EGE Russian language. argument bank


The final essay is the most important test on the road to the Unified State Exam. If you don’t pass it, you don’t even have to think about passing the unified state exam. That’s why it’s so important to start preparing diligently now! Not much time, a couple of months. But together we will overcome everything. Joint? Yes! Write in the comments which piece was missing, and we will make an argument about it!

  • Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov described the gap between dreams and reality in his novel The Master and Margarita. Main character dreamed of publishing a book - the achievement of my whole life. For the sake of writing it, he quit his job and spent a lot of the money he won on purchasing various works that helped him in his creativity. But in the end, he himself regretted that he had so zealously sought the fulfillment of his dream. Critics immediately descended on the published excerpt like a flock of ravens on a corpse. Insults began in the press, persecution of such an “anti-Soviet” writer began. And the basement on Arbat, which the Master paid for with winning the lottery, did not bring happiness: he was set up and evicted by Magarych, who pretended to be a friend. The hero finds himself in madhouse, and he completely burned his novel. It turns out that a person should be afraid of his desires, because he cannot even imagine how they will turn out in reality.
  • M. A. Bulgakov talks about the insignificance of some of our desires in the novel “The Master and Margarita.” Woland, at his performance in Variety, ironizes about the dreams of Muscovites: they are all obsessed with “ housing issue" The magician satisfies their pettiness and vanity by throwing wads of money into the air, dressing women in luxurious outfits. But the author of the novel showed the vanity and insignificance of such aspirations literally: all the money and clothes melted away or turned into empty pieces of paper. Thus, the dreams of all these narrow-minded and stingy people turned out to be worthless illusions, and Satan taught them a good lesson.
  • The heroine of M. A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” went through a lot to realize her cherished dream. The woman passionately wanted to return her loved one, who had disappeared. She tried everything possible, but never learned anything about his fate. And then one day she met a stranger who made a frightening offer: take the cream, smear it all over your body and wait for his call. After this, there should be a meeting with a foreigner who knows about the Master what Margarita so wants to know. The woman was very scared, but decided to take this step. She left her husband and everything forever old life in contentment and idleness. She had to meet the devil and become the hostess at his ball. She endured both pain and fear for the sake of love. As a result, the heroine was able to rescue the Master, but the fulfillment of her dream came at a high price. Thus, in order to get what you want, you need to make an effort, because dreams don’t just come true.

F. M. Dostoevsky, “Crime and Punishment”

  • F. M. Dostoevsky in his work “Crime and Punishment” described a very dangerous dreamer who should beware of his desires. Rodion Raskolnikov sought to restore trampled social justice and distribute the surplus of rich people to the poor. To do this, he chose the first victim - the moneylender Alena Ivanovna. This old woman shrouded dozens of honest but poor families in debt networks. The hero kills her, and at the same time takes the life of her pregnant sister, who witnessed the massacre. But the fulfillment of his dream turns into the collapse of all his bright hopes. The stolen money did not help anyone, but only destroyed the peace of mind of the murderer and thief. Thus, some desires really should be feared, since in reality they can only be embodied in ugliness and sinfulness.
  • Reality is sometimes unable to desecrate a dream, as the author of the book “Crime and Punishment”, F. M. Dostoevsky, proves to us. Sonya Marmeladova dreamed of turning Rodion into Christian faith and direct him on the righteous path of atonement for sin. That's why the girl is walking on moral feat: she goes to hard labor after her beloved. The harsh realities of prison life did not break the sublime soul. The heroine adapted to the cruel order and supported many prisoners with her care. Everyone loved her. Even the cold heart of proud Rodion melted. As a result, Sonya's wish came true: her chosen one renounced the inhuman theories. In the epilogue we see how he enthusiastically reads the Bible, imbued with wisdom and mercy. Thus, even the most seemingly unrealizable dream can break through into reality and not be desecrated by it if a person passionately believes in what he is doing.

