David garrett personal life. Violinist David Garrett: biography, personal life, creativity


Amazing violinist David Garrett is unique in everything! He absolutely does not care where to perform, whether it be the privileged audience of the London Royal or under open sky on the street, in front of ordinary passers-by. He feels comfortable in an exquisitely expensive tailcoat, as well as in ripped jeans and a simple T-shirt. “The main thing is the opportunity to play and give people music,” as David Garrett himself said. The biography of the musician, the first years of his life and the events that mainly influenced him are described below.


The future violinist was born in 1980 in the town of Aachen, a place where three countries meet: Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium. His mother is a famous American ballerina, and his father is a lawyer who also sells violins at auction. Father's occupations mainly influenced the hobby younger son music. By the way, Garrett real name musician, or rather, for his pseudonym, he chose maiden name mother and became internationally known as David Garrett. The family of the musician bears the surname of his father - Bongarts.

fateful gift

There are several versions that reveal the case in which the violin first fell into the hands of little David. According to one, the violin was presented to the boy's older brother, who did not show to her special interest. While the four-year-old boy looked at this instrument with admiration, and showed particular interest in it, and after a while he learned to play excellently.

Another story tells that a little boy grabbed the violin as soon as he saw it and did not allow it to be given to his brother. However, it does not matter how the violin fell into the hands of the future legend, the only important thing is that he ended up with it, and to this day he does not part with it.

As David Garrett himself said, his biography was rather complicated. The father raised the children in a harsh environment. He was very authoritative in the family. Everything that was connected with human emotions or their manifestation was omitted. Only conversations about business and music were important. Because of this, David's relationship with his parents was strained. But it concerns adolescence, now they have become warmer and more trusting.

Difficult childhood

David's childhood was peculiar, in the best traditions of the 18th century. Until the age of 17, he practically did not leave the house. Lived in his soap bubble”, and his acquaintance with peers was reduced only to communication with his sister and brother. The boy did not attend school, studied with tutors at home and that's it. free time dedicated to playing the violin. talent little boy showed up very early. And when David was 10 years old, he was hired by the best violin teacher, who at that time was Professor of the Cologne Conservatory Zakhar Nukhimovich Bron.

The career of a professional violinist began very early for the boy. As soon as he was eight years old, he played in the world famous symphony orchestra, and at thirteen he performed with Yehudi Menuhin. Even then, honored masters called David Garrett of their generation.

Little boy's adult career

After enchanting performances young talent noticed and began to invite to television. He appeared on Dutch and German broadcasts.

Perhaps the most important proof of the great professionalism of the little boy was the invitation of the President of Germany, Richard von Weizsacker, to give a concert in presidential residence at Villa Hammerschmidt. As a sign of respect and recognition of his professionalism, the head of state presented David with a unique

This is not the only exclusive violin in the virtuoso violinist's collection. He now plays a Stradivarius created in 1703, but he likes to change his instruments, as everyone has their own unique sound, voice and soul, according to David Garrett. The biography of a teenager was so colorful and filled with events that few people experienced at such an early age.

Already at the age of 14, the boy signed a contract, unique for that time, with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft as the youngest soloist in the history of the company. In Delhi and Bombay, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of India's independence, he played with the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Zubin Mehta.

When he turned 19, he got mass positive feedback from music critics after playing under Rafael Frübeck de Burgos with symphony orchestra Rundfunk in Berlin. After such success, he was invited to speak at a very prestigious and worldwide famous exhibition in Hannover Expo-2000.

To this day, the fastest virtuoso violinist to play "Flight of the Bumblebee" in one minute remains David Garrett. His record was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

"Other" music

In his family, the arc of music, except for classical, did not know. David grew up exclusively on Shostakovich, Beethoven and Bach. When he got a little older, he started discovering rock bands like Queen, Metallica and AC/DC. By the way, the first rock album Garrett bought was A Night at the Opera.

fateful decision

Signing a contract with recording studio soon gave its results, and the world knew who David Garrett was. Albums released at the time consisted of classical music.

At that time, his father decided everything for him, and, tired of humility, he took his first independent step, which turned out to be crucial for David and his future career as a musician. As soon as he was 17 years old, he moved to New York to enter the Juilliard School (Juilliard School). It was the most famous musical conservatory in the world.

