Ivan the Fool is not at all stupid! On the contrary, he is smart with all the wisdom of the Russian people. The image of the main character in the Russian folk fairy tale "Sivka-Burka"


1. Why do they call us "Ivans". Why is this name widespread and firmly planted in the minds of people when they talk about the Russian people? Has the nominal field become impoverished? After all, there are other names.

There is, but one might think that the adoption of Christianity and the baptism of Rus' dealt an irreparable blow to the multicolored Slavic names in the Russian people. Yes, indeed, this multicolor has faded. However, it was replaced by the unquenchable light of names the best people Christendom before the baptism of Rus', and then the best people of Rus' itself. These are the names of saints. If in pre-Christian Rus' Slavic name obligated to follow the content of the name itself, then the new Christian name obligated the one named by him to follow the sanctity of the life of the person whose name was called. And since the names of saints with the name John are one of the most common in the Christian name book, starting with John the Baptist, the first among others, and in the Russian calendar they fell on the period of great births, there are many among Russian bearers of the name "Ivan". Another reason is that the word-name "John" is translated as "servant of God." To bear such a name is a great and obligatory honor for a person from any social stratum, if only the person was Orthodox, he understood why he was called that.

And in fairy tales, the name Ivan is carried by heroes of very different origins. Many - many social strata from all, near and far, corners of Rus', from the bottom to the top, sent their representatives to the number of fabulous Ivans, a kind of "Ivanism" (or "Ivania"), which unites people in its own way. Here are soldiers, and barge haulers, and merchants, and cooks' children, and carpenters, hunters, and orphans - from unknown parents, and princes. But it is no coincidence that Ivan the Fool is the best of them - the origin of the peasant, from the land, from the plow. After all, the ancestors of each of us were once peasants, on whom Rus' rests.

No in the best Ivan noble breed, bodily beauty and strength given from birth. "There lived a peasant in the village and he had three sons, two smart, and the third - Ivanushka - the fool." Do not recognize a hero in a fool, and a fool in a hero. So the princess "looked behind the chimney and saw Ivan the Fool there; he was wearing a thin dress, covered in soot, his hair on end."

2. Why people love Ivan. Ivan is the most common name in folk tales, which means that the probability of naming his favorite hero is high.

Ivan the Fool is a beloved hero of our people, a common self-portrait. This is a lucky man, ironic over others, but also over himself, first of all. Ironic, not because he is angry, but because he is in the highest degree kind and reasonable, He understands the vanity of the world in which he lives, the transient meaning of darkness and the eternal meaning of light-love. He's going to do stupid things to make people laugh. And brag for the good of the cause. It draws strength from light-love, and not from spiritless "science." There they saw it and only shook their heads: "Well, fool, well, fool"... And he went out of town, barked again in a heroic voice, whistled with a nightingale's whistle: "Where is my good horse?!"... The horse is running - the earth is trembling, smoke is coming out of the ears, flames are bursting out of the nostrils. Vanyushka got into his right ear, got out into his left - and he became so handsome that there is no one in the whole world! horse and rolled. Familiar words from childhood, and they echo, which is less known, with the apocrypha ("Conversation of the Three Hierarchs"): "Gregory asked:" I saw a snake, lying by the road, he wanted to grab the horse by the hoof, and the horse fell on its hind leg waiting for help from his master?" - John answered: "The horse - Orthodox faith Christian, the road is this world, and the serpent is the Antichrist, the hooves of the horse are last days earth age."

Now, when many believe that the darkness has almost won, it is worth re-reading the tales about Ivan in order to learn from him fortitude, spiritual balance. And yet he has to get it himself, in unimaginably difficult circumstances. And they buried him, and roasted him, and cut him into pieces, and drowned him, but he is still alive. And mind you, he never created an idol for himself, he never offended his neighbor, nor any creature, nor a tree, nor a blade of grass. The whole fate of Ivan is in helping others, in selfless protection of the weak, offended.

"Son," the old man says, "feed me: I've grown emaciated for long way, there was nothing left in the bag.

Ivan answered him:

And we, grandfather, don’t have a crumb of bread in the hut, if I knew that you would come, I wouldn’t have eaten the last piece myself, I would have left it for you. Go. I will wash you and rinse your shirt."

Its behavior is easy to predict. You can, without mistake, say how he will behave in each of the situations. He, never mentioning the commandments of the Sermon on the Mount, follows them as if it were the norm of his behavior. On the fairy-tale hero, the most inconspicuous ordinary, sinful person named "God's servant", lies the reflection of Christ.

