Who is the main character of the story grammar of love. Analysis of Bunin's story grammar of love essay


Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, the great Russian writer, has an amazing story "Grammar of Love" ( summary follows next). Written in 1915, long before the famous cycle " Dark alleys”, he became the author’s first step towards the eternal theme of “Love”. But, as they say, steps are different - timid, timid or inept, which cannot be said about this work: it is unusually deep, talented, as they say, alive, you hear it, you feel it, it penetrates into the very depths of the soul ...

I.A. Bunin, the story "Grammar of Love": a summary

The beginning of June. Someone Ivlev borrows a tarantass from his brother-in-law, hires a trio of horses and sets off for the far reaches of his county. The weather is warm and fine. The fields are endless bright colors and larks. However, soon the heavy ones pulled on and began to drizzle light rain. We decided not to rush and wait out the bad weather in the count's house. The latter was not in the estate, so Ivlev was met by a young countess, dressed in a wide pink bonnet, with open arms and powdered breasts.

While a young man of eighteen years old, a cab driver, sat motionless in the pouring rain on the goats of a tarantass, and the horses rested in the middle of a dirty yard, Ivlev was in a cozy living room darkened by the rain, had a measured conversation with the hostess of the house and waited for tea. The Countess smoked, kept laughing and straightening her hair. Whatever the conversation was about, it would inevitably come down to the topic of love. They also remembered a common acquaintance, a close neighbor, the landowner Khvoshchinsky, who was known far beyond the borders of the county for his insane love for the maid Lushka.

Amazing love story

This history is old. The landowner Khvoshchinsky was passionately in love with his maid, Lushka, who, shortly after they met, in her early youth, died unexpectedly. Since then, "this eccentric" closed himself in his estate, did not go out anywhere and did not let anyone in, and for the rest of his life, for more than twenty years, he was only in her room and sat through the mattress on her bed, indulging in "crazy dreams about her ". Whatever happened around, in the village or in the world, everything was attributed to Lushkin's influence. For example, bad weather - this is Lushka sending thunder, war in the country - this is at her behest, crop failure - the peasants somehow did not please Lushka.

Ivlev knew this story since childhood, admired such a deep feeling and was even a little in love with this very Lushka. The news that Khvoshchinsky died this winter evoked past memories in Ivlev, old feelings and questions: crazy or really stunned, a pure soul rare quality? On the way home, he decided to definitely stop by the deserted estate of Khvoshchinsky and see with his own eyes the dwelling of the mysterious Lushka, and maybe there he will feel and understand everything ...

Khvoshchinsky's estate

I.A. Bunin and his story “Grammar of Love”, a summary of which is now in front of you, is just a superficial presentation of the plot of a great work. Therefore, in order to understand the full depth of the described story, you need to read the original.

A new landscape opened up before Ivlev: a shallow river, further on, on a small hill, rows of hay could be seen, and between them - old silvery poplars. That's famous house, rather large and, apparently, once bleached ... A young man was standing on the porch. He looked in surprise at the approaching tarantass. It looks like it was the son of the famous Lushka. Ivlev hastened to explain his arrival by the desire to buy books from the library of the deceased.

He was led through the whole house, cold and empty, and brought to a low door. The young man took out a large key from his pocket, inserted it into a rusty one, and the door to a small closet with two windows swung open in front of them. On one side was a bare iron bed, and on the other, two bookcases. It was strange" book collection»: « The latest dream book”,“ Reflections on the mysteries of the universe ”,“ morning Star and night demons ”... But Ivlev’s attention was attracted by something completely different - the middle regiment. There was a casket on it and only a small book lay, more like a prayer book. “Grammar of Love”, a summary (14 short stories) of which introduces the reader to an amazing feeling of love, does not end there.

Amazing Items

Opening the latter, Ivlev saw a simple necklace. More than ever, he was seized with trepidation and incomprehensible excitement. It is impossible to imagine this worn lace, these cheap blue balls around the neck of the one who was destined to be so desired and loved ... Having seen enough, he carefully returned the box to its original place and took up the book. It was a small, one might say, elegantly designed, old shabby book - "The Grammar of Love, or the Art of Loving and Being Loved"

It was divided into many chapters: about the mind, about beauty, about the heart, about disagreement and reconciliation ... Each consisted of well-known and subtle observations famous people about life and love. Some of them were marked with red ink, and at the end, on a blank page, the quatrain of Khvoshchinsky himself “sounded”.

Half an hour later, Ivlev said goodbye to the young man. Of all the books, he chose only one - "Grammar of Love." The summary of the story ends here.

Such a different love

As you can see, the plot of the novel is quite simple, and, perhaps, under other circumstances or under the pen of another author, it would have turned into an ordinary “county anecdote”. I.A. Bunin, it acquires a different sound - is such love possible, is it true, or is it just some kind of obsession, madness. The author does not give an unequivocal answer, because it is impossible to get inside a person, look into his soul and touch his feelings and experiences. How many characters in the story, so many opinions. You cannot accuse one of being biased and the other to be praised for objectivity. However, on the examples of the heroes - the late Khvoshchinsky, Ivlev, the young countess and even the driver - a small eighteen years old - one can observe a peculiar evolution of the human soul, and with it different understanding love, and the very possibility, the ability to truly love.

So, the driver, the son of a rich peasant, stupid, but economic, rudely remarks that Lushka drowned herself, and the landowner is not at all from her, but from poverty. He does not see any love in this story, as, indeed, in any other. The young countess, on the contrary, reduced all conversations to love, all the while laughing and straightening her hair. She firmly believed in the sanity and soundness of the enamored Khvoshchinsky - he just "was not the current couple."

The pendulum of love… It swings all the time to the right, then to the left. The absence of the gift of love in a young person is one side. However, the displacement of the pendulum from the equilibrium position to the other, opposite side, does not indicate the depth and sincerity of feelings or the presence of high spirituality in a person. Yes, the young countess believes in love, but what kind? The love story of Khvoshchinsky and Lushka - for her, it is rather a beautiful cover of another female romance. You can admire, be touched, cry and complain that today you will not find such feelings, but soon forget and get carried away by something else, no less colorful.


