Wise Caucasian toasts. From the wisdom of the East and the Caucasus


A brother will tear anyone for a brother.. He will turn mountains for each other.. This is how it happens - the Caucasian people.

A Caucasian girl will never allow herself low deeds because she knows that the Pride and Honor of her father is her.

Laugh without noise, without ringing! To die without a pathetic groan! Able to cry dry tears! Such is the man born of the mountains!

Dance beautifully. Hit hard. Leave proudly. Don't speak loudly about yourself. Let others speak softly about you.

Only a Caucasian can slip, ride along the road, stand up, shake himself and say "almost fell" ...

In the Caucasus, the guys are the most jealous because the girls are the most beautiful.

Armenians have such eyes that you can drown in them ... And hang yourself on your nose!

Dagestan is a wonderland, came out at night and disappeared.

Never tell ALLAH that you have problems, tell problems that you have ALLAH.

I love Allah alone, and the rest for his sake!

I've only broken one heart in my entire life, mine.

Winning the heart of a Caucasian girl is as easy as leveling the Caucasian mountains.

A handsome man will never say that he is handsome. I know...)

Caucasian boys are so severe that they even use Tetris to access the Internet...

An earthquake is not new to us, this is a CAUCASIAN dancing LEZGINKA.

Caucasian wisdom says: "he who does not show off is the one who does not show off""

Moscow 2040 ... - Dad, is it true that Russians lived here? - No, Maga, it's fantastic!)))

The Most Beautiful, Emotional and Hot Love, This is CAUCASUS LOVE!!

Caucasians are said to be scattered all over the world. Not true! This world is scattered around Caucasians!

A Caucasian is someone who answers the question "What nationality are you?" proudly replies: "Read in the eyes!"

All Caucasian girls with a gold medal and a red diploma stand near the stove....

You yell at him that you hate ... And at night you only repeat the words of a prayer, so that the Almighty shores him ...

A Caucasian comes out of the train and shouts a dragger, a dragger. I'm not a porter, I'm a porter. Well then wear out my suitcases.

The Almighty did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain. “But He promised power for everyone.

If a crowd of Caucasian guys is chasing you, run to the cops. Running together is more fun.

In the Caucasus, girls' skirts should be as fitted as the Priors, and the lower, the more beautiful.

Salam Alleykum people help write some status about the Caucasus.

City-fairy tale, city-dream! When you get into a wheelbarrow to the dugs, you disappear forever...)

A Dagestani is asked: - What would you do if you had a time machine? - Would toned!

The CAUCASIAN was beaten in a dream, but he didn’t leave it like that, he gathered the KENTS and went to sleep together!

Follow the bazaar, Caucasians are online!

Only Caucasians, passing on the rights, come in their own car.

Only one betrayal is worthy of respect - betrayal of your principles for the sake of a loved one!

Do you really like her bro? Eee... which one I like, I want a daughter from her.

Our Caucasus, how I love you all!

When an eagle flies with an eagle, they are both free, and when he lives with a hen, he becomes a rooster.

And in a dream and in reality I will tear everyone to fall for the Caucasus.

Caucasian sport - synchronized peeking out of tinted priors..

A girl from the Caucasus is like a mountain flower that needs to be plucked and not picked up!

A Caucasian girl is the one that everyone likes, but only one gets it!

If he is jealous, then he loves, if he loves, then he is afraid of losing, if he is afraid of losing, then he will steal this year)

There is not enough strength to stop .... and evil is not enough to avenge ....

Only in the Caucasus, love is recognized with such verses: when I saw you, I fell from love, you have such a figure, you must be an athlete.

There for Good - good and blood for blood. And hate is immeasurable, like love!

ARMENIAN eyes have an interesting feature - they start speaking when their lips have not yet moved...

Caucasian face...

Caucasian wisdom: In love, they know each other because they love each other. In friendship, they love each other because they know each other.

Though you burst, Though you burst, And the Caucasus is in the first place.

Able to cry dry tears.

In the Caucasus we are horsemen, but outside the Caucasus we are bandits!!!

A man from the Caucasus must love three women: 1) who gave birth to him; 2) who will give birth to him; 3) and the one that will be born to him.

Proud beauty, burning eyes of the nights, all this belongs to the Armenian woman, the daughter of the southern nights....

Caucasian love is when you threw a snowball at him, and he buried you in a snowdrift.

Speak briefly, ask little, leave fast!!!

Caucasian love is when one of his menacing glances is enough for her to swallow her sharp tongue...

Caucasian longevity is transmitted over the Internet, so add me as a friend.

The Caucasus will live forever!

Most beautiful eyes the one who looks at you with tenderness. And you don't care if they're brown, blue or green. But they are the closest.

Seeming frivolous and being inaccessible is the height of art.

Do you want to please me? Dance lezginka, on the hood of a car, the speed of which is 120 km / h.

The soul of a highlander is woven from faith and freedom.

Highlanders of the North Caucasus - a force that cannot be resisted.

Every hot brazilian girl there is a vigilant mother. And every hot Caucasian girl has crazy brothers!

A CAUCASIAN GIRL should not walk on the ground - she should be carried in her arms by real CAUCASIAN GUYS.

Without show-off, but with grace, Without Nazism, but with patriotism, With dignity to the worthy, With respect for the weak, Pride, honor and spirit - such is the TRUE CAUCASUS!

Only Caucasians confess their love with such verses: Autumn has come, leaves are falling, I don't need anyone but You!

Only in the Caucasus they know more about your personal life than you yourself ...

And they love ardently and cordially, the French of the Caucasus, sons eternal mountains. Involuntarily you will see a silent eternity in the depths of their eyes, if you look at it point-blank!

A Caucasian guy will never fight for a girl. He will fight over a girl!

America drives, Europe drives, Australia drives, Asia drives, and the Caucasus sits in the back seat and shows where to steer.

You take care of him almighty! And help him, please. Let me become superfluous for him ... I still cherish them.

We are not afraid of damage, from the eye .. Because we are from the Caucasus .. We have a lot of brown-eyed .. We burn lezginka with a cry: ASSSAAA.

- Maga, I passed my driving license, I want to buy a car. Can you advise which one is best for a girl?
- Washing.

Russia without the Caucasus is like Gazprom without gas.

Caucasian love: capture-interception, hall, hold, submission and after 9 months a small wrestler.

Remember the phrase, do not dare to the Caucasus!

Once, Heaven and Earth argued about who is more beautiful. The sky to prove its beauty showed the stars, and the Earth-Caucasus!

I went around the whole Caucasus, and paradise in native land found. Stavropol - Motherland of my mother!

Do you love Caucasian? Well... love and be patient...

Caucasian love is when a girl tells a guy I'm leaving you, and he gently hugs her and says I'll break your jaw.

In the Caucasus live the most risky and brave people who are not afraid of anything, except "Step back, otherwise I will not grow up."

The main thing is to take the situation by the balls in time.

I'm not waiting for a prince on a white horse, I'm waiting for a Caucasian on a Black BMW.

To offend Ingush - just spit! But you will spit blood!

Darling, if you approach at least one dyed muffin, remember... I am near, very close! On the roof with a rifle.

