore, most often the choice falls on lilies, callas and other plants of white or Pink colour. At parting to an older woman, they often come with yellow or lilac bouquets. These can be carnations, tulips, orchids, roses, as well as the deceased's favorite flowers. Mom or grandmother, as the keeper of the family hearth, you can take inflorescences of calm pastel shades. If the deceased was socially active during her lifetime and left behind a lot of good deeds, it is appropriate to come to the funeral with a bouquet bright colors(but use no more than 2-3 shades). Such a floristic composition will symbolize a bright and busy life deceased.

Flowers for a dead child

The death of children is always an indescribable loss for parents and close relatives. Therefore, it is very important that the bouquet brought to the funeral of a child has the right connotation. It is customary to put half-blown buds of soft cream shades on the baby's grave. For boys and girls of school age, you can bring white flowers. It would be appropriate to come to a funeral for teenagers with white roses, lilies or violets. In addition, if a larger bouquet or a basket with fresh flowers is suitable for adults, then for deceased children it is better to choose small, delicate compositions in light, delicate colors.

Religion and traditions

The tradition of accompanying a person on his last journey with flowers has long roots. But the shade and number of plants that are customary to bring to the funeral, in different regions, and even more so in different cultures, may differ significantly. Therefore, in order for the bouquets brought to the funeral not to cause a scandal, but to serve as at least a small consolation for the relatives of the deceased, it is important to know in advance which religion he adhered to. For example, in some cultures, coming to a funeral ceremony with flowers is considered unacceptable. In addition, it is important to take into account the symbolism of plants, which can differ significantly in different countries: flowers, which are considered funerary in Europe, can have the opposite meaning in the East.

Flowers at a Muslim funeral

If you have to carry out a person who professed Islam on his last journey, you need to know some of the features of oriental funeral ceremonies. Firstly, women are not allowed to attend Muslim funerals. Secondly, it is not customary to come to Muslim funerals with plants. According to Islamic rituals, both living and artificial bouquets or wreaths are not welcome either at the farewell ceremony or at the grave in the future. Any flowers, wreaths and palm branches placed on the grave of a Muslim are considered heresy. Besides, in Muslim tradition There is no place mourning ribbons or ritual garlands. All this is forbidden in Islam.

Orthodox traditions

The custom of using plants at Orthodox funerals goes back to ancient Slavic times. It is believed that many centuries ago, our ancestors decorated the coffins of the deceased with plants: as a rule, field carnations, cornflowers, periwinkle. Flowers in modern orthodox funerary tradition are also required.

Today, both live and artificial plants can be brought to funerals (although in some regions bouquets of fresh flowers are more welcome). But you should know that all bouquets and wreaths brought to the funeral must be left at the cemetery.

Jewish funeral ritual

Wreaths and bouquets are not often seen at Jewish funerals. Plants laid on the grave of a Jew are considered a pagan rite, which today is condemned in the Jewish community. Modern Jews are advised to honor the memory of the deceased not with flowers, but good deeds, donations to the synagogue or hospital. But if someone unknowingly brings a bouquet to a Jewish funeral, then the plants can be left on the edge of the grave. But laying these flowers is permissible only at the end of the funeral ritual.

Flowers and burial: other issues

Where to put flowers at a funeral?

During an Orthodox burial, there are certain places where the brought bouquets are placed. Fresh flowers are first placed near the body of the deceased. If the lid of the coffin is open, then into it; if it is closed, then from above. Do it while saying goodbye. It is customary to put plants with buds to the head of the deceased. But before burial, fresh flowers are taken out of the coffin and then placed on the grave. According to the rules, all plants brought to the funeral must be taken to the cemetery. They should not be left in the house or scattered along the road. According to the burial rite, it is customary to place bouquets of living plants from relatives and friends in the center of the grave, directing the inflorescences towards the cross. Wreaths are placed near it or along the fence from the inside. By the way, it is customary to bring flowers to Orthodox cemeteries not only on the day of the funeral. On Easter, Trinity, the birthday of the deceased and on the anniversary of his death, bouquets are also laid.

Live or artificial flowers?

There are no restrictions on what flowers to carry to the cemetery: live or artificial, the main thing is that they be decorated with an obligatory mournful attribute - a black ribbon. In some regions, mourning flowers and wreaths are complemented by red ribbons with words of sympathy. A classic funeral wreath can be made from fresh plants or artificial, but it must be in the form of an oval or a circle, and it must also be flat and one-sided. Funeral wreaths usually contain calm shades and are necessarily green color as a symbol of eternal life.

