Biography of rider Anna. What is Anna Sedokova's real name?


There is such a wonderful singer - Anna Sedakova. Her biography is worth attention, since the path to the pinnacle of fame was simply swift. Anna has repeatedly been included in the lists of the sexiest stars.

She succeeded as a singer, actress and TV presenter. The audience's favorite Anna Sedakova (biography, height, weight of which is of interest to many) was one of bright participants group " VIA Gra" Her beauty and talent are obvious.


Anya was born in Ukraine, in Kyiv (in 1982 on December 16). Before the birth of their daughter, Anya’s parents lived in Omsk, then moved to Kyiv. Anna Sedakova spent her childhood without her father. Her biography contains the fact that he left the family when the girl was five years old. Anna's mother is an intelligent, educated woman, an English teacher. She had to raise her daughter alone; they didn’t live well, so the girl early years I started working part-time as soon as the slightest opportunity presented itself.

Anna Sedakova achieved her goal through hard work. Her biography developed in such a way that already at the age of six the girl knew that she would be an artist. It was at this age that she entered folk ensemble Ukraine "Svitanok", which toured all over the world. Mom, looking at her stubborn daughter, said that Siberian genes live in Anya, which means she will achieve everything she wants.

In addition to dancing, the girl studied at music school, graduated with honors in piano. As soon as she had enough strength to do everything, because secondary school she finished with a gold medal. Anya’s hard work can only be envied with “white” envy.

Anna Sedakova: biography, growth and early career

Her career began at the age of sixteen; at this age, a beautiful and enterprising girl got a job as a party host in nightclubs. Thanks to her natural talent, she was able to prove herself not only as a presenter, but also as a director of these parties. So Anna Sedakova did not immediately reveal herself as a singer. The biography of that time is evidence that she was first appreciated as a capable organizer and artistic presenter.

Inspired by, albeit small, success, Anya passed the exams at the Kiev National University of Culture and Art, her future specialty was called TV and radio announcer. While studying in her third year, the student decided to become a TV presenter. The girl, as before, managed to do everything: during the day she studied at the university, and in the evenings and nights she led parties in clubs. She had enough energy for everything.

In order not to miss the slightest opportunity to get on the big screen, Anna attended all kinds of filming in the 1+1 studio. She started as a spectator in the eighth row, then gradually she was moved to the first row, the very young beauty fit into overall picture. She was noticed and began to be invited to appear in various episodes. Then a more serious matter came: Anna was offered to work as a TV presenter on a music channel. In just one year, she was able to overcome the distance from being an extra on live broadcasts to becoming a TV presenter. It was a wonderful start to my career.

Dream of life - “VIA Gra”

Tireless Anna Sedakova! Biography makes her sharp turn- a girl comes to the casting of the group “VIA Gra”. Getting into this team became Anna’s life dream. It was clear that participation in the most popular group will be the next step to the height of glory. Standing out among the many contenders, Anya made it to the top five. Success seemed so close, the girl was appreciated, but was not accepted into the group because she looked too young, like a teenager.

Fate gave her a second chance! Sedakova graduated from the university, received a diploma with honors, and managed to work on the New Channel in the program “Rise!” together with Max Nelipa. At this time, the producers of the VIA Gra project decided that the girl was ready to become a member of a sexy trio. At the beginning of 2002, Nadezhda Meikher left the group on maternity leave, Anna took her place. Finally she is rewarded for all her hard work! For two years, the beauty “basked” in the rays of glory. But then Anna Sedakova, who had already become a celebrity, made a choice in favor of the family. Biography, personal life, work in the group - everything changed after the singer’s choice.

Solo career, success as a TV presenter and actress

After a break in creative activity, Anna Sedakova reappeared on stage under the pseudonym Annabelle. Now a solo career awaited her, life was again filled with performances, photo shoots, fans... Sedakova works as a TV presenter, gives concerts, shoots videos, records albums and takes part in TV shows. In a word, life is in full swing, Anna has risen one more step in her popularity. She is in demand both in Ukraine and Russia, her career is rapidly flying forward.

