Who wrote doctor aybolit the author. Fairy tale aibolit read


", in which the similar character- Dr. Doolittle.

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    ✪ Korney Chukovsky Journey to the Land of Monkeys Part 1


History of creation

  • - - an adaptation of the text of the first book by Hugh Lofting for young children.
  • - the stories "The Adventures of the White Mouse" and "The Lighthouse" (according to Lofting).
  • - the first publication of "The Adventures of the White Mouse".
  • 1936 - expanded edition of "Doctor Aibolit" in 2 parts. Reprinted from minor changes in all editions up to the appearance of the final version in 1954.
  • - extended edition in 4 parts. Before the appearance of the 1954 version, it was reproduced only once - in 1950.
  • 1954 - canonical (final) version in 2 parts.


Part 1. Journey to the Land of the Monkeys

The kind doctor Aibolit treated animals and people, but he never refused to help anyone. Animals have always lived in his house. He had an evil sister, Barbara, who did not like animals and was angry with the doctor because the latter were living in his room. The doctor did not take money from the poor and animals, but one day he was left without bread. Then the animals began to feed him: the pig Oink-Oink and the owl Bumba set up a garden in the yard, the cow gave her milk, and the hens laid eggs for the doctor. Abba the dog and Chichi the monkey cleaned the doctor's house.

The doctor was very pleased:

I have never had such cleanliness in my house. Thank you, children and animals, for your work!
The children smiled merrily at him, and the animals answered in one voice:
- Karabuki, marabuki, boo!
In animal language, this means: “How can we not serve you? After all, you are our best friend."

Once a swallow flew into the doctor's house and asked him to go to Africa to cure sick monkeys:

There is only one person who can save them and that is you. Take your medicines with you, and let's go to Africa soon! If you don't go to Africa, all the monkeys will die.

Can a doctor refuse to help? His old friend, sailor Robinson, whom the doctor once saved from a fever, gave his ship. Taking some of his friends on board the ship, the doctor went to Africa - to help sick monkeys. The ship raced in full sail, but then a terrible storm arose. The heroes remained safe and sound, but the ship, unfortunately, crashed.

As soon as the travelers landed on the shore, they were immediately captured by the evil robber Barmaley. The doctor and his friends fought back with all their might from his servants, but the latter were stronger. They put the heroes in prison, the key to which Barmaley hid under his pillow. Karudo's parrot was able to squeeze through the iron bars and get out. He flew to Barmaley, pulled out a key from under his pillow and brought it to the doctor. The doctor opened the dungeon door with a key and got out with his friends to freedom. Upon learning that Dr. Aibolit had fled, Barmaley sent a chase after the fugitives.

The doctor fled with all his might. The monkeys saw him from afar and waited impatiently. But on the way of the doctor there was a wide river that could not be crossed, and it was impossible to hesitate for a minute - the servants of Barmaley overtook the heroes. Then one of the monkeys grabbed a tree that grew on the bank of the river, the second monkey grabbed the first one by the tail, and in this way the monkeys built a bridge so that the doctor would cross to the other side. Barmaley's servants followed the doctor, but in the middle of the bridge one of the monkeys unclenched her fingers, the bridge crumbled, and Barmaley's servants flew into the river. Thus they were defeated.

There were a lot of sick monkeys, and the doctor and his assistants could not cope with the work. Then the doctor decided to seek help from local animals. He asked for a lion, rhinos and tigers, but none of them wanted to help the doctor. Soon a little lion cub fell ill, and the lion, asking for forgiveness from the doctor, helped to treat the sick. And when other cubs needed help, the rhinos and tigers also asked for forgiveness from the kind doctor Aibolit.

In gratitude, the animals gave the doctor an unusual animal - Tyanitolkaya. This beast has two heads: one in front, the other behind. When one head sleeps, the other is awake, and therefore no hunter has yet been able to catch it. The puller has never been seen in a circus or a zoo. Tyanitolkay liked the good doctor very much, and the latter agreed to go with him. Returning, the doctor again ended up in the country where Barmaley lived. There, Barmaley's servants again tried to seize the brave travelers, but they again defeated the enemies, captured Barmaley's ship and returned home safely.