On the day of the funeral, you can bring bouquets and wreaths from live or artificial plants. Artificial keep for a long time beautiful view, so in many regions are very popular. But on the anniversary of death, on a birthday, name day or other dates, it is customary to come to the grave exclusively with fresh flowers.

When to remove flowers from the grave after the funeral

Some time after the funeral, living plants brought to the ceremony will begin to dry out. And the question immediately arises: is it possible to remove wilted bouquets and artificial wreaths from the grave? According to Orthodox tradition, flowers are removed from the grave no earlier than 40 days from the date of death. Therefore, in order to preserve the freshness of living plants for as long as possible, before buying, you should ask the florists if they can treat the bouquets with a special tool that prolongs their life.

After the funeral flowers have been removed from the grave, evergreens or flowering plants. For such needs, unpretentious varieties are usually chosen.


Flowers entered our lives many thousands of years ago. It seems that as soon as a person has learned to distinguish between the beautiful and the ugly, the delicate and fragrant buds of plants have become irreplaceable for him forever. Bouquets of fresh flowers accompany most of the rituals in life. modern man. We give them not only for the holidays. With flowers, we often come to loved ones to spend them in last road. Therefore, it is important to understand which plants are appropriate for what reason, and which ones are best avoided. If you need a bouquet for important event, joyful or mournful, in order to avoid embarrassment, it is better to use the services of professional florists. They will help you with the choice of variety, color and number of plants.

Laying flowers at the grave of the deceased loved one is a tribute to memory, as well as a symbol of our love and sorrow.

Many people, especially young people, who naturally had little experience with such terrible event, like death, they ask questions: how many flowers should be put on the grave; Is an even number required? whether it is necessary to bring flowers for 40 days; and in general, on what dates you need to bring them, what flowers can be put and what not, etc. In our article we will try to answer all these questions.

It is believed that an even number of flowers means that one flower is for the deceased, and the other for God. However this tradition exists only in the former USSR. In the countries of the West and the East, an odd number of flowers can be put, and this will not be considered something inappropriate.

By the way, now more and more of our compatriots consider the tradition of putting an even number of flowers on the grave as a sign of superstition and a relic of the past. For the design of bouquets, it is customary to use muted tones - white, red, dark red. In principle, there is no particular restriction, choose at your own discretion, however, it should be borne in mind that flowers in cheerful colors will look out of place in a cemetery. If you want to stick to traditions, then pay attention to the following:

  1. Crimson roses are placed on the graves of people who have been victims of an accident. This color is a symbol of their blood, untimely shed on the ground.
  2. White chrysanthemums are considered a symbol of friendship, so they are put to close friends.
  3. Red carnations are the most popular composition at the funeral prominent people, at official ceremonies held in memory of any tragic events, and also they are laid on the graves of people who were mentors for many and deserved honor and respect.

But if there is no desire, it is not necessary to adhere to these so-called rules. You can put any flowers you want, which you think is most suitable for the deceased.

Fresh flowers are mainly brought on the anniversary of death, on the birthday of the deceased, or on other memorable dates for you. On memorial days, they mainly wear artificial compositions or wreaths. But there is no unequivocal opinion here. Some believe that fresh flowers should not be in the cemetery, because they are a symbol of life, which is not here. Others, on the contrary, do not accept artificial flowers, considering them to be disrespectful to the memory of the deceased, as well as garbage that pollutes the environment.

Therefore, there are no strict restrictions You can bring both real and artificial flowers. However, remember that if you decide to bring a wreath, it should be oval or triangular in shape. Funeral wreaths are usually done in shades of green, as green is considered a symbol of eternal life.

Artificial flowers in the cemetery

While visiting the cemetery, we can observe that mostly artificial flowers and wreaths lie on the graves. People choose them as decorations for the burial places of their loved ones. different reasons. The main advantage of artificial flowers is their long service life and relative cheapness (if the flowers are made of plastic). Forged flowers can also be classified as artificial. They are, of course, quite expensive, but they look presentable, require little maintenance other than painting, and can last forever. Bouquets made of plastic, of course, cannot boast of such durability as forged products. But they are inexpensive, and they can be bought at any point of funeral services or in any market. On sale is a huge variety of colors for every taste and budget. If desired, you can decorate the grave with your own hands. There are many tutorials on the Internet for making flower arrangements and baskets.