CAUCASUS! We are few, but we are everywhere!

I'm not arrogant, I'm just brought up according to Armenian laws, and our first law is Pride!

Be a girl confident in yourself, in your struggle, in your path, in your destiny. Hold on in the crowd, as if you are alone, as if you were born by the Goddess!

We are like a flock! Boys are like eagles, girls are like swans!

Phone conversation. - Givi! What are you doing? - I'm eating! - What are you eating? - This is not a telephone conversation.

He shouted in the mountains: I am in love, and the echo answered: Get married.

Hey, you are a daring and hot-headed person from the Caucasus, of course I understand everything, but remember, motherfucker, I'm Russian. And here everything is simple - nah * d. And all things.

Statuses about the Caucasus beautiful Caucasian


In the very depths of your hopes and desires lies a silent knowledge of the other world... Believe in dreams, for the gates of eternity are hidden in them.

Gibran Khalil

If you want to be wise, ask your wife's opinion, listen to her and do the opposite.

Haroun al-Rashid

Whoever thinks that he will extinguish his desires by satisfying them, he is like a madman who strives to extinguish the fire of solo-mine.

Persian wisdom

Islam is not a green robe, not a Turkish cap and a beard. Islam is the soul of a person, which can be decorated not with clothes, but with good deeds. To me, a Chechen, Chechen clothes are dear, not Arab and Turkish. The Almighty created me a Chechen, and no one except Him knows how grateful I am to Him for this.

Abdulbaki Jamo
Jordanian Sheikh

Carelessness is the cause of all disasters.
A. Jami

Wine communicates four qualities to everyone who drinks it. At the beginning, a person becomes like a peacock - he puffs up, his movements are smooth and majestic. Then he takes on the character of a monkey and begins to joke and flirt with everyone. Then he becomes like a lion and becomes arrogant, proud, confident in his strength. But in conclusion, he turns into a pig and, like her, wallows in the mud.


It is said that we are obliged to forgive our enemies; but nowhere is it said that we must forgive our friends.

C. Medici

Do not accept alms and alms from thieves, for they will steal even more from the people.

Chechen wisdom

Fools notice only the faults of people and do not pay attention to their virtues. They are like flies that strive to land only on the inflamed part of the body.


A condescending attitude towards stupidity is inherent in every intelligent person.

He who shouts in anger is ridiculous; he who is silent in anger is terrible.

Abai Kunakbaev

Anger beyond measure causes fear, and immoderate affection reduces respect for you in people's eyes. Don't be so harsh that everyone gets bored, and so meek that you're sassy.

If the giver does this in front of everyone, then he does not give, but bribes.
Chechen wisdom

A man is amazingly arranged - he is upset when he loses wealth, and is indifferent to the fact that the days of his life are irretrievably gone.


War tests a brave man, anger tests a wise man, a friend tests a need.


You don't have to hide your illness.
From two people: from a doctor and a friend.

Do good to people while you have the opportunity. Then, when such an opportunity will not be, you will regret it.

Chechen wisdom

If you lend, you either lose money or make an enemy.
Albanian proverb

A smart man is capable of changing, changing, if necessary. Only the grave will change a fool.

Chechen proverb

The only way to help yourself is to help others.

You have always been told that work is a curse and a misfortune. But I will say that when you work, you are fulfilling a part of the dream of the future that is just for you; living in labor, you lead a life authentically loving peace person; but to love working life means to know the deepest secret of being.

Gibran Khalil

The highest courage is to find endurance and patience in oneself after endurance and patience are already running out.

Chechen wisdom

Kindness and tenderness are not signs of weakness and impotence, but a manifestation of strength and determination.

But I say that just as even the most righteous and holy person cannot rise above the highest that is contained in each of you, so evil person cannot fall below the lowest, which is also contained in each of you.

Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. The well from which you draw laughter has often been filled with your tears. And how could it be otherwise? The more deep cave digs grief in our soul, the more joy it can contain.

Labor is love manifested. And if you cannot work with joy and feel only disgust for work, then it is better to quit your work, sit at the door of the temple and accept alms from those who work with joy. For if you baked bread, remaining indifferent, then this bread will be bitter and satisfy the hunger of a person only by half.

It is good to give when you are asked to give, but it is better to give without asking, being able to understand the need of another person.

I have learned silence from the talkative, patience from the intemperate, kindness from the wicked.

Life without love is like a tree without flowers and fruits.

Money is like love: he who keeps it only for himself, they kill with a slow and painful death, and he who generously shares with his neighbors, they awaken to a new life.

Generosity is not about giving me what I need more than you; no, generosity is to give me what you need more than me.

Gibran Khalil

At happy life no need for guesswork.

Thrift in the house is more profitable than profitable trade.

When one ant drags a seed, another ant will always help.

ABC - steps to wisdom.

The wrath of the good man is terrible.

Grown up children are like fire. Either you have time to spread this fire to the right hearths, or it will scorch the parental home.

Chechen wisdom

Why are envious people always upset about something? Because they are consumed not only by their own failures, but also by the successes of others.


To be closer to God, get closer to people.

If the purpose of religion is reward, if patriotism serves selfish interests, and education serves the achievement of social position, then I prefer to be an unbelieving, unpatriotic and meekly ignorant person.

justice is near human heart and mercy is close to the heart of God.

The chemist who succeeds in extracting from the heart the elements of compassion, respect, yearning, patience, sympathy, wonder, and the ability to forgive, and then combining all these elements into one, will be able to create an atom of what is called love.

Anyone who needs incentives to do a noble deed will never be able to do it.

The value of a person lies in the few things that he has created, and not at all in the huge property that he has accumulated.

The Lord placed an apostle in every heart to lead us along the bright path, and yet many people are looking for light on the side, not suspecting that it is inside them.

When you give up your possessions, your sacrifice is small. The real gift is to give up on yourself.

You have also been told that life is darkness, and in your weakness you repeat what has been said. weak people. I affirm: yes, life is in fact darkness if it is devoid of aspirations, and all aspirations are blind if they are devoid of knowledge. And all knowledge is in vain if there is no labor, and any labor will remain empty if there is no love; and only when you work with love do you create bonds with each other, do you become attached to each other and to God himself.

Gibran Khalil

The mortal world was created by a sorcerer,
All fairy tales in it and fiction are empty.
Do not delude yourself with the ghost of goodness,
But stand firm against evil.

You are a snake-catcher, and the world is like a snake, -
You'll die from a bite, snake-catchers.

The world is prosperous, and you
Bound to vegetate.
May the world be unfair to you
Be fair yourself.

Greatness politicians they are measured not by their sonorous slogans and solemn declarations, but by the results of their actions. Alone statesmen they win immortality by their beneficial deeds in the name of man and humanity, others assert their immortality in history by atrocities, but only if these atrocities are unique.

The Almighty fattens man unnecessarily to his death

Chechen wisdom

The best praise is the one that comes from a person to whom you have done nothing good.

The old man in the house is a watchman, abundance, treasure. A house without an old man is a tower without a foundation.
Chechen wisdom

From strength - our truthfulness.
From weakness - our deceit.

Don't be like a drum that only works when you're beaten.

