Individual birth horoscope. Oleg Gazmanov - biography, personal life, photo, family, wife, children


The hero of our article - talented musician and a true patriot Oleg Gazmanov. The biography of this artist is still of interest to his fans, representing different generations. About where the singer was born and studied, how he made his way to success, you will learn from the article.

Oleg Gazmanov: biography

The main "esaul" of our stage was born on July 22, 1951 in the city of Gusev, in the Kaliningrad region. His father and mother went through the whole Great Patriotic war. But fate brought them together later, in peacetime. Gazmanov's father fought in the Navy, and his mother was a doctor in the hospital.

The childhood of our hero passed in Kaliningrad. Like all boys born in post-war years, he walked through abandoned places in search of captured weapons and ammunition. Oleg managed to find a German-made heavy machine gun. Parents did not know about this discovery. When they were at work, the boy took out a machine gun and "killed" imaginary opponents. This continued until one day these shootings ended in failure. Oleg injured his little finger.

As a child, the singer was freckled, for which he was constantly teased by the guys from the yard. At school, Gazmanov was also bullied. But the boy, brave beyond his years, knew how to hit back.

Student years

Having received a certificate of secondary education, Oleg Gazmanov decided to become a sailor. He applied to the Higher Naval Engineering School in his native Kaliningrad. Strong and brave guy succeeded in passing the entrance exams.

In 1973, with the rank of lieutenant, he served in mine torpedo depots located near Riga. Oleg performed at festive evenings - he sang songs with a guitar.

Returning from the service, Gazmanov worked for 3 years in his specialty at the same school, where he had recently received his education.

In the late 1970s, our hero entered a music school. In parallel, he performed in various ensembles known throughout Kaliningrad. IN different time Oleg Mikhailovich was a soloist of the groups "Galaktika" and " Blue bird". The guys made a living by performing in restaurants.

At some point, Gazmanov realized that music was his main vocation. More and more time he devoted to writing songs. And after graduating from college, Oleg Mikhailovich decided to go to Moscow. He understood that only in the capital could he fully realize his creative ambitions.

Way to success

The singer Oleg Gazmanov did not immediately appear on our stage. His biography as solo artist started in the 1990s. The guy from Kaliningrad had to go hard way to success.

In 1989, Gazmanov created the Squadron group and recorded the song of the same name, which brought him unprecedented popularity. For 18 months, the composition led the hit parade, which was prestigious at that time.

Together with his little son Rodion, Oleg Mikhailovich sang the song "Lucy". The sentimental composition about a yard dog appealed to Soviet listeners. Soon Gazmanov pleased his fans with new songs, which also became popular. These include: "Sailor", "Esaul", "Moscow", "Putana" and others.

To date, Gazmanov's creative piggy bank has 13 albums, a dozen clips and several honorary titles. In 2012, our hero even participated in the recording of the Russian anthem.

We all know Oleg Gazmanov as an excellent family man and a true patriot. But there are facts about which only a few are known. Here are some of them:

  • On May 9, 1999, a nominal star "Oleg Gazmanov" appeared on the "Square of Stars" (next to the entrance to the State Central Concert Hall).
  • Our hero in Kaliningrad studied at the same school with ex-wife President - Lyudmila Putina.
  • In an interview, Oleg Gazmanov rarely talks about his roots. The biography, the nationality of the singer - all this interests his fans. Especially for them we inform: his father is a purebred Tatar, and his mother was Jewish.
  • Gazmanov wrote many songs for such performers as Iosif Kobzon, Natasha Koroleva, Kristina Orbakaite and others. These compositions have gained national love.

Oleg Gazmanov. Biography, family

A stately and charismatic brunette has always liked female gender. His songs with a guitar drove the girls crazy. They considered Oleg a romantic and a real gentleman. The singer has always dreamed of a big and friendly family. And soon God heard him.

Who did Oleg Gazmanov meet in his youth? Biography, wife and children - his fans want to know about this. The first wife of the artist was Irina. She graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, but did not work by profession. Their wedding took place in 1975. Then no one knew the musician and singer Oleg Gazmanov. In 1981, the couple had a son, Rodion. Our hero did not have a soul in him. Dad tried to instill in his son a love of music from childhood. In 1995, Oleg and Irina divorced.

