Compatibility of Sagittarius men and Libra women. Cheerful aristocrats: compatibility of Libra man and Sagittarius woman


According to the compatibility of Libra women and Sagittarius men, they form a wonderful couple. Their relationship is filled with harmony, mutual understanding and love for each other. The Sagittarius man is the most ideal partner for the Libra woman of the entire Zodiac Sign. The same can be said about the Libra woman for the Sagittarius man. Together they can achieve stunning results and conquer more than one peak.

The emotionality of the Libra woman and the temperament of the Sagittarius man give this couple excellent sexual compatibility. In other areas of life, partners, as a rule, also find well mutual language: the changeable Libra woman, like no one, is able to understand the fickle Sagittarius man, he, in turn, does not put pressure on her, which the Libra woman is very grateful to.

The Libra-Sagittarius couple perfectly understand each other, they know how to give in and find compromises, this is especially pronounced in mature couples.

Compatibility female Libra - male Sagittarius - PLUSES

The Libra woman and the Sagittarius man are the perfect couple in every way. Surrounding people immediately note their cheerful mood and happy look. From them literally breathes harmony and optimism. Sagittarius man and Libra woman are very a beautiful couple where there is complete mutual understanding. They both love backpacking and visiting expensive resorts.

The Libra woman gains confidence in this union in a happy future. Moreover, in this union, she understands happiness as something more than she understood it before meeting with the Sagittarius man. If there is real sincere love between these partners, then no life difficulties they are not afraid.

In the Libra-Sagittarius pair, there are no “domestic wars”, even of a local nature, for the partners understand each other perfectly, and do not pay the slightest attention to minor sins. In addition, there is no such Sagittarius man who can be made happy. Together they think and general plans, and a program of social uplift, of their future. And how they are carried out in life, significant role play diplomatic skills, her ability to smooth sharp corners, idealistic constructions and dreams of his male Sagittarius put on realistic rails.

Compatibility female Libra - male Sagittarius - MINUSES

The main problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Libra-Sagittarius, which this couple may face, is the failure of the Sagittarius man to meet the expectations of the Libra woman. The Sagittarius man is lucky and he is often lucky in life. But, he will never make an effort to achieve what he wants if there are any difficulties. Over time, the Libra woman understands that the Sagittarius man goes with the flow and easily abandons his plans as soon as he cools down, meets an obstacle or finds a new hobby.

Another difficulty may be that between sincere sympathy or even love and issues of prestige, the Libra woman will choose prestige, while, rather than approved social system values ​​of attitude and feeling. Very important for Libra public opinion and approval.

Horoscope Libra-Sagittarius - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility of the horoscopes of Libra and Sagittarius, if a Libra woman wants harmony in the family and in her career, then she needs to help him with this. The Sagittarius man cools down to business as soon as any difficulties appear. It is at this moment that the Libra woman should take leadership into her own hands. She is strong enough, despite the outward softness, and is quite capable of leading. By gently and unobtrusively directing the Sagittarius man in the right direction, you will help him achieve great results in his career.

But often, both the Libra woman and the Sagittarius man prefer less achievement and more comfort. Therefore, the Libra woman can forget about her disappointment and refuses too high claims. The Sagittarius man is lucky and may well provide his family with a comfortable existence.

Well, to reconcile different systems values: her own and the Sagittarius man - the Libra woman will have to seek a compromise. But just do not remake or retrain your partner. It will be necessary to look for a suitable solution for both in each specific case.

How can a Libra woman conquer a Sagittarius man?

All Sagittarius men can be divided into two types. The first type - loves to explore the world, he travels a lot, an optimist and a merry fellow. The second type is just as cheerful, but its goal is not to know the world, but to succeed in society. He behaves generously and lordly. It is worth noting that the same Sagittarius man can combine both types, and be either one or the other in different periods life. Therefore, if you decide to conquer a Sagittarius man, then you, first of all, need to understand what type “your” Sagittarius belongs to.