A. P. Chekhov, “Ionych”

  • In A.P. Chekhov’s story “Ionych” the hero dreams of his realization in his profession. He wants to make a big contribution to the development of medicine, wants to help people and bring good to this world. But Dmitry finds himself in a remote province, where his sincere impulses towards the light are drowned out by the impenetrable darkness of philistinism and vulgarity. All surroundings young doctor drags him into the swamp of monotony and boredom. Here no one strives for anything, no one craves anything. Everything is going as usual. And Startsev also betrays his dream, becoming an ordinary, fat, middle-aged man. He is rude and grumbling, serving annoying patients, whom he views solely as a source of income. Now he just wants to sit in the club and play gambling. Using his example, we understand that betrayal of one’s ideals and dreams promises complete spiritual degradation.
  • Not all dreams are destined to come true, and this is the norm. This thesis is proven by A.P. Chekhov in the book “Ionych”. Katerina dreams of becoming a virtuoso pianist, but can she do it? Hardly. Not given to all people true talent. But the heroine does not understand this, boasting of her ability to drum on the keys. She even rejects Dmitry's proposal, leaves her father's house and spends several years in the capital, trying to learn to be a pianist. So what's the end result? Youth fades, beauty fades, and dreams turn into painful stings of ambition. The girl returns home with nothing, vaguely aware of her own mediocrity. Was it worth it to be so arrogant and reject young man? No. But the past cannot be returned, and Katerina tries in vain to remind Dmitry of her old feelings. Thus, not all dreams can be realized by a person, and he must accept this fact courageously and calmly, directing his efforts in another, more suitable direction.

A. S. Pushkin, “The Captain's Daughter”

  • Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his historical novel"The Captain's Daughter" describes devotion to a dream, which culminates in the realization of desire. Marya Mironova fell in love with Peter and dreamed of marrying him. But fate kept putting a spoke in their wheels: first, Shvabrin informed Grinev’s father that the dowry was eager to lure the rich heir into a trap. The elderly nobleman, naturally, forbade this marriage. Then Marya became Alexei's captive, and he forced her to marry him. It would seem that the poor orphan should have accepted the offer; nothing better could have been expected, but the girl stubbornly waited for her beloved. When the liberation took place, she had to lose Peter again. He was convicted for imaginary help to Pugachev. And then the heroine was not afraid to go to the empress herself. Such fidelity to her dream finally led Marya to the fulfillment of her desire: she became the wife of her loved one.
  • Sometimes people are ready to do any abomination to make their dream come true. This example is described by A. S. Pushkin in the novel “The Captain's Daughter.” Alexey wanted to marry Marya, but she rejected him. The beauty also fell in love with the new officer of the garrison, Peter. Then Shvabrin decided to achieve his goal through intrigue and even betrayal. He denigrated the reputation of Mironova and her family in the eyes of Grinev. Then the brave young man appointed a duel to the gossip, defending the honor of his beloved girl. And Shvabrin again showed meanness, taking advantage of a dishonest method. And when the fortress was captured by the rebels, the hero did not bat an eyebrow, betraying his patronymic name. It was then that he decided to take his wife by force and coercion, stopping at nothing. Grinev stopped him in time, and yet Alexey was ready to step over all moral prohibitions, just to achieve his dream. Because of such unscrupulousness, it did not come true, because in any endeavor it is important to maintain dignity, otherwise you will only move away from your dream, because you will become unworthy of it.

A. N. Ostrovsky, “Thunderstorm”

  • In the play “The Thunderstorm” by A. N. Ostrovsky main character dreams of a happy and free life. But the marriage did not live up to her hopes: her husband was under iron heel mother, who reproached every day of the young family's existence. If the son could still escape for a while to a tavern or on business, then his wife took upon herself the full burden of the relationship with her mother-in-law. Reality cruelly deceived the expectations of a sublime and romantic girl. She thought that all families, like her parents, lived in harmony and understanding. But her dream of love is not destined to come true even outside of Kabanikha’s scrap. Boris was another disappointment. His love did not extend beyond his uncle's ban. As a result, from the collision of reality with the world of dreams, the heroine loses the strength to live and kills herself. Thus, the conflict between reality and dreams can lead to tragedy.
  • Dreams come true, but not by themselves. Something needs to be done for this. But often people do not understand simple truths, and A. N. Ostrovsky described such an example in the drama “The Thunderstorm”. Tikhon loves his wife and dreams of living with her in the warmth and harmony of the family hearth, but the hero’s mother constantly pesters the young people with her eternal desire to control everything. It would seem that this problem can be corrected, but Tikhon is a weak-willed and apathetic person to whom any task seems an unbearable burden. He is afraid of his mother, although he has already become a grown man. As a result, he pulls the strap difficult life without trying to make your desires come true. This was enough to drive unfortunate Katerina to suicide. In the finale, the hero mourns his wife and reproaches his mother for the collapse of all his hopes. But he alone is to blame.