Anna really liked the profession of a TV presenter; she easily passes auditions and gets promoted. career ladder. Leads together with Tair Mamedov entertainment project“King of the Ring-2”, participates in the Ukrainian TV show “TV Star-Superstar” together with Andrey Malakhov.

Anna Sedakova's film career also does not stand still. The debut film was “Cinderella” in 2002. In 2006, Sedakova starred in the film “Relatives”, two years later - in the series “The Power of Attraction”, and this is not the entire list of her film works.

The singer's family happiness

She didn't stay like that as a wife for very long bright personality, like Anna Sedakova. The biography (both the first and second husbands occupy little space in it) continued off stage. As mentioned earlier, Sedakova left the VIA Gra group at the peak of fame because of football player Valentin Belkevich. Literally a month after leaving the project, the singer in love married her chosen one, who did not want to share her with the stage. Already in December of the same year, Sedakova gave birth to a daughter, Alina. But the happiness did not last long; at the beginning of 2008, the marriage broke up, and Anna again plunged headlong into creativity.

The bright beauty Sedakova was not alone for a long time; racing manager from Los Angeles, Maxim Chernyavsky, tried to win the singer’s heart, and he succeeded. In 2011, a couple in love got married in America, but Anna again did not have the chance to be a wife for long. The singer’s second marriage lasted only two years, during which time she gave birth to a daughter, Monica.

Anna Sedakova: biography, children

Alina and Monika live with their mother. There were fears that after the divorce Chernyavsky will pick up daughter for myself, but ex-spouses managed to find mutual language when resolving this issue. Maxim can visit his daughter at any time.

Anna Sedakova managed to combine active creative activity with the role of a mother. After Monica’s birth, she had to hire a nanny, but Anna hurries to her daughters every free minute. During the tour, she is calm about the children; the nanny sincerely loves and cares for them, like a mother. Alina adores her little sister and tries in every possible way to spoil her. Monica is very similar to her dad, so he simply has to be a good father to her.

A lot of interesting things happen in the life of every pop star, here are some Interesting Facts from the life of Annabelle.

1. In 2008, the singer was recognized as the sexiest TV presenter in Russia and the most stylish TV presenter Ukraine.

2. In 2010, she wrote the book “The Art of Seduction.”

3. Being in the fourth month of pregnancy, she starred for men's magazine"Maksim".

4. Having received a fee for filming in the film “Moscow. Ru,” Anna Sedakova gave it all to charity.


Sedokova Anna Vladimirovna is from Ukraine, born future celebrity in Kyiv on December 16, 1982. Anna's mom educated person- an English teacher, and the father abandoned the mother when their daughter was not five years old. Sedokova has an older brother, whose name is Maxim. It was not easy for the mother, since she had to take care of the children on her own, so Anya began working at an early age.

In her free time from work, Sedokova studied music and went to dance clubs. Anna graduated from school with honors and a gold medal. She took part in the folk musical ensemble“Svitanok”, where she showed herself as a bright and talented person. From the day Anna entered National University Culture in Ukraine, her life becomes interesting and full of new impressions.

Anna Sedokova always tried to achieve her goal. This happened during my studies, when future singer she tries herself as a TV presenter and she does it very well. Anna is not only a presenter, but also a director of parties in nightclubs. Working as a TV presenter on the OTV channel, she achieved great success and popularity.

Creative growth Anna Sedokova's career as a singer began after her dream of singing in the group "VIAGRA" came true. Anna's potential was not immediately considered by the group's producers; Anya did not seem to be a sufficiently suitable candidate, but in 2002 the girl was nevertheless offered to take the place of Nadezhda Meikher. Two years of performances on stage bring a page of great success and national fame to Anna Sedokova’s biography.

But soon fate turns in such a way that Anna is faced with a choice - her loved one, who later became her husband, or her favorite job. Valentin Belkevich was the man of her dreams, so Anna Sedokova chose family happiness.

In December 2004, the young family had a daughter, but, unfortunately, the star union collapsed already in 2008.

After a creative break, Anna Sedokova appears on stage under the pseudonym Annabelle. This was her performance at the festival in 2006 in Sochi. It was there that Anna received Grand Prize audience sympathy.

