Where can I learn to dance lezginka. How to learn to dance lezginka


Lezginka is considered to be the most ancient dance of the peoples of the Caucasus. It has been danced for many years both in the mountains and on the plains. Lezginka itself is a very rhythmic dance. This is a mixture of temperament, pride and sensuality, which is inherent in the peoples of the Caucasus. This is a dance for people of absolutely all ages, as well as social statuses. They dance lezginka both at celebrations and at an ordinary city disco. This dance has established itself as an integral part of the centuries-old culture of the Caucasus. Today, many people want to learn how to dance this dance correctly at home, because today this dance is very popular.

About types of lezginka

There are many varieties of this dance. They dance it alone, as well as in pairs. With a paired lezginka, the dance acts as the temperament of a man, while his gaze should not leave the partner. There must be character in all dance moves, from start to finish. This is a dance that demonstrates agility, strength, and at the same time restraint in the manifestation of feelings, since chaotic movements or movements of an erotic nature in dance are not typical for a man, which is massively promoted by foreign media.

Lezginka in Caucasian culture associates a man with a wild proud bird - an eagle, while a woman is associated in a dance with a swan. To understand how to learn how to dance a lezginka correctly, you need to remember that body language is able to convey feelings no worse than ordinary human speech. In pair dances, lezginka conveys a silent acquaintance, but group dances are always aimed at demonstrating dexterity, endurance and strength. Previously, dancers were able to continue dancing lezginka for hours, periodically replacing each other. In the case of a single dance, lezginka is a contact with the audience without words, a manifestation of one's best qualities.

Where can you take lessons?

Recently, and to this day, lezginka remains very popular among young people. popular dance. This cannot but cause joy. Nowadays there are a lot of dance groups, sections, dance schools, where they will show you how to learn how to quickly dance the lezginka, and how many possibilities it hides. This is a great way to have a good time, get your body in order, or just support your physical form. The art of dance will help you and your loved ones develop spiritually, gain self-confidence, and also make a large number of interesting and new acquaintances, because creative people, people of art never go unnoticed.

To teach a guy to dance a lezginka means to help him become more courageous, more confident and believe in own forces. Young people in dance studios get to know each other, make new friends, which is a definite advantage. The studios quite often hold events and corporate parties that will help you to relax and make an interesting, new circle of acquaintances.

Nowadays, lezginka is the most popular Caucasian dance, all Caucasians dance it, regardless of whether they live in their own homeland. Lezginka has long been danced before decisive battles. Even a simple hunting trip was not complete without preliminary lezginka dances. The descendants of the highlanders know perfectly well how to learn how to dance the lezginka correctly, and, of course, you will be taught her technique at your request. After all, lezginka is considered the pride of the Caucasian peoples, traditional dance, the value of the transfer of technology which is a matter of honor for any Caucasian.

The best ways to learn to dance

Nowadays, a large number of representatives of the Caucasian culture live on the territory of Russia, which means that regardless of nationality, every self-respecting person should have an idea about the culture of other nationalities, whose representatives live in the same country with him. You can find video tutorials of this dance on the Internet to get some idea about this ancient dance. Today, not only Caucasian youth are fond of lezginka, but also representatives of youth of other nationalities. After all, once you see this sensitive lovely dance performed by professionals, it is impossible to remain indifferent. The main thing to remember at the same time is that it is quite possible to learn how to dance lezginka at home, the main thing is patience and desire.

It should be noted that in dance studios and schools where the ancient Lezginka dance is taught, there are no age restrictions. Recruited in groups, both adults and children, starting from 3-4 years. Lezginka training for boys is certainly present among the Caucasian traditions, and they begin it, very often from the very early age so that in the future the boy will grow up to be a real horseman. It is beautiful and correct to move to incendiary music, dancing lezginka, like, for example, riding or fighting, boys can already at an early age.

Lezginka lessons cause delight not only in boys, but also in girls different ages. Learning to move femininely, gracefully and smoothly, like a swan, is very important for a future woman. Since it is femininity that makes a woman truly beautiful, loved and desired. This is what makes a woman a woman, after all.

It is unlikely that without femininity she will be able to become truly happy and realize herself in the full sense. given word. It is enough just to look at female performance lezginki - it seems that the dancer does not touch the floor at all, but simply hovers above the floor. Above the body of the waist level, the woman remains motionless during the dance. It is also impossible not to pay attention to the hands, because the female lezginka is also distinguished by their bewitching smooth movements.