If you decide to win a Sagittarius man who loves travel (and it doesn’t matter where he travels: according to distant countries or through the expanses of the Internet, or through the pages of books in search of eternal truths), then in order to achieve his location, you need to accept everything easily and quickly switch from one topic to another. And, most importantly, do not drive it into the framework everyday life. If you do not re-educate your partner, then the Sagittarius man will understand that such a woman will not force him to stay at home, and he will be able to continue to expand his horizons. Even more, the Sagittarius man will be delighted with the Libra woman if she shows her ability to grasp his thoughts on the fly.

If the Libra woman decided to conquer the “solid” Sagittarius man, then she should demonstrate to him her secular manners and her ability to stay in society. This type of Sagittarius man strives to be in the public eye, loves to be in charge, but he lacks secular gloss, and he looks like an anecdotal "Russian gentleman" - rich, generous and noisy. The Libra woman, refined, observing the rules of behavior in society, makes her a very desirable partner for a Sagittarius man who seeks to occupy any status.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Sagittarius man in friendship

The Libra woman and the Sagittarius man are often friends. In their relationship, real sincere friendship can arise. Together they have an interesting time, both are active and mobile. In addition, they are not indifferent to everything new, and they like to relax with taste. From time to time, friendships will turn to flirting and the Sagittarius man will seek to drag the Libra woman into bed. He will not be offended by her refusal - this is not his style. And the relationship will continue, delighting both with its novelty.

The friendship between a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man can be interrupted due to routine. They will stop being friends as soon as one of the partners gets bored with the other. It is worth noting that even with the closest friendship, partners do not meet often, but when it is planned interesting vacation or business, they are invariably excellent companions.

Compatibility of women-Libra and Sagittarius-men in the business sphere

Sagittarius man and Libra woman make a great business couple. They have a similar temperament, they know how to work energetically, actively, they are not afraid to show initiative and creativity. The Sagittarius man, as soon as the need arises, helps the Libra woman, takes on part of her work. At the same time, he does this from pure heart, unselfishly. He does not need the praise of his superiors, and he does not claim to be the winner's laurels.

When a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man are colleagues or partners, it is a good business alliance. This couple complements each other perfectly. The Libra woman cannot make important decisions alone, but she knows for sure what she wants to achieve. And the Sagittarius man is not afraid to take responsibility, but often sprays himself, being carried away by one thing or another.

When the Libra woman is the boss, and the Sagittarius man is the subordinate, this is an excellent business union. The Libra boss will be pleased with her sincere, noisy, enthusiastic Sagittarius subordinate. He is able to fulfill all her tasks and requirements. And the Sagittarius man will be happy that they are not trying to re-educate him. In addition, Sagittarius men are incorrigible don Juan and a pleasant Libra woman will cause him sympathy.

When the Libra woman is a subordinate, and the Sagittarius man is the boss, the situation can turn out differently. But the work in this pair will go well in two cases. The first is if the Libra woman is not very interested in the result of labor, and she doesn’t care that the decisions of the Sagittarius boss are not consistent. The second is if the Sagittarius boss trusts the Libra woman so much that she can be instructed to continue acting at her own discretion, bringing the task to the desired result. Difficulties in this pair may arise due to the fact that the boss-Sagittarius will seek to start with a subordinate-Libra love affair at work. And if the Libra woman does not want this, then the harassment of Sagittarius will give her a lot of trouble and trouble.

Between Sagittarius and Libra there is excellent compatibility in all areas. Next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life. In addition, Sagittarius brings good luck to Libra.

