Pelevin love for three. Love for Three Zuckerbrins


Victor Pelevin is not just a Russian writer, he is bright personality that filled the sound modern literature new tones. Among his most popular works are the novels "Chapaev and Emptiness", "Omon Ra", "Generation "P"". Based on his works, performances were repeatedly staged in the theater and films were made. Pelevin is the owner of numerous literary prizes, including such prestigious ones as "Small Booker", "National Bestseller", etc. Many of his books are downright torn into quotes.

Love was completely meaningless. But she gave meaning to everything else.

If you want to be happy in love - never think about it. ("Batman Apollo")

A woman must have remarkable intelligence and willpower in order to learn to track and suppress this ancient hypnosis of the flesh, disfiguring her character and depriving her of competitiveness in the biological services market. ("Batman Apollo")

The relationship between a man and a woman lacks that confidential and frivolous simplicity that exists between friends who decide to breastfeed together. ( "Batman Apollo")

Viktor Pelevin is an extraordinary contemporary writer

Just love. When you feel it, you no longer think - whose it is, why, why. You don't think at all. ( )

Love, in essence, arises in loneliness, when there is no object nearby, and it is directed not so much at the one or the one you love, but at the image built by the mind, loosely connected with the original. ( )

How many hooks and fasteners there are on women - even on completely naked women ... And each one must be unfastened with care and attention, otherwise nothing will come of it ... ( "Batman Apollo")

I noticed a long time ago that women hate to talk about the unreality of a person. Perhaps due to its biological function? After all, they give birth to children, and this difficult painful occupation is also made rather stupid if there is only one illusion around. ( "Batman Apollo")

That's the turn!

Who would have thought that a student who was once kicked out of Literary Institute turn into a world-class writer. Pelevin's works are published in the main languages ​​of the world, including Chinese and Japanese, which differ the largest number carriers. According to French Magazine, this author is included in the 1000 most influential representatives of modern literary art.

"Chapaev and Emptiness": a quote about inner Mongolia and other statements

"Chapaev and Emptiness" is the third work of the author, published in 1996. It was published in several editions and is considered Pelevin's most powerful novel. In it, the author made an attempt to combine the incompatible: the relationship between V. Chapaev and P. Void lies at the center of events. In 2013, an interactive iPad version of the book was released, proving the book's popularity.

Inner Mongolia is not called that because it is inside Mongolia. It is inside the one who sees emptiness, although the word "inside" is completely inappropriate here. And this is not actually Mongolia, they just say so. What would be the dumbest thing of all is to try to describe to you what it is. Take my word for at least one thing - it is very worth striving for there all your life. And there is nothing better in life than to be there.

Inner Mongolia is just the place, the place where help comes from.

Listen, life is a theater. The fact is known. But what they talk about much less often is that in this theater every day there is a new play.

Fragment from the play based on the novel "Chapaev and Emptiness"

A good psychiatrist should avoid drugs - they are... Well, how can I explain it to you... Like cosmetics. They do not solve problems, but only hide them from prying eyes.

It's always like this with Russia - you admire and cry, but if you look closely at what you admire, you can vomit.

A person's personality is like a set of dresses that are taken out of a closet one by one, and the less real a person really is, the more dresses there are in this closet.

You and I, of course, are old friends, but even so, I could help.

Inaction is also PR

"Insect Life"

The idea for writing the story came about by accident. Victor Pelevin received a book about American insects as a gift from a friend, after which he realized that he would also write a book about insects, but instead scientific approach the reader will receive another dose of the author's rich imagination.

To get out of the well, you have to fall into it.

No matter how hideous the clouds may be, high above them always shines this unchanging blue.

We carry in ourselves the source of everything that can be, and whether it will be depends on us, on how we dispose of this source.

You have lost your appetite for life. And in order for it to appear, you need to bite off and chew a little from it.

The whole vast life in which you are going to eventually turn towards the light, in fact, is the only moment when you choose darkness.

Illustration for the book "Insect Life"

All life exists for one moment. That's exactly what's happening now. This is a priceless treasure.

From frequent use some quotes shine like a railing.

Amazing, he thought, the dumber the song and the clearer the voice, the more moving it is.

Physicists are just lawyers who first write the laws of nature and then start looking for loopholes in them.

