What peoples make up the Russian Federation. Problems and the future


regional migration interethnic

By the beginning of the 20th century, the territory Russian Empire reached 22.4 million km2. Accordingly, with the increase in the territory, the population also grew and during this period of time amounted to 128.2 million people. So, according to the 1897 census in ethnic composition there were 196 peoples, and the share of Russians was 44.3%.

In 1926, according to the census of the USSR, about 160 ethnic groups were distinguished, including 30 hours with a population of less than 1 thousand people. characteristic feature The peoples of the USSR had a strong difference in their numbers. Twenty-two of them, numbering more than 1 million people each, made up 96% of the population of the entire country.

As for the population modern Russia, it is also very rich and varied. Today, more than 130 nations and nationalities live on the territory of the Russian Federation. Each nation is different in its way of life, customs, historical traditions culture, work skills.

According to the 1989 census, the majority of the population were Russians (more than 80%), then from the numerous nationalities inhabiting Russia, the following should be noted: Tatars (over 5 million people), Ukrainians (over 4 million people), Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Belarusians, Mordovians and others.

As for the national composition Chita region, then the following data was recorded in the 1989 census (as a percentage of the total population of the region): Russians - 88.4%, Buryats - 4.8%, Ukrainians - 2.8%, Tatars - 0.9%, Belarusians - 0.7%, Chuvash - 0.2%, Bashkirs - 0.2%, Mordvins - 0.1%, Evenks - about 0.1%, other nationalities - 1.9%.

The current statistics showed an increase in the share of Russians up to 90.9%, Buryats up to 5.4%, Evenks up to 0.2% and a decrease in the share of representatives of other nationalities.

The overwhelming majority of the representatives of the peoples of the north, primarily the Evenks, live in the Kalarsky, Tungiro-Olyokminsky and Tungokochensky regions.

The resettlement of peoples on the territory of the Russian Federation

All the peoples inhabiting our country can be divided into three groups. First, ethnic groups most of who live in Russia, and outside of it are only small groups(Russians, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Tatars, Yakuts, Buryats, Kalmyks and others). They, as a rule, form national-state units in the composition Russian Federation.

The second group is those peoples of the countries of the near abroad (that is, the republics former USSR), as well as some other countries that are represented on the territory of Russia by significant groups, in some cases by compact settlement (Ukrainians, Belarusians, Kazakhs, Armenians, Poles, Greeks and others).

And, finally, the third group is formed by small divisions of ethnic groups, in most cases living outside of Russia (Romanians, Hungarians, Abkhazians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Albanians, Croats and others).

Thus, about 100 peoples (the first group) live mainly on the territory of the Russian Federation, the rest - representatives of the second and third groups - mainly in the countries of the near abroad or other countries of the world, but are still an essential element of the population of Russia.

Russia is a multinational republic, in its own way state structure is a federation built on the national-territorial principle.

The federal structure of the Russian Federation is based on its state integrity, the unity of the power system, the delimitation of jurisdiction and powers between bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation, equality and self-determination of peoples in the Russian Federation (Constitution of the Russian Federation, 1993).

The structure of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2007 includes 86 subjects, including 21 republics, 7 territories, 48 ​​regions, 2 federal cities (Moscow and St. Petersburg), 1 autonomous region, 7 autonomous regions.

total area 29 national formations (republics, autonomous regions, autonomous regions) make up 53% of the country's territory. At the same time, only about 26 million people live here (among them, almost 12 million are Russians).

All national entities have a complex population. Moreover, the share of the main or "titular" nation in some cases is relatively small. So, out of 21 republics of the Russian Federation, only six major peoples make up the majority (Ingushetia, Chuvashia, Tuva, Kabardino-Balkaria, North Ossetia, Chechen Republic). In multi-ethnic Dagestan there are ten local peoples(Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins, Laks, Tabasarans, Nogais, Rutuls, Aguls, Tsakhurs) form 80% of the total population. In nine republics, the peoples of the "titular" nation account for less than one third of the population (including Karelia and Kalmykia).