Considering the position of a large star, creative biography Anna Sedokova was determined. Regular concerts, photo shoots in famous magazines(ELLE, etc.) are gaining rapid momentum.

In 2007, Anna Sedokova signed a contract with Real Records and soon released new clip to the song “The Most best girl" It immediately gains great popularity in Ukrainian and Russian channels. After a short break, Anna is offered to participate in two projects simultaneously: the series “Power of Attraction” and the television project “Tunguska Meteorite”.

Anna Sedokova spares no time in the gym and skillfully uses this magic wand, which helps her keep in shape. In an interview, Anna admitted that she “loves her body, which, after the gym, sings with every cell.”

Now Anna Sedokova is writing a book, “The Art of Seduction,” in which she draws parallels between the issue of weight and the issue of success in life. Wanting to lose weight, Anna goes to the mirror and says “Anna Sedokova’s weight is the most ideal, and my appearance is the most attractive.” Such psychological trainings help a girl to be self-confident and successful person. On this moment, Anna Sedokova’s weight is 59 kg. And Anna Sedokova’s height is 170 cm.

The biography of Anna Sedokova interests the most different people: and teenagers dreaming of stellar career in show business, and those who are already over thirty - they are nostalgic for the early 2000s, the time of their youth.


In 1982, a girl was born in Kyiv, who was expected to be a star, although not at all simple fate. The biography of Anna Sedokova had ups and downs, triumphs and failures, awards in song competitions and numerous love stories. Now she is a social media star, singer, TV presenter, actress, and remains on the crest of popularity.

Anna Sedokova in childhood


It is known that the fate of parents leaves an imprint on the fate of their children. In Anna Sedokova’s family, everything was not easy right away: mom and dad got married against the will of their parents, and it ended with them having to flee from Tomsk to Kyiv.

In Kyiv family life Things didn’t work out for Anna’s parents. In 1987, my father left the family. The girl began to change hands: from her mother to her grandmother, then again to her father and, finally, again to her mother. For more than two decades, Anna heard nothing at all about her father. He tried to get in touch only once, Anna did not answer. And in 2010, Anna’s father died.

Anna Sedokova with her family

To feed Anna and her brother Maxim, her mother had to work several jobs. She taught music English language and prepared students for entering university. It must be said that Anna was a good student as a child: she graduated with a gold medal. regular school and with honors – musical. WITH youth Dancing also entered her life. Anna traveled to many countries with the Svitanok ensemble.

Anna Sedokova in her youth

Excellent external data, choreographic preparation and natural charm predetermined the choice life path: she graduated from the Kiev University of Culture and Arts, worked as a model, presenter on the O-TV channel and Super-Nova radio.


Beginning of the twenty-first century - turning point in the biography and personal life of Anna Sedokova. She participated in the casting for the first time as a soloist of the group “VIA GRA” in the year 2000, but did not pass the age criteria.

But two years later, luck smiled on her. And for Sedokova the countdown to her stellar life began.

Anna Sedokova as part of the group "VIA GRA"

Anna Sedokova, Vera Brezhneva, Nadezhda Granovskaya - this is the so-called “golden composition” of “VIA GRA”, the most brilliant, most erotic and successful in the entire history of the group. As part of the group, Anna took part in the recording of truly wonderful songs:

"Third Ocean"
"There is no more attraction"
"Don't leave me, my love"

Anna Sedokova, Valery Meladze, Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Granovskaya

Success at VIA GRE turned Sedokova into a real “cover girl.” Photos of her filled the pages of Maxim, Playboy and other glossy magazines. Naturally, the best grooms in Russia and Ukraine immediately aimed their eyepieces at the seductive starlet. In those years, Sedokova had almost ideal parameters: height - 172 cm, weight - 49 kg, volumes 90 - 61 - 88.

Anna Sedokova

In 2004, Anna got married and left the group, but we’ll talk about this a little later.

Solo career

For two whole years, fans wondered what changes had occurred in the biography and personal life of Anna Sedokova, where did her photos and news about her suddenly disappear? But in 2006 she returned and started solo career. She first appeared on stage again at the Five Stars festival with the song “My Heart”.