Sagittarius-Libra Compatibility: How to Seduce a Libra Man

The Libra man is usually pleased with himself and his life. He is prudent, charming, he is loved by others. He cannot imagine life without a partner, so at the time of the meeting with the Sagittarius woman, he is probably in a relationship or has just stopped them. Libra is polite, not adventurous, leads a calm, socially approved life. They do not have a lot of fire, passion, temperament. But, like any man, he wants to feel like a hunter, a conqueror. Sometimes he dreams of a passionate, stormy romance, although he understands that in real life he is unlikely to agree to give a damn about conventions and give up a quiet life for the sake of love. When a Sagittarius woman appears on his horizon, all the dreams of Libra come to life. He finds perfect woman for a love adventure - active and temperamental, but respecting social norms of behavior and not demanding the impossible. Libra understands that they can combine passionate sexual relations with that secularity and restraint, decency, to which they are accustomed. Therefore, Sagittarius will not have to specifically seduce Libra for the novel. Moreover, Libra is a master of courtship. The Sagittarius woman will not have time to look back, as she herself will be seduced. As soon as Libra is convinced that Sagittarius shares their views and they have sexual compatibility, they will not refuse marriage. After all, Libra is not afraid of marital ties, but on the contrary, they willingly live in a family.

What does an ideal couple look like: Sagittarius woman - Libra man?

People around see this couple as a union of socially successful and loving friend friend of people. They like to be invited to visit, because they never burden their acquaintances with problems and stories of troubles, they do not conflict in public with each other. The Libra man and Sagittarius woman really do not belong to those couples that create problematic, conflict families. Their neighbors are happy: this couple is always nice, polite, friendly, does not like noisy showdown between themselves right on the site. If Sagittarius and Libra live near you, you can be sure that you will never have to call the police with a request to calm the brawlers. On the contrary, from this couple comes a feeling of success and well-being. If you look inside the relationship with the help of synastry, you will see that these people are completely satisfied with their family. They have a good understanding common goals, excellent sexual compatibility. Both do not like to make problems out of the blue, they live easily, they solve all issues in peace. They are not boring, do not like to gnaw themselves, avoid unnecessary experiences. This couple most often has a rich house, an established life, well-mannered and charming children.

What are the difficulties in the union of Sagittarius women and Libra men?

Sagittarius and Libra have such a good understanding that serious trials this couple is not threatened. They are not only ready to cope with difficulties together, but both tend to choose those paths where there are the least holes and stones. Their life is calm and prosperous. And a fly in the ointment can bring in this harmony ... the most ordinary pans. Frying pans, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher… In a word, everyday life. The domestic side of life is the most "terrible enemy" of the couple. Archer - not the most good hostess. She can quickly put the house in order, but she is not interested in doing it on a permanent basis. Libra will decorate the house and set the table beautifully, in addition, they will do everything they are told - but Sagittarius is not going to say anything, and Libra themselves do not like boring household duties. And it turns out that two people who love to live in a beautiful and comfortable atmosphere have no one to create this very atmosphere.

I think it's not worth talking about how to make it easier for yourself to maintain household. These "secrets" are obvious: a beautiful Appliances, discipline, in extreme cases - an au pair. Let's better discuss what needs to be done so that ineptitude in everyday life does not interfere good relations paired with. Libra is a completely non-conflicting man who will help a woman. He has no prejudice against "non-male" work. Therefore, if a couple once and for all distribute household chores and everyone does their part, this will remove the reasons for conflict. If both absolutely do not want to waste time on homework, then they will be helped by Sagittarius' sense of humor and Libra's lightness of outlook on life. For Libra, there is nothing more expensive than human relationships, and he will never be the first to spoil the mood for himself and his beloved. And if Sagittarius feels that anger is boiling inside, let him look at the situation with humor. This is her universal lifesaver in many difficult situations. Cultivate this character trait in yourself, develop it, and everyday difficulties through the prism of humor will seem unimportant to you.

Compatibility of Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man at Work

Sagittarius woman and Libra man are very compatible in business relations. They both do not shy away from work, appreciate the same methods, both are aimed at success. Thanks to Sagittarius, Libra sets themselves bigger goals than they would do it alone.