Chechen proverb

Born from the ultimate
We enter the eternity of life.
And life has no beginning
And there is no end in sight.

Try to leave this world like this
To part with the experience without debts.
From the world without finishing things, leave -
Not the same as from the bath - unwashed?

You see: time makes everything old,
What we thought was new.
But time is also young
Past deeds.

What you do not want to have tomorrow, discard today, and what you want to have tomorrow, get today.


And what was easily obtained,
We lose easily.

You do not expect services from a loafer:
He has no time to mess with you.
But a friend will always help you,
What works tirelessly.

But if the past is returned to us,
The former happiness will not become happiness.

Mirza Shafi

The meaning of life is one from the century,
Its forms are never counted.
Changes the shape of the foam
Unchanged depth.

Who, Jami, ascended above the frailty
And along the way I lost "we" and "I",
May be in appearance the beginning,
In fact, it could be the end.

Angels are powers hidden in the faculties and organs of man.

Al Arabi

Life is like a ladder. Man lives as long as he continues to climb up.

We are all created in the image of God. All religions are united when it comes to the question of creation. God is a great creator and all religions teach us that we were created in the image of God. Therefore, the main purpose of the human race is to be creators. We must be creators in order to complete our likeness to the Creator.

It has already been proven that people who are overwhelmed with anger and irritation cannot create. The more firmly we are aimed at creation, the more creative forces we have, and the more more good we can do.

You must work not only to help the people around you in the present, but also to pay the debts of those who have helped you walk the path of life.

Mahmoud Khalil

The heaviest insult is that which comes from a person to whom you have done nothing wrong.


Due to the strangeness of human psychology, the names of the sowers of good gradually disappear from his memory, but the names of the great villains remain forever.
Abdurakhman Avtorkhanov

I was in a hurry to embellish, to match others, myself,
Not neighbors for patience - he praised himself again.
When I found out in separation, where is the rush, where is the patience, -
Then, praise be to Allah, I was able to know myself.

To this mortal earthly world
The darkness did not darken
Be a guiding star for everyone
Burn yourself to ashes.

Man is created insatiable. The only thing he is satisfied with is the earth, which will overcome him in the grave.

Chechen wisdom

Behind the darkness - the limit of the radiance of light,
Believe in it and be steadfast.
Everything in the world is like this: there is a flame and burning,
Above the flame is always a veil - smoke.

Take difficulties and suffering as a gift from the Almighty, sent in order to awaken perseverance and strength in us; refine our minds and enlighten our minds.

Chechen wisdom

There is no such quantity, which, after division, would become something no longer having parts; bodies do not consist of such parts that would not have parts of their own.
A. Farabi

If you want to become rich without difficulty, be undemanding.


From creation, it just so happened:
In poetry and life - all roads apart.
Who aspires to the heights, who aspires to the depths,
But most go somewhere.

Loud speech sometimes does not shine,
Silent speech is the speech of things.
The circle of fate revolves inaudibly,
And the wheel of the arba rattles, gnashes.
Mirza Shafi

In this life inconspicuous souls full of love,
And in vain to lament, to look around yourself with anguish.

Do not value the good that fell from the sky,
The heir lived idly, only spent not too much.
Isn't that why we got our soul?
How easy it is to spend that you did not make yourself!

He who lives in spirit shines with valor.
Living in the body - valor kills.

Temporary failure is better than temporary luck.

Members human body- this is a tool in the hands of God, with the help of which he punishes a person.


Yes, I think it's time to regenerate people.
The world must be created anew, otherwise it is hell.

They tell me: "You are silent - you do not know, which means grief."
No, I took a sip of grief, but there is no urine to scream.

I do not blame you. This is how it goes:
Of those who are imprisoned, the free does not think.

Suffering can only be understood by those who have suffered,
Metal becomes more malleable in fire.
Oh stepchildren of fate, smitten with sadness,
Come, I will understand you, I experienced grief.

Rock is not friends with anyone. You are addicted to fate.
He does not even sigh, torments - and is pleased.
And if he sighs, it's only for that,
To extinguish the candle of those who are destitute.

Baba Tahir

You can recognize someone else's mind in an hour, but it takes years to know someone else's character.

Persian wisdom

Don't neglect the little people: they can help you uplift.

To find peace in both worlds, observe two rules: be generous with friends, restrained with enemies.

In battle... don't feel sorry for yourself, because until you make your body food for dogs, you won't be able to equate your name with the name of lions.


Scientists on earth are the same as the stars in the sky. Mind and knowledge are the life of the heart and the light of the eyes: whoever gives life to mind and knowledge does not die.
Arabic wisdom

Supreme happiness - all midsummer night graze the moon and stars with your beloved.
Unknown author

Like a leather scabbard for a human body:
The soul in them is a sword, and only the soul in battle decides the matter.

Take a thorn bush and water it whole year rose water - he still will not give you anything but thorns; but take a date tree and leave it without water in the driest soil, and it will still bring you the most delicious fruits in abundance.
So and good man in the most difficult conditions will exude wisdom, kindness and patience.
Klikush who stir up the people will be cursed by Allah. Those who call for patience and prudence are gifted with eternal paradise.

Arabic wisdom

Life is a difficult science. Man lives while he is learning to live. Having ceased to study, he ceases to live and turns into a stone on the road, preventing others from living.
Chechen wisdom

An intelligent person, in search of a means of subsistence, is ready to go to distant lands, to all four directions; but a fool seeks his livelihood only in the place where his father gave birth to him.


What passes is the dream of the sleeper, and what remains is the dream.

The happiness that you are looking for is like a shadow that goes with you, you will not catch it chasing it, but you will run away from it - it is chasing you.
Arabic wisdom

A person cannot be endowed from the very beginning, by nature, with virtue or vice, just as he cannot be a born weaver or scribe.

Rather, perfection exists predominantly in many individuals put together. For an individual, without the help of others, it is apparently impossible to acquire any one of these virtues. In order to acquire his virtue, a person needs other people.

That which is useful in its nature and essence cannot be rejected because of some evil that is present in it by the side.
Ibn Rushd

Foolish is he who does harm to himself in order to do good to his friend.

Each of us has our own earthly
Let a little joy, let it be big.
And even the one who knows: there is no happiness,
Finds happiness by affirming it.

Lucky is one of us who has passed the test,
Who can say in the hour of death
What heavier than guilt he suffered punishment
And he himself suffered more than he caused suffering.

Whatever trouble sends, whatever luck sends,
Accept everything in life, sometimes rejoicing, sometimes crying.
And if you couldn't take happiness yourself,
Neither the king of the earth nor God can give it.

Not everyone is given the ability to comprehend.
Who read the sayings of wisdom,
Not everyone has comprehended the wisdom of the saying.

Only a fool or a villain counts
That grief perfects people.
Mirza Shafi

It is necessary that there be a group of people perfect in several kinds of human perfection and helping each other to achieve complete perfection; the less perfect follows the all-round perfect as a means of preparing for his full perfection, and the all-round perfect benefits the less perfect, giving him the beginnings of his perfection. The case is the same as with the art of riding and the craft of the bridle master. For the art of the one who makes the bridle serves as a preparation for the art of riding, and the art of riding shows how the bridle can be improved and how both can unite for a common goal.

