Where did the movement of the hands to the left come from. The most common finger gestures and their meaning


The dab movement is a newfangled dance gesture that is not associated (at least in the post-Soviet territory) with any traditions or rituals. Perhaps through this trick, the meaning of which at first was only guesswork:

  • “depict joy” rugby players after each successfully thrown ball;
  • artists, such as rappers, use the dab hand motion to diversify their performances;
  • people united by some common idea communicate their successes to the general public.

Dabbing is just a fashion statement

Fashion gesture, oh semantic load which rugby fans have been perplexed for so long, is quite simple in execution: with their heads bowed over an arm bent at the elbow, rugby players (and rugby players) freeze in this position for a few short moments.

A gesture that vaguely resembles dab movement, was seen in the New Zealand rugby players' "intimidating dance", invariably shown to the opposing team before the start of each match. This spectacle from the category of "not for the faint of heart" athletes from New Zealand, as it turned out, "borrowed" from their distant ancestors who called themselves the Maori people.

Some witty fans have already given the dab feint a fitting, in their opinion, name - "stupid bow", with most fans agreeing that if only one rugby player made a stupid gesture, no one would pay attention to him.

As it turned out later, the dab movement is nothing more than a newfangled hit the dab, borrowed by the youth of the United States from African dancers. It also became known that white-skinned "dancers" are extremely unnerving African Americans. As reported by the funds mass media, black Americans are not thrilled that a movement that is part of their national culture, "went to the masses."

The dissatisfaction of the African American population is aggravated by the fact that most of the "pale faces" do dab wrong.

"Parents" of debbing. Who are they?

When asked what the dab movement means, older disco-goers of the 1970s and 1980s respond that dab has nothing to do with trying to offend someone or stir up ethnic hatred. The movement really came from African Americans of the past, who, sniffing the “laughing” powder, sneezed, involuntarily leaning to the side and taking such a fashionable position today.

According to another version, dab is a hip-hop dance movement that has not been very popular until today. To perform it correctly, you need to lower your head down and bend your right hand, squeeze the palm of the same hand into a fist and bring it to your head, while left hand remains straight and slightly elongated to the left. The whole composition looks like a dynamic

The reason for the interest of the Russian media in this strange and not everyone understandable dance step was ... the conflict that broke out between the two popular performers Russian rap and their fans. The clip "Tiger", released by L "One, drives the followers of Jacques-Anthony crazy not at all because of the traditional dispute "who is better", but because of the notorious gesture, or rather, because of which of the Russian rappers was the first to use the dab movement in his work (in this case, Jacques-Anthony claims authorship).

Members of the Migos group are considered to be the founders of American dabbing. In any case, they were the first to show deb: first at concerts, and later - in video clips.

What does dab movement mean?

To teach everyone how to perform this movement correctly, black rappers spared no time creating numerous video tutorials. According to the version of black performers, it is necessary, having buried your nose in the inside of the elbow of the bent arm, to make a characteristic “sneeze” (the other arm is pulled up).

What is the meaning of this gesture, forcing crowds of fans to tear their hair and clothes? Dab is a common dance gesture based on the habit of sniffing white powder from the elbow.

A curious incident took place in London

A group of young people gathered on the steps british museum for a flash mob, during which everyone present planned to perform the dab movement. A man who happened to be nearby also decided to take part. He threw up his hand, but, misinterpreting the purpose of such a large gathering, instead of "debeat", reproduced the SS greeting.

Victoria Azarenka has had an impressive start to the year, with a title at the Brisbane tournament and only five games lost in three matches at the Australian Open. At the same time, she began to celebrate her first victory in the 2016 season special move, which can already be considered its new feature.

Many fans still do not fully understand what this movement is and what it means. The Belarusian woman herself told reporters:

“It's called a deb. This is from American football, such a dance in honor of the victory, there are many similar funny things. Very entertaining. I like. Cam Newton, with whom we have one agent, launched this tradition to the masses. So I just wanted the agent to laugh. And then Cam found out I was doing it. Well, I don't know, in general. I think it's just cool."

What is deb?

This thing started in the summer in Atlanta thanks to the rap group Migos. original name Biсth Dab and everything looks quite complicated, so that sports fans get only the most simple and characteristic movements.

American football

It is believed that the first to invent and bring to the sport the so-called Dab Dance quarterback "Carolina Panthers" Cam Newton. He and his teammates thus celebrate their successes on the field.

