How the gambling zone in Krasnaya Polyana works. Krasnaya Polyana Gambling Zone Launches New Boomerang Casino at Rosa Khutor Resort


When you enter this hall, it "presses" you with the luxury of finishing. Golden walls, rich chandeliers from famous designers, lights, diodes, bright colors, blackjack, roulette and girls in feathers - everything is like in the Las Vegas series. Only the scene of action is our native Sochi.

Sochi game

This year, a new tourist point has appeared at the Gorki Gorod all-season resort in Krasnaya Polyana. True, it is not very noticeable - according to the law on gambling zones, it is forbidden to advertise gambling. So the casino building gracefully fits into the overall architectural concept of the resort, there are no advertisements hanging on it, and it is located at the very end of a long promenade, away from the main entertainment attractions.

Gambling, according to its assigned place in the public life of Russia, occupies the same niche as cigarettes and alcohol: a complete ban on advertising and propaganda. However, there is no ban on existence itself. After the rampant 90s, when slot machines sparkled and rattled from every corner of every city, a period of total gaming “hunger” began: in 2009, according to a special federal law adopted by the State Duma and signed by the President, gambling business closed in the country. The exception was five special gambling zones in the Krasnodar, Altai, Primorsky Territories, Crimea and the Kaliningrad Region.

Construction in them was carried out slowly, the most famous was the Azov-City zone in the Krasnodar Territory. But "famous" does not mean "popular". The buildings of three casinos are literally in an open field, and you can get there only by car. So, mostly locals go to Azov-City to relax - from the Rostov region and Krasnodar Territory. The zone gave the inhabitants of the rather remote Shcherbinovsky district several thousand jobs, but it was not able to attract tourists from all over the country.

Meanwhile, a project arose on the emergence of a gambling zone in another part of the Krasnodar Territory - in the Olympic Sochi. The logic is clear: the funds invested in the construction of the Olympic legacy must somehow be "beaten off". The more magnets for tourists here, the better.

The project sparked a lot of protests. Residents of the city feared rampant crime. At one time, even Vladimir Putin was against it, saying that the influx of casino customers, whom he called "peculiar", would negatively affect the decision of families with children to relax in the resort. But in the end the amendments to the bill were adopted. However, it should be clarified that according to it, not the entire city of Sochi becomes a gambling zone, but only two places in Krasnaya Polyana: Gorki Gorod, which accounts for most of territory, and "Rosa Khutor" with a tiny share of land for gambling. The rest of the coast remains the same as it was.

The opening of the Krasnaya Polyana zone was an unpleasant blow to Azov City: according to the same law on gambling ah in each region named in it there can be only one gambling zone. The creation of one in Sochi means that Azov City must be closed. Although its investors, who have invested considerable funds in the construction of the casino, are ready to protest to the last, officially this zone should be closed in 2019.

And in Polyana, a new one has been operating for several months, so far the only casino is Sochi Casino and Resort.

Casino as a hobby

“Welcome, here is your guest card,” they say in this casino, and a firework of questions shoots in the head of an inexperienced client: what card, why, what to do here, how to play? Amid all this splendor, at first you feel like not a king, but an uninvited visitor, and it seems that everyone knows local rules, except you.

The machines here "speak" only English and are full of mysterious symbols: volcanoes, cards, lemons, oranges and ladies with cameos. What combination is winning and what needs to be done is not clear. But on each there is a “call manager” button, which is not shameful to press.

“We are always ready to answer any questions, even if they seem ridiculous to you,” says Ekaterina, the manager who approached us. - If you are interested in the details of the game on a particular machine, contact the staff in gray and white shirts - they are real gurus. And I can give general information.

In the next row, a light bulb lights up above the machine. A few seconds later, a “guru in a gray shirt” approaches the middle-aged player sitting there and delves into the story of the buttons.

Real money does not “walk” in the casino, everything is done through a guest card, which is issued to each player at the entrance. In a special ATM, money is put on this card, then it must be put into the selected machine, and the winnings will go to it. The ringing stream of tokens no longer rains down on hands.

Total in the casino 569 slot machines and 70 gaming tables with dealers. All popular games are played here: roulette, blackjack, Texas holdem, Russian poker, baccarat and others. By the way, roulette can be not only classical, but also electronic.

