Where do hippies live? Hippie movement: values, main principles, history of origin


In the 60s, during the heyday of the hippie movement, it was very cool: the movement for peace, music, experiments with a change in consciousness and free love. Being a hippie was amazing. But now the 21st century has come [the sound of a needle scratching and stopping the record]. "Do you want to be... who?" It's clear, you don't know anything about who the hippies are. But it's not scary, because we can tell everything.


    Start with music. Listen to the music that shaped an entire generation. Go to your nearest music store or go online and buy a record that will tell you about the three days of love that culminated in musical culture hippie, - festival woodstock.

    • Listen to Jimi Hendrix and his version of the US national anthem ("Star Spangled Banner"), Joe Cocker and his band, and the currently popular song "Fish Cheer" by Country Joe and the Fish.
    • To recreate the atmosphere of Woodstock, listen to music in the rain. In dirt. Naked, with friends.
    • Although Woodstock gathered almost all the best artists and the most popular songs of the sixties, do not forget about other representatives of this era. Listen to the musicians who had a strong influence on the music scene of the 60s:
    • Bob Dylan. There are two options here and you have to decide for yourself what you like best: Dylan's acoustic music or full arrangements. Whatever you choose, Bob Dylan is an important performer in music library every hippie.
    • The Beatles. Pay special attention to music from their psychedelic period, when they moved from "She Loves You (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah)" to "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds".
    • Jefferson Airplane. Before the group became the glamorous and inexpressive project Jefferson Starship, Jefferson Airplane managed to record such hits as "White Rabbit" and "Somebody to Love".
    • The Grateful Dead. If you don't know this group, you don't know what the word "hippie" means. This group started a whole genre - "jam", within which such groups as Phish, String Cheese Incident and Widespread Panic worked (The Allman Brothers Band founded Widespread Panic). Along with the genre came a huge number of jokes about jam bands, such as: “Why do the Deadheads wave their hands in front of their faces when they dance? So that the music does not close their eyes.
    • Janis Joplin. Janice is the quintessential hippie girl. Sure, she had a catchy hairstyle, beads, and a wild personality, but she also had a voice that could lull, lift, beg, seduce, and amaze with its power.
    • Although there is huge the number of good hippie era bands that cannot be listed within the scope of this article, you Necessarily worth checking out Crosby, Stills and Nash (with and without Neil Young), Joni Mitchell, Judy Collins, Sly and the family stone, The Doors, Donovan, The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Byrds, Buffalo Springfield and possibly Frank Zappa.
  1. Listen to contemporary music. The music was exactly what the 60s generation needed. Time does not stand still, but even now there is music that corresponds to the philosophy of peace, love and understanding. Enjoy it. Being a hippie means being open to all that is good. And listen to music to dance to.

    Learn more about the era. Understand what events of the 1960s and 1970s influenced the formation of the hippie subculture. Find out how many people identified themselves as hippies, what their philosophy and beliefs were, where they came from.

    • On the Internet you can find a lot of information about the hippie subculture (perhaps even more than about any other subculture). Movies about Woodstock, as well as Celebration in Big Sur, Monterey Pop will tell you a lot about this subculture. They can be found online and on Netflix.
    • But don't limit yourself to just documentaries about hippies. Read the poets, writers and other cultural figures who had a decisive influence on the formation of this subculture:
    • Tom Wolfe's novel Electric Cooling Acid Test about Ken Casey and his Merry Pranksters is a must read. After reading this novel, you will understand whether you are on the way with hippies or not.
    • Explore the poetry of Allen Ginsberg and Jack Kerouac. Although their work predates the hippie subculture, they have influenced figures such as Hunter Thompson and Bob Dylan, among many others.
    • Listen to comedians and laugh at their jokes (and at yourself). One of the most famous comedians of those days is the man who gave the world a crazy, hippy weatherman: George Carlin. Unlike many hippies of those times, Carlin has retained his beliefs to this day.
  2. Learn more about modern hippies. Remember that being a hippie then and now are two different things. Hippies have new thoughts on a variety of topics related to life changes. The hippie generation now alive embraces most of the original ideas of the hippie philosophy, but the Vietnam War is over and Martin Luther King has made some progress in the fight for human rights.

