Folk dance for children. Russian folk dances for children


In the womb, the fetus develops surrounded by amniotic fluid, so after birth it does not lose the ability to float and breathe properly in it. If a child is engaged in swimming from infancy, then the reflexes will not fade away, and the baby acquires extraordinary skills, good health and harmonious development. How to workout in aquatic environment affect the body of the baby:

  1. The cardiovascular system. Swimming movements activate blood circulation. They help strengthen the heart muscle, have a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, and activate the processes of hematopoiesis.
  2. Respiratory system. During swimming movements, the drainage function of the lungs is enhanced, thereby ensuring the prevention of infectious diseases and the healing effect. The baby takes deep breaths, the nasopharynx is washed and cleaned.
  3. Urinary system. Active muscle movements contribute to the intensive work of the kidneys, they develop properly. As a result, harmful substances are excreted faster.
  4. Musculoskeletal apparatus. Exercise stress on the bones, all muscle groups, joints and ligaments due to the water evenly distributed. This contributes to the harmonious development of the body. Overcoming the resistance of water, the motor apparatus is strengthened. Children swimming in infancy crawl faster, begin to walk, they form the correct posture, the spine remains straight.
  5. Central nervous system. Thanks to the courses of infant swimming, blood circulation in the cerebral vessels is activated, and enhanced nutrition of the organ is provided. Classes strengthen nervous system. are changing emotional reactions marked improvement in mood.
  6. Immunity. Getting used to temperature changes helps the baby harden.

Indications for baby swimming

Classes will be useful for almost all children. However, there are a number of conditions in which infant swimming is not only not prohibited by doctors, but also recommended for health reasons for medicinal purposes:

  • muscle hypertonicity;
  • cerebral palsy;
  • muscle weakness;
  • torticollis;
  • low birth weight;
  • congenital musculoskeletal defects;
  • joint diseases.

Principles and rules of procedure

Every parent should understand that any activity with a baby should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. What you need to consider in order to practice baby swimming with maximum comfort:

  1. Select right time for training. The baby should be alert, well-rested. Do not exercise when he is hungry or has just eaten. The optimal time is an hour after feeding.
  2. For myself put a rubber mat on the bathroom floor to avoid slipping.
  3. In advance prepare a clean diaper, which wipe the crumbs.
  4. If you see that the baby for some reason does not want to engage, is naughty or just not in the mood, in no case don't force. It's better to skip the workout.

At what age to start classes

Reflexes are lost approximately 2.5-3 months after birth. If you do not have time to start swimming with a baby before this time, then it will be very difficult for the child to learn. It is advisable to conduct the first workouts when the baby is three to four weeks old. For regular classes, both a special pool and a large home bath are suitable. Parents should train with the baby, even if the sessions are group. It is strongly recommended that a professional baby bath instructor be present for the first session.

Bath preparation

If you will practice at home, then the tank for baby bathing the baby must be carefully prepared. Home bath should be washed with laundry soap before each workout, and once a week clean with soda. Be sure to rinse the container with plenty of water. Do not use herbal decoctions and potassium permanganate solution, aggressive chemical detergents. All this can partially remain on the surface and enter the baby's body.

Water temperature

This parameter must be carefully controlled. In the first lessons, the water temperature should be 35-36 degrees. It should be reduced gradually. The acceptable minimum is 32 degrees. At the same time, you need to make sure that the child is comfortable. Children are hardened, immunity is strengthened. The child must be completely immersed in water. Recommendations:

  • if the child whimpers when immersed in water, but after a minute or two falls silent, then the temperature is chosen ideally;
  • if the baby does not stop crying, then the filling of the bath is too cold;
  • if the baby in the water is too passive and relaxed, this indicates that the water is excessively warm.

How to teach a baby to swim

You can choose one of two ways: train at home on your own or attend classes in a public pool children's center. The first option is convenient in that it is free and always available. The advantages of the second method are that the training will be conducted by a professional instructor. Check out some of the features of both options.