At home, friends joyfully met the doctor. He gave Barmaley's ship to the sailor Robinson. Pull Push quickly settled in with his new friends. He boldly walked the streets and rolled the children. Evil Barbara also decided to ride the Tianitolkai and hit him with an umbrella. Tyanitolkay got angry and threw Varvara into the sea. The sailor Robinson sailed by. He pulled Varvara out of the water and took her to a distant uninhabited island, where she could not offend anyone.

Part 2. Penta and sea pirates

One day, while walking with friends along the seashore, Dr. Aibolit saw a cave locked with a big lock. Owl Bumba, having a delicate ear, heard a man crying behind a locked door. Having cut the door of the cave with an ax, the doctor saw a boy named Penta. As it turned out, Penta was fishing with his father, and their boat was captured by pirates. The pirates took the red-haired fisherman with them, and locked Penta in a cave. The doctor called the dolphins for help, who were glad to serve him. They searched the whole sea and questioned all the crayfish and fish, but Penta's father was never found.

Then the doctor called the eagles. The latter were also happy to come to the aid of Dr. Aibolit. They searched the whole land, all the forests and fields, all the mountains, cities and villages, but also to no avail. Then the dog Abba took over. She sniffed Father Penta's handkerchief, and by the smell of the wind she determined in which direction to look. The Doctor asked for a ship from his friend, the sailor Robinson, and the heroes set sail. In the sea, they found a high rock, on which Abba sniffed every crack and found Penta's father in the pit. The doctor took the fisherman and his son to their native village.

The villagers gave Abba a beautiful collar, on which capital letters it was written: "Abve - the most intelligent and brave dog." Three days later, on the way back, the travelers met pirates, but the doctor called a swallow for help. She led the cranes, who pulled the ship forward with a rope so fast that the pirates could not catch up with them. But a hole appeared in the ship, and the travelers, having collected their belongings, left the ship. Seeing the abandoned ship, the pirates captured it, and Dr. Aibolit and his friends slowly made their way to the pirate ship.

The pirates nevertheless noticed the heroes and rushed after them in pursuit on the doctor's ship. But since the ship was leaking, the pirates ended up at sea, where the sharks swallowed them all to one. At home they already knew that the doctor had defeated the pirates led by Barmaley, and they arranged an unprecedented holiday. But the doctor could not enjoy the fun for long - sick animals were waiting for him. Penta helped the doctor, and the latter quickly got the job done.

Part 3. Fire and water

The sailor Robinson went to Africa to bring him little son Dick. When Robinson's ship was already very close, the lighthouse that illuminated the entrance to the harbor went out. It was necessary to urgently light a fire on it so that the ship would not crash against the rocks. The doctor went to the lighthouse, and the seagulls flew towards the ship to delay him. The lighthouse keeper, old Negro Jumbo, lay unconscious, but the doctor did not have time to help him - he rushed to look for matches in the lighthouse. Finally they were found, the lamps were lit, and the ship made it safely to shore.

Now we had to deal with Jumbo, who had a wound on his forehead. When Jumbo came to his senses, he revealed that he had been hit by the fugitive pirate Benalis. The latter escaped from the uninhabited island to which the doctor sent him, and now wants to take revenge on Aibolit: set fire to his house and kill the animals living in it. The doctor ran home, but the pirate grabbed him and threw him into the well, and set fire to the house himself. Sitting in the well, the doctor began to call for help. The old green frog heard him and brought the cranes. They brought a rope and pulled the doctor out of the well.

The doctor rushed to the burning house and rushed into the fire itself to save the animals, but suffocated from the smoke and lost consciousness. But the animals he saved pulled him out of the fire, and the doctor came to his senses. Birds flew to his aid from all over, animals came running, even huge bowhead whales sailed and put out the fire with their fountains. But the doctor's house burned down, and the latter had nowhere to live. All his friends offered him their houses, but the doctor preferred to live in a cave by the sea.