Before us is the story "Grammar of Love". Summary, analysis of the work does not end there. We continue ...

Sooner or later the pendulum slows down and stops. He rests in a position of equilibrium. That's what it is true love. It was to her, after long searches, doubts and unexpected insights, that Ivlev and the late Khvoshchinsky approached: “There is being, but what name should we call it? It is neither a dream, nor a vigil - it is between them, and in a person, understanding borders on madness ... "

In the image of the maid Lushka in the story “Grammar of Love” (see above for a summary of the chapters), the author wanted to show the one who entered forever into the life of Khvoshchinsky and Ivlev. What was she like? They said that “she was not even herself at all good,” but suddenly she suddenly fell on the head of the landowner, then she also unexpectedly and suddenly died, being young, in her prime, and everything went to dust ... But was it to dust? No and no again. This love, albeit completely incomprehensible, strange, “mysterious in its charm”, turned into a real “life” the life of one person, which should be the most ordinary.

The little book “Grammar of Love” that looks like a prayer book, the content of which delights and surprises; simple Lushka necklace, defiant feeling akin to what a person experiences when looking at the relics of saints... spiritual meaning life. Khvoshchinsky, making his own notes and entries in the book, wrote his "grammar of love." Ivlev, having bought only this shabby "prayer book" at a high price, accepted this priceless gift in order to eventually derive his "laws", write his own rules, and "grandchildren, great-grandchildren will be shown this Grammar of Love."

Undoubtedly, it is one of best pages domestic literature. And although not accepting Soviet power, he emigrated to the West and wrote almost all of his works there, for which he received Nobel Prize, his works were and remain completely Russian in spirit.

The favorite theme of his work is considered to be love theme. Bunin began to create works about her at the beginning of his writing career, but later collected his best short stories in famous cycle"Dark alleys". Constant recourse to this topic was sometimes impulsive - based on an unusual case. But all together these stories showed the versatility and diversity of love. But, perhaps, the very first work about love can be considered a story "Grammar of Love"(1915), to which the analysis will be devoted.

The very name of the story is paradoxical: the word "grammar" is translated from Greek as "the art of reading and writing letters." Thus, the grammar of love is perceived as a kind of oxymoron, that is, "the combination of the incompatible." On the other hand, such a title contains, as it were, the author's irony: is it possible to learn to love from some textbooks?

The plot of the story pretty simple: "a certain Ivlev", as the author briefly calls it, accidentally finds himself in a ruined estate. Its owner, the landowner Khvoshchinsky, died shortly before that, leaving about himself unusual rumors as about a county eccentric who had a bright future, a career, but “Suddenly this love fell on him, this Lushka”, which eventually made up the meaning of his entire later life. Khvoshchinsky fell in love with his maid Lushka, “All my life I was obsessed with love for her”, but, being a nobleman, he could not marry a serf.

After the birth of her son, Lushka, according to legend, drowned herself, and Khvoshchinsky locked himself in the room where Lushka once lived, and spent the rest of his life sitting as a recluse, reading books. Obviously, in order to drown out the oppressive feeling of guilt before himself, he acquired wedding candles and even wore a wedding ring all his life.

Upon learning of the death of Khvoshchinsky, Ivlev decides to stop by his estate to look at "The deserted sanctuary of Lushka". Not knowing how to explain the purpose of his visit, he asks his son Khvoshchinsky, a very pretty young man, "black, with beautiful eyes» , look at the library left by his father. It is important for the hero to decide for himself: “What kind of person was this Khvoshchinsky? Crazy or some kind of single-minded soul?”

Books are very specific content: "Morning Star and Night Demons", "Reflections on the Mysteries of the Universe", "A cursed tract". The hero becomes clear “what did that lonely soul eat that forever closed itself from the world in this closet”. But only one "tiny" the little book attracts Ivlev's attention. It was "The Grammar of Love, or the Art of Loving and Being Mutually Loved" published almost a hundred years ago. It consisted of small discussions about love, some were underlined by Khvoshchinsky's hand, and he, according to his son, kept it under his pillow at night.

Ivlev understands that for this man Lushka has become a shrine. Everything that happens in this world he explained "Lushkin's influence". And it seems that Lushka died almost in time immemorial. "Grammar of Love", which has become almost a prayer book, Ivlev buys for a high price, and remembering Lushkin's uncomplicated necklace - "down low cheap blue balloons", feels the same that he once experienced in an ancient Italian city, looking at the relics of a saint.

It is then that the reader becomes clear that Ivlev - main character story. The story of the landowner Khvoshchinsky and his beloved Lushka shocked him as a child. In his mind, she became a legend. But when he sees this sacred place with his own eyes, he realizes that a strange, it would seem, love story has become a part of his life.

Thus, the story emphasizes that love is a great value. She is sublime, pure and chaste. But the reader will not see the picture of family well-being, as often happens with Bunin, because a person can experience happiness only for a moment, but this moment will remain in the soul forever.

The works of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin are among the best in world literature. And although the writer left the country in the 20th year of the twentieth century without accepting Soviet power, his thoughts were always with the Motherland. That is why all his stories and novels contain stories from the life of the Russian people.

Love is one of the favorite themes of the great writer. Bunin constantly returned to her, creating new delightful works. By the way, the very first works devoted to the theme of love include the deep and talented story “Grammar of Love”.

Story title

Already the name of Bunin's work - "Grammar of Love" sounds somehow strange in such an unusual combination. It is known that this story was conceived by the writer as a short story, and created in 1915. Later, this story was included in Bunin's lyric collection with poetic name"Dark alleys".

Ivan Alekseevich describes in his story a love that can flare up instantly, like a flash. Appearing from a small spark, it can flare up brightly, but not always stay.

But it is worth analyzing in more detail the meaning of the title of the work. So what is this - the grammar of love? Bunin used incompatible things in his name, an oxymoron. It is known that grammar in literal translation from Greek means "the ability to write and read letters." Hence the somewhat ironic title of the work: learning to love. But is it possible to teach a person to love? Doesn't love manifest itself in each person in its own way? There are no textbooks that would teach love, so the title of the work sounds a little strange.

