Research work “The image of Baba Yaga in folk tales. The study of fairy tales Analysis of the Russian folk tale "Baba Yaga


Where does Baba Yaga live?

Where does the fairy tale live? Yes, everywhere: in a dense forest, in a field, at a crossroads, in a rustle of foliage ... A fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person lives, a fairy tale is also alive. Fairy tales are loved by everyone: both adults and children. They have many different miracles. Has anyone thought about how Baba Yaga got into the fairy tale? Why does she eat small children? Why does she live alone dark forest? Who invented it? It's fictional fairy tale character? Or maybe Baba Yaga - mythological creature? A student of the Lomonosov school decided to learn more about this and find answers to his questions. Of course, it is beyond the power of a first-grader to put a hypothesis, to determine the object and subject of research, so the teacher helped him in this work. The completed research work was successfully presented at the district educational and research conference of schoolchildren "Youth of Pomorie".

Subject."Image Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales.

Target. Analyze the image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales and draw a conclusion about its essence.

Tasks. Learn from additional literature about Baba Yaga; conduct a survey on the topic of work among students; read Russian folk tales in which Baba Yaga acts; analyze the image of Baba Yaga and draw conclusions.

Object of study. Baba Yaga.

Subject of study. Russian folk tales.

Hypothesis. Suppose Baba Yaga is fictional character Russian folk tales.

Research methods. Reflections, reading books, survey, analysis of results.

I. Main body

1. General characteristics of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is an old blind hunchbacked witch with a long nose and disheveled hair. She eats human flesh, and is called " bone leg».
In the encyclopedia, I found the following definition: Baba Yaga - popular character Russian folk tales. In the Orthodox mind - the embodiment of the satanic forces of evil, the expression of hatred for everything Russian (2, p. 113).
Baba Yaga lives in the forest, in a hut on chicken legs, sometimes surrounded by a palisade of human bones. The hut can turn around itself. Various animals live in Baba Yaga's house: black cats, mice, frogs, crows and snakes. They are her advisers and guards.
Baba Yaga does not walk, but travels around the world in an iron mortar (scooter chariot), driving it with a pestle or an iron club. And so that no traces are visible, she sweeps them with a broom or broom.
Baba Yaga possesses magical things: a flying carpet, gusli-samogudy, a sword-treasurer, walking boots and many others.

2. Baba Yaga - a mythological creature

A fairy tale is always preceded by a myth.
Baba Yaga (Yaga-Yaginishna, Yagibikha, Yagishna) - a very ancient Slavic deity, guardian hearth, kind, traditions, children and household.
Baba Yaga (Storm-Yaga, Ide) is a forest old sorceress, a witch who is subject to whirlwinds and blizzards.
Initially, it was the deity of death: a woman with a snake tail, who guarded the entrance to the underworld and escorted the souls of the dead to the kingdom of the dead. Previously, they believed that Baba Yaga could live in any village, disguised as an ordinary woman: look after livestock, cook, raise children - that is, they believed that she was a witch.
But still, Baba Yaga is a creature more dangerous than a witch. She lives in a dense forest, which has long instilled fear in people, since it was perceived as a border between world of the dead and alive.
The hut of Baba Yaga stands in the thicket of the forest or on the edge. The name “chicken legs”, most likely, came from “smoky”, that is, fumigated with smoke, pillars on which the Slavs put a “hut of death” - a small log house with the ashes of the deceased inside (such a funeral rite existed among the ancient Slavs back in the VI-IX centuries.)
Another prototype of Baba Yaga could be witches and healers who lived far from the settlements in the depths of the forest. There they collected various roots and herbs, dried them and made various tinctures, if necessary, they helped the villagers. But many considered them companions evil spirits, since, living in the forest, they could not but communicate with evil spirits (1, p. 56).

3. The main features of the image of Baba Yaga

This is a woman, an old woman, she has an unusual (most often bone) leg. The bone leg is mentioned in the singular in almost all fairy tales. Therefore, we can assume that Baba Yaga is one-legged.
A bone leg is an attribute of death (the leg of a dead man or a skeleton). If the myth says that the deity is not all right with his legs, then you need to "look for a snake." Baba Yaga is of snake origin. The one-leggedness of Baba Yaga is sufficient reason to assume that she is included in the circle of deities leading her lineage from a snake. The name Yaga, scientists believe, also reflected her serpentine nature. "Yaga" comes from the Sancrist "serpent". Thus, at first Baba Yaga crawled like a snake, then she began to jump on one leg, even later she began to ride in a mortar on the ground and only finally rose into the air with the mortar - thus, she turned into a purely fairy-tale character (1, p. 62 ).

4. Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales

First, I decided to conduct a survey among students lower grades, because it became interesting to me: what do other students think about Baba Yaga? They were asked to answer the following questions:

1. Who is Baba Yaga?
2. How do you imagine her?
3. Where does she live?
4. What does he do?
5. What does a bony leg look like?

The survey involved 23 primary school students. I recorded their answers in table 1.