Meanwhile, Benalis decided to steal a ship from the sailor Robinson, go to sea on it and again kill and rob people. He sailed in a boat to the ship. The birds covered the lighthouse, and in the darkness Benalis's boat crashed against the rocks, and the pirate drowned. The doctor, having got wet in the well, caught a bad cold, but could not find a suitable cave in any way. Then the beavers came to his aid. With their strong teeth, they felled trees, processed logs and built a new strong house, and friends gave him (that is, the doctor) medicine so that he would recover quickly.

Part 4. The adventures of the white mouse

once upon a time white mouse named Belyanka. All her brothers and sisters were gray, but she was white. Once the mice went for a walk, but Belyanka was not taken with them so that the Black Cat would not see her. But Belyanka ran after them. The Black Cat grabbed her with his terrible claws. Luckily Penta, the fisherman's son, saw it. He rescued Belyanka and put her in a cage. Penta was a kind boy, and Belyanka lived well with him, but she wanted to get out. One day she gnawed through the bars of the cage and ran away.

There was snow outside, and Belyanka could freely walk around the city, since she was invisible in the snow. Suddenly she saw an old gray rat sitting on the threshold of the barn and crying. The rat could not go outside and get food for itself - it would have been immediately noticed in the snow. Belyanka brought food to the rat all winter, and in summer the rat began to bring food to Belyanka. One day Belyanka's brothers and sisters passed by the barn. They went to the forest to dance, but they did not take Belyanka with them - because of her, an owl would see them. Seeing that Belyanka was crying, the rat decided to paint her gray.

In the barn there was a dyer's workshop, where Belyanka dipped into a trough of paint. But the rat mixed up the colors in the dark, and Belyanka for some reason turned yellow. Angry at the old rat, Belyanka decided to leave her. But as soon as she ran out of the barn, the Black Cat, schoolchildren and dogs chased after her. Nobody has ever seen a yellow mouse. Finally, Belyanka reached her home, but her mother did not recognize her and kicked her out:

My Belyanka was whiter than snow, and you are yellow, like a camomile, like a yolk, like a chicken. I have never had such a daughter! You are not my daughter. Get out of here!

Crying, Belyanka ran to the sea, trying to wash off the paint in the water, but to no avail. Then she decided to return to Penta, but on the way she met a mouse who advised Belyanka to contact Dr. Aibolit. The latter really liked the yellow wool of the mouse, and he did not treat it, but left it with him. Belyanka became Fidzhey (that is, the golden mouse) and now sings their cheerful song with other animals:

Shita rita, tita drita!
Shivandada, Shivanda!
We are native Aibolit
We will never leave!

Aibolit is a fairy tale by Korney Chukovsky about a kind doctor who helped everyone who would not turn to him. And then one day a telegram came to Aibolit from Hippo, who called the doctor to Africa to save all the animals. The doctor repeats “Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo”, and wolves, a whale, eagles help him along the way. Heals everyone kind doctor Aibolit.

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Fairy tale Aibolit read

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Aibolit character

Older children and adults are often interested in how it was possible to come up with such unusual fairy tale characters? However, it is likely that Chukovsky's characters are not entirely fiction, but a simple description. real people. For example, the well-known Aibolit. Korney Chukovsky himself said that the idea about Dr. Aibolit came to him after meeting Dr. Shabad. This doctor studied in Moscow at the Faculty of Medicine, and that's it. free time spent in the slums, helping and curing the poor and destitute. For his modest means, he even gave them food. Returning to his homeland, Vilnius, Dr. Shabad fed poor children and did not refuse to help anyone. They began to bring him pets and even birds - he helped everyone disinterestedly, for which he was dearly loved in the city. People respected him so much and were grateful that they erected a monument in his honor, which is still in Vilnius.

There is another version of the appearance of Dr. Aibolit. It is said that Chukovsky simply took the character from another author, namely, from Hugh Lofting of his doctor Doolittle, who treated animals and could speak their language. Even if this version is true, in any case, Dr. Aibolit Chukovsky is a unique work for young children that teaches cleanliness and order from an early age, justice, love and respect for our smaller brothers.

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Fairy tale Aibolit

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky

Tale Aibolit summary:

The fairy tale "Aibolit" is about the kind doctor Aibolit, who sits under a tree and treats animals. Everyone comes with their illnesses to Aibolit, and the good doctor refuses no one. He helps both the fox, which was bitten by an evil wasp, and the watchdog, which the chicken pecked in the nose. The bunny, whose legs were cut by a tram, Aibolit sews new ones and he becomes healthy and starts jumping.