In the work, the protagonist acquires a book, which bears a name consonant with the story itself. It turns out that such a book actually existed in foreign literature. Its author was a certain Hippolyte Jules Demolière. This is what Bunin refers to in his work.

The plot of the work

A certain Mr. Ivlev, in the midst of a hot summer, travels around his county. He talks with the driver, but the conversation turns out to be boring. Then the main character simply, without any purpose, began to look out the window. And fields and meadows floated by, which did not allow him to concentrate on any detail. Soon Ivnev is already driving up to the countess's house, appearance which did not evoke in him such a pleasant picture as nature flickering past him during the trip. Her appearance simply openly annoys the main character, and she immediately began to flirt with him. But still, she reminds Ivnev of a story that he has heard before. Now she is more interested than usual. This story involved the local landowner Khvoshchinsky, who fell madly in love with his maid Lushka.

Soon Ivnev is approaching the Khvoshchinsky estate. He quickly remembered the love story where the landowner, even after the death of his servant, spent twenty years of his life near her mattress, on which she lay dying. He also died there. And then the old estate of the landowner appeared, where a tragic love story took place. Ivnev somehow found it easy to breathe in this place. But unfortunately, the main character sees around him only devastation and desolation. And on the threshold he was met by a young man - the son of Lushka and the landowner. The young man is interesting to Ivnev. The protagonist carefully examined the fruit of different-status love.

But special attention is drawn to the house of Khvoshchinsky, which Ivnev carefully examines. Strange furniture and gloomy atmosphere of the house takes the protagonist to another world. He sees old books, reads them strange names and tries to unravel the mystery of love. His hands are trembling, but he experiences special excitement in the room where Lushka lived. He immediately pays attention to the details, and there are not so many of them here:

Prayer book.
A box with time-blackened silver.
Lushka's necklace.

Looking at the necklace of a deceased woman who has experienced love, the protagonist feels an excitement that he has never felt before. But the attention of the narrator was attracted not only by the decoration of the deceased, but also by the little book with the title that Bunin gave to his story. Ivlev could not restrain himself and began leafing through this brochure. The protagonist buys this book from the young owner and leaves the estate, where a tragic love story once happened. But the verses that were written down by two lovers on last page, the book he acquired, Ivnev re-read several times.

Characteristics of the actors

In the novel "Grammar of Love" there are few heroes, but their characteristic is a deep psychological picture each character, which is given by Bunin for an accurate presentation of the plot and understanding of the main theme - the theme of love.
TO actors stories can include:

♦ Ivlev.
♦ Countess.
♦ Landowner Khvoshchinsky.
♦ Maid Lushka.
♦ Lushka's son, a young and handsome young man.

Once Khvoshchinsky was respected by everyone landed nobility, and this landowner was known as a "great clever man." But as soon as love happened in his life, he could only hear condemnations and see reproachful glances. When he fell in love with a maid, everything just went to dust for him. And after Lushka's death, he sat by her bed for another twenty years, not caring about anything. Here he died.

The countess, to whom the protagonist stopped by, was a large, aged woman. But this did not stop her from constantly talking about love. Trying to gain charm, she smoked, and this pushed the narrator away from her even more. She evoked a feeling of irritation in the main character.

The son of Lushka and the landowner Khvoshchinsky was interesting. Bunin describes it like this:

"Black, with beautiful eyes and very pretty, although his face was pale and motley from freckles, like a bird's egg."

He is greedy, easily agrees, and even glad to sell his parents' books, but he is always embarrassed.

Artistic features of the text

If you re-read the first line of the work several times, you will notice how the month of June, when the action takes place, echoes with the name of the protagonist, on behalf of whom the story is being told - Ivlev. Here the writer uses one of the artistic and expressive means - the alliteration of sonorous sounds. By the way, these techniques, which are often used in poetry, are not accidental here, since the entire plot of the novel "Grammar of Love" is based on the correct techniques and obeys the laws of lyrics.

The writer uses in his text such a technique as irony. The beautiful margins and a certain young man, whom the writer himself calls "small", look like a contrast in the text. His appearance is clumsy and ridiculous: a cap, which was still quite new, and a jacket that sat on him baggy and awkward. And this funny "small", pretending to be serious, was doing an important job: he was instructed to change the master's horses.

There are a lot of epithets in the text. For example, in the estate of Khvoshchinsky, he sees a tree, and immediately selects the following expressions for it: God's tree, sweet creature. In contrast, a description of the house of the landowner Khvoshchinsky is also given. Clumsy furniture, beautiful and elegant dishes. Dead bees, with which the entire floor in one of the landowner's rooms is strewn, returns Ivlev to reality. But the main line remains the line of love, which, like a magnet, attracts the main character.

Analysis of the novel

Bunin's story "Grammar of Love" begins simply and usually. It seems that nothing should be expected, but researchers of Ivan Alekseevich's work have always paid attention to the fact that great writer gave his special meaning precisely the beginning of the work, its first sentences. Bunin used this technique in order to aim his reader, to prepare for what will be discussed throughout the novel. In the text, next to the poetic beginning, there are real things that have an everyday description. For example, the carriage on which the main character travels has not only a crooked top, but is also dusty. Or the coachman, about whom the writer himself says that he is economic, but does not understand jokes at all.

It is worth noting that Ivan Alekseevich, in order to more colorfully convey the state of his hero, connects to the description the nature that the nobleman sees around. At first it is vast expanses, majestic beauty. But after visiting the Countess, Ivnev's mood changes and this can already be determined by how the weather changes dramatically. It becomes boring, dirty, dark.

Imperceptibly, Bunin leads the reader to the beginning of his story, recalling the love of the landowner and the servant. After all, this thought will settle in the head of the protagonist for a long time. But the description of the house leads the reader into bewilderment. Everything in it was preserved, as before. It was as if there was a secret that only two knew. And when Ivlev leaves the Khvoshchinsky estate, the author again uses the landscape to convey his mood. He writes that it was not cloudy outside, but a cloudy golden dawn came. After all, this love story left him with a complex feeling.