I. A. Goncharov, “Oblomov”

  • In I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov,” the hero gets bogged down in fantasies all his life, hiding from reality in a warm robe on his favorite sofa. He practically never leaves the house, but he often thinks about going out and doing something. Ilya Ilyich only brushes aside all the demands of reality (theft in Oblomovka, the need to leave the apartment, etc.), trying at any cost to transfer worries about business to someone else. Therefore, Oblomov is always surrounded by scammers who benefit from their friend’s continuous escape from reality, where they shamelessly rob him. Ilya Ilyich's daydreaming leads him to a dead end. Living his days in illusions, he has forgotten how to do anything, so he loses his beloved Olga, squanders the rest of his inheritance and leaves his son an orphan without a fortune. Oblomov dies in the prime of his life from his way of life, although no, from his way of thinking, because it is he who brings a man to complete physical and spiritual degradation. Thus, excessive daydreaming threatens a person with irreparable and serious consequences.
  • Our dreams do not always lead us down the right path. Sometimes they entangle us in the depths of labyrinths, from where it is difficult to get back. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish your true desires from false and imposed ideas about what we want. In I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov” there is just such an example. Olga Ilyinskaya imagined herself to be the savior of Ilya Ilyich and began to stubbornly remake him. She did not spare his habits, did not take his opinion into account, and did not love him the way he was in real life. She saw in front of her only an illusion that she dreamed of making. Therefore, their relationship did not work out, and the heroine herself found herself in a stupid position. She, young and beautiful, almost herself proposed to the lazy fat man, who in every possible way slowed down the process. Then the woman realized that she had been living in illusions and had invented love for herself. Olga, fortunately, found a more suitable husband and said goodbye to false desires that could have made her unhappy if they had come true. Thus, not all dreams lead us to a happy future.

A. Green, “Scarlet Sails”

  • In Green's work " Scarlet Sails“The heroine proved by her example that even the wildest dreams come true if a person believes in them with all his heart. Once upon a time, a little girl received a prediction that a prince would come for her on a magic ship with scarlet sails. Assol believed in destiny and began to wait for it mysterious stranger, although everyone around laughed at her naivety. Society took out its negative attitude towards her father on her, and the girl grew up as an outcast. In addition, she was considered crazy, because who in their right mind would believe in stories about fairy-tale ships and handsome princes? But the heroine stubbornly believed in her lucky star, and for good reason. The brave sailor learned about her dream and fulfilled it, deciding to support the beauty. As a result, Assol waited for her wish to come true, despite the fact that no one believed in her. Thus, in order to realize your dreams, you must be a courageous and independent person, devoted to your ideal.
  • To fulfill his dream, a person sometimes has to sacrifice a lot. For example, Arthur Gray from the story “Scarlet Sails” was forced to leave his home and sever ties with his family in order to become a sailor. His parents were famous aristocrats, representatives ancient dynasty. Their only son was destined for the fate of a diplomat, because his father was an important government official. However, the boy wanted to live differently. The gloomy and pompous atmosphere of the mansion depressed him. He wanted freedom and variety of travel. But the family did not approve of his intentions. Then the 15-year-old boy ran away from home. It was undoubtedly difficult for him to take this step, but he was able to step out of his comfort zone. This is the price of fulfilling dreams.

N.V. Gogol, “Dead Souls”

  • The difference between a dream and a desire becomes obvious when we find out what a person wants from life. The main character of N.V. Gogol’s poem “ Dead Souls“I wanted one thing: enrichment. For this purpose, he traveled around Russia in search of landowners who could transfer to him those peasants who had already died. Thus, the swindler intended to fraudulently obtain a loan by mortgaging dozens of serfs who actually did not exist. It is obvious that Chichikov did not disdain the lowest means in implementing his plans. He was not afraid to put his honor, even his freedom, on the line, because such machinations could lead to prosecution. But is the result worth the risk? Is a person really ready to sacrifice everything he has for the sake of money? This is a very petty reason. For a dream, a simple desire for profit is not enough. This is just a consumer desire that is easy to satisfy. Most people have it, there is nothing in it that could inspire a person. A real dream- this is an ideal, a barely achievable miracle to which a person strives. And what is so prosaic and banal is called only a momentary whim - desire.
  • One of the heroes of N.V. Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls” was particularly dreamy. Manilov lived in dreams, so in words he seemed like an ideal landowner. He dreamed of building a stone bridge across a pond, setting up tents and stalls there for merchants, in a word, organizing innovative trading platforms. However, all the regulars of the house knew that the owner had been telling this story for several years. He also gave the impression of being well read and cultured person, but the book on his desk has been open at page fourteen for two years. The nobleman cared very much about the farm, but did not understand anything about it, so the manager robbed him. Manilov lived by illusions that fed his imagination. He had enough of these phantoms; he was not going to do anything to realize them. Therefore, none of his grandiose plans will ever cease to be a plan.