The parents did not like such a radical decision, and he was forced to break off all contacts with them, which also affected the financial security of the boy. David paid for his education on his own, literally “clinging” to any job that came across, not shunning anything. He washed dishes, worked in a store women's clothing model, in clubs even washed toilets. Considerable success brought him a modeling career, he is still called "Beckham". classical scene”, and his image is more suitable for a rock musician than a classical music performer.

The time of study at the academy is associated with numerous works and very rich life- only David Garrett himself talks about this, the personal life of a real legend remains a mystery.

Plans for the future family

Due to the harsh nature of his father and the atmosphere in which David grew up, he decided to become the exact opposite of his father for his future children. More than once in an interview, he said that he did not want to raise children in the atmosphere in which he himself grew up.

However, about how his mother raised him, he responds very warmly and with gratitude. Mom was able to instill in the boy thriftiness and taught him to order. David learned to manage the housework on his own very early. He still tries to do everything himself, does not like chaos and disorder, and is very strict about this. He's just obsessed with cleanliness. It will not be difficult for him to wash the floors. Cleaning process worldwide famous violinist David Garrett compares to meditation.

In those moments when the musician is at home, he is mainly engaged in preparing for concerts. But in order to concentrate, he must first establish a certain order around himself. Interestingly, in the conversation about the conduct household the violinist never mentions his life partner. David Garrett, whose personal life is hidden under seven locks, has not yet introduced his life partner to the world.


The creative activity of the musician is amazing. By the age of 36, he is very popular in musical circles, but not only as a musician, but also as a screenwriter, director and even actor David Garrett. His albums are sold in millions of copies and amaze with a combination of classical music and the image of a rock musician.

David is quite productive, in some years he managed to release two albums. So, in 2007 he released two albums: Free and Virtuoso. 2008 was less productive - Encore, but already in 2009 two collections of masterpieces were again created under the name David Garrett and Classic Romance. The last album, Rock Symphonies, released in 2010, was unique. This, according to the author, best job, created in the style of crossover, which combines different musical directions.

Glory in the cinema brought him the main role in the film "Paganini: The Devil's Violinist", which was released in 2013. Later, he starred in one episode of the famous television series Quantico.

It is worth noting that today he has achieved everything he wanted, and the world has learned who David Garrett is. His biography is striking in the large number of successes that he achieved as a teenager.

As for Serious relationships, then he himself says that he is still free, but this is not entirely true. There were rumors, and photos surfaced on the Web of David Garrett and his girlfriend Tatyana Gellert cooing cutely at a fashion show in New York.

, Germany

Releasing an album Encore in 2008, Garrett aims to generate youth interest in classical music. The album includes his own arrangements and compositions of musical fragments and melodies that have accompanied him through life. Together with his musical group, consisting of "keys", guitar and drums, he gives concerts where, along with classical sonatas accompanied by a piano, arrangements and compositions, rock songs and musical themes from movies.

He was on the jury of the 9th annual Independent Music Awards to help the career of independent musicians.

Songs he has covered: "Viva La Vida", "Smooth Criminal", "Whole Lotta Bond" and many more.


Starred in leading role in the film Paganini: The Devil's Violinist, which was released worldwide on October 31, 2013. In addition, he also participated in the project as a composer, and also created an author's arrangement especially for the film.

Studio albums

  • Free (2007)
  • Virtuoso (2007)
  • Encore (2008)
  • David Garrett (2009)
  • Classic Romance (2009)
  • Rock Symphonies (2010)
  • Legacy (2011)
  • Music (2012)
  • 14 (2013)
  • Garrett vs. Paganini (Deluxe Edition) (2013) (Classical, Instrumental, Symphonic Rock)
  • Caprice (2014)
  • Explosive (2015)

Other albums

  • Nokia Night of the Proms (2004) The New Classical Generation 2008 (2008)

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Excerpt characterizing Garrett, David

