Dmitry Pevtsov made a sensational confession about life with Olga Drozdova. What a twist! Dmitry Pevtsov: “There is not a single thing in the world that cannot be forgiven


I bring to your attention exclusive interview with Dmitry Pevtsov. Dmitry answered questions about his attitude to the events of the Great Patriotic War and shared his impressions about the work on the painting "Sniper".

What can I say about the GREAT PATRIOTIC WAR? Bitterness and shame, pride and admiration, hatred and love...

A war that was won not by the state and its government, but by the people living in this state, and with honor and inexplicable force who endured this most difficult test that befell ordinary mortals - that's what, in my opinion, the Great Patriotic War!

And I learn with amazement and fury that on the eve of the 65th anniversary Great Victory I.V. Dzhugashvili (Stalin)!!!

The state criminal, the author of the genocide of his own people, the mediocre generalisimo and the former criminal, the man through whose fault the country suffered irreparable losses at the beginning of the War, cannot possibly be in the pantheon of glory and pride of our Motherland !!! It is in spite of, and not because of his "high command", inhuman efforts ordinary people and Victory was won in this terrible War!

Sadly, today the theme of the Great Patriotic War has become the subject of speculation in art, including cinema. Very, very little indeed talented stories about the War, told in film language.

It seems to me that "Sniper" was our honest attempt to talk about common man co difficult fate immersed in critical, extreme circumstances. I am grateful to Gleb Shprigov, who invented this story, to Alexander Efremov and Alexander Rud, who filmed it with talent and wit.

Unfortunately, the laws of dramaturgy and cinema did not fully allow, as I would like to tell about these amazing people- snipers.

Preparation for the film (shooting practice, work with weapons and special literature, consultations and practical lessons with professional snipers and much more...) lasted not much less than the shooting itself, because it was very interesting for me. And in general, for a long time I have not been involved in any film process with such enthusiasm, inclusion and curiosity. And there are several reasons for that...

REASON FIRST: Incredible exotic, unknown planet of people with mathematical brains, snake patience and monstrous psychological stress!!! For the first time in my work, I encountered this branch of the troops - yes, yes, that's exactly what I meant! A sniper is the most powerful, most dangerous and very effective military tool for destroying the fighting force, and most importantly the fighting spirit of the enemy. What I know about this profession today could fit in a small essay, so I'd better move on to filming right away.

IN last years I don't like cinema.

Because I like to get maximum pleasure from any process in which I participate! I like to do what is interesting to me or at least useful for me and my loved ones. In cinema, a huge amount of time is wasted (for an actor, of course) - countless rearrangements of lights, cameras, waiting for this, that ... adjusting makeup, costume, etc. etc. I'm sorry to waste time on this. Life is going go ahead, children grow up, parents grow old, and I want to, after all more time dedicate to the family, and not be forced to sit it out on film set.

But "Sniper" was one of the rare exceptions! Time wasted on the set did not go away: in the pauses Full time job- over sniper equipment, plasticity, gesticulation, handling of weapons... - special thanks for this school to our chief consultant from the Belarusian "Almaz" Andrey Putrik! At the same time, it continued literary work over the script, there were rehearsals for scenes that would be filmed later. On the set it was INTERESTING! This is the SECOND REASON.

REASON THREE: People I met in Minsk on the set. For a long time I have not seen such interested, involved in the process of representatives of all film shops working in the frame on the set. In contrast to Moscow, where often on the set people, zaturkirovanny with conveyor film work, at best (!) Slowly kemar and wait for the end of the shift, in Minsk I was pleased to observe how carefully and attentively film people - make-up artists, artists on costumes, assistants, illuminators, pyrotechnics, all (!) relate to their work. Thank you very much for this!

Well, and then, I met such wonderful artists and not only! My favorite sniper squad! We became very attached to each other during the filming, met in the next picture and continue to communicate with pleasure. THANKS to you, Pashka Kharlanchuk, Sanya Efremov, Gergalov Boris Ivanovich, the most talented and poignant Alinochka Sergeeva, our beautiful Evgenia - a friend and protector of the actors, Andrey Vladimirovich, and everyone with whom I was lucky enough to work on Sniper.

I can’t help but recall the joyful acquaintance with the brilliant Minsk artist with an amazing sense of humor Vova Tsesler and the amazing rock musician, singer and author Volodya Pugach.