3. A world without "scientists". There is an unconditional boundary between him and "learned" people: in one of the cycles of fairy tales, Ivan emphatically bears the nickname Dunno, and in the other - Untalented. And "scientists" are the only human environment from where fabulous Ivans did not come out, that is, it has no representative in fairy tales. None! As if "scientists" for the author of fairy tales - the people - do not exist at all, or they are somehow unworthy of representation in Ivanstvo-Ivania. It comes not from self-abasement and not from the pride of the author. Simply - simply the people themselves are learned, without "scientists" who have broken away from them. In the people's multi-thousand-year-old universal laboratory, many things were created that scientists only later confirmed. The list is endless: the first ideas about world harmony, matter and energy, force and movement, the molecule and the atom, the invention of the globe, the creation of a book, etc. etc. Our Mikhailo Lomonosov, having made his way into the "scientists", did only that folk performances clarified. And how many of these ideas have not been understood by "scientists", have not been developed, and are often distorted beyond recognition. But the main thing, I repeat, is the spiritual boundary between the Ivans and the "scientists." It is no coincidence that Dunno radiates light, surprisingly clean, bright. If the "experts" radiated such light, maybe the world would have been different, and not so scary. like now. The "scientists", who had forgotten their kinship, would not have climbed onto Ivan's hump, would not have sought to drive, teach the mind, would not have destroyed the living.

The line between the Ivans and the "scientists" is a principled, dividing line. Ivans never forget about their relationship. "Ivans, who do not remember kinship," - so it is said to emphasize the improbability of such a case. Not remembering kinship is no longer Ivan.

4. Who hates Ivan. First of all, Ivan the Fool is completely devoid of the three vices that his enemies consider virtues.

Firstly, he is not at all conceited and never demands recognition and glory for his exploits. Moreover, he strives with all his might not to be considered a hero. One would like to call him, as some researchers do, "a hero in disguise". As if Ivan is wearing the mask of the Fool. But the fact of the matter is that this is not a mask, but a face - an image, an expression of an inner attitude towards the world. You can take off the mask, - it is impossible to take off the face, they live with it, they die with it, they appear before God with it, where "they will last first". Therefore, we must not talk about a disguised hero, but about the main features of a certain personality class.

Secondly, Ivan is disinterested, nowhere and never does anything for the sake of self-interest. Thirdly, there is not even a hint of a tendency to kill or torment others in him, and he is cruel only in cases of extreme necessity, and only with evil spirit. From the point of view of the enemies, it is the absence of these three vices, which they consider to be the most important virtues, that makes it possible to call Ivan a "fool". In fairy tales, the enemies, knowing how Ivan will behave, take advantage of this, provoke conditions in which he goes "there, not knowing where" in order to "bring something, not knowing what", they get both fame and wealth.

Peasant origin, it cannot be otherwise. As his enemies cannot be otherwise. They are not specifically his enemies, they are like that, they are just different, they represent another opposite meaning, a personal class. And even their anger at Ivan can be explained by the fact that they cannot be like Ivan. They live according to other commandments.

5. Why Ivan wins. The highest meaning of Ivan's travels and all the misadventures, even when he goes, and not knowing where and for no one knows why, is in the fight against evil spirits and in the multiplication of good. He conquers enemies by virtue of his natural, God this behavior. Everything that is light and good helps Ivan, and his mother is the damp earth, and forests, and rivers, and smaller brothers, to small animals and insects. It helps, because he himself is bright and kind, and not just close to light and goodness. He is an inner person, living with his heart - a prophet. "Here the old woman jumps over the garden: Fu-fu-fu, what is this! The Russian spirit came to me in the forest!"... realm of the dead, the main enemies of Ivan - Koshchei, Baba Yaga, the Serpent Gorynych - are opposed by the kingdom of the living. A special country Ivanstvo-Ivania is a special civilization. "Here is the Russian spirit, here it smells of Russia." This is the civilization of Russia. You won't find another one like it. "Rus Ivan" was and is still being called by our western neighbors, "Urus Ivan" by our eastern neighbors.

Moreover, a person of a nasty personal class, opposite to civilization, where, first of all, "favorite" wealth is held in high esteem, that is, an external person living with a cold mind, considers the Orthodox no longer fabulous, but real fools, and Russia - a wild, uncivilized country of fools. People from this country-civilization who have remained Orthodox, that is, you and I, are Ivans - Fools.

Meanwhile, the immortality of Russia lies precisely in the fact that Ivans lived and created, live and create in it, remembering kinship. The personality of the people's favorite is recognizable throughout our culture, both in its creators and in their creations, as, for example, in Dostoevsky and Prince Myshkin or Sholokhov and his hero from The Fate of a Man. In Pushkin and Yurodiv.