Lezginka dance lessons

As mentioned above, you can take lezginka lessons as in specialized studios, dance clubs, and watching video lessons, learning some characteristic movements for lezginka, all kinds of lunges.

The method of collective learning of this dance with your girlfriends and friends is also considered very effective. Get together in the same room and try to repeat the movements from this dance by watching video lessons. Some ensembles were created just like that! This method impresses those who like to organize a variety of flash mobs and noisy parties. You just need to make a list of those who want to and rent or find a room for dancing.

Is it worth learning lezginka? The conclusion itself suggests itself - of course yes! This dance will give you a large number of benefits, such as the ability to move, faith in yourself, spiritual development and, of course, a large number of interesting new acquaintances. Try to attend once a class to learn this beautiful Caucasian ancient dance, and it will remain in your heart forever.

Tips to help you dance and learn lezginka correctly

I confess that giving advice is a thankless task. Many of us are supporters of a rather popular phrase: "You shouldn't teach me to fly, it's better to give me wings." Although, it must be admitted that the Lezginka dance is a whole science, the comprehension of which can sometimes last for decades. However, we offer you practical advice that you can implement today and get results tomorrow.

Tip #1 - Make a decision and finish what you started!

This is the most important piece of advice, as we quite often give up halfway through what we started. Moreover, many do it immediately after they meet the first obstacle. It shouldn't be like that! We decided to learn this dance, set a goal, wrote it down on paper, developed a plan and determined necessary resources and until then go to the ram until you learn to dance.

So you can develop the quality of a winner in yourself. Watch for inspiration a video on the Internet about the world's only one-legged wrestler, who proved to everyone that even with physical disabilities, you can win.

We repeat once again that it is necessary to bring the work begun to the end. We want to warn you right away that there will be failures. Before you learn to dance, you lower your hands a hundred times and it will seem to you that this is not for you. But, remember yourself as a child. How many times did you fall off your bike before you learned to ride? Most of us 200 times! Our poor knees, but we wanted to ride hard on our favorite bike! And we did it.

Tip #2 – Move from simple to complex!

In no case should you start learning lezginka with complex jumps, pirouettes and turns around your own axis. Moscow was not built right away! Remember that we started learning the alphabet at school with the letter “a”, then “b”, then by syllables, and only in the middle of the first grade we begin to connect words. Even at this stage, most children do not understand the meaning of most of the words they have difficulty reading. Tell me, are you reading now? I think no! But if nothing has changed for you since the first class, then you should not contact us ...

Understand, the majority is “burning” on the fact that they want to get everything at once. Such a strategy works in some areas of our life, in dances - alas, a different approach is needed. You first learn each movement in divisions, in several steps. Then you begin to combine all these steps into a single whole. And only after that you try to perform it to the music. Remember, from simple to complex. Studied everything simple moves, and then moved on to complex pirouettes. This is the most efficient method!

Quite a significant moment, ignorance of which literally “destroys” many novice dancers. Caucasian girls are especially affected by this. Although, not only girls, but most guys are subject to extreme self-criticism. At the very beginning of training, your movements will seem ridiculous and funny to you! This is fine! That's the way it should be.

Therefore, we always say that it is better to study in front of a mirror or call a girlfriend or friend. By the way, it helps very cool when you record your dance on a video, and then view it. We also want to warn those who decide to go to special groups for training. There may be those who have already learned how to dance lezginka well. There are such uncultured people who can sneer at your movements and even criticize them.

You should not pay attention to such losers. The whole point of their life is to criticize everyone around. They are called "energy vampires", as they knock out every desire to learn and achieve their goals with their actions! Say no to criticism!

Well, we think, now in your head looms clear picture how to dance lezginka correctly. But further, more interesting still.

Tip #4 – Be extremely collected and attentive in the classroom!

Under no circumstances should there be telephone conversations. You came to learn Lezginka and this is what you need to focus on. Turn off your cell phone, the internet, and other distractions, and delve into your learning. Moreover, if you see that your choreographer himself is slacking off from making constant calls, then tell him directly that you paid the money and want your time to be spent as efficiently as possible.

By the way, if the choreographer offers you the first lesson for free, then most likely he is a professional in his field. This is called front-end, that is, you get something for free and, if you like it, then you buy a paid course or product. And one more thing - it is worth learning only from those choreographers who dance excellently themselves! This is important condition. After all, it is stupid to buy weight loss drugs from a person who weighs quite a lot. Remember the formula - first show me your result, then teach me to dance too!