His friends and associates continued the tradition.

Kansas City defensive end Mike DeVito:

The coaches and even the general manager did not stand aside.

This is how Andy Reed celebrates the Chiefs' playoff run:

Washington Redskins general manager Scot McLafan celebrates his team's run to first place in the division:

Urbain Mayer of Ohio State:


Deb from Cleveland Cavaliers forward LeBron James ahead of the start of the new NBA season:

Deb played by Los Angeles Lakers point guard Russell D'Angelo:


Dab Dance headliner in Europe is Juventus and France midfielder Paul Pogba.

Pogba on vacation

After Juventus' first game of the year:

Pogba at the FIFA ceremony in Zurich:

Deb as a lifestyle:

Deb from Manchester United midfielder Jesse Lingard:

The dab made its way into the premier league thanks to Nathaniel Kline, Jordan Iba and Romel Lukaku:

The Bundesliga was introduced to the deb thanks to Jerome Boateng:

A best team league 1, PSG, dancing almost in in full force:


As for tennis, in addition to Victoria Azarenka, in mid-January, the 22nd racket American Jack Sock was noted for debbing. But he turned out to be somehow too modest.

Well, Victoria still brought the deb to tennis before Soka, using such a gesture for the first time after the starting victory at the tournament in Brisbane.

Vika continued the tradition in Melbourne, so this can already be considered her chip:

Victoria and Cam Newton share the same agent, Carlos Fleming. Whether it worked or not, Victoria told ESPN yesterday that Cam Newton approved of her deb: "Cam said he'd recognize his own and that my style was approved."

In 2016 we see new Victoria Azarenka, and I'm not talking about changes in tennis, I'm talking about her inner state of harmony, which she seems to have found. She learned to love herself and accept her flaws. She wants to show her real self.

“Not many people know me, the real me, they just see what I am on the court,” she says. - I wrestle on the court, I swear, I dance, I'm just a rebel, whatever, but in fact I deep man, I'm interested in the most different topics and I found a way to show the real me.”

“Here, for example, I created a video. I directed it, my friend and I wrote the music. I make myself. Perhaps not many people have the courage and creativity to do this, but I want to see the new kind athlete in the world, and in the tennis world in particular. We lack personalities different personalities, gambling personalities.

Is it because people are afraid to show themselves as different, not like everyone else, and for this they will be condemned or neglected? “I think this is a huge issue in social media right now. You are so easily criticized, but if you pay attention to all this, you will never become great. You're just trying to fit in, and I don't want to fit in, I want to stand out."

Bring something new to your sport - why not stand out? Among tennis fans, thanks to the efforts of Victoria, the deb is gaining momentum, and this image of Vicki is already walking around the network:

- For now, yes. - she answered reporters.

- For luck?

- Just. I don't believe in luck. I believe I do hard work.

Belarusian on the Australian courts performed the most fashion dance of the year. Will it reach the Belarusian sports grounds? Wait and see!

The latest information about Victoria Azarenka in

Few understand the power they have in their hands. There are times when own hands can save or literally betray, and all this happens without your conscious participation. Of course, if you don't know how hand language works.

A person who speaks a language non-verbal communication, has a lot of advantages over his counterpart, and is able to hear not only what the interlocutor is talking about, but also understand what he is thinking about, or what he is not talking about. But let's talk about everything in order.

Today, many of the hand-showing symbols are internationally spelled and are equally understood by New Zealand Maori and African Masai. Why did it happen?

Why do the military put their hand to their head to greet, or to praise a person, we raise thumb up, and to offend - the middle one? The answers to these questions came to us from the past. Let's analyze the history of some of these gestures in more detail.

