Message about the traditions of different peoples of nationality. Traditions of the world


From time immemorial, every nation has surrounded its life with regulated rules, hoping who will protect themselves from evil spirits, and who will negotiate with the forces of nature in their favor. They are usually associated with religious beliefs, economic and social restrictions adopted in this society. It seemed to people that only by performing ancient rituals, they could achieve all sorts of benefits from fate, the goodwill of the gods, ensure the health of all the descendants of their kind up to the tenth generation. Therefore, most of these rituals are associated with the most important episodes life: with the position and status of a member of a family or tribe among relatives, with the stages of sexual maturation, with childbirth and with a funeral, with invocations of a rich hunt or catch, a large harvest ...

Many of these traditions today seem devoid of elementary meaning and monstrously cruel, if not misanthropic! However, they still exist in the world, they are studied by ethnographers and, surprisingly, they find logical explanations for even the most strange and dangerous rituals.

The most unusual traditions, rituals and customs. Top 5

1. Here Africa, and the Masai tribe of Kenya and Tanzania. In the life of the hunting community the most important qualities every mature man is considered endurance and stamina. Boys stay there until they are almost 30 years old. To become a recognized man, you must go through a special rite of initiation, which is called "emuratare". It takes place every 10-15 years and is attended by ten to twenty-year-olds.

For its implementation, the population of the whole world erects an entire village. On the appointed day, solemn dances and ceremonial singing, a feast take place, and the boys must drink a "cocktail" of bull's blood, milk and alcohol, after which the elders circumcise them. This is the most crucial moment in male life this tribe. After circumcision, the boy is considered a man and a warrior who has proven his fearlessness, willpower and contempt for mortal pain.

The wound heals for three months, and all this time the circumcised walk in black clothes and live separately, in huts built for them by women. It is believed that these women express their respect for the new warriors. But the rite does not end there: for ten years, the young men live in camps-villages, where they study the military wisdom adopted in their tribe and the traditions of their ancestors, learn to hunt and protect their village, and also raise livestock. Then follows the second part of the initiation: "eunoto". This great holiday during which the mother young man shaves his head. From now on, he is considered a senior warrior, and only after that he is allowed to marry.

3. But in Japan women are treated differently. A girl's first menstruation is celebrated as a great day in the life of both herself and her family. Among the treats, there must be red rice - but not because of the color, but for the reason that this is the most expensive variety of rice. Agree, wise and beautiful tradition glorify a woman and her power of procreation!

4. What can not be said about some European countries. Here is an unexpected example - a rich and respectable Switzerland. The purest air, excellent ecology, famous ski resorts, the most authoritative banks ... Well, who would have thought that in this most civilized country such a wild tradition is to roll the bride in the mud? Yes, yes, in the literal sense.

The wedding tradition in every corner of the world is a reflection of the soul of the local population, the essence of the people of this area. All nations on our planet have their own identity, unusual rites and unique coloring. Let's look at the wedding traditions of the peoples of the world and find out how interesting they are to us, and whether we are ready to marry according to some unusual exotic ceremony that will unite the hearts of two lovers forever.

Unusual wedding traditions of different nations

People of all nations of the world are constantly falling in love and getting married. Our country also has its own wedding traditions, rooted in ancient times. Each element of the Russian wedding ceremony hides a separate tradition. For example, among the Russian people it is customary:

  1. Block the road to the wedding cortege.
  2. Distribute sweets to children before going to the registry office.
  3. Redeem the bride.
  4. Release doves.

According to an old wedding tradition, the Russian bride is given the opportunity to be the first to cut the wedding loaf, showing her becoming a mistress of the house. The mother-in-law after the marriage removes the veil from the bride, which symbolizes the acceptance of a new member into the family. Another old Russian wedding custom that has survived to this day is the meeting of the newlyweds after the registration of marriage with bread and salt. According to Russian custom, the newlyweds must bite off one piece from the wedding loaf, and whoever has a larger piece will, according to legend, be the head of the house.

Recently Slavic peoples another one appeared wedding tradition: to throw the bride's wedding bouquet to unmarried friends. The girl who caught the bridal bouquet should be the next to marry. A similar ritual exists among men: the groom removes the garter from his wife's leg and throws it to his unmarried friends. Whoever catches her first will meet his soul mate. The mention of this wedding tradition can be found in the manuscripts of the XIV century. Then it was believed that any clothes taken off the bride or groom will bring favor to the opposite sex.

The Russian wedding custom of ransoming the bride is still the most fun. Usually witnesses are involved in the ransom, but sometimes the groom becomes a participant in this event. Traditionally, they redeem a girl with money, less often with champagne, vodka, sweets and flowers. Neighbors, acquaintances and invited guests take part in this wedding ritual. Although many other peoples of the world perform a similar ceremony - for example, it is customary for Muslims to take bride price for a bride - but in the Russian tradition, a ransom is more fun than a cash payment for a girl.

Russian wedding ceremonies are more about entertainment. In other peoples of the world, wedding traditions amaze with their practicality, thirdly - minimalism, and fourthly - romanticism. For example, in Australia, wedding preparations begin a year before the appointed date of the celebration. The people of Australia are Catholics, so they do not have civil marriage registration. All newlyweds go through a wedding ceremony, after which the holiday begins.

Three months before the due date, future spouses begin to go to the priest, who prepares young people for life together and makes a wedding plan with them. Australians are practical in everything, and therefore wedding gifts agreed in advance. The bride and groom make a list of desired gifts in advance, and the guests distribute among themselves who and what will give.

Australians, like other Catholics in the world, have an interesting tradition of making a lot of noise on the way to church. The roots of this ritual come from antiquity, when the natives believed that the noise drives away evil spirits. To create a rumble, to this day, old tin cans or other metal objects that can create a rumble are tied to the wedding car of many newlyweds in the world.