The singer did not wear the status of a bachelor for long. He soon became acquainted with charming blonde Marina Muravieva. In 2003 they got married. The woman had a 6-year-old son, Philip, from her first marriage. Oleg Mikhailovich accepted him and gave his last name. In 2003, the couple was born common child- Daughter Marianne.

worthy generation

Each of us knows who Oleg Gazmanov is. Biography of the singer (at least in in general terms) is known to many. But he has a worthy successor to the family name - the son of Rodion. The guy from childhood attended a music school, was fond of karate, kung fu and swimming. He received his secondary education at a Moscow school. Behind him - studying at a prestigious English college.

Since 2010, Rodion has been participating in his father's concerts, and has also been practicing vocals with the best teachers. The guy is increasingly seen on television. For example, now he is participating in the parody show “Just Like It” on Channel One.


You learned about where Oleg Gazmanov was born and studied. Biography famous singer has been reviewed by us in detail. Today he may well call himself happy man, because he has a beautiful wife, three talented children and a favorite job.

Oleg Gazmanov - popular Russian singer, author of music and lyrics own songs, producer and actor. Gazmanov wears honorary titles People's and Honored Artist Russian Federation. The singer is not only a multiple laureate national award"Ovation" and the festival "Song of the Year", he is a holder of the Order of Honor of Russia and an ambassador good will Unicef ​​fund in Russia. He is known to his fans not only for his creativity, but also for his active citizenship.

All photos 7


Oleg Mikhailovich was born in the small town of Gusev on July 22, 1951. The singer's father was a front-line soldier, and his mother worked in a military hospital as a cardiologist. Gazmanov's childhood passed in Kaliningrad. Like many boys of the post-war period, he was fond of searching for and collecting ammunition and weapons from the Second World War. Relations with music were not easy: at the age of five, the parents sent the boy to a music circle to learn to play the violin. The future artist studied for two years, but then dropped out. The reason for this was a too strict teacher, who for a long time discouraged Gazmanov from making music.

In his school years, the singer became interested in sports, although physical exercise he was contraindicated due to congenital heart disease. However, Gazmanov secretly visited sports section, where he performed exercises on rings and uneven bars. When the parents of the future artist found out about Oleg's hobby, they made a real scandal for their son, but then they still reconciled and allowed him to play sports.

Classes physical education benefited Gazmanov: a few years later it turned out that congenital heart murmurs had disappeared without a trace. Unfortunately, the sport had to be abandoned after a serious injury: in the 9th grade, the artist broke his leg after falling on the uneven bars.

Oleg received his secondary education at the Kaliningrad school No. 8, where the singer Lada Dance and Lyudmila Putina also studied. After graduating from the 9th grade, Gazmanov entered the Engineering School (KVIMU), where he got the opportunity not only to engage in science, but also to sail on ships. After graduation future artist stayed at the school as a teacher. He not only lectured, but also worked on his dissertation, but after completing his scientific work, Gazmanov realized that he would not be able to realize himself as a scientist.

In 1981, Oleg Gazmanov managed to graduate from a music school, having mastered the art of playing the guitar to perfection. During his studies, he plays in several musical groups, including in the ensembles "Blue Bird" and "Galaxy". A little later, Gazmanov creates his own group "Squadron", with which he performs mainly in restaurants and hotels in the city. 1986 becomes a fateful year for the singer - he decides to move to the capital with his family and bandmates to try to conquer the capital's show business.

The first song of the group by the same name"Squadron" becomes a mega hit, for a year and a half it has been in first place in the ranking of the most popular songs MK newspaper. The concerts of the group gather full houses: in 1991, more than 70 thousand people came to the Squadron program at Luzhniki.

Oleg Gazmanov managed to find his own, yet unoccupied niche on the Russian stage (his music combines elements of rock, pop music and folklore) and firmly take his place in it. For my musical career the singer has repeatedly become the winner of numerous awards. Without his participation and the song "Officers" almost no concert dedicated to military holidays or honoring employees of law enforcement agencies can do.