Table 1

Student survey results

1. Who is Baba Yaga?

Fictional character

witch, sorceress

Elderly woman

Evil grumpy old woman

old lady with a broom

2. How do you imagine her?

Angry, angry, bad

Cheerful, playful

Aggressive, nervous

3. Where does she live?

In the forest in a hut on chicken legs

In the swamp in the hut

4. What does he do?

Goes to visit Leshem

Flying in a mortar

Brews potions, conjures

eats children

spinning yarn

5. What does a bony leg look like?

Made from bone

Looks like a skeleton

wooden leg

magic leg

Then I independently analyzed the image of Baba Yaga. To do this, I read 11 Russian folk tales that talked about Baba Yaga.
In all Russian folk tales, Baba Yaga plays important role. Heroes sometimes resort to it, as to last resort, the last helper. But in fairy tales, it either helps or it doesn't.
The results of my research on the following fairy tales: “Swan Geese”, “The Frog Princess”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Baba Yaga”, “Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek”, “Marya Morevna”, “Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin”, “Go there - I don’t know where, bring it - I don’t know what”, “The Enchanted Princess”, “Finist the Clear Falcon”, “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and living water"- I wrote in table 2.

5. General conclusions

Thus, in the tales I read, Baba Yaga appears as an old, toothless woman, she has a long nose.
Baba Yaga lives in the forest, in a hut on chicken legs, which turns its back to the forest, and to the stranger in front; the fence around the hut is made of human bones, on the fence there are skulls, instead of doors - legs, instead of locks - hands, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth.
Heroes address Baba Yaga affectionately - "grandmother". Baba Yaga helps heroes who deserve it, although she cannot stand the Russian spirit. In 6 tales out of 11 Baba Yaga - positive character, in 5 fairy tales - negative. So, Baba Yaga cannot be considered only an evil and grumpy sorceress.
Baba Yaga has magical things, various animals serve her. Chasing fairytale heroes running away from her, she chases after them like a black cloud. In two tales, Baba Yaga dies: in one, she fell into a fiery river from a bridge (“Marya Morevna”), in another, Ivan Tsarevich cuts off her head (“Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin”). In three tales Baba Yaga has sisters, in one tale even children (41 daughters). This tale is unusual in that Baba Yaga does not live in a hut on chicken legs, but in white-stone chambers.
Baba Yaga knows the future, has countless treasures, secret knowledge. Baba Yaga is the owner of fire (“Vasilisa the Beautiful”), magical things, knowledge that helps the protagonist defeat his opponent (“The Frog Princess”).
In all fairy tales, Baba Yaga acts in three incarnations: 1) Yaga the hero (“Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin”), where she fights on equal terms with the heroes; 2) Yaga the kidnapper (“Geese Swans”, “Baba Yaga”), where she steals children; 3) Yaga-giver (in all other fairy tales), where she greets the main character or heroine affably, treats deliciously, soars in the bathhouse, gives helpful tips, gives rich gifts.

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II. Analysis of the results of the study

Based on the connections between various objects, phenomena, actions of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales, one can conclude about her essence.
Baba Yaga tests people, punishes them (destroys), gives a ball (guiding thread), gives advice that contributes to the achievement of the goal, “feels with the heart”, which means - knows fate.
Baba Yaga kidnaps and eats children and people, is associated with night and darkness, she is served by a black cat, she is always old, half-skeleton (bone leg), she is blind, does not see, but smells with her nose (“it smells of the Russian spirit”), lives in a hut without windows and doors, around her house - a fence of skulls; the fire given by her can kill, which means it is associated with death and underworld.
Baba Yaga lives in a dense forest, in a hut on chicken legs (semi-animal appearance). Wild animals serve her, swan geese serve her, which means she lady of the beasts and the forest.
Baba Yaga flies on a mortar, swan geese serve her, she raises the wind with a broom, whistles (whistling is associated with the wind), which means she associated with the air element.
Baba Yaga is subject to morning, day, night (white, red and black horsemen), which means she is the master of time.
Baba Yaga is in charge of fire (eyes of skulls in the fence), lies on the stove, punishes people (destroys), morning, day, night are subject to her, which means she is associated with fire heavenly, underground and domestic. ( Application.)

Thus, my research has shown that Baba Yaga is a fictional fairy tale character. Her prototype is the Slavic goddess of death. The essence of the image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales has more deep meaning than just an angry grumpy old woman. This image of a majestic figure ancient goddess, commanding Time, Fire, Air, Wild Beasts and Forest, Life and Death, Destiny.

My guess was confirmed.

III. Conclusion

During my research, I found answers to many questions. I read many Russian folk tales, learned the meaning of words I did not understand, conducted a survey among students on the research topic, learned a lot about Baba Yaga from additional literature. According to fairy tales, I concluded about the essence of the image of Baba Yaga. I really enjoyed analyzing stories. I realized that you should always be very careful when reading any artwork, since only thoughtful reading will make it possible to make some new discoveries.

Glossary of terms

    Baba Yaga is a popular character in Russian folk tales. As a rule, an evil old woman-sorceress.

    Yaga - to sting, to hurt, to torment.

    “Chicken legs” - this name most likely came from “smoke”, that is, fumigated with smoke, pillars on which the Slavs put a “hut of death”.

    Myth is ancient folk tale O legendary heroes, gods, about natural phenomena; false story, fabrication.

    Mythology - a set of myths of a people; the science that studies myths.

    A pestle is a short heavy rod with a rounded end for crushing something in a mortar. Stone, copper, wooden pestle.

    Pomelo - a stick with a rag wound on the end, a washcloth, needles for sweeping, a broom.