The picture of the settlement of peoples in the autonomous regions is significantly different. They are inhabited very rarely and for many decades have attracted migrants from all the republics of the former USSR (Russians, Ukrainians, Tatars, Belarusians, Chechens and others), who came to work - to develop the richest mineral deposits, build roads, industrial facilities and cities. As a result, the "titular" peoples in most autonomous regions and in the only autonomous region make up only a small percentage of their total population. For example, in the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous region- 1.5%, in Yamalo-Nenets - 6%, Chukotsky - about 9%. The detailed national structure of the population of the autonomies of Russia can be traced according to Table 1.1 in the appendix.

Language families and groups

A distinctive feature of the people - its language - the most important means of communication between people. According to the similarity of languages, peoples are grouped into language groups, and close and related groups into language families. On a linguistic basis, all the peoples of Russia can be combined into 4 language families:

1. Indo-European family(80% of all residents of the country). This family includes:- Slavic group, the most numerous in Russia, including Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles and others.

Iranian group, including Tajiks, Ossetians, Kurds.

Romanesque group, which includes Moldovans, gypsies, Romanians.

German group. It includes Germans, Jews.

2. Altai family (6.8% of all residents of the country). Its composition includes following groups: - Turkic group, which includes Tatars, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, Kazakhs, Yakuts, Tuvans, Karachays, Khakasses, Balkars, Altaians, Shors, Dolgans.

Mongolian group consisting of Buryats, Kalmyks.

Tungus-Manchu group. This group includes - Evens, Evenks, Nanais, Udeges and others.

Paleo-Asiatic group, consisting of the Chukchi, Koryaks.

3. Ural family(2% of all residents of the country). Subdivided into groups: - Finno-Ugric group, which includes Mordovians, Estonians, Udmurts, Mari, Komi, Komi-Permyaks, Karelians, Finns, Mansi, Hungarians, Saami.

Samoyedic group, including Nenets, Selkups, Nganasans.

Yukagir group (Yukaghirs).

4. North Caucasian family (2% of all residents of the country). Also includes several groups: - Nakh-Dagestan group. It includes Chechens, Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, Ingush.

Kartvelian group · Georgians.

Adyghe-Abkhazian group, including Adyghes, Abkhazians, Circassians, Kabardians.

In addition to the families mentioned above, representatives of the Chukchi-Kamchatka family (Chukchi, Koryak, Itelmen) live in Russia; Eskimo-Aleut family (Eskimos, Aleuts) and peoples of other language families and peoples (Chinese, Arabs, Vietnamese and others).

The languages ​​of all the peoples of Russia are full, but the language of interethnic communication is Russian.

Russia has always been multinational, this feature is closely connected with the history of the country, during which it influenced the consciousness and lifestyle of the people inhabiting the country. A lot of National composition The state is also indicated in the constitution, where it is called the bearer of sovereignty and the source of power.

Due to the heterogeneous composition of the country's population since ancient times, many people who identify themselves as actually have different roots and can be considered equally representatives of other nationalities. But in the USSR, mandatory fixation was adopted ethnic background, which served as the basis for determining the number of nationalities and their percentage. Today, it is not necessary to indicate your own, and there is no exact figure in the census data - some people did not mark their origin.

In addition, it is a rather vague concept, ethnographers divide some nationalities into several parts, others are distinguished into individual groups. Some disappear or assimilate.

Number of nations in Russia

However, census data allow us to calculate almost exact number nations whose representatives live on the territory of Russia. There are more than 190 of them, although only about 80 nationalities make up a more or less significant part of the population: the rest get thousandths of a percent.

In the first place are Russians or those people who classify themselves as Russians: these include the Karyms, Ob and Lena old-timers, Pomors, Russo-Ustyintsy, Mezens - there are a lot of self-names, but they all make up a nation. The number of Russians in the country is more than 115 million people.

In second place are the Tatars and all their varieties: Siberian, Kazan, Astrakhan and others. They number five and a half million, which is almost 4% of the country's population. This is followed by Ukrainians, Bashkirs, Chuvashs, Armenians, Belarusians, Mordovians, Udmurts and many other nationalities: Caucasian, Siberian. Part of the population - about 0.13% - is. Germans, Greeks, Poles, Lithuanians, Chinese, Koreans, Arabs live on the territory of Russia.

Thousandths of a percent are given to such people as Persians, Hungarians, Romanians, Czechs, Saami, Teleuts, Spaniards, French. There are also representatives of very few nationalities in the country: Laz, Vod, Svans, Ingiloys, Yugis, Arnauts.