Personal life

Oleg Gazmanov was married twice. From his first marriage with Irina, the singer had a son, Rodion. When the boy was five years old, he sang the song "Lucy", written for him by his father. Alla Pugacheva liked the song so much that she put it on the air of the Morning Mail program. "Lucy" instantly made Rodion Gazmanov a star no less bright than his famous father. The boy performed at concerts with a program of children's songs, gathering full houses. Unlike his famous predecessor, Gazmanov Jr. did not associate his life with music. He graduated from the Financial Academy and is now the CFO of a company specializing in innovative technologies in agriculture.

Oleg lived with Irina for 20 years, but in 1995 their seemingly strong marriage broke up. Gazmanov was in no hurry to create new family and only in 2003 he legalized his relationship with Marina Muravyova. The couple is raising Marina's son from her first marriage and common daughter Marianna.

Today, the singer, who has already celebrated his 60th birthday, does not stop active concert and touring activities, invariably delighting fans with his excellent physical shape. In addition to creativity, Oleg Mikhailovich is engaged in social activities and charity.

In the city of Gusev, Kaliningrad region, in the family of a professional military man and a cardiologist.

Gazmanov's childhood passed in Kaliningrad.

Oleg was left without a father early. Studied violin in music school, did gymnastics. He performed under the program of the master of sports. In the ninth grade, he badly injured his leg, and training had to be stopped.

In 1968 he graduated from high school. In the same year, Oleg entered the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School (KVIMU) at the Department of Marine refrigeration machines and settings".

In 1973, after graduation, he received a diploma with honors. After graduation, he served near Riga with the rank of lieutenant.

Returning to Kaliningrad, Gazmanov worked at KVIMU. He lectured and studied at the same time in graduate school and wrote a dissertation. But, carried away by music, he decided to leave his scientific career.

Oleg was a member of the most popular group in Kaliningrad, Atlantic. As part of the group in 1969, he first performed his song " White snow", which 20 years later became the song of the year performed by Valery Leontiev. He also performed as part of the Kaliningrad vocal and instrumental ensemble "Visit".

In 1977, Gazmanov entered the Kaliningrad Regional Music College in guitar class and graduated in 1981.

At this time, he earned a living as a musician in the restaurant of the Kaliningrad Hotel.

In 1988, all-Union fame came to Oleg as a composer after his six-year-old son Rodion performed his song "Lucy". Then Gazmanov began to write songs for Valery Leontiev, Masha Rasputina, Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. and others.

Among the first songs that Oleg Gazmanov himself sang, "Putana" occupies a special place, it was written on the topic of the day and touched the hearts of many Russians. Initially, Oleg gave it to Alexander Kalyanov and decided to sing it himself on the advice music producer Alexander Tolmatsky.

In 1989, Oleg Gazmanov recorded the song "Squadron", which became a hit. She held out for 18 months at the top of the then most prestigious hit parade of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

In the fall of 1991, Gazmanov's debut solo album, Squadron, saw the light of day - it included euro-disco hits: Squadron, Esaul, Putana and Sailor. After the first album, Gazmanov began concert tour within the country and abroad.

Among the songs that are significant for the composer is the ballad "Lord Officers". He dedicated it to the events of the August coup, and thanks to her, the fame of a patriotic singer came to him. post-Soviet Russia. Besides, unofficial anthem capital was Gazmanov's song "Moscow", which he wrote for the 850th anniversary of the city.

In 1995 he received the title of Honored Artist of Russia, in 2001 he became a People's Artist.

He founded the don't even try charity program to support and treat children born to HIV-infected parents.

Oleg Gazmanov is the owner of a number of awards and prizes, including the Order of Honor (2006), the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2012), the Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, and the Prize of the City of Moscow.

The singer is a 15-time laureate of the festival "Song of the Year", a 7-time winner of the national award "Ovation", laureate international festival The World Music Awards. On May 9, 1998, Oleg Gazmanov's nominal Star was laid on the Square of Stars at the entrance to the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall.

He is a member of the Moscow Writers' Union, the Public Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Public Council of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and a Goodwill Ambassador for the UNICEF Children's Fund in Russia.