Anatole kissed the old man and looked at him curiously and completely calmly, waiting to see if the eccentric promised by his father would soon happen from him.
Prince Nikolai Andreevich sat down in his usual place in the corner of the sofa, pulled an armchair towards him for Prince Vasily, pointed to it and began to ask about political affairs and news. He listened as if with attention to the story of Prince Vasily, but incessantly glanced at Princess Marya.
- So they write from Potsdam? he repeated last words Prince Vasily, and suddenly, getting up, went up to his daughter.
- You cleaned up for the guests like that, huh? - he said. - Good, very good. You have your hair done in a new way in front of the guests, and I tell you in front of the guests that you don’t dare to change clothes without my asking.
“It’s me, mon pire, [father] is to blame,” blushing, interceded the little princess.
“You have complete freedom,” said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, bowing in front of his daughter-in-law, “but she has nothing to disfigure herself - and she is so bad.
And he again sat down in his place, no longer paying attention to his daughter, brought to tears.
“On the contrary, this hairstyle suits the princess very well,” said Prince Vasily.
- Well, father, young prince, what is his name? - said Prince Nikolai Andreevich, turning to Anatoly, - come here, we'll talk, we'll get to know each other.
“That's when the fun begins,” thought Anatole, and sat down with the old prince with a smile.
- Well, here's what: you, my dear, they say, were brought up abroad. Not the way the deacon taught us to read and write with your father. Tell me, my dear, are you now serving in the Horse Guards? asked the old man, looking closely and intently at Anatole.
“No, I joined the army,” answered Anatole, barely able to keep from laughing.
- A! good deal. Well, do you want, my dear, to serve the king and the fatherland? Military time. Such a young man must serve, must serve. Well, in the front?
- No, prince. Our regiment set out. And I'm counting. What am I, dad? Anatole turned to his father with a laugh.
- Nice service, nice. What do I count! Ha ha ha! Prince Nikolai Andreevich laughed.
And Anatole laughed even louder. Suddenly Prince Nikolai Andreevich frowned.
“Well, go ahead,” he said to Anatole.
Anatole again approached the ladies with a smile.
- After all, you brought them up abroad, Prince Vasily? A? - addressed old prince to Prince Vasily.
- I did what I could; and I will tell you that the upbringing there is much better than ours.
– Yes, now everything is different, everything is new. Well done little one! Well done! Well, come to me.
He took Prince Vasily by the arm and led him into the office.
Prince Vasily, left alone with the prince, immediately announced to him his desire and hopes.
“What do you think,” the old prince said angrily, “that I am holding her, that I cannot part with her? Imagine! he said angrily. - To me at least tomorrow! I'll just tell you that I want to know my son-in-law better. You know my rules: everything is open! Tomorrow I'll ask you in front of you: if she wants, then let him live. Let him live, I'll see. The prince snorted.
“Let him go, I don’t care,” he shouted in that piercing voice with which he shouted at parting with his son.
“I’ll tell you straight out,” said Prince Vasily in the tone of a cunning man who was convinced of the need for cunning in front of the insight of his interlocutor. You can see right through people. Anatole is not a genius, but an honest, kind fellow, a wonderful son and dear.
- Well, well, well, we'll see.
As it always does for single women who have lived long without male society, when Anatole appeared, all three women in the house of Prince Nikolai Andreevich equally felt that their life was not life before that time. The power to think, to feel, to observe instantly multiplied tenfold in all of them, and, as if up to now, taking place in darkness, their life was suddenly illuminated by a new, full of meaning light.
Princess Mary did not think at all and did not remember her face and hairstyle. beautiful, open face the man who might be her husband consumed all her attention. He seemed to her kind, brave, resolute, courageous and generous. She was convinced of it. A thousand dreams of the future family life popped up in her mind all the time. She drove away and tried to hide them.
“But am I too cold with him? thought Princess Mary. - I try to restrain myself, because deep down I feel too close to him; but he does not know all that I think of him, and can imagine that he is unpleasant to me.
And Princess Mary tried and did not know how to be amiable with the new guest. "La pauvre fille! Elle est diablement laide", [ A poor girl, she is devilishly ugly,] Anatole thought about her.
M lle Bourienne, also cocked by the arrival of Anatole on a high degree excitement, I thought in a different way. Of course, a beautiful young girl without a certain position in the world, without relatives and friends, and even a homeland, did not think to devote her life to the services of Prince Nikolai Andreevich, reading books to him and friendship with Princess Mary. M lle Bourienne has long been waiting for that Russian prince who will immediately be able to appreciate her superiority over Russian, bad, badly dressed, awkward princesses, fall in love with her and take her away; and this Russian prince finally arrived. M lle Bourienne had a story she heard from her aunt, finished by herself, which she liked to repeat in her imagination. It was a story about how a seduced girl imagined her poor mother, sa pauvre mere, and reproached her for having given herself to a man without marriage. M lle Bourienne often moved to tears, in her imagination telling him, the seducer, this story. Now this he, the real Russian prince, has appeared. He will take her away, then ma pauvre mere will appear, and he will marry her. This is how m lle Bourienne's head took shape future history, while she was talking to him about Paris. It was not calculations that guided m lle Bourienne (she did not even think for a minute about what she should do), but all this had long been ready in her and now it was only grouped around the appeared Anatole, whom she wished and tried to please as much as possible.
The little princess, like an old regimental horse, having heard the sound of a trumpet, unconsciously and forgetting her position, prepared for the usual gallop of coquetry, without any ulterior motive or struggle, but with naive, frivolous fun.
Despite the fact that Anatole sorority he usually put himself in the position of a man who was tired of women running after him, he felt vainglorious pleasure, seeing his influence on these three women. In addition, he began to feel for the pretty and defiant Bourienne that passionate, bestial feeling, which came over him with extreme speed and prompted him to the most rude and daring deeds.