Surely you have at least once seen someone dancing a lezginka. This is a very groovy dance, and you want to join the dancing Caucasians, but you don’t want to seem in an awkward position, you need to be able to dance. And how to dance lezginka correctly, who knows how to do it and what needs to be done to learn, you will learn from our article.

Let's start with a description of this dance. This caucasian dance, quite old, but fast! In general, it is often not the dance itself that is called lezginka, but music that is ideal for dancing, or a combination of dance and music. From history, many people know the phrase of a monk from the Dominican Republic, dated 1634, that E.D. D'ascoli was incredibly admired by the Circassians and their toe dance. Agree that it is extremely difficult to dance on toes and it can only be models, and, of course, the mentioned Circassians.

Lezginka is known throughout Russia, it is performed even by those who cannot dance (not on tiptoes, though) at all celebrations, especially at wedding ceremonies. Apart from North Caucasus, Lezginka became famous not only in Russia, but throughout the world. Not so long ago, the second international festival Caucasian dance Lezginka in the form of a competition, and on April 6 regional festival Caucasian dance in the form of a competition.

Features of the Lezginka dance

Before striving to learn the dance and find out where the lezginka is danced, it is important to feel it with all your heart, learn all the most interesting things about it, its history and features. Here, for example, are some of the brightest features of the Caucasian Lezginka dance:

  1. National costumes. There is nothing better than looking at a perky lezginka, unless it is a lezginka in national costumes. The costumes used are Circassian, for men and women they are different;
  2. Music. Of course, lezginka will be brighter if it is performed to music. Therefore, it is worth stocking up at least with a recording of Lezginka, which is what modern Circassian youth do. But truly lezginka is performed to a good musical ensemble;
  3. Pair. To make the meaning of the dance more vivid and understandable, two people must participate in the dance - a guy and a girl, although you can often meet two girls, one of whom is dressed in men's suit. Here important aspects lie on the performance of the dance in the images of a couple. So the girl is somewhat reminiscent of a gentle and bright swan with a straight and thin posture and smooth hand movements. The guy does not “build” a swan out of himself, but appears before the girl as an eagle;
  4. Movement. As we have already noted, the girl moves smoothly, but at the same time she must keep the pace of her dance partner, while the guy must combine either a slow pace or a fast one. The most difficult movements in the dance are pas on toes, when the arms are spread out to the sides;
  5. Sight. It is also interesting that lezginka has long become a Caucasian landmark, and therefore guests of the Caucasus are always happy to watch dance concert. In general, Lezginka carries a description of the Caucasian people: proud, courageous, free and hot.

How and where to learn to dance lezginka

Many are interested in how to learn to dance lezginka. But more importantly, where to learn it. You may well go to a dance school, but in most Russian cities you can be offered modern or classical Russian folk dances, in extreme cases - waltz, tango. It is very difficult to find a real professional lezginka teacher. But if you have free time, you can not lose it for nothing and spend it on learning the lezginka dance you like and perky. To do this, you need to take a ticket to the Caucasus. Remember, perhaps you have friends or relatives in the Caucasus, this will be a real salvation for you.

Believe me, no one can teach you how to dance lezginka better than a native Caucasian with a Caucasian soul. If you have familiar Caucasians who honor their traditions, then you won’t have to travel far. Ask for help from professionals, they will teach you only the right movements, and then you can surprise your friends with new skills and win the heart of any woman.

The simplest option, but not sure enough, is self-study. You can watch video lessons of the Lezginka dance and try to become a Lezginka performer using them. However, you will not be supervised and you may learn the dance incorrectly, but it's up to you!

Learning lezginka

So, you decided to learn how to dance lezginka on yourself. If you have not found friends who will help you and you have absolutely no time to leave hometown will have to be homeschooled. Well, we are learning to dance lezginka on our own:

  1. Find lezginka courses or hire a choreographer to teach you the lezginka dance,
  2. Download lezginka video courses, they can be found both free and paid. They will come in handy even if you are studying with a teacher. Shouldn't be used simple videos with dance, it’s more difficult, the load is big, and you won’t be able to keep up with the beat,
  3. Before starting the dance, tune in to it, do you remember the images in pairs? So a man should be calm, strict and “cold”. A woman also should not smile during the dance, only calmness, rigor and poise,
  4. For training, you need to dress in the most comfortable clothes, For example, sports suit or leggings and a T-shirt, etc.,
  5. Warm up your muscles, stretch so that the dance does not become an unexpected burden on your body
  6. Review the lesson from beginning to end, then turn on the lesson again and start repeating the movements after the teacher. Video lessons can be both paired and specific, for example, only for men. Find the ones that suit you best
  7. When you finish the training and feel determined to dance, download music for lezginka and try to dance without prompting, train more often and harder.