That is why, good people, "Sniper" for me is a joyful, interesting, very instructive life experience.

Pevtsov (Drozdova's husband)

24.09.2017 By

Dmitry Pevtsov made sensational confession about life with Olga Drozdova. What a twist!

The actor gave an interview in which he spoke about the personal. Dmitry Pevtsov believes that in order to maintain relationships in marriage, you need to work on yourself all the time and learn to endure some of each other's shortcomings. In his opinion, in this case, the spouses will be happy.

Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova have been together for 26 years. During this time, they have never given fans a reason to doubt the strength of their union. Spouses always speak warmly about each other, emphasizing that they are happy in marriage.

In one of recent interviews Dmitry told what qualities you need to have in order to maintain a relationship for many years.


“Love is work, and first of all on yourself. It is necessary to find and develop compliance, patience and humility. Using these qualities, you can strengthen the relationship between spouses. If there is something for the sake of it, you can go through and survive absolutely everything, ”Pevtsov said.

Dmitry does not hide the fact that he is used to pampering his wife. So, a man constantly gives gifts to his beloved, tries to take care of her and protect her from problems. Among best qualities Olga's happy husband calls wisdom, directorial talent, unpredictability and spiritual strength.

The main secret of a lasting marriage, Pevtsov considers the ability to be a friend for the second half. Spouses have many common interests, because they both work in the cinema and play in the theater. Olga also shares Dmitry's passion for religion. Every week the family visits the temple, takes communion and prays.

Olga and Dmitry are often removed together and try not to be separated for a long time. Fans never tire of admiring their sincerity, noting that spouses are not only perfect couple but also great parents.

In an interview, Pevtsov spoke about the peculiarities of raising his son Elisha. According to Dmitry, it is important for him that a ten-year-old boy grows up as a worthy person.

“We regularly force Elisha to read, we believe that the knowledge obtained from books is more useful than what is available on the Internet. In ten years I see my son as a kind, decent person - this is the most important thing. But the profession does not matter, ”Pevtsov shared.

Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova got married in December 1994. The couple did not hide that they had been trying to become parents for a long time. In 2007, the couple had a long-awaited son, Elisha. Despite the popularity and demand in the profession, the actors try to spend a lot of time with the child.

Communicating with the Woman's day portal, Dmitry noted that he has a lot creative plans for the future, but in the first place a man always puts the interests of the family.

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Anna Bragina, "Dmitry Pevtsov: I don't want to surprise anyone!"

Dmitry Pevtsov needs no introduction. Almost fourteen years spent in the "premier" "Lenkom" have done their job. During this time, Lenkom has become an integral part of the actor's life. I wonder how this theater still does not know Dmitry Pevtsov?

Lenkom is primarily Zakharov. What doesn't he know about me? Well, for example, Mark Anatolyevich does not know that I sing.

- You didn't invite him to the concert?

No. Once, it is true, he was at my performance at the Luna Theatre, but vocal concerts didn't, so he doesn't know. As for the general demand in Lenkom, it’s a sin for me to complain at all, I came here and Hamlet became my first role. Then there were Treplev and Figaro, in general, the world classic theatrical repertoire. But still, the desire to play something that I did not play here remains.

- But in any case, do you still feel the strength to surprise Lenkom with something?

It is not my current task to surprise someone or please someone. For me, the last few years, the opinion of the audience has become less value. About what I do, I myself know much better than any viewer. And I focus on the opinions of people who can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

- And you can name a director with whom you have not yet had a chance, but would really like to work with. What is he?

I would like to work with Petr Naumovich Fomenko. I am absolutely a "director's" artist, it is very important for me to completely trust the director and follow his plan. If I begin to doubt him, problems arise, internal discomfort, I do not understand who is right - me or him. The talent and leadership qualities of a director are very important to me.

- Obviously, you often receive offers to host this or that program on TV. But no channel for a long time I was unable to add you to my state. Until suddenly the producers of the reality show "The Last Hero" contacted you. Why did you immediately agree to this proposal, although it was clear that this was a very difficult and serious job?

I was shocked by the very first project " last hero". Unfortunately, I could not watch it, but I recorded it on video and later watched all the episodes. I experienced a really amazing feeling, because I had never seen anything like it on television before. I watched people change and realized how difficult it is to play there. I even had the idea to take part in the project as a player and try to find myself in such a situation in order to understand what is happening with a person and with his psyche. That is why I agreed to host "The Last Hero-2". The role of the leader gave me a full range of sensations. I was somehow both with the players and inside film crew and at the same time managed to maintain an outside view of the process itself. It was wildly interesting, and all fifty days spent in Malaysia flew by for me just like one day.