The writer in his work argued that love cannot have any barriers and distances, no prejudices can stop the beautiful attraction of souls. But this feeling is elusive and fleeting. Most often, love is associated with tragedy, broken and crippled destinies, with bitterness. Ivan Alekseevich regrets that real love, flashing quickly, fades into the past. He believes that the modern people are no longer capable of madly and sincerely loving. And the Countess is bright representative those women who put in the first place not an exalted feeling, but the attraction of the flesh. Therefore, it causes both the writer and his hero only irritation.

Literature lesson in grade 11

Lesson Objectives:

· reveal the meaning of the theme of love in the work of I. Bunin; to show the originality of the writer's stories about love from the cycle "Dark Alleys", the novelty in the image psychological state a person in a period of love; develop the ability to analyze piece of art, arguedly formulate their attitude to what they read;

· develop creative thinking, monologue speech students;

to cultivate a reverent attitude to the highest human feelings.

when the heart is broken...

too much love
too much happiness!

I.A. Bunin

During the classes

I. Org.moment.

II. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Actualization of students' knowledge
Teacher's word.

For centuries, poets, writers, artists, composers and philosophers have been looking for an answer to the question: "What is love?". Since ancient times, they have not ceased to glorify this great and eternal feeling of man.

Subject Eternal love occupies a significant place in world literature. Back in the 17th century, the famous playwright J.-B. Molière said:

The day would fade in the soul, and the darkness would come again,
Whenever on earth we banished love.
Only he knew bliss, who passionately did not live in his heart,
And who did not know love, he still
What did not live ....

Many poets and writers have reflected on love in their works.

- Guys, name the works about love that we have already read with you.

The theme of love is one of the constant and main in Bunin's work. “All love is a great happiness, even if it is not divided” - in this phrase the pathos of the writer's portrayal of love. In almost all of his writings on this subject, the outcome is tragic. Eternal mystery I. Bunin sees love and the eternal drama of lovers in the fact that a person is unwilling in his love passion: love is a feeling that is initially spontaneous, inevitable, often tragic - happiness turns out to be unattainable. His heroes yearn for love and, scorched by it, perish.

The theme of love is devoted to such stories as “Grammar of Love”, “Dark Alleys”, “ Clean Monday”,“ Natalie ”,“ Light breathing ”,“ Caucasus ”, etc.

The book "Dark Alleys" includes 38 stories. These are masterpieces late creativity a writer who makes an attempt of unprecedented artistic courage. He writes 38 times "about the same thing." The result of this constancy is striking: every time a sensitive reader experiences the recreated picture as absolutely new, and the sharpness of the “details of feeling” communicated to him is not only not dulled, but, it seems, only intensifies. Bunin loved this book very much. “Dark alleys,” he wrote, “I think, perhaps, the most best book in the sense of stateliness, liveliness and, in general, literary skill.

2. Message from a pre-prepared student

Work on collection "Dark Alleys" conducted from 1937 to 1945. Bunin wrote his book "drunkenly", and there were weeks when he literally did not tear himself away from his desk from morning to evening, locking himself in his room. I rewrote the story several times, chose names for the heroes, titles.

The collection opens with the story "Dark Alleys", its name became the name of the entire cycle of stories.

The first edition of the collection took place in 1943 in New York with a circulation of 600 copies (the collection included 11 stories out of 20 written: "Dark Alleys", "Caucasus", "Ballad", "Sleep", "Muse", "Late Hour" , "Rus", "In Paris", "Tanya", "Natalie", "April"). After 3 years in Paris, the collection was published in Russian in full (it included 38 short stories). In the USSR, stories were first printed in 1955.

3. Conversation based on the stories of I.A. Bunin about love.

"Grammar of Love" - one of the best stories I. A. Bunina to this eternal theme- written in 1915. Bunin recalled the origin of the story “Grammar of Love”: “My nephew Kolya Pusheshnikov, a great lover of books, especially rare ones, a friend of many Moscow book dealers, got somewhere and gave me a small old book called “Grammar of Love” . After reading it, I remembered something vague, which I heard back in early youth from my father, about some poor landowner from among our neighbors, obsessed with love for one of his serfs. Soon I invented and wrote a story on behalf of some Ivlev, whose name I derived from initial letters my name in my usual literary signature, with the title of this little book.

The word "grammar" is from the scientific lexicon. The words in the title of the story are paradoxically related. This expression can be considered an oxymoron. Grammar - "the art of reading and writing letters" (in translation from Greek). Bunin's story speaks of the art of love, although some author's irony is also felt: is it possible to learn to love from a textbook?

What do we know about Khvoshchinsky's life from the words of his neighbors, the landowners?

What role did Lushka play in the fate of Ivlev?

What does Ivlev think when he learns about Khvoshchinsky's death?

What motivates Ivlev for his visit to Khvoshchinskoye?

What role does this portrait play in the story?

What details play an important role in the story?

What is the content of the "Grammar of Love, or the Art of Loving and Being Mutually Loved"?

What is the value of the "tiny little book" "Grammar of Love"?

What allows us to conclude that the image of Lushka is really becoming a shrine?

What kind of person is this Khvoshchinsky - really crazy or one who has the talent to love?

What can love do to ordinary human life?

Who do you think is the main character of the story?

What understanding of love is embodied in this story?

"Light Breath" (1916.)

What secret did the high school student Olga Meshcherskaya possess, like an experienced coquette, who lured a Cossack officer just for the sake of a game and died at his hands?

Bunin himself explained the name as follows: “Such naivety and lightness in everything, both in audacity and in death, is” easy breath"," bewilderment.

From the diary of the heroine, we learn about the fateful day that determined her fate. The day began promisingly: “there was a feeling that I would live without end and be as happy as anyone.” The last lines of the entry: “I don’t understand how this could happen, I went crazy, I never thought that I was like that! Now there is only one way out for me ... I feel such disgust for him that

I can’t survive this! .. ”- they cut off the day that began so happily.