    • Ask your parents what life was like back then. You may be surprised at what you hear (or what you hear will horrify you). You may be surprised to learn something about the times when your parents were young, when they faced the same things that you are dealing with now, including love, war, the division of the country, and constant existential threat.
  3. Try to live up to the hippie ideals. Try to pollute the ground as little as possible. Hippies love the earth and they do their best not to harm it. Buy clothes and products that are recyclable and environmentally friendly.

    • Become a volunteer, learn more about barter. The hippies of the 60s preferred barter and barter over money.
  4. Get to know hippie slang. In the 60s and 70s, hippies developed their own vocabulary, as every generation does. Below we give some examples of hippie slang:

    • ask - begging for money from passers-by on the street;
    • bazaar - conversation or conversation;
    • battle - a bottle;
    • gerla - an appeal to a girl;
    • drinchat - drink alcoholic beverages;
    • spruce - yellow;
    • clog - arrange a meeting;
    • washed down - a long guitar solo;
    • labat - play music;
    • lava - love;
    • left - unpleasant; not yours; secondary;
    • molt - quickly leave, run away;
    • maza - good opportunity;
    • mustang - louse;
    • meng - man;
    • pioneer - young hippie;
    • people - people;
    • price - price;
    • punk - punk;
    • rent - sell;
    • skip - leave, disappear;
    • stop - hitchhiking;
    • session - musical concert;
    • strim - danger;
    • umat - admiration, delight;
    • flat - apartment;
    • khair - hair;
    • civil - a person who leads a normal life.
  5. Get the right clothes. Or don't. Clothing is an optional element of hippie culture. Hippies don't care about material things. The hippie philosophy should manifest itself in relation to the world, and not in clothes. Therefore, you do not need to go around all the second-hand stores in search of the “right” round glasses with pink glasses, flared trousers or T-shirts. Look for any inexpensive clothes in a regular store. If the clothes are bright and you are comfortable, these things will do.

    • Wear items from natural materials, especially from hemp fiber. Hemp produces a large number of oxygen. A bright poncho and Mexican-style clothes made from hemp fabrics also fit the hippie look.
    • Go to secondhand shops, look for items at sales and charity events, try sewing clothes and making jewelry yourself.
    • Hippies are known for hand-dyed clothing, ethnic jewelry, rustic skirts, and flared trousers. Men wear long hair and beards with mustaches.
    • Women, as a rule, do not wear a bra and do not use cosmetics. The barefoot hippie image is true, but hippies also love sandals, soft boots or moccasins, and even sports shoes. Hippies also need to protect their feet from the weather.
  6. Try to make the world a better place. Protest against things that threaten life (like wars) and strive to create a more liberal society: advocate for the rights of gay people and for the legalization of certain drugs.

    • Many hippies believe that prohibition of drugs is more harmful than the use of these substances. Learn about the history of drug prohibition in your country.
  7. Don't be afraid to be weird. Grow your hair out and go to the hairdresser as little as possible. Maintain personal hygiene, but try to use natural soaps, deodorants, and herbal products. Many hippies prefer Dr. Bronner's. Prepare your own funds if possible. Many hippies wear dreadlocks.

    Learn about the effects of drugs on the mind. Some hippies smoke marijuana, others use psychedelic substances (mushrooms, LSD). IN Lately ecstasy is popular. Is it legal? Certainly not. Is it dangerous? Opinions differ. This is a personal choice of a person, and there is a lot of information on the consequences on the Internet. However, all this was part of the hippie culture in the 60s. One can only guess what The Beatles or The Grateful Dead would have done without their experiments with hallucinogenic substances.

    • However, it's important to remember that you don't have to take drugs to be a hippie. Remember that many hippies, including Frank Zappa, deliberately avoided drugs and preferred to enjoy other sources of pleasure available to everyone: from meditation, music, colored lights, dancing, hiking and other healthy activities. Also, recreational use of drugs other than alcohol is illegal in many countries, so be careful.
  8. Become a vegetarian. Some hippies only eat organic vegetarian and vegan foods, but remember that in the 60s there was no concept of "organic" and veganism was practically not practiced by anyone. Many hippies simply did not have the money to be selective in food.