Whenever we find among the peoples living before us any views and judgments about things ... we should study what they said about this and set out in their books. If something in these books corresponds to the truth, let us learn it from them, rejoice in it and thank them for it; if something turns out to be inconsistent with the truth, we point it out, warn against it and forgive them.

Ibn Rushd

"How are you better than others? Swarthy, black ...
Our country is full of people like you,
Layli answered: "You are not Majnun! Be silent!"
The light of knowledge will not shine for everyone in the night ...
Sleeping in a dead sleep, captivated by vanity
And the appearance of false and empty.

Always in the valley of the green life
Your speech will echo back to you.

The mistakes of the wise bring good.
The beliefs of fools bring happiness.

Chechen wisdom

I often regretted what I said, but rarely regretted my silence.

Today I will not tell you how I will act, but tomorrow you will know when I tell you how I did it.

Look at your own faults and you won't have time to look for faults in others.
Chechen wisdom

When self-interest sounds in words, do not believe
Neither the flattery of a woman, nor the intrigues of a man.
And in the interlocutor, appreciate not dignity, but speech:
It doesn't matter who said it, the reasons matter.

Do not be afraid of the fire-breathing serpent, but be afraid of the gossiper, for what he tears apart in an hour you cannot sew up in a year.

If you are satisfied with your face as an interlocutor, then you are one of a kind by stupidity.

I ran, seeing - hope was gone,
Only the ignorant will fight fate.
After all, a shield and a helmet will not help when
The bright star of happiness will go out.
When you lose the key to victory
You can't break the door of victory with your hands.

An intelligent person consoles himself with the fact that he is aware of the inevitability of what happened. The fool takes comfort in the fact that the same thing happened to others that happened to him.

A smart person always agrees with another smart person, while a stupid person usually disagrees with either the smart one or the stupid one. By analogy, we can say that all straight lines, when superimposed, always coincide with each other, while cropping curves never coincide with each other or with straight lines ...

What you hide from the enemy, do not tell your friend, for there is no guarantee that friendship will last forever.

Truly gentle can only be people with a strong character. The great vice of youth - stubbornness sometimes leads to mature years To great dignity- stamina.

A fool is easy to recognize by two signs: he always speaks in such a way that there is no benefit to him in his words, and he always interferes in things that are not his own.
A smart person always recognizes a stupid one, since he himself was in his shoes before he got smart.

The fool does not grieve at the poverty of his mind.


Through the shell of the world, your eye does not see the innermost life,
Thus, learn to look with the eyes of your heart at the mysteries of the universe.
At everything that is visible and bodily, look with open eyes,
But teach the heart to see the underside of the mortal appearance.

The needle of love pierced the artery of the spirit,
And the drop fell, and they called it the heart.

Give a man a fish and he will eat it all day long. Teach him how to fish and he will eat fish for the rest of his life.

Eastern wisdom

No matter how learned a person is, but if the reward for this is not reason, his knowledge is a disaster for him... Beware of the ignoramus who considers himself a scientist... If you do not want to be considered a madman, do not look for that cannot be found.

A person who forbids the study of philosophical books to those who are worthy of them, in view of the fact that some rascals may be thought that they have gone astray because of reading these books - such a person is likened to one who did not give the thirsty to drink unleavened cold water, until he died, because someone died by choking on water.

Ibn Rushd

The children of Adam are all members of one body. When one member suffers, all others suffer. If you are indifferent to the suffering of others, you do not deserve the title of man.

Scorpio stings not out of anger: such is his nature.

Putting on your old sackcloth is better than asking for a new dress.

To reach the well of truth
Don't think about rewards along the way.

Rulers need wise men much more than wise men need rulers.

And if you want to know yourself
Look - don't cover yourself up.

For a song - rhymes sweet sound,
As for a coquette, the folds of a garment.
No rhyme, no clothes to cover
Ugliness or poverty of maintenance.

Here is your head, my friend,
And here is your hand.
But how from head to hand
The road is far.
Mirza Shafi

You often forget the good
Remembering only an evil deed.
Is it necessary to think about thorns,
Eating fruit with pleasure?

Oh frivolous youth, you shouldn't judge
About what the wise men know, but you did not know and did not know.

Think first, then speak. But stop before they say "enough" to you. Man, unlike animals, is given a language. But he is worse than an animal if he uses his tongue for harm.

The distinction between royal dignity and the title of slave will disappear when the inevitable definition of fate arrives. If anyone splits the earth that covers the dead, he will not distinguish between the rich and the poor.

The world in which we exist is like a magic lantern. A lantern is the sun, in the rays of which we flicker in a bizarre way.

To extend mercy to the evil is not fair, but it is pleasing to the Almighty. To forgive the oppressors and those who seek to rise in money and power is to oppress the oppressed.

Listen to the words of a learned man with the greatest attention, even if his deeds do not correspond to his teaching. A person should learn, even if the lesson was written on the wall.

Pleasant manners constitute the virtues of the courtiers, and almost the vices of the sage.

Beauty curl - a chain for smart person and a net for the frivolous.

What is done quickly, does not last long.

Know that the reckless will find a hundred times more aversion to the intelligent than the intelligent feels aversion to the reckless.

If you want people to speak well of you, speak well of people yourself.
If you do not want to be laughed at behind your back, be merciful to your subordinates.
If you want to be discerning, look at your face in the mirror of others.

Anyone who persists in his opinion will always regret it.

Don't you see that a doctor, when he falls ill, and his illness becomes severe and difficult, does not resort to his own treatment. He brings another doctor and, after questioning him, treats himself...

If you can get your bread with folly and mediocrity, be irrational and mediocre. If not, learn something.

Craft - greatest art and let the sons noble people they know hundreds of crafts, if they only do not earn money with them, then this is not a reproach, but a dignity. Someday everything will come in handy.


Fate is unfair to the wise.
Therefore, be tireless in your work.
Take, but give without hesitation,
Save, but generously share with others.

A scientist knows what an ignoramus is, because he himself was once one, but an ignoramus does not understand the state of a scientist, because he never was one.

Eastern wisdom

As for the opposition of some dubious propositions to others, it does not lead to a refutation, but only causes bewilderment ...
Ibn Rushd

The one who is learned, but does not apply his learning to the cause, is like a man who would plow, but not sow.

Arabic wisdom

Man became man through reason.

A house without heat is a ruined burial ground.
And without heat, I do not need a lamp.

A poet without love is like a wingless bird,
Like flesh without a soul and without the brilliance of lightning.

The breath of truth will always reach the people,
High mountains for the truth will not become an obstacle.

M. Tursunzade

Where the will strains like a string,
There the ant overcomes the lion.

Valor is the property of those striving for a high goal.


The more roots he has in the earth,
That person is more beautiful and stronger.
When you want to fight with trouble, -
You put roots in the soil of your homeland.

B. Khudoydod-zade

I became worthless in being stagnant, -
Stagnation always harms worthy men.
What good running water!
How it spoils in a calm pond!

Oh God, you created a wise man naked and poor,
And you dressed stupidity and debauchery with gold!