Not everyone knows that it was extremely difficult for Sedokova to make her way in the world of show business due to the powerful opposition of VIA GRA producer Konstantin Meladze, who did not forgive her sudden departure and accused her of direct financial losses to the group, disruption of concerts and tours. This incident has not yet been resolved. Thus, it is prohibited to perform songs from the repertoire of Sedokova’s group.

Anna Sedokova solo career

But a strong character Anna helped her survive the media wars. IN different time she became a presenter and took part in the following shows and television programs:

  • “New songs about the main thing”
  • "TV Star - Superstar"
  • "King of Ring"
  • "Glacial period"
  • "Two stars"
  • "Women's Logic"
  • "Project Runway"
  • "The Seventh Race"
  • "Five Stars" and others.

As for Sedokova’s songwriting, the attitude towards it is ambiguous. Not everyone highly appreciates her vocal abilities and composing abilities.

However, her songs, although they do not take first place in the charts, still have their listeners, and she has several music awards in her baggage.

Anna Sedokova received a music award

She has released three solo discs, and her songs were filmed in total twenty three clips. Scandals periodically break out around Sedokova’s videos. For example, the “Jealousy” video was accused of having too explicit lesbian content, and it was aired in a sleek, re-edited version.

Since 2002, Anna has starred in nine films, the most famous of which is the comedy “Pregnant” with Dyuzhev, and in 2010 she published a book under her own name, “The Art of Seduction.”

Anna Sedokova in the comedy “Pregnant” with Dyuzhev

Personal life

It should be admitted that those interested in the biography of Anna Sedokova are much more concerned about her personal life, children, husbands, and not about her work.

Anna Sedokova's first husband is football player Belkevich, star of Dynamo Kyiv. In 2004, the couple had a daughter, Alina, but two years later the marriage broke up. The reason turned out to be banal - her husband’s infidelity. However, Sedokova maintained normal relations with her ex-husband, and the news of his sudden death at the age of 41, it was a blow for her.

Wedding of Sedokova and Belkevich

Apparently, following her own recipes for seduction, Sedokova decided that she should start a family with a wealthier person. Her second husband was Maxim Chernyavsky, a businessman involved in the management of auto racing. The wedding took place in 2011 in Los Angeles, and the same year the couple had a daughter, Monica. However, two years later this marriage also broke up.

It cannot be said that the couple separated peacefully. There were accusations of treason and betrayal on both sides. It is quite difficult to figure out what really happened there.

It also had an effect that these family squabbles took place, one might say, in full view of the whole world. Mutually sharp posts and photos were posted on Instagram, and entire groups of advisers and sympathizers formed, which only accelerated the breakup.

Anna Sedokova, Maxim Chernyavsky and daughter

After the second divorce, Sedokova was tied up for quite a long time romantic relationship with Sergei Guman. Anna met the talented dancer on the set of one of her videos. This love story did not turn out to be cloudless: they quarreled and made up, broke up and got back together again, and, nevertheless, in 2016 they broke up completely.

However, this time the parting was peaceful, although painful. Judging by Anna’s posts on social networks, there were no betrayals or other banalities.

The reason for the gap is in some deep psychological problems and the inability to live in several cities at once. Thus, love boat crashed due to a busy tour schedule.

Anna Sedokova with Sergei Guman

For some time, little was heard about Sedokova’s personal life, so the news about her pregnancy came as a shock to many fans. In April 2017, Sedokova gave birth to a son, Hector. The father of the child turned out to be a young millionaire Artyom Kovalev. But again there was a break: the couple broke up literally on the eve of the already announced wedding.

Sedokova herself remained silent about the reasons for the sudden separation. In a roundabout way, the journalists managed to find out that Artyom demanded that Anna leave the stage and devote herself entirely to her family and children. The role of a meek housewife did not suit her.

Anna Sedokova gave birth to a son, Hector

Anna Sedokova now

Today Anna Sedokova remains a media person, an Instagram star - she has more than four million subscribers. Latest Posts dedicated mainly to her children, as well as calls for modern women stay strong and independent.

In one of latest interviews Sedokova stated that although she is already a mother of many children, she does not intend to stop, she is ready to give birth to a fourth.