Swimming lessons for babies

The duration of the workout is usually 30 to 45 minutes. Lessons can be individual or group. You can visit both, and then decide how comfortable it is for you and your baby to train. At the first session, be sure to bring a medical certificate stating that the child has no contraindications. Usually, A baby bathing lesson consists of the following steps:

  1. Dry workout.
  2. Introduction to water.
  3. Warm-up with gymnastics and various exercises at the side of the pool.
  4. Baby swimming with noodles, rings, boards and other equipment.
  5. Games in the water with elements of scuba diving using special techniques.

Swimming lessons for newborns at home

When your tub or toddler pool is full, start introducing the baby to the water. First, let the baby touch the surface with their palms. Then dip your feet and soak in the water for a few minutes. Gradually immerse the legs, and then the whole body in an upright position. Do not stop talking to the child in an affectionate voice, smile at him, gently pour water over him.

Parents should master two types of infant support: under the chin and the back of the head. The first is used when the baby is lying on the tummy, and the second when he is in the back position. You can use one of them, but it is better to learn both techniques confidently and alternate them: this will be much more beneficial for the child. Additionally, it does not hurt to master infant swimming with a special support circle - with it the baby will be more relaxed.

A set of exercises for babies

Swimming a baby is not just dipping a baby in water of a certain temperature. The purpose of the lesson is to complete a set of exercises. They are completely simple and completely safe for the child. In the process, you yourself will understand which of them the baby likes more, which ones less. Mom or dad, who are engaged with the baby, should be as collected and calm as possible during classes so that the child does not become anxious. Remember how to do the exercises.


Hold the baby under the chin on the stomach with one hand. Another pat on the water to show the baby how it splashes and trembles. Do different movements palm, drive along the surface. Show your baby how water drips from your hand, flows down. Gradually, the child himself will splash in the water and get great pleasure from it. Do this exercise until the baby is completely comfortable in the water.

Pushes and turns

Bring the child closer to the walls of the bath so that he, feeling the support with his legs, pushes away from it and swims. You should support him while turning, but try to participate in the process as little as possible. The child should feel that there is a connection between the force with which he pushes off and how much distance he will be able to swim as a result. As a rule, all children like this exercise.

Swimming in a straight line

Keep your baby on your tummy. In front of him, place some bright, interesting toy. Let the baby try to catch up with her. Move the toy a little further away from the little swimmer each time. Vary your speed and technique. Gradually reduce the intensity of support so that the child understands that he can swim on his own, stay on the water.


The next new exercise is allowed to be performed only when the child has already mastered swimming in a straight line. Hold the child alternately on the stomach, then on the back, drawing figure-eights, zigzags, and other wave-like figures on the water. Change the speed until you find the optimal one. Some children like to move as fast as possible, while others like very smooth movements.

Exercise Swing

Place the baby on your stomach. Hold the head so that it is completely above the surface of the water. Gently guide the baby so that it moves up and down and back and forth, plunging into the water and rising. This exercise is the first step to diving. Do it for a long time, do not try to immediately go to the most difficult element, otherwise the baby may simply get scared.

Diving babies in the bathroom

This element is the most difficult, you should move on to it only when all the basic techniques have been mastered. When starting it, you should clearly understand that the child has swimming skills and a breath-holding reflex, so you have nothing to be afraid of. How to do the exercise:

  1. Start with a workout. Clearly say the word "dive" to the baby and blow in the face. He will hold his breath and close his eyes. Perform the element for 10 days.
  2. Make the exercise harder. After the “dive” command, not only blow, but also splash the baby with water in the face.
  3. Move on to the full item. First you need to learn how to dive for a second or two, gradually increasing the duration.