A. P. Chekhov, “Gooseberry”

  • A dream is a beautiful and inspiring extravaganza that leads us through life to the future we want. But if dreams turn into a fanatical desire, close to obsession, then they can drive a person crazy. An example was described by A.P. Chekhov in the story “Gooseberry”. The main character wanted more than anything to buy his own estate. There he intended to grow his favorite garden berries and live in complete peace. For the sake of acquiring this piece of paradise, he decided to waste all of himself. The man married for convenience, killed his wife with economy and stinginess, and he himself was undernourished, just to save money for the coveted purchase. All hobbies, feelings, knowledge were forgotten. Nikolai Ivanovich lived only by a dream. As a result, he achieved his goal, became a master with his own estate and a saucer of sour gooseberries. But he lived alone and in complete idleness, having neither family, nor love, nor the work of his whole life. The hero became spiritually poor, scared all his friends, even his brother felt uneasy in his presence. Extremes do not lead to good, even if they appear in dreams. Fanaticism destroys inner world person.
  • In A. P. Chekhov’s story “Gooseberry,” the main character proved by his example that one cannot dream only about material values, otherwise the dreamer’s personality degrades. Nikolai Ivanovich all his life sought only to acquire an estate, which his father lost due to debts. The son reacted very painfully to this incident from the family chronicle, and, apparently, this event influenced his worldview. He was ready to sacrifice everything just to acquire an estate with a plot suitable for growing gooseberries. Nikolai Ivanovich took as his wife a rich, but middle-aged and ugly widow, and soon brought her to death with his stinginess. This behavior alienated all his acquaintances and friends. He was left alone, but with gooseberries, because he bought a house and land. After the purchase, his brother noted that the newly-made master had fallen and degraded. A petty and selfish dream led him to a philistine existence, which cannot be called a full life. His well-fed satisfaction has nothing to do with happiness. That is why it cannot be said that all dreams are equally sublime and beautiful.

A. I. Kuprin, “Olesya”

    In A. Kuprin’s story “Olesya,” the heroine had a dreamy nature, so she imagined that she could deceive fate. She had magical abilities, and with the help of cards she made a prediction that foreshadowed her pain from her relationship with her lover. But the young witch was too fascinated by Ivan, and therefore allowed the dream of their love to become a reality. Their romance really continued easily and rapidly, the young people were crazy about each other. Apparently, because of this eclipse of consciousness, the girl succumbed to destructive illusions - she believed that she needed to go to church and lead the lifestyle that her chosen one liked. But reality turned out to be a cruel refutation of this sweet self-deception: Olesya was severely beaten by fanatical parishioners. She realized that dreams of an alliance with Ivan were not destined to break through the misunderstanding and prejudices of society. And the dream of conquering fate also did not come true: inexorable fate followed on the heels of the victim. It is obvious that reality destroys our fantasies when we are under the intoxicating spell of love and allow ourselves to dream about what simply cannot come true.

I. A. Bunin, “Mr. from San Francisco”

    In Ivan Bunin’s story “The Mister from San Francisco,” the hero’s dream never comes true because he kept pushing back the deadline for its implementation and eventually died. He worked all his life, made capital, built his own business, and therefore devoted little time to family and leisure. So, from a man he turned into a gentleman without a name and individual traits. The hero became an ordinary businessman, in whom it was possible to discern only the presence of money. But he dreamed of something else - about happy life with loved ones, about travel and new experiences. But the man realized too late what was really dear to him. Having never reached the cherished goal of the journey, he died at the first stop. All his dreams were shattered due to his inability to sort out his priorities. He put off important things for later, and as a result, nothing came true.

N.V. Gogol, “Nevsky Prospekt”

    Not all dreams are equally useful for a person. Some of them are really worth fearing. For example, the artist from Gogol’s book “Nevsky Prospekt” saw a beautiful stranger on the main street of the city. He immediately fell in love and followed her in the hope of meeting her. Imagination creative person endowed the girl with some kind of magical charm. He followed her, and even seemed to see signs of attention from her side, but it turned out that the dear young lady was leading him to brothel. Seeing the hot spot, the hero was taken aback and ran away. At home, he desperately missed the young woman, or rather, his vision from Nevsky Prospekt. He endowed him with an extraterrestrial beauty with a hypnotic attraction. He immediately decided to save his ideal, to snatch it from the clutches of vice. But a repeated visit to the brothel showed that the desire was unrealistic. The girl laughed contemptuously in response to the artist’s sermons. All his illusions were shattered with a crash. He couldn't survive it. The conclusion can be drawn as follows: impressionable people should not pursue dubious ideals. They need to be afraid of their wild imagination.