A sober and completely calm mood Never leads to the appearance of tightened lines.

After all, we create our own mood and everything else ...


The novel was released in 2011, its circulation amounted to about 150 thousand copies. In the book, the author talks about new meanings that old words have acquired. Along with this, he exposes the war in the media and talks about true love.

S. N. A. F. F. is life itself, where love is in the numerator, and death is in the denominator. Such a fraction is equal to zero and infinity at the same time - just like Manitou, who seeks it.

A woman is a magical flower, at the sight of which you should be insane, strong enough to move you to the hardships of childbearing.

Life is a narrow strip between the fire of suffering and the phantom of high, where the so-called free man. And this whole corridor is only in his head.

If we talk about my work, then I am the creator of reality.

Illustration for the book "S. N. A. F. F. "

Love is a disgusting, selfish and inhuman feeling, because along with the obsession with its object comes a ruthless indifference to the rest.

Force modern philosophy not in syllogisms, but in air support.

Nature is hard to fool.

Nothing invigorates in the morning like a fresh insult.

And I could get paid

In the work "Generation P" there is a phrase "Sprite is not cola for Nikola." After such a slogan Russian market the Nikola company appeared, producing kvass under the slogan “Kvass is not cola, drink Nikola”. Marketing Director Nikita Volkov in one of his interviews noted that the advertising slogan for the drink was really inspired by a quote from Pelevin's work. The company wanted to contact the author and thank him for the tip, but there are no contacts. As a result, the trademark was registered without a redeemed copyright. To avoid claims in the future, TM "Nikola" ordered a conclusion that the connection between the slogan and the phrase from the book is only indirect and is not plagiarism.

The plot is based on the story of the werewolf Ah Huli and the young werewolf. The author talks about love and difficult life path that all living beings go through. Pelevin aims to show what is really playing important role to achieve spiritual harmony.

The dog looks at the stick, and the lion looks at the one who threw it. By the way, when you understand this, it becomes much easier to read our press.

The value of a book is not determined by how many people read it. At greatest books few readers because reading them requires effort. But it is precisely because of this effort that the aesthetic effect is born. Literary fast food will never give you anything like that.

When a person is looking for something to confirm his paranoid ideas, he always finds.

I don't need anything from people except love and money.

Love does not transform. She's just taking off her masks.

One of the covers of The Sacred Book of the Werewolf

The value of a book is not determined by how many people read it. The genius of the Mona Lisa does not depend on how many visitors pass by it in a year. The greatest books have few readers because reading them requires effort. But it is from this effort that the aesthetic effect is born.

In life, every day you need to learn something new.

To the basic question of philosophy, foxes have a basic answer. It consists in forgetting about the main question.

Chekhov was right: the female soul by its nature is an empty vessel that is filled with the sorrows and joys of a loved one.

Reading is communication, and the circle of our communication makes us what we are.

"Lamp of Methuselah"

The story is at the center of the story three generations Mozhaisky family. The author talks about the problems in the economy, politics and culture that have haunted the heroes for centuries.

Russia always has a great past and an even greater future. But the real thing is more difficult.

I understood what everyone understands in our country from time to time: the nineties are not over at all. It's just that before they happened to everyone at once, but now they happen individually.

When you try to say something pleasant to any audience, mistakes often occur, because not a single audience itself knows to the end what is pleasant to it and what is not, and such unscrupulousness can offend people by showing them what you think of them ...

The market is a huge herd of shy sheep. And if all the sheep together run out of the dollar, a financial tsunami will rush over the planet - and wash away human civilization as we know it today. The horror is that we will not be able to stop this wave - and it will begin, most likely, on our own Wall Street ...

Nothing gives a person such courage as fear. When it becomes impossible to live, dying is even curious. I took a shower, but did not write a farewell note. Sometimes silence is a sign of disagreement.

Popular phrases from other books by the author

When you don't think, a lot becomes clear. ("Generation "P"")

The smiley is a visual deodorant. It is usually put when the user thinks that he smells bad. And he wants to be guaranteed to smell good. ( "Empire "B"")

Mercy is that instead of crematoriums you have TVs and supermarkets. And the truth is that they have one function. ("Generation "P"")

Smile as wide as possible for everyone - they must be sure that you are a cold hypocritical bastard. ("Empire "V". A Tale of a True Superman")

Quote Pelevin from the book "Batman Apollo"

Shadow could not exist without light, and light without it - as much as you like.