The ceremony of breaking a wedding glass exists in many countries of the world. After leaving the church, the young people are brought glasses of wine, which they must drink, and then break the glasses. According to the belief of many peoples, if both glasses break, then the newlyweds are waiting for happy life. But if any glass remains intact, then the marriage will not be successful. There is another explanation for this mysterious ritual: ancient people around the world believed that the ringing broken glass drives away evil demons from the newlyweds.

European wedding traditions

  • Hungary

According to the wedding tradition, the Hungarian bride takes off her shoes and puts them in the center of the hall. The gentleman who wants to dance with her must throw coins into her shoes. Whoever throws the most coins has the first right to dance. Another interesting Hungarian ritual is morning washing, when the bride, on the morning of the second day after the wedding, went to the well with the guests and washed all the guests in turn, then wiping them with a towel with her own hands.

  • Slovakia

The bride herself chooses for her chosen one, and then gives a ring and a shirt, which is sewn from natural silk. The groom, in response, also picks up a silver ring for the bride, puts on a fur hat and a chastity belt. A wedding in the cities of Slovakia often takes place with traditional entertainment, games, competitions and a buffet, but in countryside there is still an opportunity to see the national wedding ensemble of folk instruments.

  • Norway

It is believed that in countries with a harsh climate, people do not know how to violently express feelings. The wedding traditions of cold Norway are proof of this. There are much fewer women in this country than men, so young people are looking for a bride from an early age. Since ancient times, a Norwegian woman has been equal with a man, so not only older boys, but also older girls are considered heirs.

No one collects the dowry in Norway, and the newlyweds do the wedding at their own expense. The most beautiful Norwegian wedding tradition, which is still maintained by newlyweds, is when guests go to the place of matchmaking in brightly decorated boats hung with wedding bells and other traditional wedding accessories.

  • Netherlands

Some wedding ceremonies The Netherlands can shock ordinary people from other countries of the world. But the local bride and groom do not suffer from unnecessary modesty and believe that everything natural should not be banned. Guests at the wedding have fun without Slavic virtue, and according to our ideas, contests go beyond all decent boundaries. The more wedding steamy performances, the more successful, according to local residents she passes.

At a festive celebration in the Netherlands, there is no traditional wedding cake. Instead, guests are offered national sweets called “sugar of the bride”. They are different shapes and the taste is a real mosaic. The bride orders sweets from different confectioners, so if a guest comes across two identical sweets, then this is considered a lucky omen.

African wedding ceremonies

  • Nigeria

According to the wedding traditions of Nigeria, the groom's parents invite a professional matchmaker who selects the right candidate for the bride that meets the requirements of the family. The matchmaker in the hammam checks the selected candidates for innocence, and then presents them to the court of their parents. An interesting local custom is observed immediately after a Nigerian wedding, when the groom is chased through the corridor by relatives who beat him with sticks. It is believed that only after this the groom is ready for family life.

  • Ethiopia

IN African tribes family life for a girl begins with real trials. For example, in the Surma tribe, six months before the wedding ceremony, the newlyweds pierce the lower lip and insert a clay disc. In order not to interfere with the disk, the two front teeth are removed, because it is believed that the larger the disk, the richer the dowry of the bride. In addition to high alert financial situation girls, the clay disc protects her from evil spirits, which may enter the body through the mouth.

  • Egypt

This African country is the birthplace of traditional marriage. The ancient Egyptians were the first people who proposed to the world to legitimize the relationship between a woman and a man. marriage contract also appeared for the first time in Egypt - it specified in detail the duties of a husband and wife. The wedding rituals of the peoples of Egypt are rooted in Islam, in which a man has the right to have four wives, but he must provide for everyone. Not all modern Egyptian men can afford more than one wife.

In Egypt, interesting and colorful national dances, which are present at all traditional wedding ceremonies: belly dance, dance with a skirt and swords. Ring exchange too ancient tradition Egyptian people, which was picked up by almost all countries of the world. The Egyptians consider the ring a symbol of love and put it on middle finger left hand, because through this finger passes the cardiac vein, which holds the hearts of the young.

  • Rwanda

The traditional wedding ceremony of the Bahutu tribe in Rwanda is very passionate! The customs of this people require that the newlyweds express hatred towards each other. Immediately after the marriage ceremony, a woman with a veiled face goes to her husband's house and there begins a real massacre. The wife ruthlessly scratches her husband, inflicting tangible wounds on him, and the husband also shows aggression towards her.

The slaughter continues until the morning, and its participants remain silent, not uttering a single word during the entire fight. The pugnacious ritual can even go on for several nights in a row, after which the wife moves to her husband's house forever and the spouses of the Bahutu tribe never quarrel again. These strange wedding traditions test young people's readiness for family life. Maybe that's why African families are so durable?

Customs of the peoples of Asia

  • Thailand

The wedding ritual of this Asian people does not require modest attire. On this day, the Thai bride can change up to ten multi-colored and white outfits, depending on which ceremony is performed. For each ceremony, you need to choose the appropriate dress. Black is not allowed at a wedding, it is worn by widows in Thailand, so it is not even used in decoration wedding dress. According to the traditions of Thailand, weddings should have a lot of gold, red and orange colors.

  • China

This people loves the color red, so according to the Chinese wedding tradition, everything is red: the bride's dress, envelopes with money, gift boxes and even rose petals. The wedding tradition, when the newlyweds drink from glasses tied with a red ribbon, also came to the world from China. The Chinese wedding ceremony is expensive, but it quickly pays off, as gifts to newlyweds are given only in cash. Money is given even by those relatives who are not present at the ceremony.