Selfie of Anna Sedokova

In addition to Instagram, the singer maintains her official pages both on facebook and others in social networks. Her style, manner and subject matter of her posts have more than once become the target of criticism and rather sarcastic jokes. Ivan Urgant, for example, even started a special section in his show, “Wisdom from Anna Sedokova.”

We can only hope that Anna Sedokova will continue to delight fans with her creativity, will not stop in her development and will surprise her with new songs, videos and acting work. And, perhaps, she will finally find her main man in life and be happy with him for many years.

in our backstage report.

Anna Sedokova's daughter Alina

-No, tell me!

Anna Sedokova with her daughters

Do you have friendly daughters?

Are you a mom friend?


Anna Sedokova invited HELLO! to his home in Los Angeles, where it is always warm and sunny. Because, first of all, in California eternal summer, and secondly, her daughters Alina and Monica are always waiting for her here. You can read about how the filming took place in our backstage report.

Traveling a lot is commonplace for artist Anna Sedokova. But there is a favorite flight in her life - Moscow - Los Angeles. After all, her children live in California - 9-year-old Alina and little Monica, who recently turned two and a half years old. Anna says that she is used to living on two continents, double life. In Russia and Ukraine she works, tours, records new songs, shoots new videos, but in America she is just a mother.

Anna Sedokova with daughters Alina and Monika

Anna does not have her own home in America, and a photo shoot for HELLO! took place in a rented house, not far from the Hollywood hills.

"When I saw this house - spacious and bright, with beautiful garden and the basketball court, I just fell in love,” says Anya. - Then I didn’t have the money to pay the rent right away, but I wanted my children to live here so much that I borrowed the necessary amount for the down payment from friends. And although we will soon move to another, no less nice, place, I am happy that my daughters lived here for almost two years." When Anna talks about children, she transforms everything, becomes soft, gentle, reverent. It’s not for nothing that her fans call her “ cat mom."

Anna, how did it happen that your children live in America?

I always wanted my girls to be just Alina and Monika, and not the daughters of the popular singer Anna Sedokova, so that they could have a full-fledged happy childhood. That's why we live in Los Angeles, where neither I nor my children need a security guard or a driver - I drive the children to school myself. And, of course, Los Angeles is one of best cities a world where the sun shines all year round and the average temperature is plus 24 degrees. I am the kind of person who cannot live without sun and warmth. Moreover, if suddenly we want to ride alpine skiing or snowboarding, then we get into the car, and half an hour later we are already at the top of a snowy mountain with steep and not so steep slopes. And if we go in the other direction, then in about forty minutes at most we will find ourselves on the shores of the beautiful ocean. You know, Los Angeles really is a place made for angels. This is where we live. Me and my angels.

What’s bad about being Anna Sedokova’s daughters in Moscow or in your native Kyiv?

In Russia and Ukraine, I am a singer, TV presenter, actress, in a word, a person who attracts attention, and so do all my family and friends. Where could we live without this attention bothering us?

In the same place where other stars live. On Rublyovka, for example.

I don’t like the glamorous life of the capitals, I’m far from all this. Have you ever seen me coming out of a Bentley with two security guards at some cool club? By nature, all this is alien to me. I can’t live like this, I don’t want my children to be hostages to a situation in which their mother is a star. I come from a very simple family, I was raised by my grandmother and mother, who worked as a teacher. We had no money, we were always saving for something. I got my first Barbie doll when I was thirteen, and it was probably a Chinese counterfeit. I remember how much happiness there was. And I want such little things to bring joy to my children too. Recently my daughter came up to me and asked: “Mommy, can I buy one game here? Please, please, I really, really need it.” I said: “Of course, you can. How much does it cost?” “16 dollars,” Alya answered. Tears welled up in my eyes. This is really my victory! I realized: despite the fact that I can buy my daughter a game for much more money, she knows the value of things.

Anna Sedokova's daughter Alina

What is your typical day like in Los Angeles?