“At their core, they are exactly the same,” explains manager Alexei, who came up to the call of the magic button. - There is rather a difference in the needs of the players. Roulette with a dealer is suitable for those who want to get a traditional atmosphere from the casino. The game there is not fast, it takes several minutes, because the dealer needs time to calculate the winnings and collect chips from the table. In electronic roulette, the ball is rotated by air, and the game is on very fast. Put - ready. This is for those who are interested in the game itself and nothing else. We have a regular customer who borrows several electronic roulettes at once. It is possible: at the entrance you can ask for up to four guest cards.

The concept of "each player according to his needs" is generally elevated here to the main idea.

“We want to break all the stereotypes about casinos from the 90s,” says Paul Edwards, deputy general manager. This, by the way, is an important feature of the Sochi casino: the management personnel here are foreign, with international experience. - Then there really was a lot of crime, few rules and few people who could afford to play. When it came to creating a gambling zone here, I'm sure most of them were afraid of repeating this story. But we embody a completely different concept. We are making not just a "gambling zone", but a real entertainment complex. People come here not necessarily to play, but just to have a good time. We have shows, concerts, delicious restaurants here. Yes, we will be happy if the guests who came to the concert want to play, but this is not necessary.

It is not in vain that the word “resort” is included in the name of the casino. There is a cabaret theater "Velvet", where concerts of major Russian stars, jazz evenings and dance parties on the occasion of football tournaments. There are two restaurants of author's cuisine. They, surprisingly and unexpectedly, have something that you would never expect to see in a casino - windows.

“In the past it was really all about making the player unable to keep track of the time, the casinos were “deaf”, without windows and clocks, but now everything has changed,” general manager Stuart McLaughlin confirms. - Especially strictly with this in Europe, Vegas is a little more liberal, but even there everything goes to make it clear to the player that the world does not end with the game. This is called the concept of responsible gaming. A player who disappears in a casino for days and goes bankrupt there is no longer our ideal client. The ideal one is the one who is responsible for himself and comes here not to live, but to have fun, to get emotions. You don’t have to lose a lot, it’s a matter of priorities: you can go to the cinema for 600 rubles, or you can put them on the guest’s card and play all evening at the lowest rates.”

Although the idea of ​​going to “kill the evening” not at the cinema, but at the casino is very unusual for Russia, in fact it is really possible: the minimum bet in the casino is only 20 kopecks. It is clear that you won’t win millions for it, but a few tens of rubles are enough.

"We're a mass customer," explains Edwards. - We have VIP halls with a minimum bet of $200, and there are slot machines where you can safely play for 1 ruble, these zones do not intersect. Those who come just to have a good time we call "fan-player". Like the older ladies in Atlantic City, except here it's mostly young people."

By the way, the most big win in a Sochi casino on slot machines amounted to 6 million rubles.

“Do you want to learn how to play blackjack? Of course, the dealer smiles. She didn't seem at all surprised by the question. But before she could begin the story, a colleague who approached her lightly touched her elbow. “Sorry, you have a new dealer.”

Dealers change every hour, this is part of the casino's security system. They work with chips and cards, attention can become dull, so rest is necessary. In addition, they are always under supervision. “The dealer works at the table, the inspector looks after the dealer, his inspector behind him, then the manager, and video surveillance watches everything,” smiles Edwards. “People don’t feel it, but we have excellent security, a face recognition system. The establishment is new, the staff is new, there is money, and a lot of crooks come. We already had incidents with them - not at the level of Ocean's 13, of course, but attempts to rob a casino happen not only in the movies.

For those who still come not to steal, but to play, here, for the first time in Russia, a loyalty program has been introduced. For each bet, whether won or lost, the guest receives points that can be used to play or pay. The casino is completely ready to fully pay for the guest’s stay, although for this you need to be a “whale”, that is, a major player who is ready to put at least 500 thousand rubles into the game.

