Drawing on the theme of a winter window. Outline of a drawing lesson (preparatory group) on the topic: Winter patterns


Non-traditional drawing techniques are an impetus to the development of imagination, creativity, the manifestation of independence, initiative, and expression of individuality.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.




Organized educational activities with children of the kindergarten preparatory group

Subject: "Frost patterns".

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Cognition", "Music".

Types of children's activities:productive, cognitive-exploratory, playful.

  1. Purpose of the event:

To provide knowledge about the non-traditional technique of "photocopying" - painting with a candle or wax crayon - and salt painting.

  1. Tasks:


  1. Teach children to draw frosty patterns on windows.
  2. Develop the ability to choose color scheme colors to match the winter mood.


  1. By using non-traditional technique drawing to develop in children a persistent interest in visual activity.
  2. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills fingers and hands.


  1. Cultivate interest in unconventional drawing, Creative skills.
  1. Methods and techniques:
  1. Game situation, using the artistic word.
  2. Demonstration and explanation of the educator.
  3. Supervision of children's work.
  4. Analysis of the work of the educator and children.
  1. Materials and equipment:

Thick sheets of paper of the same size, designed in the form of a window; gouache, wax crayon white color, brushes, jar of water, palette, salt.

I Introduction.

1. Organizational moment.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "January" (Seasons) sounds.

2.Introduction of the game moment.

Guys, what season did Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky reflect in his work?

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen! So I received a small package, and in it a box. I wanted to look into it, but the trouble is, it does not open? I think I know what's up. It will open when you read poems about winter. Who knows the poem about winter and can read it.

Well done boys.

The teacher opens the box.

Guys, here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem:

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple and this is willow

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

White paint alone!

I look - do not break away:

Twig lines are gentle!

And the artist is happy to try,

You don't even need brushes.

I wonder who this artist is?

Of course, Frost.

II main part.

1. Introduction to the topic.

Let's see what else is in the box?

The teacher takes out pictures of frosty patterns from the box. Children, together with the teacher, examine them.

Look carefully at these drawings, what did Frost draw on them?

Guys, tell me, please, how do you get such beautiful patterns- lace?

Frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they are connected to each other. Ice floes are grouped on irregularities, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

Unfortunately, we can only admire these snowy laces in winter. But in order for a piece of winter to always be with us, we will create snow lace on paper.

2. Finger gymnastics: "Here are my helpers."

- Before starting work, I propose to stretch our fingers and perform finger gymnastics.

Here are my helpers, turn them as you like:

And like this, and like this, they will not be offended in any way.

One two three four five.

They don't fit again.

Work a little

We will let them rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

3. Display and explanation of the work.

You have window blanks on your tables. You need to draw frost patterns on them. And we will do it in an unusual way. I will introduce you to non-traditional technique images "Photocopy" and salt painting.

The Photocopy technique is drawing with a candle or white wax crayon, and salt painting enlivens the drawing, making it sparkle and shimmer.

We will draw according to the plan:

  1. Come up with a sketch of the future pattern.
  2. Draw with white wax crayon.
  3. Evenly cover the drawing with watercolor blue or purple.
  4. Let the painting dry a little.
  5. Sprinkle the pattern with salt and let dry.

4. Independent work of children.

The children draw on their own. The teacher provides individual assistance.

5. Dynamic pause.

Well done! What beautiful frosty patterns you got. It takes some time for them to dry. And we will rest with you. Let's go to the palace and imagine that we are snowflakes.

We are funny snowflakes

We spin in the air.

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind came up again

And he raised all the snowflakes.

Twirled, flew

And they sat down on the ground again.

III Final part.

1. Analysis of children's work.

A painted house without windows is hung out.

Guys, do you like this house?

What is missing from him?

I propose to resettle your beautiful windows in this house.

The children fix their windows.

Look what beautiful house we got it. And what frosty patterns on the windows. They are so shimmery, so sparkling. Even Santa Claus, I think, will definitely like it.

Municipal Preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 of the city of Pugachev, Saratov region."

organized educational activities with kids

Group preparatory to school No. 3

(chapter educational program"artistic creativity")

Educator MDOU No. 12: Belova T. P.