Suddenly, a jackal appears riding a mare and gives Aibolit a telegram from Hippo, in which he asks the doctor to come to Africa as soon as possible and save the kids who are very sick. The good doctor immediately agrees to help the kids and, having learned from the jackal where they live, sets off on his journey. He runs through fields, meadows and forests, but he gets so tired that he falls into the snow and cannot go any further. And then the wolves run out to him, offering him a lift. But in front of them is a raging sea. Aibolit doesn't know what to do. But then a whale comes up to help the doctor. But there are mountains in front of them. And here with high mountain eagles fly off, and Aibolit, sitting on an eagle, quickly rushes to Africa, to his patients.

And in Africa, all the animals are waiting for their savior - Dr. Aibolit. They look at the sea and think - does it float? After all, 6 hehemotics have tummies, ostriches squeal in pain. The grasshopper has a dislocated shoulder, he does not jump, does not jump. But then an eagle descends to the ground, carrying Aibolit. And all the children are happy, and the parents are happy. And Aibolit feels the bellies of hippos and gives them all a chocolate bar and puts thermometers on them. And he treats tiger cubs and camels with mogul. For ten consecutive nights the good doctor does not eat, drink or sleep. He treats sick animals. And so he cured them all. Everyone is healthy, everyone is happy, everyone is laughing and dancing. And the hippos grabbed their tummies and laughed so hard that the trees shook, And the hippopotamus sings: “Glory, glory to Aibolit! / Glory to the good doctors!”

The basis of the fairy tale is laid on the disclosure of a person's love for animals, sincere help, and also shows the profession of a doctor and how important it is.

Tale Aibolit read:

Good Doctor Aibolit!
He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment.
Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a worm,
And a bear!

Heal everyone, heal
Good Doctor Aibolit!

And the fox came to Aibolit:
"Oh, I got stung by a wasp!"

And the watchdog came to Aibolit:
“A chicken pecked on my nose!”

And the hare came running
And she screamed: “Ai, ai!
My bunny got hit by a tram!
My bunny, my boy
Got hit by a tram!
He ran down the path
And his legs were cut
And now he's sick and lame
My little hare!”

And Aibolit said: “It doesn’t matter!
Give it here!
I'll sew him new legs,
He will run again along the path.
And they brought him a bunny,
Such a sick, lame,
And the doctor sewed on his legs,
And the hare jumps again.
And with him the hare-mother
I also went to dance
And she laughs and screams:
“Well, thank you. Aibolit!

Suddenly from somewhere a jackal
Rode on a mare:

"Here's a telegram for you
From Hippo!"

"Come, doctor,
Go to Africa soon
And save me doctor
Our babies!"

"What's happened? Really
Are your kids sick?

"Yes Yes Yes! They have angina
scarlet fever, cholera,
diphtheria, appendicitis,
Malaria and bronchitis!

Come soon
Good Doctor Aibolit!
"Okay, okay, I'll run,
I will help your children.
But where do you live?
On a mountain or in a swamp?

We live in Zanzibar
In the Kalahari and the Sahara
On Mount Fernando Po,
Where hippo walks
Along the wide Limpopo.

And Aibolit got up, Aibolit ran.
He runs through the fields, but through the forests, through the meadows.
And only one word repeats Aibolit:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:
"Hey, Aibolit, come back!"
And Aibolit fell and lies on the snow:
"I can't go any further."
And now to him because of the Christmas tree
Furry wolves run out:

"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”

And Aibolit galloped forward
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

But in front of them is the sea -
Raging, noisy in space.

And there is a high wave in the sea.
Now she will swallow Aibolit.

"Oh, if I drown
If I go to the bottom

With my forest animals?

But here comes the whale:
"Sit on me, Aibolit,
And like a big ship
I'll take you forward!"

And sat on the whale Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And the mountains stand in his way
And he starts to crawl over the mountains,

And the mountains are getting higher, and the mountains are getting steeper,
And the mountains go under the very clouds!
"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost along the way
What will become of them, the sick,
With my forest animals?