    Fairy tale is ancient folk genre narrative literature, predominantly of a fantastic nature, aimed at moralizing or entertainment.

    A stupa is a heavy metal, wooden or stone vessel in which grains, bark, leaves, etc. are crushed with a pestle. Stupa with Baba Yaga (in fairy tales about Baba Yaga, who flies in a mortar and with a broom).

Annex 1

Baba Yaga

Appendix 2

slide 1

Good afternoon, dear guests and participants of the conference! I am a student of the 1st grade of the Lomonosov secondary school named after M.V. Lomonosov Prourzin Egor.
The purpose of my speech is to give new information on the topic of my research. Title of the topic: "The image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales."
Who is Baba Yaga? How did she get into the story? Did Baba Yaga ever exist? I decided to find answers to my questions.

slide 2

This determined the purpose of my work: to analyze the image of Baba Yaga and draw a conclusion about its essence.

slide 3

To achieve the goal, I set the following tasks: Є learn from additional literature about Baba Yaga; Є conduct a survey among students on the topic of work; Є read Russian folk tales with the participation of Baba Yaga; Є analyze the image of Baba Yaga and draw conclusions.

slide 4

Hypothesis: suppose that Baba Yaga is a fictional character in Russian folk tales.

Research methods:

    thought independently;

    read books;

    asked adults;

    conducted a survey;


slide 5

At first, I decided to conduct a survey among elementary school students, as I became interested in what other students think about Baba Yaga. They were asked to answer the following questions (point to the slide with your hand).
I indicated all the answer options after the questions.
The answers of the guys helped my further research. I have identified for myself the main points to which I should pay special attention. These are: the habitat of Baba Yaga, her appearance, magical things in fairy tales and animals serving Baba Yaga.
In the course of the research, I found out that Baba Yaga is a famous character in Slavic fairy tales. The prototype of Baba Yaga is the Slavic goddess of death. I realized that a fairy tale is always preceded by a myth.

slide 6

Based on the connections between various objects, phenomena, and actions of Baba Yaga, I concluded about her essence. ( table 2)

table 2

The image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales

Name of the fairy tale

Habitat of Baba Yaga


Magical things in fairy tales and other wonders

Animals serving Baba Yaga

positive or negative character

"Swan geese"

“... there is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window, it turns around itself ...”

"... the muzzle is sinewy, the leg is clay"

golden apples

Mouse, swan geese

Negative, as he kidnaps children to eat

"Princess Frog"

“There is a hut on chicken legs, it turns around itself”

"... the teeth are on the shelf, and the nose has grown into the ceiling"

Positive, as it gives advice on how to defeat the enemy (Koshchei)

"Baba Yaga"

“There is a hut in the forest, and Baba Yaga sits in it”

Baba Yaga - bone leg

Scallop, towel

Cat, dogs, bulls

Negative because I wanted to eat the girl

"Baba Yaga and Zamoryshek"

“Third nine lands on a steep mountain stand white-stone chambers, surrounded by a high wall, iron pillars are placed at the gates”

Baba Yaga - bone leg (has 41 daughters)

Magic handkerchief, fire shield

Negative, because she wanted to destroy all the brothers

"Vasilisa the Beautiful"

“In the dense forest, the hut of Yagi-Baba; a fence around the hut made of human bones, human skulls with eyes stick out on the fence; instead of doors at the gate - human legs, instead of constipation - hands, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth "

“He rides in a mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom”

three riders (white, red, black);

three pairs of hands

Positive, as she helped Vasilisa by giving her fire (skull with burning eyes)

"Maria Morevna"

"Far distant lands, in the kingdom of the thirtieth, beyond the fiery river stands the house of Baba Yaga, around the house there are twelve poles, on eleven poles on a human head, only one is unoccupied"

“He jumps at full speed on an iron mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom”

Magic Handkerchief

Magic horses

Negative, because she wanted to kill Ivan Tsarevich

"Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin"

“She ran to a deep abyss, picked up a cast-iron board and hid under the ground”

Baba Yaga - golden leg

magic needle, awl

Negative, as she fought with heroes

"Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what"

A hut on chicken legs

A gray-haired old woman sits, spinning a tow

Magic ball, club, ax, pipe.

Swat Naum

Positive, as it helped Andrey the shooter

"The Enchanted Princess"

Three Baba Yagas. At the eldest “there is a hut, and then ... one pitch darkness, nothing to be seen ...”

Baba Yaga - bone leg, old, toothless

Flying carpet, walking boots, invisibility cap

Positive, as she helped find the princess

"Finist - a clear falcon"

Three Baba Yagas.
"There is a hut on chicken legs - spinning"

Legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and the nose has grown to the ceiling. The third is “black itself, and one fang sticks out in the mouth”

Silver saucer and golden egg, silver hoop and golden needle,

silver bottom and golden spindle

Cat dog, Gray wolf

Positive, since all three helped find Maryushka

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"

Three Baba Yagas (sisters).
"Hut on a chicken leg, about one window"

"... a silk tow is tossing, and throws threads through the beds"

Living water, rejuvenating apples

Magic horses

Positive, as she gave advice on how to find water and apples

Slide 7

Thus, my research showed that Baba Yaga is a fictional fairy tale character. The essence of the image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales has a deeper meaning (rather than just an angry grumpy old woman). This is the image of the majestic figure of the ancient goddess, commanding Time, Fire, Air, Wild Beasts and Forest, Life and Death, Fate.