    • IN modern world there are many organic products sold in specialty stores, and many hippies take advantage of these opportunities. Perhaps you can even meet hippies in a store near you.
  9. Avoid genetically modified foods. Do not eat foods containing more than 10 substances. If you do not understand the composition of the product, it is unlikely to be beneficial to health.

    Try buying food from markets and farm shops. Support local producers and buy food from them.

    Try going vegan. This is another eating option for those who feel that animal lives are something to be reckoned with. Veganism involves avoiding cow's milk (it's good for feeding calves), bee honey (bees produce honey, so honey is considered an animal product), and eggs (an egg is a hen's egg; an unfertilized egg does not turn into anything, but when fertilized a rooster becomes a chicken).

    Pay attention to the spiritual side. This is extremely important for neo-hippies. Learn about the chakras and learn how to meditate.

  10. Watch movies about hippies. Check out Woodstock (1970), Festival Express (2003), Revolution (1968), Magical Mystery Journey (1967), Alice's Restaurant (1969), Magic Glitch (2011). In all these films, the hippie subculture is well reflected.

    • Just be yourself! Choose any religion and belief system. There are no rules that govern the life of a hippie.
    • Try to resolve any conflicts. Be the person who knows how to reconcile the parties. Help people by listening and giving advice.
    • Don't pollute the environment.
    • Wear colorful clothes.
    • Grow your hair out and appreciate natural beauty.
    • Being a hippie does not mean strictly following everything that was discussed above. The above is general idea about hippies in previous generations. You can experiment with your style, wear earrings, wear lip gloss, and stick to your own diet plan.
    • Be open-minded and think progressively.
    • One thing that previous generations hippies smoked marijuana doesn't mean you should too. Marijuana can cause short-term memory loss, and it is a banned substance in many countries, the use and possession of which is subject to administrative and criminal liability.
    • Master some martial arts(e.g. tai chi), but remember that you should do this because of the Eastern philosophy on which this art is based, and not because of a desire to harm others.
    • Participate in protests against the government, wars and discrimination.
    • Listen to psychedelic rock.
    • Feel connected to the earth and the planet. Know how the aura works, and learn to see your own.


    • You can only be a hippie based on your beliefs. No one can teach you to be a hippie and no one can tell if you are a hippie or not. As a rule, people do what they think is right, and if you believe that hippies do everything right, most likely you will be able to become a hippie yourself.
    • A lot of people don't like hippies. It is unlikely that you will be liked by passers-by on the street, but you should not change just because others want it.
    • If you decide to go to the Rainbow Tribes either in San Francisco or Portland, take people you trust and respect with you. There's nothing worse than being stuck in unfamiliar city without money or help.
    • Don't tell people they're wrong for not following the hippie philosophy. All people are different. What you perceive as help and enlightenment, others may perceive as pressure and imposing their ideas.
    • Participation in protests can land you in jail. Soberly assess the situation by participating in such actions, and try to avoid conflicts with the police.
    • Hippies are known for their addiction to psychedelic drugs (that is, substances that change perception and affect different areas of the brain, such as marijuana and LSD). Experiment with these substances with caution as they are banned in many countries. In addition, they cannot be abused, and they have side effects("unsuccessful trip"). There is also such a thing as psychosis caused by exposure to marijuana. The consequences can be long-term (several years) and extremely negative (up to phobias and paranoia). For some, this ends up living in a state of phobia and/or paranoia.

appearance hippie the world owes Vietnam War when young people took to the streets and urged everyone to get away from violence, not to succumb to it and "Make love, not war." It is this slogan that is popular to this day and accurately characterizes this insanely interesting subculture.

The movement of peace lovers grew every day, they believed that the world could be changed without the shedding of blood, only the love of people for each other and the whole world could radically change it, it was she who was able to unite humanity against violence.

Long hair, bright loose-fitting clothes, countless multi-colored baubles and a happy look - this is the image of a typical hippie, be it a man or a woman. The main motive of this direction is “freedom in everything” and “love for everything”. The ethnic component of the image of a hippie indicates that representatives of this trend do not see differences between races and peoples, in their opinion, everyone is one and everyone deserves love, regardless of origin and stage in society.