The abundance of various nations and nationalities living on the territory of Russia largely depends on the history of its formation. Since ancient times, the Scythians lived in this territory. Also occupied part of modern Russia. In the Volga region and North Caucasus the Khazars lived, and in the Kama region - the Bulgars. Old Russian was formed from the tribes of Krivichi, Drevlyans, Slovenes, Vyatichi, Severians. Also, its development was influenced by the Finno-Ugric peoples. Thus, ancient Russian state was multinational from the very beginning of its existence.

The most common, after, are the Tatars. They live in the Volga region and in the Crimea. Mordovians and Mari also live there. Bashkirs live in the central part of Russia. The western part of the country is inhabited by the Chuvashs, Siberia by the Yakuts, Altaians and Khakass, the west of the region by the Buryats, Khanty and Mansi, and the east by the Evenks. On Far North, Chukchi, Aleuts, in the north-west of the country - Karelians. The Caucasus is occupied by Kabardians, Circassians, Lezgins, Chechens, Ingush, Circassians, Ossetians. Kalmyks live in the Caspian region.

The most numerous form autonomous republics and districts. There are 22 of them in total: Udmurtia, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Mordovia, Karelia, Yakutia, Khakassia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan, Komi, Adygea, North Ossetia, Karachay-Cherkessia, Tuva, Buryatia, Mari El, Bashkiria, Altai , Kalmykia, Crimea. There are 5 autonomous regions in Russia: Khanty-Mansiysk, Chukotka, Nenets, Crimean and Yamal-Nenets. Also, according to the names of nationalities, some settlements and geographical objects of Russia - for example, the city of Khanty-Mansiysk.

1. Features of the national composition of Russia………………………………………2

2. Short story settlement of Russia…………………………………………………….5

3. Placement of nations and nationalities in the regions of Russia…………………….…..…7

4. Problems associated with the development of nationalism that exist in present stage in Russia………………………………………………….…….……..14

5. List of used literature……………………………………………………19

Features of the national composition of Russia

One of the main indicators characterizing the population is the total number and trends in its change.

The Russian population in our country is still the most numerous (about 116 million people) and makes up almost 80% of the total population. Compared with 1989, its share in the entire population of the country has decreased by 1.7 percentage points. This happened mainly due to the natural decline, which amounted to almost 8 million people, which could not be compensated by a little over three million migration gain of Russians.

The second place in terms of population in the country is occupied by the Tatars, whose number is 5.56 million people (almost 4% of the country's population), the third place is occupied, oddly enough, by the Ukrainians, their number is approximately equal to 2.9 million people.

Due to emigration and natural attrition, the number of Jews (from 0.54 million to 0.23 million people) and Germans (from 0.84 million to 0.60 million people) decreased during the intercensal period.

Mainly due to migration growth, the number of Armenians (from 0.53 million to 1.13 million people), Azerbaijanis (from 0.34 million to 0.62 million people), Tajiks (from 0. 04 million people to 0.12 million people), Chinese (from 5 thousand people to 35 thousand people).

For the first time after the population census of 1926, the number of people who identified themselves as Kryashens was obtained (about 25 thousand people). Also, for the first time after the 1897 census, the number of people who called themselves Cossacks (about 140 thousand people) and a number of small peoples of Dagestan was obtained.

The number of citizens of the Russian Federation amounted to 142.4 million people (98% of all residents of the country), 1.0 million people have citizenship of other states and 0.4 million people are stateless. Of the total number of citizens of the Russian Federation, 44 thousand people have double citizenship. Approximately 1.3 million people did not state their citizenship.

The national composition fully characterizes the ethnic structure of the population.

By linguistic affiliation, the peoples of Russia belong to four language families: Indo-European (89%) - Slavic, Germanic, Romanesque group; Altai (6.8%) - Turkic, Mongolian groups; Caucasian (2.4%) - Abkhaz-Adyghe, Nakh-Dagestan groups; Ural (1.8%) - Finno-Ugric, Samoyedic groups. Some small peoples (Kets, Nivkhs) do not belong to any of the existing language families and stand out as isolated. The rapid pace of urbanization, migration processes and the growth of interethnic marriages contributed to assimilation and integration processes.