The fastest virtuoso violinist, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, David Garrett

David Garrett is a legendary, world-famous contemporary American violinist of German origin. David has been called one of the most successful artists classical direction of music.

David Garrett loves the music of Mozart and Marilyn Manson, masterfully performs Metallica songs on his violin and classical concerts(from Beethoven to Tchaikovsky). David Garrett is considered a classic rock star. Long blond hair, three-day stubble, faded jeans, a loose jacket, under it a T-shirt with a skull and a favorite toy - an old Stradivarius violin, which is almost 300 years old. Such contrasts are the world of David Garrett. Thanks to a non-standard image and extraordinary skill, the 32-year-old violinist gathers full halls around the world.

He doesn't care whether he is standing on the street in torn jeans and a simple T-shirt and delighting the ears of people passing by with the sounds of his Stradivarius (which costs a million euros), or on the stage of London's Royal Albert Hall - he is a musician without a "pose" and feels comfortable everywhere. Plays classical and rock.

It is worth talking a little about the origin of young talent". So, David Garrett - the biography began:

He was born in 1980 in the city of Aachen (Germany) in the family of a German lawyer and an American ballerina. According to his passport, his name is David Bongarts. Only when he began his stage career, he chose his mother's maiden name as a pseudonym.
Garrett is a child European culture: in numerous interviews, the young violinist tells how pleased he was with his parents to go to philharmonic concerts in Cologne, neighboring Aachen, how he went to opera houses as often as it is possible only in Germany with its incredible intensity of cultural life.
At the age of four, David received his first violin as a gift.
When capable boy was ten years old, he found the best possible teacher - professor at the Cologne Conservatory, the legendary violin teacher Zakhar Nukhimovich Bron.
At thirteen, David had his first record deal with Deutsche Grammophon and a prodigy career in his pocket.
He studied music with distinguished teachers: Zakhar Bron, Isak Stern, Dorothy Delai, Itzak Perlman;
The first CD, or rather, two CDs, David Garrett recorded at the age of 13, at the same time he began to appear on television in Germany and Holland, spoke for the president Federal Republic Germany at the invitation of von Weizsäcker, the concert was played at the Hammerschmidt Villa, David played the Stradivarius "San Lorenzo" violin;
Exclusive contract signed with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft (14 years);

By advice smart people, first of all, teachers and parents, David, however, refused in time to early glory and focused on his education. The future violinist was educated at the Conservatory (city of Lübeck), later at the Royal College of Music (London), the Juilliard School (New York); by the way, exactly last school considered the most famous school of music in the United States;
At the age of 17, after graduating from the Juilliard School, David began touring with concerts around the world.

At the age of 19 he played with the Rundfunk Symphony Orchestra in Berlin, under the direction of Raphael Frubeck de Burgos, and was very positively received. music critics. After that, he was invited to speak at the world famous exhibition - Expo 2000 in Hannover.

Only after graduating from the conservatory did the young musician again begin to give concerts with ever-increasing success.
In 2007, the young musician released the album "Virtuoso", which recorded his interpretations of classical works, lyrical melodies from films, and the music of his favorite rock band Metallica. The project is risky, but successful!

In 2008, his name was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. He was able to play Flight of the Bumblebee (composed by Rimsky-Korsakov) in 66.5 seconds, and two months later he broke his own record by playing The Bumblebee in exactly 65 seconds.

David Garrett is a brilliant violinist who is admired by the whole world.

Music critics call David Garrett "the fashionable pop violinist", although this is only partly true, since the musician himself really likes to play rock.

The most beloved classics are Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, in their works, according to Garrett himself, life and passion are felt.

Some writers of famous glamor magazines have described him as "the David Beckham of the classic scene".