As Donald Rumsfeld says, disaster comes not when we know we don't know something, but when we don't know it. Pineapple water for a beautiful lady)

Love for Three Zuckerbrins Viktor Pelevin

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Title: Love for Three Zuckerbrins

About the book "Love for Three Zuckerbrins" Viktor Pelevin

The incessant reasoning and fantasies of book authors and film directors on the topics of the near future of mankind are becoming more and more realistic. The main idea of ​​many authors is the widespread computerization, cyborgization and the complete transformation of a person into an ordinary biomass, the most valuable component of which will be the brain and consciousness, which will also be controlled by machines. And if a few decades ago, such writings could be considered complete nonsense, now, in fact, this is a really possible model of the not so distant future of people's lives. Terrible, incomprehensible, embarrassing. How? Who? Why is he trying to turn us, HUMANS, into some cells of a huge matrix? Yes, actually, no one. According to many analysts, the development of modern society began to take place in the highest degree spontaneously. Which in turn, sooner or later, will lead us to self-destruction. Recall at least the well-known cult film "The Matrix".

Perhaps the most extraordinary and enigmatic writer of the Russian literary galaxy, Viktor Pelevin never ceases to delight his readers with new original works. With the release of each of his books, readers who follow Pelevin's work notice from time to time that the author's worldview, attitude and style are changing and continue to develop at a rapid pace. One gets the impression that the writer has achieved enlightenment, and true essence of things. So his books acquired a characteristic content. And him new novel"The Love for Three Zuckerbrins" was no exception.

This time we will do without spoilers, they will be superfluous in the description of this novel. It's just worth saying about the essence of the book, this is another allegory of the matrix. Let not so harsh and merciless, but it does not cause optimism either. And Pelevin does not cease to pose more and more new questions about the purpose, meaning of life and the world to his reader. modern man. Using excellent satire, the author skillfully notices the latest trends in people's lives, gradually ridiculing them and showing the true danger that lurks in seemingly completely harmless things. The instinct of general security blinds the eyes of the layman and, in the end, he is no longer able to make a choice on his own. Someone or something decides for him. All reality has become virtual, and man ... what has man become?

Be sure to read Victor Pelevin's new novel "Love for Three Zuckerbrins", think about the eternal, because the book is about this, reconsider your views through the prism of the author's views. Happy reading to you.

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Quotes from the book "Love for Three Zuckerbrins" Victor Pelevin

God can be killed in only one way - to forget him completely ...

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.

What helped me, in particular, was the fact that I clearly understood that in Russia the “restoration of desecrated dignity and honor” quickly leads to bunk beds in a small smelly room where many dignified people have gathered to now slowly compare them with each other. I never wanted to keep them company because of the chimera they were trying to install in my mind.

And here is Cyclops advice for you: if you notice a world around you that you don’t like at all, remember what you did to get into it. Maybe you're not even a war criminal, but you just watch too much friend tape or TV. Then, of all the habits, it is enough to change only this one.

We cannot travel by rocket from one parallel universe to another. But we can… become it.

For us, all the trains of fate are unreal - until we personally ride one of them, because reality is ourselves.

The world is arranged in such a way that sometimes passengers can not only move from car to car on the train of their destiny, but also change from train to train. They do not need to be stuntmen for this - just, passing through the most ordinary vestibule, they leave one universe and find themselves in another.

I remember thinking that the purpose of beauty is to torment and torment, because by its very nature it is simply a promise of the impossible, and it has no other essence. But if one can still reconcile oneself with this obviousness in relation to human beauty, to attribute the same simple thought, for example, to sunset (the sky sparkled with purple imperial lights) is already more difficult.

This strange book contains three stories (one disproportionately long) - and an explanatory text that connects them into a whole. The binding material (I called it "The Cyclops") can be seen as an additional story, completely documentary - although I admit that it is no good as such: it has a long and detailed introduction, there is a conclusion, but almost no narrative part, instead of which the reader is waiting for a few pages of my shaky reasoning, smacking of sci-fi.