And now from a high cliff
Eagles flew to Aibolit:
"Sit down, Aibolit, on horseback,
We will take you alive!”
And sat on the eagle Aibolit
And only one word repeats:
"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo!"

And in Africa
And in Africa
On black
Sitting and crying
In Africa
Sad Hippo.

He's in Africa, he's in Africa
Sitting under a palm tree
And on the sea from Africa
Looks without rest:
Doesn't he ride in a boat
Dr. Aibolit?
And roam along the road
Elephants and Rhinos
And they say angrily:
“Well, there is no Aibolit?”

And next to the hippos
Grabbed their tummies:

They, the hippos,
Belly hurts.
And then the ostriches
They squeal like pigs.
Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry
Poor ostriches!

And measles, and they have diphtheria,
And smallpox, and bronchitis they have,
And their head hurts
And my throat hurts.
They lie and rave:
“Well, why doesn’t he go,
Well, why doesn't he go?
Dr. Aibolit?"

And crouched next to
toothy shark,
toothy shark
Lies in the sun.

Oh, her little ones
The poor sharks
It's been twelve days
Teeth hurt!
And a dislocated shoulder
At the poor grasshopper;
He does not jump, he does not jump,
And he weeps bitterly
And the doctor calls:
“Oh, where is the good doctor?
When will he come?"

But look, some bird
Getting closer and closer through the air rushes.

On the bird, look, Aibolit is sitting
And he waves his hat and shouts loudly:
"Long live dear Africa!"

And all the children are happy and happy:
“I have arrived, I have arrived! Hooray! Hooray!"

And the bird is circling above them,
And the bird sits on the ground.

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,
And slaps them on the tummies

And all in order
Gives you chocolate
And puts and puts them thermometers!

And to the striped
He runs to the tiger cubs.
And to the poor hunchbacks
sick camels,

And every gogol
Every mogul,
He will treat you with mogul-mogul.

Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sleep
ten nights in a row
He heals the unfortunate animals
And puts and puts them thermometers.

So he cured them
So he cured the sick.

And they went to laugh
And dance and play

And Shark Karakula
Right eye winked
And laughs, and laughs,
Like someone is tickling her.

And little hippos
Grabbed by the tummies
And laugh, pour -
So the oaks are shaking.

Here's Hippo, here's Popo,
Hippo Popo, Hippo Popo!
Here comes the Hippo.
It comes from Zanzibar.
He goes to Kilimanjaro -
And he screams, and he sings:

“Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!

It is not difficult to guess that the alarming cry of the patient “Ai! Hurts!" turned into the affectionate name in the world for fabulous doctor, very kind, because he heals with chocolate and eggnog, rushes to help through snow and hail, overcomes steep mountains and raging seas, selflessly fights the bloodthirsty Barmaley, frees the boy Penta and his fisherman father from pirate captivity, protects from the terrible organ grinder poor and sick monkey Chichi ... while saying only one thing:

"Oh, if I don't get there,
If I get lost along the way
What will become of them, the sick,
With my forest animals?

Of course, everyone loves Aibolit: animals, fish, birds, boys and girls...

Dr. Aibolit has an English "predecessor" - Dr. Dolittle invented by the writer Hugh Lofting .


Each book has its own fascinating story.

"Dr. Aibolit" K.I. Chukovsky based on fairy tales English writerHugh Loftinga about Dr. Doolittle ("The Doctor Dolittle Story", "The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle", "Doctor Dolittle and his Beasts" ).


To the good doctorAibolitu come for treatment and "and a cow, and a she-wolf, and a bug, and a worm, and a bear". But suddenly the children got sick Hippo, And Dr. Aibolit goes to Africa, reaching which, he repeatedly risks his life: either the wave is ready to swallow him, or the mountains "go under the clouds". And in Africa, the animals are waiting for their savior - Dr. Aibolit .

Finally he is in Africa:
Ten nights Aibolit
Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't sleep
ten nights in a row

He heals the unfortunate beast
And puts and puts them thermometers.
And so he cured them all.
Everyone is healthy, everyone is happy, everyone is laughing and dancing.