Of course, why not Ivan - Our Fool national pride- Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. After all, even his death for a prudent person is stupidity, there is no way to justify it. A brilliant poet, revered by the people, could not shoot himself, live and live, then compose. But the fact of the matter is that the whole of Russia stood behind Pukshkin in the duel, from the peasant woman Arina Rodionovna to the heroes of 1812, to her saints. The killer, shooting at Pushkin on the order of obscurantism, darkness, shot at each of us. And this is the case when "death tramples death", a person wins.

In some fairy tales, Ivan's father, having risen from the grave, asks: "Footballs, booties! ... What is being done in Rus' - do dogs bark, do wolves howl, or does my child roar?" And so we want to answer our ancestors, and Pushkin too, as Ivan answered his father: "There is your son, and everything is calm in Rus'."

Ivan - Fool wins after death. Remember the smallest of Ivanov - Vanka - Vstanka. Without knowing or not loving our culture, one can, of course, see in him a malicious little boy who does not sleep at night and does not let others sleep. But the poet is right, who saw in the youngest of Ivanov the same spiritual steadfastness that is characteristic of our entire tribe of Fools, especially merciless to the invaders native land. No matter how much we face, we will stand. And Ivan endures, because he is accumulating strength, gaining intelligence, "gathering his spirit." A hereditary peasant, he himself cannot be an invader of someone else's land, but he will not give offense to his Fatherland either.

“Suddenly bad news spread in that kingdom-state: a filthy miracle is going to attack their land, exterminate all the people, burn all the towns and villages with fire, The old man and the old woman were grieving, and the older sons console them ...

No, - says Ivanushka, - I don’t want to stay at home and wait for you, I’ll go and fight with a miracle!

Miracle Yudu was not lucky: Ivan, a peasant son, knocked down his three heads with one stroke.

Stop, Ivan is a peasant's son! - shouts miracle Yudo. - Give me a break!

What a vacation! You, miracle Yudo, have three heads, and I have one. This is how you will have one head, then we will rest.

Again they converged, again hit.

Ivan, the peasant's son, chopped off the last three heads of the miracle. "As they say, don't clone, but still the khan.

Koshchei (in his modern masks) is bothered by Ivans more than anyone else. The enemies of our country do not want us to have such heroes .. And now, somewhere beyond Koshcheev’s hillock, Afanasiev’s tales come out, and they are so corrected, abbreviated and commented on by Koshcheev’s assistants that Ivan in the book is no longer Ivan at all, but a champion among ordinary assholes.

It seems that Ivan is in the minority, that he is alone. But this is so, if you measure the world according to Koshcheev, according to the "scientist", and if it is necessary, then behind Ivan there is an endless light that opposes the final darkness. Even a righteous person who is left alone on this earth "gathered his spirit", will be in an infinite majority, for behind him are saints, angels, God Himself. Such a person is always a winner.

IN Holy holiday Baptism in the Church of the Holy Trinity, in Khoroshevo, stretched a long, long line. People came for holy water. And then, as if in passing, people of an incomprehensible type stopped. As if one hears something foreign from them: "These are fools, Ivans. What can we expect from them! ..". And there seemed to be some kind of movement in the queue, although none of us moved in the direction of people of a foreign type, and they, as it were, briskly jumped back and disappeared.

But our father, his face is joyful, happy, walked along the line, thinking, probably, about the amazing. How, surprisingly, people did not stand, but quietly, quietly, without stopping for a minute, moved towards the temple. Marvelous. there were no police, no drunks. And most importantly, a lot more people came than last year. And so it is throughout Mother Rus'.

People go to temples. Temples are being built. The ringing of bells is getting louder. More and more light. And on us, Ivan, more and more - the light of Baptism, the light of the Holy Trinity. The invincible light of the love of Jesus Christ.

Yuri Budantsev

Ivan the Fool is not at all stupid! On the contrary, he is smart with all the wisdom of the Russian people.



Is it possible to imagine a modern superhero as a fool? Hardly. But the most common beginning of Russian folk tales: “There lived - there were three brothers - two smart ones and Ivan the Fool” - that's exactly it. Have we ever wondered why fairy tale hero all the time it turns out to be a fool? What is he, this Ivan, and why is he actually a fool? Surely many will answer - “because the narrow-minded, simple-minded, slow-witted”, etc. Then why is the hero folk wisdom is a lazy and a fool? Why would he be helped by higher and lower forces and various magicians there. And he lies on the stove and is in no hurry.

But really why? Why are there Fools in our Russian folklore? When did they appear? What does the image of the Fool express? And why not an idiot, not a fool, not a moron, namely the Fool? Why is it that in fairy tales all the sympathies of not only the heroines - Helen the Beautiful and Vasilis the Wise, a rustic hero, princesses and princesses, but also the narrator himself - the creator of the tale - are entirely on the side of this?