After that, it is clear why "the last winter of her Olya Meshcherskaya completely went crazy with fun, as they said in the gymnasium." This clarification, "as they said in the gymnasium," refers to the external impression that Olya made on others. The heroine seems to be in a hurry to live, in a hurry to be happy, wants to seem carefree.

“Seemed” does not mean “was” carefree and happy. Olya chooses an “ugly and plebeian look that had absolutely nothing to do with the circle to which she belonged,” a Cossack officer, as her executioner. She seems to be taking revenge on herself for that summer day when her father's handsome, graceful, youthful friend smelling of English cologne made her


Despite her "feminine" experience, Olya retained her purity and naturalness, her "light breath", which "scattered in the world, in this cloudy sky, in this cold autumn wind."

The image of love in Bunin's work is a special synthesis of spirit and flesh. According to Bunin, the spirit cannot be comprehended without knowing the flesh. I. Bunin defended in his works a pure attitude towards the carnal and bodily. He did not have the concept of female sin, as in “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, there was no wary, hostile attitude towards the feminine, characteristic of N.V. Gogol, but there was no vulgarization of love. His love is an earthly joy, a mysterious attraction of one sex to another.

"Dark Alleys" (1938)

I. A. Bunin, speaking about his own style of writing, emphasized that the main thing for him was to find the right “sound”. The story "Dark Alleys" conveys to us "the most subtle and saddest sound", intonation sad memories hero and heroine. No, she did not forgive the hero, she did not forget her grievances, but she did not stop loving him either, she remembers and lives in the past, as often happens with deep natures who are able to love strongly and faithfully, all their lives. She did not marry and could not get out, because she still loves him, although she was beautiful, and could start a family ... He is married, he has not thought about his former hobby for a long time. But something sad enters his soul from this meeting ...

What are his heroes?

If you trust the subjective self-assessment of Bunin himself, then in his declining years he considered “Clean Monday” to be the best of everything he wrote.

The heroes of the story "Clean Monday" are young, beautiful, rich, belong to the same circle and ... are unhappy.

“The first day of Great Lent is called Pure Monday. Before it starts pious people they remove all luxury items in the house, everything that can set them in a frivolous way. Many on Monday try not to eat at all. The temple is also changing these days: the ministers put on dark, fasting robes, the ringing for the service becomes rare and dull, there are few hymns, the reading of psalms and prayers is heard, calling us to heartfelt contrition for sins.

The story is told in the first person, the characters have no names.

This means that in this story the fate of the heroes is closely intertwined with the fate of Russia. First of all, the heroine draws attention to herself. What can be said about her?

She scoffs at the plentiful food, says that there is nothing more vulgar than theatrical skits, she leaves the Chaliapin concert, because "I was overwhelmed." Roman V. Bryusov " Fire Angel", which was read out in the capital, it seems to her "so high-flown that it is ashamed to read."

Why does the heroine continue to attend skits, concerts, read books that the hero offers, have lunch and dinner with him? After all, all this is alien to her? You can answer with lines of text: “It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city ...”

- A hero? Is he needed? The hero also feels unwanted. He says: “You can’t imagine all the power of my love for you! You don't love me!" But he is already happy that he sits with her in the sled, enters the restaurant hall with her, hears her voice. “Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow everything will be the same,” I thought, “the same music and the same happiness!”

This happens on Forgiveness Sunday, when the heroine suddenly offers to go to the cemetery, and together with the hero we find out that she often goes to the Kremlin cathedrals, monasteries, loves to read Russian chronicle tales. It seems to her that only in the monasteries and in spiritual hymns has the “feeling of the homeland of her side” been preserved.

She chooses a monastery, she is not satisfied with the present, she wants to go to the past.

The break with the present occurs on Clean Monday. Why is the story so named? On this day, the heroine was cleansed from an idle, meaningless life, from the love of a hero. Not finding beauty, spirituality in modern world, the heroine leaves him to where, it seems to her, they are: to the monastery.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

In his cycle of stories about love "Dark Alleys" I.A. Bunin finds out the history and nature of love in all its turns. The name is not accidental. Dark alleys are not only a place where lovers roam, they are also the “dark nooks and crannies” of the subconscious, which is dominated by love. Often these alleys are gloomy and cruel.

Once, in a conversation about happiness, he quoted the words of L. Tolstoy: “Happiness in no life, there are only lightning bolts of it - appreciate them, live by them. And love, in the understanding of I. Bunin, is a lightning bolt: it flared up and went out. This is evidenced by the words of the epigraph to our lesson. One cannot say about Bunin's heroes in Green's words: "They lived a long time and died on the same day." The description of quiet family happiness does not attract the writer. And the attempt to build this happiness turns into failure. No matter how much the heroes love, the ending of all stories is equally sad. The heroes part. In this separation there is high value". Only in this case, according to Bunin, love remains "somewhere in the heart for life."



Literature lesson in grade 11

on the topic “The theme of love in the work of I.A. Bunin.


  • reveal the meaning of the theme of love in the work of I. Bunin; to show the originality of the writer's stories about love from the cycle "Dark Alleys", the novelty in the depiction of the psychological state of a person during the period of falling in love; to develop the ability to analyze a work of art, to reasonably formulate one's attitude to what has been read;
  • develop imaginative thinking, monologue speech of students;
  • cultivate a reverent attitude to the highest human feelings.

How wild, scary everything is everyday, ordinary,
when the heart is broken...
this terrible "sunstroke",
too much love
too much happiness!

How do you understand the title of the story?

The word "grammar" is from the scientific lexicon. The words in the title of the story are paradoxically related. This expression can be considered an oxymoron. Grammar - "the art of reading and writing letters"(translated from Greek) . Bunin's story speaks of the art of love, although some author's irony is also felt: is it possible to learn to love from a textbook?