    The collapse of hopes for a dream come true can hurt a person and deprive him of his incentive to live. For example, the hero of Gogol’s story “Nevsky Prospekt” is disappointed in his dream of saving a beautiful stranger. The young brunette he saw on the street turns out to be a worker from a brothel. Piskarev is very worried about this, but decides to rescue the girl from captivity of vice. Opium greatly inflamed his imagination, and in a state of drug intoxication, the man could no longer adequately perceive reality. Arriving at the brothel, he began to preach the rejection of an immoral lifestyle. Naturally, the heroine only laughed at the guest. She wasn't going to change anything. But Piskarev could not stand the collapse of his hopes and committed suicide. The unfortunate man simply could not live anymore, having lost his crazy dream, which is why the consequences of the destruction of dreams were so tragic.

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To the question: Which works of Russian literature contain the problem of unfulfilled dreams? (thanks in advance) given by the author Mamma Mia the best answer is the collapse of dreams - a problem that no author has pondered. I. A. Bunin, talking about a hunchback who was invited to a love date for the first time in his life, does not skimp on color, describing the man’s state in anticipation of a wonderful meeting. When this moment comes, everything in the hunchback’s soul will become numb and collapse: the hunchback will come towards the unfortunate man! Bunin doesn’t say a word about what he thinks. He just puts a dash before the word “hunchback.” This seemingly wordless sign contains everything that the hunchback feels: the collapse of a dream, the overthrow of an ideal... (I. Bunin’s story “The Hunchback”) How I sympathize with the unfortunate hunchback and even more so with the unfortunate hunchback! What was it like for her to see shock, disappointment and, perhaps, contempt on the man’s face... This is where all her dreams really came crashing down! Similar feelings were experienced by the hunchback Quasemodu, the hero of V. Hugo’s novel “The Cathedral.” Notre Dame of Paris"When his love was rejected by the beautiful gypsy Esmeralda. All hopes for happiness collapsed in an instant! Nadezhda, the heroine of the story by I. A. Bunin, was not a hunchback, but a beauty" Dark alleys"And what a collapse of dreams I experienced, I wanted to lay hands on myself out of resentment when Nikolai Alekseevich “very heartlessly” abandoned her...

Answer from intricacy[guru]
Anna Karenina did not become happy, no matter how much she tried. Nina Zarechnaya is an unhappy girl. Poor Lisa- unhappy girl - did not achieve her dream of being happy.

Answer from compound[guru]
Alexander Bashlachev
I’m thirsty, but the water in the wells is frozen.
Black, black holes, you can't get drunk from them.
We got stuck in the sand, then slid down a blade of ice.
Then the mittens also lost consciousness.
We built a castle, but we built a toilet.
There was an error in the project, but, as always, we know better.
Let this night sew me a purple uniform.
I will become the Guardian of the Time of Gathering Stones.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...

We are no more.

Nice guys, but not on the same path with them.
There is no point in walking if the main thing is not to fall.
I know that I can never find
All things that could probably be easily stolen.
But from an early age I have not been able to stand in line.
The sun blinds me when I look at the flag.
And I'm tired of holding out mine to you
An open hand to shake a fist again.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...
Look, what's left of us are black holes...
We are no more.
There are only black holes, black holes.
I watch the bridge arc burn again.
The last wolves are running away from me to Tambov.
I wanted to save the new paints for the canvas,
And he painted rows of border posts with them.
Someone else's steps, the sound of hooves or the creaking of wheels -
Nothing will disturb the territory of silence.
From now on, any question addressed to me
I will regard it as a declaration of war.
I see black holes.
Cold light.
Black holes...
Look, what's left of us are black holes...
We are no more.
There are only black holes, black holes.


A collection of arguments from literature in the direction of “Dream and Reality” for the final essay in grade 11 in the 2019/2019 academic year.

Main points:

  • The relationship between dreams and reality (the connection between these concepts, the differences between concepts). Internal and external conflicts that arise when confronted with reality.
  • Dream: unattainable, “small”, great, etc.
  • Dream/desire/goal/fantasy…. Similarities and differences between these concepts.
  • Dream, its role and function in a person’s life (mobilizing, demobilizing, etc.)
  • Types of dreamers in literature. Types of realists. Characteristics of a person depending on his dreams.
  • A dream in utopia/dystopia/science fiction. Dystopia as a genre that describes the consequences of realizing the dream of an ideal world. Dream in realism, romanticism.