  1. Thumb up. Shows that everything is fine, and you are well done. This movement came to us from antiquity. The Roman public, during gladiator fights, signaled in this way that for the diligence and diligence shown by the defeated slave during the battle, he could save his life. A lowered thumb did not bode well for the unfortunate warrior. Since then, it has become customary: the thumb points to the sky - you are at a height, to the ground - you are a bit of a loser;
  2. The greeting of the military when addressing the chief or when raising the flag, by offering an open palm to the head, is borrowed from medieval knights. In those ancient times, in order to show the purity of their thoughts, the warriors, at a meeting, raised their visor, thereby demonstrating the friendliness of their plans. Another version of the origin of this sign is associated with more early periods human history. In ancient times, given in order to show that only the sun is higher than their ruler, when meeting with the autocrat, they covered their eyes with their hands, thereby demonstrating humility. Over time, the form of the gesture has changed slightly, but the content has remained unchanged. People in uniform show their respect and commitment to superiors or state symbol by raising the hand to the head;
  3. A hand extended at a meeting, or a handshake. The origin of this greeting is explained quite simply. In ancient times, an outstretched hand, without weapons, symbolized your peace plans and respect;
  4. lifted up middle finger. There are at least two explanations for this obscene gesture. According to one version, the ancient Greeks showed this symbol to those with whom they would like to perform actions, the meaning of which reflects what we mean by demonstrating this gesture today. Another option goes back to the beginning of the 15th century, when, during the Franco-English battle of Azincourt, French soldiers cut off the middle fingers of a captured English archer so that they could not shoot at them later. Naturally, those of the English, whom the vile Frenchmen could not catch, showed them their middle fingers from a safe distance, thereby showing their disdain and courage. Why didn't the French just kill the prisoners? The question remains open;
  5. The so-called goat. A symbol that distinguishes true "metalheads" from the people around them. In one version, it is said that the sign originated among the ancient Vikings, and symbolized the Scandinavian rune that protects its owner from the evil eye. According to another version, this is the “springing” of Soviet prisoners, who, in order not to go to work, simply cut their tendons, and the hand took this shape spontaneously. Today, this symbol of coolness says that the person demonstrating it is a principled "thief in law", and he will not collect popcorn scattered in the cinema;
  6. The well-known American OK. There may be variations in this gesture depending on the part of the world in which you are. In some nations, it symbolizes that your affairs are in in perfect order, for others it means that you are a “complete zero”, and for some it shows problems with the large intestine. According to one of the most plausible versions this sign is borrowed from the non-verbal language of the native American inhabitants - the Indians, who thus showed their fellow tribesmen that there were no problems.

Some hand gestures and their meaning

Each gesture has its own interesting and multifaceted history, however, it's time to talk about their meaning and the practical use of this knowledge in everyday life.

open palm

In most cultures, an open hand is associated with honesty. Therefore, if you want to make people believe that you are telling the truth, it is not recommended to present your arguments with your hands clenched in fists.

At such moments, it is better to open your palms to show that you are not hiding anything.

On the other hand, be alert when someone says important things to you with their hands in their pockets or hidden behind their backs. Hidden palms do not make phrases more believable, even if they are correct. With a high degree of probability, it can be argued that your interlocutor is lying or hiding some important information from you.

Palm position up and down

The way you use your hands when communicating with others can greatly affect how they perceive your words and yourself. Ask a simple question with your palms up and people will think you're asking for a favor.

On the one hand, they will not be bothered by your request, but on the other hand, they will not feel threatened or pressured by you. If you ask this question with your palms facing down, it will be more like a requirement that must be met.

It can not only set the tone for any business or political meeting, but also influence its results. When two equal interlocutors shake hands, their palms remain in a vertical position.

But if the palm of one person is facing upwards when shaking hands, this can be perceived as a symbolic surrender, and denote the superiority of another person.

When talking, your interlocutor holds his hands behind his back and makes meaningless movements with them - he is not interested in you, you should stop the meaningless conversation, or move on to another topic.

What is the meaning of finger gestures

No less revelation can be gleaned from the position of the fingers on our hands. Let's give some examples.

There is a fine line between a hand gesture and a finger gesture, but we will talk about those cases in which the movement of the fingers is an independent signal.

Some finger gestures are unintentional, and by their position one can unmistakably read in which emotional state there is a person, or about his attitude to the topic of conversation.

  • finger on the mouth - they lie to you;
  • when talking, the index finger involuntarily points towards the other person - clear sign dominance;
  • index finger up - you should be wary of such a person, since the gesture is often used by parents in relation to a negligent child;
  • fingers are straight and tightly pressed to each other - the person has made a firm decision to achieve his goal and he does not care about sentiment;
  • fingers squeeze the wrist or palm of the other hand - the interlocutor is furious, trying to restrain his emotions;
  • fingers are clenched into a fist from time to time - a clear sign of a hidden threat.

What about deaf people?

Many gestures, unconsciously used in communication, are reflected in the alphabet for the deaf and dumb.