A Hippo sings:
“Glory, glory to Aibolit!
Glory to the good doctors!


1. What animals lived with Dr. Aibolit?

(There are hares in the room, a squirrel in the closet, a crow in the cupboard, a hedgehog on the sofa, white mice in the chest, Kiki the duck, Abba the dog, Oink-oink the pig, Korudo the parrot, Bumbo the owl.)

2. How many animal languages ​​did Aibolit know?

3. From whom and why did Chichi the monkey run away?

(From the evil organ grinder, because he dragged her everywhere on a rope and beat her. Her neck hurt.)

Good Doctor Aibolit

In the autumn of 1924, Chukovsky and Dobuzhinsky were walking around St. Petersburg and wondered where the name “Barmaleeva Street” came from. "Who was this Barmaley?" Chukovsky asked. Dobuzhinsky replied that Barmaley was a robber, famous pirate, "in a cocked hat, with such mustaches." He drew a terrible robber and invited Chukovsky to write a fairy tale about him. And the fairy tale was written, and almost immediately got into it positive hero- Dr. Aibolit from Hugh Lofting's tale retold by K.I., endowed, however, with the traits of a Russian intellectual most dear to Chukovsky's heart.

In order not to confuse the reader, we will explain right away: “Doctor Aibolit” is a retelling of Lofting, separate edition came out in 1936. It’s just that “Aibolit” is a completely original poetic fairy tale by Chukovsky, published in 1929. There is some relationship, but only a distant one. "Barmaley", where Dr. Aibolit tries to save Tanya and Vanya from a robber, was written in 1924. Regardless of the time of publication, all these tales date back to the early 1920s, when Chukovsky read and retold Lofting.

And copyright issues in Soviet Russia were solved simply. When Chukovsky shared his publishing plans with Mr. Keaney of the ARA, world literature”, the American asked: “What about copyright?” Chukovsky was embarrassed and could not really explain that in Soviet Russia copyright is considered a bourgeois relic. To him, this position seemed wild, and on the prosaic "Doctor Aibolit" he honestly pointed out: "According to Gyu Lofting." Why not "Lofting in Chukovsky's translation"? Now we'll see.

Lofting writes (interlinear translation is mine. - I. L.):

"Many years ago, when our grandfathers were young, there was a doctor, and his name was Doolittle - John Doolittle, MD (MD. - I. L.)."D. m." means he was a proper doctor and knew quite a lot.

He lived in the town of Luzhinsk-on-the-Bolot Puddleby-on-the-Marsh. All people - both old and young - knew him by sight. And when he walked down the street in his top hat, everyone said: “Here comes the doctor! He is very clever!" Both dogs and children ran up and followed him, and even the ravens that lived in the belfry croaked at him and nodded their heads.

The house in which he lived on the outskirts of the city was rather small; but the garden is rather large; it had a spacious lawn and stone benches over which weeping willows hung. His sister, Sarah Doolittle, managed his household, but the doctor looked after the garden himself.

He was very fond of animals, and many lived in his house. In addition to the goldfish in the pond at the back of the garden, he had rabbits in the pantry, white mice in the piano, a squirrel in the linen closet, and a hedgehog in the basement. He also had a cow and a calf, and an old lame horse twenty-five years old, and chickens, and pigeons, and two lambs, and many other animals. But most of all he loved Dub-Dub the duck, Jeep the pigeon, Gub-Gub the pig, Polynesia the parrot, and Tu-Tu the owl.

And here is what Chukovsky did from this:

"Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind. His name was Aibolit. And he had an evil sister, whose name was Varvara.

More than anything, the doctor loved animals. Hares lived in his room. There was a squirrel in his closet. A prickly hedgehog lived on the sofa. White mice lived in the chest.

But of all his animals, Dr. Aibolit loved most of all the duck Kiku, the dog Avva, the little pig Oink-Oink, the parrot Karudo and the owl Bumba.