First you need to decide what kind of fools in question. They are indeed different. And not only in the sense of a multi-level position on the stupidity scale ... but, for example, in terms of the meaning of the word itself. In our opinion, without knowledge of the history of origin, this image cannot be correctly understood by the reader.

Having opened explanatory dictionaries and searching the Internet, we found that the word "fool" changed its meaning several times. As concepts emerge:

1. Historian Kostomarov N.I., describing the way of life ancient Russia, mentions that a "fool" was called a whip, with which a husband punished his wife (obsolete);

2. Since the 14th century, it has been used in Russian as a Slavic non-church name-amulet (Dur, Duras, Fool). Before the adoption of Christianity in Rus', children were called: Pervak, Vtorak, Tretyak, and also Drugak, that is, “another”, next or another. It was the most popular, denoting, in most cases, the youngest child, of course, because the youngest is the most inexperienced and unintelligent, as a result it became a household word and simplified to “Fool”.

3. In church documents of the XIV-XVII centuries. the word "fool" occurs as a name. And not serfs are called like that, but quite respectable people: Prince Fedor Semenovich DurakKemsky, Prince Ivan Ivanovich Bearded Fool Zasekin, Moscow clerk Fool Mishurin. Since the same time, countless "stupid" surnames begin - Durov, Durakov, Durnovo ... How many famous people wore surnames with the root "dur"! This is the cavalier girl Nadezhda Durova and the whole circus dynasty Durov.

4. Since the 16th century, according to written sources, appear in the folklore of fairy tales and in them main character, as a rule, Ivan the Fool.

5. From the 17th century, jesters-fools appeared at the court of the monarch (obsolete). At the same time, it begins to acquire contemporary meaning- foolish man.

6. In the 18th century, the word "fool" becomes an offensive, insulting statement, denoting a mentally handicapped person;

7. Since the 19th century card game"fool" becomes popular among the common people.

And most interesting interpretation we found in an article by the writer Radiy Pogodin:

Du is two.

Ra is the sun.

Du Ra - two suns.

The image of Ivan the fool in Russian folk tales

Almost in every Russian fairy tale there is a "fool" who stands out from the rest of the heroes.

In fairy tales, the "fool" is called different names: Ivan, Emelya, Martinka, Balda, as well as just the Fool.

The social status of a “fool” is usually low: he is a peasant son or simply the son of an old man and an old woman, or an old widow, sometimes he is a royal son, but “stupid” or just a fool, sometimes a merchant’s son. He is almost always the third or youngest of peasant sons. His poverty is often emphasized, because he does not get anything or the most unnecessary things from the parental inheritance. The fool is despised by everyone, everyone laughs at him, everyone scolds him, and sometimes beats him. IN native family he is an outcast.

His older brothers, who are engaged in farming, trade, arable farming, are smart and practical, have families. Our hero is single, lying on the stove all day, catching flies, spitting at the ceiling or blowing his nose. His appearance is negative and ugly: “the dress on him is thin, covered in soot, his hair is standing on end”, “drooling and snot flow down his face”. In general, lazy and unattractive.

But for some reason, in fairy tales, for example, by P. Ershov or “Ivan Tsarevich and Gray wolf”, It is the elder brothers who, setting off to carry out an assignment, do it extremely dishonestly, hide and miss the thief. And even more often, with requests and promises to buy him red clothes, boots, give him gold, feed him to his full, they shift their duties to Ivanushka - a fool who guards for three days and three nights, while they themselves stay at home and sleep ... Ivan the Fool correctly performs the assigned task, and in the end he receives a reward: Sivka-Burka a prophetic kaurka, Konka - a humpbacked horse with two graceful horses, a spear, a battle club, a sword - a treasury, a wonderful pipe, etc.

The acquisition of a wonderful horse is the first success. It is he who opens the way to glory, wealth and success for him. This fabulous episode reveals another essential character trait, for the time being, imperceptible to others - cunning. Having received the horse, he prudently hides this event from the brothers. Sometimes he is not easy to keep quiet or get off with stingy explanations like “he didn’t see anything”. And in the fairy tale "Humpbacked Horse" Ivanushka gets the most unsightly foal, which, nevertheless, is endowed with many wonderful qualities.

The behavior of a fool is sometimes ridiculous, which naturally causes contempt and condemnation among those around him. He brings trouble on himself, he simply attracts them to himself. His actions seem senseless and useless. And behaves unforgivably stupid by today's standards, but in a strange way this same stupidity and impracticality help him out of various troubles.

To study the image, it is important to pay attention to the question, not what does main character and how he does it. Emelya releases the pike back into the water, Martynka buys a cat and a dog for a lot of money instead of the things needed in the household. The fool is capable of love, mercy and kindness when other characters arrange their material world. For such qualities, the tale rewards the protagonist. He is not interested in practical matters, he does not notice hunger and cold, he is overcome by laziness when it comes to everyday things. Money for a fool has no value.