Where to swim with babies in Moscow

If you live in the capital, are going to work with your baby and do not want to do this at home, it's not scary. There are many places in Moscow where you can learn the technique of baby swimming. Short description some of them:

  • Swimming pool for babies Kapitoshka in the club Golitsyn. Classes for babies from three months, duration 45 minutes, children's massage, exercises, games, the depth of the pool is 1.5 meters, the walls are cleaned twice a day with a special vacuum cleaner, the price of a single visit to the pool is 1000 rubles, a subscription for 8 workouts is 6500 rubles.
  • School of infant swimming in Moscow in the Aquatory of childhood. Individual and joint classes for 45 minutes, pre-registration, flexible system of discounts, one-time session - 900 rubles, when buying a subscription for a month - 850 rubles. for a lesson, for three - 800 rubles each, large children, children with disabilities - 750 rubles.
  • family club Kimberly Land. Individual lessons with a certified trainer, muscle strengthening exercises different groups, session - half an hour, visit from 2 months, a subscription for 10 classes costs from 17500 to 21700 rubles. depending on the qualifications of the instructor.
  • Baby Swimming Center Second birth. 45-minute exercise classes, for babies from 1.5 months, layered system water purification, temperature 32-34 degrees, 3 branches in Moscow with different prices, Volgogradsky prospect - 1200 rubles, Veshnyaki - 700 rubles, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya - 600 rubles.
  • Swimming pool for babies in the center Bright Family. Early infant swimming, classes are held according to the Birthlight method for babies from one and a half months, training in a specialized pool with a water temperature of 32 degrees, experienced instructors are trained to work with not quite healthy children, the cost of one lesson is 1200 rubles, there are subscriptions for 4, 6 , 8 visits.
  • Swimming lessons for babies at the center early development Dolphin. Several branches, classes for children from a month old, a parent training course for independent training at home is possible, there is a home visit, the cost per session is from 1500 rubles.
  • Pool mother and child. Classes from 1.5 months old, a large swimming pool for babies, water is purified without the use of chlorine, adults are trained for independent training with children at home, group sessions, prices from 1200 rubles.

Baby swimming - pros and cons

Opinions of pediatricians, as well as parents, vary greatly on this issue. For example, Dr. Komarovsky claims that swimming lessons contribute to the accelerated and correct mental and physical development of an infant. They only benefit the body, strengthen muscles. Although under the influence of infant swimming, many infants grow up too hyperactive. However, it cannot be overlooked that exercising in water increases the risk of developing respiratory diseases.

Most parents whose children attend baby swimming classes are satisfied with the results. They claim that their babies sleep better, eat better, get used to the daily routine well. It is also encouraging to see how positively children behave during training. They experience positive emotions. The degree of trust and mutual understanding with their parents is higher than that of those kids who have not been swimming since infancy.


Some kids are banned water procedures in general or for a specific period. The absence of contraindications can only be determined by a doctor. Breast swimming is contraindicated in:

  • acute inflammatory processes with fever;
  • infectious diseases, including viral hepatitis, syphilis, tuberculosis;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system, which require fixation of the limbs;
  • purulent processes;
  • renal and hepatic insufficiency in the stage of progression;
  • skin diseases with secretions;
  • heart failure;
  • wounds;
  • mental illness with seizures.

Infant swimming lessons are held with parents. An experienced instructor is in the water.

We use a special technique. For different ages developed their programs.

Our classes are not just bathing a child in a pool, but a set of various exercises aimed at physical, emotional and intellectual development baby. These are educational activities on the water, which take place in a relaxed playful way and bring joy to children and their parents.

If your child is already 3 years old, you can enroll him in senior group where children are trained under the guidance of a sports swimming coach. On these interesting game lessons children study basic elements swimming techniques, learn to swim independently and receive necessary training for learning to swim.

Groups are formed in accordance with the age and degree of preparation of the kids.

Individual training in the pool or at home is possible.

Classes are held in three pools in Moscow -

- The village of Nagornoye, on the territory of the park-estate. (SAO, SVAO, 1 km from MKAD, m. Altufyevo, m. Bibirevo, m. Medvedkovo)

- New Moscow Residential Complex Nikolin Park (m. Teply Stan) st. Nikolo-Khovanskaya, 26a

- Maryino area (SEAD m. Maryino, m. Bratislavskaya) st. Lublinskaya d.100

Watercolors in the Northern District (SVAO) pos. Nagornoe

Specialized children's pool with warm water(32-33gr), without hyperchlorination.