  • India

The wedding ritual of the Indian peoples is the most colorful spectacle in the world, the clearest demonstration of the beliefs of the Indian people, a manifestation of their spiritual culture and deep religious roots. Usually, Indian newlyweds meet for the first time during the marriage ceremony, but this people almost never divorces. For other nations, this remains a mystery, because in those countries of the world where they marry for love, the divorce rate is simply catastrophic.

For Hindus, flowers are the main wedding accessory. There are an immense amount of them at the wedding, so this is an expensive component of every Indian wedding ceremony. The aroma of flowers is loved by the gods, so through flowers they will quickly hear the requests of mortals. An important point at the feast is the table: only vegetarian dishes are served, and eggs, fish and meat are strictly prohibited.

A wedding ceremony on this Indonesian island has become a fashionable event among all the newlyweds in the world, and it is clear why. It is believed that if you enter into a traditional marriage on this paradise island, then it will be happy and long. In addition, the Balinese ceremony is very impressive: incense is smoked, flower offerings are made to thousands of local gods, and the newlyweds are dressed in stunningly beautiful costumes decorated with gold embroidery wound in several layers.

The newlyweds travel to the place of the wedding ceremony in a golden carriage, while the more prosperous arrive on richly decorated elephants. In the temple, the young are showered with exotic flower petals, and invited priests say special prayers that will help the husband and wife find happiness. Music, dances, flowers, traditional Balinese treats allow you to feel in harmony with the ancient island deities.

North and South America

Unlike other countries of the world, the wedding ceremony in the United States is part of the business, the preparation of which the Americans trust to special agencies. The festivities begin in the same way as in other Catholic countries world:

  • a guy proposes to a girl;
  • the date of the engagement is set, on which the groom gives the ring;
  • an official wedding ceremony is held.

IN American wedding there are no restrictions, but the outfits of the newlyweds are usually performed in the traditional style. On the girl, in addition to the new dress, there must be some old thing and object blue color. A worn item symbolizes a connection with relatives, and the blue color is fidelity in marriage. The undoubted advantage is the ability to choose several bridesmaids, and not just one, as in other countries of the world. So no friend will be left without attention.

  • Mexico

Latin American peoples are descendants of the Mayans and Aztecs, so their wedding traditions are somewhat different from the rites of the rest of the world. In a traditional Mexican wedding, there are sponsors who finance the celebration. These are, as a rule, parents, godparents and relatives of the young. During the wedding, around the newlyweds, the priest wraps a symbolic "lasso" in the form of a special rosary, symbolizing the union of two people into one.

Mexicans have even more ancient Indian traditions inherited from the Indians, so before the official wedding ceremony, the unity of two people is celebrated. First, the woman must go through the ritual of washing, and then the Indian traditional rite near the oldest tree, which notifies the elements (water, air, earth, fire) and ancestors that young people are bound together forever.

Video: an overview of the traditions of the peoples of the world

Different peoples of the world have their own wedding ceremonies, but one thing unites them: the desire to achieve well-being, love and success for a young family. Now many wedding traditions can no longer be called exclusively Slavic, Asian or Indian, so they have spread throughout the world. For example, a ransom or bride price is given in all religions, and not a single wedding ceremony in the world takes place without the dance of the newlyweds. Let's see in the video how it happens in different parts colors:

Every nation that exists in our world has its own traditions, customs and rituals. And how many of these peoples, so many traditions - very different, unusual, funny, shocking, romantic. But whatever they are, they are honored and passed down from generation to generation.

As our reader could already guess, today we will introduce the most unusual greetings of the peoples of the world, as well as their traditions and customs.


Samoans sniff each other when they meet. For them it is rather tribute ancestors than a serious ritual. Once upon a time, in this way, the Samoans tried to find out where the person they greeted was from. The smell could tell how many people walked through the jungle or when last time ate But more often than not, a stranger was identified by smell.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, the indigenous people, the Maori, touch each other with their noses when they meet. This tradition goes back centuries. It is called "hongi" and symbolizes the breath of life - "ha", ascending to the gods themselves. After that, the Maori perceive the person as their friend, and not just as a visitor. This tradition is observed even at meetings at the "highest level", so do not be surprised if you see on TV how the president of a country rubs his nose with the representative of New Zealand. This is etiquette and should not be broken.

Andaman Islands

A native of the Andaman Islands sits down on another's knees, hugs his neck and cries. And do not think that he is complaining about his fate or wants to tell some tragic episode from his life. Thus, he rejoices in meeting his friend, and tears are the sincerity with which he meets his fellow tribesman.


The Maasai tribe is the oldest in Kenya and is famous for its ancient and unusual rituals. One of these rituals is the welcome dance to Adam. It is performed only by the men of the tribe, as a rule, these are wars. The dancers stand in a circle and begin to jump high. The higher he jumps, the brighter he will show his courage and courage. Since the Maasai are subsistence farmers, they often have to jump like this when hunting lions and other animals.


In Tibet, when they meet, they show each other their tongue. This custom has been going on since the IX, when Tibet was ruled by the tyrant-king Landarma. He had a black tongue. So the Tibetans were afraid that the king, after his death, might settle in someone else, and therefore they decided to show their tongue in order to protect themselves from evil. If you want to follow this custom as well - make sure you don't eat anything that stains your tongue in dark color otherwise misunderstanding may occur. The arms are usually held crossed over the chest.


And not only in Japan, but everywhere in the east, you should be prepared for one of the main traditions of the peoples of the east - to immediately take off your shoes. In Japan, you will be offered slippers to cover the distance between front door and a living room where you again have to take off your slippers before stepping onto the tatami (reed mat). Of course, you need to make sure that your socks are spotlessly clean. And when leaving the living room, be careful not to put on other people's slippers.