Oh, we have it here madhouse. (Laughs.) One of the girls is sure to sleep next to me, and there are also dogs at my feet - the Yorkie Bulgakov and the German long-haired shepherd Buffy. We wake up at about seven in the morning with an alarm clock, and, frankly, we barely get up because we go to bed later than we should and get ready for school. Moni and Alya go to the same educational complex, the youngest is in a kindergarten group, and Alina is already in the fourth grade. Despite the fact that they are sisters, my girls are very different. Alina is serious, business-like, and approaches everything constructively, and Monya looks like an angel, but in reality she’s a badass and a terrible fashionista. The first thing she does when she wakes up is run to choose what to wear today. It's a whole performance. (Laughs.) In the end, we all dress up and go to breakfast. On the way to school - and it takes us about twenty minutes, half an hour - we sing, chat and play "three-liter jar." Do you know what this is?

-No, tell me!

This is a word game. You can name only those words that denote objects that can fit into a three-liter jar. That is, “needle”, “pencil” and “apricot” are suitable, but “watermelon” is not, because even the smallest watermelon will not fit into a three-liter jar - we checked. (Laughs.) Sometimes we listen to fairy tales or music. The two of them dance so funny together in the back seat. The younger one copies the older one in a funny and impossible way!

Anna Sedokova with her daughters

Do you have friendly daughters?

They adore each other. Monica's main authority in life is her older sister; she does not leave her side. This little thing runs around the house shouting “Alya! Alya!” to show his sister the “concert.” Of course, it’s not easy for the eldest. Just a week ago we all went together to Universal Park, a local amusement park. And we only rode on those carousels that Monica was old enough to ride. Then I noticed that Alina was a little upset. So today I’ll pick her up from school early and the two of us will go to the attractions for older children and spoil her. The younger ones, as a rule, are loved and pampered by everyone, but the older ones get it, they are made more demands.

Do your daughters go to a regular American school?

The girls go to a private, but Russian school. I thought about transferring them to a public school, an ordinary American one, but I didn’t dare. I was born and raised in Kyiv, and my grandmother still lives in Tomsk, in fact I am a Siberian. Two close ones intertwined in me Slavic cultures- Russian and Ukrainian. It is important for me that girls remember their roots and speak Russian and Ukrainian. I will directly fight for this. Alya knows English perfectly and sometimes even automatically starts speaking English to me. I stop her: “Stop it, I don’t understand.” And she laughs: “Mom, really, it’s time for you to learn English.” We agreed and now we write cross dictations - I in English under my daughter’s dictation, she in Russian and Ukrainian. Moni is just starting to speak, and speaks all languages ​​at once. (Laughs.) But we watch Russian cartoons “The Adventures of Pig Funtik”, “Prostokvashino”, “Kid and Carlson”. In general, everything that I grew up with.

Now you have spent whole month with the girls, but soon you return to work, fly to Kyiv. How do you plan your time, how many weeks and months a year do you work as a singer in Russia and the CIS, and how long do you work as a mother in America?

I not only work as a singer, I have now launched my own clothing line and am actively involved in it. But a designer can work remotely, but an artist cannot. How many weeks a year do I spend with girls in America? I didn’t think so, I can’t say that I live according to some kind of algorithm. I just work on tours, seven days a week. I plan everything so that I can completely free myself a month or two between tours. Of course it's difficult. Reproaches are pouring in at me: “Here, he’s building a career, recording songs, filming videos, and the children are abandoned somewhere there, in America. How is this possible?!” But I can say for sure that any working mother reproaches herself. Every time I get on a plane and leave, I am overwhelmed with guilt towards the girls. But I understand that, firstly, if not me, then no one else will take care of them.

And secondly, God endowed me with abilities, gave me a wonderful profession, doing which I bring joy to people. And I myself am happy when I go on stage and see the halls packed to capacity, people who confess their love to each other to my songs, dance, kiss, cry with happiness. I love my job and I can’t change it, it makes me happy. And happy children, as we know, can only grow up with happy parents. Recently my eldest daughter suddenly she looked at me and said: “Mom, I love you so much!” “Of course, I’m your mother,” I answered her, “I take you to school every day.” And Alina shook her head: “It’s not that important. I love you because you are extraordinary, you are beautiful, you sing well, there are so many interesting things around you. You are a person.” At such moments, I understand that, despite all my mistakes, despite the fact that I do not have the opportunity to be with them every day, the girls are proud of me. And to those who judge me, I would say this: I just don’t want to one day, when the children grow up, regret what I didn’t do in life and reproach my own children: “I put my life on you, I gave up my dream for you.” ". And hear in response: “Did I ask you?!”