Oleg Gazmanov is married with a second marriage. From the first marriage there is a son Rodion (born in 1981), a musician, poet.

In her second marriage with Marina Muravyova, she has a daughter, Marianna.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Gazmanov Oleg Mikhailovich (b. 1951) is a Russian singer, poet and composer, producer and actor. Has a rank People's Artist Russia.


Oleg Gazmanov was born on July 22, 1951 in the city of Gusev, which is located in the Kaliningrad region. His parents were frontline soldiers. Dad, Gazmanov Mikhail Semyonovich, is a professional military man, had the rank of major. Mom, Zinaida Abramovna, went through the war as a nurse in a hospital, then received a higher medical education and became a cardiologist.

Both Oleg's father and mother were from Belarus, but after demobilization they ended up in the Kaliningrad region. His grandmother lived in the city of Minsk for a long time. Gazmanov loves very much beautiful country Belarus, with her open people and wonderful nature, with huge BelAZ trucks and amazing potato pancakes. When he comes to Minsk with concerts, a picture from childhood clearly pops up in his memory - grandmother's cherry garden.

Oleg was the only son of his parents. He showed up very early. good voice and rumor, mom and dad decided to give the child a musical education, at the age of 5 they enrolled him in school to learn to play the violin. But the instrument aroused hostility in little Oleg, he preferred the company of yard friends to music.

His childhood years were spent in the Kaliningrad region, but not in the yards with a soccer ball. The post-war boys were only engaged in looking for echoes of the war years in the form of ammunition or weapons in abandoned places.

Everyone boasted to each other about their combat collection, Gazmanov had one too. Of course, such boyish fun sometimes ended sadly, Oleg had injuries and cases when life hung in the balance.

Once a machine gun fell on his little finger, fortunately, his mother was nearby and gave her son first aid. The second case was much more serious, when Oleg, out of interest, began to open an anti-tank mine that he had found. Luckily for him, the military passed by, they instantly dragged the curious boy away from the ammunition.

School years

Oleg went to school in the city of Kaliningrad, where the family had moved by this time.

He was released from physical education, as doctors discovered a congenital heart defect in the child. But he could not come to terms with this and enrolled in the gymnastics section after his school friends. The boy liked to hang on the rings or swing on the bars, but he did all this in secret from his parents.

Gazmanov not only went to training, but also took part in competitions. When the parents found out the truth, at first they were shocked by all this gymnastics, physical activity, training and competition. However, over time, doctors discovered that congenital heart murmurs began to disappear, and mom and dad resigned themselves to their son's sports passion.

However, in the ninth grade, Oleg fell from a gymnastic apparatus and received a fracture in both legs. I had to part with the dream of a career as a great athlete, but Oleg soon found himself another hobby to his liking. He was taken to school musical ensemble, the guys sang at parties and discos. It turned out well for them and the ensemble began to be invited to clubs and dance floors in Kaliningrad. So Oleg Gazmanov began to earn his first money. But my mother didn’t even want to hear about the career of a musician; she didn’t want such a future for her son.

Higher education institutions

Respecting his parents, Gazmanov did not argue and entered the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School, began to study the promising profession of a refrigeration specialist. Starting from the third year, Oleg took up science, he had occasion to go to sea on ships. After graduating from college at the invitation of the management educational institution Gazmanov remained at the department, wrote a dissertation, lectured.
But after completing my scientific work, he suddenly realized that he would not be able to realize himself as a scientist.

And Oleg became a student again, this time at Kaliningrad music school guitar class.

During his studies, he began his labor activity in the ensemble that sang in the restaurant of the Kaliningrad Hotel, later was a member of the VIA:

  • "Visit";
  • "Galaxy";
  • "Blue bird";
  • "Atlantic".

But the main income was still brought by performances in restaurants. Moreover, being a student at a music school, Oleg got married. His first wife was a girl named Irina, who gave birth to Gazmanov in 1981, the son of Rodion.

creative path

In 1986, Oleg Gazmanov and his family moved to Moscow. By this time, he not only sang songs and played the guitar, but also composed music. As a composer, the country recognized him after the song about the dog "Lucy", which was sung by his five-year-old son. Soviet listeners liked the unpretentious song and the little performer. It turns out that the name Gazmanov was first glorified by Rodion. The father wrote several children's songs, the son performed them, an album was recorded, and tours around the country began.