In the fairy tale "Sivka-Burka" the hero performs a difficult task and hides away, unrecognizable by anyone. He does not brag about his victory, but hides it from his brothers. And going to a feast to the king, Ivan the Fool does not change, preferring to appear before future wife in its true form. But it is he, contrary to logic and common sense turns out to be the luckiest of the three brothers. It is he who, with the help of magical means, successfully passes all the tests: he defeats the enemy, marries the king's daughter, receives wealth, fame, becomes Ivan Tsarevich.

The strength of a fool in Russian folk tales is in his kindness and responsiveness, in his readiness to help those in need, in the absence of greed. The fool does without thinking about the benefits and consequences. Such people are cute even today. Miraculous forces always help Ivanushka to perform feats - grateful animals: a pike, a cat and a dog, the Little Humpbacked Horse, Sivka-Burka.

And he can be called a hero because he finds non-standard solutions to difficult issues. He does not accept stamped decisions, therefore, at first glance, he is a fool. But as a result of the contradiction between ignorance and the search for a solution, new knowledge, new opportunities open up to him. And that's the quality of a hero. And one more thing: Ivan is a fool - the only one in the fairy tale who speaks from the brothers, guesses and guesses riddles, he is a poet and musician and a bearer of a special speech.

Ivan's highlights:

Firstly, he is not at all conceited and never demands recognition and glory for his exploits.

Secondly, Ivan is disinterested, nowhere and never does anything for the sake of self-interest.

Thirdly, there is not even a hint of a tendency to kill or torment others in it.

Fool does not mean stupid. Just Fools - people who look at things from a different angle, compared to ordinary people. And it is still unknown who perceives the world more correctly ... A fool is not a vice in Rus'. In addition, in Russian fairy tales, it is the Fools who in the end turn out to be the smartest of all!

Let's try to analyze the word "fool" from the position of semiotics, the science of signs, which considers various kinds of natural phenomena and human culture as interactions (the first to mention this topic was the ancient Greek scientist Cratylus (5th century BC), a student of Heraclitus:

D - something giving, contributing, helping.

U - doubt, distrust, something incomprehensible.

R - male property, energy saturating, but also overwhelming, aggressive property.

A - despair, anxiety, alarm signal.

K - small separate part something.

In the complex, the meaning of letters-sounds can be interpreted as follows: a fool is individual person, possessing courage, incomprehensible to others, which is directed against general idea. It causes doubt, mistrust, but at the same time despair and anxiety. All of these properties give something, contribute to something, help this person. This conclusion is fully confirmed by fairy tales, proverbs and sayings:

Fools are lucky! The law is not written for fools. Fools love work.

The collective image of the Fool can be represented as follows:

Fool - the hero of many Russian fairy tales, not like the others. He younger son family and no one takes him seriously. The neighbors do not really know him, but they only hear about him, that he always lies on the stove and snores, instead of helping around the house. He is stupid, but brave, honest, mysterious, cheerful, kind, affectionate, sympathetic, artless, savvy. A wise and handsome guy is hiding inside a lazy and neglected person. The fool has a broad, noble, open Russian soul. He is the master of his life and at the same time the minion of fate, but at the same time he is happy with a piece of bread, does not strive for glory, does not like to command, does not seek to rule. Thanks to his out of the box thinking mined useful knowledge and unpredictable actions, passes all fabulous tests. The fool himself thinks out how to get out of difficult situations, thus outwitting their enemies and helping friends out of trouble. As a result, he is the smartest and luckiest character who comes out of all the ups and downs as a hero, while helping good and evil, and in return receives help from magical powers and as a result he is rewarded. And all this happens because he knows how to get along and find mutual language with other characters.

"Why does Ivan win - the fool?"

“He defeats enemies by virtue of his natural behavior. Ivan is helped by everything that is light and good, and mother - damp earth, and forests, and rivers, and smaller brothers, to small animals and insects. They help because he himself is bright and kind, and not just close to light and good.

The reasoning of A. Sinyavsky about the behavior of the hero-fool is interesting. The critic draws attention to the fact that the phrase "God loves fools" can be explained by two reasons. Firstly, the Fool simply has no one else to help, he is so unhappy and not even able to do anything himself; secondly, in this case, the Fool is incredibly gullible to higher powers, because he does not use the advice of elders, nor his own mind, experience.


Ivan the Fool is not at all stupid! Yes, he is naive and trusting. But at the same time, he is smart with all the wisdom of the Russian people.

1. People love fools not because they are stupid, but because they are smart: smart with a higher mind, which is not in cunning and deceiving others, but in wisdom that knows true price any falsehood that sees the price in doing good by others.