Organized educational activitieswith children of the kindergarten preparatory group

(section of the educational program "Artistic creativity")

Theme: "Frost patterns".

Integration of educational areas:"Artistic creativity", "Communication", "Cognition", "Music".

Types of children's activities: productive, cognitive-exploratory, playful.

Purpose of the event:

To provide knowledge about the non-traditional photocopying technique - drawing with a candle or wax crayon - and salt painting.



Teach children to draw frosty patterns on windows.

To form the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints corresponding to the winter mood.


With the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, develop in children a persistent interest in visual activity.

Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands.


Raise interest in non-traditional drawing, creativity.

Methods and techniques:

Game situation, using the artistic word.

Demonstration and explanation of the educator.

Supervision of children's work.

Analysis of the work of the educator and children.

Materials and equipment:

Thick sheets of paper of the same size, designed in the form of a window; gouache, white wax crayon, brushes, jar of water, palette, salt.

IIntroductory part.

1. Organizational moment.

The music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "January" (Seasons) sounds.

2 .Introduction of the game moment.

Guys, what season did Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky reflect in his work?

Winter is a wonderful time of the year! Winter wonders happen! So I received a small package, and in it a box. I wanted to look into it, but the trouble is, it does not open? I think I know what's up. It will open when you read poems about winter. Who knows the poem about winter and can read it.

Well done boys.

The teacher opens the box.

Guys, here lies a snowflake with a riddle poem:

Invisible, carefully

He comes to me

And draws like an artist

He patterns on the window.

This is maple and this is willow

Here is the palm tree in front of me.

How beautifully he draws

White paint alone!

I look - do not break away:

Twig lines are gentle!

And the artist is happy to try,

You don't even need brushes.

I wonder who this artist is?

Of course, Frost.

IIMain part.

1. Introduction to the topic.

Let's see what else is in the box?

The teacher takes out pictures of frosty patterns from the box. Children, together with the teacher, examine them.

Look carefully at these drawings, what did Frost draw on them?

Guys, tell me, please, how do you get such beautiful lace patterns on glass?

Frost draws patterns with transparent water vapor, which is always in the air and in the room. Warm water vapor settles on the cold panes of the windows and turns into ice crystals, just like snowflakes in the sky. There are many such ice crystals, they are connected to each other. Ice floes are grouped on irregularities, and an ice garden gradually grows on the window with extraordinary flowers sparkling in the rays of the winter sun!

Unfortunately, we can only admire these snowy laces in winter. But in order for a piece of winter to always be with us, we will create snow lace on paper.

2. Palchik gymnastics: "Here are my helpers."

- Before starting work, I propose to stretch our fingers and perform finger gymnastics.

Here are my helpers, turn them as you like:

And like this, and like this, they will not be offended in any way.

One two three four five.

They don't fit again.

Work a little

We will let them rest.

Knocked, turned

And back on the road again.

3. Display and explanation of the work.

You have window blanks on your tables. You need to draw frost patterns on them. And we will do it in an unusual way. I will introduce you to the non-traditional photocopy painting technique and salt painting.

The Photocopy technique is drawing with a candle or white wax crayon, and salt painting enlivens the drawing, making it sparkle and shimmer.

We will draw according to the plan:

Come up with a sketch of the future pattern.

Draw with white wax crayon.

Evenly cover the drawing with blue or purple watercolor.

Let the painting dry a little.

Sprinkle the pattern with salt and let dry.

4. Independent work of children.

The children draw on their own. The teacher provides individual assistance.

5. Dynamic pause.

Well done! What beautiful frosty patterns you got. It takes some time for them to dry. And we will rest with you. Let's go to the palace and imagine that we are snowflakes.

We are funny snowflakes

We spin in the air.

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew

And they sat quietly on the ground.

The wind came up again

And he raised all the snowflakes.

Twirled, flew

And they sat down on the ground again.

IIIFinal part.

1. Analysis of children's work.

A painted house without windows is hung out.

Guys, do you like this house?

What is missing from him?

I propose to resettle your beautiful windows in this house.