1989 became a truly stellar year for Oleg himself. He created the Squadron group, wrote and performed the songs Putana and Squadron. In an instant these musical compositions became popular, at the top of the domestic hit parade lasted almost 18 months. Gazmanov released a solo album under the same name "Squadron", it went platinum in one month. The whole country sang along with Oleg at the concerts with which he went through the decaying Soviet Union.

In 1990, Oleg Gazmanov took part in the final of "Song of the Year", and in 1991, 70 thousand spectators gathered at his concert in Luzhniki.

Each of his new song sure to become a hit.

  • "Esaul";
  • "Went on a walk";
  • "Sailor";
  • "Tramp";
  • "Squadron of my crazy songs";
  • "Moscow, the bells are ringing";
  • "My clear days".

His composition "Gentlemen officers" has become an indispensable attribute of all holiday concerts dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day and Victory Day.

The work of Oleg Gazmanov has been repeatedly awarded with prizes and awards:

  • Ovation and Golden Gramophone awards;
  • "Hit of the Year";
  • "The best soloist of pop music";
  • "Best Lyricist"

In 1995, Oleg Gazmanov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, in 2001 - People's Artist of Russia.

Personal life

He lived with his first wife Irina Gazmanov for 20 years, she was a chemist by education, but did not work, she was engaged in housekeeping and raising her son Rodion.

The boy, who became popular throughout the country thanks to the song about the dog Lucy, grew up a long time ago, graduated from the financial academy. In a large Russian company, which is engaged in nanotechnology, Rodion works as a financial director. He did not abandon his passion for music, he has his own group "DNA".

Oleg's second wife, Marina Muravyova, is 18 years younger than the singer. They met in Voronezh in 1988. Oleg was there with a concert, but the acquaintance took place in a restaurant. Marina at that time was married to the brother of Sergei Mavrodi, the head of the legendary MMM, and had a son. She was not a fan of Oleg Gazmanov, moreover, she was not even interested in his work at all. But the singer liked the girl in that Voronezh restaurant at first sight, and he invited her to his concert.

Both were not free, but sympathy arose between Oleg and Marina, which grew into strong feelings. Since the mid-90s, they left their families and began to live together, the couple officially signed in 2003.

In December 2003, Oleg and Marina had a daughter, Marianna.

The mother of Oleg Gazmanov, Zinaida Abramovna, considered only the first Irina to be her only daughter-in-law; relations with the second Marina did not work out. But Oleg's son Rodion gets along well with his father's second wife, with her son from his first marriage Philip and sister. He often visits the Gazmanovs in Serebryany Bor.

off stage

Oleg Gazmanov supported the actions of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin in relation to the Crimea and Donbass. For this, sanctions were imposed against him, the singer was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine and Latvia. In response to this, he wrote the song "Forward, Russia!" as a symbol of love for the motherland and the unity of the Russian people.

Oleg Gazmanov is an Honorary Citizen of the cities of Kaliningrad and Saratov.
In 2104, he took an active part in the preparation and holding of winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

In 2105, he participated in the First Channel project “Together with Dolphins”, where he demonstrated an excellent performance for his age. sportswear.

Singer Oleg Gazmanov has an award - the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree.

Loves life in all its manifestations a real man, true values considers honor, dignity and independence, the ability to keep one's word.

Name: Oleg Gazmanov

Age: 66 years old

Place of Birth: Kaliningrad, Russia

Height: 163 cm

Weight: 59 kg

Activity: crooner, composer, poet

Family status: married to Marina Muravyova

Biography of Oleg Gazmanov

Oleg Gazmanov is one of those artists Russian stage, to which, as well as possible, the phrase "forever young" fits. Despite the fact that one of these days he will celebrate his 65th birthday, the singer is in a beautiful physical form and pleases fans with concerts at which his famous hits and new compositions. Although Gazmanov's biography is not a secret to anyone, some little known facts may be of interest to those who have long admired his work

Family of Oleg Gazmanov

Oleg Mikhailovich Gazmanov was born on July 22, 1951 in the small town of Gusev, located on the territory of the Kaliningrad region. The parents of the future artist were from Belarus, where Oleg's grandmother lived at that time. Both of them went through the roads of war: their father, Mikhail Semenovich Gazmanov, was a regular military man and rose to the rank of major, and his mother, Zinaida Abramovna, being a cardiologist, spent 4 years in a military hospital. In addition to Oleg, the couple had no other children.