The pool has a circulating water treatment system (recirculating water exchange) with continuous cleaning and disinfection of water

Children's pool dimensions 5 x 12 m. Depth 120 - 150 cm.

In the pool area there is a Finnish sauna equipped with a Harvia heater and chromotherapy.

Filling is done with water from the water supply network. Water quality meets the requirements of SanPin " Drinking water. Hygienic requirements for water quality centralized systems drinking water supply. Quality control". We control three groups of parameters:
1. Physical (transparency, color, smell, temperature)
2. Chemical (pH, content of chlorides, sulfates, aluminum, ammonia, residual chlorine, iron)
3. Bacteriological (total count of bacteria, content of pathogenic bacteria)

The locker rooms are equipped with changing tables and playpens.

The pool is great for activities with small children from 2 months

By the pool there is a comfortable game Zone, places for rest and a tea room where you can eat and feed your baby.

The cost of classes in the subscription is 700-800 rubles, one-time 900 rubles, individual from 1800 rubles.

Watercolors Teply Stan

Children's pool in New Moscow is located at: m. Teply Stan, st. Nikolo-Khovanskaya, 26a

Swimming pool with warm water. Dimensions: 3 x 7 m. Depth 70-90 cm.

The water temperature is 32-33 degrees. The air temperature is 33-34 degrees.

Water purification system: recirculating water exchange with continuous water purification.

This pool hosts group and individual sessions for babies from 2 months to 3 years old with parents,

swimming lessons for children from 3 years old without parents.

Classes are held in small groups (no more than 5 pairs of baby + parent).

The dressing room is equipped with changing tables and an arena.

The cost of classes in the subscription is 600-800 rubles, individual 1800 rubles.

Visits by appointment

We are waiting for your kids in our classes!

I often hear about how useful it is to visit the pool. But in our entire city there are only 3 pools that children from 6 years old can go to. But what about the kids? And what about mothers who want to engage in baby swimming and harden the kids? An alternative has appeared - fitness clubs with swimming pools. I was puzzled by the choice of an instructor and a suitable pool for junior Stepan and attended one class. Kids from 1.5 to 2 years old swam with their mothers. The activity is intense and interesting for the kids. I decided to describe the course of the lesson and some water games. By the way, some are suitable for the bath.
At the age of one and a half to two years, children get used to water (unless, of course, you have visited the pool since birth and did not swim with babies), overcome hydrophobia, harden. Being in the pool for the first three to five minutes, it is necessary for the child to adapt to the temperature difference, warm up. You can play for this. The game is wonderful, in which the baby claps his hands on the surface of the water, as if greeting the water. An adult at this time can wet the back and tummy.
Then, you can walk in small and larger steps, saying “Little legs go more expensive, big feet run along the road" and jump like bunnies.

Classes in the game pool

Let's move on to the main part of the lesson. I suggest using the following water games:
- "Motor". The child, sitting on the side, actively flounders his legs. Or alternative active work legs, lying on the stomach (with the support of parents). The exercise is basic for mastering the technique of leg movement.
- "Harvesting". Children collect toys from the bottom of the pool. The depth when squatting should reach the chin. Effectively helps to overcome the fear of water. The exercise is easy to upgrade, as preparedness grows, lowering your face into the water.
- "Rain". Gently sprinkle water on the child's face. You can also get hit back. Exercise allows you to overcome the fear of getting water in your face.
- "Boat". We support the child by the body and swing like a pendulum. Legs should be straight, not touching the bottom. These are the first sensations that you can lie on the water. The boat can be performed lying on your back or stomach, as well as adding a “motor”.
- "Vesla". We walk in waist-deep water, and with our hands we perform movements similar to movements with oars in water, as if pushing the water back with our palms. We study the possibility of water "repel".
- "Watch". An excellent exercise that will definitely help if the baby bursts into tears. We lower the child into the water to the waist, or to the shoulders, hold it under the arms and begin to swing. The kid will definitely have fun.
At the end of the lesson, children need to relax, restore breathing. You can simply blow on the water, or collect toys from the bottom of the pool again. You can, supporting the child under the waist and head, shake a little on the water. Each time the baby will relax more and more.
Do not forget that at the age of one and a half to two years, children imitate their parents with pleasure and it is extremely difficult to perceive by ear. So your personal example, your demonstration should prevail in the classes.