* When you're giving a gift, it's good to be humble again by saying something like, "I'm sorry it's such a trifle" or "You might not like the gift."

* When guests arrive, they are sure to be offered some kind of treat. Even if the person showed up unexpectedly, he will usually be offered a snack, even if it is just a cup of rice with pickled vegetables and tea. If you are invited to a Japanese-style restaurant, unforeseen situations may arise from which the invitee will be happy to help you find a decent way out. For example, tell you when and where to take off your shoes.

It is not necessary to sit in Japanese style, tucking his legs under him. Most Japanese, as well as Europeans, quickly get tired of this. Men are allowed to cross their legs, while women are subject to more stringent requirements: they must sit with their legs tucked under them, or, for convenience, moving them to one side. Sometimes a guest may be offered a low chair with a back. Stretching your legs forward is not accepted.

* When you are offered a drink, you need to raise the glass and wait until it is filled. It is recommended to render a return service to your neighbors.

* In both a Japanese home and a conference room, the place of honor is usually located further away from the door next to the tokonoma (wall niche with a scroll and other decorations). A guest may, out of modesty, refuse to take a seat of honor. Even if this causes a slight hitch, it is better to do so that later you will not be spoken of as an indiscreet person. Before you sit down, you have to wait until the guest of honor sits down. If he is delayed, then everyone rises upon his arrival.

* Before the start of the meal, an oshibori is served - a hot, damp towel, they wipe their face and hands. Meals begin with the word "Itadakimas!" and bow slightly, this is said by everyone who sits at the table and takes part in the meal. This word has many meanings, in this case it means: "I'm starting to eat with your permission!". The first to start the meal is the host or the one who, say, invites you to a restaurant. As a rule, soup and rice are served first. Rice is generally served with all dishes. If you need to rearrange cups or plates yourself, use both hands to rearrange them.

China or Japan

The chopsticks should be leaning against the dish and lifted up two-thirds. You should never put writing on sticks like a spear, cross them with each other on a plate, fold them different sides dishes, pointing at people with chopsticks, using chopsticks to pull your food closer, or worst of all, sticking them into rice. This is exactly what the Japanese do at funerals, leaving rice with sticks vertically stuck in it near the deceased. The traditions of the people of Japan do not allow a frivolous attitude towards death.


The head of any person in Thailand, regardless of age, gender and social position considered sacred. According to centuries-old Thai belief, the spirit of a person who guards his life is located in the head. Therefore, stroking the head, ruffling the hair, or simply touching the head of a person is perceived as a real insult.

In principle, Thai women should not be touched without their consent, since most of them hold conservative views, and may also take this gesture as an insult.

You should not point at anything, and even more so at someone with your foot, the lower part of the body, which is considered “despicable” here.

For the same reason, in no case should you sit cross-legged with your feet pointing towards the Buddha statue. Thais honor every image of him, so beware of climbing or leaning on statues to take pictures.

According to the traditions in Thailand, before entering a temple or a Thai dwelling, you should take off your shoes, even if the hosts hospitably assure you that you can keep your shoes on.

In communication, a restrained, calm, friendly tone and an unchanging smile are welcome. Avoid familiarities and raising your voice.


Let's start with a greeting. You can say hello by simply shaking hands, as we are used to. But there are some subtleties. It is considered bad manners to shake hands with someone you have never met before. In addition, women should not shake hands with Indians, as this may be considered an insult. The most respectful greeting among Indians - namaste - is joined palms at chest level.

When meeting a Hindu, one must remember that their names consist of several parts. Worth it at first given name, then the name of his father, then the name of the caste in which he belongs and the name of the locality of his residence. For women, the name contains her own name and the name of her spouse.

When saying goodbye, Indians raise their palms and wave only their fingers. We also sometimes use a similar gesture, only in India they say goodbye to a girl like that. If you say goodbye to a man - just raise your hand.

The following gestures should not be used:

* just like with us, it is considered impolite to point somewhere index finger;

* Don't wink at a pretty girl. This gesture is indecent and speaks of a specific proposal. If a man needs a representative of an ancient profession, it is necessary to point the nostril with the index finger;

* No need to snap your fingers to get someone's attention. This is taken as a challenge;

* vibration with fingers clenched into a bundle - a sign to the interlocutor that he is afraid;

*double clapping is a hint of a different orientation.

IN India exists animal cult. Some representatives of the animal world are elevated to the rank of sacred. Temples are built especially for monkeys. For example, famous Palace Winds, where monkeys live in such numbers and are so aggressive that tourists are not even recommended to go there! Through the streets settlements pacing other sacred animals - cows. They live own life and die a natural death, as they are forbidden to be eaten.

Another animal is the peacock. They literally live in clover - they sing their noisy songs everywhere: in temples, on the streets and in the courtyards of private houses.

When visiting the temple, you must take off your shoes at the entrance and enter barefoot. It is better to exclude products made of genuine leather from your wardrobe altogether. This is considered blasphemy.


The Vietnamese never make eye contact when talking. Perhaps because of their inherent shyness. But main reason in that, following tradition, they do not look into the eyes of those who are respected or of higher rank.

Vietnamese smiles can often cause foreigners to misunderstand and even lead to embarrassing situations. The fact is that in many eastern countries a smile is also a sign of grief, anxiety or awkwardness. Smiling in Vietnam is often an expression of politeness, but it can also be a sign of skepticism, misunderstanding, or rejection of a misjudgment.

Loud arguments and heated discussions are frowned upon and are rare among the Vietnamese. Well-educated Vietnamese are well-trained in terms of self-discipline as well. Therefore, the loud voices of Europeans are often perceived with disapproval.