Compatibility of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man - colleagues or partners

When Sagittarius and Libra work together, they succeed. Employers appreciate this non-conflicting, but infectiously enthusiastic couple. In their own business, there are no disputes between them either about the goals to be strived for or about the methods of work. Great help on the path to success is provided by useful connections that both Libra and Sagittarius can make.

When the Sagittarius woman is the boss, and the Libra man is the subordinate

This is a wonderful combination. Sagittarius knows how to do what Libra does not know how to set large-scale tasks. Sagittarius connections are also more extensive. Therefore, Sagittarius will be a good leader, setting tasks, and Libra will be able to work effectively under his leadership, fully understanding the intentions of the boss.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Libra man is the boss

Between them, and in this case, mutual understanding is maintained. But at some point, Sagittarius may become cramped within the framework set by Libra, and Libra will be unhappy with the fact that a subordinate often exceeds her authority and interferes in her own business.

Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man Compatibility in Friendship

There is a good understanding between Sagittarius and Libra, and it is the basis for strong friendship. They are both optimistic and enjoy spending time in pleasant company. Therefore, there are no obstacles for their friendship. They are keenly interested in news, they are frequent guests at exhibitions, in the theater, in companies. Despite good compatibility in all areas, they will not start an affair if one of them (or both) is not free: both appreciate the beauty and decency of relationships. But for free Libra and Sagittarius, friendship can end in a wedding. Relationships can be destroyed by the loss of one of the friends from his social stratum to a lower one. Neither Libra nor Sagittarius will want to continue communicating with a loser, a convicted person, an alcoholic, because it is important for both to make a good impression on society, and such friends do not paint them.

The constellations of Libra and Sagittarius share the sign of Scorpio, but the compatibility of these partners is incredibly favorable. Together they will be able to master different roles - great friends, psychologists, like-minded people and, of course, passionate lovers. The compatibility horoscope of these zodiac signs does not show any particular problems. The main thing is that they just move non-stop, because both of our heroes are not used to being bored, and this habit should not be changed.

Libra and Sagittarius belong to different elements: he is air, and she is fire, but this is an example when the difference in views does not complicate love relationship, and vice versa - contributes to their favorable compatibility. Indeed, the rhythm of life and even the very perception, image classic novel these two match well. Most likely, they will make a pair of ladies and gentlemen who are aristocratic, educated, but at the same time do not hover in the clouds and can always fall to the ground in case of unforeseen situations.

The Libra man is one of those people who are great at building bridges. It seems that this is the messenger of peace, because only he alone is able to smooth the situation, pick up a couple of simple, but very necessary words, just to relieve tension and give the whole dialogue a constructive direction. It is this guy Libra who will incredibly like the temperamental girl Sagittarius. It's just that she is a strong, straightforward lady who has an unfeminine grip and is able to repulse anyone who, in her opinion, is behaving dishonestly. And this openness of character is sometimes expressed in the fact that the Sagittarius is already very harshly besieging his ill-wishers and even friends. That is why she subconsciously strives for a person who at least would be much softer than her and mastered the art of smoothing sharp corners.

The Libra man, like no one else in the horoscope, fits this image. He is a gallant gentleman who prefers beautiful, vibrant relationships, which are initially based not so much on deep passions, but on unconditional respect for the personality of a partner. And this is felt literally on the very first dates. Libra does not differ in openness of manners, but on the other hand, they are very sincere and do not mislead their soul mate. Yes, he will remain silent about something, but this is only because he prefers beauty to truth. But really, the truth is such a thing that in some situations can do much harm.

With weights you feel incredibly light, simple and at the same time sublime. It seems that he is the crown prince, who in Once again went around his possessions and accidentally met with a fiery girl archer. I wonder what will grab his attention? The archer is a bright lady herself, but the scales will evaluate her in their favorite style: going from personality to appearance, and not vice versa.