David plays two violins: Antonio Stradivari 1716 (€4.5 million) and Giovanni Battista Guadagnini 1772. (acquired in 2003 for $1 million).
Garrett is considered one of the most successful stars classical music in the world, has released 10 albums, 2 million CDs have been sold only album "Encore". David has several awards, among them: Golden Camera, Gold and Platinum Plates.

Czardas Monty, Garrett

Today he is 31, he proved everything to everyone a long time ago and now he is just doing what he loves, getting tremendous pleasure from it (and this is obvious!).
"I'm not pretending - on stage I'm the same as in life." That's right - mischievous, sunny, charming, he stuns both on stage and in interviews.
He lives between Germany and New York, spends two or three months a year in Yabloko, but is not going to give up an apartment there. Constantly touring, his schedule is just a plague, scheduled for a year ahead (seriously, until the end of 2012), Scandinavia will begin from the end of November, every day new town(tickets - from 50 euros, quite democratic).
How much power is enough? “Oh, I really like doing nothing sometimes. But in principle, one day is enough for me to have a good rest.

David Garrett

I like the fact that young people come to the classics and, with their presentation, introduce young people to a wonderful heritage. David plays with the best orchestras in the world. His manner of presenting himself is democratic and youthful. He does not wear a tailcoat or even a suit - jeans, his hair is tied in a ponytail, he can walk around the hall, play, sitting on the steps. It's captivating. In this he is modern and accessible to the understanding of young people, attracts their attention.
He has little interest in what anyone thinks about his free behavior on stage or about his rapper outfit. It breaks the stereotypes that have developed over many centuries!
Violin like a yellow bird
Sings on the violinist's chest;
She wants to move, fight,
Toss and turn at the shoulder.

The violinist does not hear her cries,
Silent thrusts of the bow
He fiddle higher, higher

Throws into the clouds.
And in this sky-high
Its natural climate
Her feelings and thoughts
Her earthly existence.

Speaking about the playing style of the young virtuoso violinist David Garrett, the term "crossover" is most often used, which refers to the synthesis of various directions. He performs and creates works of various musical styles, is the owner of nine international awards, his albums receive gold status, and moviegoers appreciate his artistic abilities. famous violinist in the film "Paganini: The Devil's Violinist" (2013).

Real name young virtuoso— David Christian Bongartz. He was born on September 4, 1980 in Aachen (Germany) in the family of lawyer Georg Peter Bongarz and American ballerina Dove Garrett; the violinist adopted his mother's surname as a stage name. For the first time, the boy picked up the violin at the age of four - although this instrument was not intended for him, but for his older brother. But a year later, David spoke at the children's music competition and received his first prize, and at the age of seven he began to study at the conservatory in the city of Lübeck. At the age of 10, he participated in a concert of the Hamburg Philharmonic, and a year after the concert for the President of Germany, he received a Stradivarius violin as a gift. In 2000, David began to take lessons from the famous violinist Ida Handel, coming to London and other European cities for classes. At the age of 13, David Garrett became the youngest performer to sign a contract with the Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft studio,

on which his first CDs with classical works by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Paganini were released. In 1997 David moved to London and entered the Royal College of Music However, he stopped studying after the first semester. According to the violinist, the reason for this was the difference in views on the performing skills between him and his mentors, as well as the absence of classes, which he explained by the need to undergo additional musical practice. David Garrett resumed his studies a year later, already at the New York Juilliard School, where he began to study musicology and composition, as well as improve his performing skills with the famous violinist Itzhak Perlman. During his studies, David, like many students, worked part-time - but not on the stage, but on the catwalk, acting as a model. However, this did not prevent him from winning the student composers' competition in 2003, composing a fugue written in the style

aha. In 2004, Garrett graduated from the Juilliard School and recorded his first album "Nokia Night of the Proms". He led an extensive concert activity- performed with the Berlin Philharmonic, at London's Albert Hall, and at other prestigious events.