2. The Russian people treated and still treat fools with great respect, people who have their own point of view, different from the generally accepted one. This is evidenced by the fact that in fairy tales Ivan the Fool always remains the winner.

3.Very for a long time the word fool was not offensive ... Following folk traditions Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin in the work “The Fool” gives such a description of his fool Ivanushka, the son of smart parents: “He is not a fool at all, but he has no vile thoughts - he cannot adapt to life because of this ...”

In modern fairy tale literature the image of the fool is represented by many other characters, for example, Scarecrow, Pinocchio, Dunno.

“So who is he - this ever-laughing Fool? Not putting a penny on what others usually cling to, trying to maintain their dignity, their status, themselves?

The fool does not care about honor and glory, but it is about him that epics are composed and fairy tales are told; he is always glad of a little and is full of crackers, but for some reason it is he who turns out to have an abundant self-collected tablecloth; wealth and money do not matter to him, but again - only he gets all the treasures and, as a rule, half the kingdom in addition; he does not seek to command, but always around him - a bunch of assistants, vying with each other offering their services; he makes all decisions not by reason and calculation, but by INSPIRATION and inner impulse, and it is they who turn out to be the only true ones and leading him to good luck.

.... And it turns out that the qualities expressed by the Fool are always pleasant and close to us in some way; it turns out that they are deeply, literally from the very beginning, embedded in us, in our culture, in our worldview.

A fool is the Master of his life. This is the playing host. This is always a joyful and in love with life Owner, this is a laughing Owner. Fool - this is laughter. Owner's laugh.

Having touched the concept of "Fool", we reveal a layer of possibilities of tremendous capacity that opens up before us.

Instead of endless reasoning and cleverness about the Fool, finally remember this forgotten quality, return to your Fool his legitimate Divine status.

Trust me, it's possible, try it, it's not difficult at all, and do it while playing, because The Fool is an ongoing adventure. This is our further way, our Divine game, is the possibility of true awakening and real, not illusory existence.

Everything you hear is a lie.
Everything you see is a lie.
Everything you say is a lie
Everything you know is a lie.
You are absent. You are another's dream.

surrounds you a dead world, woven by you from the lies of others.
This means that by acting contrary to knowledge, you awaken.
Talking less and laughing more, you manifest yourself in this World.
Perceiving not words and concepts, but sensations, you come to life.
Watching without analyzing - you see clearly.
The absurd is your mind. Laughter is your voice.
Fool is your name.
Wake up, the living world is waiting for you.