    Propp V.Ya. Historical roots fairy tale. - St. Petersburg, 1996.

    Holy Rus'. Big Encyclopedia Russian People. Russian literature / Comp. O.A. Platonov. – M.: Institute of Russian Civilization, 2004.

    Reader of a schoolboy. Russian folk tales. - M .: Planeta detstva, 1999.

    Tsyganenko G.P. Etymological dictionary Russian language. - Kyiv: Glad. school, 1989.

In the design of the article, Ivan Bilibin's illustrations for Russian folk tales are used.

Lesson Development

literary reading in 3rd grade

« Subject:The study of fairy tales

Analysis of Russian folk tale"Baba Yaga".

Oleneva Tatyana Anatolyevna

Public lesson on literature

Subject: The study of fairy tales. Analysis of the Russian folk tale "Baba Yaga".

Target: identification and awareness of the features of fairy tales by children; the formation of the concept of "a fairy tale" through the analysis of the text and the study of didactic illustration.

During the classes.

    Theme formulation.

1. Anagram on an interactive whiteboard.

Teacher: make a word out of letters and you will know literary genre, which we will study today in the lesson.

(Children place letters on the board in the correct order.

Teacher: Why is a fairy tale called a fairy tale? (affects).

Teacher: What is the value of fairy tales? (they reflect folk wisdom, knowledge accumulated over the centuries).

Teacher: What are the features of fairy-tale speech (Russian folk).

Children: Beginning, triple repetitions, set expressions, ending (examples).

2. Find out what name of the fairy tale is encrypted here?

Children: Baba Yaga.

Teacher: Why is the name of this particular fairy tale encrypted?

Children: Let's study this tale.

Teacher: Today we will open the features of a fairy tale. Why is it called that, you yourself will say.

2. Knowledge update.

Video clip (fragment from m / f

Teacher: Who knows how the image of Baba Yaga appeared in Russian folk tales?

Children: Our ancestors believed that all the surrounding nature has a soul, a mind. They were afraid of the mysterious life of the forest. It was believed that a non-human being controls the beast.

Teacher: Why is there a fence around Baba Yaga's house made of human skulls? Why does Baba Yaga fly?

Children communicate their knowledge from the field Slavic mythology.

Teacher: What interesting things did you find out?

3. Drafting plot plan fairy tales. Work in pairs.

Teacher: Formulate the task to be completed.

Children: Match the inscriptions and our drawings

Teacher: Restore the sequence of events in the fairy tale.


With interactive whiteboard

(One student moves the illustrations). .

Teacher: Using keywords sign illustration.

Work in pairs with handouts.

Self-assessment of results learning activities. Examinationfrom the interactive whiteboard

(One student correlates the inscriptions and illustrations, moves). .

    What happened to the girl? (misfortune).

    What has befallen her? (test) How many paintings?

    Who helps the Girl overcome difficulties? (magic helpers)

    How did the fight between the Girl and Baba Yaga end? (Victory of the enemy)

    Fairy tale ending? reward (return home).

Teacher: Read the plan according to which the events of the fairy tale unfolded. What did you notice?

Teacher: Can it be called magical? Why?

Teacher: This is the plot of all fairy tales.

    Work on the characteristics of the characters.

Teacher:- Who is main character?

    Describe her portrait?

    What is the character of the girl?

    How was it determined?

    Read what the girl did.

Teacher: Is the portrait of Baba Yaga described?

Look at a fragment of a fairy tale, determine the character of the girl, Baba Yaga.

Teacher: Did you notice anything interesting? (opposite).

    Modeling. Work in mini-groups

Let's imagine the relationship of the characters in the form of a diagram:

Magic Helpers

The student-adviser offers a system of questions: Who are the main characters? Other characters? In a word? What feelings did the girl have for Baba Yaga?

Children: fears

Consultant: How does Baba Yaga feel about her?

Children: Wants to eat the girl.

Student consultant: How magical helpers treat the girl7

Children: provide assistance.

Student consultant: Why?

Children: She is kind

Student consultant: Why?: How does Baba Yaga treat assistants?

How do they pay her for it?

Teacher: What two opposite qualities struggling? What is winning? Why?

Outcome: a reflective analysis of one's own activity.

Place a sign " v ” opposite the line that corresponds to your skills and methods of action

Working with the score sheet.

"I can highlight the features of the "fairy tale" and can move on. I understood the lesson material and coped with all the tasks."

"This way of working has not yet been mastered by me, and I cannot move on yet. I do not understand everything. There are errors in my work. I need help."

Regional scientific and practical conference


"The image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales".

Done by: 3rd grade student

MBOU "Zheleznogorsk secondary school No. 4":

Lapina Tatiana

Head: Savicheva I.A.

Zheleznogorsk-Ilimsky, 2016


Goals and objectives of the project……...……………………….…………………………..3

Main part.

general characteristics Baba Yaga…………………………………… 3

Baba Yaga - a mythological creature ……………………………… 4

The main features of the image of Baba Yaga……………………………………… 5

Dwelling of Baba - Yaga ………………………………………………….. 6

Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales ……………………………… 7

General conclusions ……………………………………………………… 7

Analysis of the research results……………………………………………. 8

Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………… 9

Glossary of terms …………………………………………………………… 10

Literature ……………………………………………………………………….. 11

Application …………………………………………………………………. 12

The image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales.