Yes, many people forget that children grow up and leave.

And I understand this now. Just on Sunday, Alya went to visit a friend for an overnight stay. Monya was taken away by relatives for the day. My children left, and I was left completely alone and acutely felt that children have their own lives, each has their own path.

Can you now imagine what kind of road your girls might have?

I think it's interesting. Monica, of course, is a copy of the character from the movie "Problem Child". Every five minutes something drops, breaks, spills, is mischievous, in a word. She still pronounces words poorly, but she always says “thank you” and “please”, Moni is a kind girl. And Alya is already her mother’s pride, she is seriously involved in tennis, is making progress in sports, goes to dance school, plays the piano and sings very well, and is also an excellent student. Sometimes I look at both of them and wonder. They are already so big and so cool. Not children, but works of art. I’m so proud of them and, honestly, myself - that I’m their mother. I will always be there, no matter what happens.

Are you a mom friend?

We have a ritual. Every night before bed we share secrets in my room. So, probably, yes, I am a mom friend. You know, Osho has brilliant statement: "If you teach children to obey themselves, then raise soldiers. They will grow up, they will obey others." Therefore, I believe that children should be given freedom, but at the same time controlled. Now Monya is at a difficult age, and she favorite expression- “I won’t.” I didn’t know how to deal with it, but then I found a way. I stand, look at her and also say: “I won’t, I won’t, I won’t.” So we butt heads for a while, and then we laugh, and the girl does everything as it should. (Smiles.) And Alya is somewhat absent-minded, and sometimes she has to repeat the same thing several times to concentrate her attention. I won't say that I good mom, because I never considered myself an ideal, exemplary girl, wife, mother. I made mistakes, fell, but got back up. She always remained strong, purposeful, open and kind. And I raise my children the same way, showing that the main thing in life is love.

Who surrounds them with love while you are in Russia at work?

Tanya, my godmother. She is our guardian angel, a sorceress, like Cinderella’s fairy godmother. I trust her as much as I trust myself.

What about the girls' fathers? Do they communicate with their daughters?

A long time ago I made a promise to myself and I still keep it - no matter how my relationships with men develop, for our children they will always be best dads in the world. The more people who love a child, the better. Therefore, I do not prevent girls from communicating with their dads. I myself grew up without a father. One of my earliest vivid impressions of childhood is the memory of how my dad left. I stand on the threshold, hold on to the door, and dad takes my hand away and, continuing to quarrel with mom, slams the door and leaves. Since then I have seen my father twice in my life. Maybe it was because of this episode that I didn’t have good relationships with men? I don’t want such a fate for my daughters.

You said that your girls are works of art. Maybe we should give birth again if it’s going so well?

I totally agree. I look at them and understand that more is needed.

Are you ready to get married for the third time?

- (Smiles.) I’ll say this. I've actually been married twice. And, probably, she could try to save both her first and second marriages. But I live by the truth. I felt bad - I left, let go. Because no matter how much two people love their child, if they don’t love each other, then there is no need to live together, they need to move on, seek their own happiness. I was convinced that I did the right thing, and now I am a happy mother, successful singer, businesswoman. And I also found the very person who supports me in everything, that strong shoulder that I can lean on. But I will tell you about this in next interview HELLO!.

29.12.2017 |

Anna Sedokova - popular singer, presenter and actress. The girl gained numerous fans while participating in musical group"VIA Gra". Now she performs solo and has three beautiful children.

Anna Sedokova and Artem Komarov

At the end of winter 2017, the singer shared with fans that she was pregnant for the third time. The child’s father is Artem Komarov, who is 9 years younger than the girl. He works in construction company his oligarch father.

The young people first met on the set of Sedokova’s video and started dating. In April, the singer gave birth to a son from Artem in America. She had a hard time giving birth and had to C-section, but pretty soon the woman’s condition returned to normal.

Komarov also came to Los Angeles to see his child. Soon after giving birth, Anna deleted pictures with the millionaire from her Instagram, and fans believed that the young people had broken up.