How to dance lezginka correctly

Lezginka is the most ancient dance of the peoples of the Caucasus. It has been danced both in the mountains and on the plains for many years. Lezginka itself is a very rhythmic dance. It is a mixture of sensuality, pride and temperament inherent in Caucasian peoples. This is a dance for people of all ages and social statuses. Lezginka is danced both at celebrations and at an ordinary city disco. This dance has established itself as an integral part of the centuries-old culture of the Caucasus. Today, many people want to learn how to dance lezginka at home, because in Lately This dance has gained immense popularity.

About types of lezginka

There are many varieties of this dance. It is danced alone, danced in pairs. With a paired lezginka, the dance acts as a demonstration of the man's temperament, while his gaze should not take his eyes off the partner. Character must be expressed in all dance movements, from beginning to end. This is a dance that demonstrates strength, agility, and at the same time restraint in the manifestation of feelings, since chaotic movements or movements of an erotic nature in dance are not typical for a man, which is massively promoted by foreign media.

A variety of lezginka in the world

In Caucasian culture, the Lezginka associates a man with a proud wild bird- an eagle, a woman is associated with a swan. To understand how to learn how to dance lezginka correctly, it is worth remembering that body language can convey feelings no worse than ordinary human speech. In Lezginka pair dances, the couple conveys a silent acquaintance, but group dances are always aimed at demonstrating strength, endurance and dexterity. Previously, dancers were able to continue dancing lezginka for hours, periodically replacing each other. In the case of a single dance, lezginka is contact with the audience without words, a manifestation of one's best qualities.

Where can you take lessons?

From recent times and until today, lezginka remains a very popular dance among young people. This cannot but cause joy. Today there are many dance schools, sections, dance groups, where they will show you how quickly you will learn to dance lezginka, and how many opportunities it opens up. This is a great way to have a good time, get your body in order, or just keep fit. The art of dance will help you and your loved ones develop spiritually, gain self-confidence, and also make many new and interesting acquaintances, because creative people, people of art never go unnoticed.

Get lezginka dance lessons

To teach a guy to dance lezginka means to help him become more confident, more courageous, and believe in himself. In dance studios, young people get to know each other, make new friends, which, of course, is also an advantage. The studios often host corporate parties and events that will help you to relax and get a new, interesting circle of acquaintances.

Street lezginka for people

Today, Lezginka is the most popular Caucasian dance; all Caucasians dance it, regardless of whether they live in their homeland. For a long time, lezginka was danced before decisive battles. Even a hunting trip was not complete without preliminary lezginka dances. The descendants of the highlanders know perfectly well how to learn how to dance the lezginka correctly, and will certainly teach you its technique at your request. After all, Lezginka is the pride of the peoples of the Caucasus, a traditional dance, the value of transferring the technique of which is a matter of honor for any Caucasian.

The best ways to learn to dance

On the territory of Russia today there are many representatives of the Caucasian culture, which means that regardless of nationality, every self-respecting person should have an idea about the culture of other nationalities, whose representatives live with him in the same country. On the Internet, you can find video lessons of learning lezginka to get some idea about this ancient dance. Today, not only representatives of the Caucasian youth are fond of lezginka, but also young people of other nationalities. After all, having once seen this beautiful sensual dance performed by professionals, it is impossible to remain indifferent. The main thing to remember is that learning to dance lezginka at home is quite realistic, the main thing is desire and patience.

The best way learn to dance lezginka

It should be noted that in schools and dance studios where the ancient Lezginka dance is taught, there are absolutely no age restrictions. The groups recruit both adults and children, starting from 3-4 years. Among the Caucasian traditions, there is certainly the teaching of lezginka boys, and they begin it, often from a very early age, so that the boy in the future will grow up as a real horseman. That's right, it's beautiful to move to incendiary music, dancing lezginka, how, for example, to fight or ride a horse, the boys already know how to early childhood.

Lezginka lessons delight not only boys, but also girls different ages. Learning how to move smoothly, gracefully and femininely, like a swan, is very important for a future woman. Since it is femininity that makes a woman truly beautiful, desirable and loved. This is what makes a woman a woman, after all.