Hippies were the first to challenge the whole society, they destroyed all frames and stereotypes, refuted censorship and showed him new life. "Children of flowers" - it was this common definition that was firmly entrenched in the representatives of the new movement. Hippies promoted love in everything, including nature: they wove flowers into their hair, wore flower wreaths, planted entire greenhouses of beautiful plants. Hippies revealed to society the colors of the world, showed that it was far from being gray and prim, as many saw it, but bright, interesting and multifaceted.

Representatives of this subculture for the first time began to explore their own "I" and the path of unity with this world. Hippies believed that the world is beautiful and one should be in harmony with this beauty. So there was a lot of meditative techniques collected from around the world. Spiritual practices were especially popular among hippies, because by changing the inner layer of the soul, one can achieve freedom and enlightenment. Having united in the so-called "spiritual communities", hippie people discovered more and more new facets of man.

The complete rejection of any restrictions led to the fact that these people tried everything on themselves, and this often led to irreversible consequences. Studying your inner world accompanied by marijuana smoking and the use of stronger drugs. The world did not yet know about the strong harm of such "pampering". A lot of representatives died from an overdose.

The accepted restrictions on the institution of marriage were also rejected by freedom-loving hippies, who believed that marriage was not necessary for sex. You can practice at any time and with anyone, without getting anyone's approval for it, except for your partner, whom you can also choose as you wish. This led to the start of a massive sexual revolution. The overturned idea of ​​the relationship between a man and a woman has greatly shaken the moral foundations of society. Group orgies, promiscuity, involvement of minors in their sexual entertainment has led to a significant degradation of society. It was at that time that feminist-minded women appeared who did not want to be only the object of a man’s sexual desire, but to have equal rights with him. This marked the beginning of women's feminism.

Hippies were not tied to the house, they traveled all over the world, studying and getting to know it and themselves. The freedom they proclaimed manifested itself in everything: they did not visit educational institutions, easily moved from place to place, made new acquaintances with their own kind and carried their culture to the masses. Gatherings, accompanied by conversations, listening to music, and dancing, were considered hippies' favorite pastime. great attention"children of flowers" devoted to self-realization and creativity of each of them.

Despite the fact that the popularity of hippies has remained far in the past, this subculture literally blew up the world and left behind many principles that have firmly entered our lives, which are still relevant and have many followers.

The material was prepared by Serezina Ekaterina.

When you meet representatives of this informal movement on the streets, it immediately becomes clear why they are called “flower children”. Their clothes are bright and colorful, their hair is long and loose. With all their appearance and lifestyle, hippies emphasize how important connection with nature, love and freedom are for them.

The hippie subculture has rich history. Originating in America in the 60s, it has spread throughout the world, having a significant impact on various areas the life of society. The hippie youth movement consisted predominantly of teenagers and young people under the age of 25. Basically, hippies were children from wealthy families who had the opportunity to travel a lot, engage in creativity and everything that interests them, instead of solving everyday household issues. These people rejected all the values ​​​​of the middle class, because the basis of the hippie philosophy was the desire for freedom and love, as the highest blessings of our world.

With hippie demonstrations, the anti-war and anti-nuclear movement began. Representatives of this subculture also advocated for animal rights, for the rights of women, children and humans in general. Hippies experienced all sorts of “curiosities”, and this opened vegetarianism, cuisine, spiritual teachings to the world. different peoples peace. The hippie era influenced the widespread use of contraceptives and fashion (jeans, T-shirts, shorts, miniskirts, ethnic clothes), and also became the impetus for the birth of the anti-globalization movement.

What do hippies look like?

This subculture, having significantly influenced modern reality and gave rise to many branches, has not disappeared to this day. Those wishing to join this youth movement, in addition to being romantics and creative people, should also be aware of the external attributes of representatives of the hippie culture.

“Make love, not war” is a slogan that is relevant for humanity at all times. The hippie movement originated in the United States in the mid-1960s against the backdrop of a protracted and bloody war ideological crisis in Vietnam. Pacifism, the denial of violence, the superiority of spiritual values ​​over material ones, the desire for freedom and individuality formed the basis of the philosophy of "flower children" and led to real revolution in American society.

About where to go to communicate with modern hippies, rethink your life and adopt some of their views, we will tell in this material.

