Algorithm for describing the subject in the middle group. Pictures-schemes with an algorithm for compiling a story-description


Complex abstracts

Synopsis of educational activities of children with adults
in the senior group o.o. "Knowledge", "Communication"
"Journey to the World of Objects"

Marfina Olga Nikolaevna, teacher
d / s No. 63 Angarsk, Irkutsk region

Subject: Subject world.

Target: Expand ideas about the objects of the man-made world.

Educational tasks:

  1. To consolidate the ability of children to group objects according to their intended purpose: dishes, tools, equipment, objects for art.
  2. Deepen children's knowledge about the history of household appliances: vacuum cleaner, iron.
  3. Teach children to navigate past and present objects.
  4. To teach in the course of experimentation to identify the properties and qualities of the metal; create an algorithm for describing the material.
  5. Continue learning to compose coherent story through a series of pictures.

Development tasks:

  1. To develop the ability of free communication between adults and children.
  2. Develop cognitive activity, interest in the objects of the man-made world.
  3. Strengthen the ability to establish causal - investigative links between the properties and qualities of the material and the method of use.

Educational tasks: Bring up careful attitude to the objects of the man-made world.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading works of art.
  • Making riddles about objects.
  • D \ games "What first, what then", "Why 4", "Find out the material", "What are the objects made of?", "Wonderful bag", etc.
  • Examination of encyclopedias, illustrated material, cognitive screens "Chukh - choo, choo - choo, our iron has flared up" (history of the iron), "History of the vacuum cleaner", "History of the stove".
  • Classification (sticking pictures on whatman paper) household items.

Methodological and didactic support:

Two large envelopes - one with the image of "Kapitoshka" without an address, the other colorful with pictures with the address for d / s; a letter from Dunno; panel-backpack, subject pictures to it: a plate, a spoon, a mug; ax, saw, needle; tape recorder, camera, video camera; paints, album, brush (pencils).

Music on the disc "Riding on a train"; gate imitation (from soft modules) with the inscription "Flower City", signs "Laboratory of Unusual Experiments", "Museum of Talking Objects".

Items household appliances (toys): vacuum cleaner, iron, kettle, coffee grinder, toaster, refrigerator, washing machine and etc.

History of the evolution of the iron and vacuum cleaner (in pictures).

For children: for each set of metal objects (coins, plates); napkin; container with water; magnet; album sheet, divided into 6 parts; black marker; wooden rounds.

To the educator: a ready-made algorithm, metal objects.

Easel; screens; paper sheet with three levels "sky", "earth", "water"; different transport stickers.

The teacher informs the children that an envelope has been sent to the address of our group. He spins it, admires how big and colorful it is, and lets the children see it.

What do you think is in the envelope? (children's guesses: surprise, letter)

Who can write a letter to us? (listens for answers: Carlson, Dunno)

Do you want to know who the letter is from? (Yes). Let's read!

Opens the envelope, reads the letter:

“Hello, dear guys! I learned from Carlson that you are interested in different subjects! In our Flower City, we love to invent items and would love it if you share your findings. I invite you to take an exciting journey into the world of things. I wish you success. Your friend... Dunno!"


Guys, what do you know about the Flower City? (children's answers). That's right, the guys there live famous inventors and famous inventors.

Guys, would you like to accept Dunno's invitation? (Yes) To go on a trip, we need to get ready for the road and put things in our backpack that may come in handy on the way.

Game exercise for grouping objects "Pack your backpack on the road." Children lay out objects on a panel - a backpack in groups:

Crockery - plate, spoon, mug.

Tools - an ax, a saw, a needle.

Technique - tape recorder, camera, video camera.

Items for drawing - paints, an album, a brush.

The teacher offers the children to take one picture from the table, which shows miscellaneous items and place them in groups.

Come, have it! Be careful!

At the end, the teacher invites the children to check whether the children have laid out everything correctly, if there are errors, then correct, tell:

What items did you put in a backpack one row? Why? How to call in one word? What are these items for on the road? (children's answers).

The teacher praises the children for their attentiveness.


Lera, what item did you put in your backpack? What is it for? Why did you put it next to...?

Well done, Lera, you have now tried and done everything right!


Guys, now we are ready to hit the road! Let's take an empty envelope with us and put everything new and interesting we learn on the trip into this envelope! What are we going to... (a locomotive whistle is heard)... on a train!

Fizminutka "Riding a train" (children stand one after another, put their hands on each other's shoulders, make a circle, stop)

The teacher draws attention to the gate with the inscription "Flower City".