Interesting facts about casinos and gambling

  1. The word "casino" comes from the Italian word "casa", which means house.
  2. Majority gambling establishments that operate on the planet have neither windows nor clocks. This method is used to stir up the excitement of visitors: having lost touch with time, customers begin to play all night long. At the same time, the absence of windows and clocks increases the degree of confidence of gambling visitors in the casino, creating an atmosphere of security and comfort.
  3. In the casino, the floor is usually covered with carpets of the brightest and most colorful colors. All patterns are created to order, they are developed and manufactured by carpet manufacturers and are real masterpieces of psychedelic art. Such bright colors, according to psychologists, keep gamblers in good shape and encourage them to stay in the casino halls for as long as possible.
  4. All casinos are built on the principle of the most intricate labyrinths: there are no direct passages in the gaming halls. Because than longer man is on the road, the more tempted he is to take part in the meeting slot machines and table games of chance. Walking around all of this, the player is more likely to keep playing.
  5. With a standard 52-card deck, 2,598,960 five-card hand combinations can be made.
  6. In the 18th century, the regiment of gambling arrived - the game of roulette, which instantly became incredibly popular all over the world, was born. However, few people know that its inventor is the French mathematician and mechanic Blaise Pascal, who lived in the 17th century. In fact, he did not intend to create a game of chance, but only a perpetual motion machine.
  7. Roulette is often referred to as the "Ferris Wheel" due to the fact that the sum of all the numbers on the reel is 666.
  8. There is an opinion that the deck playing cards has some metaphysical meanings. So, all cards of the deck represent 52 weeks in a year, 4 suits are seasons, and 13 cards of each suit are 13 phases of the moon cycle. And if you add up all the digital values ​​\u200b\u200bof the cards and add a joker to them, you get 365, exactly like the days of the year.
  9. In order to draw numbers on dice completely random, the dice for the game, intended for use in the casinos of Las Vegas, are made with a tolerance of no more than five thousandths of a millimeter.
  10. The casino makes small gifts to the gambler who managed to win: a tuxedo, a cigar, a bottle of expensive alcohol. The client, feeling like a debtor to the casino, most often continues the game, which significantly increases the likelihood of losing.

Photo: Sochi Casino and Resort press service.

If you want to relax and entertain yourself, then it's time to go to Sochi to the casino. In addition to playing roulette and slot machines, you can eat delicious food and drink well. Also, while men spend time at the card table, women can walk through the boutiques and buy fashionable clothes. The resort "Gorki Gorod" also includes a banquet hall and a theater with a cabaret.

A little about the casino itself

Lovers of pleasures come here from all over Russia. Regular customers also become residents foreign countries. Here you can experience unforgettable emotions when the most precious thing in life is at stake.

In addition to games, there is the opportunity to dine in the most prestigious restaurant in the city. Guests can be offered exotic cocktails that are pleasantly drunk to the music playing here around the clock. At the poker table you can talk about life with friends and enjoy the victory in the circle of charming girls.

Casino in Sochi

Casino in Krasnaya Polyana will appeal to every card lover. A concert in the building will delight all guests. It remains only to come, and then the machine will start dispensing money without stopping. All this will be very inexpensive.

Full immersion in the casino

Casino Sochi official site Krasnaya Polyana is an invitation to play. It remains only to follow the link to enjoy life.

The location of the resort is located at the address: Sochi city, Adler district, Esto-Sadok village, Estonskaya street, 51.

Important! The center is open around the clock.

Casino on Krasnaya Polyana is located 40 minutes from the airport. The same amount to the nearby beach, located on the Black Sea coast. Although the premises are not located in the very center of the southern capital, you still won’t get lost. When you get to the place, you can first have a bite to eat and relax at the hotel, then sit down at the poker table.

There are two reasons why you should rest here:

  • climate suitable for recreation, as it is always warm and there is a lot of sun, which is approximately 300 days a year. There is nowhere else like this in Russia. There are practically no winds, so even in winter it will be warm. The air is fresh, full of oxygen, as the city is located in the foothills and mountains;
  • the uniqueness of nature, which consists of caves, canyons, gorges and other attractions, for example, from a variety of relief slopes, will please the eye. In addition to playing at the poker table, you can go skiing in winter, visit an adventure park with children and wives in summer.

Additional Information! Even with the stress that's been building up whole year while playing, you can feel fresh and relax, thanks to the purest air.

Location on the map

How to get to the casino?

There are two most common ways to get from Rosa Khutor, from Adler and the park where the Olympics were held to the casino:

  • by car, both your own and rented or by taxi;
  • using public transport.

If you get the second way, you will need to get to the Megafon Service Center stop. Minibus No. 63 or No. 105, 105s and 135 go ​​here.