Do lezginka at special lessons

Without femininity, she is unlikely to be able to become happy and realize herself in the full sense of the word. It is enough to look at the female performance of lezginka - it seems that the dancer does not touch the floor with her feet at all, but simply hovers above the floor. The body is above the level of the waist, while dancing the woman remains motionless. It is also impossible not to pay attention to the hands, because the female lezginka is also distinguished by their smooth, bewitching movements.

Lezginka dance lessons

As mentioned above, Lezginka lessons can be taken both in specialized studios, dance schools, and by watching video lessons, learning some of the typical Lezginka movements and lunges.

The method of collective learning of lezginka with your friends and girlfriends is also considered very effective. Get together in the same room and try to repeat the movements of the lezginka by watching video lessons. Some ensembles were created just like that! This method appeals to those who like to organize noisy parties and various flash mobs. You just need to make a list of those who want to and find or rent a room for dancing.

Take lezginka dance lessons

Is it worth learning lezginka? The conclusion suggests itself - of course yes!. This dance will give you many benefits, such as self-confidence, ability to move, spiritual development and, of course, many new interesting acquaintances. Try one day to attend a class to learn this beautiful ancient Caucasian dance, and it will remain in your heart forever.


Lezginka is a bright and incendiary action to a frantic rhythm, known to us as a dance of the peoples of the Caucasus. It is not only beautiful and acrobatic, but also good for health and figure. Learning to dance lezginka is an excellent aspiration for lovers of active movement. However, many who show interest in it are stopped by the seeming complexity of the dance. Let's make sure that this is not the case at all!

You will need:

  • Computer with Internet connection;
  • TV and / or music center;
  • Comfortable tracksuit.
Show the rest

The ancient Lezginka dance has been passed down from generation to generation for hundreds of years. It is part of the fund cultural heritage Georgia, but is also common in other eastern countries (for example, in Dagestan, Ossetia and even Iran). Today there are schools in Russia oriental dances, many of which specialize in the Caucasus and, in particular, teach Lezginka. But what if there is not enough time to study in a group, or the lifestyle does not allow you to carve out a couple of hours in the daily routine for a lesson at the time exactly set by the school? It's okay if you want to learn how to dance lezginka at home, follow our simple tips - and you will succeed!

Seven steps for self-learning lezginka

That, in fact, is all. With a responsible approach, a lot of time for training will not be required. The course posted on our website is designed for a half-hour lesson over seven days. We wish you successful and joyful learning!

- a folk Caucasian dance, which is very popular today. You can learn the basic movements in special sections and paid classes. But it is not always possible to attend such groups or work individually with a choreographer: someone does not have enough money, and someone does not have enough time. You can learn how to dance lezginka on your own, choosing the right way for yourself.

Chechen move

Online learning

This method takes less time, since you can learn lezginka while at home. No need to go anywhere, idle in traffic jams. You just need to turn on the computer and go online. On the Internet, you can find many lessons and specially designed techniques. self-study lezginka. Some of them can even be downloaded and burned to disk. It remains only to practice every day at any convenient time, whether it be morning, afternoon or even night. You can choose paid courses, but there are many similar ones on the Internet. free programs which will help you learn how to dance beautifully and passionately.

Disk training

If it is not possible to dig on the net for a long time or you could not find anything on the Internet, you can buy a special training disk. Usually they are sold in specialized stores, in the same place as music and films. Such lessons are quite inexpensive, but differ in efficiency. The whole program is professionally compiled and divided into cycles. Each workout includes warm-up exercises, repetition of dance steps and a detailed explanation of how to perform them correctly. The main thing is not to be lazy and show efficiency.

Steps to success

It is not enough just to watch the video and read the necessary information to learn how to dance the lezginka correctly. This dance requires passion, lively emotions and a little acting skills. Everything will work out well if you can correctly catch the music and merge with it into one whole. It is necessary to remember small nuances that must be taken into account:

  • kicks on the floor should be in time with the music;
  • movements require flexibility, which must be developed by performing stretching exercises;
  • balance helps keep the right hand movements, so the upper body must be given due attention.

By exercising regularly, you will be able to quickly achieve success and make your body movements perfect. The main thing is not to stop half way, but to bring what you started to the end. This fast dance not only very beautiful, it helps to keep the body in shape and tones all internal organs, prolongs life.

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