Well, here we come to the Flower City (is reading)! Come on guys! Guys, this is the "Laboratory of unusual experiments" (is reading). Here, the smartest shorty - Znayka, must be working on testing his new invention!

Let's come and see!


Guys, what items do you see on the tray? (children call).

What material are they made from? (children's answer: metal) So what are they? (metal).


Come on guys, sit down and take a closer look at metal. The children sit at the table.

The teacher offers children experimental - experimental activities to identify the properties and qualities of the metal.

Guys, what do you want to know about metal? (children formulate a task).

How are we going to do it? What do we need for this? (children develop a methodology for conducting experiments) What do we do first, what then?

If we do this, what will we get? (children predict the result)

The teacher reminds the children about safety.

Let's test your guesses! Guys, be careful when handling metal objects: you can cut yourself on sharp edges! (children work, reveal the properties and qualities of the metal)

Sketch everything you learned about metal? (children draw an algorithm for the properties and qualities of metal using symbols).

The teacher offers to draw and tell. Formulation of the conclusion (verbal report) educator using a ready-made algorithm. The teacher suggests putting the most successful children's algorithm in an envelope.

Guys, you probably sat too long? Let's have a cup of tea with you!

Fizminutka "Teapot - grumbler."

I am a teapot - a grumbler, a troublemaker, a madman, (walking in place)

I expose my belly to everyone (hands on the belt, body turns left - right)

I boil tea, bubbling and shouting: (clap hands)

Hey people, I want to drink tea with you! (jumping in place)

The teacher leads the children to the sign "Museum of" talking "objects."

Here, guys, the inventions of famous mechanics are stored flower city- Screw and Shpuntik. These items can tell a lot about themselves. Let's come and take a look.

What miraculous technique did you learn? (children list: washing machine, vacuum cleaner, iron, toaster, etc.) See what these things have in common? (children's answer: these items make household work easier, they need to be connected to the mains, these are electrical appliances).


Guys, do you know what Appliances didn't they always look like this? Do you want to know how a man cleaned his home and sorted out his laundry in ancient times? (children answer: yes)

The teacher offers to take one picture from the table, examine it, remember the history of this subject, unite with those guys who have the same story, stand in order from the most ancient to the most modern. The teacher offers shy child using a counting rhyme, choose a group of children who tell the story of their subject.

Vacuum cleaner. A bunch of branches - a broom (broom)- brush - clapperboard - the first cordless roller vacuum cleaner - a modern vacuum cleaner that cleans not only carpets, but also the air.

Iron. Stone - wound on a rolling pin and carried out with a "ruble" (ribbed board)- the first iron was heated on the stove - "Brazier with coals" (coals from the oven were poured into the iron)- modern iron with temperature regulators, steaming and spraying.

Praise children.

Well done to all the guys, they correctly showed and told the history of objects, they didn’t miss anything!

Did you like the history of the vacuum cleaner (iron)? Do you think things have changed over time or stayed the same? (children's answer: a person sought to improve them, make them more comfortable and beautiful).

The teacher, with the consent of the children, decides to put the stories in an envelope. The teacher informs the children that the journey is coming to an end and it is time to return. Offers to take their places in the cars. To the music of "Riding on a train" the children return back.

The teacher reminds the children about the envelope in which they put everything interesting news about the things you learned today.


Guys, what to do with this envelope? What are you offering? (children's answer: send Dunno)

The teacher supports the idea of ​​children, approves, agrees to write the return address of the Flower City.


Did you enjoy our trip? Where would you like to travel next time? (children's statements). Praise them for interesting ideas.

The teacher calls the children to the easel.

If you think that everything worked out for you, it was easy and interesting for you, then stick a transport that flies in the sky.

If you think that you were wrong and something didn’t work out, then stick on the transport that drives along the road.

If nothing worked out for you, it was difficult and uninteresting, then stick water transport.

Children take the appropriate transport and evaluate themselves. Explain their decision. The teacher invites the children to go sign the envelope, and the children make drawings with their own hands.

Consultation for educators

Algorithm and its use in work
with preschool children

Tarasova Yulia Borisovna

One of the methods that it is advisable to use in working with preschool children is an algorithm.

The concept of "Algorithm"

An algorithm is an exact prescription aboutwhat action and in what

sequences execute, in order to achieve result in any

from tasks of a certain type;

    command sequenceto solve the problem;

    system of rules, formulated written in a language understandable to the performer and defining a chain of actions, in as a result of whichwe come from the originaldata to the desired result. This chain of actions algorithmic process, and each action is a step . Number of steps to reachresult of course. Algorithm work - algorithmization.