Gazmanov's childhood

IN hometown Gazmanov did not live long and soon moved with his family to Kaliningrad, where he graduated from high school. general education school No. 8. The star of the 90s Lada Dance and Lyudmila Putina also studied there. In addition, Oleg was engaged in artistic gymnastics and was a member of the regional team in this sport. Unfortunately, in the 9th grade, he badly injured his leg, and he had to forget about training.

Oleg Gazmanov - Study

In 1973, O. Gazmanov received a diploma from the Kaliningrad Higher Marine Engineering School. From the third year of high school he was engaged in science. In addition, he repeatedly had to go on ships at sea. After receiving a "red" diploma, Oleg was invited to work at one of the departments of KVIMU, where he lectured and wrote a dissertation at the same time. Upon completion of this work, Gazmanov realized that he would not be able to realize his potential as a scientist in conditions of stagnation, and changed his field of activity.

Having started everything from scratch, in 1981 he graduated from the Kaliningrad Music College in guitar class. True, it should be noted that he always wrote songs and performed as part of the Kaliningrad VIA "Visit" and "Atlantic". Since by the time of graduation from music education he already had a family, Gazmanov made a living working as a musician in the restaurant of the famous Kaliningrad hotel in the city, where his friend Mikhail Rein arranged him.

Start solo career Oleg Gazmanov

Creative biography of Oleg Gazmanov solo artist began in 1989, when he created the Squadron group. The team and its leader literally broke into musical Olympus. However, even earlier, all-Union fame came to him as a composer. It happened after the performance of the song "Lucy" by his son - little Rodion. Then his creations began to be presented from the pop stage by such stars as, Masha Rasputina, and others.

Among the first songs that Oleg Gazmanov himself already performed, "Putana" occupies a special place. It was written on the topic of the day and touched the hearts of millions of Russians. Interestingly, initially Oleg gave it to Alexander Kalyanov and decided to sing only on the urgent advice of A. Tolmatsky.

Famous works of Gazmanov

In the fall of 1991, Gazmanov's debut solo album, Squadron, was released - it included Euro-disco hits: Squadron, Esaul, Putana and Sailor.

Among the songs that are significant for Oleg is the ballad "Lord Officers". He dedicated it to the events of the August coup, and thanks to it, the glory of a patriotic singer of the new post-Soviet Russia came to him.

In addition, Gazmanov's song "Moscow", which he wrote for the 850th anniversary of the city, became the unofficial anthem of the capital. If we continue the theme of pathos works and performances of the artist, it should be noted that the singer recorded the performance of the Anthem of the Russian Federation twice: the first time in 2012 with Academic Ensemble songs and dances named after A. Alexandrov, and for the second time - solo. To criticism regarding the admissibility various interpretations of this work, he always notes that it is much worse that many Russians do not know the words of their anthem.

Oleg Gazmanov - biography of personal life

Oleg Gazmanov was married twice. The singer's first wife was his age, Irina Gazmanova. Although the woman graduated from Kaliningrad University, she devoted all her youth to their common son Rodion, who was born in 1981.

By the end of the 90s, the relationship between Oleg and Irina was in crisis. It was associated with the appearance in Oleg's life of a young beauty, Marina Muravyova, who had a son, Philip, from a previous marriage. In 2003, after a divorce from his first wife, Gazmanov married a second time. Marina and Oleg have a common child - daughter Marina, who was born immediately after the registration of marriage.

Now you know the biography of Oleg Gazmanov. It remains to be hoped that the artist long years will delight us with his concerts and new songs, which will also become popular hits.

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