Where does the fairy tale live? Yes, everywhere: in a dense forest, in a field, at a crossroads, in a rustle of foliage ... A fairy tale was born with a person, and as long as a person lives, a fairy tale is also alive. Fairy tales are loved by everyone: both adults and children. They have many different miracles. Has anyone thought about how Baba Yaga got into the fairy tale? Why does she eat small children? Why does she live alone in a dark forest? Who invented it? Is this a fictional character? Or maybe Baba Yaga is a mythological creature? We decided to learn more about it and find answers to our questions.

Subject. "The image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales".

Target. Analyze the image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales and draw a conclusion about its essence.

Tasks. Learn from additional literature about Baba Yaga; conduct a survey on the topic of work among students; read Russian folk tales in which Baba Yaga acts; analyze the image of Baba Yaga and draw conclusions.

Object of study. Baba Yaga.

Subject of study. Russian folk tales.

Hypothesis. Suppose Baba Yaga is a fictional character in Russian folk tales.

Research methods. Reflections, reading books, survey, analysis of results.

Main part

General characteristics of Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga is an old blind humpbacked witch with a long nose and disheveled hair. It feeds on human flesh, and is called "bone leg".
In the encyclopedia, I found the following definition: Baba Yaga is a popular character in Russian folk tales. In the Orthodox mind - the embodiment of the satanic forces of evil, an expression of hatred for everything Russian.
Baba Yaga lives in the forest, in a hut on chicken legs, sometimes surrounded by a palisade of human bones. The hut can turn around itself. Various animals live in Baba Yaga's house: black cats, mice, frogs, crows and snakes. They are her advisers and guards.
Baba Yaga does not walk, but travels around the world in an iron mortar (scooter chariot), driving it with a pestle or an iron club. And so that no traces are visible, she sweeps them with a broom or broom.
Baba Yaga possesses magical things: a flying carpet, gusli-samogudy, a sword-treasurer, walking boots and many others.

Such an environment allows her to live peacefully on the border of two worlds: the world of the living and the world of the dead.

Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales

First, I decided to conduct a survey among the students in my class, because I became interested: what do other students think about Baba Yaga? They were asked to answer the following questions:

1. Who is Baba Yaga?
2. How do you imagine her?
3. Where does she live?
4. What does he do?
5. What does a bony leg look like?

Then I independently analyzed the image of Baba Yaga. To do this, I read 10 Russian folk tales that talked about Baba Yaga.
In all Russian folk tales, Baba Yaga plays an important role. Heroes sometimes resort to it, as to the last hope, the last helper. But in fairy tales, it either helps or it doesn't.
The results of their research on following tales: “Geese-swans”, “The Frog Princess”, “Vasilisa the Beautiful”, “Baba Yaga”, “Marya Morevna”, “Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin”, “Go there - I don’t know where, bring it - I don’t know what”, “The Enchanted Princess”, “Finist the Clear Falcon”, “The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water” - I wrote it down in the table. (Application)

Yaga's behavior is reminiscent of the rites of our ancestors:

Bath procedures


Rite of "baking"

This rite was performed on sick or weak children. Its essence was as follows: if the baby was born prematurely, then he was put on a bread shovel and stuck into a warm oven three times. There the baby "baked", became stronger and more viable. The village healer performed this ritual

General conclusions

Thus, in the tales I read, Baba Yaga appears as an old, toothless woman, she has a long nose.
Baba Yaga lives in the forest, in a hut on chicken legs, which turns its back to the forest, and to the stranger in front; the fence around the hut is made of human bones, on the fence there are skulls, instead of doors - legs, instead of locks - hands, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth.
Heroes address Baba Yaga affectionately - "grandmother". Baba Yaga helps heroes who deserve it, although she cannot stand the Russian spirit. In 6 tales out of 10, Baba Yaga is a positive character, in 4 tales - a negative one. So, Baba Yaga cannot be considered only an evil and grumpy sorceress.
Baba Yaga has magical things, various animals serve her. Chasing fairy-tale heroes who run away from her, she chases them with a black cloud. In two tales, Baba Yaga dies: in one, she fell into a fiery river from a bridge (“Marya Morevna”), in another, Ivan Tsarevich cuts off her head (“Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin”). In three tales Baba Yaga has sisters, in one tale even children (41 daughters). This tale is unusual in that Baba Yaga does not live in a hut on chicken legs, but in white-stone chambers.
Baba Yaga knows the future, has countless treasures, secret knowledge. Baba Yaga is the owner of fire ("Vasilisa the Beautiful"), magical things, knowledge that helps the protagonist defeat his opponent ("The Frog Princess").
In all fairy tales, Baba Yaga acts in several incarnations:

1) Yaga the hero ("Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin"), where she fights on equal terms with the heroes;

2) Yaga the kidnapper (“Geese Swans”, “Baba Yaga”), where she steals children;

3) Yaga-giver (in all other fairy tales), where she greets the main character or heroine affably, gives tasty treats, soars in the bathhouse, gives useful advice, and gives rich gifts.

4) Yaga-mistress. The mistress of the forces of nature and the animal world (rules the morning, evening, night, wind, wolves, bears, and other forest animals).