Origin of the movement

The ideological predecessors of the hippies can be considered the beatniks of the 1950s - the “broken generation”, which included representatives of non-conformist bohemia, young writers and poets: William Burroughs, Jack Kerouac and others.

In the 1960s, the activity of the beatniks gradually began to decline, and a new countercultural movement took over. Its face was the Merry Pranksters commune and its leader, the writer Ken Kesey, who later became famous throughout the world with his novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. As Kesey himself said in his old age, "We were too young to be beatniks, and too old to be hippies" - thus, "Merry Pranksters" became a transitional stage from one movement to another.

The formation of the hippie subculture is inextricably linked with the "Acid tests" (Acid tests) - the famous parties that rolled "Merry Pranksters". At that time, the psychedelic drug LSD was still legal and an integral part of these "happenings", which led to its unprecedented popularization - and, ultimately, to its ban. The activities of the commune attracted more and more public attention and law enforcement, so that in 1966 Kesey himself, fleeing police prosecution for possession of marijuana, was forced to fake suicide and flee to Mexico.

"Acid tests" until the collapse of the commune in 1966 played the role of the mouthpiece of the countercultural youth of their time and stood at the origins of the psychedelic revolution and youth rebellion in the United States.

Finally, in the wake of protests against the continuation of hostilities in Vietnam, the hippie movement was born, which was joined by many former beatniks and participants in the Acid Tests. Remarkably dressed young men with long hair preached the ideas of pacifism, individuality, human unity and inner freedom, lived in communities of like-minded people, listened to rock and roll and psychedelic rock, traveled in brightly decorated vans on music festivals. A huge layer of literature, music, art and philosophy is associated with them. Hippies have become one of the most significant youth movements on a global scale and have had a significant impact on contemporary society and world culture generally.

hippie today

Despite the fact that the popularity of this subculture has significantly decreased since the 1960s and 1970s, there are still many of its representatives scattered around the world who continue to believe in the ideals of the founders of the movement - and bring new trends to it.

The Farm

The Farm is the oldest and most successful hippie community in existence today. This is an international community in Tennessee, near the city of Summertown, living on the principles of non-violence and respect for the Earth.

It was founded in 1971 by Stephen Gaskin and 320 San Francisco hippies. Starting with a few huts and wagons, today the Farm is an impressive area of ​​4,000 acres of cultivated land, several residences and outbuildings. This settlement not only achieved economic independence, but also became quite an influential entity in the state of Tennessee.

Most of the commune runs on solar and wind energy, above all, the ability to coexist with nature without harming it is valued here. Some Buddhist teachings also entered the life of the commune. The Farmers Lead healthy lifestyle life, produce environmentally friendly products and engage in scientific research in the field of renewable energy, environmental recycling and assistance to Third World countries.

This eco-village is a great chance to be inspired by the community way of life and to see that mutual assistance, honest work, spiritual values ​​and care for the environment can underlie a successful life.


Auroville, or "City of Dawn", is an experimental international city in India, founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa, who is respectfully called "Mother" here. Now it is being developed under the auspices of UNESCO. As planned, the city should become a space free from politics and religions, where representatives different cultures can coexist in harmony and harmony.

The main attraction of Auroville is the building in the form of a golden sphere Matrimandir, in which residents meditate and practice yoga.

The architectural solution of the city is extremely interesting: according to the idea of ​​the founders, Auroville from above should resemble an unfolding galaxy, the center of which is the golden ball Matrimandir.

For May, 2016 about 2500 people from 49 countries live in the city, most of which are Indians. The next largest diasporas are French and German.

Findhorn Ecovillage

Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland has existed for over forty years as an independent ecovillage. This is a living example of the connection between the spiritual, social, ecological and economic aspects of our lives - and the synthesis of the best ideas of the inhabitants of the village. As one of the first eco-villages - its history began at the height of the countercultural movement in 1962, when two families bought a small plot of land here - Findhorn has grown to become home to about 500 people. This village is one of the founders of the Global Ecovillage Network, an international non-profit organization that brings together similar initiatives around the world.

The village is famous for its amazingly fertile land for this strip. It is not clear whether to attribute excellent harvests to spiritual practices and communication with the spirits of plants or the beautiful ecology of this place, but the fact remains: to learn from local residents vegetable growers come from afar.