- Approximately three years ago, I think you discovered another opportunity for self-expression. They began to get involved in motorsport and took part in ring road racing in a Volkswagen Polo car. Can you describe your car?

- (Laughs). Describe your sports car? What to name the technical characteristics?

- Can it be so, because for you it is not just a means of transportation, but also a car with character?

There are racers who talk to the car as if to a living being, stroking it… I don’t suffer from such fanaticism, I am calm about the car, the main thing for me is that the car is well prepared technically. In general, having taken up highway-ring racing, I suddenly discovered a completely different world for myself. Before that, my life was limited to family, theater, cinema. And then I met new people, felt new emotions or, perhaps, well-forgotten old ones. And since I really love to learn, I began to enjoy the very process of learning such driving.

- As far as I understand, auto racing is not so much extreme as a constant work of everything: the brain, mechanisms ...

Yes, that's absolutely correct. There is a popular belief that racing is pure adrenaline. He, of course, is at the time of the race, and during the struggle on the track. But at the same time, if you have a hot head and you don’t understand what you are doing, that’s all, goodbye, you will find yourself on the sidelines or you will arrive much later than you could arrive. Racing is pretty hard physical labor because cars, of course, are not equipped with air conditioning and music. There is no comfort in the cabin, and if it's hot, then you lose several kilograms of water in an hour race. And of course, above all, racing is a strategy. You constantly have to think about who is in front, who is behind, how to drive a car in order to save tires and settings, how to get to the finish line.

- A in ordinary life your wife is not afraid to travel with you?

When I started racing, I started driving in a civilian car in a slightly different way. Olga is always fastened when she rides with me. She is a little afraid, because a person who is not driving does not control the situation the way I control it. And I drive at the speed that I can afford in this particular situation.

- Imagine that you have the opportunity to be alone for a day, to renounce all problems and thoughts. What can't you forget?

About family.

- Tell us about Olga.

This is a very difficult task. Here, either you need to limit yourself to one phrase, or sit down, set the table and talk for several hours. It's impossible to tell, it's impossible to explain. It's just that I was lucky in my life like this, I found my other half, I found myself completely. I will not describe her qualities, talent, beauty, and how she "makes" me in this life in good sense how she provokes me to feats. After all, they love not for something, but often in spite of something. I love her because... I love her.

- In 2004, you began to appear on stage not only as an actor, but also as a singer. Although your solo musical numbers are not at all like modern stage. This is rather a revival of the traditions of live vocals, which in spirit is much closer to the theater than to the world of today's show business...

When we first started recording the disc, I could not understand the form of the concert with which I would go out to the audience. Although I already had the established experience of so-called creative meetings, when I went out with a guitar, sang, answered notes from the audience. The ideal for me in this sense was Musical Theatre Elena Kamburova, in which each song is a certain musical performance, very powerful musical and dramatic images. I sincerely, internally try to focus on such a theater. The fact that this is live singing is understandable. It makes no sense to sing to the soundtrack. Firstly, this is disrespect for the viewer, and secondly, I just like to sing and constantly practice it. And I hope that we are now on the right track, and the performance is taking shape. I had many vocal teachers: Irina Musaelyan, Teona Kantridze, Nikolay Parfenyuk. And suddenly I had a great excuse to start singing seriously - this, of course, the role of Daryl Van Horn in the musical The Witches of Eastwick. I went on stage for a year, for me it was a great practice. And, by the way, during the rehearsals of the musical, we began to record my CD "Moon Road".

- You began to travel around Russia with concerts. How does the provincial public feel about your new role?

Well, it's a shock for people at first, because no one knows that I sing to such an extent. At first they are surprised, for the first fifteen minutes they do not understand what is actually happening. Naturally, initially no one goes to musical concert Dmitry Pevtsov, but go to the name itself. But gradually it turns out that people recognize me from this side, and little by little everything develops.

- How does today's Dmitry Pevtsov live as an ordinary person?