For car drivers the most The best way move on the navigator to the entertainment center, or simply by setting GPS coordinates: 43.684431, 40.254780.

Important! The map where the casino is located is above. There is a direct road to it from Sochi, the Olympic Park and Adler.

Several ways to get from the airport

As the official website shows, the casino in Krasnaya Polyana is located 45 kilometers from Sochi Airport. If you go by taxi, then the road will take up to half an hour. As for public transport, the distance will be covered in 40 minutes.

When driving a personal car, you need to go along the E97 road to Krasnaya Polyana. The reference point should be the Gorki Gorod resort. The distance will be 42 kilometers. Then you will need to turn right and follow straight along the Defenders of the Caucasus Street.

Approximately the same road will move a taxi, which can be ordered through the mobile application of the taxi company website. The Greater Sochi region supports everything possible phones city ​​taxi.

Important! It is better to order a taxi on the Internet than to get into a private car, as there have been cases of robbery.

If a person uses the casino loyalty program, then he has a royal privilege that allows him to receive a certain status, which makes it possible to use a transfer in a branded car.

The entertainment center allocates a car to and from the airport for all such guests.

Another way is the branded train "Swallow". To do this, you need to go to the railway station, which is located in the city of Sochi, or sit down in Adler. The train also departs from the airport. You need to get off at the Esto-sadok station or at Rosa Khutor.

Important! The train schedule is constantly changing, so be sure to check it by calling the train station website or the casino.

Entertainment portal phone number: 8-8-00-444-0-777 or +7-8-62-555-0-777.

After a person reaches the desired station, you still need to walk about 2 kilometers or take a taxi. There is also a local bus to the stop indicated above. We are talking about the Megafon Service Center.

Electric train "Lastochka"

A little about slot machines

The Sochi gaming zone is equipped with a range of slot machines and poker tables. It is worth paying attention to this fact in more detail.

Opening hours are around the clock. There are no lunch breaks or weekends. Everyone can enter the casino at any hour, and the entrance is free. The player pays only for the food that he buys here, it is also possible to exchange money for chips. After the game, the exchange takes place in reverse side, that is, the remaining chips or newly acquired ones are exchanged for money.

Dress code is available to every player. The gambling table is covered with exquisite brocade. Sitting behind him is a pleasure. The croupier is dressed in a suit, which indicates the level of professionalism of the club. ABOUT the minimum rate can be found locally. The opening of the casino made a splash in the city. Now it's normal Entertainment Center, where all representatives of the golden youth from all over the country gather.

In July, there were more visitors than usual, due to the influx of tourists and football fans who came from all over the world to see the World Cup firsthand.

On a note! The portal has contacts that will allow you to reserve a gambling table in advance in the hall or in a restaurant, order a place where you can spend time with your girlfriend.

The last tournament of the evening is usually associated with the most high stakes. Then it starts all over again, the amount of money in the casino is added, and the rates rise again.

The working hours of each croupier is certain time. Then he changes. Although the casino can be visited at any time, its employees regularly go to rest, others come to take their place so that the organization does not suffer irreparable losses due to staff fatigue.

The result of the game is determined by how much money was invested in it. Sochi gaming club differs in that only professionals play here.

Here are only the most best slot machines. There are 454 units in total.

Slot machines

In total, 6 varieties can be distinguished:

  • classic;
  • American atronics;
  • the most common from Bulgaria, which are widely used in Eastern Europe;
  • represented by the concern of automatic machines Scientific Games, among which are Belly and Williams;
  • German brand with top-level graphics;
  • Russian igrosoft slot machines, featuring beautiful cartoons and original music.

The minimum bet is 10 kopecks. So little is lost in case of failure. The truth is, you won't win much. Therefore, as soon as the streak of luck has gone, you should raise the stakes. The maximum amount is 5 thousand rubles.

Beginners first learn by going through all the levels of this gambling sacrament, devoting themselves to all the intricacies of gambling.

Important! The machines are conveniently located, so you can combine an exciting game with a conversation with friends.

Waiters regularly bring drinks to players for free. On weekends you can watch a concert, on weekday evenings you can listen to music that is played live.

In addition to the gambling tables, the casino has a restaurant with the same first-class cuisine as the casino itself.