The children fix their windows.

Look what a beautiful house we have. And what frosty patterns on the windows. They are so shimmery, so sparkling. Even Santa Claus, I think, will definitely like it.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 of the city of Pugachev, Saratov region."


organized educational activities with children

group preparatory to school №3

(section of the educational program "Artistic creativity")

Educator of MDOU No. 12: Belova T.P.

Developed by the educator: Tsykunova Elena Viktorovna 2017 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Fairy tale" r.p. Voznesenskoye, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Purpose: development creativity children through acquaintance with non-traditional drawing techniques.


Educational: introduce technology drawing - stained glass painting. Show expressive possibilities, features of drawing in this way, arouse interest in winter natural phenomena, activate the speech of children; expand vocabulary.

Developing: develop imagination, creative thinking, color perception, aesthetic perception. Arouse interest, responsiveness, emotional response to creative activity.

Educational: to cultivate goodwill, mutual assistance, accuracy and diligence in the performance of work.

Equipment: ball, stained glass paints, napkins, oilcloths, paint plates (blue, purple, cyan), cotton buds, interactive board, sound recording, presentation "Patterns on glass" , files, sheets of paper with A4 sketches, a screen house.

Preliminary work: reading fiction, observing frosty patterns on the window, looking at illustrations, drawing with a simple pencil sketches of patterns, preparation of stained glass paints (PVA glue + acrylic paints).

Lesson progress:

1. Introduction.

Greetings "Ray"

Affectionately and gently smiled

Hands stretched to the sun

They took a ray of sunshine

Pressed to the heart.

Sent to friends and guests

And together "Hello" said.

(Children greet guests).

TRIZ game: "Pick up the signs"

Educator: Whoever catches the ball calls the signs.

Question: What is winter?

Children: cold, frosty, snowy.

Question: What is a snowflake?

Children: light, airy, shiny.

Question: What kind of snow?

Children: white, fluffy, sparkling.

Question: What kind of ice?

Children: transparent, hard, slippery.

Question: What kind of blizzard?

Children: snowy, strong, cold.

Question: What are the patterns on the window?

Children: beautiful, lacy, whimsical.

Question: What kind of Christmas tree?

Children: green, prickly, slender.

Question: What is Santa Claus?

Children: kind, cheerful, big.


Winter is the cold season. Frost walks around the world. Walks through fields, forests, cities and villages. Frost knocks on every house. He leaves his messages to us: either the door will freeze, they have prepared poorly for the winter, then he will look into the windows, but leave his art. Various miracles happen in winter.

Surprise moment: Skype call sound.

Guys, someone wants to chat with us via video call.

Video message of Santa Claus.

Santa Claus: Hello (children greet). Are they prep guys? (children answer).

Santa Claus: She asked me winter - winter urgently help her - paint the windows with frosty patterns, cover the houses with snow, wrap the trees warmer with snow so that they do not freeze, build ice bridges on the rivers. Yes, the trouble is, there is very little time left before the New Year, and there is a lot of work, I heard that you are masters of drawing patterns, help your grandfather, draw frosty patterns on the windows, yes, to be more bizarre, more surprising, and more beautiful. Then by the New Year I will have time to cover everything with a snowball, sprinkle it, decorate it so that your holiday becomes for real wintery and fabulous. I am sending you my beautiful patterns, amazing beauty. And in the evening, guys, I'll come to admire your patterns. Thank you, goodbye!

Showing the presentation Patterns on windows»

Teacher: what is shown in the pictures?

Children's answers: twigs, snowflakes, ice flowers, curls, cold hooks, bird feathers.

Educator: listen to a poem by Natalia Tsokhonis "Patterns on glass"

Frost draws tender patterns for us,

Wake up in the morning and see, it's amazing

Snowflakes of various shapes

Wonderful tail - everything is delicious and so beautiful.

Guys, how do you think Frost draws these patterns?

(Children say their guesses)

In fact, from the cold, frosty air, the droplets of water that are in the air settle on the cold glass, freeze and turn into ice, during the night a lot of them form, they seem to build up on each other. The result is different patterns in which you can see the outlines of familiar objects. What beautiful transparent patterns "painted" Freezing!