I want to apologize for these shortcomings - but the book could not have turned out differently. I did not go into detail about the work of Cyclops for reasons that will be quite clear. On the other hand, I couldn’t not mention the Cyclops at all either - otherwise my three stories would have lost all connection with each other: it would not be clear what they have in common, by whom they were written and where they came from.

Therefore, please keep in mind: my goal is to tell not so much about Cyclops, but about what Cyclops saw and understood at his post. For much of this seems to me worthy of attention.

In my book, I sometimes use scientific terminology. I want to emphasize that I am not a physicist and do not have any technical knowledge at all. I'm just trying to explain the observed reality in terms that are on everyone's lips, so as not to come up with too many neologisms. A physicist may find inconsistencies and contradictions in my story. In this case, I suggest that he come up with an explanation better than mine - and keep it as a keepsake.

The physical side of the issue is not really important to me. But she's pretty interesting. In the times of Galileo and Copernicus, it was necessary in the introduction to curtsey towards church dogma and correlate all hypotheses and assumptions with it, and today we must bow to scientific dogma in the same way. And if I sometimes speak about “multiverse” and “multidimensionality”, I do it with approximately the same feelings with which Galileo could mention the prophet Isaiah and the Angels of God in his book: with timid faith that Holy Scripture understood by me, a sinful sorcerer, at least partially correctly.

There is almost no connection with actual reality in the book. I think that in our time it is rather a virtue than vice versa.

Therefore, I respectfully place at the feet of the Reader and the Reader my modest work.

Part 1. Cyclops

Golem Ileley

The first thing to do is describe the point where all these stories converge - or maybe where they diverge.

Probably, rather, they diverge - because only taking into account this central event, all the twists and turns of the destinies that I traced become clear.

It was like a flash of magnesium that captured the characters in random poses - and sent their photographic prints into the future. I say magnesium because the fire and smoke were real. The iPhone will not give such a flash even on command from the NSA. Although, of course, who knows - I read somewhere that American smartphones can not only eavesdrop, peep and sniff, but also detonate on a signal from the center, piercing the auricle and brain with a directed battery explosion. Probably conspiracy humor.

But in order.

I knew I wouldn't be a Cyclops forever. It's dangerous nervous work, which is usually performed no more than a year or two. Then the Birds grope in the fabric of our world for the interfering knot with sufficient accuracy to remove it - if necessary, along with the fabric itself. They no longer use random people as weapons. This is how they behave when they act blindly, and Cyclops accidentally appears in their field of vision for a few seconds. If they know exactly where to look for their enemy, they act differently.

How, I'll tell you now.

It was right below me workplace Keshi - young man, the various states and forms of which will be the subject of much of this book. We can say that at that time he was the closest being to me - at least in the spatial sense.

Sometimes I allowed myself immodest, probably entertainment - I tuned in to his mind and began to observe what was happening in the surrounding space through his eyes - and even through the prism of his consciousness. I perceived not only what he saw, but also the voices that were heard in his mind (I will not call them thoughts - because he did not hear half of them himself, and obeyed the other half without thinking).

Sometimes it was interesting, sometimes not so much. If, for example, he turned on his Japanese schoolgirls (this happened when the office was not crowded and Kesha was sure that no one would come up to him from behind), his inner space would be filled with a rude football-like commentary. Kesha, a retired retired bondage/bukkake worker, seemed to be explaining what was going on to the unintelligent laymen who were watching porn with him. I was the only such layman at that moment - but Kesha in his imagination broadcast the signal to a much larger audience. Still, it is amazing to what extent a person is a social being.

When there were too many people in the office to watch porn or play games with the computer, Kesha began to troll gaping citizens on the Internet - like an ace of World War II who flew to free hunting. The picture on the screen was made completely decent and functional for this time: any media worker today dives through the blogosphere for half a day.

Sometimes Kesha was distracted from the computer, looked at his colleagues in the office - and passed on them the verdict of fate.

He was the least cruel to the girl Nadia, who was engaged in a buffet and landscaping the space - "if he gets his hair cut normally and stops being afraid of people, he will find himself some kind of Azerbaijani." Others he judged more severely. He dubbed the editor-in-chief of the site “” (that was the name of the place where he worked) to himself “shabesgey” (which did not prevent Kesha from fawning over him every day - but life, as you know, is clowning). At the same time, Kesha sincerely believed that attraction to virtual Japanese schoolgirls was the norm, and Chief Editor- pervert.