Kid 1-3 years old and swimming: learning to dive

According to many modern pediatricians, it is necessary to start teaching a child to swim as early as possible, preferably from 3-4 weeks of age. But what if, for one reason or another, the baby has to be taught to swim in more late age when he already has some thoughts of his own, and possibly fears?
Without a doubt, a child can make friends with "big water" at any age, even between 1 and 3 years old. One of the most important points here becomes the ability to dive. It is necessary to teach this tricky craft for the baby gradually, breaking the whole process into stages.

I stage "Inhale-exhale". You can start exercising at home near the most ordinary basin of water. The basic rule here is to inhale for one count, exhale for three counts. It is better to explain this to the baby in a playful way, for example, “drive” a toy sailing boat from one end of the basin to the other, blowing into its sails.

Stage II "Breath-holding". Showing the little one how to hold his breath is not all that needs to be done at this stage. You also need to practice diving. Not in literally words - to begin with, take a handful of water and, commanding “Dive! Hold your breath!”, throw some water in the child’s face. The exercise can be repeated 6-7 times in a row for several days.

Stage III"Immersion". After a week of training, you can put on the bottom of the basin new toy(it is better if it is something rubber, and not a dinosaur robot, for example) and ask the baby to dive after her, taking air into her lungs and holding her breath. As a signal for action, the mother should call out a familiar command, hold her breath, and plunge her face into open eyes in a basin, setting an example for the child.

Stage IV "Exhale under water." It is very important to learn how to exhale air underwater. As in the first stage, we take in air in one count, then we lower our head into the water and cheerfully blow bubbles, exhaling in three counts.

Stage V "Float". A few weeks after the start of classes, you need to start doing an exercise called "Float". Show the baby what position he should take in order to turn into a “float” - squat down, clasp his knees with his hands, pressing his head to his chest. So, the baby is squatting in a tub of water. According to the traditional command "Dive!" it should take in air, take the “float” position and sink to the bottom of the bath. On the count of three, the child should straighten up and, as you exhale, raise your head above the water.

Related articles: Children

At present, many parents of children preschool age think about how to instill in their children love and respect for folk culture. This can be done through Russian folk dances for children. Moreover, dancing is an indispensable attribute of kindergarten matinees. Since children's matinees are staged by the organizers in the form of mini-performances, without a costume suitable for the theme of the event, it is not necessary to think through dance moves and even the facial expressions of little dancers. This article will just talk about staging dances for kindergarten students.

Russian folk dance for children "Matryoshka"

To stage this wonderful children's dance you will need to make a cardboard mock-up of a nesting doll, as tall as a child. And also take care of the costumes and soundtrack. Girls should be in Russian folk sarafans and scarves, with painted cheeks, as in children's fairy tales. To the music of the song “Tumbler Dolls”, the girls, two at a time, “swim up” from behind a cardboard nesting doll, holding the corner of the scarf with their hands and swaying slightly from side to side like nesting dolls.

Russian-folk dances for preschool children are not required to develop ideally performed dance movements for children, but are designed to interest the kids and help them overcome constraint and liberate themselves. Therefore, dance movements should be simple and easy to perform:

  • heel-toe;
  • swaying with arms folded like a “boat”;
  • turning around.