Guys, do you think we can draw the same bizarre and beautiful patterns as Santa Claus?

I think we can, it turns out there is such a technique - stained glass painting, which is done on glass with stained glass paints. They are transparent, paints are made on the basis of PVA glue, therefore they are firmly fixed on the glass, at first the paints seem thick matte, and after drying they become transparent, bright.

(Showing by the teacher samples of drawings prepared in advance: a snowflake, a pattern of a twig similar to the pattern of a Gzhel flower, Christmas tree branches).

Educator: Well, guys, let's help Santa Claus?

Before we get to work, let's get up and say a magical winter spell so that our patterns turn out no worse than Frost himself.

Physical education: "Spell of Winter" .

Lie down, soft snows,

(standing in a circle, raise your arms above your head)

To forests and fields

(slowly lower through the sides down)

Cover the paths

down the branches,

(hands in front of you, alternately raise the right, then

left hand up)

At the windows Santa Claus

Scatter crystal roses.

light visions,

Tricky weaves.

(alternately imitate drawing movements with the right and left hands)

Let the eyes sparkle

(hands up)

In bright patterns

(arms forward)

You, a blizzard, are a miracle

(threaten finger)

Round dances of the backwater

(arms to sides, walking in place)

Fly up like a whirlwind of white


Gray in the field.

Educator: I invite you to the workshop to get acquainted with the magic of Santa Claus.

Explanation by the educator of the work: from top to bottom on the file along the lines of the sketch is superimposed stained glass paint. Children choose the color of their choice. Everything should be painted over, there should be no unpainted places.

2. Practical part. Children's work.

Providing individual assistance to the teacher.


Well done! It takes a long time for stained glass paint to dry.

And now we will perform finger gymnastics: "Winter" .

Winter has come

(three hands together)

Brought the frost

(massage shoulders, forearms with fingers)

Winter has come

(three hands together)

cold nose

(massage the tip of the nose with the palm of your hand)

(smooth hand movements)

(fists rattling)

(run hands over knees)

All on the street ahead

(arms forward)


Guys, now let's place the work on our house.

(children exhibit their work).

3. Reflection. Lesson analysis.

Look at the drawings we got!

What is the name of the painting technique we used? (children's answers)

What surprised you today? (children's answers)

What did you especially like today? (children's answers)

Let's give our good mood guests.

What worked out best? (children's answers)

What didn't work? Why? (children's answers)

What will you do next time to make it work? (children's answers)

What was the most difficult? (children's answers)

Do you think Santa Claus will like our work? (children's answers)

Were we able to help him? (children's answers)

Yes, you tried very hard: it turned out neat, beautiful and looks like real Santa Claus patterns. But miracles do not end! Tonight, when the works are dry, we will transfer them to the windows in our group. Here Santa Claus will be delighted.

And what is your mood now? (children's answers)

Let's give our good mood to the guests (blow on the palm, send a good mood)