Respectively, information product Kesha called his native site the word “shabesgon” to himself (he even muttered a dreamy mantra-rhyme during the deadlines “my shabesgon, my shabesgon - how many thoughts he suggests”). He divided his work colleagues into “stinkers” and “tired ones” (the former turned into the latter over the years, releasing their own - something like fading stars).

Well, and so on. Kesha was in fact neither homophobic nor anti-Semitic nor a snob. It's just that the assembler of someone else's soul rarely looks attractive when viewed closely. But we'll get back to Kesha - now I'm talking about this, so that it's clear what I was doing inside his head on the day the fateful event occurred. I rested in it, as in a personal cinema - that day they played a rather interesting movie.

The poet Gugin, who is becoming fashionable, came to the editorial office of Kontra, a barrel-shaped bald man with a triangular red beard (“behemoth of the apocalypse”, as he called himself - but the dark purple color of his face suggested rather apoplexy). They did a great interview with him.

There were two TV cameras and three progressive journalists who came to film round table- they were seated in a semicircle in front of a large white shield with the inscriptions "", and Gugin, standing in the focus of this living spotlight, read verses ("poems", as he said) from his new project "Golem Ileley".

It was an ambitious attempt to reflect in verse all the most striking events of the recent past: to compose, as one of the three journalists gracefully put it, the "Google Map of the Age." When Gugin got tired, one of the journalists would start talking, and the cameras would turn on him. Then the inexhaustible Gugin began to recite again.

Pelevin Viktor Olegovich

Love for Three Zuckerbrins

The universe is made of stories, not atoms.


This strange book contains three stories (one disproportionately long) - and an explanatory text that connects them into a whole. The connecting material (I called it "The Cyclops") can be seen as an additional story, completely non-fiction - although I admit that it is no good in this capacity: it has a long and detailed introduction, there is a conclusion, but almost no narrative part, instead of which the reader is waiting for a few pages of my shaky reasoning, smacking of sci-fi.

I want to apologize for these shortcomings - but the book could not have turned out differently. I did not go into detail about the work of Cyclops for reasons that will be quite clear. On the other hand, I couldn’t not mention the Cyclops at all either - otherwise my three stories would have lost all connection with each other: it would not be clear what they have in common, by whom they were written and where they came from.

Therefore, please keep in mind: my goal is to tell not so much about Cyclops, but about what Cyclops saw and understood at his post. For much of this seems to me worthy of attention.

In my book, I sometimes use scientific terminology. I want to emphasize that I am not a physicist and do not have any technical knowledge at all. I'm just trying to explain the observed reality in terms that are on everyone's lips, so as not to come up with too many neologisms. A physicist may find inconsistencies and contradictions in my story. In this case, I suggest that he come up with an explanation better than mine - and keep it as a keepsake.

The physical side of the issue is not really important to me. But she's pretty interesting. In the times of Galileo and Copernicus, it was necessary in the introduction to curtsey towards church dogma and correlate all hypotheses and assumptions with it, and today we must bow to scientific dogma in the same way.

And if I sometimes speak about “multiverse” and “multidimensionality”, I do it with approximately the same feelings with which Galileo could mention the prophet Isaiah and the Angels of God in his book: with a timid faith that the Holy Scripture was understood by me, a sinful sorcerer , at least partly correct.

There is almost no connection with actual reality in the book. I think that in our time it is rather a virtue than vice versa.

Therefore, I respectfully place at the feet of the Reader and the Reader my modest work.

Part 1. CYCLOP


In the beginning, one should describe the point where all these stories converge - or maybe where they diverge.

Probably, rather, they diverge - because only taking into account this central event, all the twists and turns of the destinies that I traced become clear.

It was like a flash of magnesium that captured the characters in random poses - and sent their photographic prints into the future. I I say magnesium because the fire and smoke were real. The iPhone will not give such a flash even on command from the NSA. Although, of course, who knows - I read somewhere that American smartphones can not only eavesdrop, peep and sniff, but also detonate on a signal from the center, piercing the auricle and brain with a directed battery explosion. Probably conspiracy humor.

But in order.

I I knew I wouldn't be a Cyclops forever.