What is known about other places of gambling

In Sochi game Zone is completely concentrated here in Krasnaya Polyana. But there are others no less interesting places where the gambling business is located.

The following are only legal casino locations in the southern capital of Russia:

  • Zhemchuzhina, located on Chernomorskaya Street, works around the clock;
  • Marins Park, located on the Marine Lane. Opening hours are round the clock, an additional opportunity is provided to relax in the hotel and visit a restaurant, bar, cafe;
  • Radisson, located on Kurortny Prospekt, works all day and night long. In addition to the usual additional services there is also a spa, a conference room, which is suitable for business people and female persons.

And at least 12 more places where gambling is not legal.

Summing up, we can say that recreation in Sochi is available not only to ordinary citizens, but also to those who like to tickle their nerves. In particular, we are talking about Krasnaya Polyana. Only here you can raise your adrenaline, then losing hundreds of thousands, then winning millions. The main thing is to know when to stop in order to leave with a win, and not with an empty pocket.

SOCHI, 5 January. /TASS/. The opening ceremony of the first casino of the new gambling zone "Krasnaya Polyana" will be held on Thursday in Sochi. The entertainment complex includes gaming halls, two restaurants, a bar, banqueting hall, a cabaret theatre, a conference hall, as well as boutiques, the Sochi Casino and Resort press service told TASS.

In test mode, the fifth gambling zone in the Russian Federation received its first visitors on December 24, 2016. "The so-called Fun Casino days and a test launch are necessary to set up and optimize processes and bring to the ideal the interaction algorithm of a large team that must work smoothly and can provide the maximum high level service for our guests. Despite the fact that December 24 was not widely announced as the date for the test launch of Sochi Casino and Resort, the number of visits was about 1 thousand people, exceeding our expectations. In addition, there were many foreign guests at the casino," Sochi Casino and Resort said.

Most popular games Blackjack and Russian poker were at the tables on the first day of the Sochi casino.

Where and how casinos develop in Russia

The Law "On State Regulation of Organizing and Conducting Gambling" celebrated its 10th anniversary at the end of December 2016. Any gambling activity, with the exception of bookmakers, sweepstakes and lotteries, has been banned in Russia since July 1, 2009 everywhere, except for four special gambling zones - in the Kaliningrad region ("Yantarnaya"), Altai ("Siberian coin"), Primorsky ("Primorye" ) and the Krasnodar Territory ("Azov-City").

The Azov-City zone was originally located on the border of the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory. In early 2010, the first casino was opened, and in the middle of the same year, the Kuban authorities initiated the transfer of the entire gambling zone to the Anapa region; in 2011 the Russian government excluded Rostov region from among the entities where you can play gambling. Now there are two investor companies working in Azov-City.

Investments of Royal Time Group in the development of the complex of objects under the Oracle brand have already amounted to more than 3.4 billion rubles. After the adoption in July 2014 of a law allowing the opening of gambling establishments in the Crimea and on the territory of the Olympic facilities of the Krasnodar Territory, this investor froze the implementation of three more projects in total amount 14 billion rubles.

The Shambhala company owns a complex with an area of ​​19 thousand square meters. m for 1.2 billion rubles. In April 2016, a law was passed proposing to extend the operation of the Azov-City gambling zone in the Krasnodar Territory until January 1, 2019. After that, it will be eliminated.

"Siberian coin"

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on the creation of the gambling zone "Siberian Coin" in the Altai Territory was signed on February 12, 2008, and the first object, the casino "Altai Palace", held a technical opening in November 2014.

So far, this is the only facility operating on the territory of the Altai gambling zone. According to the regional tourism authority, resort business, interregional and international relations, the casino brings the planned amount of income (about 75 million rubles since November 2014 - TASS note). The first investor in the gambling zone in Altai is planning further development investment sites - in the near future he intends to build a ski slope, a water park and an additional slot hall.

Currently, two investors are registered in the zone - the first company, Alti, according to the data of the profile department, has fully fulfilled its obligations under the investment agreement. The second company, RTG-Sibir, intends to enter the site in early 2017 and complete the construction of four multifunctional entertainment complexes in 2019. The amount of announced investments for this project is 1.1 billion rubles.