... Baba Yaga came out and said to her worker:

Go, heat the bath, and wash your niece, but look, it’s good

"Baba Yaga"

... Baba - Yaga began to go to bed and says:

When I leave tomorrow, you look - clean the yard, sweep the hut, cook dinner, prepare the linen.

"Vasilisa the Beautiful"

5) Yaga is an adviser. Baba Yaga herself does nothing for the hero, but indicates who to turn to for help, for example, to her older sister.
…Listen, step along the path. And you will reach the pond, hide behind a tree and wait for the time. ("Vasilisa the Wise")
6) Yaga is the patroness. Takes the hero under his wing, monitors the adventures of the hero with the help of his magical assistants (owls, saucers).
But I will help you. Here's a silver saucer and a golden egg for you.
("Finist is a clear falcon")

Analysis of the results of the study

Based on the connections between various objects, phenomena, actions of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales, one can conclude about her essence.
Baba Yaga tests people, punishes them (destroys), gives a ball (guiding thread), gives advice that contributes to the achievement of the goal, “feels with the heart”, which means she knows fate.
Baba Yaga kidnaps and eats children and people, is associated with night and darkness, she is served by a black cat, she is always old, half-skeleton (bone leg), she is blind, does not see, but smells with her nose (“it smells of the Russian spirit”), lives in a hut without windows and doors, around her house - a fence of skulls; the fire given by her can kill, which means she is associated with death and the underworld.
Baba Yaga lives in a dense forest, in a hut on chicken legs (semi-animal appearance). Wild animals serve her, swan geese serve her, which means that she is the mistress of animals and forests.
Baba Yaga flies on a mortar, she is served by swan geese, she raises the wind with a broom, whistles (the whistle is associated with the wind), which means that she is associated with the air element.
Baba Yaga is subject to morning, day, night (white, red and black horsemen), which means she is the mistress of time.
Baba Yaga is in charge of fire (eyes of skulls in the fence), lies on the stove, punishes people (destroys), morning, day, night are subject to her, which means that she is associated with heavenly, underground and domestic fire. (Application.)

Thus, my research has shown that Baba Yaga is a fictional fairy tale character. Her prototype is the Slavic goddess of death. The essence of the image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales has a deeper meaning than just an angry, grumpy old woman. This is the image of the majestic figure of the ancient goddess, commanding Time, Fire, Air, Wild Beasts and Forest, Life and Death, Fate.

My guess was confirmed.

III. Conclusion

During my research, I found answers to many questions. I read many Russian folk tales, learned the meaning of words I did not understand, conducted a survey among students on the research topic, learned a lot about Baba Yaga from additional literature. According to fairy tales, I concluded about the essence of the image of Baba Yaga. I really enjoyed analyzing stories. I realized that you should always be very careful when reading any work of art, since only thoughtful reading will allow you to make some new discoveries.

Glossary of terms

Baba Yaga is a popular character in Russian folk tales. As a rule, an evil old woman-sorceress.

Yaga - to sting, to hurt, to torment.

“Chicken legs” - this name most likely came from “smoke”, that is, fumigated with smoke, pillars on which the Slavs put a “hut of death”.

Myth - an ancient folk tale about legendary heroes, gods, natural phenomena; false story, fabrication.

Mythology - a set of myths of some people; the science that studies myths.

Pestle - a short heavy rod with a rounded end for crushing something in a mortar. Stone, copper, wooden pestle.

Pomelo - a stick with a rag wound on the end, a washcloth, needles for sweeping, a broom.

A fairy tale is the oldest folk genre of narrative literature, mostly of a fantastic nature, aimed at moralizing or entertainment.

A stupa is a heavy metal, wooden or stone vessel in which grains, bark, leaves, etc. are crushed with a pestle. Stupa with Baba Yaga (in fairy tales about Baba Yaga, who flies in a mortar and with a broom)

Annex 1.

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

The image of Baba Yaga in Russian folk tales

Name of the fairy tale

Habitat of Baba Yaga


Magical things in fairy tales and other wonders

Animals serving Baba Yaga

positive or negative character

"Swan geese"

“... there is a hut on a chicken leg, about one window, it turns around itself ...”

"... the muzzle is sinewy, the leg is clay"

golden apples

Mouse, swan geese

Negative, as he kidnaps children to eat

"Princess Frog"

“There is a hut on chicken legs, it turns around itself”

"... the teeth are on the shelf, and the nose has grown into the ceiling"

Positive, as it gives advice on how to defeat the enemy (Koshchei)

"Baba Yaga"

“There is a hut in the forest, and Baba Yaga sits in it”

Baba Yaga - bone leg

Scallop, towel

Cat, dogs, bulls

Negative because I wanted to eat the girl

"Vasilisa the Beautiful"

“In the dense forest, the hut of Yagi-Baba; a fence around the hut made of human bones, human skulls with eyes stick out on the fence; instead of doors at the gate - human legs, instead of constipation - hands, instead of a lock - a mouth with sharp teeth "

“He rides in a mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom”

three riders (white, red, black);

three pairs of hands

Positive, as she helped Vasilisa by giving her fire (skull with burning eyes)

"Maria Morevna"

"Far distant lands, in the kingdom of the thirtieth, beyond the fiery river stands the house of Baba Yaga, around the house there are twelve poles, on eleven poles on a human head, only one is unoccupied"

“He jumps at full speed on an iron mortar, drives with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom”

Magic Handkerchief

Magic horses

Negative, because she wanted to kill Ivan Tsarevich

"Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin"

“She ran to a deep abyss, picked up a cast-iron board and hid under the ground”

Baba Yaga - golden leg

Magic needle, awl

Negative, as she fought with heroes

"Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what"

A hut on chicken legs

A gray-haired old woman sits, spinning a tow

Magic ball, club, ax, pipe.