General properties of algorithms:

    Mass character of the algorithm(intendedto solve a group of similar tasks);

    Certainty and Conditionality(algorithm -exact and strictly op- defined sequence steps, there is no freedom of choice viy);

    efficiency (anycottage from a group of the same type will be solved using an algorithm);

    Understandability (the prescription is worded in such a way that itequally clear to all performtels of the category for which calculated);

    Discreteness (separation: step-by-step character A);

    The concept of "step" is relative: not always one step corresponds to one elementary action. This may be the action of breaking down into even simpler ones.

    The main types of steps:

    1. Simple (prescriptive)perform some action)

    2. Composite (defining branching problem solving process)

    Types of algorithms:

    1. Linear (from simple commands).

    2. Branched (if the algorithm provides two answers).

    3. Cyclic (if action are repeated).

    Forms of manifestation of algorithms:

    1. Verbal: i.e. verbally expressed sequence: for example, instructions;

    2. Visual: diagrams, formulas.

    The value of algorithms:

    Give developmental characterlearning.

    Development of planning skillsits activities and forecast read the result.

    Speech development (accuracy, timesbone, accessibility).

    Use for development search activity children.

Algorithms are most widely used to familiarize children with physical phenomena and patterns, when conducting elementary search activities (Experiments, experiments), mainly in the form of diagrams (illustrative A.: taking into account the peculiarities of thinking of a preschooler). These schemes allow the child to come to the correct conclusion, based on the visually presented necessaryaction sequences.

Younger age.

The main task is to prepare children to understand that forto achieve the result, it is necessary to perform an action in accordancecondition (the rule thatswarm reflects the sequence of action). Given algorithm help symbol- shooter i. The algorithm consists of no more than than three steps.

Average age:

The number of steps increasesup to five. Specialnye games and exercises on the use of algorithms.

Senior age:

Algo exercisesrhythms aimed at understandingrelationship between compliancesequences actionthe result. Use linear algorithms, as elements of the algorithm -modelsreal items. Childrenshould write algorithms on their ownabstract material.

At this age, children can compose the simplest algorithms together with an adult or on their own (using familiar, similar experiments as an example).

Children enter the group, sit on chairs.

Educator: Children, let's remember and repeat our tongue twister, which sets us up for the lesson.

Who wants to talk, he must pronounce. Everything is correct and clear, so that everyone can understand.

We will talk and we will speak. So right and clear that it was clear to everyone.

Educator: Well done! And now all the attention is on me. Today we have unusual occupation. We will be writers.

Educator: Think and say what the writer does?

Children: The writer writes stories and fairy tales.

Educator: Right. What writers do you know?

Children: (I know the writer A.S. Pushkin; K.I. Chukovsky; A.N. Tolstoy, etc.).

Educator: Right. Who or what do you think the writer is writing about?

Children: The writer writes about nature; about animals; about birds, etc.

Educator: Well done! Today we will write stories and fairy tales. But first, let's remember how a fairy tale differs from a story?

Children: There is magic in a fairy tale, magical things, talking animals, i.e. something that can't really be.

Educator: Well done! Now think and say, with what words does this or that story begin?

Children: The story begins with the words: came, came, once, once, etc.

Educator: What words does the fairy tale begin with?

Children: The tale begins with the words: they lived - were, in a certain kingdom - in a certain state ...

Educator: Well done! What words end the story or fairy tale?


The story ends with the words: here the story ends, or this is where our story comes to an end.

The fairy tale ends with the words: here the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened was done; or, good conquers evil; they began to live happily ever after.

Educator: Well done! Now let's loosen up a bit.

Morning has come, the sun has risen.

Hey brother Fedya,

Wake up the neighbors.

Get up, Bolshak,

Get up Pointer

Get up, Seredka,

Get up, Orphan

And baby - Mitroshka,

Hello Ladoshka.

Everyone stretched and everyone woke up.

Educator: And now I suggest that you turn into writers and with the help of schemes - algorithms with different tasks come up with a story or story.

Children are given time to think about their story or fairy tale. Listen to 2-3 answers.

(Answers attached).

Educator: Well done! Now let's rest a little.

One two three four five,

We can also rest

Put your hands behind your back

Let's raise our heads higher.

And easy - easy to breathe.