I have great joy. Completed renovations in new apartment. And Olga and I decided, noting New Year, spend the night there just one night. We arrived... and stayed. We just realized that we don't want to go anywhere. Now we go to the store, buy disposable forks and plates until we get normal ones, buy food and slowly drag things from the old apartment. This is a great joy. The new apartment has a home cinema to watch movies and listen to music. I put my disc here, so, out of curiosity, there is such a great sound that I even heard all the overtones that I hadn’t guessed about before.

Dmitry Pevtsov is one of those actors who are always successful. And as a result, they are always surrounded by attention. Pevtsov is clearly tired of this attention and is trying to keep his distance. Emphatically aloof, laconic ... The image of Pierrot suits him very well. But there is another Singer, and I know him

Photo: Maxim Aryukov

[...] I see that Olya is an indisputable authority for you. Do you always trust her opinion?

Yes, always in any questions she is for me main man. Starting from my hairstyle and clothes, and ending with the profession and raising a child.

Your long marriage with Olga is admirable, in the acting environment this is a rarity, especially in our time. Tell me, have you had situations on the verge of divorce?
No. Quarrels - the maximum that was. Even just raising your voice in our family is not customary. Any problems are solvable if you understand: there is something important that needs to be stored and protected.

Why was the son called Elisha?
Everything is very simple: we knew approximately what day he would be born, and according to the calendar, we chose a name.

Has the birth of your son affected your relationship in any way? Have they gotten stronger?
Well, relationships grow or break whether or not children are born into the family. I remember that at school in physics we went through the homogenization of metals, when two solid substances, under tight compression, penetrate each other after a while, becoming one. Here with Olga, this process has been going on for twenty years. And Elisha brought joy - motherhood, fatherhood, and conscious. My wife is a normal crazy mother who suffers from the fact that, as it seems to her, she does not devote enough time to her child due to serious employment in the theater. And I tell her: stop messing around with him, everything will end with the fact that he will grow up, bring a girl and say: “Mom, this is Ira / Masha / Katya, she will live with us” ... Get used to it in advance that this is not only “ yours is yours."

Did your parents treat you the same way?
I Sissy. And he grew up in a happy Soviet “cell of society”. And when he brought Olga to meet her parents, she immediately took her place in the family. With my mother, they generally changed places: Olga is the mother-in-law, and mother is the daughter-in-law ... ( smiling.) I'm monogamous, as it turned out. And Olya is the head of the family.

You talk about it so easily. So, as a man, this suits you perfectly.
In fact, this happens in every family. Men just don't want to admit it. A woman is a realist, she is closer to the earth. Women live longer, have children, they are psychologically stronger, physically more resilient and less prone to insanity than men.

Are you prone to insanity yourself?
No, I am an ordinary “amateur functionary” in the profession and a sportsman in life. I live for my own pleasure, I try not to interfere with the lives of others.

Nothing was known about your eldest son Danila all these years. Did you keep in touch with him?
He has been living in Russia for the last few years. Before that, she and her mother were in Canada. When they arrived, Danya did not speak Russian well, and, of course, at first there were problems at school, but he is flexible, gradually adapted and, thank God, finished school well. He did not enter the theater the first time - and that was also good, he was not ready. I got him a job as a fitter in Lenkom, he worked here for a season - and the work was quite hard - he saw the theater from the inside, attended rehearsals, and his desire to be an artist became conscious. Since I worked with him, prepared him, I can firmly say that Dani has abilities. If he works on himself correctly, maybe in 10-15 years he will become a good artist.

When did you start talking? When did you feel that you and your son were on the same wavelength?
Probably when he graduated from high school. We began to speak professional themes and not just about problems at school and on the street.

Tell me, what is it like to have an adult son right away?
I'll tell you this: I like that I have an adult son and that he looks so much like me. He makes me happy, and in some matters he is even more mature than I think.

Dima, my advice: do not give your son a car in the near future!
(Laughs.) No, you need to grow up to the car. Once he asked me to buy him a motor scooter. And I said: “OK, but first you learn to drive, get a job so that you have something to pay for the motorcycle, and then I will give money for a scooter, but in debt!” Now Danya is finishing her driving courses...

That is, you truly experienced the joy of fatherhood only when you were born younger son?
Probably, and even the age now is such that I can realize this joy. And when Danya was born ... I was young and stupid, I didn’t understand what it was like to be a father. I didn't think about it at all. Thanks to Larisa, his mother, for saving my son for me, the way he is. She raised him and raised him.