  • What do we know about Khvoshchinsky's life from the words of his neighbors, the landowners?
  • What role did Lushka play in the fate of Ivlev?
  • What does Ivlev think when he learns about Khvoshchinsky's death?
  • What motivates Ivlev for his visit to Khvoshchinskoe?
  • Why does Bunin not give a portrait of Ivlev, but describes Lushka's son in detail?
  • What role does this portrait play in the story?
  • What details play an important role in the story?
  • What is the content of the "Grammar of Love, or the Art of Loving and Being Mutually Loved"?
  • What is the value of the "tiny little book" "Grammar of Love"?
  • What allows us to conclude that the image of Lushka is really becoming a shrine?
  • What kind of person is this Khvoshchinsky - really crazy or one who has the talent to love?
  • What can love do to ordinary human life?
  • Who do you think is the main character of the story?
  • What understanding of love is embodied in this story?

For Bunin, love is a great value. She is always pure and chaste. She stronger than death! But the writer does not depict a picture of family well-being: a person can only count on a moment of happiness. However, this moment remains in the soul forever. The hero of the story, Ivlev, only came into contact with the extraordinary and tragic history love. He had never seen Lushka, had never seen Khvoshchinsky, but their love, their fate, had become much more important than a special case, they had become a legend.

"Light Breath" (1916)

The writer has always been attracted by the desire to unravel the mystery of the incomprehensible female charm. What has such a magical effect on a man, completely subjugating his mind, depriving him of his will, pushing him to fatal deeds.

  • What secret did the high school student Olga Meshcherskaya possess, like an experienced coquette, who lured a Cossack officer just for the sake of a game and died at his hands?

How is the story structured? What are the features of the composition?

- What is the relationship between plot and plot of a story?

- What compositional technique does Bunin use in the story?

- How do you understand the title of the story?

Bunin himself explained the name as follows: “Such naivete and lightness in everything, both in audacity and in death, is “light breathing”, “bewilderment”.

From the diary of the heroine, we learn about the fateful day that determined her fate. The day began promisingly: “there was a feeling that I would live without end and be as happy as anyone.” The last lines of the entry: “I don’t understand how this could happen, I went crazy, I never thought that I was like that! Now there is only one way out for me ... I feel such disgust for him that

I can’t survive this! .. ”- they cut off the day that began so happily.

After that, it is clear why "the last winter of her Olya Meshcherskaya completely went crazy with fun, as they said in the gymnasium." This clarification, "as they said in the gymnasium," refers to the external impression that Olya made on others. The heroine seems to be in a hurry to live, in a hurry to be happy, wants to seem carefree.

“Seemed” does not mean “was” carefree and happy. Olya chooses as her executioner "an ugly and plebeian appearance that had absolutely nothing to do with the circle to which she belonged" herself, a Cossack officer. She seems to be taking revenge on herself for that summer day when her father's handsome, graceful, youthful friend smelling of English cologne made her


Despite her "feminine" experience, Olya retained her purity and naturalness, her "light breath", which "scattered in the world, in this cloudy sky, in this cold autumn wind."

The image of love in Bunin's work is a special synthesis of spirit and flesh. According to Bunin, the spirit cannot be comprehended without knowing the flesh. I. Bunin defended in his works a pure attitude towards the carnal and bodily. He did not have the concept of female sin, as in “Anna Karenina”, “War and Peace” by L. Tolstoy, there was no wary, hostile attitude towards the feminine, characteristic of N.V. Gogol, but there was no vulgarization of love. His love is an earthly joy, a mysterious attraction of one sex to another.

In this story, the writer talks about the dangers she is exposed to in life, what perverted forms she can acquire. In this sense, "Light Breath" is the artist's judgment on the morality of adults.

Fake people. Who killed a lovely, sincere young creature. Olya Meshcherskaya is the very “light breath” of life. She is opposed by the hostile world of adults: the head of the gymnasium with an even parting. The boss's brother is an old libertine, a Cossack officer. The festive life is cruelly cut short - and nothing but a medallion on a grave cross...

"Dark Alleys" (1938)

I. A. Bunin, speaking about his own style of writing, emphasized that the main thing for him was to find the right “sound”. The story "Dark Alleys" conveys to us "the most subtle and saddest sound", the intonation of the sad memories of the hero and heroine. No, she did not forgive the hero, she did not forget her grievances, but she did not stop loving him either, she remembers and lives in the past, as often happens with deep natures who are able to love strongly and faithfully, all their lives. She did not marry and could not get out, because she still loves him, although she was beautiful, and could start a family ... He is married, he has not thought about his former hobby for a long time. But something sad enters his soul from this meeting ...

What is interesting about this story? Why does he attract you?

What are his heroes?

- Is it possible to call the story of life? Why is it read in one breath?

Having changed horses, Nikolai Alekseevich leaves, and Nadezhda remains forever at the inn. For one - an accidental hobby of youth, for another - love for life. Yes, perhaps Nadezhda is not happy now, after many years, but what struck me was how strong that feeling was, how much joy and happiness it brought, that it is impossible to forget about it.

"Clean Monday" (1944)

If you trust the subjective self-assessment of Bunin himself, then in his declining years he considered “Clean Monday” to be the best of everything he wrote.

The heroes of the story "Clean Monday" are young, beautiful, rich, belong to the same circle and ... are unhappy.

The title of the story is bright, precise, and at the same time ambiguous. What does this day of the week - Monday mean for a person?

Usually from Monday, a person decides to change his life.

“The first day of Great Lent is called Pure Monday. Before it begins, pious people remove all luxury items in the house, everything that can set them in a frivolous way. Many on Monday try not to eat at all. The temple is also changing these days: the ministers put on dark, fasting robes, the ringing for the service becomes rare and dull, there are few hymns, the reading of psalms and prayers is heard, calling us to heartfelt contrition for sins.

- Let's try to get into art world story. What features of the work did you notice?The story is told in the first person, the characters have no names.

Why don't the main characters of the story have names?

Are there proper names in the story? What is their role?

- This means that in this story the fate of the heroes is closely intertwined with the fate of Russia. First of all, the heroine draws attention to herself. What can be said about her?

What kind of life do the characters lead? What are they doing?

How does the heroine relate to such a life?She scoffs at the plentiful food, says that there is nothing more vulgar than theatrical skits, she leaves the Chaliapin concert, because "I was overwhelmed." The novel by V. Bryusov "The Fiery Angel", which was read in the capital, seems to her "so pompous that it is embarrassing to read."