Until 2019, the construction of 15 casinos, 10 large gambling and entertainment complexes in 30 hotels, designed for 3 thousand places of one-time accommodation, is planned to be built on 2.3 thousand hectares of Siberian Coin. total cost project, according to preliminary estimates, will be about 30 billion rubles. For 11 months of 2016, the only Altai casino was visited by more than 27.3 thousand people, while for the whole of 2015 - about 20 thousand people.


The largest and most technically equipped casino in Russia was opened in 2015 in the Primorye integrated entertainment zone near Vladivostok. The entertainment complex Tigre de Cristal was visited by more than 200 thousand people during the year of operation, the number of international flights to the region has tripled.

From October 2015 to October 2016, the budget of Primorsky Krai received 130 million rubles in taxes on gambling activities.

Tigre de Cristal's investor, G1 Entertainment, plans to invest $500 million in the second phase of the project and build a 100,000-square-meter facility. square meters, including from 400 to 500 hotel rooms, shopping mall, food court, restaurants and bars, conference and banquet facilities, spa. It is also planned to build additional parking areas, the possibility of building a golf course is being considered.

In December last year, the second investor in this gambling zone, Naga Corp Ltd, also began construction of the first facility - the hotel and entertainment complex with the Mayak casino, the commissioning of the first stage facility is scheduled for late 2018. Also, the Chinese corporation Gowei Tsaifu, the owner of the Beauty Crown Grand-Tree Hotel in Sanya, announced their intentions to build facilities on the territory of the gambling zone. In addition to gambling facilities, the Primorye resort may host an exhibition and exposition center for major international events at the level of the Eastern Economic Forum; plans to build such a facility in the region were previously announced by representatives of the PRC Entrepreneurs Association.

The infrastructure of the entertainment zone is being created at the expense of the regional budget. It is assumed that the project will be implemented in three stages, the last one will be completed in 2022. By the time the zone reaches its design capacity, up to 15 thousand new jobs will be created only in the direction of direct employment, and up to 30 thousand people will be employed in related industries.

"Amber" in Kaliningrad

The Kaliningrad gambling zone is developing more slowly than all the others, only in April 2016 the first institution was opened here - the Magic cristal slot machine hall. It includes two halls for 150 slot machines, bars and a VIP room. The TASS establishment reported that the hall continues to work around the clock, 7 days a week, without specifying the daily number of visitors.

On December 27, 2016, the technical start of the second institution of the Kaliningrad gambling zone, the Sobranie casino, was given, TASS was told in the Uni Management investor company. The operating company of this project is UniGaming Company LLC, and permission to carry out gambling activities has already been received. "The technical period is necessary to build processes and train staff directly at the workplace," a representative of Uni Management explained, adding that the date of the official opening of the casino will be announced later. "Casino "Sobranie" is one of the largest casinos on the European continent, its total area is 18 thousand square meters. meters.

As previously reported, the total area of ​​the gambling zone is over 99 hectares. It is planned to build a number of objects with a gambling component here. The declared volume of investments in the project is 45 billion rubles until 2029. The regional government reported that all work on the development of "Amber" is on schedule. The Uni Management company also noted that the plans for the development of the gambling zone have not changed.

Sochi and Crimea - two new gambling zones

The order on the creation of the Krasnaya Polyana gambling zone was published on August 19 on the official Internet portal legal information. The gambling zone will be located in the Sochi mountain cluster on the territory of 165 thousand square meters. m on land previously provided for the placement of Olympic facilities, the financing and construction of which was not carried out at the expense of budget funds or funds of the state corporation "Olympstroy". The opening of the casino will help solve the problem of loading the resort during the off-season. This opinion was expressed earlier at the presentation of the Sochi Casino and Resort project by the adviser to the head federal agency for tourism (Rostourism) Yevgeny Kudelya.

"Over the past few years, the tourist flow has grown significantly, and in the summer and winter, the demand for holidays in the Russian Federation and, in particular, in Sochi is very high. But such objects will help to seriously solve another problem - the problem of the off-season. Because, despite that Sochi is the most popular and one of the most the best resorts, we have an off-season curve and we need to smooth it out," Kudelya noted.

On July 23, 2014, President Vladimir Putin signed the law on gambling zone on the territory of the Republic of Crimea. By expert opinion, the Crimean budget can receive up to 25 billion rubles a year from the new gambling zone. In June 2016, the Crimean government determined the boundaries of the future zone, placing it on the territory of the Gaspra village near Yalta (area - 16.8 hectares).