The primordially Russian regions in Russia are territories stretching from the European North, North-West to the central regions of Russia. The Russian population also predominates in the regions of the Urals, in the south of Siberia and the Far East. Russia as a whole is characterized by the diversity of the national composition in many regions.

In the Russian Federation, 32 subjects of the Federation are allocated according to the national principle (21 republics, 10 autonomous districts and 1 autonomous region). The total area of ​​32 national formations is 53% of the territory of Russia.

All national entities have a complex composition of the population. However, the proportion of the titular nation is in some cases relatively small. Only in 9 subjects of the Federation the share of the titular nation exceeds 50%, for example, in Ingushetia - 74.5 in Kabardino-Balkaria -57.6%, in North Ossetia-Alania -53.0%, etc. The lowest share of the titular nation is in Khanty -Mansi Autonomous Okrug - 1.6%.

The processes of ethnic
assimilation. The objects of assimilation are small ethnic groups, peoples living in a strong territorial mixture with other peoples, as well as national groups (often consisting of representatives of fairly large and well-consolidated ethnic groups living separately), which are characterized by dispersed settlement. Interethnic marriages serve as an important channel for the assimilation process in Russia, but "out-of-family" assimilation also takes place.

From the small peoples of Russia in the XX century. the Turkic-speaking Soyots were assimilated, merging into the Buryat people. Yugas close to the Kets dissolved among the surrounding Russian population, the process of assimilation (linguistic, and then ethnic) partially affected many others minorities Siberia and the Far East. Assimilation also covered representatives of many ethnic groups.
communities, mainly concentrated outside of Russia, and in it
most - settled dispersed. True, the rate of development of assimilation processes among different people living in Russia national groups different. The fastest to merge with the Russians are representatives of two eastern peoples who are close to them in language and culture. Slavic peoples- Belarusians and Ukrainians. In 1989, 63% of Belarusians living in our country and 57% of Ukrainians considered Russian as their mother tongue.
Fairly fast assimilation is subjected to those living in the Russian Federation
representatives of other Slavic peoples: Poles, Bulgarians, Czechs,
Serbs. All these ethnic groups live dispersed in Russia, which facilitates the process of their assimilation. Representatives of other non-indigenous ethnic groups of Russia are assimilated
Russians to a much weaker degree. So, the Germans, despite
long-term residence in our country, and a high proportion of people who have passed
into Russian (58%), quite steadfastly retain their ethnic
self-awareness. The process of assimilation of Koreans proceeds even more slowly, to which
hinders pronounced cultural specificity this ethnic
community, as well as its anthropological isolation. Although Koreans have been living in Russia for a long time and most of them (63%) consider Russian as their native language, they, like the Germans, retain their ethnic self-consciousness well and show high intra-ethnic solidarity.

Representatives of the Turkic-speaking ethnic groups living in Russia, which make up the main population of several republics of the former USSR, also show ethnic stamina. ( Kazakhs, Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks), which is facilitated by their significant cultural specificity. The overwhelming majority of representatives of these peoples retain their national language.

A Brief History of the Settlement of Russia

The history of settlement and land development, differences in the types of population reproduction, the vastness of the territory and diversity natural conditions led to a very uneven distribution of the population of Russia. 78.5% of the population lives in the European part (about 30% of the area), and 21.5% lives in the Asian part. In addition, in the zone of continuous settlement, or "the main zone of settlement" ( European part Russia without the European North, the south of Siberia and the Far East), occupying only 1/3 of the territory, 93% of the population is concentrated.

The average population density in Russia is 8.5 people. per 1 km 2, it is four times less than the world average. At the same time, the population density ranges from less than one person per 1 m 2 in some areas of the Eastern macroregion to 354 people per 1 km 2 in the Moscow region.

The main strip of settlement is very different from the rest of the country, belonging to the zone of the North. The first has been historically developed economically due to the favorable natural and climatic conditions, the benefits geographical location; located here big number major cities and the majority of the population is concentrated. The zone of the North is a territory that has been developed relatively recently (“new development”), with focal settlement; it is home to only about 7% of the population.