Swat Naum

Positive, as it helped Andrey the shooter

"The Enchanted Princess"

Three Baba Yagas. At the eldest “there is a hut, and then ... one pitch darkness, nothing to be seen ...”

Baba Yaga - bone leg, old, toothless

Flying carpet, walking boots, invisibility cap

Positive, as she helped find the princess

"Finist - a clear falcon"

Three Baba Yagas.
"There is a hut on chicken legs - spinning"

Legs from corner to corner, lips in the garden, and the nose has grown to the ceiling. The third is “black itself, and one fang sticks out in the mouth”

Silver saucer and golden egg, silver hoop and golden needle,

silver bottom and golden spindle

Cat, dog, gray wolf

Positive, since all three helped find Maryushka

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water"

Three Baba Yagas (sisters).
"Hut on a chicken leg, about one window"

"... a silk tow is tossing, and throws threads through the beds"

Living water, rejuvenating apples

Magic horses

Positive, as she gave advice on how to find water and apples


Potebnya A. A., O mythical meaning some rituals and beliefs. [ch.] 2 - Baba Yaga, “Readings in the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities”, M., 1865, book. 3;

Among the various genres of oral tales, of course, Russian folk tales deserve special attention. It's no secret that Russian folk tales appeared a long time ago and were passed from mouth to mouth, thus surviving until the time when writing arose. This allowed fairy tales to gain popularity with more people, and therefore today each of us can enjoy wealth. fairy world, its diversity. The fairy tale is one of the main genres of folklore, popular genre oral folk art with a mindset.

The world of Russian folk tales is peculiar and mysterious. In it you can meet ordinary people, and merchants with merchants, kings and their daughters, and fictional characters, among which Baba Yaga is perhaps one of the most colorful characters.

Once at the lesson we read the fairy tale "Geese - Swans". One of the characters was Baba Yaga. She was angry - she wanted to wash the girl, steam it, and then put it in the oven, fry it, eat it and ride on her bones.

It became interesting to us, but is Baba Yaga the same in all fairy tales? The teacher and I organized a circle of "Book gatherings". After classes, we gathered in the classroom with our parents, read fairy tales, discussed the image of Baba Yaga. What did we find out?

The same evil, cruel Baba Yaga was only in a fairy tale called "Baba Yaga". She wanted the same to eat the girl. Throws himself in pursuit, gritting his teeth in anger. And having met an obstacle on the way in the form of a river, he begins to drink water from the river. And Baba Yaga burst!

1. We have read fairy tales:

"Enchanted Queen"

"Go there - I don't know where, bring that - I don't know what"

"Tale of Vasilisa the Wise»,

"The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water",

"Ivan the Smaller - Big Mind"

"Finist - a clear falcon",

"Princess Frog",

"Maria Morevna"

In these tales, Baba Yaga meets those who come to her unfriendly at first, grumbles, and when she finds out the reason for the arrival, she feeds, waters, soars in a bathhouse, talks with guests, and can even affectionately call: good fellow, baby.

And also helps - gives advice or points the way.

2. Where does Baba Yaga live?

In a dense forest (or in a clearing), alone - alone, in a hut on chicken legs (or on one chicken leg, or on a sparrow leg, on a spindle heel, on mutton horns). The hut has one window, it can turn back to the forest, and to the guests in front, or maybe from east to west. The hut may not be surrounded by a fence, but sometimes it is surrounded by a fence or a palisade with skulls.

3. What does Baba Yaga look like?

She is old, gray-haired, toothless, or with one canine. In the hut he sits with his legs spread out from one corner to another, he keeps his teeth on a shelf, his nose has grown into the ceiling. Can be located on the ninth brick on the stove. Despite his age, he moves quickly and even screams in a loud voice and whistles with a valiant whistle. Knows how to spin a tow.

4. Does Baba Yaga have any relatives?

Yes, I have. Daughter - Marya Tsarevna, wife of Andrei the shooter. He recognizes his son-in-law by the fly that Tsarevna Marya gave him for the journey. There are sisters: middle and older. There is a niece - the maiden Sineglazka, Bogatyrka, the daughter of one of the sisters. The older sister has a son - the Serpent Gorynych, the nephew of the rest of the women-Yags.

5. Are there magical things?

A ball of wool is guiding, a mortar with a pestle and a broom - for movement; towel, comb; has power over violent winds; a silver saucer and a golden egg, a silver hoop and a golden needle, a silver bottom and a golden spindle; silver apples; herd magic horses, raven is a prophetic bird. He gives many of these things, some he uses for his own purposes, some lead to the death of Baba Yaga.

6. Unusual Baba Yaga.

At one of the meetings, we read the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and Bely Polyanin" and saw a completely different Baba Yaga!

Baba Yaga has a golden leg, she runs very fast, so it is difficult to catch up with her. Lives underground in big city in the wards, holding a girl in captivity. There is an innumerable army (which tailors and shoemakers make for her), she has been fighting Bely Polyanin for 30 years. Dies from the sword of Ivan Tsarevich.