Children of Anna Sedokova: daughters and son

The singer has three children. All of them are from different fathers: millionaire Komarov, athlete Belkevich and businessman Chernyavsky.

Son of Sedokova

In April 2017, Anna gave birth to her third child, son Hector. The boy bears the surname of his father, Artem Komarov, the owner of a large manufacturing company. The couple never formalized their relationship, and in the summer of 2017 it became known that the young people had separated.

The singer immediately showed the child to fans. He was not even a year old, but he was already traveling with his mother and delighting her with his first successes. Anna idolizes her son and calls him the main man in her life. April 8, 2018, he turned 1 year old.

Daughter Monica

In 2011 in California former soloist"VIA Gra" gave birth to a daughter, whom she named Monica. The girl’s father is a successful businessman Maxim Chernyavsky (the singer’s second husband).

From an early age, the girl showed talent in music. She sings beautifully, plays instruments, and takes part in her mother’s concerts.

Now Monica is 6 years old, she is studying in the United States, and often meets with her father. The girl adores her older sister, trying to imitate her in everything.

The singer's eldest daughter

From her first husband, Sedokova gave birth to a daughter, Alina. The girl was born in 2004, now she is 13 years old.

Her father, Valentin Belkevich, left the family, Alina supported her mother in everything from an early age.

Now the girl does gymnastics and also loves music. Plus, Alina runs her own blog; about 50,000 people subscribe to her page.

Anna's eldest daughter is the face of the line fashionable clothes, which is represented by her star mother.

Personal life and ex-husbands of Sedokova

Anna was officially married 2 times. In addition, the singer dated dancer Sergei Guman for quite a long time and gave birth to a son from businessman Artem Komarov. Now journalists and fans are sure that the girl is dating musician Anatoly Tsoi.

The singer's first husband

In 2004, Anna met famous football player team "Dynamo" Valentin Belkevich. Their relationship developed quite rapidly, and soon the singer married him and gave birth to a daughter. It was because of Valentin that Sedokova left VIA Gro, deciding to devote herself entirely to her family. wedding ceremony was magnificent, the bride looked incredibly happy.

Anna was 10 years younger than her husband; for 2 years everything was fine with the lovers, but then Valentin cheated on his wife and she left him. In 2014, he died, and Sedokova could not come to her senses for a long time, because she maintained friendly relations with her first husband.

Second marriage

In 2009, the singer began to be courted by the influential businessman Maxim Chernyavsky, who fell madly in love with Anna at first sight. The girl began to constantly travel to America, because the Formula 1 manager lived in Los Angeles.

After 2 years, the lovers got married and had a daughter, Monica. Everyone around noted that the young people looked great together and predicted a happy marriage for them. However, after a year and a half, the couple decided to divorce. The reason for the divorce is unknown. There is an opinion that Anna’s husband cheated on her with another VIA Gra soloist.

Relations with Sergei Guman and Anatoly Tsoi

In 2013, while filming a video, the singer met dancer Sergei Guman. They immediately began a relationship. The couple appeared together quite often; on Anna’s page there are many photos with a young man.

In 2015, they broke up, but exactly a year later they decided to get back together.

The relationship was again short-lived, because soon Sedokova began dating the oligarch’s son Komarov. The reasons for the breakup are still unknown.

Now Sedokova often appears with a soloist M-band groups Anatoly Tsoi. This summer, fans were dismayed by pictures from the girl’s page where the musician spends time with Anna and her son.

The singer does not comment on this relationship; Anatoly also took a neutral side, neither confirming the information about the civil marriage nor denying it. They got to know each other back in music show“I want to go to Meladze.”

Anna Sedokova now

2017 was quite a busy year for the singer. She gave birth to a third child, broke up with his father and again decided to build her personal life with a young and talented musician.

Anna's career is developing no less rapidly. She records new songs, appears in videos, and has released several albums: the long-awaited “On the Free” for fans and a live album with songs from a live performance “The Real.”

Sedokova is a beautiful and talented woman who found her happiness in children. Her personal life interests many fans, but she keeps the details secret. Despite the fact that Anna is raising her children alone, she manages to look great and do successful career presenter and singer.

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