According to the head of the Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, the project has a private investor, so far there has been no refusal from business to implement it. The Crimean authorities do not name the name of an investor who wants to develop a gambling zone on the peninsula due to sanctions from the West. The gambling zone should appear in Crimea by 2019.

The topic of gambling zones is very acute in Russia, because in 2004 the government passed a bill to close all casinos and slot machines in the country, and gamblers had no choice but to start playing online.

Gambling zones in Russia

The history of the creation of special zones began in 2006, when the government allowed the operation of casinos in four gambling zones: in the Kaliningrad region, as well as in Primorsky, Krasnodar and Altai Territories.

Only in Krasnodar such a zone was called "Azov-City". The gambling zone in Sochi began to be seriously discussed only in anticipation of Olympic Games.

Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed, the construction of facilities is progressing very slowly, and in fact in each zone only one to a few casinos are ready for operation.

So, for example, the gaming zone "Yantarnaya" began its work only in August of this year, and so far with only one casino, but on Far East Currently only two establishments are open. The remaining buildings are under construction.

Nevertheless, even such small successes so far bring tangible benefits to the regions. The fact is that each company that builds a casino not only opens gambling halls, but also creates hotels, recreation complexes, as well as jobs. The gambling zone in Sochi, for example, should also lead to the further development of the Krasnodar Territory.

Gambling zone "Azov-City"

In connection with the introduction of a new zone in the Krasnodar Territory, a sad prospect is expected for establishments located in Azov City. Casinos located here will be forced to close before the end of 2018. Even sadder is the fact that many large companies have already invested in the creation of this gambling zone, and it is one of the few where gambling people can find shelter.

Nevertheless, as Nikolai Oganezov put it, a famous person in the field of gambling, "Azov City", the casinos in it, from the very beginning were uncompetitive. Indeed, conditions in Sochi are much more favorable, there are more people there, and the city is located closer to Turkey, from where an influx of players is also expected.

Gambling zone in Sochi

The project of such a platform for a casino is called "Krasnaya Polyana". It is supposed to open the named complex in the ski area of ​​the resort, since it is there that the necessary buildings and infrastructure for opening a casino are located.

The zone will operate on the territory of the existing ski resort "Gorki-Gorod", where the headquarters of the organizers of the Olympic Games were previously located. According to the director of the complex, Elena Zakharova, the opening will depend only on how soon the first operator is chosen. The manager is sure that the first machines will start working this winter.

However, some features of the zone are already known. Thus, more than 500 gaming slots, 70 gaming halls for card games and even a separate poker club. Around this diversity, new hotel places, conference rooms, cafes and restaurants, as well as additional entertainment facilities will be created.

The opening of such an area is of great strategic importance for the entire region. The fact is that the creation of a gambling zone in Sochi is even more of a strategic step, because after the Olympic Games the city has a developed infrastructure that needs to be fully utilized, and this can only be done with the help of tourists.

It is assumed that gambling enthusiasts will not need anything in Sochi: there are hotels for every taste, ski resorts, various entertaining concerts, attractions, stadiums and, of course, the Black Sea and all its delights. It is planned that the gambling zone in Sochi will make it possible to recoup the investments that have been made in the region.

Prospects for gambling zones in the country

To date, the construction of a gambling zone in Sochi goes full move. It is planned that it should start operating next summer, because, in fact, the buildings need only internal restructuring. The opening was expected this season, but the preparations were delayed.

The only thing that can confuse casinos in Russia is the government's plans to introduce a 10% tax on all their profits. According to experts, this may lead to the fact that the gambling business simply cannot exist. However, so far, the increased fees are just talk, and it is not a fact that they will really start to act.

The Krasnaya Polyana gambling zone has become a center of attraction for Russian tourists and foreign guests, lovers of entertainment and games in general, who come to see a whole pool of gaming and entertainment offers. Today, the Krasnaya Polyana gambling zone, created on August 10, 2016 by order of the Government of the Russian Federation, is represented by three gambling establishments: the Sochi Casino, the Bonus slot machine hall, located in the all-season resort Gorki Gorod and the city in the year-round mountain resort"Rosa Khutor".