ADMINISTRATION OF THE KSTOVSK MUNICIPAL DISTRICT Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 32 of the combined type Abstract of a drawing lesson in a preparatory group using the method of problem-based learning Topic " Frosty pattern» The lesson was prepared and conducted by: Teacher MBDOU d / s No. 32 Lyadkova A.V. Program content: - arouse children's interest in winter natural phenomena; - to develop visual observation, the ability to notice the unusual in the world around and the desire to reflect what he saw in his work; improve children's skills and abilities in free experimentation with pictorial material, to help children master the method of spontaneous drawing; - develop imagination, creativity. Equipment: - landscape sheet; - additional sheet, size ½ A4; - a piece of candle or soap; - watercolor paints; - a brush with a wide bristle; - a glass of water. Preliminary work: observation of frosty patterns on windows in winter. The course of direct educational activities 1. Organizational part The teacher offers riddles to children. Stars are falling from the sky, They will lie on the fields. Let the Black Earth hide under them. Many, many stars, as thin as glass; Stars are cold, And the earth is warm. (snowflakes) Frosty in white January, Trees are drowning in silver. Bushes, birches and aspens Decorated with light shine .... (hoarfrost) It happens, and pebbles fly from the sky. Passers-by are hiding, And just something .... (grad) Walking in the field, Flying in the wild, Spinning, grumbling, I don't want to know anyone. I run along the village, I sweep snowdrifts. (blizzard) It grows upside down, It does not grow in summer, but in winter, But the sun will bake it, It will cry and die. (icicle) What kind of master is it? On the glass he applied And leaves, and herbs, And thickets of roses. (frost) Teacher. Well done guys, you are very observant, so you correctly guessed the riddles. Tell me, when do all these natural phenomena occur, at what time of the year? Children. In winter. Teacher. And who is a faithful and indispensable assistant in winter? Children. Freezing. Teacher. Right. As winter comes, so does the cold. Frost walks around the world. He walks through forests and fields, cities and villages. He also came to our house. He knocked on the window, and at that time we were sleeping and did not hear anything. Frost left us a beautiful letter. We woke up in the morning and looked out the window. How beautiful! Painted! All in lace and patterns! This Frost wrote, drew: twigs - little white blades of grass, snowflakes, ice flowers, palm leaves, feathers of strange birds .... Wizard Frost is a magician, it can be seen at once: I haven't opened my album yet, And he already without brushes and paints painted all the windows for us during the night. D, Chuyako. Teacher. Guys, how do you think Frost draws these patterns? Children's opinions: it blows cold on the glass, by magic, throws snowflakes on the windows, and they stick to the window. Teacher. In fact, from the cold, frosty air, water droplets that are present in the air settle on cold glass, freeze and turn into ice floes, similar to the thinnest needles that diverge into different sides on glass. During a cold night, many, many of them form, they seem to build up on each other. And as a result, different patterns and drawings are obtained, in which you can even see the outlines of familiar objects. Here, it turns out, how frosty patterns are formed, and the artist here, without a doubt, is Frost. You and I had the opportunity to observe them, remember who and what saw in Moroz's drawings? Children's answers: Christmas tree, snowflakes, snowman, flowers, birds. Teacher. Guys, what do you think, you and I could draw patterns in such a way that at first they were not visible, and then suddenly appeared, like Frost's? Children. No teacher. But in fact, it is possible: it turns out that there are such materials by drawing with which we first get almost invisible patterns, but if they are covered with watercolors on top, the patterns will appear as if a photographic film is being developed. This way of drawing is called "photocopy". The teacher invites the children to pick up pieces of a candle and try to run them over an additional sheet of paper to make sure that the candle leaves no visible marks. Then cover with paint on top, observe the manifestation of an invisible pattern. Teacher. Guys, why do you think the lines made by the candle are not painted like a sheet of paper where there is no pattern? Children's opinions. Teacher. The candle consists of a substance - wax, which repels water, as if it rolls off its surface. Therefore, a drawing made with a water-repellent material appears after applying watercolor paint diluted with water to it. Today we will try to create magic - we will draw a frosty pattern, only with the help of a candle. But first you need to say a winter spell so that everything works out with you no worse than Frost himself: Spells of Winter Lie down, soft snow, Standing in a circle, raise your hands above your head, On forests and meadows, smoothly lower them down through the sides . Cover the paths, hands in front of you, smoothly alternately shake them up and down. On the windows, Santa Claus, Imitate the movement of drawing with a brush Scatter crystal roses, alternately in an arbitrary direction Light visions, right, left hands. Tricky weaves. Raise your hands above your head, smoothly Enchant the hearts of people to lower them through the sides down With the beauty of your inventions: Let the eyes delve into the light patterns. You, Blizzard, are a miracle, Sit down, stand up, raise your hands up, Round dances of the backwater, circle around you. Fly up like a white whirlwind In the gray field. Teacher. And now we will do a little warm-up for our fingers. Finger gymnastics “Guests” are being performed “Guests” On a visit to the big finger (hands clenched into fists, both thumbs raised up) They came straight to the house (two palms are closed at an angle like a roof) Index and middle, Nameless and last. (called fingers connect with the thumb) And the little finger-baby Himself climbed onto the threshold. (hands in a fist, both little fingers raised up) Together, fingers are friends. (rhythmically we squeeze and unclench our fingers) They cannot live without each other. (we connect our hands into a lock) 2. Practical part 1. Think over the content of the future pattern. 2. Draw with a candle, following the rule of filling the sheet with a pattern: it is best to start drawing in its upper part, go down as the sheet is filled with an invisible pattern so that the drawn elements do not overlap. 3. Finished drawing to cover over watercolor paint shades of blue or purple, in order to avoid soaking the sheet, do not apply paint repeatedly to the same place, cover the sheet evenly, leaving no empty spaces. 3. The result of the lesson Admire the resulting magical patterns with the children.