The sign languages ​​of the deaf and dumb belong to independent languages, which consist of combinations of hand and finger movements in combination with facial expressions, the position of the mouth, lips and body.

It is a mistake to assume that sign languages ​​for the deaf and dumb were invented by hearing people in order to convey information to the non-hearing. In fact, these languages ​​develop quite independently.

Moreover, in one country there may be several sign languages ​​that do not grammatically coincide with the verbal languages ​​of this country.

As practice shows, in the absence of the ability to use sound language as a means of communication, people instinctively begin to use gestures for this. The main means of communication for this are hands and fingers.

At the same time, deaf people have a lot of gestures, the meaning of which can be understood by an unprepared person. For example, the word “peace” in the language of the deaf and dumb will look like hands clasping each other located in front of the chest, “love” is a palm raised to the lips in the form of an air kiss, and “house” is palms folded in a triangle in the form of a gable roof.

Youth hand gestures and their meaning

Our children also use sign language for their communication, and the variety of these non-verbal signs is constantly enriched by the emergence of new ones. Here are a few examples of such youth gestures, with the help of which teenagers can easily understand each other, and people of the older generation, and even middle-aged people, will remain in the dark.

time and scientific and technical progress dictate their terms, and this fully applies to our gestures.

More recently, a hand folded in the shape of an English L did not mean anything, but today it is a loser, a sign that you are a loser.

An extended middle finger pointing to the side can mean that you are being sent, at the same time it can be interpreted as an invitation to sex.

With fingers folded in the form of a heart, everything is simple: "I love you." But the “horned goat” with the thumb laid aside means simple sympathy.

The English V, performed by a teenager with the back of his hand turned towards you, can mean both two "Cola", and serve as the equivalent of the middle finger in the UK. And such a familiar sign as OK, but upside down, and shown at waist level or below, is a frank invitation to sex.

Thanks to the specific versatility with the help of the tongue of the hands and several widely used English words you can chat with a foreigner who happened to meet on a busy street. Of course, you won’t be able to conclude a contract for the supply of gas equipment with him, but you can easily explain how to get to the nearest metro station or stadium.

Differences in the interpretation of familiar gestures in different countries

Do not rush to apply your wide knowledge of sign language when you are abroad. Some common symbols may have opposite meanings in different parts of the world. Let's look at the examples again.

  1. If you're in France, the worldwide OK turns into a big fat zero. And in Turkey, with such a gesture, you will signal that your interlocutor is gay - not a very pleasant statement in a country where the majority of people are Muslims;
  2. A thumbs-up and an outstretched forefinger means loser in teenage sign language, and in China this symbol represents the number eight;
  3. A thumbs up in Europe and America says: “Everything is cool”, and in Iran, Afghanistan and Greece this obscene gesture will be read: “I ..., you ..., and all your relatives ...”, you understand;
  4. The crossed index and middle fingers protect Europeans from the evil eye, and in Vietnam, such a figure denotes the female genital organ;
  5. The stretched forward five stops all over the world, and, as it were, says: “Wait,” and in Greece it literally translates as “Eat shit.”

If, as the proverb says, silence is golden, then continuing associative series, in some countries, the lack of gestures is a gem.

The gestures and their interpretation that you have read are not limited to the examples given. The purpose of our article is to popularize, interest and direct. Perhaps our theses will help solve small problems. life problems. Or maybe not small.

A bit more additional information the most popular gestures are in the next video.

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What does Dab Gesture Dab Movement mean? In this article I would like to talk about such a fashionable now dub gesture. What does dub gesture mean. However, I recommend reading a few first. interesting articles on the topic of Pipidastra's fashionable jargon. Twerk. B-Boy. Beatmaker, etc.
Many are now at a loss and are trying to google the answer to the question of what the dub movement means. It must be understood that this gesture was coined among trap and crunk rappers such as Migos, Skippa Da Flippa, Rich The Kid etc. Most likely, the Dub dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact.
Now the dance has become so famous that both schoolchildren and adults have questions about it. In fact, the dub, in fact, became the dominant dance of the summer of the year. Someone not understanding could see LeBron James doing Dab and it looked like he either wanted to sneeze into his forearm or wanted to sniff his armpit.