However, in any case, the village does not suffer from a lack of visitors: this is one of the main directions of ecotourism. Residents offer a variety of tours, workshops, and programs to immerse themselves in the community and see the life of the community from the inside.

Twin Oaks Village

The small settlement of Twin Oaks Village, in which only 92 adults and 13 children lived in 2015, was formed in Virginia, USA, back in 1967. Since the beginning of the existence of the international community, its lifestyle has reflected its inherent values: cooperation, sharing, non-violence, equality and care for the environment. There is no single religion in it, the beliefs of the inhabitants differ. There is no leadership figure either - it is a self-governing democracy in which responsibility is divided among several managers and committees. The settlement is economically independent, income is evenly distributed among the residents, each of whom works 42 hours a week in the economic and business areas of the community. Basically, people prefer to rotate employment in different areas, rather than doing the same thing every day. For this, everyone is provided with housing, food, medical care and funds for personal expenses.

The economy of the settlement is mainly based on weaving hammocks, compiling book indexes, producing tofu and growing vegetables. Individual participants are political activities speaking on issues of peace, ecology, feminism and anti-racism.

The village runs weekly visitor tours and three-week stay programs. The only requirement is to register and arrange your arrival in advance.


An hour from Phoenix, Arizona, lies the experimental city of Arcosanti, built according to arcology, a concept that combines architecture and ecology.

Arcosanti is the legacy of the Italian-American master Paolo Soleri (1919-2013). He started building the city back in 1970, wanting to demonstrate how to improve living conditions in the city, reducing the destructive impact on the environment, and influenced a whole generation of architects and urbanists.

Although many buildings remain unfinished, the desert city attracts both tourists interested in architecture and those who are attracted to alternative lifestyles. About 60 people permanently live in Arcosanti, and during the seasons of work and workshops, this community grows significantly with employees, interns, volunteers, students and visitors. Arcology Paolo Soleri is not just an architectural style, but a comprehensive philosophy, which, according to his plan, should revolutionize our way of life. Under the slogan “learn the alternative”, the Arcozanti buildings and their inhabitants, as a single living system, should mark the transition from a society of consumption and mindless waste of resources to a more efficient and smart lifestyle.

In addition, the city hosts many workshops and lectures, primarily on arcology, which attract students from all over the world. They have a unique opportunity to observe the object of study even in the process of planning the construction.


In sunny Australia, the hippie lifestyle seems more natural than ever. Best to an example is the village of Nimbin, the country's largest center for the cultivation of psychotropic cannabis.

Nimbin is located in the state of New South Wales, near Brisbane. Sydney hippies took a liking to the abandoned 19th-century settlement back in the 1970s, transforming it beyond recognition. In 1973, the Aquarius Festival was held here, and as the cannabis industry developed, international ganja tours began to take place here. Since 1993, Nimbin has been the venue for the legendary Mardi Grass Cannabis Festival, which hosts an annual Cannabis Fair, Cannabis Poetry Competition, Cannabis Olympiad and other exciting events.

All this activity, of course, always aroused the displeasure of the police, and many attempts were made to call the inhabitants of the city to order. This struggle culminated in 1997, when several hippies chained themselves to police helicopters in protest and gave interviews in this form to several popular publications. Since then, the authorities have left cannabis activists alone, and a Hemp Embassy has even appeared in Nimbin, coordinating anti-prohibitionist activities in Australia.

The only fly in the ointment in this story is that Nimbin, like many interesting initiatives, has become very popular among tourists, and, according to locals, this popularity did not benefit him, turning the hippie rebel city into an object of the tourism industry. Therefore, those who seek true experiences are advised to stop by Byron Bay on the way and enjoy the atmosphere of real hippies.

The Federation of Damanhur

The Damanhur Federation is a commune, ecovillage and spiritual society in Piedmont, Northern Italy. "Laboratory of the future of mankind" - as they call themselves, outlining the paths that the rest of the Earth's population will one day follow: life in harmony with the environment, mutual respect and self-knowledge.