Russian folk dances for children in kindergarten can turn an ordinary matinee into a whole theatrical performance. The well-known and beloved song "Quadrille" to the verses of E. Temnikova to the music of V. Temnov is great for this.

The first verse is the intro. The girls stand aside in a group, "plunk the seeds" and look at the boys, laughing contagiously. The boys, dressed in blouses and caps, sit on a bench with their arms folded across their chests.

The second verse - one of the boys resolutely gets up and, waving his hand "was-was not," goes to the girls. The rest of the guys laugh at the daredevil, pointing fingers at him. And the brave man, meanwhile, invites one of the girls to dance. The girl, after hesitating, gets up, accepting the invitation, and they, holding hands and raising them in the form of "collars", slowly walk in a circle. With her free hand, the girl holds her dress by the edge, and the boy put his bent arm behind his back.

The rest of the boys, looking at them, also get up, pull down their blouses, straighten their caps, and one after another invite the girls to dance. After all the girls accept the invitations, the square dance begins directly. First, the couples, clasping their elbows, spin to the beat of the music, and then the boys get down on one knee, and the girls, holding their hands, spin around them.

Other children's folk dances

For dancing on children's holiday a trickle like the game of the same name is ideal. "Boat", when the couple approaches and diverges holding hands to the beat of the music. Or the favorite children's dance "clappers"

Kindergarten graduation dance

Saying goodbye to kindergarten means getting to know school soon. Therefore, the dance at the graduation party in the garden should be dedicated to the upcoming school life. As a phonogram of the dance, you can take famous songs about the school, for example, " School years wonderful” or “First time in first class”. As costumes, you can even dress children school uniform. For graduation dance you can remake the square dance, adding new elements and movements to it, which will significantly change the entire setting of the dance. You can even remake the words of the song or compose something of your own, for example, “once a couple of years ago, Alyosha, Masha, Katya, Anya, holding her mother’s hands, entered kindergarten, but already grown up, beautiful, handsome for new knowledge in classroom hurry…”

This is just a sample dance for a kindergarten graduation. Options - a lot. As well as dances in Russian folklore. You can dance with hip-hop elements, you can spin the kids in a Russian dance hall, you can stage a “Kalinka-Malinka” ... The main thing is that the children are delighted and take part in the dance with pleasure.

This art form is passed down from generation to generation as a great heritage. Russian dances carry the color and emotions of the people who created it. Even with the passage of time, it does not cease to be relevant and interesting people because it brings them closer to the culture home country. There are always those who want to both learn this skill and watch bright performances as spectators.

dance training

You can start exercising at any age. Parents thinking about intellectual and physical development send their children to classes with early years before entering school.

Folk dances for children carry the culture and traditions of the country

At first, the guys are given a very light load. These are exercises that improve them. physical form and preparing for full-fledged dance numbers. Then it increases, the children learn the elements of dance, help each other, rehearse and very soon become ready for public speaking at school or kindergarten events.

It is very pleasant to move to the beat of rhythmic music in bright costumes, performing perfect, beautiful movements. Individually, they may seem simple, but when they are woven into dance composition, then the picture looks rather intricate, dynamic and interesting.

Russian folk dances for children: from what age

If a child, when choosing a dance school, gravitates towards folk dances, you should agree with him. It's bright, fun, playful. Children are always eager and happy to attend such classes. They are equally suitable for both girls and boys. Each of them gets its own benefit: babies acquire grace, lightness, beautiful figure and correct posture. The guys, on the other hand, acquire strength and dexterity - this is necessary for them to perform jumps and other complex elements of folk dance.

Plus, it is useful for well-being and health promotion, namely:

  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and lungs.
  • Strengthens immunity.
  • Prevention excess weight.
  • Muscles and joints are trained, the child becomes active and resilient.
  • Emotional uplift, good mood, stress resistance.

Children get to know folklore and the culture of their native country, which forms their outlook, spiritual perception, increases their education. Developing creative potential child and logical thinking. He has the opportunity to show himself, his talent, while interacting with like-minded friends.

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