Dub movement- dub movement deb gesture means this gesture shows your internal state when you did something cool and are very pleased with yourself. Please note that some football players often sniff their armpit

Some believe that the very first team that created the Dub movement were three acrobat brothers. Huey, Duey, and Louie - The Migos. while other individuals with foam at the mouth prove that it was created by such famous rappers, How Pee-Wee Longway, Rich The Kid. or Jose Guapo living in Atlanta. However, although they have certain merits in creating the Dub movement, they came up with the main part Skippa Da Flippa. which can be seen in his video before it became mainstream. Regardless of who did it first, it should be understood that the most popular Dub movement today has its roots in Atlanta, where similar dances baked like pancakes for Shrovetide.

Myself dance message means more than just dumbly waving your arms and sniffing your armpit. This is what you feel in this moment time, your inner state, and what music means to you.

deb movement dub gesture what does it mean

deb movement dub gesture what does it mean


Features of non-verbal communication

Many gestures are not fixed by consciousness, but they fully convey the mood and thoughts of a person. If you want to pass for an attentive and interesting interlocutor, then you need to understand gestures and facial expressions.

Many gestures are not fixed by consciousness, but they fully convey the mood and thoughts of a person. If there is a desire to become an attentive and interesting interlocutor, then it makes sense to understand gestures and facial expressions, to study the signals given by means of non-verbal communication.

- fingers clasped. Three options are possible: crossed fingers raised at face level, lie on the table, lie on your knees. This gesture denotes disappointment and the desire of the interlocutor to hide his negative attitude;

- mouth protection by hand(it can only be a few fingers or a fist). This gesture indicates that the listener feels that you are lying;

- ear scratching and rubbing. This gesture indicates that the person has heard enough and wants to speak out;

- neck scratching. Such a gesture testifies to the doubt and uncertainty of a person;

- pull back collar. This gesture is used when a person is angry or upset. It can also be used when a person lied and suspected that his deception had been discovered;

- fingers in mouth. This gesture speaks of an internal need for approval and support;

- cheek support. The gesture indicates that the interlocutor has become bored;

- the index finger is directed vertically to the temple, and the thumb supports the chin. The gesture indicates that the interlocutor is negative or critical of what he hears;

Companion rubs his forehead, temples, chin, covers his face with his hands- this indicates that he is not in the mood to talk to anyone at the moment;

Human averts eyes- this is the most striking indicator that he is hiding something;

- arms crossed on chest interlocutor signal that better conversation finish or move on to another topic. If the interlocutor crossed his arms and clenched his palms into a fist, then this means that he is extremely hostile. You need to end the conversation as soon as possible. If the interlocutor wraps his arms around his shoulders when crossing his arms, this means that he is already ready to go hand-to-hand;

- gesture "pinching the bridge of the nose", the “thinker” posture, when they prop their cheeks with their hands, are gestures of reflection and evaluation;

- scratching index finger right hand places under the earlobe or side of the neck. rubbing the nose with the index finger are gestures of doubt that indicate that something is not clear to the interlocutor in the conversation;

An offended person most often takes the following pose. He raises his shoulders and lowers his head. If the interlocutor took just such a pose, then the topic of conversation should be changed;

A person trying to end a conversation lowers the eyelids. If your interlocutor wears glasses, he will take off his glasses and put them aside;

If your interlocutor bites the temples of glasses or constantly taking off and putting on glasses, which means that he is delaying the time to make a decision. In this case, you need to help your interlocutor and give him the time he needs to think;

If your interlocutor walks around the room. this means that he is interested in the conversation, but he needs to think before making a decision;

Gestures and character

A man smug and arrogant folds his hands together.

A self-confident person who wants to show his superiority over others can be recognized by the gestures of "laying hands behind the back with a grip on the wrist" and "laying hands behind the head." It is difficult to communicate with such a person. Therefore, if they want to win him over, they lean forward a little with outstretched palms and ask him to explain something. Another way is to copy the gesture.

If the interlocutor suddenly began to collect villi from his clothes, and at the same time turned away from the speaker or looked at the floor, this means that he does not agree with what was said or does not want to express his opinion.

A person who, during a conversation, holds his hands on the side edges of a chair or his hands are on his knees wants to end the conversation. In this case, the conversation is immediately terminated.

By the way the listener releases cigarette smoke, one can determine his attitude to the interlocutor and to the conversation. If he constantly blows smoke upwards, it means that he is in a positive mood and enjoys the conversation. If the smoke is directed downward, then the person, on the contrary, is negatively inclined, and the faster he releases the smoke, the more the conversation is unpleasant for him.