- Why does the heroine continue to attend skits, concerts, read books that the hero offers, have lunch and dinner with him? After all, all this is alien to her?You can answer with lines of text: “It looked like she didn’t need anything: no flowers, no books, no dinners, no theaters, no dinners outside the city ...”

And the hero? Is he needed?The hero also feels unwanted. He says: “You can’t imagine all the power of my love for you! You don't love me!" But he is already happy that he sits with her in the sled, enters the restaurant hall with her, hears her voice. “Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow everything will be the same,” I thought, “the same music and the same happiness!”

But tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, happiness does not happen. And the hero will soon understand this. When will it happen?This happens on Forgiveness Sunday, when the heroine suddenly offers to go to the cemetery, and together with the hero we find out that she often goes to the Kremlin cathedrals, monasteries, loves to read Russian chronicle tales. It seems to her that only in the monasteries and in spiritual hymns has the “feeling of the homeland of her side” been preserved.

The heroine tries to find meaning, support in the world around her, but does not find it. Even the hero's love does not bring her happiness. She can't answer strong feeling. The world, society is imperfect. And our hero? He is quite satisfied with life. Here we see the abyss separating the characters.

Bunin puts the heroine before a choice. What does she choose?She chooses a monastery, she is not satisfied with the present, she wants to go to the past.

- The break with the present occurs on Pure Monday. Why is the story so named?On this day, the heroine was cleansed from an idle, meaningless life, from the love of a hero. Not finding beauty, spirituality in the modern world, the heroine leaves it to where, it seems to her, they are: to the monastery.

IV. Summing up the lesson.

In his cycle of stories about love "Dark Alleys" I.A. Bunin finds out the history and nature of love in all its turns. The name is not accidental. Dark alleys are not only a place where lovers roam, they are also the “dark nooks and crannies” of the subconscious, which is dominated by love. Often these alleys are gloomy and cruel.

Once, in a conversation about happiness, he cited the words of L. Tolstoy: “There is no happiness in life, there are only lightning bolts of it - appreciate them, live by them.” And love, in the understanding of I. Bunin, is a lightning bolt: it flared up and went out. This is evidenced by the words of the epigraph to our lesson. One cannot say about Bunin's heroes in Green's words: "They lived a long time and died on the same day." The description of quiet family happiness does not attract the writer. And the attempt to build this happiness turns into failure. No matter how much the heroes love, the ending of all stories is equally sad. The heroes part. In this separation "there is a high meaning." Only in this case, according to Bunin, love remains "somewhere in the heart for life."

Goalslesson: to acquaint students with the works of the writer of love themes; show the originality of stories, novelty in the depiction of the psychological state of a person; see the ambiguity of interpretations of stories.

methodicaltricks: teacher's story, analytical conversation; presentation of stories; expressive reading excerpts from works.

Equipmentlesson: texts of stories; photographs by I. Bunin, V. Muromtseva. Picture 1, Figure 2


1. Wordteachers

The theme of love is one of the main themes in Russian literature and one of the leading themes in the work of Ivan Bunin. In almost all works on this topic, the love story appears through the memories of the characters and the outcome of love is tragic. This tragic character love is emphasized by death. "Don't you already know that love and death are inextricably linked?" - one of the heroes of Bunin's stories asks a question.

The writer sees the eternal mystery of love and the eternal drama of lovers in the fact that a person is unwilling in his love passion: love is a feeling that is initially spontaneous, inevitable, and happiness often becomes unattainable.

Love in Bunin's works is fleeting and elusive. The heroes of his works never find eternal happiness, they can only taste the forbidden fruit, enjoy it, and then lose their joys, hopes and even life. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple. The fact is that, according to Ivan Bunin, love is happiness, and happiness is fleeting, impermanent, therefore love cannot be permanent, otherwise it will become a habit, a routine, and this is impossible. But, despite the short duration, love is still eternal: it will forever remain in the memory of the heroes as the most vivid and wonderful memory.

2. Conversation By story "Easy breath" Figure 2.

How is the story structured? What are the features of the composition?

(The composition of the story is closed, circular. This is its peculiarity. We learn at the very beginning of the story about tragic death young schoolgirl Olya Meshcherskaya. Bunin begins and ends the story with a description of the grave cross on Olya's grave.)

What is the relationship between plot and plot of a story?

(The plot of the story is a banal everyday drama - a murder out of jealousy. The author turned this banality into a story about the mysterious attractiveness, charm, femininity embodied in the image of Olya. The plot is centered on the “light breath” of femininity. This is the main thing, according to the author, than a woman must possess, this is part of her beauty, beautiful, elusive, ephemeral and fragile. And in contact with realities, this “light breathing” disappears, it is interrupted, as the “deceived” Olya officer did).

(The main thing in the heroine is “grace, elegance, lightness”, which distinguished her from all the girls of the gymnasium. Olya constantly seems to live with a sense of celebration, happiness, joy. I. Bunin focuses on her eyes: “joyful, amazingly alive”, "clear shine of the eyes", "shining eyes", "the eyes shine so immortally", "clear look". Olya is able to live without pretending, without coveting, naturally and simply. That is why she was so loved junior classes. She herself is still a child, internally pure, spontaneous, naive).

What is the main compositional device used by Bunin in the story?

(The main technique is opposition. Olya, lively, impetuous, unpredictable, living in imagination, is opposed to the everyday life of the real, vulgar world represented by the inability to be natural cool lady Oli; the handsome aristocrat Malyutin, who seduced Olya, is opposed by a plebeian Cossack officer; the lightness of life and the "light breath" of the heroine is contrasted with the "strong, heavy cross" on her grave).

How do you understand the title of the story? (discussion)

On an April day, I left the people.
Gone for a century humbly and silently -
And yet I was not in vain in my life.
I didn't die for love.
I.A. Bunin

3. Wordteachers

Consider another story about the versatility and diversity of manifestations of love in the story " Sunstroke».

4. Messagestudent

The student outlines the plot of the story "Sunstroke", while paying special attention to language features works.