I am in your country house I saw a battery of children's cars, they occupied a whole garage! Are you preparing your son for Formula 1?
I don't have that much money. ( smiling.) It's just that my son really loves cars. We recently counted: he has more than a hundred cars. At two years old, he knows the names of almost all car models that drive through the streets of Moscow. No one specifically taught him this. But most of all he likes KamAZ and Gazelle.

Your youngest son is growing up as a patriot! This is wonderful. Dima, did you tell your eldest son what a contrary correct student you were, and even the head of the course?
He didn't tell, but he heard about it. I'm actually glad that I was the headman, although it was hard. I could not afford to be late, oversleep, otherwise how to ask others? I was sickeningly correct. If someone was late for a lecture, I forbade that student to enter the auditorium. Terrible. ( laughing.) I went out into the yard and shouted: “Sudakovites!!! (Our artistic directors were Irina Ilyinichna Sudakova and Lidia Nikolaevna Knyazeva.) To the lecture!!!” And everyone went, because they did not want to mess with the "frostbitten headman." And I threw desks, yelled at them ...

Why do you have such aggression?
It was a fanatical devotion to teachers and discipline. During the four years that I was the headman, I lost my sense of humor. Then it returned, but this developed hypertrophied responsibility led to the fact that I forgot how to tell jokes. But I didn’t drink at all, I didn’t smoke, I brought 3-4 sketches for each acting class and kept my energy and health.

Actor Dmitry Pevtsov told the site about his new series, about the Pevtsov Theater and his attitude to religion.

“Head of the homicide department Rustem Zainullin is accused of killing a colleague and friend...” – NTV channel showed new series"Internal Investigation" with Dmitry Pevtsov in the title role.

But it turned out for People's Artist cinema today is not the most serious reason for an interview. Found something more significant.

I rarely watch TV

- It's a pity to waste time shooting. Long hours of waiting are wasted... The crime genre is in the teeth - now you need to look for new ways to attract viewers. But our story is told with humor. The character is a sort of bully in life. The team turned out great. And I succeeded free time. Everything matched. Otherwise, I would not agree.

- They starred in the series, and you advise people not to turn on the TV.

And I rarely do it myself. Sometimes I watch news, programs about animals, sports.

- Once they said that they were not interested in the opinion of the audience, because they themselves know everything about their work: where it turned out, where - not very much.

That was a few years ago, I wouldn't say that now. Still, my profession is meaningless without spectators. I am my own critic and, of course, I know much more about what I do. But the viewer is what feeds the actor, our full player.

- Which, by the way, what the world stands on scolds the performance of the last season "Don Giovanni", where you the main role: sorry for the money, gone, porn...

- Yes? I haven't read it... Nigro's play is rather complicated, and, in my opinion, the play hasn't been born yet. They were looking for actresses for a long time - a lot depends on them, there was not enough time for rehearsals ... But the story is curious. About a man who lived in hopeless sin and suddenly discovered for himself what love is. At this moment, someone comes and says: it's all over, boy, it's time. And he doesn't even have time to realize how he lived. Not to mention repentance.

- Bad end.

– The ending is tragic, but the play is written in the genre of comedy, there are many jokes, including rude ones, as in medieval farces. At the same time, the story is absolutely philosophical, and, surprisingly, the beginning of the second act looks best, when Don Juan and Leporello discuss where and why they are going. No action - just 20 minutes of conversation. Before the eyes of the audience, two opinions are fighting. The fact is that Leporello and Don Juan are one person. Man and his conscience, or guardian angel...

- If the value of the play is in philosophical reasoning, is low humor necessary?

- It is written by the author. And characterizes the hero. To understand how a person changes, to whom the world has opened for love, you need to see how he was before. One of my performances is like this. But there are many bright ones. On November 16, for example, we will show new version"Lunin", written by the great Radzinsky. XIX century, the nobility, the Decembrists. Highly spiritual, even pathetic play.

Set the table, pour...

– Three years ago, you and your wife Olga started teaching students acting skills At the institute contemporary art. Tried to get away from bad TV and movies?

- We always had enough classes: theater, cinema, concerts, television. And then such an offer came in ... It's just that nothing happens. We have been invited to lead the course before, including at VGIK. But obviously the time has come just now. We undertook this not because something is missing - on the contrary, we have something to give. And our life miraculously has changed. Divided into students and "everything else."

- Too much strength, energy, time is taken away?