Fool's Code

1. Look for the Fool, but you will find it.
2. Evolution has evolved from smart to stupid. A wise man can discover the Fool in himself. A fool will never agree to become smart again, a fool with a small letter is a dead end branch of evolution.
3. The fool is so simple that they refuse to believe in him.
4. - The law is not written for a fool, - the Fool laughs. - therefore he is doomed to be free.
5. Failure haunts everyone. But Fools they can not catch up.
6. A fool never spits against the wind, as the wind is always fair to him.
7. The mind is the trap of the Devil. A fool is a way out of it, given by God.
8. The fool is a great player: he never wins.
9. But the Fool is invincible because he never fights.
10. - Why indulge in the sin of despondency, - the Fool laughs, - When there are other sins?
11. A fool never gets into trouble. I'm not that smart, he laughs, to find this place.
12. A fool always walks with open mouth That's why he's always full.
13. When a smart one, becoming a Fool, wakes up - the world disappears. Then the Fool, laughing, rebuilds it.
14. - Most of the smart ones, - the Fool laughs, - die without having time to break out.
15. - Know yourself, - the Fool laughs, - until others know you.
16. A fool does not believe in miracles. He uses them.
17. - Love the Fool in your neighbor, - offers the Fool.
18. All people are from God, but only a fool To God.
19. Have you done everything to become a Fool?
20. Laughter is the shortest path from the smart to the Fool.
21. A fool never looks for anything, because he knows that if he finds, then only himself.
22. The fool is always there. When the smart one finally finds it, then he laughs for a long time, remembering his search.
23. A fool joyfully laughs in himself at what a wise man wants to change in another.
24. What the Fool eats, he is, And he eats everything.
25. Smart fights with Satan. The fool only laughs when he hears that name.
26. Look for the Fool in your heart.
27. When Nietzsche said: God is dead! - he hurried. After all, the Fool remained.
28. The end of the world will not come as long as there is at least one Fool.
29. A wise man measures himself from the earth to his head, and a Fool from his head to Heaven.
30. Not the world created the Fool, but the Fool the world.
31. Make the Fool pray to God - such laughter will be heard from above.
32. A fool is always in love.
33. - What you own, then owns you, - the Fool laughs, Looking into his empty pocket. “If you don’t own anything, then you have everything,” he continues, pulling out a sandwich.
34. The Fool's pocket is always full, because it is full of holes.
35. A fool blinks - and the world is different.
36. - good god- laughs the Fool - this is the God about whom jokes are told.
37. God and the Fool play hide and seek. The fool does not seek. But he finds it all the time.
38. Everything that a smart man can imagine, a Fool can create.
39. A fool can do everything. But he only wants what he has.
40. - In the world of sleepers, - the Fool laughs, - the smart one is the King. But for those who are awake. The king is not needed.
41. - As the blind does not understand the mirror, - adds the Fool, - so sleeping - the Fool.
42. - When people agree with me, I always want to apologize.
43. - The Fool's Code is a mirror, - the Fool laughs - if a donkey reads it, then he sees ...
44. - The louder the laughter - the closer to God - the Fool laughs.
45. - Ask me. - the Fool smiles, - and I'll lie.
46. ​​- Being smart is the funniest of habits, - the Fool laughs.
47. - Many fool around, - the Fool laughs, - but only a few decide to lie with him.
48. - Troubles come and go, - the Fool laughs, - but their creators remain.
49. - And you try - laugh with clever expression faces, - suggests the Fool.
50. - Come to the mirror, - the Fool laughs, - and you will see the world in which you live.
51. - Throw away the mirror, - the Fool laughs, - and maybe you will see yourself.
52. - Do you always control yourself? - the Fool is surprised. - How can they get something?
53. - Life, - the Fool laughs. This is one day spent visiting yourself.
54. - There are two tragedies in a person's life, - the Fool recalls, - this is when he cannot get what he wants and when he finally gets it.
55. - Laughter is a great way to carry on a conversation, - the Fool laughs.
5 B. - Next to me, you can learn only one thing, - the Fool laughs, - to forget.
57 - To forget, - he smiles slyly, - means to remember.
58. - A fool never argues. Who to argue with? he chuckles.
59. - Are you at a dead end? - the Fool laughs, - that's nice, from there I can see better.
60. - Clever, - the Fool laughs, - this is a candle for those who sleep.
61. - Free cheese is only in a mousetrap, - the Fool declares authoritatively, cutting off another piece for himself.
62. - To lose, - says the Fool, - means to find.
63. The fool is the key to the doors behind which there is nothing.
64. A fool is the key to the doors behind which there is everything.
65. - It doesn't matter what you do, - the Fool laughs, - it matters what you do.
66. - But do not, - he adds, - what you can not do.
67. - Do you want to be free? - asks the Fool, - then forget this word.
68. - Laugh and bow more often, - says the Fool, - otherwise you will be taken for a smart one.
69. - Are you being praised? - the Fool smiles, - forgive them.
70. - If you do not understand my laughter, - the Fool laughs, - how can you understand my words?
71. - Good? - the Fool asks in surprise, - oh, yes! ... This is what with fists ... - he laughs.
72. - If you think, - the Fool laughs, - then you are not even a Fool.
73. - How much intelligence is needed not to seem like a Fool, - he adds, laughing.
74. - You are very smart, - the Fool laughs, - therefore you are the same ...
75. - A man forever pursues a radiant creature, fleeing from a black creature, - says, sneezing, Fool, they raised such dust, running around me ...
76. - The less desire to speak, - the Fool laughs, - the more one manages to say.
77. - We are not slaves, we are not slaves - barely holding back laughter, the Fool reads - but what about pleasures?
78. - I really don't mean anything, - the Fool laughs. But how much did I have to study for this.
79 – Fill yourself with knowledge. Pump up! - the Fool laughs, - after all, you must vomit with something before cleansing.
80. - Do you know the way? - Fool laughs, - and you even have a map? - he laughs, - nothing but from a marked deck.
81. - And you try, - suggests the Fool, feel your fall as a jump.
82. - Do you want to fool the world? Tell him the truth, the Fool laughs.
83. - Truth hides in its absence, - he adds, smiling
84. - Happiness does not need to be sought, - the Fool laughs, - they need to live.
85. - A smart one is a suicide, - says the Fool.
86. - Why should I think? - the Fool is surprised, - I know!
87. - And how does the wind know, - he laughs, - in which direction to blow?
88. - It goes in one ear, goes out the other, - the Fool laughs, - and so on all day. You can go crazy!
89. Round Fool by the perfection of its form reflects the perfection of the universe.
90. - I, too, can get a fly in the soup, - smiling happily, the Fool assures.
91. - Do you want to see? Durak laughs. - Close eyes.
92. - Do you want to understand the speaker? - he has fun, - stop listening to him.
93. - There will be no weather vane, - the Fool laughs, - the wind will disappear.
94 – Looking at the moon, the Fool turns it on like a light bulb.
95. - The mind is a shovel, - the Fool laughs, - the sharper it is, the deeper the grave.
96. - In the beginning there was a word, - the Fool recalls, - and then words, words, words ...
97 - Are you writing? Durak laughs. - Write. But don't forget - the cleaner the paper, the cleaner the ass.
98. - Break the stick, break it, - the Fool laughs, - maybe you will get one end.
99. - Aim well, - suggests the Fool, - and if you're lucky, you'll miss.
100. - Did you hit the target? Durak laughs. - Look for a hole in your own body.
101. - Do you want to be happy? - the Fool laughs. - Hoti!
102. - If you are an honest person, - says the Fool, - then you are always lying.
103. - The closer to the truth, - he laughs, - the further into the forest.
104. - Any statement is false, - the Fool laughs, - this too.
105. - If you know where you are going, you are a brave man, - the Fool laughs, - after all, you can really get there.
106. - Circumstances, - the Fool puffs out his cheeks importantly, - it's me.
107 - Do you really want to live? Durak laughs. - Well, then - then try to die. Laughing.
108. - You are just dreaming about yourself, - the Fool laughs.
109. - Impossible? Durak laughs. - Exactly. Just that. What do you need.
110. - God is a great joker, - says the Fool. - But he laughs only after I open my mouth.
111 - Hope, - the Fool laughs, - is a lollipop with which you are trying to rape God.
112. - Experience - Fool laughs - it's an enema. Try. Compare. Well, how? What, besides the usual shit, came out of you?
113. - You are talking about how to become better, - the Fool laughs, - and I am talking about how to become a Fool.
114. - One and Perfect? - the Fool laughs. - That's it, and I'm talking about the same. - And coquettishly adjusts his cap.
115. - It was at the beginning, - the Fool remembers, - it will be at the end ... But where are you going to go? he laughs. - After all, your Fool is still nearby.