In a conversation, the Vietnamese very rarely go straight to the goal. To do so is to show a lack of tact and delicacy. Straightforwardness is highly valued in the Western world, but not in Vietnam. The Vietnamese do not like to say "no" and often answer "yes" when the answer should be no.

IN Everyday life Vietnamese have many different taboos. For example, the following:

* Do not praise a newborn child, as evil spirits are nearby and may steal the child because of its value.

* Going to work or on business, avoid seeing the first woman. If the first thing you see when you walk out the door is a woman, go back and postpone the event.

* Mirrors are often hung on the front doors from the outside. If the dragon wants to get into the house, he will see his own reflection and think that there is already another dragon there.

* Do not put one bowl of rice and one pair of chopsticks on the table. Be sure to put at least two. One bowl is for the dead.

* Don't let your chopsticks touch other chopsticks and don't make noise with them unnecessarily. Don't leave chopsticks in your food.

* Do not give anyone a toothpick.

* Never buy one pillow and one mattress, always buy two. * Do not use your relatives' towels.

* Do not flip musical instruments and do not tap both sides of the drum at the same time.

* Do not cut your nails at night.

* In a restaurant with a Vietnamese, it is not customary to pay "in half". Let him pay, or pay the bill yourself. The person of higher rank always pays.

Gifts for the bride and groom are always given as a couple. One gift symbolizes the imminent end of marriage. Two cheap gifts are always preferable to one expensive one.

* Educated people and all who are not peasants do not do manual labor. To do so is to take away a job from a poor peasant and is considered unworthy.


One of essential rules behavior for visitors - a ban on smoking in public places. Smoking is allowed only in hotel rooms and in a number of restaurants in a special area. On the street, in clubs, cinemas, beaches, smoking is strictly prohibited, up to several hours of arrest.

The island of Zanzibar is known for its strict nature conservation law, one of the points of this law is a ban on the use plastic bags. All goods here are issued in paper.

In most hotels, even in the most expensive rooms, there will be kerosene lamps - power outages are the main trouble of modern Tanzania.

Despite sometimes even too courteous treatment of foreigners, the local population has an unspoken tradition of making fun of them. You should not ask the first person you meet for directions, smiling sweetly, he will show you a completely wrong path. Experienced tourists recommend in such situations to introduce yourself as a journalist, English language here is well understood, then the chance of deception decreases.

Greeting etiquette is very important. The type of greeting depends on the status of the person and his age. A common greeting among Swahili tribes among well-known people is “Khujambo, khabari gani” (“How are you?”, “What's the news?”) Or simply “Jumbo!”. A group of people are greeted with the word "hatujambo". The word "shikamu" is used to greet respected people. Young children are taught to greet their elders by kissing their hands or kneeling before them. Friends who meet after a long separation usually shake hands and kiss each other on both cheeks. In communicating with foreigners, they often use a handshake and the traditional English “hello”.

In Tanzania, as in many other regions of Africa, the right hand is considered "clean" and the left hand is considered "dirty". Therefore, the right hand is used for eating or for exchanging gifts. The polite way to receive a gift is to first touch the gift with your right hand, and then right hand giving.

Behavior at the table is also determined by many norms. Usually a traditional meal is held on mats on the floor, food is placed on low tables. But in many continental families, the meal is held in a European way - at the table. You can take food from a common plate with your hands and put it on your own plate, or you can eat from a common dish. The main thing is to ensure that food crumbs do not fall into a common dish and onto other people's plates. In Zanzibar, it is customary to give guests fresh clove shoots to flavor the mouth before eating. The sequence of dishes is traditional for East African countries - soup is served first, and then appetizers and hot dishes. Lunch ends with coffee and sweets. Light snacks and greens are usually on the table for the entire lunch.

You can not bypass the worshipers in front. Shoes should be removed when entering mosques and houses.

The general lifestyle of the Tanzanians can be characterized by two phrases - “hakuna matata” (“no problem”) and “field-field” (“calmly”, “not in a hurry”). These phrases can describe the attitude of Tanzanians to everything around them. Service in a restaurant or travel agency is extremely slow. If a Tanzanian said "one second", then it could mean 15 minutes or half an hour. At the same time, local residents smile radiantly at all attempts to hurry them up and continue to act at a leisurely pace. It is useless to somehow influence this, you just need to put up with it and try to live in this rhythm yourself.


Lunar eclipses- special days when the evil spirit Rahukin-chan ("Rahu - eating the moon") eats the moon. Sleeping on such a night is not recommended, but you need to go outside and make a lot of noise to drive the bastard away from the home. At the same time, good spirits are called for help, which must fight with Rahukin-chan. Pregnant women should definitely stick a needle into their shirt to protect the unborn child from harm.

Fear of falling stars due to the legend of the spirit phiphungtai, who thus tries to return to our world. This spirit is a collective image of all the dead who are trying to return through unborn children. Pregnant women should not look at shooting stars and should not even talk about it.

Wednesday is the worst day when evil spirits come out into our world. You can’t start business, you can’t travel and even go to the hairdresser. Far away from major cities on Wednesday, many do not work, so as not to bring trouble.

You can't drive nails into your home floor your stomach will hurt.

Thais don't like owls, considering them harbingers of misfortune. Well, if the owl somehow already flew past the dwelling, then only monks can avert trouble, who should be invited into the house and treated well.

Sand accidentally found in the house brings good luck.

You can not play the pipe in the house, it irritates evil spirits.

Cross the threshold of the house so as not to offend the good spirits.

Spanish customs

To express their admiration, the people of Spain put three fingers together, press them to their lips and play the sound of a kiss.

Spaniards express a sign of disdain with a hand that is waved away from themselves at chest level.