7. Baba Yaga in Slavic mythology.

After reading the fairy tales, we wanted to know where the image of Baba Yaga came from. Here's what we learned.

Our distant ancestors gave Baba Yaga a completely different meaning. Loose, disheveled hair symbolized a connection with the other world. According to tradition, braids were untwisted for a dead woman. A bone leg is also a sign of a long-dead person. Yes, and she flies in a mortar, she sweeps her trail, because the Slavs, sending the deceased to last way, always covered up his trail so that he would not return to the world of the living. And the stupa is very similar in shape to a wooden coffin. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself: Baba Yaga - for a long time deceased woman.
And why does she have a hut on chicken legs? It turns out, by Slavic custom, while the soul of a deceased person has not yet been determined, a “dwelling” was built for her. The ritual doll was placed in a special house and placed on a felled tree. Take a closer look at the roots of trees than not chicken legs. By the way, among the peoples of the north, this custom has been preserved to this day.
Very interesting is the fact that everyone comes to Baba Yaga for advice. In almost all fairy tales, Ivan the Tsarevich receives magic items who help him in his "adventures".
If we turn to the origin of the "name" "Baba Yaga", we will see the following interpretation. Baba was a woman who had already given birth to a child. "Yaga" - fire - fire. That is, it turns out that Baba Yaga is a woman - a fire or a fiery woman. There was a verb "yagat" - to shout. This is a special cry, in which very strong energy was concentrated. This cry was issued by hunters and women in childbirth. Based on this, it turns out that Baba Yaga is the main mother who knew and knew how to do everything.
And how often in fairy tales you can hear: “Now I’ll put it on a shovel - and into the oven!”. But if you remember all the fairy tales, you will not find a single one where Baba Yaga would roast at least one child. And it came from the fact that there was a rite of baking a sick child. A midwife wrapped a sick child in the charmed dough and sent it to the oven on a bread shovel. After a while, she took it out, unfolded it, and gave the dough to the dogs. And interestingly, after such a procedure, the child was on the mend.

"Baba Yaga" Ivan Bunin

A booming noise in the forest makes you sleepy -
By night, a damp fog fell on the sea.
Surrounded on all four sides
Buyan island in dark autumn.

And even darker - my cold log house,
Wherever you blow a fire, you dare to drown it,
And only a brown oak looks out the window,
Under which Koschey buried death.

I got old, got sick all -

If there was a fire in the light, I would warm myself,
If there was firewood in the oven, I would have a sip,

Yes, fire is a message to the sailor in the seas,
Yes, for many miles you can hear the smoke from the bast ...

Analysis of Bunin's poem "Baba Yaga"

I. A. Bunin entered Russian poetry as a talented landscape poet. His poems were surprisingly colorful, in which native and overseas nature was captured, portraits of the people he met were displayed. No less vivid came out of Ivan Alekseevich and plots on a fairy-tale theme. An example of this is the work "Baba Yaga".

"Baba Yaga" was first published in the collection "Poems of 1907". The work has a simple composition, it consists of four stanzas-quatrains. Cross rhyme (abab). Poetic size unusual: there are five stops in a line, the first three fit into a trochee, then a pause follows, often in the form of a dash. In the last two feet, the stress falls on the second syllable, which corresponds to iambic. Thanks to this unusual combination of sizes, the poems become like an epic.

The poem is spoken in the first person. Baba Yaga herself speaks to the readers, but in her image we do not recognize that sinister sorceress, which is known to us from folk tales. Before readers emerges the image of a lonely old woman, cut off from the rest of the world by the cruel whim of more powerful forces. As we get to know the lyrical heroine, we can even feel some sympathy and pity for her.

Here is what Baba Yaga tells about her lot: her modest gloomy dwelling is located on the gloomy island of Buyan. The reader remembers this place from the work of A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of Tsar Saltan." It is deserted and scary here, even the most desperate travelers rarely get here. To enhance the bleakness of the landscape, the poet uses the following epithets: “boomy noise”, “damp fog”, “dark autumn”, “cold log cabin”.

We understand that the heroine is not at all sweet to live in such a place. Baba Yaga complains about her fate, explaining that she is keeping her here:
I got old, got sick all -
Ten hundred years I have been keeping the casket!

So, Baba Yaga is the keeper of the casket with the death of Koshchei. But she herself is not happy with this appointment. Very realistically, the heroine reproaches herself either for the greed that pushed her to take up this work, or for the gullibility, thanks to which the witch was imprisoned on the island:
The devil told you to go to hell as a servant,
You stupid old fool!

The poet uses anaphoras (“Be fire ... Be firewood ...”, “Yes, fire ... Yes, a lot ...”), giving Baba Yaga's speech a resemblance to a spell. The fact that the heroine is precisely the Russian sorceress, the reader understands thanks to such colloquial expressions as “warmed up”, “she drank a buff”.

It is interesting that this poem was created within 2 years - from 1906 to 1908. There is no exact data that would explain how the poet wrote "Baba Yaga". Perhaps at first Ivan Alekseevich formulated plot outline and then adding details. Or the lines were born immediately, but from time to time the author corrected them. In any case, given how complete and believable the image of poor Baba Yaga turned out, we can say that the work was worth so many years of work.

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