What happens to the text? All the details that give the doctor nationality, concreteness, social status. Lost small house with a typical English garden, weeping willows and a pond, even the cylinder disappears and the main thing remains: “Once upon a time there was a doctor. He was kind." If you compare this work on the text with a diary, you can immediately see: Chukovsky is trying to tell this tale to the four-year-old Murochka, who does not care at all whether the doctor had stone benches in the garden or not, she is interested in something else: “Is he kind?” (A diary entry dated July 15, 1924 reads: “In the evening on the terrace I retold the Golden Goose to Mouret - and every time I appeared in the fairy tale new character, she asked: “Is he kind?” She needs to know whether to sympathize with him or not, whether to spend her love on him: “And now she sees a hungry old man sitting in the forest by the road.” - "Is he kind?" - "Yes." “Well, I feel sorry for him.”) And the doctor’s sister (Varvara, not Sarah) was angry, Chukovsky immediately sets the coordinate system; Lofting does not say anywhere about Sarah that she was evil. She simply made claims to the doctor within the framework of common sense: the waiting room is full of mice and hedgehogs, the best patients have turned their backs on you, how will you live?

By the way, even new names of animals have been invented for Murochka. “Abba” in her infantile language meant “dog”, “Bumba” she called Chukovsky’s secretary Maria Nikitichna Ryzhkina, who wrote under the pseudonym “Pambe” ...

The text is reduced, only the backbone remains of it - the most important thing is that the baby is not lost in an abundance of details - even funny ones (the doctor's rheumatic patient sat on a hedgehog in the waiting room and has not come to him since). The main thing remains: the kindness of the doctor, the ability to heal any patient, knowledge of animal language and heroism. A specific English doctor with a first name and a scientific degree, with a housekeeper sister Sarah, with a linen closet and a piano, completely turned into a fabulous doctor for children from two to five.

Interesting in the Aibolite-Barmaley cycle are the images of good and evil in the Chukovsky way: evil is personified by Barmaley - big, rude and cruel, and good is a cozy, intelligent, merciful doctor, kindred in spirit to Chekhov in the understanding of K. I. If you read Chekhov's description in " Contemporaries" and compare him with Dr. Aibolit - the type is undoubtedly the same: a delicate, selfless intellectual-unmercenary with a strong inner core. It's not that Chukovsky copied his doctor from Chekhov or from the Vilna doctor Shabad, as he himself said; it’s just that for him, both the one and the other, and the third doctor are the best personification of the forces of good. The article about Chekhov was written much later than Aibolit, and it is unlikely that Chukovsky himself thought about the relationship of the two doctors he described, but the clearer the relationship and the clearer What Chukovsky could oppose the hard-headed, bow-legged, mediocre, crude evil, which does not even have the rudimentary ethical ideas.

Here Chekhov, sick and exhausted, goes to Sakhalin "with the sole purpose of bringing at least some relief to the disenfranchised, outcast people, at least a little to protect them from the arbitrariness of the soulless police system":

“He was shaking so cruelly all the way, especially starting from Tomsk, that his joints, collarbones, shoulders, ribs, vertebrae ached ... his arms and legs were numb from the cold, and he had nothing to eat, since, due to inexperience, he did not capture with the necessary food ... "

“... making his way through the spring flood in a cart, he soaked his felt boots and had to jump in wet boots every minute into cold water to hold the horses."

But Dr. Aibolit goes to Africa to help sick animals:

And in his face the wind, and snow, and hail:

"Hey, Aibolit, come back!"

And Aibolit fell and lies on the snow:

But Dr. Chekhov does not stop: "And yet he makes his way on and on."

And Dr. Aibolit does not stop:

And Aibolit galloped forward

And only one word repeats:

"Limpopo, Limpopo, Limpopo..."

And so Chekhov spends the night in a hut on the floor in wet clothes, and goes around the huge island on foot to compile a census of its population, and here Aibolit “does not eat, drink or sleep for ten nights in a row / Ten nights in a row / He treats the unfortunate animals / And he puts and puts thermometers for them ... ".

On November 9, Chukovsky writes in his diary: “I don’t like Barmaley at all, I wrote him for Dobuzhinsky, in the style of his pictures.” Calls it a "verbal operetta", created specifically to awaken in children a sense of poetic rhythm. He called "Barmaley" and an adventurous novel for the little ones. However, adventure novels - for both small and large ones - were out of place and out of time. Time wanted to build and live in a continuous fever of everyday life.

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