This woman will appeal to him with a strong intellect, freedom of expression and speed of decision-making. Indeed, the Libra man can solve almost any puzzle. But to decide is his weak side. It’s just that he fully personifies the name and symbol of his zodiac sign: this person often hesitates before taking a specific step, carefully choosing between different, in his own way. good options. That is why it is simply vital for him to be next to a strong lady who will not only tell you how to be in this or that case, but also carefully argues her position.

Remember, Libras make decisions with their heads only. That's why he hesitates for so long. Emotions and deeds never coincide for him. Another thing is a brave archer. She can simply trust her intuition and often acts impulsively, but at the same time she hits the target exactly. And this is not surprising. Remember, she is the element of fire. This person is active, striving, ambitious. Moreover, the Sagittarius is not afraid of reality, does not run away from it, but simply methodically solves one problem after another. She is afraid of something else - when the whole heap of unsolved problems will fall on her under her own weight. That is why she is used to acting immediately and without delay, rightly believing that later it may be too late.

On the other hand, typical woman Sagittarius will never appropriate male laurels. She is not going to compete with her faithful scales. And all because she is looking for a partner in this life, a like-minded person with whom she can move through life together. The archer does not like a clear hierarchy, because she does not fit at all into the image of a submissive wife who simply cooks food and waits for her beloved. On the contrary, she herself can perfectly organize them. life together, but on the other hand, he will never incubate his soul mate, trying to dominate her. Even the most powerful archers are not so much trying to manage as it is to move together, and this is a completely different matter.

It is in this spirit that the whole novel of the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman will go: movement, plans, ambitions, a change of decision, new tasks. And not a day to be bored. And the most interesting thing: it is the inflated pace that will suit both parties, which will create favorable conditions for compatibility in love.

Marriage compatibility: no skeletons in the closet

Finally, our heroes are approaching a more meaningful and serious stage of the relationship and begin to plan their family life. This can happen quite quickly, since the initiative and assertiveness of the archer, rather, will simply captivate the scales man. On the other hand, he can for a long time hesitate before making a decision. What can I say - if even in less significant matters he prefers to think a hundred times, then when it comes to major decisions, that in itself is the basis for a real brainstorming session.

In this sense, the Sagittarius will try to incline him in his direction, which will be dictated, rather, by impatience - this active, temperamental lady does not like to wait too long and lives on the principle of "all at once." Moreover, she hates uncertainty and at some point can even issue an ultimatum. The approach is not entirely correct - after all, diplomatic scales may consider this as a direct attack, which will even offend their sentimental soul.

Indeed, the air signs of the zodiac are distinguished by a pronounced love of freedom. Moreover, by freedom they understand anything, but only within the framework of reason. Therefore, verbal attacks up to a certain degree of tension are perceived by them as elementary disagreements, which they can easily extinguish. But if it comes to open attacks, this is definitely a mistake. In this sense star tip for a girl, a Sagittarius is like this: be smarter, because cunning is a synonym for intelligence, and intellectual ladies for scales are like a muse for an artist.

However, if our heroes have firmly set the goal of getting married, they will reach it. If only because they are simply drawn to each other. Interesting, intelligent, but not boring people, and even with great prospects in life - this is already a sufficient basis for compatibility in marriage. Actually, relationships at more serious stages will not differ much from their stormy romance. It’s just that Sagittarius and Libra don’t try to hide skeletons in the closet, and they definitely won’t make any sensational discoveries about each other, living under the same roof. The stronger they are family relationships, and the more harmonious their compatibility. It's just that our heroes are used to treating each other with respect. But honesty is the most important basis of this very respect. And it is precisely this approach that explains the strength of their union.

And the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman will definitely not let each other get bored. Favorites of the public, regulars of celebrations, welcome guests in many homes, they will continue their active social life. And they will be absolutely right, because without this powerful source of pleasure family life may lose momentum. On the other hand, no matter how much you walk, the road still leads to the house. In this sense, the star advice is very simple: partners should organize their life more responsibly and carefully. Yes, it is not worth creating a system for the sake of the system. But to remember that it is not superfluous to walk boldly only after the matter has been completed is not superfluous.