Arguments “Dream and Reality” (problems):

A. S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”

Only by remaining true to your dream can you make it come true, as confirmed by A. S. Pushkin in his work “The Captain's Daughter.” Masha Mironova dreamed of always being close to Pyotr Grinev and marrying him, but fate constantly separated her from her beloved. The first obstacle was the slander of Alexei Shvabrin, who told Grinev Sr. that the dowry woman had coveted the wealth of Peter’s family and wanted to trick him into marrying herself. The old man in response did not approve of his son's marriage with captain's daughter. After Pugachev’s capture of the Belogorsk fortress, Marya is captured by Shvabrin. He starves her and insists on accepting his marriage proposal, but the girl does not agree and waits for help from Peter. When Grinev frees Mironova, separation overtakes them again - the young officer is condemned for helping Pugachev. To prove the falsehood of the accusations, Marya goes to the empress herself and saves Peter from exile to Siberia. Thanks to her firm belief in her dream, Mironova makes it come true: lovers become happy spouses.

In the same novel we see that a dream may not come true if you go to it in a dishonest way. Shvabrin showed baseness, meanness and hypocrisy in order to get Mironova as his wife. He deliberately denigrated the girl’s reputation in front of the family of her lover Pyotr Grinev. When a young officer, defending the honor of his bride, challenged Shvabrin to a duel, he used a forbidden technique and seriously wounded his opponent. Alexey demonstrated his corruption when the rebels captured the fortress - he went over to Pugachev’s side, betraying his comrades and the fatherland. His dream was closer than ever: Marya became his captive. But even here Alexey showed himself to be a man without tall moral principles: humiliated Mironova, starved her, forced her to become his wife. Grinev came to the girl’s aid in time, freeing her from the clutches of the scoundrel. The unscrupulousness and vileness of Shvabrin’s actions made his dream unattainable.

F. M. Dostoevsky. "Crime and Punishment"

The injustice of the surrounding world did not become an obstacle to the realization of the dream of Sonya Marmeladova, one of the main heroines of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “Crime and Punishment.” The girl’s greatest desire was to return to the righteous path of her beloved Rodion Raskolnikov. Sonya goes to get the young man to hard labor and there provides him with spiritual support, surrounding him with tenderness and care. Rodion's hardened heart softens over time, and he abandons his ideas of the insignificance of everything that exists, starting to study the Bible. Strong faith in the Almighty and the dream give their result: Sonya managed to “resurrect” her lover to a new life and rethinking of values.

A. S. Pushkin. "Blizzard"

The main character of A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm,” Marya Gavrilovna, is in love with a poor army ensign and dreams of marrying Vladimir, although her parents are against an unfavorable match. The couple decides to get married secretly, but a snowstorm becomes an obstacle. Due to bad weather, Vladimir does not have time to go to church, and Marya is mistakenly married to a stranger. The young man falls into despair and goes to war, where he dies in the battle of Borodino. After the death of her father, Marya becomes an enviable bride, to whom suitors begin to woo. The girl mourns for Vladimir, carefully storing things that remind him of him. And then on Marya’s path she meets that same “random” husband, officer Burmin. Love arises between the characters, and they are happily married. This way, sometimes the reality can be better than the dream.

Vladimir’s dream from A. S. Pushkin’s story “The Snowstorm” was destroyed when he learned about Marya’s wedding to another man. The young man loses heart, withdraws into himself, making no attempt to explain himself to his beloved. In despair, he leaves for the war, where he dies in the Battle of Borodino. Vladimir did not make any efforts towards his dream, so it was not destined to go astray.

M. A. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

The Moscow writer Master dreamed of publishing the main story in his creative career novel. For the sake of the book, he quit his job and spent all his lottery winnings on renting and furnishing a basement on Arbat. But the Master suffered a great disappointment: the published excerpt of the “anti-Soviet” novel about Pontius Pilate was severely criticized and banned from publication. The writer burns his manuscripts, and then he is locked in mental asylum. As we see, some desires can be dangerous: the dream in reality led the Master to a tragic fate.

As opposed to big pipe dream Bulgakov cites the insignificance of the desires of cowardly, envious and petty people. At a performance at Variety, Woland ridicules the vanity and materialism of Muscovites, making their dreams of status and wealth come true. Stacks of banknotes fly from the stage towards the audience, and women dress in luxurious outfits. The insignificance of such aspirations is revealed when expensive clothes disappear into thin air and money turns into pieces of paper.