How changeable you are, world, you are conceived by vanity.
You are always glad to seduce and deceive.

May the radiance never fade over me
For the poor, previously inaccessible knowledge.
Unlearned I walked, stumbling in the darkness.
To dispel the darkness, I will make an effort.

Smart people learn in order to know; insignificant - in order to be known.
Eastern wisdom

With a sober and reasonable look
Look at this world
You will see everything differently
You will understand life in a new way.
The world is like an ocean
Build a boat out of good deeds.
And then its calm
And you can swim easily.

Let the thoughts contained in the books be your main capital, and the thoughts that have arisen in yourself be the interest on it.

A very bad person is one who does not know anything, and who does not try to find out anything. After all, it combined two vices.


My religion is love for all living things.

Arabic wisdom

When the smoke poured from grief,
As from a forest fire,
Would lose the world, closed by smoke,
Radiance of the day.
Shahid Balkhi

Take advantage of the blessings of the world when it favors, for you are in the hands of transient accidents. Never put off pleasure for tomorrow, for who will guarantee you tomorrow for them.

Arabic wisdom

Believe the one who saw.
Don't trust the one who heard.
Chechen wisdom

One good experience is more important than seven rules of wisdom.

Arabic wisdom

Whoever owns riches has a penny of knowledge.
Who owns knowledge - that wealth is not enough.

Abdushukur Balkhi

Tulips of talents will not bloom on the salt marshes of crime.

Words are the flesh of content.

When the language is beautiful, the lofty meaning is revealed.

Wealth, collected through oppression, violence against the people, through deceit, will lead to death.

What the wise man does, the fool does. But he does it in disgrace.

You plant a shoot that would forever bear the fruits of happiness.

Ahmad Donish

On the poor, embraced by passion,
Don't you dare look with contempt:
Though they are without a crown, they are shahs,
Though without crowns - but kings.

Only that is gratifying for the heart that torment is given to replace it.

Break the wheel of fate if it starts to turn against your will.

To remain silent with the ignorant is wiser than to turn into a hypocrite.

All love is grace.

Sayido Nasafi

No matter how much knowledge you acquire, if you do not apply it in life, you are ignorant.

Abuali Sino

To appreciate modesty on merit,
Before her, you need to bow your head.

Who firmly decided to find his goal, -
Despair will not be met along the way.

The quarrel starts mean.
The coward strikes first.
Chechen wisdom

The friend of science lives forever after his death, although his bones rotted underground. And the ignoramus is dead, although he walks the earth and is considered alive - he is so insignificant.

Arabic wisdom

Do not deprive the poor of his hope: she is his daily bread.

Persian wisdom

A person who seeks wisdom can be called intelligent. But if he thinks he's found her, he's crazy.

Persian wisdom

Let's love, and love more; to love with such love, which is able to melt the ice of any hatred, which defeats any enemy; love that sweeps away all barriers; love, which is full of mercy, generosity, tolerance, forgiveness and noble aspirations; love that triumphs over all obstacles.

Abdu'l Baha

Service to others is the price we pay for our place on Earth.

A man without imagination is a man without wings.

Ali Muhammad

Mind is the beauty of man, restraint is the companion of the mind.

There is no sweeter friend in the world than a book.

The book is a teacher without pay and gratitude. Every moment she gives you revelations of wisdom. This is an interlocutor with a brain covered in skin, oh secret affairs speaking silently.

Alisher Navoi

Labor is a joy, laziness is a cruel scourge.

Where there is great violence, there is great hatred.

The high title of "man" deserves to be called the one
Who never left worries about the people.

Alisher Navoi

They do not know the strength of the bull by the lowing, but by the work.

Jug, brother, do not imitate in one thing:
Don't fill to the brim with wine!

At writing person thoughts argue among themselves on every page, in every line, for every word.

We will all die, there are no immortal people,
And all this is known and not new.
But we live to leave a mark
House or path, tree or word.

Rasul Gamzatov

The purpose of life is to live in such a way that even after death you do not die.

Musa Jalil

The book penetrates through doors, boldly removes the veils, gives understanding without understanding; it is a speaker who does not speak; the gaze of the longing one rushes to her, if he sits next to him for a bow. And the pen is the creator of hordes of words; it serves desire and is not bored by excess; it is silent, standing, and speaks, moving along the earth, the whiteness of which obscures, and the blackness illuminates; it is as if kissing the carpet at the feet of the lord or opening the gates of an orchard.

Ibn al-Mu;tazz

Konakh (man) does not remain without enemies and slander, for no one throws stones only at a barren tree.

Chechen wisdom

Ignorance always shames
Ignorance is the eternal source of shame.

Remember well where the enmity comes from:
From idle stupid mockery,
which is alien to the brotherhood.

A person is great only in mind and knowledge.
And without them, we will become indistinguishable, inconspicuous.

Who changed friendship at least once,
There is no faith in him - at least he sings like a saaz.

Do not answer stupidity with stupidity,
Distinguish loyalty from betrayal.

He who knows the truth will not reproach the ignorant.

The mouth is beautiful, but in the lair of the mouth
The trouble for man is locked.

If I really am the master of reason and word, -
So why should I be afraid of myself?

False friends do not then fuss,
That your share is close to them:
They demand their share
And they are looking for a piece of sweet.

In the universe there is not and has not been from time immemorial
Holier than the working man.

The peasant, every year, then opens the treasure:
Here he has arable land, and there is a flowering garden.

May your life be a joy to all others.
Give yourself to others like bunches of grapes.

Silence is a treasure for all.
The tongue conceals both evil and sin.

Hold your tongue, sometimes being impatient with evil.
Do not grin, do not make empty witticisms your craft.

With knowledge you can get thousands of swords, but with a sword you cannot get knowledge.

If you don’t want to invite evil grief to yourself -
You bite your tongue, refrain from an evil word.

Do not upset people by deed or word.
It is necessary to listen to any human longing.

Do not judge what you do not know, you are intoxicated with vanity.
To remain silent is much better than to speak empty.

No thrill of love, no sorrow, no fun, -
You won't find anything in a donkey's necklace.

A wise man, knowing a lot, is reputed to be rich.
But a rich man cannot be considered a sage.

You weigh the word on the exact scales:
A soulless word is only wind and dust.

A person is good, as long as he is bright from the inside.
Do not look at the brilliant appearance.

You value a friend, if it is really a friend,
Do not let go of his floors for a moment.

Nosir Khisrav

S-X. Nunuev
Makhkety village
Vedeno district
Chechen Republic.