If these two can properly organize the domestic side, their relationship will develop in many respects favorably. special reasons there are no disagreements, and every now and then they solve flare-up quarrels very simply - on the one hand, the diplomacy of the scales helps. On the other hand, they simply do not know how to be angry at each other for too long. And the stars can only be glad that their feelings remain fresh for a very, very long time.

Compatibility in sex: spark of ignition

In bed, Libra guy and Sagittarius girl fit together incredibly well. Their compatibility in intimate matters is based on unpredictability. Libra is generally an amazing actor with a good imagination and developed sense harmony. And Sagittarius is an extreme, innovator and a real hurricane.

As soon as the scales learn to manage with such an element and direct its energy in the right direction, nighttime adventures will become especially bright, cheerful and incendiary. We can say that in such a tandem, it is the man who will serve as the very spark of ignition, from which at night it will be brighter than the day.

Compatibility at work: pressure is inappropriate

At work, a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman may not feel much compatibility. It's just that he was accustomed to treat the matter dispassionately, somewhat philosophically. Libra love specific tasks but can't stand specific deadlines. But the Sagittarius can begin to put pressure on him and constantly adjust - and even if he is higher than her in position.

Such impudence (namely, this is how the Libra guy will think) will lead to the fact that he can start to be harmful and simply, out of principle, will do as he sees fit. The difference in the elements in this case does not benefit our heroes, and the case can greatly lose.

Libra man and Sagittarius woman have good chances to continue their earthly journey together. Yes, they are somewhat unpredictable and can change their plans on the go. But it is thanks to the constant movement forward that their tandem grows stronger and develops.

A pair of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man have excellent compatibility in almost all areas of life. Their family union almost always turns out to be strong and happy. If exists mutual love, then all difficulties are easily overcome.

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man perfectly understand each other from a half-word or even a glance, and they don’t even pay attention to each other’s minor flaws. In their relationship there is always mutual understanding, support, complicity. A Sagittarius woman, having married a Libra man, gains a reliable shoulder and protection from any adversity, and for a Libra man, moreover, she brings him good luck. Being next to each other, they feel completely satisfied with life.

Despite excellent compatibility, the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man have absolutely different tempers, therefore, these relationships cannot be called boring, and both partners have a lot to learn from each other. Sagittarius and Libra are a very original couple in which the emotional, controversial Libra man and the cheerful, restless Sagittarius woman converge.

Compatibility female Sagittarius - male Libra - PLUSES

An ideal pair of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man is immediately visible. They love each other and do not hide it. Both are socially successful and have many friends and acquaintances. This couple is gladly expected to visit, because they never strain the people around them with their problems and stories of troubles, they never conflict or sort things out. Both the Sagittarius woman and the Libra man are charming, polite, sweet in communication, and being next to them, everyone feels the feeling of success and well-being emanating from them.

In a pair of Sagittarius and Libra compatibility - these people are completely satisfied with their family and life in general. They have excellent mutual understanding, common goals and excellent sexual compatibility. As a rule, this married couple has a rich house, a well-thought-out life, well-mannered and charming children. Both partners are accustomed to resolving all issues in peace, avoid unnecessary worries and do not engage in self-discipline.

Compatibility female Sagittarius - male Libra - MINUSES

A pair of Sagittarius woman and Libra man have excellent compatibility. They have such a good mutual understanding that serious trials bypass them. Both support each other in Hard time, are ready to cope with difficulties together, and, in addition, both of them intuitively choose those paths where there are the least obstacles, holes and stones. In general, their family life is calm and prosperous. But whatever perfect couple was not, there is always a fly in the ointment that will spoil a barrel of honey. The problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Sagittarius and Libra is ... the most ordinary pots, pans, a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher ... In other words, everyday life. The domestic side of life is the most "terrible enemy" of the couple.