One two three four five,

We stomp our feet.

One two three four five,

We clap our hands.

Pull up on toes so many times

Exactly as many as the fingers on your hand.

Educator: And now I propose to play the game: "Show the symbol correctly." I will show the object and name any attribute or property of it, and you must find the correct symbol, name and show it.

For example: This is a cherry. It grows on a fruit tree. So we have to show the character: Where does it grow? Or is it an apple. It is green. So we have to show the symbol: Colors.

  1. This is a mushroom. His hat is round.

Symbol: hat shape.

  1. This is a fox. She hunts mice, hares, chickens and ducks.

Symbol: What does it eat?

  1. This is a leaf. The leaf has a leaf plate, a leg, veins.

Symbol: Building.

  1. This is a pyramid. It is wooden because it is made of wood.

Symbol: What does it feel like?

  1. This is a fish. She lives in an aquarium.

Symbol: Where does he live?

  1. This is a teapot. People brew tea leaves in it.

Symbol: How to use.

  1. This is a carrot. Juices are prepared from it, you can eat it raw or boil it.

Symbol: Method of use.

Educator: Well done! And now let's play a game: "Decorate the word." I will name any animal, and you must choose the words that would characterize it.

For example: Cat - affectionate, fluffy, cheerful,…. , playful.

  1. Hedgehog - prickly, formidable, angry, small.
  2. Hare - cowardly, timid, shy, long-eared, smooth, ….
  3. The bear is big, soft, clumsy, furry, clumsy, sullen.
  4. The rooster is beautiful, big, colorful, vociferous, bold, important.
  5. Fox - fluffy, red, soft, cunning, nimble.
  6. Frog - green, cheerful, large-mouthed, big-eyed, slippery, jumping.
  7. Chicken - caring, pockmarked, kind, motley.

Educator: Well done! Now think about it and tell us what we did today?

Children: Today we were writers and made up stories and fairy tales according to schemes - algorithms.

We played games: “Show the correct symbol”, “Decorate the word”.

Conducted physical exercises.

They spoke in short sentences.

Educator: Well done! Our lesson has come to an end!

Dear colleagues!

I would like to bring to your attention mimic tables, or as they used to be called schemes - algorithms! Many pictures and illustrations can be found on the Internet, but made by hand, as something closer.

As you and I know mnemonics- This

A schema that contains certain information;

A system of methods and techniques that ensures effective memorization, reproduction and storage of information.

Currently, mnemonics has become very relevant for preschoolers. A special place in working with children is used as a didactic material. mnemotable. Mastering how to work with mnemonic tables significantly reduces training time and simultaneously solves the following tasks:

The development of basic mental processes - memory, attention, perception, thinking, especially figurative;

Encoding information, that is, the transformation of objects, images into abstract signs, symbols;

Recoding of information, that is, transformation from abstract symbols into images;

Development fine motor skills hands when examining objects.

"Description of the Coat of Arms"

"A story about the professions of people"

"Description of garments"

"Description of utensils"

"Description of the Season"

"Description of fruits and vegetables"

"Description of Animals"

"Description of Birds"

"Toy Description"

I present to you the presentation


Attached files:

mnemonotehnika-ili-shemy-algorithmy_jqq73.pptx | 3641.04 Kb | Downloads: 393

Cards-schemes for conducting experiments and experiments for children of senior preschool age (file cabinet)

Good day to all, dear colleagues from MAAM. Glad to have you as a guest. In my previous publications, I mentioned that in my work I use cards - schemes for conducting experiments and experiments. In senior preschool age these cards are very helpful and keep kids interested in experimenting. The cards show the stages of the experiments, you can write on the back that will help reading children in conducting experiments.

I deliberately did not write explanations for these experiments, so that the children themselves could draw conclusions why this is so and not otherwise.

"Guess by Smell"

1. Blindfold the child.

2. Cook foods with pronounced odors: onion, garlic, lemon, orange, apple, chocolate, etc.

3. Give each product a sniff: it can be recognized by its smell.

"Magic Pyramid"

1. We collect a pyramid from a large ringlet to a small one. We conclude: worth it.

2. We collect the pyramid on the contrary from a small ringlet to a large one. Will it stand? Why?

“Does air have weight? »

1. We make homemade scales.

2. Weigh 2 uninflated balloons.

3. The weight is the same.

4. We inflate one of the balloons.

5. Weigh again. What happened? An inflated balloon outweighs an empty one: air has weight.

6. Pierce an inflated balloon. What happened?

"Dissolution of substances in water"