Gait is also an important determining factor in the momentary state of a person. If a person has his hands in his pockets or he swings them, if he looks under his feet, he is in a depressed state. A man whose hands are clasped behind his back and his head is lowered is preoccupied with something.

Lowered shoulders and a raised head mean that a person is set for success, in control of the situation. Head tilted to one side - the interlocutor is interested. Rubbing the century - the interlocutor is telling a lie. Raised shoulders mean that the interlocutor is tense and feels the danger coming from you. Raised shoulders and lowered head are a sign of isolation. The interlocutor is either insecure, or afraid of something, or dissatisfied with the conversation, or feels humiliated.

In order to achieve the desired goal in a conversation, it is not enough to be an attentive person, you yourself need to use gestures of openness during a conversation that will help win over the interlocutor, call him to straight Talk and leave the best impression of yourself. The gestures of openness include the “open hands” gesture, when they extend their hands to the interlocutor with their palms up, and the “unbuttoning the jacket” gesture.

Watch your facial expressions: lips should not be tightly compressed, while there should be a half-smile on your face (drooped corners of the mouth are unacceptable - this means that you are upset about something, and no one needs such an interlocutor). When you look at the interlocutor, then visually try to draw a triangle on his face, in which you need to look. It helps you concentrate

Fingers, if possible, always keep together. While eating, dancing, smoking, the little finger is not put to the side, it will look cutesy-mannered. It is also indecent to point a finger.

When talking with someone, look into the eyes of the interlocutor. well-mannered people they know how to control their gaze, facial expressions, giving the face a natural expression.

There are situations when during a conversation there is an irresistible desire to sneeze. You can resist this: just rub the bridge of your nose.

Handshake and character traits

An authoritative handshake promotes submission. It can actually make it impossible to establish equal relations. Such a handshake is characteristic of people who seek to lead, subordinate. At the same time, the palm is directed downward, in connection with which the partner is simply forced to turn the palm up. It is recommended to respond to an authoritative handshake like this:

make a wrist girth from above, and then shake it. This will allow for some time to unsettle a person who intends to command.

shake a person's hand with both hands. Such a handshake is possible between politicians as it symbolizes trust. This gesture, however, should not be used when meeting, because stranger it can cause rejection.

An indifferent handshake is a slight touch of the hands. Such a lifeless touch leaves the feeling that a person who is characterized by such a gesture has a weak will.

A strong handshake is one that can cause pain. It is usually preferred by serious people, whose main character trait is the desire for conquest.

A limiting handshake, that is, a handshake that is not bent at the elbow, helps to maintain a certain distance between people, leaves the personal zone inviolable. This type of handshake is characteristic of people who are aggressive or seeking to protect themselves from other people's pressure. If, during a restrictive handshake, only fingers are put into the palm, then this indicates that the person does not feel confident in himself.

A pulling handshake, in which one of the partners pulls the hand of the other, may mean that this person is so insecure that he just needs to be only in the personal zone.


Hand gestures and their meaning

Research has proven that there are more nerve connections between the hands and the brain than between any other part of the body. Subconsciously your hands show true attitude to others, to a place or to a situation. By the way you place your hands, rub your palms and move your fingers, any observant person can understand how you really feel.

Numerous experiments have shown how people respond to hand gestures. When the speaker is in the palms up position, the listeners respond positively to what was said. When the same message is spoken, but with the palms facing down, the audience's level of confidence in these words is significantly reduced.

Hand gestures showing honesty and openness

Since ancient times, open hands have been considered a sign of unarmedness, an indicator that a person is trustworthy. If you need easy way, to understand how open and honest the interlocutor is with you - pay attention to where his palms are looking. If one or both palms are facing up, then it is very likely that you are hearing the truth. The same rule applies when the palms are open and facing the speaker's face.

But surely artists, professional liars and used car dealers know this trick and use it to convince you of their sincerity and honesty. But you are able to understand that something is not clean here, because other indicators of honesty are missing, such as open expressions face, calm breathing, and relaxed posture.

When you want to establish a sense of trust and honesty, let your hands be open, otherwise it may seem like you are hiding something. You can also use the open hand gesture to establish contact with the audience, help them catch main idea report and show that you value their opinion:

Let's say you want to express a thought without words. Bend your elbows 90 degrees and spread them apart so that your palms are facing each other. Like you're showing how much big fish caught. Slowly show with your palms what you want to express and you will soon realize that your listeners see this picture.