Two years of work, figures and facts

For two years, the gambling zone was visited over 850,000 people. The geography of the guests covered 146 countries - despite the fact that the concept of a visa-free space has not been implemented in the gambling zone. Of them 57 became participating countries in poker tournaments regularly held at the Sochi Casino. Sochi Poker Club, located in the casino, has established itself as the main platform for poker events in Russia and the world: in 2017-2018. passed here 18 major tournament series. Record prize fund poker tournament was 690 000 000 rubles. Record win during the draw - 60 000 000 rubles in one hand.

In addition to international poker tournaments, Casino Sochi offers its guests a lot of entertainment: entertainment show programs, concerts of famous Russian and world stars, theme parties and much more. 92 free concerts was held on the central stage of the Sochi Casino, traditionally - admission is free.

Total won 4 582 jackpots in the amount of 1,437,524,781 rubles. Most big jackpot- 31,210,000 rubles. It was also played 22 car.

Among the guests of the gambling zone - 66% men, 34% women us. 84% are citizens of Russia: residents of the Krasnodar Territory and tourists in the region. The remaining 16% are guests from other countries. The most gambling regions became Moscow and Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, Sverdlovsk region, Krasnodar region, Republic of Tatarstan.

The number of gambling zone employees today is over 1400 people and includes representatives of more than 250 professions. For 22 months of work the amount of tax deductions budgeted 1 472 247 964 rubles, which, according to industry experts, exceeded the expected results.

In the establishments of the gambling zone "Krasnaya Polyana" you can visit various show programs, live performances of musicians, theme parties, broadcasts of leading sporting events and intellectual games.

A separate area of ​​work is the organization of MICE events of various formats: for 2 years, 128 major corporate events for companies such as Sberbank, MTS, Gazprom, BOSCO, Lamborghini, the Roscongress Foundation, etc.

For 2 years of work, the project received several awards:

  • THE MOSCOW LIFE & BUSINESS AWARDS - 2018, Casino Sochi - Best entertainment project luxury;
  • "Golden Prometheus" award, "Casino Sochi" - the winner of the "Discovery of the Year" nomination;
  • Time Out Award, Brunello restaurant - the best premium restaurant in Sochi;
  • Pizza Championship of the South Award, Buffett Restaurant, 1st place.

Ilya Zakharov, Brand Chef of Casino Sochi Restaurants

Five favorite drinks casino guests: Moet & Chandon champagne, Jack Daniels whiskey, Hennessy cognac. Three favorite foods guests of the BUFFET restaurant: assorted sushi, rolls, beef tataki with shiitake and edamame, halibut with squid and mashed potatoes; restaurant "BRUNELLO": tasting sets, black cod in miso and chocolate sauce, served with cauliflower puree; crunchy zucchini flowers with crab.

The format of the gambling zone as a cultural and entertainment center offering a whole range of recreational options made it possible to significantly expand the potential audience of the project and proved the demand for a new type of entertainment in Sochi.

The concept of a single gambling zone

Domain LLC, the operator of the Krasnaya Polyana gambling zone, is consistently implementing the concept of a single gambling zone: since December 2018, a single card guest and an updated loyalty program. By visiting any of the three operating gambling establishments, the player retains his privileges and accumulates loyalty points.

“We deliberately offer a wide range of entertainment for all tastes and expect that the number of our guests will increase, because everyone will find a format of recreation for themselves. And our the main task– to provide each guest with the most comfortable and safe conditions of stay”, — comments Dmitry Anfinogenov, development director of the Krasnaya Polyana gambling zone.

Dmitry Anfinogenov, Development Director of the Krasnaya Polyana gambling zone

Implementation of modern technical solutions - a personal account on the website of the gambling zone and mobile application– will allow guests to receive all the necessary information about gaming and entertainment events in the gambling zone, tournaments and player ratings, as well as personal information, previously available exclusively during a personal visit: data on your status in the loyalty program, accumulated points and options for using them in the gambling zone.

Dmitry Anfinogenov announces plans for a gambling zone: “The long-term strategy for the development of the gambling zone involves the emergence of a whole cluster of the entertainment industry on the territory of Krasnaya Polyana: several restaurant projects and new nightclubs; there is an urgent need to adapt the hotel fund of the resort to the casino. We focus on the highest standards of service, and with the development of the gambling zone, the entire complex will work as a single organism.”

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