Caucasian sayings - proverbs.
Due to the proximity and similarity of the cultural and living conditions of the peoples of the Caucasus and especially North Caucasus, many folk sayings and proverbs are similar to each other, but there are very bright and distinctive ones that can be considered as a kind of personality traits precisely this people. Like all peoples of the world, sayings and proverbs of the peoples of the North Caucasus are folk art and accumulated this folk wisdom for centuries. Distinctive feature folk wisdom the fact that no one specifically composes it, in contrast to individual creativity. Folk sayings and proverbs are passed down orally from century to century, only at the dawn of the 20th century, when printing reached such a level that it was possible to open their own printing houses in every house, began to appear different collections sayings and proverbs. IN folk saying expresses the features, the character of the people.
Sayings and proverbs are the centuries-old experience of the people, this is not a reaction to certain situations that have been repeated many times, which the representatives of this people have to face daily. This is time-tested wisdom, in folk saying, and this universal recommendations on life situations. These are recommendations for the future based on the past, unmistakable recommendations that prove their wisdom daily in practice. IN modern era rarely anyone can hear any saying or proverb in their speech, the reason is that we don’t know them or have begun to forget, and in the recent past it was a “life guide”, people used these recommendations, as we now use the instructions for the microwave, t .e. daily. loss for modern man such a source of information and not just information, but a bunch of wisdom, is fraught with the consequences that we actually observe today.

The fact that we forget them is not accidental, like everything that happens in this world. This is a consequence of our indifference to our history, and this indifference is cultivated today by all available means, at the head of this are the technical executors of this program - these are the means mass media. These funds, when they were created, were supposed to be a means of helping and making life easier for a person, we people were presented like that. What is the BENEFITS of civilization, the same radio, television and now the Internet. Of course, these are just technical tools for the realization of someone's interests, in itself a TV or a computer, these are pieces of iron and plastic, they cannot do anything good or bad. It all depends on who has this tool in their hands. A knife in the hands of a surgeon saves lives, but in the hands of a criminal?! The problem is aggravated by the fact that often the "criminal" in whose hands these tools are themselves "criticizes" actions, behavior that is immoral and harmful to society, and they do it very professionally, so that a simple listener can no longer distinguish "who is who here", moreover, it would never occur to him that he was being fooled, the masters of the media work so skillfully.
Below are some examples of sayings and proverbs of the peoples of the Caucasus:
The pocket is poor, but the heart is rich. Ossetian proverb
Rich - do not boast, poor - do not despair. Lak proverb
It only hurts whoever it hits. Lak proverb
If the ox is not thin, the family will not be fat. Chechen-Ingush proverb
The stormy stream does not reach the sea. Dargin proverb
If the world were pilaf, and I would be a spoon! Dargin proverb
There would be a head, but there would be a hat. Lak proverb
On a moonless night, the stars shine brighter. Lezgin proverb
Do not throw a stick at a barren tree. Chechen-Ingush proverb
In life, a person needs three things: patience, a sweet tongue, and the ability to keep a secret. Chechen-Ingush proverb
Every head has its own secret. Chechen-Ingush proverb
In its mink, the mouse is brave. Adyghe proverb
The camel carries, and the mouse spends. Lak proverb
The blame is always on the deceased. Chechen-Ingush proverb
A thief is stronger than a khan. Lak proverb
Brother does not want death to brother and exaltation either. Lak proverb
Where there is a cradle, there is no way around the coffin. Dargin proverb
The hero is timid in words. Lezgin proverb
I see with my eyes, but my soul aches. Chechen-Ingush proverb
A stupid motley loves. Adyghe proverb
A person's head hurts in three cases: when you sleep a lot; when you don't sleep at all; Yes, even when you drink a lot. Chechen-Ingush proverb
Even a camel has fun once a year. Adyghe proverb
Movement is the happiness of a young man, peace is the happiness of a girl. Chechen-Ingush proverb
Do good to your enemy; let him see and be embarrassed. Chechen-Ingush proverb
Money will melt the stone. Lezgin proverb
For a fool, every day is a holiday. Lezgin proverb
For you, the chicken clucks, for me, it rushes. Ossetian proverb
You have to think with your head while it is whole. Dargin proverb
If there is no honor for you at home, there will be no honor outside the walls of the house. Chechen-Ingush proverb
If you offend - and the ant bites. Dargin proverb
If the heart does not see, then the eyes do not see. Adyghe proverb
If you praise three times, and donkey droppings will jump. Lak proverb
If you want to lie - go to the dead. Adyghe proverb
The stomach does not like one thing - a knife. Lak proverb

About the military (5)
About poets and writers (5)
For relatives (10)
For health (10)
For good luck (13)
For wealth (9)
About work (8)
For rest (9)
For hunting and fishing (20)
Men's toasts (5)
Toast in the bath (5)
About painters (4)
About architects (5)
About sculptors (2)
About women and sex (5)
Toast in a restaurant (6)
Birthdays (10)
Engagements (7)
Diploma defense (10)
Proms & Balls (12)
Wedding toasts (7)
For housewarming (5)
About merchants (8)
About economists (7)
About teachers (5)
About musicians (2)
Theater (1)
Cinema (3)
Various, versatile

Eastern wisdom says:

So let's drink to the patience of our parents who raised such smart and inquisitive children, that is, us! With our desire for education and knowledge, we will ensure immortality for ourselves and please our parents!

A real man will never allow himself to speak ill of a woman, because she is the meaning and purpose of his whole life. And also, a real man knows that it is impossible to change a woman. A wise woman can make the man she loves the way she likes him even more. A real woman will make her beloved man the way he will like himself.
So let's drink to our mothers and fathers - real women and men!

Let's raise these brimming glasses to our lucky parents! After all, only Providence is able to make sure that two people meet, fall in love with each other and raise such beautiful children who never forget the honor of their ancient and illustrious family!
May your house be a full bowl, and may a smile illuminate your faces just as the sun illuminates ours. beautiful land! May eternal spring bloom in your souls! May sorrows and sorrows never overshadow your life path!

A wise aksakal lived in one village. How long he lived in the world, no one knew, but only the inhabitants of the whole district revered him very much and always asked for advice or in order to resolve a dispute between fellow villagers, because this old man was as wise and just as he was old. He lived alone - without a wife and children, and whether he had any, no one knew.
And somehow a man from neighboring village and began to complain about life:
- Neighbors offend in vain, fields and gardens do not give birth to a harvest year, and the wife does not please - she constantly swears and scolds. But my grief is this - my wife and I have no children. No matter how we asked God to have mercy on us, the wife does not give birth, and that's it! Help, old man, advise what to do - after all, you have lived longer than all of us and know more about life.
Here is what the sage answered him: “Do not be sad, your misfortune is fixable, because you really happy man and don't mind me! But you'll have to wait before you and your wife get everything you've dreamed of for so long. Pick twelve bunches of grapes from my garden and take them home with you, but do not eat them yourself and do not give them to your wife, no matter how much she asks - they are magical. Squeeze juice out of them and make wine. Drink it with your wife when it's in full force."
So did the peasant. When the wine was ripe, he called his wife and handed her a full glass of wine from the "magic" grapes, not forgetting to pour himself. They drank it all to the bottom, looked at each other and laughed. And after a while, the wife turns to her husband: “You know,” the wife says, “our prayers reached the ears of the Almighty and he sent us great joy. I went to the sorceress, and she said that we were waiting for an addition to the family.
The peasant was incredibly happy about this news and went to the neighboring village to thank the elder for the "magic" grapes, but, going into the shack, he saw that the old man was dying, and his neighbors were sitting at his head, whom he helped more than once with his good advice. Seeing the peasant entering, the sage said: “There are many sorrows in life, but life alone and without love deprives you of your last joys. Do not live alone until a ripe old age, love your wife - then you will know all the joys of life and you will be truly happy. Your children will add to your joy - it has always been so and will be forever. The old man said this, and in an instant his heart stopped beating.
So let's drink wine and enjoy life, as our parents did when we were born! May happiness and eternal love for each other be added to their hearts with every drop of this magical drink, as a result of which we were once born!