It is a dangerous, nerve-racking job that is usually done for no more than a year or two. Then the Birds grope in the fabric of our world, throwing them a knot with sufficient accuracy to remove it - if necessary, along with the fabric itself. They no longer use random people as weapons.

This is how they behave when they act blindly, and Cyclops accidentally appears in their field of vision for a few seconds. If they know exactly where to look for their enemy, they act differently.

How, I'll tell you now.

Exactly below me was the workplace of Kesha, a young man whose various states and forms will be the subject of a significant part of this book. We can say that at that time he was the closest being to me - at least in the spatial sense.

Sometimes I allowed myself immodest, probably entertainment - I tuned in to his mind and began to observe what was happening in the surrounding space through his eyes - and even through the prism of his consciousness. I perceived not only what he saw, but also the voices that were heard in his mind (I will not call them thoughts - because he did not hear half of them himself, and obeyed the other half without thinking).

Sometimes it was interesting, sometimes not so much. If, for example, he turned on his Japanese schoolgirls (this happened when the office was not crowded and Kesha was sure that no one would come up to him from behind), his inner space would be filled with a rude football-like commentary. Kesha, a retired retired bondage/bukkake worker, seemed to be explaining what was going on to the unintelligent laymen who were watching porn with him. I was the only such layman at that moment - but Kesha in his imagination broadcast the signal to a much larger audience. Still, it is amazing to what extent a person is a social being.

When there were too many people in the office to watch porn or play games with the computer, Kesha began to roll the gaping citizens on the Internet - like an ace of the Second World War, flying out on a free hunt. The picture on the screen was made completely decent and functional for this time: any media worker today dives through the blogosphere for half a day.

Sometimes Kesha was distracted from the computer, looked at his colleagues in the office - and pronounced a sentence of fate on them.

He was the least cruel to the girl Nadia, who was engaged in a buffet and landscaping the space - "if he cuts his hair normally and stops being afraid of people, he will find himself some kind of Azerbaijani." Others he judged more severely. He dubbed the editor-in-chief of the site “” (that was the name of the place where he worked) to himself “shabesgey” (which did not stop Kesha from fawning over him every day - but life, as you know, is clowning). At the same time, Kesha sincerely believed that attraction to virtual Japanese schoolgirls was the norm, and the editor-in-chief was a pervert.

Accordingly, the information product of Kesha’s native site called himself the word “shabesgon” (he even muttered a dreamy mantra-rhyme during deadlines “my shabesgon, my shabesgon - how many thoughts he brings”). He divided his work colleagues into “stinkers” and “tired ones” (the former turned into the latter over the years, repulsing their own - about like fading stars).

Book of Modern famous writer Viktor Pelevin "Love for Three Zuckerbrins" received a large number of reviews. Among them there are those who praise the work, and negative ones. This book is several different stories, which are closely related common themes. It is difficult even to list everything that the author wanted to say with his work, this is culture, and politics, and the future, and much more. This can only be understood after reading.

A simple young guy, not striving to achieve something special in life, turns out to be the owner of an expensive apartment. In it, he discovers a box that stores knowledge about the structure of the world and esotericism. Unexpectedly, this topic fascinates him very much, the guy even leaves his job to study the secrets of the universe. After a while he gets necessary knowledge and can know existence. He becomes the guardian of the world, watching that balance and order are maintained in it. Now his name is Cyclops. He has the ability to penetrate into someone else's consciousness and see what no one can see. He can also manage and direct, making the necessary changes in society. It is Cyclops who talks about what he sees in other people's heads, although he talks about some people in more detail.

The story about the system administrator Kesha, for example, shows many problems modern society. He constantly surfs the Internet, one of his favorite activities is trolling, and sometimes he switches to Japanese girl in a short skirt. He is a prime example addiction to social networks.

The writer in his book shows possible variant the future of our planet. People will work and live on the Internet, and their biological needs will be provided with special devices and equipment. Such people can hardly even be called intelligent beings. The work can be considered a tragicomedy, given that the writer, as usual in his style, did not avoid satire and caustic remarks, but if you think about the meaning, you can see a real tragedy.

On our site you can download the book "Love for Three Zuckerbrins" by Victor Olegovich Pelevin for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in an online store.

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