The historical migrations of the Russian population to Siberia, the Urals, the North, the Far East began as early as the 16th-17th centuries. in connection with the development of new lands. The flow of migrants to the eastern regions of Russia especially increased at the end of the 19th and 20th centuries. in connection with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Historical migrations were forced migrations of peoples: in 1937, Koreans were resettled from Primorsky Krai to Central Asia; in the 1930s Germans, Kalmyks, Chechens, Ingush were evicted, Crimean Tatars to the eastern regions, to Siberia, Kazakhstan, Central Asia. In the pre-war years, organized migration to the Urals, Siberia and the Far East, where mineral deposits were developed and factories were built. In the 50s, there was a massive development of huge tracts of land in Kazakhstan and Western Siberia. In connection with the collapse of the USSR and the aggravation interethnic relations in a number of republics of the new abroad, the re-emigration of the Russian-speaking population from the republics intensified Central Asia and Transcaucasia.

The most numerous and permanent migrations of the population in Russia in the 20th century. there were internal migrations of the population from countryside to cities, from small towns to large ones.

Currently, internal migration accounts for 80% of the migration turnover of the Russian population. The determining direction of internal migration is the Center, the Volga region and the South of the country, which as a result has led to a significant reduction in the population of the regions of the North, Siberia and the Far East.

In 23 subjects of the Federation, the population over past period increased. The greatest growth was noted in the Republic of Dagestan - by 43%, Moscow - 17%, Krasnodar Territory- by 11%, Belgorod and Kaliningrad regions - by 10%. The increase in the population was due to natural growth and the influx of migrants.

In economic geography and regional studies, the main issues in the study of the population are the causes, patterns and features of the spatial and functional behavior of the population, depending on the trends in the external environment.

Great and varied. In its open spaces, nature is beautiful in its versatility, and other wonders created by man. In addition, the territory itself big country The world has been sheltered by dozens of different peoples. Exactly this great wealth amazing hospitable state.

We know that many nationalities live in Russia - Russians, Udmurts, Ukrainians. And what people still live in Russia? Indeed, in the far corners of the country, small and little-known, but interesting peoples with their own unique culture have been living for centuries.

The national composition of the population of Russia

We will stipulate right away that Russians make up approximately 80% of the total population. A full one would be very large. According to some reports, more than 200 different nationalities are registered. This information is current as of 2010.

We will begin our acquaintance with the rest of the national composition of Russia with the most common. large nationalities those that are present on the territory of the state in the amount of more than 1 million are considered.


The ratio of the Tatar nationality among all others in the country is 3.8%. has its own language and regions of the greatest distribution.

In addition, it includes several ethnic groups: Crimean Tatars, Volga-Ural, Siberian and Astrakhan. Most of them live in the Volga region.


Let's continue our short excursion on the topic of what peoples live in Russia, and move on to the Ukrainians. Their number in Russia is 2% of total population. According to some historical references, the name of the nationality comes from the word "outskirts", which served as the basis for the name of the country - Ukraine.

Ukrainians living in Russia continue to honor their traditions, celebrating holidays according to their customs, wearing folk clothes. A feature of Ukrainian clothing is embroidery in a variety of colors. Main symbolic colors in ornaments - red and black.


The ratio of the Bashkirs to the entire population of the country is 1.2%. The territories where most of these people live are Altai, Tyumen, and other regions of Russia (Orenburg, Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and others).

To this day, ethnologists have not agreed on where the name of the nationality came from and what it means. The most common interpretations are " head wolf», « separate people”,“ Ugrian brother-in-law. In total, there are about 40 different assumptions.

The culture of the Bashkirs is significant for their songs, fairy tales, ditties.


Next, let's talk about the Chuvash, answering the question of what peoples live in Russia. The Chuvash people make up 1.1% of the population of Russia. Most of the Chuvash live in Tatarstan, Samara and many other regions of the country, the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And today their main occupation is handicraft, animal husbandry and agriculture.

The Chuvash culture is surprisingly beautiful and interesting. They have their own ancient developed mythology. National clothes extremely diverse, has many dozens of different cuts, color options.


Chechens in Russia are about 0.9% of the total population. This is one of the most severe nationalities in the country. At the same time, they are distinguished by wit, courage and endurance are inherent in them.