Where do dreams lead? Let's analyze it based on the webinar on The Master and Margarita

L. N. Tolstoy. "After the ball"

At a ball in the house of his beloved Varenka, Ivan Vasilyevich feels absolutely happy: next to him beautiful girl and her generous father, ready to do anything for his daughter, even wear homemade boots. Sounds in an elegant room great music, everyone is dancing and having fun. All night long Ivan Vasilyevich enjoys the action and, leaving the governor’s house, is ready to love the whole world. But the morning struck the young student with horror: Varenka’s father was participating in inhuman torture of a fugitive soldier. At the same moment, the world in Ivan Vasilyevich’s soul turned upside down, and he could no longer imagine himself next to a girl whose father was a tyrant. His dream was shattered by cruel reality.

A.P. Chekhov. "Ionych"

Dmitry Ionych Startsev is a zemstvo doctor in Dyalizh. The young man gladly receives patients, goes on foot to calls, since at first he does not even have a horse. At the same time, the remote province oppresses the educated intellectual - the villagers are illiterate and are unable to hold a conversation on serious topics. But soon Ionych begins to get involved and get used to the situation. Material interests come to the fore: Ionych acquires a carriage with horses, lives in abundance, gambles, relating to medical practice purely as a source of income, nothing more. Thus, Ionych betrays his dream, which promises him complete spiritual degradation.

In parallel, in the story of A.P. Chekhov, we see the collapse of the dream of young Katerina Turkina, who saw herself as a great pianist. For the sake of her career, the girl rejected the marriage proposal of the young doctor Dmitry Startsev, which she later regretted. The years spent in the capital did not produce results, and Kotik did not become a musician. Returning home, the girl realizes that she does not have the proper talent and tries to remind Ionych of his past feelings, but is refused. Ambition and blind pursuit of a dream leads to Turkina being left alone, losing her youth and beauty over the years.

I. S. Turgenev. "Noble Nest"

Fyodor Lavretsky's dream of ideal family with Lisa Kalitina I was able to break it ex-wife Varvara Pavlovna is a woman greedy for money and other people’s happiness. She does not take into account her husband’s feelings and is not going to give him up to anyone. Lavretsky, disappointed in women after Varvara Pavlovna’s betrayal, meets the open and kind Liza, for whom he develops feelings. The girl does not want to be an obstacle to the family reunion and goes to the monastery. Lavretsky humbly accepts this decision and, in order to remain a decent person, renounces personal happiness. Thus, the dream can be dashed by insurmountable circumstances created by vile people like Varvara Pavlovna.

A. N. Ostrovsky. "Storm"

Having gotten married, the main character of A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm,” Katerina, dreams of a happy married life and warm relationships like those in her family. But in reality, she faces humiliation and suffering that the girl has to endure from her despotic mother-in-law Kabanikha and her spineless husband Tikhon, who indulges his mother in everything. Another disappointment for Katerina was Boris, who broke her heart and abandoned their love to please his uncle. The girl's dreamy nature cannot withstand the cruelty of the world around her, and she sees no other way out but to commit suicide. Hence the conclusion: desires that do not coincide with reality can lead to tragedy.

To make your dream come true, you need to make an effort. And people like Tikhon Kabanov from A. N. Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” are spineless “ mama's boys", this is not a given. Having married Katerina, he dreams of family comfort and harmony, but cannot put his domineering mother in her place, who constantly interferes in the lives of the young. Tikhon obediently carries out Kabanikha’s orders and does not say a word against him, even in defense of his wife, which soon drives the unfortunate wife to suicide. Mourning Katerina, he blames his mother for everything, although he himself did nothing to make his dream come true.

N. M. Karamzin. "Poor Lisa"

The peasant woman Liza, having met the nobleman Erast, sincerely fell in love with him and dreamed of becoming his wife. Each date with a young man strengthened the girl’s faith in a happy future. But after the intimacy that happened, everything changed in the couple’s relationship. Erast lost interest in Lisa and soon left for the war. The girl was waiting for her lover and accidentally saw him in the city. The meeting turned out to be fatal: Erast admitted that he was engaged to someone else, after which Lisa committed suicide. Thus, blindly following your dreams can lead to tragedy.

After meeting Lisa, Erast decided that he had finally found true happiness. The girl amazed the young man with her beauty and naturalness, and he swore to her eternal love. But the weakness of his character did not allow him to overcome class inequality, and Erast chose material benefits over love. Having betrayed his dream, he was unhappy until the end of his days.