Natalia Semenova

Goals: teach children draw frosty patterns in the style of lace; expand and diversify the figurative range (creation of a situation for the free, creative use of different decorative elements- points, circle, curl, leaf, petal, wavy line, etc., improve the technique drawing with the end of the brush.

Equipment: Vologda lace or photographs with their image, bobbin, white gouache, brushes, napkins, easel, blue cardboard or of blue color.

Lesson progress

1. Conversation on the topic

The stand contains Vologda laces or photographs with their image, plot pictures on this topic.

Educator. Look, guys, what a beautiful napkin I brought to class today. It is not sewn from fabric, it is woven from threads. Vologda craftswomen make such unusual products. Their hands work quickly, sorting through the bobbins, and such airy laces appear. let's consider patterns on Vologda lace. Here we can see circles, dots, curls, straight lines and wavy lines, petals. This pattern doesn't remind you of anything? What? Listen to riddles hints:

Have you seen the winter picture?

I am always there!

Like my sister Ice,

I am frozen water.

Look, I'm carved

Like a lace doily.


An asterisk circled

A little in the air

Sat and melted

On my palm.


Fluffs are falling from the sky

Having fluffed up the rays-villi.

It's ballerinas circling

snow white (Snowflakes)

And at night it suddenly became very cold, and in the morning on the windows we saw amazing … Frost patterns. And indeed, patterns lace reminds us of winter: stars of snowflakes, unusual branches in hoarfrost. This is probably why this craft was born in the North, on the long evenings of the Russian winter, when women talked, sang and wove lace, and frost painted there are fantastic flowers and leaves on the windows.

2. Demonstration of working methods

Educator. Today in class we will draw patterns that we see on our windows. To do this, take a piece of blue or blue cardboard to patterns stood out well on it. First curls, dots, circles and other elements pattern mark with a simple pencil. Let's see how beautiful our drawing turned out, and if we like it, let's proceed to gouache painting. You can start drawing frosty patterns immediately with gouache, even in this case, the drawing must be thought out in the mind, to imagine where which element will be located. Only then will our picture turn out to be beautiful, such as the lace that Vologda craftswomen weave or Grandfather draws on the windows Freezing. What color gouache should I take for drawing? Of course, white.

3. Finger gymnastics "In winter"

Fluffy snow lay on the branches. We depict tree branches with our hands, spread our fingers

And all the kids run for walks. Index and middle fingers both hands "run" on the table like legs

Sculpt a woman under the window, Sculpt an imaginary snowball with both hands

Together they roll a snowball. Circular hand movements

Skiing, sliding on the table with palms back and forth

Sledge Put hands together, thumbs down, move forward from chest

And put the palm skates on edge and slide them back and forth on the table

They race.

4. Practical part

Children's drawings on a given topic under musical accompaniment(A. Vivaldi "Seasons" (Winter)

5. Summary of the lesson

Educator. Look, guys, how many new windows have appeared in our group! And on each unique patterns. Here is Grandpa Frost will be happy that such wonderful artists are growing among you!

Frost creeps in a pattern on glass

And skillfully weaves lace without knitting needles.

Here is a miracle - a fairy tale grows on the window -

Winter introduces fantasy boldly!

You will not find two similar windows.

Each drawing is personal.

And every kind is good in its own way!

Freezing– the artist is very unique!

What is meaner frost - the more fabulous pattern!

You just try to see everything!

Spread your wings, feel the space

And try to find yourself in a fairy tale!

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