Touching the earlobe is regarded by the Spaniard as an insult.

To show someone the door, the Spaniards use a gesture quite similar to our snapping fingers.

The appeal to "you" is used by them in most situations, even students in schools often refer to their teachers this way. This is an ordinary story. But the appeal to “You” can even offend a person from time to time.

When they meet, they greet each other noisily and cheerfully. The most common greeting is "Hola" - "Hi". When meeting and parting, they press cheek to cheek, imitating a kiss and embrace. For Spaniards, a short communication distance means that you are a pleasant conversationalist for him. But if, for example, as in Germany, you keep your distance when talking outstretched hand, then the Spaniard will understand this as a sign of neglect.

Everything always happens later than planned. There is no fixed time for breakfast, it all depends on when the Spaniard comes to work. They do not have the habit of having breakfast at home, except for a cup of coffee, because the 2nd cup, together with a sandwich, will be drunk at the beginning of the working day. Soon it will be time for lunch.

Here it is necessary to emphasize such a paradox as the Spanish siesta. It starts at 1pm and lasts until 5pm. At this time, all the shops are closed, office staff crawling home for lunch and afternoon naps. Not every tourist is able to understand this, standing in front of closed doors souvenir shop. He is surprised, upset and even angry, but... Siesta!

For the Spaniards, there are certain topics - taboo. They prefer not to talk about death, not to ask people their age. It is also not customary to talk about money, especially when you have it. No one says: “I earn a lot” or “I get enough”. Instead, you will hear: “I can’t complain” or “I live small.” On other topics, the Spaniards talk a lot and, as foreigners say, too loudly.

For them, it is absolutely not necessary to know a person well in order to chat with him for hours. And from time to time it happens that a long conversation is over, and the name of the interlocutor remains unknown ... These are Spaniards.

Funny wedding traditions of the peoples of the world

The wedding tradition of some regions may also seem unusual and even funny to us. India. The fact is that there are places in India (for example, the state of Punjab) where there is a ban on a third marriage. You can choose a wife twice, four times is also not forbidden, but three times you can’t. However, the prohibition applies only to marriage with a living person, and therefore those men who did not limit themselves to a second marriage marry ... a tree. Yes, on an ordinary tree, but with all the necessary ceremonies and honors (maybe, perhaps, a little more modestly). After the wedding celebration is completed, the guests help the happy groom to be "widowed" by simply cutting down this very tree. And now there are no obstacles to the third marriage!

A similar custom is used when the younger brother decides to marry before the elder does. In this situation, the older brother chooses a tree as his wife, and then just as easily frees himself from the bonds of marriage.

IN Greece the young wife is not at all afraid to seem incompetent, stepping on her husband's foot during the dance. On the contrary, this is exactly what she tries to do throughout the holiday. If the newlywed succeeds in this maneuver, it is believed that she has every chance of becoming the head of the family.

And in Greece, children appear on their wedding night. No kidding! There is a custom - in order for everything to be safe in the family, it is necessary to put children into their bed before the newlyweds. Let them run, jump on the bed - and then the young people will definitely have everything right.

IN Kenya It is customary to dress an accomplished husband in women's clothes, in which a man must walk for at least a month. It is believed that in this way the husband will be able to fully experience the difficult and difficult female share and to treat his young wife with more love in the future. By the way, this wedding custom is observed in Kenya quite strictly and no one objects. Especially the wife, who takes a photo of her husband with pleasure and saves the resulting photos in a family album.

IN Norway obligatory treat wedding celebration Since ancient times, there has been bride porridge - it was prepared from wheat with cream. Kasha was served after the bride took off her wedding attire and dressed up in a suit married woman. Many jokes and amusements have always been associated with porridge in Norway, a boiler with it could even be stolen and demanded a ransom.

On Nicobar Islands, for example, if a guy expressed a desire to marry a girl, he must become a "slave" in the girl's house, and this can last from 6 months to a year. During this time, the chosen one is determined whether she wants such a husband or not. If the girl agrees, the village council declares them husband and wife. Well, if not, the guy returns home.

IN Central Nigeria marriageable girls are placed in separate fattening huts. Only their mothers are allowed to see them, who for many months, or even whole year(depending on success) they bring daughters a huge amount of flour food so that they get fat. Fullness in their tribe is highly valued and is a guarantee of a successful marriage.

And another article:

If you are heading abroad for a holiday or decide to start new life in a foreign land, then most likely you will encounter customs and superstitions that may seem very strange to you. Many foreign cultures include not only traditions, but also superstitions, as well as certain rules of etiquette. Often, compliance with certain rules is taken very seriously by local residents, so those who want to successfully integrate into their new environment must be well aware of all cultural differences.

The consequences of ignoring foreign customs can be different: perhaps for a very long time they will perceive you not as their own, but as a tourist, ignoring the fact that you already live next to them. But there may be more serious problems up to the possibility of being on the other side of the law. In any case, upsetting the locals is Right way Start your journey on the wrong foot in a new country!

Here's a look at other people's customs collected around the world. It is always better to know in advance about the experience of your predecessors.

Strange customs of the peoples of the world

Thailand- a favorite place for mountaineering for young travelers.

This country is known to many strange customs, which must be respected by guests, so as not to quarrel with the local population. One such custom that is often neglected by travelers is to always have the Thai king with them, for example, on a banknote. Similarly, in movies, the tribute to the king is played before each movie in the form of Thai royal anthem, while you should stand in front of the royal person as a sign of respect. Keep in mind that insulting the king is considered illegal in Thailand, so the best way to avoid problems on this topic and not risk being brought before a Thai court is to pay respect to the crowned lady along with the locals.