“It’s just that it’s responsibility, which means help, love. We started creating the Pevtsov Theater studio, we are creating a repertoire so that we can play a lot on serious venues. And there, God willing, and their premises will appear. We call students "our children". And as far as we can, we solve all their problems, starting from medicine and ending with the search for sponsors - so that the guys pay less for education. We live as a friendly team, we meet outside the institute, we tour together. Very quickly, our course was noticed, and a year later the competition at the ISI increased dramatically. Moreover, we invited the best teachers here, now Alexander Viktorovich Zbruev has joined us ... Yes, we have to give a lot. But you get more in return. The joy that you experience from the success of students cannot be compared with any personal achievements: a successful premiere, an award, a flattering review - all this is such nonsense!

Because you have it all.

– I remember my feelings when I received all this. And I still get it, by the way. But when you see how the audience applauds “our children” with tears in their eyes. When they ask the same question: “How do you do that so much love comes from your students from the stage? ..” No, you can’t buy it for any money. The self-expression of the directors' complexes, the abnormal urges of their organisms - all of Moscow is filled with this. A little less in the provinces, and in the capital - trouble and sadness. They say there are no criteria by which art can be judged. And I think it's obvious. How much kindness, joy, faith, hope, love will a person who sees a film, play or picture get? If he receives nothing, then this work has nothing to do with art.

- Is the goal the creation of a professional troupe?

- Certainly. And we want to work with the state and get help from it. Commercial theater is always a struggle for the audience, doing something for the needs, so that people will certainly buy tickets. The path of entreprise does not suit us.

- No matter how good intentions you hide behind, you will be viewed under a strong magnifying glass, criticized as unprofessional teachers and directors who swung at William our Shakespeare.

– We make the theater for the audience, not for the critics, who basically love “themselves in art”. There are very few professionals in this area, perhaps four percent. So let them criticize. I'm not going to direct myself. But Olga is increasingly revealing her talent. Our first performance "Chekhardaj" is her idea and embodiment. Now she is finishing her master's degree at ISI, and it seems to me that a new, unlike any other director, is being born. Lots of plans. We want to invite Igor Ivanovich Sukachev to the production. Sergey Dyachkovsky, actor and director of Lenkom, is already working with our guys...

– Do you tell students that, in general, acting is sinful in essence? Or are you not scared yet?

What are we not talking about! We have soul-saving conversations, both universal and professional, of course. If I start listing topics, it will be necessary to set the table, pour, and then I will tell you everything ...

– I agree... Are you as frank with them as they are with you?

This is the principle of communication. To be cunning: to say one thing, to think another, to do a third is meaningless. Although we - due to their age - are still hiding something. But on stage we are already working as partners. There are no titles.

Demons are always there

- After the death of your eldest son and the departure of your father, your life has changed a lot. Are you turning down a lot of projects?

“I often don’t read the script even to the second page. I do not agree if I can not say something from myself personally. If there is no light, hope, joy, then why?

- After reading the book "Unholy Saints" you decided to get acquainted with the author - now Bishop Tikhon of Yegoryevsk. How did it happen?

- By the will of God. Once I came to a service at the Sretensky Monastery, and they told me: here he comes. I jumped, the archimandrite listened to me for a minute. Then he introduced me to our confessor.

- Did you ask for it?

- No. I just talked about life situation and shared his opinion about his book, which turned my worldview upside down. Then I listened to the audio recording and realized that I missed a lot with my eyes - Alla Demidova, Egor Beroev, Boris Plotnikov brilliantly read "Unholy Saints". It was a great honor for me to be invited to participate in a literary and musical composition based on the book. When the four-thousand-seat hall fills with these stories and spiritual music during the evening, the feeling is almost like in a temple. And the songs " bell ringing"," Prayer "...

– You recently returned from Perm, where you have been helping to restore the Belogorsky Monastery for many years. Do you have several similar objects?

- Honestly? I don't write. And I don't think it needs to be advertised. Because I get so much more than I give. Or should I shout that I did a good deed? ..

- Near the ISI, a temple is being built in honor of Spyridon of Trimifuntsky. And construction is a long story.

- Ready for the rest of my life. Until death. It became natural for me.

- It has come to statements that you would like to see your son Elisha as a monk and do not exclude such a development of events for yourself.

- Come on! Threw a phrase - journalists inflated. No no. Obviously, I was called to the profession of an actor, especially since there was a concern for children, the theater. Well, what are the monks? Then you have to quit. Except in fifty years...