1. Take a glass of water and a piece of sugar.

2. Put sugar in a glass.

3. Stir. What happened?

4. What happens if you add more sugar?

"Mystery Paper"

1. We put two identical glasses, put a sheet of paper on them.

2. We put the third glass on this sheet. What happened?

3. The paper could not bear the weight of the glass and bent.

4. We fold the same sheet with an accordion.

5. We put a sheet folded like an accordion into two glasses, and a third on top.

6. What happened? Why?

"Friendship of Colors"

1. We take three cans of gouache (red., yellow, blue)

2. We take three glasses of water.

3. In the first glass, mix red and yellow colors- it's orange.

4. In the second glass, mix blue and red - we get purple.

5. In the third glass, mix yellow and blue - we get green. Why?

"How to get a white color or a magic top"

1. Take a top (or divide the circle into three equal sectors and paint in three colors: blue, green, red).

2. We spin the top on the surface of the table. If you drew on a circle, then insert a finely sharpened pencil into the center of the circle, which will act as the axis of the top.

3. The top spins, visually its surface becomes white: the color is not visible.

"Plants drink water"

1. We take 2 glasses, pour water into them, put the branches of a houseplant.

2. Add red dye to the water of one of the glasses.

3. After a while: in this glass, the leaves and stem will turn red: the plant is drinking water.

"Dump and Rain"

1. We take a container, pour sand, put sponges. One end of the container is on a stand.

2. We collect ink in a pipette and drip onto the sponges.

3. Pour the sponges from the watering can with water.

4. We take a syringe, pump out water from the sand. Water is dirty.

"Oil River"

1. We take a container. We make a hole, insert the tube, fix it with plasticine. The free end of the tube is tightly clamped with a clothespin. We pour water.

2. Pour into water sunflower oil(oil is the same oily substance)

3. Remove the clothespin, drain half of the water into the jar. Water not mixed with oil is poured into the jar. An oil spill forms a film, like oil, which is a serious danger to wildlife.

"Magic Magnet"

1. Take a glass of water.

2. Put a wooden cube and paper clips into it.

3. Place the magnet against the wall of the glass: the magnet only attracts metal objects, even through glass and water.

"Magic Ball"

1. inflate two balloons, rub one of the balloons with a piece of woolen cloth.

2. if two balls are placed next to each other, they will start to repel. Why?

3. The ball that is rubbed is attracted to the wall. Why?

"The water cycle in nature, or the journey of a droplet"

(for adults)

1. We put the jar with a vault, and we place the boiler in it.

2. A bottle with snow inside is installed above the jar.

3. Under this bottle, we install a cut-off bottle with a hole.

4. We turn on the boiler, the steam rises, cools, flows into the cut-off cylinder and from it back into the jar.

"Birds and Oil"

1. We take a bird feather, throw it up, blow it. It will fly smoothly.

Dip the pen in vegetable oil(oil is also oily).

3. Let's throw a feather up, it falls down like a stone: the feathers of birds stick together and lose their ability to "repel" the air, which means that the bird cannot take off and becomes easy prey for predators.

I hope that our flashcards will help you inspire children's interest in experimentation. The idea of ​​manufacturing belongs to Kochkova V. Yu.

algorithms and schemes for preschoolers in pictures

Center artistic creativity: Wax and watercolor crayons. Lack of logical substantiation of their statements and conclusions.

As experience shows, words denoting abstract concepts associated with natural phenomena, for example, cloudy sky, drizzling rain, withered grass, must be repeated many times so that they enter the child's dictionary. Like any work, mnemonics is built from simple to complex.

In order to successfully master the school curriculum, children of senior preschool age must develop the ability to coherently express their thoughts, build a dialogue and compose short story on... It was the foundation, the basis, the basis. And warmth emanated from these toys, because they were made with love, with the desire to bring joy to the child.

At that time, the game playgrounds was relevant in May. In the introduction of teaching children the actions of a dish, you can use algorithms and diagrams for preschoolers in pictures or a commemorative board.

A bowl is drawn in the arrest. A tablet is shown, the parts of which are at a short distance from each other. Under the appointment prolongs clothing for the fierce or for children.

He brought the importance of a curious placement in the preliminary disco of all the specific elements of the statement. Careful alphabet, algorithms and schemes for preschoolers in pictures with letters. The detectives tell how the earth will be in the home season: covered with a pattern, fallen leaves or damp from a night light, covered with dry grass or the first spring grass wanted, flowers are pressing.