5 . AnalyticalconversationBycontentstory

What is the peculiarity of the plot of the story?

(There is no introduction to the story, it seems that the story is “snatched” from life, the characters have neither names nor ages. It is “he” and “she”, a man and a woman).

Why does the writer not give names to his heroes, does not tell their backstory?

(For Bunin, names are unimportant, because the main thing is the very feeling of love, passion and what it does to a person).

What is the portrait of the heroine, what is its peculiarity?

(Bunin does not describe the appearance of the heroine, but highlights the main thing - “a simple, lovely laugh”, talks about how “everything was lovely in this little woman.” And after a night in the room “She was as fresh as at seventeen”, “ she was still simple, cheerful and - already reasonable").

How does the stranger describe what happened to them?

(“It was as if an eclipse had hit me ... Or, rather, we both got something like a sunstroke.” The woman was the first to understand the acuteness of what had happened and the impossibility of continuing this too strong feeling).

What has changed in the room since she left?

(“The room without her seemed somehow completely different than it was with her. It was still full of her - and empty.” Only the smell of good English cologne and an unfinished cup remained, “but she was already gone ...”)

What impression did this make on the lieutenant?

(The lieutenant's heart "suddenly contracted with such tenderness that he hurried to light a cigarette and walked up and down the room several times. The lieutenant laughs at his" strange adventure, and at the same time, tears well up in his eyes).

What new feelings did the lieutenant have?

(All the lieutenant's feelings seem to be sharpened. He "remembered her all, with all her slightest features, remembered the smell of her tan and canvas dress, her strong body, the lively, simple and cheerful sound of her voice." And another new feeling, previously not experienced, torments the lieutenant: this is a strange, incomprehensible feeling... He does not know "how to live the whole next day without her", he feels unhappy).

Why is the hero trying to free himself from the feeling of love?

(“The sunstroke” that hit the lieutenant was too strong, unbearable. Both the happiness and the pain that accompanied it turned out to be unbearable).

Why too big love dramatic or even tragic?

(It is impossible to return a loved one, but it is also impossible to live without it. The hero cannot get rid of sudden, unexpected love, “sunstroke” leaves an indelible mark on the soul).

How did the experience of the past day affect the hero?

(The hero feels ten years older. The instantaneousness of the experienced impression made him so sharp that it seems that almost a whole life is contained in it.

There is no happiness in life
there are only lightning bolts of it, -
appreciate them, live them.
L.N. Tolstoy

6. teacher's word

Let's turn to another story about love - "Grammar of Love"

7. AnalyticalconversationBycontent

How do you understand the title of the story?

(The word grammar is from the scientific lexicon. The words in the title of the story are paradoxically related. This is an oxymoron. Grammar means “the art of reading and writing letters.” Bunin’s story talks about the art of loving, although is it possible to learn to love from a textbook?)

What is known about the life of Khvoshchinsky?

(We learn about his life from the words of neighbors. He is poor, is considered an eccentric, “he has been

obsessed with love for his maid Lushka", "idolized her".)

What role did Lushka play in the fate of Ivlev?

(Ivlev recalls the impression Khvoshchinsky's story made on him as a child. He was "almost in love" with the "legendary Lushka").

Do you agree with the expression: “A beautiful woman should occupy the second step; the first belongs to a lovely woman"?

What details play an important role in the story?

Wedding candles are a symbol of eternal, unquenchable love. Khvoshchinsky could not marry a serf, but he wanted it with all his heart. Wedding candles are a symbol of the union between a man and a woman, fixed and consecrated by the church.

Books from Khvoshchinsky’s library reveal to Ivlev “what that lonely soul ate that forever closed itself from the world in this closet and left it so recently ...”

Lushka's necklace - "a low set of cheap blue balls that look like stone ones" so excited Ivlev that his "heartbeat tingled in his eyes."

What is the content of "Grammar of Love"?

The book consists of "short elegant, sometimes very accurate maxims" about love;

What is the value of this book?

This is the most important detail that gave the title to the whole story. Its value is that it was dear to Khvoshchinsky and became dear to Ivlev himself as a shrine.

What makes it possible to say that the image of Lushka is really becoming a shrine?

The story constantly repeats words from religious vocabulary, expressions that speak of the legendary image of Lushka: Khvoshchinsky “attributed literally everything that happened in the world to Lushka’s influence: a thunderstorm sets - this is Lushka sends a thunderstorm, war is declared - so Lushka decided, crop failure happened - the peasants did not please Lushka ... ”; Ivlev sees " god tree»on the spot where, according to legend, Lushka drowned herself; it seems to him that “Lushka lived and died not twenty years ago, but almost in time immemorial”; the little book "Grammar of Love" looks like a prayer book; leaving the Khvoshchinsky estate, Ivlev recalls Lushka, her necklace and experiences a feeling “similar to what he once experienced in an Italian town when looking at the relics of a saint.” Thanks to this technique, Lushka's life becomes like a life, and her image is almost deified.

What kind of person is Khvoshchinsky - really crazy or someone who has the talent to love?

(class discussion)

(Life with a loved one becomes a “sweet tradition”, life without a loved one turns into eternal service to that holy image that remains in memory).

Who do you think is the main character of the story?

(class discussion)

(The main character is Khvoshchinsky. His soul was lit up with fantastic love for many years. Perhaps main character- Lushka. After all, it was she who took the “first step” in Khvoshchinsky’s life, determined his fate? Or maybe the main character is Ivlev? After all, the story of Khvoshchinsky's love for his serf influenced Ivlev in childhood. In his view, Lushka was "legendary" and "she entered forever into my life." Alien love story became a part of Ivlev's life.

What understanding of love is embodied in this story?

Love is a great value. She is always pure and chaste. But a person can only count on a moment of happiness, but this moment remains in the soul forever. Figure 3 .

8. Summing upresultslesson


Thus, we can conclude that love in Bunin's works is something elusive and natural, blinding a person, acting on him like a sunstroke. Love is a great abyss, mysterious and inexplicable, strong and painful.

9. homemadeexercise:

prepare an essay plan on the topic “Love in the understanding of I. Bunin”.

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