- Do you think about emigration to the USA now? A few years ago, while on tour, you were looking for real estate there...

- Yes? Interesting. And I don't know.

- They said that Olga was very touched by the story of Alexei Serebryakov, who left for Canada.

- Complete nonsense! Fiction of the yellow press!

- In recent years, it has become fashionable among liberals: they vilify their homeland, leave as if for the sake of their children, but continue to earn money in Russia.

- God bless them all!

– Churching is a difficult and slow path. Have you managed to overcome something in yourself, to learn humility?

- Orthodoxy is the only Christian denomination, the essence of which is that a person must work on himself every hour. Faith in God alone is not enough. The devils also know that He exists. They just treat Him differently. The whole point of the Orthodox faith is that every moment you must strive for the ideal. And the ideal is our Savior. Compliance is difficult. Every second we are faced with a choice: to throw a cigarette butt in a trash can or on the pavement - a small one, but a choice. Call someone to apologize or don't. Demons are always there. And the better you try to be, the more they get you. Anger, irritation, condemnation, pride... Sometimes they are hard to notice. Not something to overcome. As the holy fathers write, the purer and healthier the human soul becomes, the more the sins with which it has become overgrown are revealed. One archbishop told me a joke: “There is a congress of devils. The first one gets up: we always say to the Orthodox - don’t go to church, don’t take communion, it’s difficult - you have to get up early. We work and work, and only 2-3 percent manage to convince. The second complains: we explain endlessly - fasting is unhealthy, sleep longer on Sunday. Nothing helps! The third one comes out: you idiots! do not know how to work with the Orthodox! you have to say: fast, take communion, go to church. Do everything. Nose tomorrow...»

Is Elisha also with you in the temple?

Yes, almost from birth. Calmly stands the liturgy, confesses, takes communion. I myself am surprised - he finds his meaning in the temple, and it is not difficult for him to be at the Sretensky Monastery early in the morning on Sunday. There are two services. But late, at ten, there are a lot of people, at seven - less.

- With the advent of students in your life, there was no time left for your son at all?

“Ha ha… It used to be less. Elisha is now best friend students, he has his favorites. Watching plays several times.

So you didn't leave him a choice?

“He is adaptable and patient.

I mean he will follow in your footsteps.

- Is not a fact. It doesn't matter what profession he chooses. The main thing is to become a full-fledged and good-natured person.

Best friend is wife

You don't watch TV, you don't read newspapers. But it is impossible to be apolitical today.

– I am an absolutely ardent Putinist. I have been watching what is happening in the country for a long time - I am 53 years old. In 1991, I already figured everything out. And I see how the country has changed since 2000, when Putin came. I don't compare. But... Nicholas II wrote in the profile column "profession": "master of the Russian Land." Today, the so-called liberal intelligentsia reminds me very much of the people who ultimately led to the assassination of the Tsar in 1918. They do everything but themselves. And you need to start with the questions: what am I? What did you do for your country to make it better? Am I a sinless angel to blaspheme the government? I am deeply convinced that for the first time in 70 years a professional leader has come who works for this state. And, for a moment, once a week he confesses and takes communion. I know exactly! And that tells me a lot. Truly Orthodox person cannot do evil. Even if he does such a slippery business. Leading Russia is extremely difficult. But everywhere, at all speeches, including in front of students, I say: we live in a country that has already risen from its knees. We became stronger, and they began to fear and hate us - which is worth only the scandal with the Olympians. They want to get out. provoke. We are annoying. And we are getting stronger. Unlike Europe falling apart. And America - a colossus with feet of clay. Such is my feeling of politics today. Although a few years ago I was on the side of the intelligentsia, which has been fighting the authorities since Soviet times. Very bad habit!

- What is the root of evil?

– When they try to “do good”, starting not from themselves, the soul is destroyed. This is a loss of energy, strength. You need to drink from somewhere. And the drink is negative energy, aggression.

Are your liberal colleagues shunning you now?

- I am not a part of creative environment. I don't communicate with anyone. My best friend is my wife.

- But what about general concerts, parties?

Do you think we're talking heart to heart? I am begging you! A joint concert is not a political dispute. And I'm not going to impose my opinion on anyone. Same as "graft" Orthodox faith. The person will come to her. Or won't come. Throwing pearls in front of pigs is dangerous. For "they will trample it under their feet, and turning back, they will tear you to pieces."

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