A strange method of attracting money is practiced in Appalachian. It is believed here that the onion peel should not be thrown away. It must also be put in the broth, and this will contribute to profit.

IN China They believe that if a man puts on a green headdress, then his wife is cheating on him.

The origin of this custom is often hotly debated. Some believe that in ancient times, if a courtesan (geisha) had a husband, he was forced to wear a green hat. Others, on the contrary, believe that men using the services of women of the most ancient profession used to wear green hats during the Yuan Dynasty. However, the version that rings the most plausible is that when the phrase "green hat" is spoken in Chinese, it sounds remarkably similar to the Chinese word for "cuckold".

Another interesting Chinese superstition is that you should never give a watch as a gift to a friend. This, again, is due to similarities in pronunciation. Apparently "send watch" sounds remarkably similar to "Song Zhong", which is the name of a Chinese funeral ceremony. Indeed, avoiding all conventions must be quite exhausting!

Most of us know and acknowledge that black cats are widely and universally seen as a sign of impending bad luck. This attitude towards black purrs exists in cultures and communities around the globe, but what about the owl? So, if a black cat crosses your path, and an owl hoots outside your window at night, then you better take the next day off from work, as it is believed that this is a sign of an imminent injury, a catastrophic spat, or a terrible failure.

Another animal not loved in Egypt, as well as throughout the world, is rats. Many superstitions surround rats, associating these creatures with sickness and death. However, there is one positive sign, who believes that if a group of rats suddenly appears in the house, then the owners should come to a great fortune in the coming weeks. Sounds promising, doesn't it?

Many superstitions Spanish etiquette revolve around sex and love. The Spaniards believe that if you sweep at the feet of a person passing by, then he is doomed to never be found. true love. An incredibly deadly sentence for such a minor act! Another popular Spanish belief is that those who toast a vessel of water are doomed to seven years of bad sex. This superstition is found in many other places around the world in one form or another. This is believed to stem from the Greek custom of toasting water at funerals. Because of this, toasting with water is considered a wish for bad luck, or even death.

IN Japan sipping noodles is not only considered acceptable, but also actively encouraged.

Another part of Japanese etiquette concerns the appreciation of a gift. If a person receives a gift in Japan and tries to open it right away, this is considered very rude, as it shows a lack of appreciation for the time and effort of the giver in finding and packing the gift.

Regarding the Japanese gift, there is another sign: it is customary to give and receive a gift with both hands, as a sign of respect for this object.

With the above customs in mind, it is very important to research the customs and traditions of the country you are planning to visit before you set off. This will allow you to prevent such a tragic social slip!

1. In Africa, members of the Masai tribe jump when they meet - the higher the jump, the more respect is shown.

2. In Norway, it is considered tactless to give up your seat in transport to people of age. There it is treated as a demonstration of physical advantage.

3. Loud "champing" is welcomed in China. If the guests eat silently, they offend the hosts and the cook. Quiet food is said to be food without pleasure.

Express info by country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all the planets. solar system to size.

Age– 4.54 billion years

Medium radius - 6,378.2 km

Middle circle - 40,030.2 km

Square– 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents– 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans– 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population– 7.3 billion people (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

Most populous states: Monaco (18,678 people/km2), Singapore (7607 people/km2) and Vatican City (1914 people/km2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world– about 6,000

Number of official languages- 95; most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities– about 2,000

Climatic zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (basic) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)

4. Also among the Chinese, there is no custom to bring flowers to the mistress of the house. Here it raises suspicions that the guest considers the house so unattractive that he brought flowers with him to somehow decorate it.

5. Norwegians don't compliment in public. Even at school they do not praise students in front of other children and do not report grades to the whole class.

6. When visiting Greece, one cannot admire a painting or a vase. Otherwise, the owner will be forced to give it to you.

7. In Mongolia, guests are fed until they burp loudly. Therefore, it is not customary to restrain her - this is a sign that the guest was left hungry.

8. Unlike our tradition, in Japan and Norway they give only even number colors. It is believed that a flower without a partner feels lonely. odd number flowers suitable only for mourning ceremonies.

9. In Japan, it is not customary to blow your nose in public.

10. Indians do not use the word "thank you" within the family. Here they believe that relatives do not need gratitude.

11. In China, the number 4 is a symbol of death. Even in the numbering of floors, the 4th is missing.

12. In Arab countries, it is considered impolite to hand over the hookah mouthpiece. This is regarded as coercion.

13. In Japan, etiquette prescribes to leave work only after the boss has done it.

14. The laws of Georgian hospitality prescribe that the glass of the guest is always filled. Therefore, by emptying the glass, the guest forces the host to refill it again and again.

15. In one Indian state, a young wife has the right to leave her husband after 3 days if she does not like something. After that, the girl is free to choose her partners.

16. In Kenya, after the wedding, the husband is required to wear women's clothes for a month and make women's work. This is done so that the husband understands better what it means to be a woman.

17. In Denmark, a flag hung in the window indicates that there is a birthday boy in the house.

18. In Northern Kamchatka, it was customary in the past for a guest to have an intimate relationship with the mistress of the house. It was believed that by doing this he pays tribute to the owner. If a child appeared after that night, the whole village celebrated his birth.

19. At every meeting in Latin America, it is customary to hug and exchange kisses.

20. There is no handshake tradition in Japan. It is customary to greet each other with a courteous bow.

Every nation that exists in our world has its own traditions, customs and rituals. And how many of these peoples, so many traditions - very different, unusual, funny, shocking, romantic. But whatever they are, they are honored and passed down from generation to generation.

As you might have guessed, today we will introduce the most interesting traditions of the peoples as well as their customs.