Julia Koroleva
Literary and artistic analysis of the work (Russian folk tale) "Sivka-Burka"

Literary and artistic analysis of the Russian folk tale

"Sivka-Burka" (Russian folk tale - a magical kind)

Subject: The fairy tale tells how Ivanushka the Fool caught a magic horse, how he served him and helped him. How the brothers mocked Ivanushka, and he, despite this, was able to fulfill the task of the king and married Elena the Beautiful.

Idea: Do not be lazy and then you will receive gratitude for all your efforts. Patience, kindness are praised.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Ivan the Fool: patient, obedient son (“I came to the field, sat on a stone. He doesn’t sleep, he chews a pie, he waits for a thief”). Dexterous, strong (“Ivanushka jumped on him deftly and grabbed tightly by the mane. Already the horse carried, carried him across the open field, galloped, galloped - he could not throw it off!”). Kind, decent (“- Yes, he promised not to go into wheat anymore, so I let him go”)

Elena the beautiful : kind, fair (“The brothers look and think: “Look, the princess brings wine to our Ivashka!”). Beautiful (“And by herself she is the beauty of beauties”). Fulfilled the order of the king ("- Here, father, my fiancé was found!")

Artistic features of the tale:

The fairy tale begins with a non-traditional beginning ("Once upon a time there was an old man, and he had three sons ...", a magical assistant: Sivka-Burka - helps to achieve the goal

(“-I want to look at the royal daughter Elena the Beautiful!”, Anthropomorphism is used (“The horse began to ask Ivanushka: “Let me go, Ivanushka, to freedom! I will serve you a great service for this”). The fairy tale is based on magic, transformations ( “Ivanushka climbed into the horse’s right ear, and got out into the left - and became such a fine fellow ...”, the law of repeated repetition (“Three nights, three brothers, went to the city three times, called the horse three times”). storylines, magic spells, descriptions are used (“Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me, like a leaf in front of grass!”, ... a horse rode on wheat - one hair is silver, the other is gold; it runs - the earth trembles, smoke pours out of its ears, from the nostrils the flame blazes).

Characteristics of the language: The language of the fairy tale is colorful, emotional, expressive, double words are used to reinforce the impressions of what is happening (“Already the horse carried, carried it across the open field, galloped, galloped - could not throw it off!”, “visibly invisible to the people”, “And by itself she is the beauty of beauties, set expressions characteristic of a fairy tale ("neither think, nor guess, nor say in a fairy tale, nor describe with a pen", permanent epithets fairy tales decorating the language (“valiant whistling”, “heroic shouting”, “ good fellow"). The tale ends with the traditional ending (“I was at that feast, I drank honey-beer, it flowed down my mustache, but it didn’t get into my mouth”).

Conclusion: The fairy tale teaches to believe in goodness, to respect parents. Helps in shaping moral values. kind people life is more interesting and happier, they have many friends and they can achieve a lot in life, and the evil ones remain lonely and useless.

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