N.V. Gogol. "Nevsky Avenue"

The collision of dreams with reality is clearly demonstrated in N.V. Gogol’s story “Nevsky Prospekt”. The heroes of the work are two friends Pirogov and Piskarev. Lieutenant Pirogov does not set high goals for himself. He easily gives up his desires if any obstacles arise on the way, and does not worry if he fails with women. The sublime and sophisticated artist Piskarev is another matter. He lives in a world he has invented, where all people are ideal and blameless. Met on Nevsky Prospekt light girl behavior, the artist believes that with his love he can return her to the righteous path. But, hearing only ridicule in response, he commits suicide. Different perceptions reality leads to the fact that some live at the level of animal instincts, others have their head in the clouds and do not want to objectively evaluate surrounding reality.

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/ / / Do you need to be true to your dream?

Dreams – beautiful images that exist in the imagination. Since childhood, a person brightens up his life with dreams. Some of them change a little, others wear off over the years. And this is not surprising, because as people grow up, they change their views and principles, adjusting their dreams to suit them. Sometimes you have to give up your aspirations against your will, then they say “betrayed your dream.” Is it necessary to be faithful to her at all?

I believe that the answer to this question depends on how cherished this dream is, whether it comes from the soul or is woven from stereotypes, envy, and fleeting desires. If the latter is the case, then you should think about whether fulfilling your dreams will bring happiness. What if the pursuit of her simply takes away precious years, and the result is disappointing? Very often this happens when a person dreams of fame, a career and, taking the path to these dreams, forgets about family and love. After some time, he becomes rich, famous, successful, but feels unhappy, because he does not know how to love and be loved.

However, if a dream is truly dear, you cannot give it up, especially if those around you who live by stereotypes force you to do so. A cherished dream helps a person to develop and reach the top. Its implementation gives happiness and teaches you to enjoy every day. To give up such dreams means to lose yourself, to betray your soul. If the question of whether you need to be true to your dream is still in doubt, you should turn to literature.

Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov is the main character of the novel by I.S. Turgenev's "Fathers and Sons" was a widower, but he strived for sincere love, believing that a person cannot live without it. In addition, he dreamed of improving relations with his son Arkady. The man patiently walked towards his dream, approaching it with the help of his best qualities: goodwill, patience, delicacy and sensitivity. Life rewarded him: Nikolai Petrovich married Fenechka and lived happily with his son’s family. What would have happened if Kirsanov had given up his dream, giving up under the pressure of circumstances? I think he would cease to live, his days would turn into a miserable, faceless existence.

The fate of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov proves that one cannot betray a good dream. If you go towards it, guided by conscience and kindness, your dream will sooner or later become a happy reality.

The main character of I. Bunin’s story “The Gentleman from San Francisco” also fulfilled his dreams of traveling. But at what cost? He worked hard to accumulate a decent fortune and, apparently, forgot about friends and family. When he died, no one regretted it or even came to say goodbye. Only the wife and daughter mourned the deceased. But there is doubt that it was the real reason tears: death loved one or thoughts of a poor life.

This example in no way suggests that you need to change your dream, but being true to it, you should not forget about your loved ones.

We can conclude that you only need to be faithful cherished dream, the implementation of which will give joy and happiness.

What is a dream? What can prevent it from being realized? It is difficult to give clear answers to these questions.

Exactly moral problem The dependence of achieving a dream on circumstances is touched upon by S. Mizerov in his text.

Addressing the problem, the author of this text tells the story of a village boy who dreams of becoming a pilot, Kolka Velin. But “horror, like a boa constrictor,” consumed him. Despite all the circumstances: wasted time, effort, money, the hero gained life experience: “everything that flies up sooner or later returns to the ground.”

S. Mizerov strives to convey to the reader the idea that it is necessary to fight to realize your dreams. So that after many years, when it is impossible to change anything, you do not regret the unfulfilled dream.

Some people dream of being famous, others of being useful to society. But, one way or another, a person faces fears: change, failure, disappointment, defeat. It is these fears that prevent a person from achieving his dream.

To confirm my words, I would like to turn to I.A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”. The main character of the work, Oblomov, dreamed of achieving a lot in life, wanted to raise children, change his life in better side. But these dreams remained dreams only because he did not have enough strength to translate them into reality. Thus, the author shows the fact that you need to make efforts to realize your dreams.

But one more literary example may be V. Zakrutkin’s story “Mother of Man”.

Maria is the main character of the work, despite the fear of death in a serious war time, saves the life of an unborn child. This example proves that courage and determination, something Oblomov lacked, helped Maria in the fight against fear.

Thus, if you have a dream, then do not give up on it, no matter what obstacles stand in front of you.

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Updated: 2017-03-14

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