Samoans sniff each other when they meet. For them, it is rather a tribute to their ancestors than a serious ritual. Once upon a time, in this way, the Samoans tried to find out where the person they greeted was from. The smell could tell how many people had walked through the jungle or when they had last eaten. But more often than not, a stranger was identified by smell.

New Zealand

In New Zealand, the indigenous people, the Maori, touch each other with their noses when they meet. This tradition goes back centuries. It is called "hongi" and symbolizes the breath of life - "ha", ascending to the gods themselves. After that, the Maori perceive the person as their friend, and not just as a visitor. This tradition is observed even at meetings at the "highest level", so do not be surprised if you see on TV how the president of a country rubs his nose with the representative of New Zealand. This is etiquette and should not be broken.

Andaman Islands

A native of the Andaman Islands sits down on another's knees, hugs his neck and cries. And do not think that he is complaining about his fate or wants to tell some tragic episode from his life. Thus, he rejoices in meeting his friend, and tears are the sincerity with which he meets his fellow tribesman.


The Maasai tribe is the oldest in Kenya, it has its own ancient and unusual rituals. One of these rituals is the welcome dance to Adam. It is performed only by the men of the tribe, as a rule, these are wars. The dancers stand in a circle and begin to jump high. The higher he jumps, the brighter he will show his courage and courage. Since the Maasai are subsistence farmers, they often have to jump like this when hunting lions and other animals.


In Tibet, when they meet, they show each other their tongue. This custom has been going on since the IX, when Tibet was ruled by the tyrant-king Landarma. He had a black tongue. So the Tibetans were afraid that the king, after his death, might settle in someone else, and therefore they decided to show their tongue in order to protect themselves from evil. If you want to follow this custom as well, make sure you don't eat anything that turns your tongue dark or misunderstanding may occur. The arms are usually held crossed over the chest.

In Japan

And not only in Japan, but everywhere in the east, you should be prepared for one of the main traditions of the peoples of the east - to immediately take off your shoes. In Japan, you will be offered slippers to cover the distance between the front door and the living room, where you will again have to remove your slippers before stepping onto the tatami (reed mat). Of course, you need to make sure that your socks are spotlessly clean. And when leaving the living room, be careful not to put on other people's slippers.

China or Japan

The chopsticks should be leaning against the dish and lifted up two-thirds. You should never spear chopsticks, cross each other on a plate, stack them on opposite sides of a dish, point chopsticks at people, use chopsticks to pull your dish closer or, worst of all, stick them into rice. This is exactly what the Japanese do at funerals, leaving rice with sticks vertically stuck in it near the deceased. The traditions of the people of Japan do not allow a frivolous attitude towards death.


In those countries where the majority of the population professes Buddhism, the head of a person is considered a sacred repository of the soul, and touching it is considered a serious insult even for a baby. Another well-known gesture in the tradition of these peoples - pointing at some object with a finger - this is considered rude in Malaysia, for this purpose the Malaysians use clenched fist with a protruding thumb indicating the direction. The Filipinos are even more restrained and modest in pointing out an object or direction of movement, they are more likely to indicate the direction to you with the movement of their lips or eyes.

The wedding tradition may also seem unusual and even funny to us. some parts of India. The fact is that there are places in India (for example, the state of Punjab) where there is a ban on a third marriage. You can choose a wife twice, four times is also not forbidden, but three times you can’t. However, the prohibition applies only to marriage with a living person, and therefore those men who did not limit themselves to a second marriage marry ... a tree. Yes, on an ordinary tree, but with all the necessary ceremonies and honors (maybe, perhaps, a little more modestly). After the wedding celebration is completed, the guests help the happy groom to be "widowed" by simply cutting down this very tree. And now there are no obstacles to the third marriage!

A similar custom is used when the younger brother decides to marry before the elder does. In this situation, the older brother chooses a tree as his wife, and then just as easily frees himself from the bonds of marriage.

In Greece the young wife is not at all afraid to seem incompetent, stepping on her husband's foot during the dance. On the contrary, this is exactly what she tries to do throughout the holiday. If the newlywed succeeds in this maneuver, it is believed that she has every chance of becoming the head of the family.

And also in Greece children are born on the wedding night. No kidding! There is a custom - in order for everything to be safe in the family, it is necessary to put children into their bed before the newlyweds. Let them run, jump on the bed - and then the young people will definitely have everything right.

In Kenya It is customary to dress an accomplished husband in women's clothes, in which a man must walk for at least a month. It is believed that in this way the husband will be able to fully experience the difficult and difficult female lot and treat his young wife with more love in the future. By the way, this wedding custom is observed in Kenya quite strictly and no one objects. Especially the wife, who takes a photo of her husband with pleasure and saves the resulting photos in a family album.

In Norway Since ancient times, the bride's porridge has been an obligatory treat for a wedding celebration - it was prepared from wheat with cream. Porridge was served after the bride took off her wedding attire and changed into a suit of a married woman. Many jokes and amusements have always been associated with porridge in Norway, a boiler with it could even be stolen and demanded a ransom.

In the Nicobar Islands, for example, if a guy expressed a desire to marry a girl, he must become a "slave" in the girl's house, and this can last from 6 months to a year. During this time, the chosen one is determined whether she wants such a husband or not. If the girl agrees, the village council declares them husband and wife. Well, if not, the guy returns home.

In Central Nigeria marriageable girls are placed in separate fattening huts. Only their mothers are allowed to visit them, who for many months, or even a whole year (depending on success) bring their daughters a huge amount of flour food so that they get fat. Fullness in their tribe is highly valued and is a guarantee of a successful marriage.

Here they are interesting traditions peoples, many of which may seem funny, funny, and some even ridiculous to us. Tell your friends about it and surprise them with unusual traditions and customs of the peoples of the world.

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