However, we should not forget that, wondering how to decorate the grave of a loved one, we can harm environment. After all, a huge amount of plastic in cemeteries is not recycled in any way. It cannot be burned, because when burned, toxic substances, which negatively affect human health, and can lead to many diseases. Also, plastic does not decompose in the soil, polluting it. Therefore, when landscaping the graves, we advise you to give preference to their landscaping, by planting flowers and shrubs.

What flowers to plant in the cemetery?

For obvious reasons, unpretentious flowers that do not require special care and watering are chosen for planting in the cemetery. You should also not plant expensive flowers and shrubs, as they can simply be stolen. To decide what to plant, you first need to decide on the type of soil, because not all the flowers that you like may suit your type, and for this reason they will be lost. It is also necessary to determine the illumination of the grave. Based on this, you can choose the plants to your liking.

Perennial plants such as rudbeckia, echinacea or calendula are the best option for planting in the cemetery. They are unpretentious, can reproduce by self-sowing, and you do not have to plant seedlings every year, but it will be enough just to thin out the shoots that have grown from the ground.

Spring flowers such as tulips, daffodils and irises are also a great option. They tolerate drought well, they do not need special care. They will delight you with their flowering in early spring, when everything around is gray and dull. The grave on Radonitsa will look especially beautiful. By the way, you can not spend money on purchased flowers. These flowers grow in bunches, so in order for the plantings to look beautiful, they need to be planted as much as possible. closer friend to friend. Their only disadvantage is the relatively short flowering period.

Carpet plants look very nice. They grow along the ground and look like a real green carpet. Such plants include, for example, periwinkle, which is considered the most suitable for planting in a cemetery. However, it must be borne in mind that it grows very strongly, and with improper care, it can grow far beyond the grave.

Another good option is everyone's favorite chrysanthemum. They do not require special care, and they bloom for a really long time. They are frost hardy, so they don't need to be planted every spring.
Geraniums are also popular. They look very beautiful, thanks to their long flowering. There are a great variety of varieties and colors, and everyone will find the one that suits the most. Usually medium-sized varieties are planted so as not to obscure the tombstone.

Although many people like the rose, which is considered the queen of flowers. Often there is a desire to decorate the grave of a loved one with a beautiful rose bush, this is not the most suitable flower for planting in a cemetery for several reasons. Firstly, the earth in most cemeteries is clayey, poor in minerals, and roses love loose soil, which easily passes oxygen and moisture. Secondly, the rose needs to be fed, cared for, cut and watered, so you will often have to visit the cemetery. Thirdly, dishonest people can simply cut it off, which will be very disappointing after the efforts you have made to bloom it. However, if there is a great desire and perhaps frequent visits to the grave, you can also plant a rose. Then the resting place of your loved one will be truly chic.

You can also choose wild flowers for planting and ennobling the grave. Their very name says that these flowers do not need a person at all, and they can perfectly grow on their own. Salvia, marigolds and zinnias will help you ennoble the grave with a minimum of your participation.

If you do not want to mess with flowers, you can also plant drought-resistant ornamental trees and shrubs. The only condition is that they should not have a powerful root structure, since it can damage the monument. You can choose according to your taste juniper, thuja, aspen or decorative birch. Evergreen trees also look great - dwarf pines or spruces. They do not need your intervention in their development.

What flowers are placed on a man's grave?

It is customary for men to bring flowers in a cold, restrained range. It can be traditionally male flowers - gladioli, dahlias, daffodils, callas, roses and, of course, carnations. As for the color, most often it is dark red, burgundy or white. Red roses bring and lay on the grave of a beloved husband. You can also put compositions in blue or purple shades - hydrangeas, irises, cornflowers. You should not only bring flowers of pink shades. They are more suitable for making a bouquet for a deceased woman.

What flowers are placed on a woman's grave?

The best choice of bouquet for a woman is dictated by her age. For young girls, gentle shades are suitable that emphasize her youth and innocence. Can choose pink roses, white lilies or purple violets. For older women, flowers of deeper shades are chosen for the grave. These can be roses, orchids, tulips, as well as any other flowers that the deceased loved during her lifetime. If you want to emphasize that the deceased had an active life position and led vivid image life, it would be appropriate to bring a bouquet that contains 2-3 rich shades.

In conclusion, we can say that flowers are essential attribute in a ritual procession, so you should know the basic rules for laying flowers on the grave so that your choice is not considered inappropriate, and you are not trapped. We hope our article will help you understand and make the right choice.

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