Mistress. She can pretty quickly bring perfect order to the house, but maintaining it or putting it in place all the time is not her forte. She's just not interested. The Libra man can decorate his home, he can even beautifully set the table and, in general, he is ready to do everything that the Sagittarius woman tells him. But, the whole problem is that she is not going to say anything, but. And in the end, both people, so eager to live in a beautiful, comfortable and cozy atmosphere, live as it will, because there is no one to create this very atmosphere.

Horoscope Sagittarius-Libra - compatibility and harmony

According to the compatibility horoscope of Sagittarius and Virgo, so that in their married couple harmony was not disturbed due to unwashed dishes or dirty linen, both partners should think about arranging their lives. They need to agree and distribute responsibilities around the house. and has no prejudices about "non-male" work. He will gladly help his beloved woman only if she asks him about it. When a couple distributes responsibilities once and for all, and everyone does their part of the work, this already removes most possible conflicts. Also, beautiful and modern household appliances, discipline, and, in extreme cases, an au pair can facilitate housekeeping.

Also, the cheerful disposition and wit of the Sagittarius woman, and the ease of looking at the life of the Libra man will help to mitigate conflicts over the disorganization of life. For him, there is nothing more precious than human relationships, and he will never be the first to spoil the mood for himself and his beloved. And if a Sagittarius woman suddenly feels anger boiling inside, then she should immediately turn to her lifesaver - humor for help. If you look at the world through the prism of humor, then all the difficulties, including everyday ones, will seem small and unimportant.

How can a Sagittarius woman conquer a Libra man?

The Sagittarius girl does not have to apply special efforts to conquer the Libra guy. In addition, the Libra man knows how to superbly care for women, so Sagittarius will not even have time to look back, as she herself will be conquered.

The Libra man is generally content with himself and his life. He cannot imagine his life without a permanent partner. Therefore, if you met a single Libra man, it means that he either just ended the relationship or is in search of a new romance. The Sagittarius woman is the ultimate dream of the Libra man. It is safe to say that she perfect option for a love adventure. And as soon as the Libra man feels the similarity of interests, views and opinions, he will immediately ask for the hand and heart of the Sagittarius woman. The Libra man belongs to the category of men who do not avoid marriage, but on the contrary, do their best to start a family.

The Libra man is prudent, polite, charming. For him, the opinion of others is important, and he is used to leading a quiet life, approved by society. You cannot call this man passionate and temperamental. Of course, sometimes he dreams of a stormy romance, but he understands that he can never give a damn about conventions and give up a calm and stable life for the sake of love. Adventures are alien to him, and therefore, when a Sagittarius woman meets on his way, he gets everything he needs. She is active and temperamental, but respects social norms of behavior, and does not demand the impossible. Libra man when he turns on love story with a Sagittarius woman, he can combine the secular decency and restraint he needs with passionate sexual relationships.

Compatibility of Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man in Friendship

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man are often friends. They tend to have a good rapport, which is the basis for a strong friendship. They are both optimistic and enjoy spending time in pleasant company. They can often be found at exhibitions, in theaters, cheerful companies.

The friendship of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man can be destroyed by the loss of one of the friends from his social stratum to a lower one. Neither the Libra man nor the Sagittarius woman will want to continue communicating with a loser, a convicted person, an alcoholic. It is very important for both partners to make a good impression on the people around them, and such friends do not paint them.

The halves of the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman should not be afraid of betrayal. These partners have excellent compatibility in almost all areas of life, but they will never start a relationship if one of them is not free. Both highly appreciate the beauty and decency of relationships. But if a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman do not have a life partner. That their relationship most often goes into the category of marital.

Compatibility of Sagittarius women and Libra men in the business field

A Sagittarius woman and a Libra man can make an excellent business alliance. They have excellent work compatibility. Both are hard-working, success-oriented and work at about the same pace and value the same methods. Through cooperation with the Sagittarius woman, the Libra man learns to set and achieve higher goals than he would do it alone.