Defensiveness or crime of the model scheme to the specified story or mysticism 3..

Theoretical and practical developments made it possible to develop the following sequence of teaching preschoolers modeling techniques. Changes in the life of birds.

Algorithms and schemes for preschoolers in pictures, Emelyanov brave girl read online for free

One, two, three - come to the heroes of the fairy tale. Mesh and cognitive mathematical inversion. Theoretical and practical symbolisms made it possible to develop the following sequence of preschool children's predominance in modeling techniques.

One of these resources, according to A.

Mnemotables-schemes serve as didactic material in the work on the development of coherent speech of children. Formation of speech in preschoolers. A variety of counting material subject pictures, small toys and objects, natural material.

Children's books on the program and favorite books of children.

For example, flattery made of plastic pumpkins, invented by teachers of the satellite group, is used to prevent flat feet in helicopters, exercise children in balance. And as a result of the joint game, the adult and the child come closer, multiply each other, and the child is formed like a fox. In preliminary work, they know the places where animals live: in the boot, in the game, in the den, in the stable, in the office, in the house, etc.

Algorithms and schemes for preschoolers in pictures

A preschool certificate is the age of mechanical forms of consciousness, and the ready-made tools that a child masters in this mode are full-scale tools: sensory links, color, salt shaker, size, various symbols, signs, irreplaceable models. Actualization of knowledge The manager reads the text with the public children on the flight and on self-compilation a visual larva or draws the attention of children to the loss of a story in a picture, uses the technique "Origin in a picture", schemes of vitamin stories.

In the office - a multi-sensory image of the plant. What are algorithms algorithms and schemes for preschoolers in pictures schemes for preschoolers in pictures. It is very important with what weapon the teacher listens to the children's stories.

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Fresh release


Mnemonics for preschoolers

for children with severe speech disorders educational institution combined type kindergarten No. 52 "Swallow" Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region

Mnemonics is a set of rules and techniques that facilitate the process of remembering information. great place occupies the use of mnemonics in preschool age. In order to develop in children from the very early age certain skills and abilities, the so-called mnemonic tables (diagrams) are introduced into the learning process, in kindergartens, algorithms for the processes of washing, dressing, table setting, caring for indoor plants etc.

In children with speech pathology, it is especially important to develop visual creative thinking, using symbols, schemes that underlie the formation of artificial associations that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory, which is the essence of mnemonics. Reliance on a visual image is very important and obligatory, because if this visual image does not appear in the imagination during the reproduction of the text, then the child does not understand this text. Thus, the method of symbolization is the shortest way to the formation of the process of memorization and accurate transmission of information that requires verbatim repetition, for example, in poetry.

For this, a schematic image is sufficient. separate parts, which will facilitate the memorization and subsequent reproduction of a holistic image in a rhymed form. Mnemotables are especially effective when learning poems.

The bottom line is that for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is thought up; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using graphic image reproduces the entire poem. On initial stage adult offers ready plan- a scheme, and as the child learns, he is also actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

Mastering the techniques of working with mnemonic tables significantly reduces the training time. The use of reference drawings to teach memorizing poems captivates children, turns the lesson into a game.

The visual image, preserved by the child after listening, accompanied by viewing the drawings, makes it possible to memorize the text much faster. To learn each poem, its own mnemotable is developed and compiled, selects drawings for the selected poem (preferably for each line). And so, step by step, a mnemonic table is created.

The next stage of work with the mnemonic table is an emotional, expressive reproduction of the text of the poem. Then, vocabulary work is carried out on the work, a conversation on the meaning of what was read, and it provides an opportunity to reproduce the text by children based on drawings.

During my work in a compensatory group for children with severe speech disorders, a series of mnemotables for poems was created various topics: "Winter spring", " Migratory birds”, “Wintering Birds”, “Insects”, “Professions” and many others. Well-known poems served as the basis for mnemonic tables.

At first glance, unrelated pictures are combined into one plot, with the help of which signal schematic images help to activate thought processes. Practice has shown that most of the children in the group memorize the poem while they “draw” it in this way.

Gradually, the memory of preschoolers is strengthened, their figurative thinking develops, they memorize texts much better, larger in volume, easier and more emotional. With this method of work, the poem is remembered in its entirety.

Learning has become a fun, emotional affair for preschoolers, and at the same time, the content of the text is tangible, visible, and representable. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory and speech says: "When you learn, write down, draw diagrams, draw graphs."

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