A feature of Chechen songs is a deep, incommensurable longing for home. There are many motifs of exile in their poetry and songs. Such poetry is not to be found in any other folklore.

One can notice the similarity of the Chechen people with the Circassian and Lezgin. There is a simple explanation for this: all three nationalities belong to a single Caucasian.

And we continue to uncover most interesting question about what peoples live in Russia.


In the population of Russia, Armenians make up 0.8%. Their culture is very ancient. Its roots can be traced back to Greek culture. The special flavor of this nation is created by their indefatigable cheerfulness and hospitality.

Armenian music appeared before our era. And today we know many world singers from Armenian roots. Among them french singer David Tukhmanov, Jivad Gasparyan and many others.

Armenian clothing is distinguished by luxury and pretentiousness. And children's costumes are simply irresistible, which is not seen in other nations.

We now know what peoples inhabit Russia, but this is far from all. In the far corners huge country there are still peoples who are not so many in number, but their culture is so diverse and interesting that we simply cannot help but remember them.

small nations

Russians know quite a lot about peoples whose number exceeds 1 million. But there are also small peoples of Russia, which you may not even hear about in your entire life.

So, in the Volga-Vyatka region, for many centuries, such nationalities as the Mari, Mordovians have lived. The server region is native to Karelians, Komi, Saami, Nenets. Komi-Permyaks and Udmurts live in the Urals. Kazakhs and Kalmyks have long settled in the Volga region.

Western Siberia is the homeland for the Selkups, Altaians, Mansi, Khanty, Shors, Eastern Siberia is for Tuvans, Buryats, Khakasses, Dolgans, Evenks.

On Far East such nationalities live as the Yakuts, Koryaks, Evens, Udeges, Nanais, Orochs and many other peoples, the number of which is very small.

The peculiarity of small peoples is that they have preserved and to this day revere their ancient pagan beliefs. They are characterized by following animism (animation of natural objects and animals) and shamanism (belief in shamans - people who speak with spirits).

How many peoples live in Russia in total?

In 2002, a pan-European data collection also included information on the ethnic composition of the countries' populations. Then received interesting information about what peoples live in Russia, and about their numbers.

The census figures in Russia showed that representatives of 160 different nationalities. This figure is simply huge in comparison with European countries. On average, people belonging to 9.5 nationalities live in them. On a global scale, Russia's performance is also high.

Interestingly, in 1989, when a similar census was conducted in Russia, a list of 129 nationalities was compiled. The reason for such a difference in indicators, according to experts, is the possibility of self-identification as belonging to one or another nationality. Such an opportunity appeared in 1926. Previously different nations Russia considered itself to be Russian, based on the geopolitical factor.

Dynamics in the ratio of nationalities

According to experts in demographic studies, in last years The number of Ukrainians in Russia has decreased threefold. Belarusians have also become much smaller, as well as Mordovians.

The number of Armenians, Chechens, Azerbaijanis, and Tajiks increased. Some of them even entered the number of those of which there are more than a million on the territory of Russia.

The dynamics in the ratio of nationalities is believed to be influenced by several factors. One of them is the decline in the birth rate, which has affected the entire country. The other is emigration.

Jews left Russia. Russian Germans also emigrated from the country.

Positive dynamics is observed among small indigenous peoples. On the contrary, they recent decades became more. Thus, we see that the question of what peoples inhabit Russia is always relevant for study due to its dynamics.

Do only Russians live somewhere?

We learned that many different nationalities live in Russia, in addition to Russians. Many who have discovered it may wonder if there is an area where only Russians live.

The answer is unequivocal: there is no region with a completely homogeneous composition of the Russian population. Only close to it central District, Central Black Earth, Northwestern. All other territories of the country are full of different nationalities.


In the article, we examined which peoples live on the territory of Russia, learned what they are called and where they are most common. We were once again convinced how rich the country is not only natural resources, but also human, and this is much more important.

In addition, we learned that the national composition of the population of Russia is not something static. It changes over the years under the influence of various factors (migration, the possibility of self-determination, etc.).

We hope that the article was interesting for you: it helped you make a mental journey through the expanses of Russia and introduced you to its so different, but so hospitable and interesting inhabitants. Now we can, without hesitation, tell anyone who wants to, if he becomes interested, what kind of peoples live in Russia.

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