When a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man are colleagues or partners, this is a good business alliance. The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man, when they work together, will certainly succeed. In the team, they are not in conflict and infect others with their enthusiasm, which employers certainly appreciate. If a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man joint business, then it also goes well uphill. This couple does not have disputes and quarrels about goals and methods. Also, both know how to make the necessary connections that provide great help on the way to success.

When a Sagittarius woman is the boss, and a Libra man is a subordinate, this is a wonderful combination. The Sagittarius boss knows how to set large-scale tasks - this is what the Libra man lacks so much. The Sagittarius woman is a good leader for the Libra man, and he perfectly understands the plans of his boss and effectively implements them under her guidance.

When a Sagittarius woman is a subordinate, and a Libra man is the boss, it is the most unfortunate of all combinations, although in this case they still have mutual understanding. The Sagittarius woman experiences a restriction of freedom, she is cramped within the framework in which the Libra boss is used to working. Therefore, she often exceeds her powers, and the Libra man is dissatisfied with the fact that she climbs into her own business.

What should be the ideal life partner for Sagittarius? A woman friend who gladly takes part in all his undertakings. Bold and inquisitive, just like him. Certainly smart - what to talk about with a stupid one? .. This guy will be charmed by a girl on whose fragile shoulders you can hang a backpack and take her with you on a hike - and if she still manages to make a fire from one match, he will fall in love with her seriously and for a long time . Sagittarius - seriously, for a long time? Surprisingly, Libra can firmly bind even Sagittarius to himself.

Probably on your life path he met a lot of pampered young ladies from whom he heard "you must" too often. does not like responsibility - this is his big drawback, which sometimes interferes greatly in relationships with women. But why, in fact, does he “must” sacrifice something important for himself in order to please the whims of another girlfriend? Isn't it easier to say to yourself "freedom is more precious than feelings", and to your partner - "we did not get along in character"? .. So he lived until he met a Libra woman. A woman who knows how to reach a compromise ... a little with a bias in favor of her interests.

They have a lot in common. In conversations, they can spend days and nights - and they do not get bored. Sagittarius is delighted - his new girlfriend knows and knows so much! It's easy to go on adventures. She understands him so well that sometimes it seems she can read minds. Real comrade. Moreover, a comrade who is pleasant to hug, ruffle his hair, and maybe even arrange a pillow fight with her as in childhood. With male friends, Sagittarius will not allow himself such antics, because the Libra girl automatically becomes his closest. He will not even suspect that she is already reconciling his last name to her name - and that is why she is now feeding mosquitoes by the fire, and not because she loves hiking so much.

Starting an affair with a guy she likes, the Libra girl is by no means looking for a friend in him for fun activities - she needs a stable love relationship, in the future - marriage. However, she perfectly understands who she contacted: Sagittarius cannot be ordered to become an exemplary family man. More precisely, you can order something, all of it ex girlfriends they did just that - only where are they now ... That is why Libra gently, slowly, but with commendable determination becomes for him the One without which he cannot live. She will succeed, believe me: not a single man has resisted the female strategy of “steel claws in soft paws”. And wedding bells will still sound in their honor ... but it's better to let it happen later than before.

How flexible people born under are not so flexible Sagittarius. The search for a compromise will always be her task - as well as the solution of most domestic and other problems. She is responsible for marriage and will undoubtedly cope - and Libra will have to forgive her husband's numerous pranks. And the more these pranks will be, the sooner the couple gets married. Sagittarius will object to his wife’s reproaches with terrifying honesty: “I just haven’t walked up yet.” Tell me, Libra, did you really need this particular man as a life partner? You will answer “He is good, he just requires a strong female hand”, and you will be right. Strong, but soft - like yours. That is why the pair Sagittarius - Libra can be called very harmonious, almost perfect. With a small correction: all this idyll is the merit of the wisest of the women of the zodiac circle, but not the most windy of men.

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