It was founded in 1975 by Oberto Airaudi with 24 followers, and by 2000 the number of inhabitants increased to 800. The life of the community was based on the ideas of unity, equality, love and respect for environment. As a result, in 2005, Damanhur was awarded the UN award as a model sustainable development(Award for Sustainable Communities). It is a Federation of Spiritual Societies with its own constitution, culture, art, music, currency, education, and technology.

The population is divided into four classes, depending on how actively they want to participate in the life of the community. So, class A permanently resides in the Federation and evenly distributes all resources, class B provides financial support and lives in the territory at least three days a week, the other two categories can live outside the education.

The community lives in accordance with a mixture of new age and neo-pagan beliefs, with which they conduct rituals and the very way of life.

Equality and respect are at the heart of all areas of community life: in particular, marriages are contracted on a renewable basis, allowing partners to leave the union after a certain time or to renew it.

Damanhur holds many events in different cities world and has centers in Europe, America and Japan. Also, thousands of people come here every year to attend excursions, seminars and courses of Damanhur University. Scientists and researchers in the field of art come from all over the world, social sciences, spiritualism, alternative medicine, economy and wise use of the environment.

hippie subculture

Hippies are more than a subculture, a fashion trend or a youth fad. This whole era, culture, life philosophy, which left a mark in the history and hearts of the people of the twentieth century. Hippies are people who try to resist social norms, political system norms of socially approved behavior. They are absolutely free from public opinion prescribed limits and boundaries of behavior. The first hippies appeared in the early 1960s in the United States. It was a response to the rapid economic growth of the country, which led to the development of the entire world economy. There are several versions of the appearance of the word "hippie". Some sources claim that "hippie" is rooted in English slang and means "to understand", "to understand". According to another version, "hippie" is a misspelled word in one of the newspapers.

Most often, hippies were children from wealthy families of the notorious American middle class. They refused to study at elite universities, forgot about work, took off their ties and changed into loose clothes. bright clothes. The basis of their life was creativity and travel to the lost corners of the earth, life in unity with nature and the outside world. The whole meaning of their existence was reduced to victory over aggression and world wars through an all-encompassing love and the triumph of nature. Everyone who adopted the hippie lifestyle had to abandon once and for all the generally accepted norms and rules of life in society. They destroyed their passports, did not attend universities and colleges, abandoned the idea of ​​starting a family, and preached free love. Most hippies were drug addicts to one degree or another. Most often they smoked "weed" and other intoxicating mixtures. Pronounced pacifists, they were like rastamans, but their contribution to history was undoubtedly brighter and stronger than that of the followers of Bob Marley.

What hippies have changed:

  • Launched the anti-nuclear movement and blocked any use of nuclear warheads. It was at the suggestion of the hippies that the world powers sat down at the negotiating table on nuclear disarmament;
  • Founded the movement for children's rights, human rights, women's rights, animal rights and a number of environmental movements%
  • Hippies made vegetarianism trendy, and then its more radical form - veganism;
  • The anti-war movement, which deals exclusively with issues of peace within the state, was founded by hippies;
  • They introduced the concept of “ethnoculture” into scientific and everyday circulation, made ethnoculture a fashionable lifestyle;
  • It was the hippies who began to actively "plan the family", using a variety of contraceptives. This trend soon became a worldwide practice;
  • A healthy lifestyle, closeness to nature and the absence of stress - this was also declared by the hippies and became the principles of maintaining health in all developed countries;
  • Spiritual self-knowledge, various spiritual practices, meditation, extrasensory perception are part of the hippie subculture;
  • Hippies have made a huge contribution to the development of world fashion. From their submission to everyday life included T-shirts, jeans, shorts, miniskirts and ethnic style of clothing;
  • Hitchhiking as a way to travel;
  • Nudist beaches are an idea that arose in the ranks of hippies.

hippie style

Long flowing hair - business card any hippie, regardless of gender, age and other differences. This hairstyle has become a symbol of absolute freedom, the absence of frames and restraining boundaries. Hippies wore many different dyes in the ethnic style of all the peoples of the world and this emphasized the unity of all peoples, the whole world, all people. Often in the hair of hippies one could see living woven flowers - this is how they spoke about their closeness to nature. Because of this, the middle name of the hippie sounds like "flower children." Another distinguishing feature of hippies were multi-colored

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