When, during your speech, you want to hear the opinion of a listener from the audience, turn to him and point in his direction with an open palm. The gesture is similar to when you give a gift. With this gesture, you give a chance to speak out, the interlocutor feels gratitude and your interest in his opinion.

If the interlocutor holds both hands in front of him, palms directed towards his body, as if hugging someone - in this way he shows that you join his opinion.

Gestures of power and authoritarianism

Turn your hands palms down and get a gesture of power and authoritarianism. Such a gesture says “I control everything. Do as I say!" Be careful when using this gesture, especially if the fingers are almost closed, as it is associated with dominance and tyranny.

If you're still in doubt, look at the Nazi salute of the Third Reich. When you want to calm a tense situation, or ask for silence, rhythmically lower and raise your palms facing down with fingers slightly apart. Make sure your fingers are really relaxed, otherwise you may cause a backlash.

Defensive hand gestures

With such gestures, a person tries to protect himself from the world around him or reacts to possible threats. Usually, if your interlocutor crosses his arms over his chest or clenches them into fists, this means that you should reconsider what you said or switch to some other topic of conversation.

Evaluative hand gestures

It is customary to call such gestures gestures that are interpreted as an assessment of your words by your interlocutor. Your interlocutor in this case rests his chin on his palm, may scratch his chin, or his hands may generally hang freely from the chair if he is in a sitting position. If a person wipes his glasses, this can also mean that he is in deep thought and takes a break for this.

boredom gestures

When a person gets really bored of being in your company, he starts fiddling with his fountain pen, tapping his fingers on the table, or making other gestures with his hands that divert his attention.

Gestures of courtship and preening

As a rule, such gestures are more typical for women. If a woman straightens and smoothes her hair, examines herself in the mirror, this means that the interlocutor is not indifferent to her. The same applies to men who, in such cases, straighten their tie, cufflinks or jacket.

Stealth and suspicion gestures

If the person who communicates with you rubs his nose with his index finger or touches his earlobe with it, know that the meaning of such a hand gesture is only one: he is afraid of something and does not trust you. The same is true if the interlocutor rubs his eye.

Ready gestures

If a person keeps his hands on his hips, the meaning of the gesture of his hands is only one - his readiness for something. Look at the athletes who are preparing for the performance. When you watch them, you can often see them holding their hands on their hips before starting their performance. A variation of this gesture in a sitting position can be when a person leans on his knees with the elbow of one hand and the palm of the other, as a rule, immediately before the conclusion of any agreement or, conversely, before getting up and leaving.


IN Lately you, watching the clips of your favorite artists, probably began to notice that a new dance move- Dab. We tried to figure out what it is and where it came from.


Where did it come from?

First of all, the dance became popular thanks to musicians from Atlanta. The "inventors" of this chip can rightfully be considered Jose Guapo, Skippa Da Flippa, Pee Wee Long Way, Rich The Kid, OG Maco and other rappers from the environment Migos, but there is one but. Is it a "but"? there is little chance that the dance originated not only in the circle of these artists. A clear example will be around the world famous story how did radio come about? at the same time, but different places. Someone says that Texas has been “debating” for several years, someone else believes that Memphis holds the palm (though who exactly was the innovator? is not reported). Nevertheless, official version still adheres to the theory that the dance appeared in Atlanta, and for the first time they began to dance it in a party QC.

The artists themselves call it not just a dance? it's how you feel, how you look and how you move.

How to do it?

In principle, it is not so difficult, but the clarity of movements plays a huge role. Here is the prepared Rich The Kid a video showing exactly what to do and how to do it.

Matches and more

It should be noted that the movements are somewhat reminiscent of famous dance"Crank Dat" by Soulja Boy. Agree, there is something similar.

The dance became so popular that some even began to come up with their own names for it.

But these guys from France are accused of blindly copying American colleagues in the shop.

What is surprising is that Jose Guapo personally accused 2 Chainz in "stealing his intellectual property", because he, in turn, followed the trend.



The chip became so popular that some of its fans even decided to teach their fathers. It turned out well!

And basketball players are not left out. LeBron James And Nick Young also supported the movement. Join and you!

Shall we reconsider?

We offer to summarize all of the above by watching video clips, where these movements are most common.

By the way, this term also refers to the method of using marijuana, but here it will already help you

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