Somehow, the merry Vartan went down to the fast river to draw water and met a moon-faced beauty on his way. Her face was so beautiful, and her movements were so graceful, that poor Vartan was simply dumbfounded and at that very moment fell in love without memory.
He had never met this girl in his area before, and therefore decided that if he did not follow her and find out where she lived, then his life would end before it began. And the beauty only waved her long eyelashes and, without turning around, like a doe running away from a predator, hurried away along the path.
He threw an empty vessel without filling it with water, and quietly and imperceptibly, like a leopard, began to pursue her. Hiding now among the thick bushes, now behind the thick trunks of centuries-old trees, the guy admired the graceful figure of the girl, as if carved by a master jeweler, and her divine face, which flickered among the foliage. So Vartan found out that this girl was the daughter of the formidable and powerful blacksmith Karen, who hid her from people's eyes for many years.
Word spread around the area about unearthly beauty blacksmith's daughter, whose name was Lali. The blacksmith, furious, completely stopped letting her out of the house and drove away annoying guests who came without an invitation to admire the beauty of the girl and to woo: what if she was lucky and the stony heart of the strict father softened and he would make happy the newly-born groom with his consent to give Lali for him. But it was not there! Blacksmith Karen dared all the suitors - both young and old, and poor, and rich - well, he did not want to give his daughter as a wife to anyone!
Poor Vartan was completely upset and lost hope of ever seeing his beloved. And his love was so great that he could neither eat juicy and ripe fruits, with which the lands of the Caucasus are rich, nor drink fragrant and sweet wine, which is made from grapes growing on the slopes of the mountains. He spent days and nights at her house in the hope of once again seeing her perfect beauty or hearing charming voice. In order not to fall under the heavy hand of the blacksmith, Vartan began to hide in a tree that grew near his house and just opposite the window of his beloved. So he spent many days and nights on this tree, so many that he himself lost count.
One night, when all the lights in the blacksmith's house went out, Vartan ventured down from the tree to quench his thirst - he hadn't had a drink all day! Having descended to the ground, he began to stealthily make his way through the yard, when suddenly someone seized his shoulder with a death grip. Turning around, Vartan froze: behind him, keeping silent, stood the giant blacksmith!
Vartan decided to act! Overcoming his fear, he spoke to the blacksmith, who continued to be silent, watching Vartan from under his brows. The boy plucked up courage and blurted out: “Blacksmith, I fell in love with your beautiful daughter and until the end of my life I will love her, I want her to become my wife. If you give it to someone else, I will die of longing and sadness, but you will get to heaven before me!
The blacksmith laughed so loudly that poor Vartan shuddered. Laughing heartily, the blacksmith said: “And you, young horseman, I see, you are not a timid ten. Well, if you say that you can’t live without my Lali, then hang on the tree for as many more days and nights as there are left before the full moon!” The blacksmith said this and slowly went to his house. Vartan stood for a long time in amazement in the middle of the yard: did the blacksmith really spare him and even promised to give Lali for him? “Well, if so,” Vartan thought, “I’ll go down to the river to drink water and at least until the end of time I will hang on this cursed tree for the sake of my beautiful Lali!”
So he did, once meeting with a joyful exclamation the full moon that had risen, as beautiful as his future wife. The blacksmith kept his word, and very soon, to the envy of everyone, this patient and persistent boy began to live with his beautiful wife in his house.
So let's drink to our brave and courageous fathers who won back their beloved brides from their formidable but fair parents! After all, the patience of a man in love can become last key, unlocking even the most rusty bolts on any doors!

Somehow the highlanders gathered in the house of their friend, a successful hunter and joker Vano, who was famous for his fearlessness and courage. All the walls in his house were hung with trophies: the skins of bears and the horns of mountain goats. In addition to his hunting talent, Vano was famous for his ability to tell ancient legends and interesting stories who happened to him.
The guests sat for a long time festive table, many times they raised their glasses, filled to the brim with excellent wine, said a lot kind words in honor of the hospitable hosts, sang their favorite old songs, funny and sad, and it was the turn of the respected hunter to tell old tradition, one of the exciting stories from his hunting life.
The assembled guests asked the merry fellow Vano to tell the most terrible event from his life. Vano thought for a while, furrowed his brows, and began his story:
- Once I hunted a lynx that got into the habit of dragging my chickens, but I couldn’t shoot it at the yard: it was very old and cunning, and therefore immediately felt my approach and ran into the forest. Once I tried to watch for her, but she sensed something was wrong and, unnoticed by me, took her far away, into the very wilderness, where she disappeared altogether. I found myself in an unknown and frightening place where I had never been before.
- Here Vano thought a little, smiled and continued:
- Suddenly, a crunch was heard behind, I turned around and was stunned: in front of me was a bear, so huge that I was confused and froze in place, as if rooted to the spot. Without thinking twice, he grabbed me and squeezed me with his paws so that I dropped the gun. What do you think he did next? Picked up my gun and put the muzzle to my chest!
The guests gasped and exclaimed with one voice:
- Well, what happened next?
- And then there was this. The bear spoke human voice and said that if I didn't marry his daughter, he would shoot me! Turns out it was the disguised father of the woman I'm still married to. Well, I had no choice and there was nothing left for me to do, but I am not offended by the resourceful father of my beloved wife!
- So Vano said and made the following toast, to which we join:
- So let's raise our full glasses and drink to those fathers who are ready to do anything for the happiness of their beloved daughters!

The old aksakal turned one hundred years old, and all his numerous relatives came to this celebration to his house.
An old man sits at the head of a huge laid table, surrounded by his grandchildren and great-grandchildren. One of his descendants, who came from the city to a high-mountain village, where centuries-old traditions are still honored and all beliefs are remembered, decided to gain wisdom and asked the elder:
- Grandfather, you have lived for so many years and you probably know why we live in this world and what life is?
- Wai, granddaughter! No one will ever answer this question for you. And I will tell you this: for every person, whether a man or a woman, only three adventures can happen - this is birth, life and death. But we are not aware of our birth, we are afraid of death, but we forget about life! You are young, you still have to live and live, so do not forget that you live, and not just exist, then your life will not turn into a trifle compared to birth and death.
So let's drink to the generosity and kindness of our parents, thanks to whom we were born, and we will enjoy life as long as they did - for a whole century!

The ancient old man, who had lived all his life in a high-mountainous village, felt the close breath of death and began to gather for the next world. He lies in his sakla on the bed, and relatives have gathered at his head to say goodbye to their wise long-lived ancestor.
Asked the sage before giving up his spirit, last time drink wine from grapes grown and harvested with your own hands. They brought him a fragrant and intoxicating drink, and one of the elder's grandsons decided to learn from his grandfather how to become just as wise. The old man did not immediately answer, but first he drank all the wine to the last drop. And the old man answered this question as follows:
– You know, granddaughters, I learned a lot from my mentors and teachers, even more from friends, but most of all I learned from my students, children and grandchildren! But remember that the ink of a scholar is as valuable as the blood of a martyr! Now I can leave this light quietly - I told you that you should, but you must learn the art of living yourself.
Let us raise a glass to our dearest and most experienced parents, and provide them with a new inexhaustible source knowledge through a large number of grandchildren and granddaughters, which will arrive every year!