In 2007, David Garrett accepted the offer of the Italian firm "Montegrappa" to become the face of the "Tributo ad Antonio Stradivari" collection of elite fountain pens. Under the terms of the contract, the presentation of the collection was carried out in New York, Hong Kong, Rome and other cities and included Garrett's performance on the Stradivarius violin "Gli Archi di Palazzo Comunale" in its program. In the same year, the violinist released two albums "Free" and "Virtuoso", which became events in music world. The albums featured Garrett's own compositions, with the inclusion of classical tunes, notably Paganini's Caprice No. 24, and rock compositions ("Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica). According to the cree

more, he set as his goal the awakening of interest in classical music among young people, and for this he used a synthesis of the classics with the styles of pop, rock and rhythm and blues. In addition, Garret argues that Liszt, Paganini and Chopin in the 19th century were what rock stars are now, and that pop music of the time can be found in the works of Vivaldi and Mozart (for example, "Turkish March"). Of course, this concept of the author caused a discussion in the music world, however, both supporters and critics of Garrett cannot deny that his compositions and performance style are impeccable and arouse great interest, and his albums are at the top of the charts. The next album, called "Encore", was even more successful than the previous ones, and was awarded ECHO Classic - 2008 in the category "Classics without borders". In the same year, David Garrett was recognized as "Person of the Year" in the "Music" nomination by the magazine "Gentlemen" s Q

arterly". In 2009, the violinist released the album "David Garrett", which firmly took the leading position in the US charts. In the autumn of the same year, another album "Classic Romance" was released, created in a classical manner and based on Mendelssohn's violin concerto. He brought it the creator of another ECHO Classic award, this time in the category "Bestseller of the Year" 2010 was a new step in the work of Garrett. classical works several eras - from Bach to Nirvana - became unusual and ambitious project. The album "Rock Symphonies", created on the basis of the compositions of this concert, brought the author the ECHO award in the categories "Best DVD product" and "Best rock / pop artist", as well as entering the Guinness Book of Records as the world's fastest violinist. After the success of "Rock Symphonies" and the tour, Garrett returned to the classics and released in 2

011 album "Legacy" with works by Beethoven and Kreisler, which was certified gold in several countries. In December of the same year, at the Royal Concert in London, the virtuoso presented his cover version of Nirvana's cult composition "Smells Like Teen Spirit", combining rock and classics. The event was also the performance by Garrett and opera singer Jonas Kaufmann cover version of the UEFA Champions League anthem at the final match of the UEFA Championship in May 2012. Another one came out in 2013 unusual album"Music", which included various rock and pop compositions in a symphonic performance. Garrett's latest album, "Caprice", created in collaboration with guitarist Sitven Morse, tenor Andrea Bocelli and pop singer Nicole Scherzinger, was released in 2014. Dense tour schedule violinist scheduled for two years in advance. At the beginning of September 205, his performances are scheduled in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

The son of a German lawyer and an American prima ballerina received his first violin at the age of 4. More precisely, it was a birthday present for his older brother)) Taking the violin in his hands, he did not want to part with it.

When David Garrett turned 10, he gave his first solo concert on the stage of the Hamburg State Philharmonic.

At the age of 14 David Garrett signed an exclusive contract with Deutsche Grammophon Gesellschaft as the youngest soloist in the history of the company

At the age of 17, after graduating from the Juilliard School of Music, one of the most famous American conservatories, David Garrett began touring with concerts around the world.

At the age of 19, he played with the Rundfunk Symphony Orchestra in Berlin, under the direction of Raphael Frübeck de Burgos, and was received very positively by music critics. After that, he was invited to speak at the world famous exhibition - Expo 2000 in Hannover.

Music critics call David Garrett "the fashionable pop violinist", although this is only partly true, since the musician himself really likes to play rock.

The most beloved classics are Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninov, in their works, according to David Garrett himself, life and passion are felt.

In 2008, the name David Garrett was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. He was able to play Flight of the Bumblebee (composed by Rimsky-Korsakov) in 66.5 seconds, and two months later he broke his own record by playing The Bumblebee in exactly 65 seconds.

David Garrett interesting person. He has a lot to learn. It does not matter to him the place in which he plays and the clothes in which he is dressed. He has little interest in what anyone thinks about his free behavior on stage or about his rapper outfit. It breaks the stereotypes that have developed over many centuries! It doesn't matter to him whether he is standing on the street in torn jeans and an ordinary T-shirt and enjoying the sounds of his Stradivarius passing people, or on the stage of London's Royal Albert Hall! David Garrett musician without "pose", it feels comfortable everywhere. The main thing for him is to convey his virtuoso music to people and make it a part of their everyday life.

David plays two violins: Antonio Stradivari 1716 (€4.5 million) and Giovanni Battista Guadagnini 1772. (acquired in 2003 for $1 million).

Garrett is considered one of the most successful classical music stars in the world, he released 10 albums, 2 million CDs were sold only for the album "Encore". David has several awards, among them: Golden Camera, Gold and Platinum Plates.

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