One a wise man remarked: “A woman in love loves the most, a wife loves best, but a mother loves us longest.”
So let's drink to the longest and boundless love of our mothers, who always waited for us and forgave us! After all, a person cannot be educated and subjugated only with the help of severity, and maternal kindness does wonders, subordinating both the rebellious will and the zealous heart.

Let's drink to the health and longevity of women - our respected and beloved mothers! They are like an umbrella that protects us from the downpour during a thunderstorm or from the mercilessly scorching summer sun, they protect home and all household members from everyday hardships and failures!
May your beautiful and radiant eyes always sparkle with joy and happiness, and there will be no storm clouds. Let nothing overshadow family happiness! Let not a second, not a minute of your life remain unsanctified by the love and tenderness of your spouse and your children!

To smelt an ingot of gold, you need a living and zealous flame. To complement feminine beauty, you need to make jewelry from this ingot. In order for a man to be a real man, worthy of the honor of his kind, he also needs jewelry, but not from gold. This decoration should be worthy woman, the mother of his children!
So let's drink to the most worthy of real men - to our fathers, who successfully withstood everything life's troubles who made our mothers happy! They can be proud of their choice!

A lot of things are subject to women not only because of the captivating male heart, beautiful and noble facial features, slim figure and chiseled figure, but also thanks to the natural instinct that never fails them. Moreover, fleeting female look able to see what not even a hundred male eyes can see.
So let's drink to our mothers who are never wrong, and to their wonderful choice! Let their charming and all-seeing eyes always remain alluring and shining, like two moons in the night sky, surrounded by thick and long eyelashes, like light clouds!

It is known that the love of a young woman can be compared with young wine: it is just as unseasoned and heady, and the love of a mature woman can be compared with aged, old wine, because it has an exquisite aroma and discriminating taste which only a true gourmet can enjoy!
So let's drink to our beautiful mother, who is as precious as a bottle of vintage wine! May the magical vessel of her soul always be filled to the brim with a life-giving intoxicating drink that has been aged for so many years under the vigilant supervision of a skilled winemaker - the man of her life and our father!

Caucasian wisdom says: if a kind person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he must sow corn there, if for a year - build a house, and if all his life - then raise a child.
Let's raise our glasses to the bottom for the fact that our dear parents sowed more than one cornfield, built great house and raised us with you!

Our life is like overcoming a mountain range: having climbed one mountain peak, which seemed to be the last, new, even higher peaks appear before our eyes. This is how we spend our lives in constant ascent. Therefore, when conquering the next peak, think about the fact that it is easier to overcome any obstacle not alone, but hand in hand with your spouse.
So let our parents never rest on their laurels and continue their journey with love in their hearts, as it is highest value, which should always be with a person in a life campaign!

Two friends are talking. One says:
- When my Vano mistreats me, I scare me by going to live with my mother in another village.
- And I, on the contrary, say that I will take my mother to me, and Gogi becomes so affectionate!
So let's raise our glasses to my dear mother, whom we are always and everywhere happy to see, and especially today at this table!

I had a good friend - Dato. Cheerful, handsome, but completely bald.
And then one day, at a banquet where there were many women, he said:
“Women have long hair, but their minds are short.
The hostess, who was present at the table, an elderly Georgian woman with beautiful hair, asked him:
- But you, Dato, have neither long nor short hair on the head - how to recognize your mind?
For the wise and always beautiful women! For our sweet mother and wish her more long years to remain as beautiful, but the fact that she wise woman and a skilled hostess, we already know!

One foolish and proud ram so badly wanted to be the best in his flock that he climbed the highest peak of the high mountain. Has begun strong wind, all the rams rallied into a herd and resisted, but that ram, alas, was alone and could not resist the force of the wind. With his next impulse, he flew into the gorge and crashed. So let's drink to the fact that in our company there were no such sheep, we were a single team.

Caucasian wisdom says: “Do you want to find strong love- look for a woman in love. If you want to find devoted love - look for faithful wife. Do you want to gain eternal love"Never forget the way to your mother's house."
Let's drink to the boundless and eternal love of our mothers!

As the elders say, in life a person should avoid two types of people: those who do not need him, and those who do not need him.
So let's raise our glasses to all of us sitting at this festive table. May each of us always be needed by someone!

Caucasians have a legend: when a baby appears in a family, 100 devils appear in addition to it. When he turns one year old, one angel is born, and there is one less devil. And so every next year: the number of angels increases, and the number of devils decreases. Let's raise our glasses so that we all live to the moment when there are no devils left!

Once two young horsemen argued which women are more beautiful. One claimed to be brunettes. Another thought they were blondes. They decided to ask the elder. The elder shook his head and said: “A real horseman, when asked if he likes brunettes or blondes more, is obliged to answer: YES!”
For the right decisions of real men!

High in the mountains, where the sky hugs the peaks of the mountains, lived a great sage. His wisdom was so great and famous that the most important leaders of the surrounding tribes came to consult with him and they were never disappointed in his advice. But one day, a big misfortune came to one of the surrounding villages, domestic animals began to die. And no one could understand the cause of this misfortune. And then the elders decided to turn to the sage for help. The sage listened to them and said: “This is for you, dear ones, you need to go to the veterinarian!” So let's drink to the fact that everyone would do their own thing and if you have a problem, contact a specialist! For experts in their field!

One day a young man came to the sage. He asked the sage what happiness is. The wise man thought for a moment and said:
- Happiness is a loose concept, for a mother happiness is a baby, for a merchant it is a new horse. Everyone chooses for himself what happiness means to him. So think about what you crave and what you love. So let's drink to the fact that each of us comprehends his own happiness.

The daughter had two apples, the mother asked me to give her one. And the daughter took it and bit both of them ... The mother already thought that her daughter did not love her at all. But the daughter held out one apple to her mother and said: “Here, mother, this is the most delicious.” Let's drink to let us know that even if it seems to us that something bad has happened, it can be good for us. Do not rush to conclusions!

High in the mountains, among the beautiful mountain scenery, where the clouds cling with their strands to the tops of the snow-white plains, on a luxurious lawn full of emerald grass, there once lived a mountain goat. And this goat behaved like a real goat, all the time yelling in a voice that was not his own and strove to hook someone on his horns or hook him with his shaggy side. He was so vicious that the day came when there was no one around at all. And then the goat became sick with sadness and died. And for a long time his lonely bones turned white among the beautiful valley. So let's drink to the fact that no matter what nature surrounds us, we would never be goats! Because goats die alone!

For good health,
To not let you down
To live like in the Caucasus,
To have everything, and to immediately!

To have long summers
So that you are always lucky
So that troubles pass by
So that everyone around you loves!

For this I propose to drink,
I wish you success
So that all plans come true
And be away from grief!

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